* @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ $file = CValue::read($_FILES, "import"); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); if (!$file) { $smarty->display("inc_import_mode_traitement_sejour.tpl"); CApp::rip(); } $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $csv = new CCSVFile($file["tmp_name"], CCSVFile::PROFILE_EXCEL); $csv->readLine(); while ($line = $csv->readLine()) { list($code, $libelle, $type_sejour, $type_pec, $actif) = $line; $charge_price = new CChargePriceIndicator(); $charge_price->code = $code; $charge_price->libelle = $libelle; $charge_price->type = $type_sejour; $charge_price->type_pec = $type_pec; $charge_price->group_id = $group_id; $charge_price->loadMatchingObject(); $charge_price->actif = $actif; if ($msg = $charge_price->store()) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING); continue; } CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("importation terminée", UI_MSG_OK); } $smarty->display("inc_import_mode_traitement_sejour.tpl");
* @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ $mode_class = CValue::get("mode_class"); $file = CValue::read($_FILES, "import"); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("mode_class", $mode_class); if (!$file) { $smarty->display("inc_import_mode_entree_sortie_sejour.tpl"); CApp::rip(); } $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $csv = new CCSVFile($file["tmp_name"], CCSVFile::PROFILE_EXCEL); $csv->readLine(); while ($line = $csv->readLine()) { list($code, $libelle, $mode, $actif) = $line; /** @var CModeEntreeSejour|CModeSortieSejour $mode_entree_sortie */ $mode_entree_sortie = new $mode_class(); $mode_entree_sortie->code = $code; $mode_entree_sortie->libelle = $libelle; $mode_entree_sortie->mode = $mode; $mode_entree_sortie->group_id = $group_id; $mode_entree_sortie->loadMatchingObject(); $mode_entree_sortie->actif = $actif; if ($msg = $mode_entree_sortie->store()) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING); continue; } CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("importation terminée"); } $smarty->display("inc_import_mode_entree_sortie_sejour.tpl");
$time = $results_query->getTotalTime(); $nbresult = $results_query->getTotalHits(); foreach ($results as $result) { $var = $result->getHit(); $var["_source"]["body"] = mb_convert_encoding($var["_source"]["body"], "WINDOWS-1252", "UTF-8"); $array_results[] = $var; $author_ids[] = $var["_source"]["user_id"]; $highlights = $result->getHighlights(); if (count($highlights) != 0) { $array_highlights[] = mb_convert_encoding(implode(" [...] ", $highlights['body']), "WINDOWS-1252", "UTF-8"); } else { $array_highlights[] = ""; } } // traitement des auteurs foreach ($author_ids as $author) { $authors[$author] = CMbObject::loadFromGuid("CMediusers-{$author}"); $authors[$author]->loadRefFunction(); } } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Problème à la récupération des données", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("authors", $authors); $smarty->assign("results", $array_results); $smarty->assign("highlights", $array_highlights); $smarty->assign("objects_refs", null); $smarty->assign("time", $time); $smarty->assign("nbresult", $nbresult); $smarty->assign("date_log_details", $date); $smarty->display("inc_results_log_details.tpl");
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @category Search * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $names_types = CValue::get("types"); $error = ""; try { $client_index = new CSearch(); //create a client $client_index->createClient(); $index = $client_index->getIndex(CAppUI::conf("db std dbname"))->exists(); $client_index->updateIndex($index); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'index " . CAppUI::conf("db std dbname") . " s'est correctement mis à jour", UI_MSG_OK); } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'index " . CAppUI::conf("db std dbname") . " n'a pas été mis à jour", UI_MSG_ERROR); $error = "update"; } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("error", $error); $smarty->display("inc_configure_es.tpl");
* * @param string $lock_file The file which lock traitement * * @return void */ function rmLock($lock_file) { @unlink($lock_file); } register_shutdown_function("rmLock", $lock_file); // LOCK // touch($lock_file); set_time_limit(600); set_min_memory_limit("1024M"); //TRAITEMENT $name_repository = CValue::get("name_repository"); $dir_repository = CValue::get("dir_repository"); $name_snapshot = CValue::get("name_snapshot"); try { $snapshot = new CSearchSnapshot(); //create a client $snapshot->createClient(); $snapshot->loadIndex(); $snapshot->createSnapshot(); //$snapshot->deleteIndexAndRestore($name_repository, $name_snapshot, true, true); $snapshot->snapshot($name_repository, CAppUI::getTmpPath($dir_repository), $name_snapshot); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("La création du snapshot de l'index s'est bien déroulée", UI_MSG_OK); } catch (Exception $e) { mbLog($e->getMessage()); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("La création du snapshot de l'index a recontré un problème", UI_MSG_WARNING); }
$client_index = new CSearchLog(); $client_index->createClient(); $words = $client_index->constructWordsWithDate($_date, $_min_date, $_max_date); $words = $client_index->constructWordsWithUser($words, CMediusers::get()->_id); // Recherche fulltext $time = 0; $nbresult = 0; $array_results = array(); try { $results_query = $client_index->searchQueryString('AND', $words, $start, 20, null, null); $results = $results_query->getResults(); $time = $results_query->getTotalTime(); $nbresult = $results_query->getTotalHits(); // traitement des résultats foreach ($results as $result) { $var = $result->getHit(); $var["_source"]["body"] = mb_convert_encoding($var["_source"]["body"], "WINDOWS-1252", "UTF-8"); $author_ids[] = $var["_source"]["user_id"]; $array_results[] = $var; } } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("La requête est mal formée", UI_MSG_ERROR); mbLog($e->getMessage()); } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("start", $start); $smarty->assign("results", $array_results); $smarty->assign("time", $time); $smarty->assign("nbresult", $nbresult); $smarty->assign("show_score", false); $smarty->display("inc_search_result_thesaurus.tpl");
default: return; } $response = CSocketBasedServer::send("localhost", $port, $server_class::sampleMessage()); echo "<pre class='er7'>{$response}</pre>"; return; } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg($e->getMessage(), UI_MSG_ERROR); } break; case "stats": try { mbTrace(json_decode(CSocketBasedServer::send("localhost", $port, "__" . strtoupper($action) . "__\n"), true)); } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::stepAjax($e->getMessage(), UI_MSG_ERROR); } return; default: CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Unknown command '{$action}'", UI_MSG_ERROR); } $processes = CSocketBasedServer::getPsStatus(); $process_id = CValue::get("process_id"); if (!array_key_exists($process_id, $processes)) { return; } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("process_id", $process_id); $smarty->assign("uid", $uid); $smarty->assign("_process", $processes[$process_id]); $smarty->display("inc_server_socket.tpl");
$function_id = $user->loadRefFunction()->_id; $whereFavoris["function_id"] = " = '{$function_id}'"; $tab_favoris_function_sans_cibles = $favoris_sans_cibles->loadList($whereFavorisSansCibles); unset($whereFavorisSansCibles["function_id"]); $group_id = $user->loadRefFunction()->group_id; $whereFavorisSansCibles["group_id"] = " = '{$group_id}'"; $tab_favoris_group_sans_cibles = $favoris->loadList($whereFavorisSansCibles); $tab_favoris += $tab_favoris_user_sans_cibles + $tab_favoris_function_sans_cibles + $tab_favoris_group_sans_cibles; } // On effectue la recherche automatique if (isset($tab_favoris)) { try { $search = new CSearch(); $results = $search->searchAuto($tab_favoris, $_ref_object); } catch (Exception $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("search-not-connected", UI_MSG_ERROR); mbLog($e->getMessage()); } } // Récupération des rss items pour le marquage pmsi (preuves de recherche PMSI) $rss_items = array(); $items = array(); if ($contexte == "pmsi" && CModule::getActive("atih")) { $rss = new CRSS(); $rss->sejour_id = $sejour_id; $rss->loadMatchingObject(); $rss_items = $rss->loadRefsSearchItems(); foreach ($rss_items as $_items) { $items[] = $_items->search_class . "-" . $_items->search_id; } }
* @package Mediboard * @subpackage eai * @version $Revision$ * @author SARL OpenXtrem * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ $process_id = CValue::get("process_id"); $uid = CValue::get("uid"); $tmp_dir = CSocketBasedServer::getTmpDir(); $pid_files = glob("{$tmp_dir}/pid.*"); foreach ($pid_files as $_file) { $_pid = substr($_file, strrpos($_file, ".") + 1); if ($process_id != $_pid) { continue; } if (@unlink($_file) === true) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le fichier 'pid.{$process_id}' a été supprimé"); return; } } CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le fichier 'pid.{$process_id}' n'a pas pu être supprimé", UI_MSG_ERROR); $processes = CSocketBasedServer::getPsStatus(); if (!array_key_exists($process_id, $processes)) { return; } // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("process_id", $process_id); $smarty->assign("uid", $uid); $smarty->assign("_process", $processes[$process_id]); $smarty->display("inc_server_socket.tpl");
// LOCK // touch($lock_file); set_time_limit(600); set_min_memory_limit("1024M"); //TRAITEMENT try { $client_index = new CSearch(); //create a client $client_index->createClient(); $client_index->loadIndex(); // Passage à l'indexation en tps réel pour améliorer la performance du bulk indexing $client_index->_index->setSettings(array("index" => array("refresh_interval" => "-1"))); // récupère données de la table buffer avec le pas fournit en configuration $data = $client_index->getDataTemporaryTable(CAppUI::conf("search interval_indexing"), null); // on bulk index les data $client_index->bulkIndexing($data); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'indexation s'est correctement déroulée ", UI_MSG_OK); $error = ""; // on remet le paramètre à défaut et on optimise l'index $client_index->_index->setSettings(array("index" => array("refresh_interval" => "1s"))); $client_index->_index->optimize(array("max_num_segments" => "5")); } catch (Exception $e) { mbLog($e->getMessage()); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'indexation a recontré un problème", UI_MSG_WARNING); $error = "index"; } // UNLOCK // unlink($lock_file); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("error", $error); $smarty->display("inc_configure_es.tpl");
CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le serveur de recherche n'est pas connecté", UI_MSG_WARNING); } try { // récupération des données pour les journaux utilisateurs $client_log = new CSearchLog(); $client_log->createClient(); $infos_log = $client_log->loadCartoInfos(); } catch (Exception $e) { $infos_log = array(); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le serveur de recherche de journaux n'est pas connecté", UI_MSG_WARNING); } try { // récupération des données pour les journaux utilisateurs $wrapper = new CSearchFileWrapper(null, null); $infos_tika = $wrapper->loadTikaInfos(); } catch (Exception $e) { mbLog($e); $infos_tika = ""; CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le serveur d'extraction de fichiers n'est pas connecté", UI_MSG_WARNING); } $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std"); $query = "SELECT MIN(`date`) AS oldest_datetime FROM `search_indexing`"; $result = $ds->exec($query); $oldest_datetime = $ds->fetchObject($result)->oldest_datetime; // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("infos_index", $infos_index); $smarty->assign("infos_log", $infos_log); $smarty->assign("infos_tika", $infos_tika); $smarty->assign("oldest_datetime", $oldest_datetime); $smarty->display("vw_cartographie_mapping.tpl");
foreach ($queries as $query) { $ds->exec($query); } } CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("l'opération en base s'est déroulée avec succès ", UI_MSG_OK); } // Création du mapping pour l'index principal try { if ($mapping) { $client_index = new CSearch(); //create a client $client_index->createClient(); $index = $client_index->getIndex(CAppUI::conf("db std dbname"))->exists(); $client_index->firstIndexingMapping($names_types, $index); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'index " . CAppUI::conf("db std dbname") . " s'est correctement créé", UI_MSG_OK); } } catch (Exception $e) { mbLog($e); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("L'index " . CAppUI::conf("db std dbname") . " existe déjà", UI_MSG_ERROR); $error = "mapping"; } if ($log) { $client_index = new CSearchLog(); //create a client $client_index->createClient(); $index = $client_index->getIndex(CAppUI::conf("db std dbname") . "_log")->exists(); $client_index->createLogMapping($index); } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("error", $error); $smarty->display("inc_configure_es.tpl");
/** * $Id$ * * @category ${Module} * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license OXOL, see http://www.mediboard.org/public/OXOL * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $path = CAppUI::getTmpPath("pmsi"); $path .= "/cim10/LIBCIM10.TXT"; $result = array(); if (file_exists($path)) { if (!($fp = fopen("{$path}", "r+"))) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Echec de l'ouverture du fichier LIBCIM10.txt", UI_MSG_WARNING); } else { while (!feof($fp)) { // On récupère une ligne $ligne = fgets($fp); if ($ligne) { $ligne = utf8_encode($ligne); $_ligne = explode('|', $ligne); $_ligne = array_map("trim", $_ligne); $result[] = implode(";", $_ligne) . "\n"; } } fclose($fp); // On ferme le fichier } $path = CAppUI::getTmpPath("pmsi");
$lineCount = 0; foreach ($files as $_file) { $name = basename($_file); $name = substr($name, strpos($name, "_") + 1); $table = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, ".")); $table = strtolower($table); if (!$ds) { CAppUI::stepAjax("Import impossible - Source non présente", UI_MSG_ERROR); continue; } $ds->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$table}` (\r\n `table_id` INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,\r\n `code` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,\r\n `oid` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,\r\n `libelle` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,\r\n INDEX (`table_id`)\r\n )/*! ENGINE=MyISAM */;"); $ds->query("DELETE FROM `{$table}`"); $csv = new CCSVFile($_file); $csv->jumpLine(3); while ($line = $csv->readLine()) { list($oid, $code, $libelle) = $line; if (strpos($code, "/") === false || $oid === "") { continue; } $query = "INSERT INTO `{$table}`(\r\n `code`, `oid`, `libelle`)\r\n VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3);"; $query = $ds->prepare($query, $code, $oid, $libelle); $result = $ds->query($query); if (!$result) { $msg = $ds->error(); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Erreur de requête SQL: {$msg}", UI_MSG_ERROR); CApp::rip(); } $lineCount++; } } CAppUI::stepAjax("Import effectué avec succès de {$lineCount} lignes", UI_MSG_OK);
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @category EAI * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version $Revision$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $exchange_guid = CValue::get("exchange_guid"); if (!$exchange_guid) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Pas d'objet passé en paramètre"); CApp::rip(); } $exchange = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($exchange_guid); $exchange->loadRefsNotes(); if (!$exchange || $exchange && !$exchange->_id) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Aucun échange trouvé"); CApp::rip(); } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("exchange", $exchange); $smarty->display("inc_edit_exchange.tpl");
/** * Get the exchange source * * @param string $name Nom * @param string $type Type de la source (FTP, SOAP, ...) * @param bool $override Charger les autres sources * @param string $type_echange Type de l'échange * @param bool $only_active Seulement la source active * * @return CExchangeSource */ static function get($name, $type = null, $override = false, $type_echange = null, $only_active = true) { $cache = new Cache(__METHOD__, func_get_args(), Cache::INNER); if ($cache->exists()) { return $cache->get(); } $exchange_classes = self::getExchangeClasses(); foreach ($exchange_classes as $_class) { /** @var CExchangeSource $exchange_source */ $exchange_source = new $_class(); if (isset(self::$typeToClass[$type])) { $classname = self::$typeToClass[$type]; if ($classname != $exchange_source->_class) { continue; } } if ($only_active) { $exchange_source->active = 1; } $exchange_source->name = $name; $exchange_source->loadMatchingObject(); if ($exchange_source->_id) { $exchange_source->_wanted_type = $type; $exchange_source->_allowed_instances = self::getObjects($name, $type, $type_echange); if ($exchange_source->role != CAppUI::conf("instance_role")) { if (!$override) { $incompatible_source = new $exchange_source->_class(); $incompatible_source->name = $exchange_source->name; $incompatible_source->_incompatible = true; CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("CExchangeSource-_incompatible", UI_MSG_ERROR); return $incompatible_source; } $exchange_source->_incompatible = true; } return $cache->put($exchange_source, false); } } $source = new CExchangeSource(); if (isset(self::$typeToClass[$type])) { $source = new self::$typeToClass[$type](); } $source->name = $name; $source->type_echange = $type_echange; $source->_wanted_type = $type; $source->_allowed_instances = self::getObjects($name, $type, $type_echange); return $cache->put($source, false); }
<?php /** * Define master idex missing * * @category EAI * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @version SVN: $Id:$ * @link http://www.mediboard.org */ CCanDo::checkAdmin(); $exchange_guid = CValue::get("exchange_guid"); if (!$exchange_guid) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Pas d'objet passé en paramètre"); CApp::rip(); } /** @var CExchangeDataFormat $exchange */ $exchange = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($exchange_guid); $master_IPP_missing = false; $pattern = "===IPP_MISSING==="; if (!CValue::read($receiver->_configs, "send_not_master_IPP") && strpos($exchange->_message, $pattern) !== false) { $master_IPP_missing = true; } $master_NDA_missing = false; $pattern = "===NDA_MISSING==="; if (!CValue::read($receiver->_configs, "send_not_master_NDA") && strpos($exchange->_message, $pattern) !== false) { $master_NDA_missing = true; } $patient = null;
$object_guid = CValue::post("object_guid"); $object = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($object_guid); /** @var $exchange_source CSourceSMTP */ $exchange_source = CExchangeSource::get("mediuser-" . CMediusers::get()->_id, "smtp"); $exchange_source->init(); if (CAppUI::pref('hprim_med_header')) { $body = $object->makeHprimHeader($exchange_source->email, $email) . "\n" . $body; } try { $exchange_source->setRecipient($email, $nom); $exchange_source->setSubject($subject); $exchange_source->setBody(nl2br($body)); switch ($object->_class) { case "CCompteRendu": /** @var $object CCompteRendu */ $object->makePDFpreview(true); $file = $object->_ref_file; $exchange_source->addAttachment($file->_file_path, $file->file_name); break; case "CFile": /** @var $object CFile */ $exchange_source->addAttachment($object->_file_path, $object->file_name); } $exchange_source->send(); $exchange_source->createUserMail(CAppUI::$user->_id, $object); CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Message envoyé"); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg($e->errorMessage(), UI_MSG_WARNING); } catch (CMbException $e) { $e->stepAjax(); }
/** * Method testing if we able to connect to server ES * * @param CGRoups $group The group * * @return void */ function testConnection($group) { try { $this->createClient(); $index = $this->loadIndex(); $search = new \Elastica\Search($this->_client); $search->addIndex($index); $this->_client->getCluster(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (CAppUI::conf("search active_handler active_handler_search", $group)) { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le serveur de recherche n'est pas connecté", UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { CAppUI::displayAjaxMsg("Le serveur de recherche n'est pas configuré, veuillez prendre contact avec un administrateur", UI_MSG_ERROR); } } }