/** * Set the hash for the user mails * * @return bool */ protected function setUserMailHash() { $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std"); $mails = $ds->loadList("SELECT m.user_mail_id, m.account_class, m.account_id, m.from, m.to, m.subject, c.content FROM user_mail as m, content_html as c WHERE m.account_class IS NOT NULL AND m.account_id IS NOT NULL AND m.text_html_id = c.content_id ORDER BY m.user_mail_id DESC;"); if (count($mails)) { $values = array(); foreach ($mails as $_mail) { $data = "==FROM==\n" . $_mail['from'] . "\n==TO==\n" . $_mail['to'] . "\n==SUBJECT==\n" . $_mail['subject'] . "\n==CONTENT==\n" . $_mail['content']; $hash = CMbSecurity::hash(CMbSecurity::SHA256, $data); $values[] = '(' . $_mail['user_mail_id'] . ', ' . $_mail['account_id'] . ', \'' . $_mail['account_class'] . "', '{$hash}')"; } $mails = $ds->loadList("SELECT m.user_mail_id, m.account_class, m.account_id, m.from, m.to, m.subject, c.content FROM user_mail AS m, content_any AS c WHERE m.account_class IS NOT NULL AND m.account_id IS NOT NULL AND m.text_html_id IS NULL AND m.text_plain_id = c.content_id ORDER BY m.user_mail_id DESC;"); foreach ($mails as $_mail) { $data = "==FROM==\n" . $_mail['from'] . "\n==TO==\n" . $_mail['to'] . "\n==SUBJECT==\n" . $_mail['subject'] . "\n==CONTENT==\n" . $_mail['content']; $hash = CMbSecurity::hash(CMbSecurity::SHA256, $data); $values[] = '(' . $_mail['user_mail_id'] . ', ' . $_mail['account_id'] . ', \'' . $_mail['account_class'] . "', '{$hash}')"; } $query = "INSERT INTO `user_mail` (`user_mail_id`, `account_id`, `account_class`, `hash`) VALUES " . implode(', ', $values) . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `hash` = VALUES(`hash`);"; $ds->query($query); if ($msg = $ds->error()) { CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, UI_MSG_WARNING); return false; } } return true; }
public function remove(CAppUI $AppUI, w2p_Utilities_Date $date) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $removed = false; if ($this->holiday_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('holiday', 'edit', $this->holiday_id)) { $holiday_start_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->holiday_start_date); $holiday_end_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->holiday_end_date); if ($holiday_start_date->equals($date->duplicate())) { if ($holiday_end_date->equals($date->duplicate())) { $removed = $this->delete($AppUI); } else { $holiday_start_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->holiday_start_date); $this->holiday_start_date = $holiday_start_date->getNextDay()->getDate(); $removed = $this->store($AppUI); } } elseif ($holiday_end_date->equals($date->duplicate())) { $holiday_end_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->holiday_end_date); $this->holiday_end_date = $holiday_end_date->getPrevDay()->getDate(); $removed = $this->store($AppUI); } elseif ($holiday_start_date->before($date->duplicate()) && $holiday_end_date->after($date->duplicate())) { $holiday_end_date = $this->holiday_end_date; $this->holiday_end_date = $date->getPrevDay()->getDate(); $removed = $this->store($AppUI); $this->holiday_id = 0; // create new record $this->holiday_start_date = $date->getNextDay()->getDate(); $this->holiday_end_date = $holiday_end_date; $removed = $this->store($AppUI); } } return $removed; }
public function store(CAppUI $AppUI) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $stored = false; $errorMsgArray = $this->check(); if (count($errorMsgArray) > 0) { return $errorMsgArray; } /* * TODO: I don't like the duplication on each of these two branches, but I * don't have a good idea on how to fix it at the moment... */ if ($this->field_id && canEdit('system')) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } $stored = true; } if (0 == $this->field_id && canEdit('system')) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } $stored = true; } return $stored; }
public function store(CAppUI $AppUI) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $stored = false; $this->file_folder_id = (int) $this->file_folder_id; $this->file_folder_parent = (int) $this->file_folder_parent; $this->_error = $this->check(); if (count($this->_error)) { return $this->_error; } /* * TODO: I don't like the duplication on each of these two branches, but I * don't have a good idea on how to fix it at the moment... */ if ($this->file_folder_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('files', 'edit')) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } $stored = true; } if (0 == $this->file_folder_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('files', 'add')) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } $stored = true; } return $stored; }
public function process(CAppUI $AppUI, array $myArray) { if (!$this->object->bind($myArray)) { $AppUI->setMsg($this->object->getError(), UI_MSG_ERROR); $this->resultPath = $this->errorPath; return $AppUI; } $action = $this->delete ? 'deleted' : 'stored'; $this->success = $this->delete ? $this->object->delete($AppUI) : $this->object->store($AppUI); if (is_array($this->success) || !$this->success) { $AppUI->holdObject($this->object); /* * TODO: This nasty structure was introduced in v3.0 and is only * transitional while the individual modules are updated to * stop using $this->success as both a boolean and the error array. * -- This was due to a bad design decision on my part. -caseydk */ if (is_array($this->object->getError())) { $AppUI->setMsg($this->object->getError(), UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { $AppUI->setMsg($this->success, UI_MSG_ERROR); } $this->resultPath = $this->errorPath; return $AppUI; } if ($this->success) { $AppUI->setMsg($this->prefix . ' ' . $action, UI_MSG_OK, true); $this->resultPath = $this->successPath; } else { $this->resultPath = $this->accessDeniedPath; } return $AppUI; }
public static function renderColumn(CAppUI $AppUI, $fieldName, $row) { switch ($fieldName) { case 'project_creator': case 'project_owner': $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">'; $s .= w2PgetUsernameFromID($row[$fieldName]); $s .= '</td>'; break; case 'project_target_budget': case 'project_actual_budget': $s .= '<td>'; $s .= $w2Pconfig['currency_symbol']; $s .= formatCurrency($row[$fieldName], $AppUI->getPref('CURRENCYFORM')); $s .= '</td>'; break; case 'project_url': case 'project_demo_url': $s .= '<td>'; $s .= w2p_url($row[$fieldName]); $s .= '</td>'; break; case 'project_start_date': case 'project_end_date': $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $myDate = intval($row[$fieldName]) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row[$fieldName]) : null; $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" class="center">' . ($myDate ? $myDate->format($df) : '-') . '</td>'; break; default: $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" class="center">'; $s .= htmlspecialchars($row[$fieldName], ENT_QUOTES); $s .= '</td>'; } return $s; }
public function remove(CAppUI $AppUI = null) { global $AppUI; $q = new w2p_Database_Query(); $q->dropTable('history'); $q->exec(); $perms = $AppUI->acl(); return $perms->unregisterModule('history'); }
public function delete(CAppUI $AppUI) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $this->_error = array(); if ($perms->checkModuleItem('resources', 'delete', $this->resource_id)) { if ($msg = parent::delete()) { return $msg; } return true; } return false; }
/** * Check anti-CSRF protection */ static function checkProtection() { if (!CAppUI::conf("csrf_protection") || strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST') { return; } if (!isset($_POST["csrf"])) { CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-no_token", UI_MSG_ERROR); return; } if (array_key_exists($_POST['csrf'], $_SESSION["tokens"])) { $token = $_SESSION['tokens'][$_POST['csrf']]; if ($token["lifetime"] >= time()) { foreach ($token["fields"] as $_field => $_value) { if (CValue::read($_POST, $_field) != $_value) { CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-form_corrupted", UI_MSG_ERROR); unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$_POST['csrf']]); return; } } //mbTrace("Le jeton est accepté !"); unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$_POST['csrf']]); } else { CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-token_outdated", UI_MSG_ERROR); unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$_POST['csrf']]); } return; } CAppUI::setMsg("CCSRF-token_does_not_exist", UI_MSG_ERROR); return; }
/** * @see parent::__construct */ function __construct() { $this->evenement = "evt_serveurintervention"; $this->acquittement = "acquittementsServeurActes"; $version = str_replace(".", "", CAppUI::conf("hprimxml {$this->evenement} version")); parent::__construct("serveurActivitePmsi_v{$version}", "msgAcquittementsServeurActes{$version}"); }
static function mine($parent_class) { $classes = CApp::getChildClasses($parent_class); $limit = CAppUI::conf("dataminer_limit"); foreach ($classes as $_class) { $miner = new $_class(); $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "mine"); $dt = CMbDT::dateTime(); echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Success mining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n"; if (!$report["failure"]) { echo "<{$dt}> Miner: {$_class}. Failure mining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n"; } $miner = new $_class(); $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "remine"); $dt = CMbDT::dateTime(); echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Success remining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n"; if (!$report["failure"]) { echo "<{$dt}> Reminer: {$_class}. Failure remining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n"; } $miner = new $_class(); $report = $miner->mineSome($limit, "postmine"); $dt = CMbDT::dateTime(); echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Success postmining count is '" . $report["success"] . "'\n"; if (!$report["failure"]) { echo "<{$dt}> Postminer: {$_class}. Failure postmining counts is '" . $report["failure"] . "'\n"; } } }
/** * @see parent::onAfterStore() */ function onAfterStore(CMbObject $mbObject) { if (!$this->isHandled($mbObject)) { return false; } /** @var CConsultation $consultation */ $consultation = $mbObject; $praticien = $consultation->loadRefPraticien(); if (!$praticien || $praticien && !$praticien->_id) { return false; } $function = $praticien->loadRefFunction(); if (!$function || $function && !$function->_id) { return false; } $functions = CAppUI::conf("ihe RAD-3 function_ids"); $functions = explode("|", $functions); if (!in_array($function->_id, $functions)) { return false; } $code = "O01"; if (!$this->isMessageSupported($this->transaction, $this->message, $code, $consultation->_receiver)) { return false; } $this->sendITI($this->profil, $this->transaction, $this->message, $code, $consultation); return true; }
/** * logSejourAccess * * @param CSejour $sejour * * @return bool has the access been logged */ static function logForSejour($sejour) { $group = $sejour->loadRefEtablissement(); if (!CAppUI::conf("admin CLogAccessMedicalData enable_log_access", $group) || !$sejour->_id) { return false; } $user = CMediusers::get(); $conf = CAppUI::conf("admin CLogAccessMedicalData round_datetime", $group); $datetime = CMbDT::dateTime(); switch ($conf) { case '1m': // minute $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:00"); break; case '10m': // 10 minutes $minute = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%M"); $minute = str_pad(floor($minute / 10) * 10, 2, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT); $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:{$minute}:00"); break; case '1d': // 1 day $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d 00:00:00"); break; default: // 1 hour $datetime = CMbDT::format($datetime, "%y-%m-%d %H:00:00"); break; } return self::logintoDb($user->_id, $sejour->_class, $sejour->_id, $datetime, $group->_id); }
/** * @see parent::generateEnteteMessageAcquittement() */ function generateEnteteMessageAcquittement($statut, $codes = null, $commentaires = null) { $echg_hprim = $this->_ref_echange_hprim; $identifiant = $echg_hprim->_id ? str_pad($echg_hprim->_id, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : "ES{$this->now}"; $acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi = $this->addElement($this, $this->acquittement, null, "http://www.hprim.org/hprimXML"); $this->addAttribute($acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi, "version", CAppUI::conf("hprimxml {$this->evenement} version")); $enteteMessageAcquittement = $this->addElement($acquittementsServeurActivitePmsi, "enteteMessage"); $this->addAttribute($enteteMessageAcquittement, "statut", $statut); $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "identifiantMessage", $identifiant); $this->addDateTimeElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "dateHeureProduction"); $emetteur = $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "emetteur"); $agents = $this->addElement($emetteur, "agents"); $this->addAgent($agents, "application", "MediBoard", "Gestion des Etablissements de Santé"); $group = CGroups::loadCurrent(); $group->loadLastId400(); $this->addAgent($agents, $this->getAttSysteme(), CAppUI::conf('mb_id'), $group->text); $echg_hprim->loadRefsInteropActor(); // Pour un acquittement l'emetteur du message devient destinataire $destinataire = $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "destinataire"); $agents = $this->addElement($destinataire, "agents"); $this->addAgent($agents, "application", $echg_hprim->_ref_sender->nom, $echg_hprim->_ref_sender->libelle); /* @todo Doit-on gérer le système du destinataire ? */ //$this->addAgent($agents, "système", $group->_id, $group->text); $this->addElement($enteteMessageAcquittement, "identifiantMessageAcquitte", $this->_identifiant_acquitte); }
/** * Mediboard class autoloader * * @param string $class Class to be loaded * * @return bool */ function mbAutoload($class) { $file_exists = false; $time = microtime(true); // Entry already in cache if (isset(CApp::$classPaths[$class])) { // The class is known to not be in MB if (CApp::$classPaths[$class] === false) { return false; } // Load it if we can if ($file_exists = file_exists(CApp::$classPaths[$class])) { CApp::$performance["autoloadCount"]++; return include_once CApp::$classPaths[$class]; } } // File moved ? if (!$file_exists) { unset(CApp::$classPaths[$class]); } // CSetup* class if (preg_match('/^CSetup(.+)$/', $class, $matches)) { $dirs = array("modules/{$matches['1']}/setup.php"); } else { $class_file = $class; $suffix = ".class"; // Namespaced class if (strpos($class_file, "\\") !== false) { $namespace = explode("\\", $class_file); // Mediboard class if ($namespace[0] === "Mediboard") { array_shift($namespace); $class_file = implode("/", $namespace); } else { $class_file = "vendor/" . implode("/", $namespace); $suffix = ""; } } $class_file .= $suffix; $dirs = array("classes/{$class_file}.php", "classes/*/{$class_file}.php", "mobile/*/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/*/{$class_file}.php", "modules/*/classes/*/*/{$class_file}.php", "install/classes/{$class_file}.php"); } $rootDir = CAppUI::conf("root_dir"); $class_path = false; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $files = glob("{$rootDir}/{$dir}"); foreach ($files as $filename) { include_once $filename; // The class was found if (class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false)) { $class_path = $filename; break 2; } } } // Class not found, it is not in MB CApp::$classPaths[$class] = $class_path; SHM::put("class-paths", CApp::$classPaths); CApp::$performance["autoload"][$class] = (microtime(true) - $time) * 1000; return $class_path !== false; }
function testFunction(&$object, $function_name, $params = array()) { $str_params = implode(",", $params); $result = $object->{$function_name}($str_params); $log = "<div class=\"message\">" . get_class($object) . "::{$function_name}({$str_params}) -> {$result}</div>" . CAppUI::getMsg(); $this->addLog($log); }
/** * Méthode permettant de tester si le service d'extraction Tika est actif * * @return string */ function loadTikaInfos() { $conf_host = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_host")); $conf_port = trim(CAppUI::conf("search tika_port")); $client = new CHTTPClient("http://{$conf_host}:{$conf_port}/tika"); return $client->get(); }
/** * Store * * @return void */ function doStore() { // keep track of former values for fieldModified below $obj = $this->_obj; $old = $obj->loadOldObject(); if ($msg = $obj->store()) { CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); if ($this->redirectError) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirectError); } } else { // Keep trace for redirections CValue::setSession($this->objectKey, $obj->_id); // Insert new group and function permission if ($obj->fieldModified("function_id") || !$old->_id) { $obj->insFunctionPermission(); $obj->insGroupPermission(); } // Message CAppUI::setMsg($old->_id ? $this->modifyMsg : $this->createMsg, UI_MSG_OK); // Redirection if ($this->redirectStore) { CAppUI::redirect($this->redirectStore); } } }
/** * @see parent::doRedirect() */ function doRedirect() { if (CAppUI::conf("dPsalleOp CActeCCAM codage_strict") || !$this->_old->_id || !$this->_obj->_id) { $this->_ref_object->correctActes(); } parent::doRedirect(); }
/** * The constructor * * @param string $rooturl The URL of the wsdl file * @param string $type The type of exchange * @param array $options An array of options * @param boolean $loggable True if you want to log all the exchanges with the web service * @param string $local_cert Path of the certifacte * @param string $passphrase Pass phrase for the certificate * @param boolean $safe_mode Safe mode * @param boolean $verify_peer Require verification of SSL certificate used * @param string $cafile Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem * * @throws CMbException * * @return CNuSOAPClient */ function __construct($rooturl, $type = null, $options = array(), $loggable = null, $local_cert = null, $passphrase = null, $safe_mode = false, $verify_peer = false, $cafile = null) { $this->wsdl_url = $rooturl; if ($loggable) { $this->loggable = $loggable; } if ($type) { $this->type_echange_soap = $type; } if (!$safe_mode) { if (!($html = file_get_contents($this->wsdl_url))) { $this->soap_client_error = true; throw new CMbException("CSourceSOAP-unable-to-parse-url", $this->wsdl_url); } if (strpos($html, "<?xml") === false) { $this->soap_client_error = true; throw new CMbException("CSourceSOAP-wsdl-invalid"); } } if (array_key_exists("encoding", $options)) { $encoding = $options["encoding"]; $this->soap_defencoding = $encoding; if ($encoding == "UTF-8") { $this->decode_utf8 = false; } } if ($local_cert) { $this->certRequest = array("sslcertfile" => $local_cert); } if ($passphrase) { $this->certRequest = array("passphrase" => $passphrase); } parent::__construct($rooturl, true, false, false, false, false, CAppUI::conf("webservices connection_timeout")); $this->wsdl_url = $rooturl; }
/** * @see parent::getValue() */ function getValue($object, $smarty = null, $params = array()) { if ($object->color) { return "<div style=\"background-color: #{$object->color}; min-width:30px; height:1em; border: solid 1px #afafaf;\"></div>"; } return CAppUI::tr("Undefined"); }
/** * Extract files * * @param string $schemaDir Schema directory * @param string $schemaFile Schema files * @param bool $delOldDir Delete old directory * * @return void */ function extractFiles($schemaDir, $schemaFile, $delOldDir = false) { $baseDir = "modules/hprimxml/xsd"; $destinationDir = "{$baseDir}/{$schemaDir}"; $archivePath = "{$baseDir}/{$schemaFile}"; if ($delOldDir && file_exists($destinationDir)) { if (CMbPath::remove($destinationDir)) { echo "<div class='info'>Suppression de {$destinationDir}</div>"; } else { echo "<div class='error'>Impossible de supprimer le dossier {$destinationDir}</div>"; return; } } if (false != ($nbFiles = CMbPath::extract($archivePath, $destinationDir))) { echo "<div class='info'>Extraction de {$nbFiles} fichiers pour {$schemaDir}</div>"; } else { echo "<div class='error'>Impossible d'extraire l'archive {$schemaFile}</div>"; return; } if (CAppUI::conf("hprimxml concatenate_xsd")) { $rootFiles = glob("{$destinationDir}/msg*.xsd"); $includeFiles = array_diff(glob("{$destinationDir}/*.xsd"), $rootFiles); foreach ($rootFiles as $rootFile) { $xsd = new CHPrimXMLSchema(); $xsd->loadXML(file_get_contents($rootFile)); $xpath = new DOMXPath($xsd); $importFiles = array(); foreach ($includeFiles as $includeFile) { $include = new DOMDOcument(); $include->loadXML(file_get_contents($includeFile)); $isImport = false; foreach ($importFiles as $key => $value) { if (strpos($includeFile, $key) !== false) { $isImport = true; break; } } foreach ($include->documentElement->childNodes as $child) { $impNode = $xsd->importNode($child, true); $existing = false; if (in_array($impNode->nodeName, array("xsd:simpleType", "xsd:complexType"))) { $name = $impNode->getAttribute('name'); $existing = $xpath->query("//{$impNode->nodeName}[@name='{$name}']")->length > 0; } if ($isImport) { $xsd->documentElement->setAttribute("xmlns:insee", "http://www.hprim.org/inseeXML"); } if (!$existing) { $xsd->documentElement->appendChild($impNode); } } } $xsd->purgeImportedNamespaces(); $xsd->purgeIncludes(); file_put_contents(substr($rootFile, 0, -4) . ".xml", $xsd->saveXML()); echo "<div class='info'>Schéma concatené</div>"; } } }
/** * Magic method (do not call directly). * @param string $name method name * @param array $args arguments * * @return mixed * * @throws Exception * @throws CMbException */ function __call($name, $args) { $name = strtolower($name); $silent = strncmp($name, 'try', 3) === 0; $function_name = $silent ? substr($name, 3) : $name; $function_name = '_' . (isset(self::$aliases[$function_name]) ? self::$aliases[$function_name] : $function_name); if (!method_exists($this, $function_name)) { throw new CMbException("CSourceFTP-call-undefined-method", $name); } if ($function_name == "_init") { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args); } if (!$this->loggable) { try { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args); } catch (CMbException $fault) { throw $fault; } } $echange_ftp = new CExchangeFTP(); $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime(); $echange_ftp->emetteur = CAppUI::conf("mb_id"); $echange_ftp->destinataire = $this->hostname; $echange_ftp->function_name = $name; CApp::$chrono->stop(); $chrono = new Chronometer(); $chrono->start(); $output = null; try { $output = call_user_func_array(array($this, $function_name), $args); } catch (CMbException $fault) { $echange_ftp->date_echange = CMbDT::dateTime(); $echange_ftp->output = $fault->getMessage(); $echange_ftp->ftp_fault = 1; $echange_ftp->store(); CApp::$chrono->start(); throw $fault; } $chrono->stop(); CApp::$chrono->start(); // response time $echange_ftp->response_time = $chrono->total; // Truncate input and output before storing $args = array_map_recursive(array("CFTP", "truncate"), $args); $echange_ftp->input = serialize($args); if ($echange_ftp->ftp_fault != 1) { if ($function_name == "_getlistfiles") { // Truncate le tableau des fichiers reçus dans le cas où c'est > 100 $array_count = count($output); if ($array_count > 100) { $output = array_slice($output, 0, 100); $output["count"] = "{$array_count} files"; } } $echange_ftp->output = serialize(array_map_recursive(array("CFTP", "truncate"), $output)); } $echange_ftp->store(); return $output; }
/** * CMbSemaphore Constructor * * @param string $key semaphore identifier */ function __construct($key) { $this->path = CAppUI::conf("root_dir") . "/tmp/locks"; CMbPath::forceDir($this->path); $this->process = getmypid(); $prefix = CApp::getAppIdentifier(); $this->key = "{$prefix}-sem-{$key}"; }
/** * @see parent::updateFormFields() **/ function updateFormFields() { parent::updateFormFields(); $this->_view = sprintf("FA%08d", $this->_id); if (CAppUI::conf("ref_pays") == 2) { $this->_view .= " /{$this->numero}"; } }
/** * Initialize object specification * * @return CMbObjectSpec the spec */ function getSpec() { $spec = parent::getSpec(); $spec->table = 'destinataire_hprim'; $spec->key = 'dest_hprim_id'; $spec->messages = array("patients" => array("evenementPatient"), "pmsi" => array(CAppUI::conf("hprimxml send_diagnostic") == "evt_serveuretatspatient" ? "evenementServeurEtatsPatient" : "evenementPMSI", "evenementServeurActe", "evenementFraisDivers", "evenementServeurIntervention"), "stock" => array("evenementMvtStocks")); return $spec; }
function updateFormFields() { parent::updateFormFields(); $this->_self_sender = $this->emetteur == CAppUI::conf('mb_id'); $this->_self_receiver = $this->destinataire == CAppUI::conf('mb_id'); // ms $this->response_time = $this->response_time * 1000; }
public function stepAjax($type = UI_MSG_WARNING) { $args = func_get_args(); $msg = CAppUI::tr($this->getMessage(), array_slice($args, 1)); CAppUI::$localize = false; CAppUI::stepAjax($msg, $type); CAppUI::$localize = true; }
/** * Try and store trigger mark according to module config * * @param CTriggerMark $mark Mark content * * @return void */ static function storeMark($mark) { if (CAppUI::conf("dPsante400 mark_row")) { if ($msg = $mark->store()) { trigger_error("Enable to store CTriggerMark: {$msg}", E_USER_WARNING); } } }
/** * @see parent::__construct() */ function __construct($key, $label = null) { parent::__construct($key, $label); $this->path = CAppUI::conf("root_dir") . "/tmp/locks"; $this->process = getmypid(); $this->filename = "{$this->path}/" . $this->getLockKey(); CMbPath::forceDir(dirname($this->filename)); }