if ($global_allow_editing){ require('edit_robots_updates.php'); } } */ // -- COLLECT SETTINGS DATA -- // // Define the editor indexes and count variables $allowed_edit_players = array(); $allowed_edit_robots = array(); $allowed_edit_data = array(); $allowed_edit_data_count = 0; $allowed_edit_player_count = 0; $allowed_edit_robot_count = 0; // Collect the player's robot favourites $player_robot_favourites = rpg_game::robot_favourites(); if (empty($player_robot_favourites)) { $player_robot_favourites = array(); } // Collect the player's robot database $player_robot_database = rpg_game::robot_database(); if (empty($player_robot_database)) { $player_robot_database = array(); } // Include the functions file for the editor require 'robots_functions.php'; // Manually refresh all the editor arrays refresh_editor_arrays(); // -- PROCESS PLAYER ACTION -- // // Check if an action request has been sent with an player type if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'player') {
public static function robot_select_markup($this_prototype_data) { // Refence the global config and index objects for easy access global $db; // Define the temporary robot markup string $this_robots_markup = ''; // Collect the robot index for calculation purposes $this_robot_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_robots WHERE robot_flag_complete = 1;", 'robot_token'); // Collect the ability index for calculation purposes $this_ability_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT * FROM mmrpg_index_abilities WHERE ability_flag_complete = 1;", 'ability_token'); // Loop through and display the available robot options for this player $temp_robot_option_count = count($this_prototype_data['robot_options']); $temp_player_favourites = rpg_game::robot_favourites(); foreach ($this_prototype_data['robot_options'] as $key => $info) { $info = array_merge($this_robot_index[$info['robot_token']], $info); if (!isset($info['original_player'])) { $info['original_player'] = $this_prototype_data['this_player_token']; } $this_option_class = 'option option_this-robot-select option_this-' . $info['original_player'] . '-robot-select option_' . ($temp_robot_option_count == 1 ? '1x4' : ($this_prototype_data['robots_unlocked'] <= 2 ? '1x2' : '1x1')) . ' option_' . $info['robot_token'] . ' block_' . ($key + 1); $this_option_style = ''; $this_option_token = $info['robot_id'] . '_' . $info['robot_token']; $this_option_image = !empty($info['robot_image']) ? $info['robot_image'] : $info['robot_token']; $this_option_size = !empty($info['robot_image_size']) ? $info['robot_image_size'] : 40; $temp_size = $this_option_size; $temp_size_text = $temp_size . 'x' . $temp_size; $temp_top = -2 + (40 - $temp_size); $temp_right_inc = $temp_size > 40 ? ceil($temp_size * 0.5 - 60) : 0; $temp_right = 15 + $temp_right_inc; $this_robot_name = $info['robot_name']; $this_robot_rewards = rpg_game::robot_rewards($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'], $info['robot_token']); $this_robot_settings = rpg_game::robot_settings($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'], $info['robot_token']); $this_robot_experience = rpg_game::robot_experience($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'], $info['robot_token']); $this_robot_level = rpg_game::robot_level($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'], $info['robot_token']); $this_experience_required = rpg_prototype::calculate_experience_required($this_robot_level); $this_robot_abilities = rpg_game::abilities_unlocked($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'], $info['robot_token']); $text_robot_special = $this_robot_level >= 100 || !empty($this_robot_rewards['flags']['reached_max_level']) ? true : false; $this_robot_experience = $this_robot_level >= 100 ? '<span style="position: relative; bottom: 0; font-size: 120%;">∞</span>' : $this_robot_experience; $this_robot_experience_title = $this_robot_level >= 100 ? '∞' : $this_robot_experience; $this_robot_favourite = in_array($info['robot_token'], $temp_player_favourites) ? true : false; $this_robot_name .= $this_robot_favourite ? ' <span style="position: relative; bottom: 2px; font-size: 11px;">♥</span>' : ''; $this_robot_name .= $text_robot_special ? ' <span style="position: relative; bottom: 2px; font-size: 9px;" title="Congratulations!!! :D">★</span>' : ''; $this_robot_item = !empty($info['robot_item']) ? $info['robot_item'] : ''; $this_robot_energy = $info['robot_energy']; $this_robot_attack = $info['robot_attack']; $this_robot_defense = $info['robot_defense']; $this_robot_speed = $info['robot_speed']; $this_robot_core = !empty($info['robot_core']) ? $info['robot_core'] : ''; $this_robot_core2 = !empty($info['robot_core2']) ? $info['robot_core2'] : ''; $temp_level = $this_robot_level - 1; $this_robot_energy += ceil($temp_level * (0.05 * $this_robot_energy)); $this_robot_attack += ceil($temp_level * (0.05 * $this_robot_attack)); $this_robot_defense += ceil($temp_level * (0.05 * $this_robot_defense)); $this_robot_speed += ceil($temp_level * (0.05 * $this_robot_speed)); if (!empty($this_robot_settings['robot_item'])) { $this_robot_item = $this_robot_settings['robot_item']; } if (!empty($this_robot_rewards['robot_energy'])) { $this_robot_energy += $this_robot_rewards['robot_energy']; } if (!empty($this_robot_rewards['robot_attack'])) { $this_robot_attack += $this_robot_rewards['robot_attack']; } if (!empty($this_robot_rewards['robot_defense'])) { $this_robot_defense += $this_robot_rewards['robot_defense']; } if (!empty($this_robot_rewards['robot_speed'])) { $this_robot_speed += $this_robot_rewards['robot_speed']; } if ($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'] == 'dr-light') { $this_robot_defense += ceil(0.25 * $this_robot_defense); } if ($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'] == 'dr-wily') { $this_robot_attack += ceil(0.25 * $this_robot_attack); } if ($this_prototype_data['this_player_token'] == 'dr-cossack') { $this_robot_speed += ceil(0.25 * $this_robot_speed); } $this_robot_energy = $this_robot_energy > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX ? MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX : $this_robot_energy; $this_robot_attack = $this_robot_attack > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX ? MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX : $this_robot_attack; $this_robot_defense = $this_robot_defense > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX ? MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX : $this_robot_defense; $this_robot_speed = $this_robot_speed > MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX ? MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_MAX : $this_robot_speed; if (!empty($this_robot_settings['robot_image'])) { $this_option_image = $this_robot_settings['robot_image']; } if (!empty($this_robot_item) && preg_match('/^item-core-/i', $this_robot_item)) { $item_core_type = preg_replace('/^item-core-/i', '', $this_robot_item); if (empty($this_robot_core2)) { //$this_robot_core != 'copy' && $this_robot_core2 = $item_core_type; } } $this_robot_abilities_current = !empty($info['robot_abilities']) ? array_keys($info['robot_abilities']) : array('buster-shot'); $this_option_title = ''; //-- Basics ------------------------------- <br />'; $this_option_title .= $info['robot_name']; //''.$info['robot_number'].' '.$info['robot_name']; $this_option_title .= ' (' . (!empty($this_robot_core) ? ucfirst($this_robot_core) . ' Core' : 'Neutral Core') . ')'; $this_option_title .= ' <br />Level ' . $this_robot_level . ' | ' . $this_robot_experience_title . ' / ' . $this_experience_required . ' Exp' . (!empty($this_robot_favourite_title) ? ' ' . $this_robot_favourite_title : ''); if (!empty($this_robot_item) && isset($this_ability_index[$this_robot_item])) { $this_option_title .= ' | + ' . $this_ability_index[$this_robot_item]['ability_name'] . ' '; } $this_option_title .= ' <br />E : ' . $this_robot_energy . ' | A : ' . $this_robot_attack . ' | D : ' . $this_robot_defense . ' | S: ' . $this_robot_speed; if (!empty($this_robot_abilities_current)) { $this_option_title .= ' <hr />'; // <hr />-- Abilities ------------------------------- <br />'; $temp_counter = 1; foreach ($this_robot_abilities_current as $token) { if (empty($token) || !isset($this_ability_index[$token])) { continue; } $temp_info = rpg_ability::parse_index_info($this_ability_index[$token]); $this_option_title .= $temp_info['ability_name']; if ($temp_counter % 4 == 0) { $this_option_title .= ' <br />'; } elseif ($temp_counter < count($this_robot_abilities_current)) { $this_option_title .= ' | '; } $temp_counter++; } } $this_option_title_plain = strip_tags(str_replace('<br />', ' ', $this_option_title)); $this_option_title_tooltip = htmlentities($this_option_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $this_option_label = '<span class="sprite sprite_' . $temp_size_text . ' sprite_' . $temp_size_text . '_base" style="background-image: url(i/r/' . $this_option_image . '/sr' . $temp_size . '.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '); top: ' . $temp_top . 'px; right: ' . $temp_right . 'px;">' . $info['robot_name'] . '</span>'; $this_option_label .= '<span class="multi">'; $this_option_label .= '<span class="maintext">' . $this_robot_name . '</span>'; $this_option_label .= '<span class="subtext">Level ' . $this_robot_level . '</span>'; $this_option_label .= '<span class="subtext2">' . $this_robot_experience . '/' . $this_experience_required . ' Exp</span>'; $this_option_label .= '</span>'; $this_option_label .= '<span class="arrow">►</span>'; //$this_robots_markup .= '<a class="'.$this_option_class.'" data-child="true" data-token="'.$this_option_token.'" title="'.$this_option_title_plain.'" data-tooltip="'.$this_option_title_tooltip.'" style="'.$this_option_style.'">'; $this_robots_markup .= '<a class="' . $this_option_class . '" data-child="true" data-token="' . $this_option_token . '" style="' . $this_option_style . '">'; $this_robots_markup .= '<div class="chrome chrome_type robot_type_' . (!empty($this_robot_core) ? $this_robot_core : 'none') . (!empty($this_robot_core2) ? '_' . $this_robot_core2 : '') . '" data-tooltip="' . $this_option_title_tooltip . '"><div class="inset"><label class="has_image">' . $this_option_label . '</label></div></div>'; $this_robots_markup .= '</a>' . "\r\n"; } // Loop through and display any option padding cells //if ($this_prototype_data['robots_unlocked'] >= 3){ if ($temp_robot_option_count >= 3) { //$this_prototype_data['padding_num'] = $this_prototype_data['robots_unlocked'] <= 8 ? 4 : 2; $this_prototype_data['padding_num'] = 4; $this_prototype_data['robots_padding'] = $temp_robot_option_count % $this_prototype_data['padding_num']; if (!empty($this_prototype_data['robots_padding'])) { $counter = $temp_robot_option_count % $this_prototype_data['padding_num'] + 1; for ($counter; $counter <= $this_prototype_data['padding_num']; $counter++) { $this_option_class = 'option option_this-robot-select option_this-' . $this_prototype_data['this_player_token'] . '-robot-select option_1x1 option_disabled block_' . $counter; $this_option_style = ''; $this_robots_markup .= '<a class="' . $this_option_class . '" style="' . $this_option_style . '">'; $this_robots_markup .= '<div class="platform"><div class="chrome"><div class="inset"><label> </label></div></div></div>'; $this_robots_markup .= '</a>' . "\r\n"; } } } // Return the generated markup return $this_robots_markup; }