public function action_create_account() { if (\Input::post()) { $user = \Input::post(); $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('fullname', 'fullname', 'required'); $val->add_field('username', 'username', 'required'); $val->add_field('password', 'password', 'required|min_length[3]|max_length[10]'); $val->add_field('email', 'email', 'required|valid_email'); if ($val->run()) { try { \Auth::create_user($user['username'], $user['password'], $user['email'], 1, array('fullname' => $user['fullname'])); } catch (\SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { \Session::set_flash('error', 'An account with this email address already exist'); \Response::redirect('auth'); } \Session::set_flash('success', 'The account has been successfully created'); \Response::redirect('/'); } else { // repopulate the username field and give some error text back to the view. $data['fullname'] = $user['fullname']; $data['username'] = $user['username']; $data['email'] = $user['email']; \Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $data['actions'] = ['back' => ['label' => 'Back', 'url' => 'auth']]; $this->template->title = "Create an account"; $this->template->content = \View::forge('user/create.twig', $data); }
/** * ユーザ登録 * * @access public * @return View */ public function action_regist() { $view = View::forge('admin/regist'); $form = Fieldset::forge(); $form->form()->set_attribute('class', 'form form-horizontal'); $form->add('username', 'ログインID', array('class' => 'form-control'))->add_rule('required')->add_rule('min_length', 3)->add_rule('max_length', 50); $form->add('password', 'パスワード', array('class' => 'form-control'))->add_rule('required')->add_rule('min_length', 3)->add_rule('max_length', 20); $form->add('email', 'Eメール', array('class' => 'form-control'))->add_rule('required')->add_rule('valid_email'); $form->add('submit', '', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => '登録', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary')); if (\Input::post()) { $val = $form->validation(); if ($val->run()) { $result = \Auth::create_user(\Input::post('username'), \Input::post('password'), \Input::post('email'), 1, array()); if ($result) { $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'success', 'content' => '登録に成功しました。')); } else { $form->repopulate(); $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'danger', 'content' => '既に登録済みの情報が使用されています。')); } } else { $form->repopulate(); $view->set_global('errors', $val->error()); } } $form->build('/form/confirm'); $view->set_safe('form', $form); return $view; }
/** * Добавление нового пользователя */ public function action_create() { if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { $val = \Model_User::validate('create'); if ($val->run()) { try { $created = \Auth::create_user(\Input::post('username'), \Input::post('password'), \Input::post('email'), \Config::get('application.user.default_group', 100)); if ($created) { \Session::set_flash('success', e('Добавлен новый пользователь')); \Response::redirect_back('admin/users'); } else { // oops, creating a new user failed? \Session::set_flash('error', e('Не удалось создать пользователя')); } } catch (\SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { // Повтор е-мэил if ($e->getCode() == 2) { \Session::set_flash('error', e('E-Mail существует')); } elseif ($e->getCode() == 3) { \Session::set_flash('error', e('Логин существует')); } else { \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); } } } else { \Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } } $this->template->title = 'Пользователи'; $this->template->content = \View::forge('users/create'); }
/** * This method gets ran when a valid method name is not used in the command. * * Usage (from command line): * * php oil r setuptables:index "arguments" * * @return string */ public function index($args = NULL) { echo "\n==========================================="; echo "\nRunning task [Setuptables:Index]"; echo "\n-------------------------------------------\n\n"; /*************************** Put in TASK DETAILS HERE **************************/ // 初期ユーザー定義 $init_users = array(array('name' => 'codex', 'password' => '1234', 'group' => 6)); // データベース接続 \DBUtil::set_connection(null); // {{{ トランケート $truncates = array('', '_permissions', '_metadata', '_user_permissions', '_group_permissions', '_role_permissions'); foreach ($truncates as $truncate) { \DBUtil::truncate_table('users' . $truncate); } // }}} // {{{ 初期ユーザー追加 foreach ($init_users as $init_user) { // ユーザー名 $key = $init_user['name']; // パスワード $password = $init_user['password']; // メールアドレス $email = $key . ''; // グループ $group = $init_user['group']; // 追加 $user = \Auth\Model\Auth_User::forge()->find(\Auth::create_user($key, $password, $email, $group)); // 保存 $user->save(); } // }}} }
public function action_registration() { if ($this->is_logged) { die(json_encode(['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'You olready registered'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); } $lUsername = Input::post('username', null); $lPassword = Input::post('password', null); $lPassword2 = Input::post('password2', null); $lEmail = Input::post('email', null); if (empty($lUsername) || empty($lPassword) || empty($lPassword2) || empty($lEmail)) { $lError = 'Missing params'; } if ($lPassword !== $lPassword2) { $lError = DifferentFunc::translation('passwords_mismatch'); } if (!empty($lError)) { die(json_encode(['status' => 'error', 'message' => $lError], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); } try { Auth::create_user($lUsername, $lPassword, $lEmail, 1, ['role_id' => AuthModule::UR_USER]); Auth::login($lUsername, $lPassword); } catch (Exception $e) { $lError = $e->getMessage(); die(json_encode(['status' => 'error', 'message' => $lError], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); } die(json_encode(['status' => 'ok'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); }
/** * Usage (from command line): * * php oil r user:create email password name * * @return string */ public static function create($email, $password, $name) { try { if (!\Auth::create_user($email, $password, $name)) { throw new \FuelException('Failed to create user.'); } return \Util_Task::output_message('Create site user ' . $name . '.'); } catch (\FuelException $e) { return \Util_Task::output_message(sprintf('createuser error: %s', $e->getMessage()), false); } }
/** * Usage (from command line): * * php oil r admin::createuser username password email group * * @return string */ public static function run($username, $password, $email, $group = 1) { try { if (!\Auth::create_user($username, $password, $email, $group)) { throw new \FuelException('Failed to create user.'); } return 'Create admin user ' . $username . '.'; } catch (\FuelException $e) { return 'admin::createuser error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } }
public static function createUser($data) { $user_id = 0; if (!isset($data['profile_fields'])) { $data['profile_fields'] = []; } try { $user_id = \Auth::create_user($data['username'], $data['password'], $data['email'], $data['group_id'], $data['profile_fields']); } catch (SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { \Log::error('create user error message:' . $e->getMessage() . '; error data:' . json_encode($data)); } return $user_id; }
public function action_index() { //すでにログイン済であればログイン後のページへリダイレクト Auth::check() and Response::redirect('members/top'); //エラーメッセージ用変数初期化 $error = null; //signup成功時のメッセージ $msg = null; //ログイン用のオブジェクト生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); $uname = Input::post('username', null); $pass = Input::post('password', null); if (isset($_POST['login'])) { // login処理 if ($auth->login(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'))) { // ログイン成功時、ログイン後のページへリダイレクト Response::redirect('members/top'); } else { // ログイン失敗時、エラーメッセージ作成 $error = 'loginに失敗しました。ユーザ名かパスワードに誤りがあります'; } } elseif (isset($_POST['signup'])) { // signup処理 $new_uname = $_POST['new_uname']; $new_pass = $_POST['new_pass']; try { $icons = array("default1.jpg", "default2.jpg", "default3.jpg", "default4.jpg"); $count = count($icons); $random = rand(0, $count - 1); Auth::create_user($new_uname, $new_pass, $new_uname . ""); Model_Members_General2::setProfile($new_uname, $icons[$random]); $msg = "signupに成功しました。loginして下さい。"; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($new_uname != null && $new_pass != null) { // signup失敗時、エラーメッセージ作成 $error = "signupに失敗しました。nameは半角英数字のみで、重複できません。"; } else { // signup記入漏れ時、エラーメッセージ作成 $error = "signに失敗しました。入力が不十分です。"; } } } //ビューテンプレートを呼び出し $view = View::forge('loginsignup'); //エラーメッセージをビューにセット $view->set('error', $error); $view->set('msg', $msg); return $view; }
public function action_submit() { if (!Security::check_token()) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } if (Session::get_flash('email')) { $email = Session::get_flash("email"); Auth::create_user($email, Session::get_flash("password"), $email, 1); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email", $email]]]); if ($user != null) { $user->sex = Session::get_flash("sex"); $user->firstname = Session::get_flash("firstname"); $user->middlename = Session::get_flash("middlename"); $user->lastname = Session::get_flash("lastname"); $user->birthday = Session::get_flash("year") . "-" . Session::get_flash("month") . "-" . Session::get_flash("day"); $user->google_account = Session::get_flash("google_account"); $user->need_reservation_email = Session::get_flash("need_reservation_email"); $user->need_news_email = Session::get_flash("need_news_email"); $user->timezone = Session::get_flash("timezone"); $user->place = Session::get_flash("grameen"); $user->grameen_student = Session::get_flash("grameen_student"); $user->nationality = Session::get_flash("nationality"); $user->save(); // send mail $body = View::forge("email/students/signup"); $body->set("name", $user->firstname); $body->set("user", $user); $body->set("ymd", explode("-", $user->birthday)); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($user->email); $sendmail->subject("Welcome Aboard! / Game-BootCamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $documents = Model_Document::query()->where('type', 1)->where('deleted_at', 0)->limit(1)->get_one(); if (count($documents) > 0) { $query = Model_Document::find($documents->id); $sendmail->attach(DOCROOT . '/contents/' . $query->path); } $sendmail->send(); } else { Response::redirect('_404_/?hehe'); } } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('students/signup/finish'); }
public function action_submit() { if (!Security::check_token()) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } if (Session::get_flash('email')) { $email = Session::get_flash("email"); try { Auth::create_user($email, Session::get_flash("password"), $email, 10); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email", $email]]]); if ($user != null) { $user->sex = Session::get_flash("sex"); $user->firstname = Session::get_flash("firstname"); $user->middlename = Session::get_flash("middlename"); $user->lastname = Session::get_flash("lastname"); $user->birthday = Session::get_flash("year") . "-" . Session::get_flash("month") . "-" . Session::get_flash("day"); $user->google_account = Session::get_flash("google_account"); $user->need_reservation_email = Session::get_flash("need_reservation_email"); $user->need_news_email = Session::get_flash("need_news_email"); $user->timezone = Session::get_flash("timezone"); $user->pr = Session::get_flash("pr"); $user->educational_background = Session::get_flash("educational_background"); $user->trial = Session::get_flash("trial"); $user->enchantJS = Session::get_flash("enchantJS"); $user->save(); // send mail $body = View::forge("email/teachers/signup"); $body->set("name", $user->firstname); $body->set("user", $user); $body->set("ymd", explode("-", $user->birthday)); $sendmail = Email::forge("JIS"); $sendmail->from(Config::get("statics.info_email"), Config::get("statics.info_name")); $sendmail->to($user->email); $sendmail->subject("Welcome Aboard! / Game-bootcamp"); $sendmail->html_body(htmlspecialchars_decode($body)); $sendmail->send(); } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } } catch (Exception $e) { Response::redirect('_404_'); } } else { Response::redirect('_404_'); } $this->template->content = View::forge('teachers/signup/finish'); }
public function action_done() { if (!Security::check_token()) { throw new HttpInvalidInputException('正しいルートからアクセスしてください。'); } $val = $this->regist_validation()->add_callable('MyValidationRules'); if (!$val->run()) { $this->template->title = '入力エラー | ReviewBook'; $this->template->content = View::forge('regist_form/form'); $this->template->content->set_safe('html_error', $val->show_errors()); return; } Auth::create_user(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'), Input::post('email')); // Auth::create_user( 'test','test123','*****@*****.**' ); $this->template->title = '登録完了 | ReviewBook'; $this->template->content = View::forge('regist_form/done'); }
public function action_register() { $user_hash = \Session::get('ninjauth.user'); $authentication = \Session::get('ninjauth.authentication'); $full_name = \Input::post('full_name') ?: \Arr::get($user_hash, 'name'); $username = \Input::post('username') ?: \Arr::get($user_hash, 'nickname'); $email = \Input::post('email') ?: \Arr::get($user_hash, 'email'); $password = \Input::post('password'); if ($username and $full_name and $email and $password) { try { $user_id = \Auth::create_user($username, $password, $email, \Config::get('ninjauth.default_group'), array('full_name' => $full_name)); } catch (SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { \Session::set_flash('ninjauth.error', $e->getMessage()); goto display; } if ($user_id) { Model_Authentication::forge(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'provider' => $authentication['provider'], 'uid' => $authentication['uid'], 'access_token' => $authentication['access_token'], 'secret' => $authentication['secret'], 'refresh_token' => $authentication['refresh_token'], 'expires' => $authentication['expires'], 'created_at' => time()))->save(); } \Response::redirect(\Config::get('ninjauth.urls.registered')); } display: $this->response->body = \View::forge('register', array('user' => (object) compact('username', 'full_name', 'email', 'password'))); }
/** * Create tables: users, options, posts, tags, posts_tags */ public function up() { \DBUtil::create_table('users', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'username' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 50), 'password' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'group' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'default' => 1), 'email' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'last_login' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 25), 'login_hash' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'profile_fields' => array('type' => 'text')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('users', 'username', 'unique'); // \DBUtil::create_index('users', 'email', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('options', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'option' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'value' => array('type' => 'text')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('options', 'option', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('posts', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11), 'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'slug' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'body' => array('type' => 'text'), 'created_at' => array('type' => 'datetime'), 'updated_at' => array('type' => 'datetime')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('posts', 'slug', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('tags', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'tag' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'slug' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128)), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('tags', 'tag', 'unique'); // \DBUtil::create_index('tags', 'slug', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('posts_tags', array('post_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11), 'tag_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11))); \Auth::create_user('admin', 'admin', '*****@*****.**', 100); \Option::reset(); \DB::insert('posts')->columns(array('user_id', 'title', 'slug', 'body', 'created_at', 'updated_at'))->values(array(1, 'My first post', 'my-first-post', 'This is my first post. Yiharr!', \Date::forge()->format('mysql'), \Date::forge()->format('mysql')))->execute(); \DB::insert('tags')->columns(array('tag', 'slug'))->values(array('My first tag', 'my-first-tag'))->execute(); \DB::insert('posts_tags')->columns(array('post_id', 'tag_id'))->values(array(1, 1))->execute(); }
public function action_create() { if (Input::method() == 'POST') { if (Input::post('password')) { $val = Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('email', 'Email address', 'valid_email')->set_error_message('valid_email', ' Please provide a valid email address.'); $val->add('password', 'Password')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('min_length', 8)->add_rule('max_length', 100)->set_error_message('min_length', ' Password must contain between 8 to 100 characters')->set_error_message('max_length', ' Password must contain between 8 to 100 characters'); if ($val->run()) { /* * Validation passed */ try { /* * Unique serial based off timestamp and rand() * for user saved in EAV table by FuelPHP */ $options = array('new_user' => true, 'subscription' => Input::post('subscription'), 'billing_address', 'billing_address', 'billing_city', 'billing_state', 'billing_zip_code', 'credit_card_number', 'credit_card_csv', 'credit_card_zip_code', 'credit_card_expiration'); if (Input::post('subscription') != 'digital') { $options = array('delivery_address', 'delivery_address', 'delivery_city', 'delivery_state', 'delivery_zip_code'); } // $options = array( // 'subscription' => Input::post('subscription'), // ); $user = \Auth::create_user(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'), Input::post('username'), 1, $options); \Auth::force_login($user); $email = Input::post('username'); \Messages::success("Created account for {$email}"); /* * ( Input::referrer() === $main_login_forms or Input::referrer() === $main_registration_forms ) * FIxes loop problem after redirect */ $main_login_forms = Uri::base(false) . $this->selfReferrerLogin; $main_registration_forms = Uri::base(false) . $this->selfReferrerRegistration; if (Input::referrer() === $main_login_forms or Input::referrer() === $main_registration_forms) { \Response::redirect('backend/account'); } \Response::redirect_back(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); \Response::redirect_back(); } } else { $error = array(); foreach ($val->error() as $field => $error) { \Messages::error($error->get_message()); // The field Title is required and must contain a value. } \Response::redirect_back(); } } else { \Messages::error('Please specify a password.'); \Response::redirect_back(); } } // display the login page $this->template->content = View::forge('user/register'); }
public function action_register() { // create the registration fieldset $form = \Fieldset::forge('registerform'); // add a csrf token to prevent CSRF attacks $form->form()->add_csrf(); // and populate the form with the model properties $form->add_model('Model\\Auth_User'); // add the fullname field, it's a profile property, not a user property $form->add_after('fullname', __('login.form.fullname'), array(), array(), 'username')->add_rule('required'); // add a password confirmation field $form->add_after('confirm', __('login.form.confirm'), array('type' => 'password'), array(), 'password')->add_rule('required'); // make sure the password is required $form->field('password')->add_rule('required'); // and new users are not allowed to select the group they're in (duh!) $form->disable('group_id'); // since it's not on the form, make sure validation doesn't trip on its absence $form->field('group_id')->delete_rule('required')->delete_rule('is_numeric'); // fetch the oauth provider from the session (if present) $provider = \Session::get('auth-strategy.authentication.provider', false); // if we have provider information, create the login fieldset too if ($provider) { // disable the username, it was passed to us by the Oauth strategy $form->field('username')->set_attribute('readonly', true); // create an additional login form so we can link providers to existing accounts $login = \Fieldset::forge('loginform'); $login->form()->add_csrf(); $login->add_model('Model\\Auth_User'); // we only need username and password $login->disable('group_id')->disable('email'); // since they're not on the form, make sure validation doesn't trip on their absence $login->field('group_id')->delete_rule('required')->delete_rule('is_numeric'); $login->field('email')->delete_rule('required')->delete_rule('valid_email'); } // was the registration form posted? if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { // was the login form posted? if ($provider and \Input::post('login')) { // check the credentials. if (\Auth::instance()->login(\Input::param('username'), \Input::param('password'))) { // get the current logged-in user's id list(, $userid) = \Auth::instance()->get_user_id(); // so we can link it to the provider manually $this->link_provider($userid); // logged in, go back where we came from, // or the the user dashboard if we don't know \Response::redirect_back('dashboard'); } else { // login failed, show an error message Log::error(__('login.failure')); } } elseif (\Input::post('register')) { // validate the input $form->validation()->run(); // if validated, create the user if (!$form->validation()->error()) { try { // call Auth to create this user $created = \Auth::create_user($form->validated('username'), $form->validated('password'), $form->validated('email'), \Config::get('application.user.default_group', 1), array('fullname' => $form->validated('fullname'))); // if a user was created succesfully if ($created) { // inform the user // link new user $this->link_provider($created); // and go back to the previous page, or show the // application dashboard if we don't have any \Response::redirect_back('/'); } else { // oops, creating a new user failed? Log::error(__('login.account-creation-failed')); } } catch (\SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { // duplicate email address if ($e->getCode() == 2) { Log::error(__('')); } elseif ($e->getCode() == 3) { Log::error(__('login.username-already-exists')); } else { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } } } } // validation failed, repopulate the form from the posted data $form->repopulate(); } else { // get the auth-strategy data from the session (created by the callback) $user_hash = \Session::get('auth-strategy.user', array()); // populate the registration form with the data from the provider callback $form->populate(array('username' => \Arr::get($user_hash, 'nickname'), 'fullname' => \Arr::get($user_hash, 'name'), 'email' => \Arr::get($user_hash, 'email'))); } $form->add('register', '', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => '1')); $form->add('submit', '', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'submit')); // pass the fieldset to the form, and display the new user registration view return \View::forge('login/registration')->set('form', $form->build(), false)->set('login', isset($login) ? $login : null, false); }
public function action_callback() { // Opauth can throw all kinds of nasty bits, so be prepared try { // get the Opauth object $opauth = \Auth_Opauth::forge(false); // and process the callback $status = $opauth->login_or_register(); // fetch the provider name from the opauth response so we can display a message $provider = $opauth->get('auth.provider', '?'); // deal with the result of the callback process switch ($status) { // a local user was logged-in, the provider has been linked to this user case 'linked': // inform the user the link was succesfully made // and set the redirect url for this status Session::set('success', 'You have connected your ' . $provider . ' account!'); break; // the provider was known and linked, the linked account as logged-in // the provider was known and linked, the linked account as logged-in case 'logged_in': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful // and set the redirect url for this status break; // we don't know this provider login, ask the user to create a local account first // we don't know this provider login, ask the user to create a local account first case 'register': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful, but we need a local account to continue // and set the redirect url for this status switch ($provider) { case 'Twitter': $user_login = $opauth->get('auth.raw.screen_name'); $email = $opauth->get('auth.raw.screen_name') . ''; break; case 'Google': $user_login = str_replace('', '', $opauth->get('')); $email = $opauth->get(''); break; case 'Facebook': $user_login = $opauth->get('auth.raw.username'); $email = $opauth->get('auth.raw.username') . ''; break; } // call Auth to create this user $found_user = Model_User::query()->where('username', $user_login)->or_where('email', $email)->get_one(); if (empty($found_user) === false) { if ($found_user->email == $email) { // FORCE LOGIN AND REGISTER Auth::force_login($found_user->id); } else { // Username already taken Session::set('error', $user_login . ' , Username already taken, please register manually or try a differnt account'); Response::Redirect(Uri::Base()); } } else { $user_id = \Auth::create_user($user_login, md5($opauth->get('auth.credentials.token')), $email, \Config::get('application.user.default_group', 3), array('fullname' => $opauth->get(''))); Controller_Auth::Create_User($opauth, $user_id); } $opauth->login_or_register(); Session::set('success', 'You have connected your ' . $provider . ' account!'); break; // we didn't know this provider login, but enough info was returned to auto-register the user // we didn't know this provider login, but enough info was returned to auto-register the user case 'registered': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful, and we created a local account // and set the redirect url for this status break; default: throw new \FuelException('Auth_Opauth::login_or_register() has come up with a result that we dont know how to handle.'); } // redirect to the url set \Response::redirect(Uri::Base()); } catch (\OpauthException $e) { Session::set('error', ucfirst($e->getMessage()) . '!'); \Response::redirect_back(); } catch (\OpauthCancelException $e) { Session::set('error', 'Something went wrong!'); \Response::redirect_back(); } }
/** * use Auth to create a new user, in case we've received enough information to do so * * @param array array with the raw Opauth response user fields * * @return mixed id of the user record created, or false if the create failed */ protected function create_user(array $user) { $user_id = \Auth::create_user(isset($user['nickname']) ? $user['nickname'] : null, isset($user['password']) ? $user['password'] : \Str::random(), isset($user['email']) ? $user['email'] : null, \Config::get('opauth.default_group', -1), array('fullname' => isset($user['name']) ? $user['name'] : (isset($user['full_name']) ? $user['full_name'] : (isset($user['first_name'], $user['last_name']) ? $user['first_name'] . ' ' . $user['last_name'] : null)))); return $user_id ?: false; }
/** * ユーザ登録 * * @access public * @return View */ public function action_signup() { //認証チェック if (\Auth::check()) { Response::redirect('mypage'); } $view = View::forge('auth/signup'); //フォーム生成 $form = Formparts::signup(); //入力有り if (\Input::post()) { if (!\Security::check_token()) { $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'warning', 'content' => '再読み込みは無効な操作です。')); } else { // if (\Input::post('password') != \Input::post('re-password')) { $form->repopulate(); $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'warning', 'content' => 'パスワードが一致していません。')); } else { $val = $form->validation(); if ($val->run()) { try { $result = \Auth::create_user(\Input::post('username'), \Input::post('password'), \Input::post('email'), 1, array('firstname' => \Input::post('firstname'), 'lastname' => \Input::post('lastname'))); if ($result) { if (\Auth::instance()->login(\Input::post('username'), \Input::post('password'))) { // ログインしマイページに移動 return \Response::redirect('mypage'); } else { $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'danger', 'content' => '予期せぬエラーです。')); } } } catch (\SimpleUserUpdateException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 2: // メールアドレスが重複 $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'warning', 'content' => 'メールアドレスが重複しています。')); break; case 3: // ユーザー名が重複 $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'warning', 'content' => 'ユーザ名が重複しています。')); break; default: // これは起こり得ないが、ずっとそうとは限らない... $view->set_global('massage', array('css' => 'danger', 'content' => '予期せぬエラーです。')); } } } else { $form->repopulate(); $view->set_global('errors', $val->error()); } } } } // $form->build(); $view->set_safe('form', $form); return $view; }
public function action_mailRegist($token = null) { if ($token == null) { return Response::forge("不正なパラメータです。"); } //メール送信済みユーザーからtokenが一致するものを取得 $query = Model_MailUser::query()->where('token', $token); $user = $query->get_one(); if ($user == null) { return Response::forge("不正なパラメータです。"); } $query2 = Model_User::query()->where('username', $user->userName); $count = $query2->count(); if ($count != 0) { $dsc2 = <<<END <BR> 既に登録済みです。 <a href = "/index">トップページに戻る</a>\t\t\t\t END; return Response::forge($dsc2); } //メール送信からの経過時刻 $diffTime = time() - $user->created_at; // return Response::forge($diffTime.'秒経過'); if ($diffTime < REGIST_TIME) { //ユーザー登録成功 Auth::create_user($user->userName, $user->password, $user->email, 3); //3 = user //新規作成したユーザーでログイン if (Auth::validate_user($user->userName, $user->password)) { Auth::login($user->userName, $user->password); $dsc2 = <<<END <BR> ユーザー登録に成功しました。 <a href = "/index">トップページに戻る</a>\t\t\t\t END; $log = new Logging(); $log->writeLog_Info('New user regist.'); return Response::forge($dsc2); } return Response::forge("ユーザー登録に失敗しました。"); } else { $log = new Logging(); $log->writeLog_Info('New user regist time out'); return Response::forge("ユーザー登録制限時間を過ぎました。"); } }
public function action_signup() { // already logged in? if (\Auth::check()) { // yes, so go back to the page the user came from, or the // application home if no previous page can be detected \Response::redirect_back('home'); } // was the login form posted? if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { // Default Group // 3 Users // Moderators // 5 Admins // call Auth to create this user $created = \Auth::create_user(Input::Post('username'), Input::Post('password'), Input::Post('email'), \Config::get('application.user.default_group', 3), array('fullname' => Input::Post('name'))); // if a user was created succesfully if ($created) { \Auth::instance()->login(\Input::param('email'), \Input::param('password')); // and go back to the previous page, or show the // application home if we don't have any \Response::redirect_back('home'); } else { // oops, creating a new user failed? } } $this->template->content = View::forge('login/signup'); }
public function force_login() { if (DBUtil::table_exists('v2_urls')) { if (DB::count_records('urls') < DB::count_records('v2_urls')) { \Controller_Migrate::migrate(); } } if (Input::Method() === 'POST') { // call Auth to create this user $new_user = \Auth::create_user(Input::POST('username'), Input::POST('password'), Input::POST('email'), 5, array('fullname' => Input::POST('name'))); } else { // call Auth to create this user $new_user = \Auth::create_user('meela', 'password', '*****@*****.**', 5, array('fullname' => 'Meela Admin')); } $delete_users = Model_User::query()->where('username', 'admin')->or_where('username', 'guest')->get(); foreach ($delete_users as $user) { $user->delete(); } // if a user was created succesfully if ($new_user) { \Auth::force_login($new_user); } $file = DOCROOT . 'assets/url_stats_countries.csv'; // Insert data into temporary table from file $query = 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "' . $file . '" INTO TABLE url_stats_countries fields terminated by "," enclosed by \'"\' lines terminated by "\\n" (id,start_ip,end_ip,country,created_at,updated_at)'; \DB::query($query)->execute(); Response::Redirect(Uri::Create('admin/settings')); }
public function action_add() { $id = Input::get("id", 0); $user = Model_User::find($id); //add or edit if (Input::post("firstname", null) != null and Security::check_token()) { if ($user == null) { $email = Input::post("email", null); $password = Input::post("password", null); try { Auth::create_user($email, $password, $email, 1); $user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email" => $email]]]); } catch (Exception $e) { $data["error"] = "This email is already in use."; } } else { $email = Input::post("email", null); if ($email != $user->email) { $check_user = Model_User::find("first", ["where" => [["email" => $email]]]); if ($check_user == null) { $user->email = $email; } else { $data["error"] = "This email is already in use."; } } } $config = ["path" => DOCROOT . "assets/img/pictures/", 'randomize' => true, 'auto_rename' => true, 'ext_whitelist' => array('img', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')]; Upload::process($config); if (Upload::is_valid()) { Upload::save(); $saved_result = Upload::get_files(); $file_name = $saved_result[0]['saved_as']; $image = Image::load($config["path"] . $file_name); $image->crop_resize(200, 200)->save($config["path"] . "m_" . $file_name); $image->crop_resize(86, 86)->save($config["path"] . "s_" . $file_name); $user->img_path = $file_name; } else { $error = Upload::get_errors(); } if (!isset($data["error"])) { $user->firstname = Input::post("firstname", ""); $user->middlename = Input::post("middlename", ""); $user->lastname = Input::post("lastname", ""); $user->google_account = Input::post("google_account", ""); $user->sex = Input::post("sex", 0); $user->need_reservation_email = Input::post("need_reservation_email", 1); $user->need_news_email = Input::post("need_news_email", 1); $user->birthday = Input::post("year", 0) . "-" . Input::post("month", 0) . "-" . Input::post("day", 0); $user->timezone = Input::post("timezone", ""); $user->place = Input::post("place", ""); $user->save(); Response::redirect("/admin/students"); } } if ($user == null) { $user = Model_User::forge(); } $data["user"] = $user; $view = View::forge("admin/students/add", $data); $this->template->content = $view; }
public static function run() { \Auth::create_user('hentai', 'hentai', '*****@*****.**', 100); echo 'account = "hentai", password = "******"'; }