/** * Store * * @return void */ function doStore() { // keep track of former values for fieldModified below $obj = $this->_obj; $old = $obj->loadOldObject(); if ($msg = $obj->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); if ($this->redirectError) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirectError); } } else { // Keep trace for redirections CValue::setSession($this->objectKey, $obj->_id); // Insert new group and function permission if ($obj->fieldModified("function_id") || !$old->_id) { $obj->insFunctionPermission(); $obj->insGroupPermission(); } // Message CAppUI::setMsg($old->_id ? $this->modifyMsg : $this->createMsg, UI_MSG_OK); // Redirection if ($this->redirectStore) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirectStore); } } }
/** * Redirect to the last page * * @return void */ function redirect() { if (CValue::post("ajax")) { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } $m = CValue::post("m"); $tab = CValue::post("tab"); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}"); }
/** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Urgences * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ */ function viewMsg($msg, $action, $txt = "") { global $m, $tab; $action = CAppUI::tr($action); if ($msg) { CAppUI::setMsg("{$action}: {$msg}", UI_MSG_ERROR); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}"); return; } CAppUI::setMsg("{$action} {$txt}", UI_MSG_OK); }
/** * Returns the CMbObject with given GET or SESSION params keys, * if it doesn't exist, a redirect is made * * @param string $class_key The class name of the object * @param string $id_key The object ID * @param string $guid_key The object GUID (classname-id) * * @return CMbObject The object loaded or nothing **/ function mbGetObjectFromGetOrSession($class_key, $id_key, $guid_key = null) { $object_class = CValue::getOrSession($class_key); $object_id = CValue::getOrSession($id_key); $object_guid = "{$object_class}-{$object_id}"; if ($guid_key) { $object_guid = CValue::getOrSession($guid_key, $object_guid); } $object = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($object_guid); // Redirection if (!$object || !$object->_id) { global $ajax; CAppUI::redirect("ajax={$ajax}" . "&suppressHeaders=1" . "&m=system" . "&a=object_not_found" . "&object_guid={$object_guid}"); } return $object; }
/** * Redirection facility * * @param string $action Action view * @param string $params HTTP GET styled paramters * * @return void */ function redirect($action = "access_denied", $params = null) { global $actionType; // on passe a null soit "tab" soit "a" selon ou l'on se trouve CValue::setSession($actionType); if ($this->setValues) { if (is_scalar($this->setValues)) { CValue::setSession($this->setValues); } else { foreach ($this->setValues as $key => $value) { CValue::setSession($key, $value); } } } $action_params = ""; foreach (array("wsdl", "info", "ajax", "raw", "dialog") as $_action_type) { $_action_flag = CValue::get($_action_type); if ($_action_flag) { $action_params .= "&{$_action_type}={$_action_flag}"; } } $context_param = $this->context ? "&context={$this->context}" : ""; CAppUI::redirect("m=system&a={$action}" . $context_param . $action_params . $params); }
function doRedirect($demandeSynchro = false) { if ($this->ajax) { if ($this->synchro) { $del = CValue::post("del", 0); $tmp_repas_id = CValue::post("_tmp_repas_id", 0); $msgSystem = CAppUI::getMsg(); $smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/dPrepas"); $smarty->assign("del", $del); $smarty->assign("tmp_repas_id", $tmp_repas_id); $smarty->assign("demandeSynchro", $demandeSynchro); $smarty->assign("msgSystem", $msgSystem); $smarty->assign("callBack", $this->callBack); if ($demandeSynchro) { $smarty->assign("object", $this->_old); } $smarty->display("add_del_repas_offline.tpl"); } CApp::rip(); } if ($this->redirect !== null) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirect); } }
function clash_cancel(CAppUI $AppUI) { global $a; $a = $_SESSION['add_event_caller']; clear_clash(); $AppUI->setMsg($AppUI->_('Event Cancelled'), UI_MSG_ALERT); $AppUI->redirect(); }
/** * Redirect at the end of the request * * @return void */ function doRedirect() { if ($this->redirect === null) { return; } // Cas ajax if ($this->ajax) { $this->doCallback(); } // Cas normal CAppUI::redirect($this->redirect); }
if ($plageAfter->_id) { $plageBefore->fin = $plageAfter->debut; } else { $plageBefore->fin = max($plageBefore->fin, $hour_next); } $plage =& $plageBefore; } elseif ($plageAfter->_id) { $plageAfter->debut = min($plageAfter->debut, $hour_now); $plage =& $plageAfter; } else { $plage->chir_id = $prat_id; $plage->date = $day_now; $plage->freq = "00:" . CPlageconsult::$minutes_interval . ":00"; $plage->debut = $hour_now; $plage->fin = $hour_next; $plage->libelle = "automatique"; } $plage->updateFormFields(); if ($msg = $plage->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } } $consult->plageconsult_id = $plage->_id; if ($msg = $consult->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } if ($current_m == "dPurgences") { CAppUI::redirect("m=dPurgences&tab=edit_consultation&selConsult={$consult->_id}&ajax={$ajax}"); } else { CAppUI::redirect("m=dPcabinet&tab=edit_consultation&selConsult={$consult->_id}&ajax={$ajax}"); }
} else { $affectation->loadRefSejour(); $affectation->loadRefLit(); $affectation->_ref_lit->loadCompleteView(); $canAffectation = $affectation->canDo(); if (!$canAffectation->read || !$affectation->_ref_sejour->sejour_id || $affectation->_ref_sejour->type == "ambu") { // Droit Interdit ou Ambulatoire CValue::setSession("affectation_id", null); $affectation_id = null; if (!$affectation->_canRead) { $msg = "Vous n'avez pas les droit suffisant pour cette affectation"; } else { $msg = "Vous ne pouvez pas plannifier de repas pour cette affectation"; } CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ALERT); CAppUI::redirect("m=dPrepas&tab=vw_planning_repas"); } // Chargement des Repas $listRepas = $listRepas->loadByDate($date, $typerepas_id); // Chargement Du Repas $affectation->loadMenu($date); $repas =& $affectation->_list_repas[$date][$typerepas_id]; } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("affectation", $affectation); $smarty->assign("typerepas_id", $typerepas_id); $smarty->assign("date", $date); $smarty->assign("listRepas", $listRepas); $smarty->assign("repas", $repas); $smarty->assign("typeRepas", $typeRepas);
* @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision: 19840 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $sejour_id = CValue::get("sejour_id"); $patient_id = CValue::get("patient_id"); // Chargement du patient $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $patient->loadRefsCorrespondantsPatient(); // On récupére le séjour $sejour = new CSejour(); if ($sejour_id) { $sejour->load($sejour_id); // On vérifie que l'utilisateur a les droits sur le sejour if (!$sejour->_canRead) { global $m, $tab; CAppUI::setMsg("Vous n'avez pas accés à ce séjour", UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}&sejour_id=0"); } $patient = $sejour->_ref_patient; } else { $sejour->patient_id = $patient->_id; $sejour->_ref_patient = $patient; } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("sejour", $sejour); $smarty->assign("patient", $patient); $smarty->assign("form", "editSejour"); $smarty->display("inc_vw_assurances.tpl");
CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Manipulateur ajouté", UI_MSG_OK); } } foreach ($del_personnel as $_personnel_id) { if ($_personnel_id) { $affectation_personnel = new CAffectationPersonnel(); $affectation_personnel->object_class = $obj->_class; $affectation_personnel->object_id = $obj->_id; $affectation_personnel->personnel_id = $_personnel_id; $affectation_personnel->loadMatchingObject(); if ($affectation_personnel->_id) { if ($msg = $affectation_personnel->delete()) { CAppui::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Personnel supprimé"); } } } } } if ($ajax) { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } if ($otherm = CValue::post("otherm", 0)) { $m = $otherm; } CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}");
* @subpackage Cabinet * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision: 24175 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Utilisateur sélectionné ou utilisateur courant $prat_id = CValue::getOrSession("chirSel", 0); $userSel = CMediusers::get($prat_id); $userSel->loadRefs(); $canUserSel = $userSel->canDo(); // Vérification des droits sur les praticiens $listChir = CConsultation::loadPraticiens(PERM_EDIT); if (!$userSel->isMedical()) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous devez selectionner un professionnel de santé", UI_MSG_ALERT); CAppUI::redirect("m=dPcabinet&tab=0"); } $canUserSel->needsEdit(); $selConsult = CValue::getOrSession("selConsult", 0); $dossier_anesth_id = CValue::getOrSession("dossier_anesth_id", 0); if (isset($_GET["date"])) { $selConsult = null; CValue::setSession("selConsult", 0); } $anesth = new CTypeAnesth(); $anesth = $anesth->loadGroupList(); // Consultation courante $consult = new CConsultation(); $consult->_ref_chir = $userSel; if ($selConsult) { $consult->load($selConsult);
CCanDo::checkRead(); $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $sejour_id = CValue::getOrSession("sejour_id"); $user = CMediusers::get(); $prats = $user->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ); $service = new CService(); $where = array("group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'"); $order = "nom"; $services = $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); $sejour = new CSejour(); $sejour->load($sejour_id); $sejour->loadRefsNotes(); $sejour->loadRefsDocItems(); if ($sejour_id && !$sejour->_id) { CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr("CSejour-unavailable"), UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m=ssr&tab=vw_aed_sejour&sejour_id=0"); } $fiche_autonomie = new CFicheAutonomie(); $patient = new CPatient(); $bilan = new CBilanSSR(); $prescription = null; $lines = array(); $medecin_adresse_par = ""; $correspondantsMedicaux = array(); if ($sejour->_id) { $sejour->loadRefPatient(); $sejour->loadNDA(); // Chargement du patient $patient = $sejour->_ref_patient; $patient->loadIPP(); $patient->loadRefsCorrespondants();
} if ($success == 1) { $fileconvert = $file->loadPDFconverted(); header("Location: lib/phpThumb/phpThumb.php?src={$fileconvert->_file_path}" . $finUrl); } else { header("Location: images/pictures/medifile.png"); } } else { header("Location: images/pictures/medifile.png"); } } else { // BEGIN extra headers to resolve IE caching bug (JRP 9 Feb 2003) // [http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=16173] header("Pragma: "); header("Cache-Control: "); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); //HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); // END extra headers to resolve IE caching bug header("MIME-Version: 1.0"); header("Content-length: {$file->doc_size}"); header("Content-type: {$file->file_type}"); header('Content-disposition: ' . $disposition . '; filename="' . $file->file_name . '"'); readfile($file->_file_path); } } else { CAppUI::setMsg("fileIdError", UI_MSG_ERROR); CAppUI::redirect(); }
if ($contactListByUsername != 'User Not Found') { error_reporting(0); echo "<script language='javascript'>\n alert('The username you selected already exists, please select another or if that user name is yours request the password recovery through the dedicated link.');\n history.go(-2);\n </script>"; die; } $email = w2PgetParam($_POST, 'contact_email', 0); $contactListByEmail = CContact::getContactByEmail($email); if ($contactListByEmail != 'User Not Found') { error_reporting(0); echo "<script language='javascript'>\n alert('The email you selected already exists, please select another or if that email is yours request the password recovery through the dedicated link.');\n history.go(-2);\n </script>"; die; } $user = new CUser(); if (!$user->bind($_POST)) { $AppUI->setMsg($user->getError(), UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } $contact = new CContact(); if (!$contact->bind($_POST)) { $AppUI->setMsg($contact->getError(), UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } // prepare (and translate) the module name ready for the suffix $AppUI->setMsg('User'); $isNewUser = !w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'user_id', 0); if ($isNewUser) { // check if a user with the param Username already exists if (is_array($contactListByUsername)) { $AppUI->setMsg('This username is not available, please try another.', UI_MSG_ERROR, true); $AppUI->redirect(); } else {
} CApp::rip(); } if (!CUser::checkPassword($praticien->_user_username, $password)) { CAppUI::setMsg("Mot de passe incorrect", UI_MSG_ERROR); echo CAppUI::getMsg(); if ($redirectUrl) { CAppUI::redirect($redirectUrl); } CApp::rip(); } // Chargement des actes CCAM à modifier $acte_ccam = new CActeCCAM(); $acte_ccam->object_id = $object_id; $acte_ccam->object_class = $object_class; $acte_ccam->executant_id = $praticien->_id; $acte_ccam->signe = 0; /** @var CActeCCAM[] $actes_ccam */ $actes_ccam = $acte_ccam->loadMatchingList(); // Modification des actes CCAM foreach ($actes_ccam as $key => $_acte_ccam) { $_acte_ccam->signe = 1; $msg = $_acte_ccam->store(); if ($msg) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } } if ($redirectUrl) { CAppUI::redirect($redirectUrl); } CApp::rip();
* @version $Revision: 28555 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $user = CMediusers::get(); $patient_id = CValue::getOrSession("patient_id", 0); $vw_cancelled = CValue::get("vw_cancelled", 0); // recuperation des id dans le cas d'une recherche de dossiers cliniques $consultation_id = CValue::get("consultation_id", 0); $sejour_id = CValue::get("sejour_id", 0); $operation_id = CValue::get("operation_id", 0); // Récuperation du patient sélectionné $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); if (!$patient->_id || $patient->_vip) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous devez selectionner un patient", UI_MSG_ALERT); CAppUI::redirect("m=patients&tab=vw_idx_patients"); } // Save history $params = array("patient_id" => $patient_id, "vw_cancelled" => $vw_cancelled, "consultation_id" => $consultation_id, "sejour_id" => $sejour_id, "operation_id" => $operation_id); CViewHistory::save($patient, CViewHistory::TYPE_VIEW, $params); $patient->loadDossierComplet(PERM_READ, false); $patient->_nb_files_docs -= $patient->_nb_cancelled_files; // Chargement de l'IPP $patient->loadIPP(); $patient->countINS(); // Chargement du dossier medical du patient $dossier_medical = $patient->loadRefDossierMedical(); $dossier_medical->loadComplete(); $nb_consults_annulees = 0; // Suppression des consultations d'urgences foreach ($patient->_ref_consultations as $consult) {
} // In case the setup has added some user prefs CAppUI::buildPrefs(); break; case "upgrade": if ($module->mod_version = $setup->upgrade($module->mod_version)) { $module->mod_type = $setup->mod_type; $module->store(); if ($setup->mod_version == $module->mod_version) { CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '%s' à la version %s", UI_MSG_OK, $module->mod_name, $setup->mod_version); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '{$module->mod_name}' à la version {$module->mod_version} sur {$setup->mod_version}", UI_MSG_WARNING, true); } } else { CAppUI::setMsg("Module '%s' non mis à jour", UI_MSG_WARNING, $module->mod_name); } // In case the setup has added some user prefs CAppUI::buildPrefs(); break; default: CAppUI::setMsg("Unknown Command", UI_MSG_ERROR); } // en cas d'un appel en Ajax (mobile) if (CValue::get("ajax") || CValue::post("ajax")) { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); CApp::rip(); } SHM::rem("modules"); if (!$mobile) { CAppUI::redirect("m=system&tab=view_modules"); }
CValue::setSession("chir_id", $op->chir_id); } if (CBrisDeGlace::isBrisDeGlaceRequired()) { $canAccess = CAccessMedicalData::checkForSejour($op->_ref_sejour); if (!$canAccess) { if (!$op->canDo()->read) { global $m, $tab; CAppUI::setMsg("Vous n'avez pas accés à cette intervention hors plage", UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}&operation_id=0"); } } } else { if (!$op->canDo()->read) { global $m, $tab; CAppUI::setMsg("Vous n'avez pas accés à cette intervention hors plage", UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}&operation_id=0"); } } // Chargement des régérences $op->loadRefs(); $op->loadRefsNotes(); $op->_ref_chir->loadRefFunction(); $op->loadRefs(); foreach ($op->_ref_actes_ccam as $acte) { $acte->loadRefExecutant(); } $sejour = $op->_ref_sejour; $sejour->loadRefsFwd(); $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation()->loadRefService(); $sejour->_ref_praticien->canDo(); $sejour->makeCancelAlerts($op->_id);
if ($sejour_id) { $consult_anesth->sejour_id = $sejour_id; } if ($operation_id) { $consult_anesth->operation_id = $operation_id; } $msg = $consult_anesth->store(); $represcription = 0; if ($msg) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg); } else { CAppUI::setMsg(CAppUI::tr("CConsultAnesth-msg-duplicate")); //Création de la prescription de séjour selon pref user if ($consult_anesth->sejour_id && CAppUI::pref("show_replication_duplicate")) { $prescription = new CPrescription(); $prescription->object_class = 'CSejour'; $prescription->object_id = $consult_anesth->sejour_id; $prescription->type = 'sejour'; if (!$prescription->loadMatchingObject()) { if ($msg = $prescription->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } } $represcription = 1; } } echo CAppUI::getMsg(); if ($redirect) { CAppUI::redirect("m=cabinet&tab=edit_consultation&selConsult=" . $consult_anesth->consultation_id . "&dossier_anesth_id=" . $consult_anesth->_id . "&represcription={$represcription}"); } CApp::rip();
// Chargement du praticien $chir = new CMediusers(); if ($chir_id) { $chir->load($chir_id); } // Vérification des droits sur les listes $listPraticiens = $mediuser->loadPraticiens(PERM_EDIT); $function = new CFunctions(); $listFunctions = $function->loadSpecialites(PERM_EDIT); $protocole = new CProtocole(); if ($protocole_id) { $protocole->load($protocole_id); // On vérifie que l'utilisateur a les droits sur le protocole if (!$protocole->getPerm(PERM_EDIT)) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous n'avez pas accès à ce protocole", UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}&protocole_id=0"); } $protocole->loadRefs(); $protocole->loadRefsNotes(); $protocole->loadRefPrescriptionChir(); $chir =& $protocole->_ref_chir; } else { $protocole->temp_operation = '00:00:00'; } // Durée d'une intervention $start = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp COperation duree_deb"); $stop = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp COperation duree_fin"); $step = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp COperation min_intervalle"); // Récupération des services $service = new CService(); $where = array();
* $Id: ajax_form_complement.php 28128 2015-04-29 13:16:11Z aurelie17 $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Urgences * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision: 28128 $ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $rpu_id = CValue::getOrSession("rpu_id"); $sejour_id = CValue::get("sejour_id"); $rpu = new CRPU(); if ($rpu_id && !$rpu->load($rpu_id)) { global $m, $tab; CAppUI::setMsg("Ce RPU n'est pas ou plus disponible", UI_MSG_WARNING); CAppUI::redirect("m={$m}&tab={$tab}&rpu_id=0"); } // Création d'un RPU pour un séjour existant if ($sejour_id) { $rpu = new CRPU(); $rpu->sejour_id = $sejour_id; $rpu->loadMatchingObject(); $rpu->updateFormFields(); } if ($rpu->_id || $rpu->sejour_id) { // Mise en session de l'id de la consultation, si elle existe. $rpu->loadRefConsult(); if ($rpu->_ref_consult->_id) { CValue::setSession("selConsult", $rpu->_ref_consult->_id); } $sejour = $rpu->_ref_sejour;
/** * $Id$ * * @category Admin * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkEdit(); $user = CUser::get(CValue::getOrSession("user_id")); $user_id = CValue::getOrSession("user_id", $user->_id); if (!$user_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous devez sélectionner un utilisateur"); CAppUI::redirect("m=admin&tab=vw_edit_users"); } $modulesInstalled = CModule::getInstalled(); $isAdminPermSet = false; $profile = new CUser(); if ($user->profile_id) { $where["user_id"] = "= '{$user->profile_id}'"; $profile->loadObject($where); } $order = "mod_id"; //Droit de l'utilisateur sur les modules $whereUser = array(); $whereUser["user_id"] = "= '{$user->user_id}'"; $whereProfil = array(); $whereProfil["user_id"] = "= '{$user->profile_id}'"; // DROITS SUR LES MODULES
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage GestionCab * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $fiche_paie_id = CValue::getOrSession("fiche_paie_id", null); $fichePaie = new CFichePaie(); $fichePaie->load($fiche_paie_id); if (!$fichePaie->fiche_paie_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous n'avez pas choisi de fiche de paie", UI_MSG_ERROR); CAppUI::redirect("m=dPgestionCab&tab=edit_paie"); } if ($fichePaie->final_file) { echo $fichePaie->final_file; } else { $fichePaie->loadRefsFwd(); $fichePaie->_ref_params_paie->loadRefsFwd(); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("fichePaie", $fichePaie); $smarty->display("print_fiche.tpl"); }
if ($type == "entree") { $consult->motif = CAppUI::conf('soins Other default_motif_observation', CGroups::loadCurrent()->_guid); } // Cas des urgences if ($sejour->type == "urg") { // Motif de la consultation $consult->motif = ""; if (CAppUI::conf('dPurgences motif_rpu_view')) { $consult->motif .= "RPU: "; $sejour->loadRefRPU(); $consult->motif .= $sejour->_ref_rpu->diag_infirmier; } } if ($msg = $consult->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); } CAppUI::setMsg("CConsultation-msg-create", UI_MSG_OK); // Redirect final if ($ajax) { echo CAppUI::getMsg(); if ($callback) { CAppUI::callbackAjax($callback, $consult->_id); } CApp::rip(); } if ($current_m = CValue::post("_m_redirect")) { CAppUI::redirect("m={$current_m}"); } else { $current_m = $sejour->type == "urg" ? "dPurgences" : "dPcabinet"; CAppUI::redirect("m={$current_m}&tab=edit_consultation&selConsult={$consult->consultation_id}&chirSel={$chir->user_id}"); }
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @category DPpatients * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ if (!CAppUI::pref("allowed_modify_identity_status")) { CAppUI::redirect("m=system&a=access_denied"); } $number_day = CValue::getOrSession("_number_day", 8); $number_day = $number_day ?: 8; $now = CValue::getOrSession("_date_end", CMbDT::date()); $before = CMbDT::date("-{$number_day} DAY", $now); $csv = new CCSVFile(); $line = array("Date", CAppUI::tr("CPatient.status.PROV"), CAppUI::tr("CPatient.status.DPOT"), CAppUI::tr("CPatient.status.ANOM"), CAppUI::tr("CPatient.status.CACH"), CAppUI::tr("CPatient.status.VALI")); $csv->writeLine($line); $results = CPatientStateTools::getPatientStateByDate($before, $now); $values = array(); for ($i = $number_day; $i >= 0; $i--) { $values[CMbDT::date("-{$i} DAY", $now)] = array("PROV" => 0, "DPOT" => 0, "ANOM" => 0, "CACH" => 0, "VALI" => 0); } foreach ($results as $_result) { $values[$_result["date"]][$_result["state"]] = $_result["total"]; } foreach ($values as $_date => $_value) {
if ($user->_ref_user->force_change_password) { CAppUI::redirect("m=admin&tab=chpwd&forceChange=1"); } if (CMbDT::dateTime("-" . CAppUI::conf("admin CUser password_life_duration")) > $user->_ref_user->user_password_last_change) { CAppUI::redirect("m=admin&tab=chpwd&forceChange=1&lifeDuration=1"); } } } // Check CSRF protection CCSRF::checkProtection(); // do some db work if dosql is set if ($dosql) { // dP remover super hack if (!CModule::getInstalled($m)) { if (!CModule::getInstalled("dP{$m}")) { CAppUI::redirect("m=system&a=module_missing&mod={$m}"); } $m = "dP{$m}"; } // controller in controllers/ directory if (is_file("./modules/{$m}/controllers/{$dosql}.php")) { include "./modules/{$m}/controllers/{$dosql}.php"; } } // Permissions checked on POST $m, but we redirect to GET $m if ($post_request && $m_get && $m != $m_get && $m != "dP{$m_get}") { $m = $m_get; } if ($class) { $do = new CDoObjectAddEdit($class); $do->doIt();
/** * Link to the configure pane. Should be handled in the template * * @return void */ function configure() { CAppUI::redirect("m={$this->mod_name}&a=configure"); return true; }
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Patients * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $patient_id = CValue::getOrSession("patient_id", 0); if (!$patient_id) { CAppUI::setMsg("Vous devez selectionner un patient", UI_MSG_ALERT); CAppUI::redirect("m=dPpatients&tab=0"); } // Récuperation du patient sélectionné $patient = new CPatient(); $patient->load($patient_id); $patient->loadDossierComplet(PERM_READ); $patient->loadRefDossierMedical(); $patient->_ref_dossier_medical->loadRefsAntecedents(); $patient->_ref_dossier_medical->loadRefsTraitements(); $patient->countINS(); $userSel = CMediusers::get(); // Suppression des consultations d'urgences foreach ($patient->_ref_consultations as $keyConsult => $consult) { if ($consult->motif == "Passage aux urgences") { unset($patient->_ref_consultations[$keyConsult]); }