/** * The authenticate action has to be triggered through an HTTP POST Request, only if the user agent * comes directly from the index (login form) action. * * @param string $username The username provided through the login form. * @param string $password The password provided through the login form. * @param string $ref The action where the user-agent has to be redirect if the authentication process is a success. */ public function authenticate($username, $password, $ref, $openid) { if (!empty($openid)) { $oid = new Openid(); $oid->try_auth($openid); exit; } Auth::login($username, $password); if (Auth::isAuth()) { // Authentication process succeeded. // We log the connection if necessary. // FIXME Use a real log library to log messages. if (LOGS_USERS) { $this->logConnection(); } // Redirection in the portal. DefaultFC::redirection($ref); exit; } else { # log user to the anonymous account //$_SESSION['isError'] = true; //$_SESSION['message'] = __("Wrong login or password. Please try again."); Auth::login('anonymous', 'anonymous'); DefaultFC::redirection('wall/index'); DefaultFC::redirection('users/index'); exit; } }
/** * The index action is the default action of this Wall Module. It prepares the widget * wall of the user and render the view according to its preferences. * * If the current user is not authenticated, it will be redirected to the users/index * action that will allows you to acces the login form of the application. * */ public function index($continuePurchase = false, $langage = null, $forcebrowser = false) { # Try to force users to use firefox // if(isset($_SESSION['forcebrowser']) && $_SESSION['forcebrowser'] == true){ // $forcebrowser = true; // } // if(!ereg("Firefox/",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !$forcebrowser){ // require(DefaultFC::getView('compatibility.tpl')); // die(); // }else{ // $_SESSION['forcebrowser'] = true; // } if (Auth::isAuth()) { // Determine if the 'category widget' is installed. if (Widgets::isInstalled('categoryList')) { $widgetCategory = array('id' => 'categoryList', 'name' => 'Widget Categories'); } // Determine if the 'tag cloud widget' is installed. if (Widgets::isInstalled('tagCloud')) { $widgetCloud = array('id' => 'tagCloud', 'name' => 'Widget Tag Cloud'); } // Determine if the view must allow the user to manage widgets. $widgetManagement = false; if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()) { $widgetManagement = true; } // Determine if the view must show the list of installed widgets or // a link to the PALETTE Service Browser. $useServiceBrowser = USE_SERVICE_BROWSER; $serviceBrowserURI = USE_SERVICE_BROWSER ? SERVICE_BROWSER_URI . 'index.php/Services/Widgets?num=1' : null; require DefaultFC::getView('index.tpl'); } else { DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=wall'); } }
/** * Affiche la page par défaut du site * @see BaseController::index() */ public function index() { $this->loadView("main/vHeader",array("infoUser"=>Auth::getInfoUser())); $message = null; if (isset($_SESSION['logStatus'])){ switch ($_SESSION['logStatus']) { case 'fail': $message=new DisplayedMessage("ERREUR : Couple identifiant/mot de passe inconnu.", "danger"); break; case 'disconnected': $message=new DisplayedMessage("Vous avez été correctement déconnecté. <b>Au revoir...</b>", "success"); break; case 'success': $message=new DisplayedMessage("Bienvenue ".Auth::getUser()->getLogin().".", "success"); break; default: $message = null; break; } $_SESSION['logStatus'] = null; } if(Auth::isAuth()){ $notifs = DAO::getAll("Notification", "idUser = "******"main/vDefault", array("notifs" => $notifs, "message" => $message)); }else{ $this->loadView("main/vLogin"); } $this->loadView("main/vFooter"); }
function index() { if (Auth::isAuth() == false) { View::make('auth/login.php'); } else { View::make('auth/logout.php'); } }
/** * Affiche la page par défaut du site * @see BaseController::index() */ public function index() { if (Auth::isAuth()) { $this->loadView("main/vHeader", array("infoUser" => Auth::getInfoUser())); $this->loadView("main/vFooter"); $this->loadView("main/vDefault"); Jquery::getOn("click", ".btAjax", "sample/ajaxSample", "#response"); echo Jquery::compile(); } else { $this->loadView("main/vHeader", array("infoUser" => Auth::getInfoUser())); $this->loadView("main/frm_log"); $this->loadView("main/vFooter"); Jquery::getOn("click", ".btAjax", "sample/ajaxSample", "#response"); echo Jquery::compile(); } }
public function subscribe() { $keys = array_keys($_GET); $widgetId = $keys[0]; if (!isset($widgetId)) { throw new BadArgumentException(MwwException::CONTROLLER, 'You must provide a widget identifier to subscribe to a widget.'); } if (!Auth::isAuth()) { // forward to the login script. DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=subscribe'); exit; } // No failure for authentication and parameters. We just carry on ! UserInterface::subscribe(Auth::getUserId(), $widgetId); DefaultFC::redirection('wall/index'); }
private static function over() { //ak niesom prihlaseny tak ma prihlas if (!Auth::isAuth()) { Viewer::addMessage("Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíš byť prihlásený/á !", Viewer::ERROR); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::LOGIN); return False; } //zistim si cislo pozadovaneho testu $testid = 0; if (isset($_GET['testid'])) { $testid = intval($_GET['testid']); } //overim ci exituje taky test pre mna $query = DB::query('SELECT * from `ucitelia` LEFT JOIN `tests` ON ucitelia.ucitelid=tests.ucitel LEFT JOIN `predmety` ON predmety.predmetid=tests.predmetid WHERE `trieda`=' . Auth::$userData['trieda']['id'] . " AND `testid`=" . $testid); //ak nie if ($query->num_rows == 0) { //idem s5 na zoznam testov Viewer::addMessage("Takýto dotazník neexistuje alebo naň nemáš právo!", Viewer::ERROR); TestList::init(); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::TEST_LIST); return False; } //ulozim si udaje o teste self::$testData = $query->fetch_array(); //zistim si groupid testu Utils::log(print_r(self::$testData, true)); $groupid = self::$testData['groupid']; //overim ci tento test neije vyplneny //ak grupy //$queryans = DB::query('SELECT * from `answered` WHERE `groupid`='.$groupid." AND `userid`=".Auth::$userData['id']['id']); $queryans = DB::query('SELECT * from `answered` WHERE `testid`=' . $testid . " AND `userid`=" . Auth::$userData['id']['id']); if ($queryans->num_rows != 0) { Viewer::addMessage("Tento dotazník si už vyplnil/a!", Viewer::ERROR); TestList::init(); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::TEST_LIST); return False; } return True; }
public static function init() { if (self::$initialized == True) { return; } self::$initialized = True; //ak niesom prihlaseny tak ma hod na login if (!Auth::isAuth()) { Viewer::addMessage("Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíš byť prihlásený/á !", Viewer::ERROR); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::LOGIN); return; } //ak nie som admin (ale som prihlaseny), tak ma hod na TestList /* if(!Auth::isAdmin()) { Viewer::addMessage("Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíš byť adminstrátor !", Viewer::ERROR); TestList::init(); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::TEST_LIST); return; } */ //vytiahnem predmety $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `predmety` ORDER BY nazov"); while ($row = $query->fetch_array()) { self::$predmety[] = $row; } //vytiahnem triedy $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `triedy` WHERE blocked=0 ORDER BY id"); while ($row = $query->fetch_array()) { self::$triedy[] = $row; self::$triedy_predmety[$row['name']] = array(); } //vytiahnem ucitelov $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `ucitelia`"); while ($row = $query->fetch_array()) { self::$ucitelia[] = $row; } //vytiahnem vsetky testy $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM tests\n JOIN ucitelia ON ucitelia.ucitelid=tests.ucitel\n JOIN triedy ON triedy.id=tests.trieda\n JOIN predmety ON predmety.predmetid=tests.predmetid\n WHERE blocked=0 AND removed=0"); while ($row = $query->fetch_array()) { self::$triedy_predmety[$row['name']][] = $row; } }
/** * This action is triggered through a POST HTTP Request in order to modifiy * the name of an existing category. * * @param integer $categoryId The numeric identifier of the category the user wants to modify the name. * @param string $catregoryName The new name of the category the user wants to modify the name. */ public function edit($categoryId, $categoryName) { // Security check. if (!Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod())) { DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=admin'); } try { Categories::modify($categoryId, $categoryName); // Ok no exception thrown ! $_SESSION['isError'] = false; $_SESSION['message'] = sprintf(__("The category '%s' has been successfuly updated."), $categoryName); DefaultFC::redirection('adminCategories/index'); } catch (CategoryException $e) { // An error occured. Normally, the category name already exists. $_SESSION['isError'] = true; if ($e->getCode() == CategoryException::ALREADY_EXISTS) { $_SESSION['message'] = sprintf(__("The category '%s' already exists."), $categoryName); } else { $_SESSION['message'] = __("Please provide a category name."); } DefaultFC::redirection('adminCategories/index'); } }
"mails"=>[ "smtp"=> "smtp.gmail.com", "smtpAuth" => true, "username"=> "*****@*****.**", "password"=> "GmailPassword", "port" => 587, "secure"=>"tls" ], "cookies"=>[ "user"=>[ "lifetime"=>time()+60*60*24*7 ] ], "test"=>false, "onStartup"=>function($action){ if(!Auth::isAuth() && $action[0]!=="UserAuth" && @$action[1]!=="disconnect"){ if(array_key_exists("autoConnect", $_COOKIE)){ $_SESSION["action"]=$action; $ctrl=new UserAuth(); $ctrl->initialize(); $ctrl->signin_with_hybridauth(array($_COOKIE["autoConnect"])); $ctrl->finalize(); die(); }else if(array_key_exists("user", $_COOKIE)){ $user = DAO::getOne("User", $_COOKIE['user']); $_SESSION["user"] = $user; $_SESSION['KCFINDER'] = array( 'disabled' => true ); $_SESSION['logStatus'] = 'success'; }
*/ ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); error_reporting(E_ALL); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $linkid = $_GET['id']; } else { $linkid = 0; } require __DIR__ . '/../functions/auth.php'; require __DIR__ . '/../functions/Link.php'; require __DIR__ . '/ip2locationlite.class.php'; //LOAD THE CLASS $ipLite = new ip2location_lite(); $ipLite->setKey('ae923f3e42d55c11ae0d9b6dcdba688847e96da84503d36b78f5deca0a47b0e6'); $auth = new Auth(); if ($auth->isAuth()) { $link = new Link(); $iplinks = $link->getDownList($linkid); foreach ($iplinks as &$iplink) { $location = $ipLite->getCity(long2ip($iplink['ip'])); $error = $ipLite->getError(); $iplink['error'] = $error; $iplink['location'] = $location; $iplink['ip'] = long2ip($iplink['ip']); //array(11) { // ["statusCode"]=> string(2) "OK" // ["statusMessage"]=> string(0) "" // ["ipAddress"]=> string(14) "" // ["countryCode"]=> string(2) "RU" // ["countryName"]=> string(18) "Russian Federation" // ["regionName"]=> string(10) "Sverdlovsk"
public function i18n($messages) { if (!Auth::isAuth()) { throw new ServiceException(MwwException::ACTION, 'I18N', ServiceException::SERV_AUTH); } $translations = array(); $messages = json_decode(html_entity_decode($messages, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); foreach ($messages as $msg) { $translations[] = array('original' => $msg, 'translated' => __($msg)); } echo json_encode($translations); }
public static function run() { if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { $mode = $_GET['mode']; } else { $mode = ""; } $request = True; //najskôr vyriadime požiadavku if ($mode == self::MODE_LOGIN && isset($_POST['password'])) { Auth::login($_POST['password']); } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_SUBMIT_TEST) { if (Auth::isAuth()) { Test::submit(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_LOGOUT) { if (Auth::isAuth()) { Auth::logout(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_DEL_PREDMET) { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { Admin::delPredmet(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_ADD_CLASS) { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { Admin::addClass(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_DEL_CLASS) { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { Admin::delClass(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } else { if ($mode == self::MODE_ADD_PREDMET) { if (Auth::isAuth()) { Admin::addPredmet(); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Na túto akciu nemáš prístup !", Viewer::ERROR); } } } } } } } } //a idem spracovť stránku //ak som prihlásený a chcem sa znova prihlásiť tak mi to nepojde if (self::$page == self::LOGIN && Auth::isAuth()) { Viewer::setPage(self::TEST_LIST); } if (self::$page == self::TEST_LIST) { TestList::init(); } else { if (self::$page == self::TEST) { Test::init(); } else { if (self::$page == self::STATS) { Stats::init(); } else { if (self::$page == self::ADMIN) { Admin::init(); } } } } }
public static function init() { if (self::$initialized == True) { return; } self::$initialized = True; //ak niesom prihlaseny tak ma hod na login if (!Auth::isAuth()) { Viewer::addMessage("Na zobrazenie tejto stránky musíš byť prihlásený/á !", Viewer::ERROR); Viewer::setPage(Viewer::LOGIN); return; } //nacitam z DB vsetky dotazniky ktore su pre mna $query = DB::query('SELECT * from `ucitelia` LEFT JOIN `tests` ON ucitelia.ucitelid=tests.ucitel LEFT JOIN `predmety` ON predmety.predmetid=tests.predmetid WHERE `trieda`=' . Auth::$userData['trieda']['id']); //ak ich je 0 //if($query->num_rows==0) // Viewer::addMessage("Prepáč, ale teraz niesu pre teba k dispozícii žiadne dotazníky !",Viewer::ERROR); //ulozim si ich while ($query->num_rows > 0 && ($row = $query->fetch_array())) { self::$allTests[] = $row; } //tuto treba odfiltrovat zodpovedane testy //nacitam ich zoznam z DB $query = DB::query("SELECT * from `answered` where `userid`=" . Auth::$userData['id']['id']); $answered = array(); while ($query->num_rows > 0 && ($row = $query->fetch_array())) { $answered[] = $row; } //oznacim zodpovedane foreach (self::$allTests as &$test) { if (isset($test['answered'])) { continue; } $found = False; foreach ($answered as $answer) { if ($answer['testid'] == $test['testid']) { $found = True; } } // ak je zodpovedany, zodpovedane su aj vsetky s rovnakym groupid if ($found) { foreach (self::$allTests as &$test2) { //zapnutie skupin - prepisanie testid na groupid if (strcmp($test['testid'], $test2['testid']) == 0) { $test2['answered'] = True; } } } else { $test['answered'] = False; } } //Utils::log(print_r(self::$allTests,true)); //skontrolujeme kolko dotaznikov este zostava $counter = 0; foreach (self::$allTests as &$test) { if ($test['answered'] == False) { $counter++; } } if ($counter == 0 && count(self::$allTests) > 0) { Viewer::addMessage("Ďakujeme za vyplnenie všetkých dotazníkov !", Viewer::OK); } else { Viewer::addMessage("Ešte ti zostáva " . $counter . " dotazníkov.", Viewer::WARNING); } //Utils::log(print_r(self::$allTests,true)); //Utils::log(print_r(self::$allTests,true)); }
public static function anonymousUserToRegisteredUser($anonymous_username, $username, $password, $confirm_password) { $username_alreadyExist = self::getUserIdByLogin($username) !== null; # TODO: Check user password here to display message for end user if (!$username_alreadyExist && $password == $confirm_password) { $db = DbUtil::accessFactory(); $anonymousId = self::getUserIdByLogin($anonymous_username); if ($anonymousId !== null) { $password = md5($password); if ($db->execute("UPDATE `portal`.`users` SET `username` = '{$username}', `is_anonymous` = 0, `password` = '{$password}' WHERE `users`.`id` = {$anonymousId};")) { if (Auth::isAuth()) { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; //$_SESSION['userid'] = self::getUserIdByLogin($username); # Remove this Is the same... } return true; } else { throw new DBException(MwwException::MODEL, 'Unable to create (Transform) user'); } } } return false; }
public function deleteAction($userId) { if (Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod())) { UsersManagement::deleteUser($userId); $_SESSION['isError'] = false; $_SESSION['message'] = __('The user has been successfuly removed from the portal.'); DefaultFC::redirection('adminUsers/index'); } else { redirect('users/index'); } }
public function view($id = NULL) { if (Auth::isAuth()) { $message = $this->getInstance($id); $this->loadView("message/viewMessage", array("message" => $message)); } }
public function isValid() { return Auth::isAuth(); }
public function finish_auth() { $always_trust = false; if (isset($_GET['pal_trust'])) { $always_trust = true; // we hide this parameter from the openid library unset($_GET['pal_trust']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = str_replace('&pal_trust=true', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $db = DbUtil::accessFactory(); $store = new WMySqlStore($db); $store->createTables(); $consumer =& new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store); $url = HttpRequest::getPathUrl(); $nb = strlen($url); $base_url = ''; if ($nb == 0 || $url[$nb - 1] != "/") { $base_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url . "/"; } else { $base_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url; } $return_url = $base_url . 'index.php/openid/finish_auth'; // Complete the authentication process using the server's // response. $response = $consumer->complete($return_url); $success = false; // Check the response status. if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL) { // This means the authentication was cancelled. $msg = __('Verification cancelled.'); } else { if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE) { // Authentication failed; display the error message. $msg = __("OpenID authentication failed: ") . $response->message; } else { if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) { $success = true; // This means the authentication succeeded; extract the // identity URL and Simple Registration data (if it was // returned). $openid = $response->getDisplayIdentifier(); Auth::loginByOpenid($openid); if (!Auth::isAuth()) { $success = false; $msg = __('Account not found.'); } } } } if ($success) { // for openid sso if (OPENID_SSO_MODE) { if ($always_trust) { setcookie('default_openid', $openid, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12, HttpRequest::getPathUrl()); } } // Authentication process succeeded. // FIXME: log this connection // Redirection in the portal. DefaultFC::redirection('wall/index'); exit; } else { $_SESSION['isError'] = true; $_SESSION['message'] = $msg; DefaultFC::redirection('users/index'); exit; } }
/** * The Delete action of the Admin module should be triggered through an HTTP POST request in order to * uninstall a widget that was installed in the widget repository. * * @param string $widget The identifier of the widget that must uninstalled from the widget repository. */ public function delete($widget) { // Security check. if (!Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod())) { DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=admin'); } // Action Widgets::uninstall($widget); $_SESSION['isError'] = false; $_SESSION['message'] = __("The widget has been deleted successfully."); DefaultFC::redirection('admin/index'); }
*/ require __DIR__ . '/functions/Link.php'; require __DIR__ . '/functions/auth.php'; if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $url = $_GET['url']; } else { $url = 'index.php'; } if (isset($_POST['pass'])) { $password = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['pass'])); } else { $password = ''; } $link = new Link(); $id = $link->getIdByUrl($url); $wrongPass = 0; if ($link->getPass($id)) { if ($link->checkPass($id, $password)) { $golink = $link->getGoLink($url); } else { $golink = "./wrong.php?url={$url}"; $wrongPass = 1; } } else { $golink = $link->getGoLink($url); } $auth = new Auth(); if ($id > 0 && !$auth->isAuth() && !$wrongPass) { $link->addDownload($id); } header('Location: ' . $golink);
<?php session_start(); define('_REQ', TRUE); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); require_once 'defines.php'; require_once _DIR . 'config.php'; require_once _ENGINE . 'db.php'; $Db = new DataBase($_CONF); require_once _ENGINE . 'Auth.class.php'; $Auth = new Auth($Db); if ($_POST['login'] && $_POST['password']) { $Auth->start($_POST['login'], $_POST['password']); } if ($Auth->isAuth()) { $User = $Auth->getUser(); require_once _TEMPLATE . 'admin.php'; } else { require_once _ADMIN . 'auth.php'; }
# "myWiWall" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with "myWiWall"; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/common.php'; # Manage the current language selected $lang = $GLOBALS['lang']; # Not really used because the anonymous account is always used if (Auth::isAuth()) { $lang = Auth::getLanguage(); # Special case to add synchro for changing temporary langue via the top control panel $re = new HttpRequest(); $module = $re->getModule(); $action = $re->getAction(); if ($module == 'wall' && $action == 'index') { $args = $re->getArgs(); if (isset($args['langage'])) { $availableLanguages = Util::getAvailableLanguages(); if ($args['langage'] !== null && in_array($args['langage'], array_keys($availableLanguages))) { $_SESSION['globalLangage'] = $lang = $args['langage']; } } } }
<?php $uAuth = Auth::isAuth(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <base href="<?php echo $config["siteUrl"]?>"> <title>Helpdesk</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/bootstrap-clockpicker.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/bootstrap-clockpicker.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="icon" href="assets/img/helpdesk.png"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/styles.css"> </head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <body> <?php if($uAuth): ?> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-inverse" id="mainNav"> <div class="container"> <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display --> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#mainNav"> <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span>