Esempio n. 1
  * The constructor
  * @param string  $rooturl     The URL of the wsdl file
  * @param string  $type        The type of exchange
  * @param array   $options     An array of options
  * @param boolean $loggable    True if you want to log all the exchanges with the web service
  * @param string  $local_cert  Path of the certifacte
  * @param string  $passphrase  Pass phrase for the certificate
  * @param boolean $safe_mode   Safe mode
  * @param boolean $verify_peer Require verification of SSL certificate used
  * @param string  $cafile      Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem
  * @throws CMbException
  * @return CNuSOAPClient
 function __construct($rooturl, $type = null, $options = array(), $loggable = null, $local_cert = null, $passphrase = null, $safe_mode = false, $verify_peer = false, $cafile = null)
     $this->wsdl_url = $rooturl;
     if ($loggable) {
         $this->loggable = $loggable;
     if ($type) {
         $this->type_echange_soap = $type;
     if (!$safe_mode) {
         if (!($html = file_get_contents($this->wsdl_url))) {
             $this->soap_client_error = true;
             throw new CMbException("CSourceSOAP-unable-to-parse-url", $this->wsdl_url);
         if (strpos($html, "<?xml") === false) {
             $this->soap_client_error = true;
             throw new CMbException("CSourceSOAP-wsdl-invalid");
     if (array_key_exists("encoding", $options)) {
         $encoding = $options["encoding"];
         $this->soap_defencoding = $encoding;
         if ($encoding == "UTF-8") {
             $this->decode_utf8 = false;
     if ($local_cert) {
         $this->certRequest = array("sslcertfile" => $local_cert);
     if ($passphrase) {
         $this->certRequest = array("passphrase" => $passphrase);
     parent::__construct($rooturl, true, false, false, false, false, CAppUI::conf("webservices connection_timeout"));
     $this->wsdl_url = $rooturl;
  * Connect to a AS400 DB2 SQL server via ODBC driver
  * @throws Error on misconfigured or anavailable server
  * @return void
 static function connect()
     if (self::$dbh) {
     $config = CAppUI::conf("sante400");
     if (null == ($dsn = $config["dsn"])) {
         trigger_error("Data Source Name not defined, please configure module", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Fake data source for chrono purposes
     CSQLDataSource::$dataSources[$dsn] = new CMySQLDataSource();
     $ds =& CSQLDataSource::$dataSources[$dsn];
     $ds->dsn = $dsn;
     self::$chrono =& CSQLDataSource::$dataSources[$dsn]->chrono;
     $prefix = $config["prefix"];
     try {
         self::$dbh = new PDO("{$prefix}:{$dsn}", $config["user"], $config["pass"]);
         self::$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         mbTrace("cauguht failure on first datasource");
         if (null == ($dsn = $config["other_dsn"])) {
             throw $e;
         self::$dbh = new PDO("{$prefix}:{$dsn}", $config["user"], $config["pass"]);
         self::$dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
Esempio n. 3
  * @see parent::doRedirect()
 function doRedirect()
     if (CAppUI::conf("dPsalleOp CActeCCAM codage_strict") || !$this->_old->_id || !$this->_obj->_id) {
  * Méthode permettant de tester si le service d'extraction Tika est actif
  * @return string
 function loadTikaInfos()
     $conf_host = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_host"));
     $conf_port = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_port"));
     $client = new CHTTPClient("http://{$conf_host}:{$conf_port}/tika");
     return $client->get();
  * @see parent::generateEnteteMessageAcquittement()
 function generateEnteteMessageAcquittement($statut, $codes = null, $commentaires = null)
     $echg_hprim = $this->_ref_echange_hprim;
     $identifiant = $echg_hprim->_id ? str_pad($echg_hprim->_id, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : "ES{$this->now}";
     $acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi = $this->addElement($this, $this->acquittement, null, "");
     $this->addAttribute($acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi, "version", CAppUI::conf("hprimxml {$this->evenement} version"));
     $enteteMessageAcquittement = $this->addElement($acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi, "enteteMessage");
     $this->addAttribute($enteteMessageAcquittement, "statut", $statut);
     $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "identifiantMessage", $identifiant);
     $this->addDateTimeElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "dateHeureProduction");
     $emetteur = $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "emetteur");
     $agents = $this->addElement($emetteur, "agents");
     $this->addAgent($agents, "application", "MediBoard", "Gestion des Etablissements de Santé");
     $group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
     $this->addAgent($agents, $this->getAttSysteme(), CAppUI::conf('mb_id'), $group->text);
     // Pour un acquittement l'emetteur du message devient destinataire
     $destinataire = $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "destinataire");
     $agents = $this->addElement($destinataire, "agents");
     $this->addAgent($agents, "application", $echg_hprim->_ref_sender->nom, $echg_hprim->_ref_sender->libelle);
     /* @todo Doit-on gérer le système du destinataire ? */
     //$this->addAgent($agents, "système", $group->_id, $group->text);
     $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "identifiantMessageAcquitte", $this->_identifiant_acquitte);
  * Constructor
  * @param string $className Class name
  * @param int    $objectKey Object key name
 function CDoObjectAddEdit($className, $objectKey = null)
     if (CAppUI::conf("readonly")) {
         CAppUI::stepAjax("Mode-readonly-title", UI_MSG_ERROR);
     global $m;
     $this->className = $className;
     $this->postRedirect = null;
     $this->redirect = "m={$m}";
     $this->redirectStore = null;
     $this->redirectError = null;
     $this->redirectDelete = null;
     $this->createMsg = CAppUI::tr("{$className}-msg-create");
     $this->modifyMsg = CAppUI::tr("{$className}-msg-modify");
     $this->deleteMsg = CAppUI::tr("{$className}-msg-delete");
     $this->request =& $_POST;
     $this->_logIt = true;
     // @todo : à supprimer cf déplacement dans le doBind()
     $this->_obj = new $this->className();
     $this->_old = new $this->className();
     // Lancer ceci apres chaque instanciation de _obj et _old !!
     $this->objectKey = $objectKey ? $objectKey : $this->_obj->_spec->key;
     $this->objectKeys = $this->objectKey . "s";
Esempio n. 7
  * Check anti-CSRF protection
 static function checkProtection()
     if (!CAppUI::conf("csrf_protection") || strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST') {
     if (!isset($_POST["csrf"])) {
         CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-no_token", UI_MSG_ERROR);
     if (array_key_exists($_POST['csrf'], $_SESSION["tokens"])) {
         $token = $_SESSION['tokens'][$_POST['csrf']];
         if ($token["lifetime"] >= time()) {
             foreach ($token["fields"] as $_field => $_value) {
                 if (CValue::read($_POST, $_field) != $_value) {
                     CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-form_corrupted", UI_MSG_ERROR);
             //mbTrace("Le jeton est accepté !");
         } else {
             CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-token_outdated", UI_MSG_ERROR);
     CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-token_does_not_exist", UI_MSG_ERROR);
Esempio n. 8
 * Mediboard class autoloader
 * @param string $class Class to be loaded
 * @return bool
function mbAutoload($class)
    $file_exists = false;
    $time = microtime(true);
    // Entry already in cache
    if (isset(CApp::$classPaths[$class])) {
        // The class is known to not be in MB
        if (CApp::$classPaths[$class] === false) {
            return false;
        // Load it if we can
        if ($file_exists = file_exists(CApp::$classPaths[$class])) {
            return include_once CApp::$classPaths[$class];
    // File moved ?
    if (!$file_exists) {
    // CSetup* class
    if (preg_match('/^CSetup(.+)$/', $class, $matches)) {
        $dirs = array("modules/{$matches['1']}/setup.php");
    } else {
        $class_file = $class;
        $suffix = ".class";
        // Namespaced class
        if (strpos($class_file, "\\") !== false) {
            $namespace = explode("\\", $class_file);
            // Mediboard class
            if ($namespace[0] === "Mediboard") {
                $class_file = implode("/", $namespace);
            } else {
                $class_file = "vendor/" . implode("/", $namespace);
                $suffix = "";
        $class_file .= $suffix;
        $dirs = array("classes/{$class_file}.php", "classes/*/{$class_file}.php", "mobile/*/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/*/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/*/*/{$class_file}.php", "install/classes/{$class_file}.php");
    $rootDir = CAppUI::conf("root_dir");
    $class_path = false;
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
        $files = glob("{$rootDir}/{$dir}");
        foreach ($files as $filename) {
            include_once $filename;
            // The class was found
            if (class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false)) {
                $class_path = $filename;
                break 2;
    // Class not found, it is not in MB
    CApp::$classPaths[$class] = $class_path;
    SHM::put("class-paths", CApp::$classPaths);
    CApp::$performance["autoload"][$class] = (microtime(true) - $time) * 1000;
    return $class_path !== false;
  * @see parent::__construct
 function __construct()
     $this->evenement = "evt_serveurintervention";
     $this->acquittement = "acquittementsServeurActes";
     $version = str_replace(".", "", CAppUI::conf("hprimxml {$this->evenement} version"));
     parent::__construct("serveurActivitePmsi_v{$version}", "msgAcquittementsServeurActes{$version}");
Esempio n. 10
 static function mine($parent_class)
     $classes = CApp::getChildClasses($parent_class);
     $limit = CAppUI::conf("dataminer_limit");
     foreach ($classes as $_class) {
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "mine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Success mining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Failure mining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "remine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Success remining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Failure remining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
         $miner = new $_class();
         $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "postmine");
         $dt = CMbDT::dateTime();
         echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Success postmining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n";
         if (!$report["failure"]) {
             echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Failure postmining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n";
  * @see parent::onAfterStore()
 function onAfterStore(CMbObject $mbObject)
     if (!$this->isHandled($mbObject)) {
         return false;
     /** @var CConsultation $consultation */
     $consultation = $mbObject;
     $praticien = $consultation->loadRefPraticien();
     if (!$praticien || $praticien && !$praticien->_id) {
         return false;
     $function = $praticien->loadRefFunction();
     if (!$function || $function && !$function->_id) {
         return false;
     $functions = CAppUI::conf("ihe RAD-3 function_ids");
     $functions = explode("|", $functions);
     if (!in_array($function->_id, $functions)) {
         return false;
     $code = "O01";
     if (!$this->isMessageSupported($this->transaction, $this->message, $code, $consultation->_receiver)) {
         return false;
     $this->sendITI($this->profil, $this->transaction, $this->message, $code, $consultation);
     return true;
  * logSejourAccess
  * @param CSejour $sejour
  * @return bool has the access been logged
 static function logForSejour($sejour)
     $group = $sejour->loadRefEtablissement();
     if (!CAppUI::conf("admin CLogAccessMedicalData enable_log_access", $group) || !$sejour->_id) {
         return false;
     $user = CMediusers::get();
     $conf = CAppUI::conf("admin CLogAccessMedicalData round_datetime", $group);
     $datetime = CMbDT::dateTime();
     switch ($conf) {
         case '1m':
             // minute
             $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:00");
         case '10m':
             // 10 minutes
             $minute = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%M");
             $minute = str_pad(floor($minute / 10) * 10, 2, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT);
             $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:{$minute}:00");
         case '1d':
             // 1 day
             $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d 00:00:00");
             // 1 hour
             $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:00:00");
     return self::logintoDb($user->_id, $sejour->_class, $sejour->_id, $datetime, $group->_id);
Esempio n. 13
  * Magic method (do not call directly).
  * @param string $name method name
  * @param array  $args arguments
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws CMbException
 function __call($name, $args)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     $silent = strncmp($name, 'try', 3) === 0;
     $function_name = $silent ? substr($name, 3) : $name;
     $function_name = '_' . (isset(self::$aliases[$function_name]) ? self::$aliases[$function_name] : $function_name);
     if (!method_exists($this, $function_name)) {
         throw new CMbException("CSourceFTP-call-undefined-method", $name);
     if ($function_name == "_init") {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
     if (!$this->loggable) {
         try {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
         } catch (CMbException $fault) {
             throw $fault;
     $echange_ftp = new CExchangeFTP();
     $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime();
     $echange_ftp->emetteur = CAppUI::conf("mb_id");
     $echange_ftp->destinataire = $this->hostname;
     $echange_ftp->function_name = $name;
     $chrono = new Chronometer();
     $output = null;
     try {
         $output = call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args);
     } catch (CMbException $fault) {
         $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime();
         $echange_ftp->output = $fault->getMessage();
         $echange_ftp->ftp_fault = 1;
         throw $fault;
     // response time
     $echange_ftp->response_time = $chrono->total;
     // Truncate input and output before storing
     $args = array_map_recursive(array("CFTP", "truncate"), $args);
     $echange_ftp->input = serialize($args);
     if ($echange_ftp->ftp_fault != 1) {
         if ($function_name == "_getlistfiles") {
             // Truncate le tableau des fichiers reçus dans le cas où c'est > 100
             $array_count = count($output);
             if ($array_count > 100) {
                 $output = array_slice($output, 0, 100);
                 $output["count"] = "{$array_count} files";
         $echange_ftp->output = serialize(array_map_recursive(array("CFTP", "truncate"), $output));
     return $output;
Esempio n. 14
 * Extract files
 * @param string $schemaDir  Schema directory
 * @param string $schemaFile Schema files
 * @param bool   $delOldDir  Delete old directory
 * @return void
function extractFiles($schemaDir, $schemaFile, $delOldDir = false)
    $baseDir = "modules/hprimxml/xsd";
    $destinationDir = "{$baseDir}/{$schemaDir}";
    $archivePath = "{$baseDir}/{$schemaFile}";
    if ($delOldDir && file_exists($destinationDir)) {
        if (CMbPath::remove($destinationDir)) {
            echo "<div class='info'>Suppression de {$destinationDir}</div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class='error'>Impossible de supprimer le dossier {$destinationDir}</div>";
    if (false != ($nbFiles = CMbPath::extract($archivePath, $destinationDir))) {
        echo "<div class='info'>Extraction de {$nbFiles} fichiers pour {$schemaDir}</div>";
    } else {
        echo "<div class='error'>Impossible d'extraire l'archive {$schemaFile}</div>";
    if (CAppUI::conf("hprimxml concatenate_xsd")) {
        $rootFiles = glob("{$destinationDir}/msg*.xsd");
        $includeFiles = array_diff(glob("{$destinationDir}/*.xsd"), $rootFiles);
        foreach ($rootFiles as $rootFile) {
            $xsd = new CHPrimXMLSchema();
            $xpath = new DOMXPath($xsd);
            $importFiles = array();
            foreach ($includeFiles as $includeFile) {
                $include = new DOMDOcument();
                $isImport = false;
                foreach ($importFiles as $key => $value) {
                    if (strpos($includeFile, $key) !== false) {
                        $isImport = true;
                foreach ($include->documentElement->childNodes as $child) {
                    $impNode = $xsd->importNode($child, true);
                    $existing = false;
                    if (in_array($impNode->nodeName, array("xsd:simpleType", "xsd:complexType"))) {
                        $name = $impNode->getAttribute('name');
                        $existing = $xpath->query("//{$impNode->nodeName}[@name='{$name}']")->length > 0;
                    if ($isImport) {
                        $xsd->documentElement->setAttribute("xmlns:insee", "");
                    if (!$existing) {
            file_put_contents(substr($rootFile, 0, -4) . ".xml", $xsd->saveXML());
            echo "<div class='info'>Schéma concatené</div>";
Esempio n. 15
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_view = "Allaitement du " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_debut, null, CAppUI::conf("date")) . " à " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_debut, null, CAppUI::conf("time"));
     if ($this->date_fin) {
         $this->_view .= " au " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_fin, null, CAppUI::conf("date")) . " à " . CMbDT::transform($this->date_fin, null, CAppUI::conf("time"));
  * Try and store trigger mark according to module config
  * @param CTriggerMark $mark Mark content
  * @return void
 static function storeMark($mark)
     if (CAppUI::conf("dPsante400 mark_row")) {
         if ($msg = $mark->store()) {
             trigger_error("Enable to store CTriggerMark: {$msg}", E_USER_WARNING);
Esempio n. 17
  * CMbSemaphore Constructor
  * @param string $key semaphore identifier
 function __construct($key)
     $this->path = CAppUI::conf("root_dir") . "/tmp/locks";
     $this->process = getmypid();
     $prefix = CApp::getAppIdentifier();
     $this->key = "{$prefix}-sem-{$key}";
  * @see parent::updateFormFields()
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_view = sprintf("FA%08d", $this->_id);
     if (CAppUI::conf("ref_pays") == 2) {
         $this->_view .= " /{$this->numero}";
 function updateFormFields()
     $this->_self_sender = $this->emetteur == CAppUI::conf('mb_id');
     $this->_self_receiver = $this->destinataire == CAppUI::conf('mb_id');
     // ms
     $this->response_time = $this->response_time * 1000;
  * Initialize object specification
  * @return CMbObjectSpec the spec
 function getSpec()
     $spec = parent::getSpec();
     $spec->table = 'destinataire_hprim';
     $spec->key = 'dest_hprim_id';
     $spec->messages = array("patients" => array("evenementPatient"), "pmsi" => array(CAppUI::conf("hprimxml send_diagnostic") == "evt_serveuretatspatient" ? "evenementServeurEtatsPatient" : "evenementPMSI", "evenementServeurActe", "evenementFraisDivers", "evenementServeurIntervention"), "stock" => array("evenementMvtStocks"));
     return $spec;
  * @see parent::__construct()
 function __construct($key, $label = null)
     parent::__construct($key, $label);
     $this->path = CAppUI::conf("root_dir") . "/tmp/locks";
     $this->process = getmypid();
     $this->filename = "{$this->path}/" . $this->getLockKey();
Esempio n. 22
  * Loads a list of Javascript files, with or without minification
  * @param string $type The mime type to use to include the Javascript files
  * @return string A list or a single HTML script tag
 static function loadFiles($type = "text/javascript")
     $result = "";
     $compress = CAppUI::conf("minify_javascript");
      * There is a speed boost on the page load when using concatenation in a single file
      * between the top of the head and the dom:loaded event of about 25%.
      * This is because of parse time that is reduced (compare the global __pageLoad variable)
      * The number of requests from a regular page goes down from 100 to 70.
      * The total size of the JS goes down from 300kB to 230kB (gzipped).
     if ($compress) {
         $files = self::$files;
         $excluded = array();
         $uptodate = false;
         // We exclude files already in the tmp dir
         foreach ($files as $index => $file) {
             if (strpos($file, "tmp/") === 0) {
                 $excluded[] = $file;
         $hash = self::getHash(implode("", $files));
         $cachefile = "tmp/{$hash}.js";
         // If it exists, we check if it is up to date
         if (file_exists($cachefile)) {
             $uptodate = true;
             $last_update = self::getLastChange($cachefile);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if (self::getLastChange($file) > $last_update) {
                     $uptodate = false;
         if (!$uptodate) {
             $all_scripts = "";
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $_script = file_get_contents($file);
                 if (substr($_script, 0, 3) == chr(0xef) . chr(0xbb) . chr(0xbf)) {
                     $_script = substr($_script, 3);
                 $all_scripts .= $_script . "\n";
             file_put_contents($cachefile, $all_scripts);
             $last_update = time();
         foreach ($excluded as $file) {
             $result .= self::loadFile($file, null, self::getLastChange($file), $type) . "\n";
         $result .= self::loadFile($cachefile, null, $last_update, $type) . "\n";
     } else {
         foreach (self::$files as $file) {
             $result .= self::loadFile($file, null, self::getLastChange($file), $type) . "\n";
     return $result;
  * Get a unique order number
  * @return string
 private function getUniqueNumber()
     $format = CAppUI::conf('dPstock CProductOrder order_number_format');
     if (strpos($format, '%id') === false) {
         $format .= '%id';
     $format = str_replace('%id', str_pad($this->_id ? $this->_id : 0, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $format);
     return CMbDT::format(null, $format);
Esempio n. 24
  * Construct
  * @param string $key lock identifier
 function __construct($key)
     $this->path = CAppUI::conf("root_dir") . "/tmp/locks";
     $this->process = getmypid();
     $prefix = CApp::getAppIdentifier();
     $this->key = "{$prefix}-lock-{$key}";
     $this->filename = "{$this->path}/{$this->key}";
Esempio n. 25
  * Create a mouvement instance from given type
  * @param string $type
  * @return CMouvement400 concrete instance, null for unhandled type
 static function create($type)
     $mode_compat = CAppUI::conf("interop mode_compat");
     if (null == ($class = @self::$modes[$mode_compat][$type])) {
         trigger_error("Pas de gestionnaire en mode de compatibilité '{$mode_compat}' et type de mouvement '{$type}'", E_USER_ERROR);
     return new $class();
  * Profiler constructor
 public function __construct()
     if (!extension_loaded("xhprof") || php_sapi_name() === "cli") {
         throw new Exception("The XHprof extension must be installed");
     self::$xhprof_path = CAppUI::conf("dPdeveloppement profiling_xhprof_path");
     if (!self::$xhprof_path) {
         throw new Exception("You must configure the 'profiling_xhprof_path' config");
Esempio n. 27
  * Return the instance OID
  * @param CInteropReceiver $receiver Receiver
  * @return String
 static function getOIDRoot($receiver = null)
     if ($receiver) {
     if ($receiver && $receiver->_configs["use_receiver_oid"]) {
         return $receiver->OID;
     return CAppUI::conf("mb_oid");
Esempio n. 28
  * Init SOAP client
  * @return void
 function initClientSOAP()
     if ($this->clientSOAP instanceof SoapClient) {
     try {
         $this->clientSOAP = new SoapClient(CAppUI::conf('dPfiles CMedinetSender rooturl'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         trigger_error("Instanciation du SoapClient impossible : " . $e);
 function __construct($name, $description = "")
     //Ajout de quelques proporiétés
     $this->setProperty("method", "PUBLISH");
     $this->setProperty("x-wr-calname", $name);
     if ($description) {
         $this->setProperty("X-WR-CALDESC", $description);
     $this->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", CAppUI::conf("timezone"));
Esempio n. 30
  * Build ZBE segement
  * @param CHL7v2Event $event Event
  * @return null
 function build(CHL7v2Event $event)
     $receiver = $event->_receiver;
     $sejour = $this->sejour;
     $movement = $this->movement;
     $affectation = $this->curr_affectation;
     if ($this->other_affectation) {
         $affectation = $this->other_affectation;
     $action_movement = null;
     if ($sejour->_cancel_hospitalization) {
         $action_movement = "CANCEL";
     } else {
         foreach (self::$actions as $action => $events) {
             if (in_array($event->code, $events)) {
                 $action_movement = $action;
     // ZBE-1: Movement ID (EI) (optional)
     $identifiers[] = array($movement->_view, CAppUI::conf("hl7 assigning_authority_namespace_id"), CAppUI::conf("hl7 assigning_authority_universal_id"), CAppUI::conf("hl7 assigning_authority_universal_type_id"));
     $idexMovement = CIdSante400::getMatch("CMovement", $receiver->_tag_movement, null, $movement->_id);
     if ($idexMovement->_id) {
         $configs = $receiver->_configs;
         $identifiers[] = array($idexMovement->id400, $configs["assigning_authority_namespace_id"], $configs["assigning_authority_universal_id"], $configs["assigning_authority_universal_type_id"]);
     $data[] = $identifiers;
     // ZBE-2: Start of Movement Date/Time (TS)
     $start_of_movement = $action_movement == "CANCEL" ? $movement->last_update : $movement->start_of_movement;
     $data[] = $start_of_movement > $sejour->sortie ? $sejour->sortie : $start_of_movement;
     // ZBE-3: End of Movement Date/Time (TS) (optional)
     // Forbidden (IHE France)
     $data[] = null;
     // ZBE-4: Action on the Movement (ID)
     $data[] = $action_movement;
     // ZBE-5: Indicator "Historical Movement" (ID)
     $data[] = $movement->_current ? "N" : "Y";
     // ZBE-6: Original trigger event code (ID) (optional)
     $data[] = $action_movement == "UPDATE" || $action_movement == "CANCEL" ? $movement->original_trigger_code : null;
     $ufs = $sejour->getUFs(null, $affectation->_id);
     // ZBE-7: Ward of medical responsibility in the period starting with this movement (XON) (optional)
     $uf_type = $receiver->_configs["build_ZBE_7"];
     $uf_medicale = isset($ufs[$uf_type]) ? $ufs[$uf_type] : null;
     if (isset($uf_medicale->_id)) {
         $data[] = array(array($uf_medicale->libelle, null, null, null, null, $this->getAssigningAuthority("mediboard"), "UF", null, null, $uf_medicale->code));
     } else {
         $data[] = null;
     // Traitement des segments spécifiques extension PAM
     $this->fillOtherSegments($data, $ufs, $event);