public function updateAction() { $id = Auth::getUserId(); $screenname = Request::postParam('screenname', ''); $login = Request::postParam('login', ''); $password = Request::postParam('password', ''); $preferred_language = Request::postParam('preferred-language'); if (trim($screenname) == '' || trim($login) == '') { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST); return; } $user = $this->users->getById($id); if ($user === false) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST); return; } $res = array('action' => 'update', 'loginAlreadyExists' => true, 'accountUpdated' => false); if (!$this->users->loginExists($login, $id)) { $res['loginAlreadyExists'] = false; $properties = array('screenname' => trim($screenname), 'login' => trim($login), 'preferred-language' => $preferred_language); if (trim($password) != '') { $properties['password'] = trim($password); } $updated = $this->users->update($id, $properties); if ($updated !== false) { $res['accountUpdated'] = true; } } $this->success($res); }
public static function saveTabAsXml($title) { //echo Auth::getUserId(); header('Content-Type: application/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=widget_space_' . $title . '.xml'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); $r = WidgetSpace::getManifest(Auth::getUserId(), array($title)); echo $r->saveXML(); }
public function defaultAction() { $users = new Users(); $account = $users->getById(Auth::getUserId()); if ($account === false) { $this->doesNotExist(); return; } $this->view->assign('account', $account); }
static function getUser() { global $_MYSQLI; $user_result = $_MYSQLI->query('SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id = ' . Auth::getUserId()); if ($user_result->num_rows == 0) { header("Location: logout.php"); exit; } return $user_result->fetch_object(); }
private function getUser() { if (isset($_COOKIE['blogAuthId']) && $_COOKIE['blogAuthId'] !== '') { $authId = $_COOKIE['blogAuthId']; $auth = new Auth($authId); $userId = $auth->getUserId(); if (isset($userId) && $userId !== '') { return new User($userId); } } return null; }
public function editAction() { // Die wichtigsten Parameter auslesen $pageId = Request::postParam('pageId'); $name = Request::postParam('name'); $caption = Request::postParam('caption'); $recursive = $this->sanitizeBoolean(Request::postParam('recursive', '0')); // �berpr�fen, ob pageId gesetzt ist if ($pageId === null) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST); return; } // Feststellen, ob sich das ganze auf eine oder mehrere Seiten bezieht if (is_array($pageId)) { $batchEdit = true; $pageIdList = $pageId; } else { $batchEdit = false; $pageIdList = array($pageId); } // ggf. �berpr�fen, ob Name und Titel gesetzt sind if (!$batchEdit) { if ($name === null || $caption === null) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST); return; } } // �berpr�fen, ob die Seite �berhaupt (noch) existiert $elements = array(); foreach ($pageIdList as $id) { $element = $this->pages->getProperties($id); if ($element === false) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST); return; } else { $elements[] = $element; } } // �berpf�fen, ob der eingloggte Benutzer �berhaupt die n�tigen Rechte besitzt if (!$this->helpers->canAccessAllElements($elements, Acl::ACTION_EDIT, $recursive)) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AUHTORIZED); return; } // OnPageTreeBeginBatchEditPageProperties $parameters = array(); $data = null; Plugins::call(Plugins::PAGETREE_BEGIN_BATCH_EDIT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, $parameters, $data); // Standard R�ckgabe-Werte annehmen $res = array('action' => 'edit', 'validName' => false, 'nameAlreadyExists' => true, 'propertiesSaved' => false, 'validAliases' => false, 'aliasAlreadyExists' => true, 'offendingAliasLanguageId' => ''); // Wenn nur eine Seite ge�ndert werden soll, Namen und Titel, etc. �bernehmen if (!$batchEdit) { // ggf. Aliasse �berpr�fen $aliases_are_valid = true; $an_alias_already_exists = false; $offending_alias_language_id = ''; if (Config::get()->allowPageAliases === true) { $languages = Config::get()->languages->list; $postAliases = Request::postParam('alias', array()); foreach ($languages as $language_id => $language) { if (isset($postAliases[$language_id])) { if (trim($postAliases[$language_id]) != '') { if (!$this->pages->isValidName($postAliases[$language_id])) { $aliases_are_valid = false; $offending_alias_language_id = $language_id; break; } } } } if ($aliases_are_valid) { foreach ($languages as $language_id => $language) { if (isset($postAliases[$language_id])) { if (trim($postAliases[$language_id]) != '') { if ($this->pages->pageAliasExistsForLanguage($elements[0]['parent-id'], $postAliases[$language_id], $language_id, $pageId)) { $an_alias_already_exists = true; $offending_alias_language_id = $language_id; break; } } } } } } $res['validAliases'] = $aliases_are_valid; $res['aliasAlreadyExists'] = $an_alias_already_exists; $res['offendingAliasLanguageId'] = $offending_alias_language_id; // Wenn die Aliasse OK sind, dann weitermachen... if ($res['validAliases'] === true && $res['aliasAlreadyExists'] === false) { $name = $this->pages->normalizeName($name); if ($this->pages->isValidName($name)) { // Der Name ist schonmal g�ltig... $res['validName'] = true; if (!$this->pages->nameExists($elements[0]['parent-id'], $name, $pageId)) { // Der Name existiert auch nocht nicht $res['nameAlreadyExists'] = false; // ggf. umbenennen if ($elements[0]['name'] != $name) { if (!$this->pages->rename($pageId, $name)) { $this->error(); return; } } // Titel speichern $this->pages->setCaption($pageId, $caption); // Soll der Template-Typ ge�ndert werden? $new_template_id = Request::postParam('template-id'); if ($new_template_id === 'NULL') { $new_template_id = null; } $old_template_id = $elements[0]['template-id']; if ($new_template_id != $old_template_id) { $this->switchTemplate($pageId, $new_template_id, $elements[0]); } // Wenn die Seite ein Link ist, dann die Link-Eigenschaften �bernehmen if ($new_template_id == null) { $linkTranslated = Request::postParam('link-translated', 0); if ($linkTranslated) { $linkUrl = ''; $translatedLinkUrls = Request::postParam('translated-link-urls'); $this->pages->setTranslatedLinkUrls($pageId, $translatedLinkUrls); } else { $linkUrl = Request::postParam('link-url', ''); $this->pages->deleteTranslatedLinkUrls($pageId); } $link_properties = array('link-translated' => $linkTranslated, 'link-url' => $linkUrl, 'link-new-window' => Request::postParam('link-new-window', 0)); $this->pages->setProperties($pageId, $link_properties); } else { $link_properties = array('link-translated' => 0, 'link-url' => '', 'link-new-window' => 0); $this->pages->setProperties($pageId, $link_properties); $this->pages->deleteTranslatedLinkUrls($pageId); } // Seiten-Aliasse if (Config::get()->allowPageAliases === true) { $aliases = Request::postParam('alias'); $this->pages->setPageAliases($pageId, $aliases); } // Und noch weitere Eigenschaften speichern, die nur f�r eine einzelne Seite ge�ndert werden k�nnen $single_page_properties = array('unique-id' => Request::postParam('unique-id', '')); $this->pages->setProperties($pageId, $single_page_properties); // OnPageTreeEditPageProperties ausl�sen $parameters = array('pageId' => $pageId); $data = null; Plugins::call(Plugins::PAGETREE_EDIT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, $parameters, $data); } } } } else { $res['validName'] = true; $res['nameAlreadyExists'] = false; $res['validAliases'] = true; $res['aliasAlreadyExists'] = false; } if ($res['validName'] == true && $res['nameAlreadyExists'] == false) { // Nun alle Eigenschaften �bernehmen, die ggf. auch f�r mehrere Seiten gespeichert werden k�nnen $properties = array('last-change-date' => time(), 'last-change-user-id' => Auth::getUserId(), 'last-change-user-name' => Auth::getScreenName()); if (Request::postParam('applyVisibility', 0) > 0) { $properties['visibility'] = Request::postParam('visibility', 0); } if (Request::postParam('applyMiscellaneous', 0) > 0) { $properties['active'] = Request::postParam('active', 0); $properties['cachable'] = Request::postParam('cachable', 0); } $this->setPropertiesOfElements($elements, $properties, $recursive); // Sprach-spefizische Sichtbarkeit speichern if (Request::postParam('applyVisibility', 0) > 0) { $languages = Config::get()->languages->list; $visibility = array(); $postVisibility = Request::postParam('visible-in', array()); foreach ($languages as $key => $language) { $visibility[$key] = 0; if (isset($postVisibility[$key])) { if ($postVisibility[$key] == 1) { $visibility[$key] = 1; } } } $this->setVisibilityOfElements($elements, $visibility, $recursive); } // Zugriff-Steuerung if (Request::postParam('applyAcl', 0) > 0) { $this->applyAclSettingsToElements($elements, $recursive); } // Plugins aufrufen $this->callOnPagetreeEditPropetiesPluginsForElements($elements, true); // alles war gut $res['propertiesSaved'] = true; } // Cache l�schen (da �nderung am Seitenbaum, die Navigation erscheint i.d.R. auf allen Seiten) PageCache::invalidateAll(); // OnPageTreeEndBatchEditPageProperties $parameters = array(); $data = null; Plugins::call(Plugins::PAGETREE_END_BATCH_EDIT_PAGE_PROPERTIES, $parameters, $data); // War anscheinend erfolgreich $this->success($res); }
<?php require_once "include/"; require_once "include/auth.class.php"; require_once "include/validation.class.php"; $auth = new Auth(); $user = Auth::getUser(); $error = true; $data = array(); if (Validation::Query($_GET, array("id")) && is_numeric($_GET["id"])) { $questionnaire_result = $_MYSQLI->query('SELECT * FROM questionnaire INNER JOIN user ON user_id = questionnaire_user_id WHERE questionnaire_id = "' . $_MYSQLI->real_escape_string($_GET["id"]) . '" LIMIT 1'); if ($questionnaire_result->num_rows == 1) { $error = false; $questionnaire = $questionnaire_result->fetch_object(); $data["questionnaire"] = $questionnaire; $own = $questionnaire->questionnaire_user_id == Auth::getUserId(); $data["questionnaire"]->own = $own; if (!$own && !($questionnaire->questionnaire_start_date < time() && time() < $questionnaire->questionnaire_end_date)) { $error = true; } } } if ($error) { header("Location: 404.php"); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>
score += sumup - sumdown; // $("#statresult").append(sumup + " - " + sumdown + " = " + (sumup-sumdown) + "<br />"); } if(first) { first=false; $("#statresult").append("<tr><th>Nom</th><th>Note sur "+max_score+" </th><th>Note sur 20</tr></tr>"); $("#statresult").append("<tr id=\"avgtr\"><td><b>Moyenne</b></td><td id=\"avgscore\"></td><td id=\"avgscore20\"></tr></tr>"); } avg += score; mytr = (parseInt(user) == <?php echo Auth::getUserId(); ?> ) ? 'id="mytr"' : ''; $("#statresult").append("<tr "+mytr+"><td>" + data.answers[user].identity + "</td><td>" + parseFloat(score).toFixed(2) + "</td><td>" + parseFloat(score/max_score*20, 2).toFixed(2) + "</tr></tr>"); } if(total > 0) { avg = parseFloat(avg / total); $("#avgscore").text(avg.toFixed(2)) ; $("#avgscore20").text( parseFloat(avg / max_score * 20).toFixed(2) ); $("#mytr").insertAfter("#avgtr");
require_once "../include/"; require_once "../include/"; require_once "../include/auth.class.php"; require_once "../include/ajax.class.php"; require_once "../include/validation.class.php"; $auth = new Auth(); $ajax = new Ajax(); $correspondance = array("same" => 0, "middle" => 1, "zero" => 2, "all" => 3); if ($auth->isLogged()) { if (Validation::Query($_GET, array("questionnaire_id", "rule"))) { $questionnaire_result = $_MYSQLI->query('SELECT * FROM questionnaire WHERE questionnaire_id = "' . $_MYSQLI->real_escape_string($_GET["questionnaire_id"]) . '" LIMIT 1'); if ($questionnaire_result->num_rows == 1) { $questionnaire = $questionnaire_result->fetch_object(); $ajax->data["questionnaire"] = $questionnaire; $ajax->data["questionnaire"]->own = $questionnaire->questionnaire_user_id == Auth::getUserId(); if ($ajax->data["questionnaire"]->own && isset($correspondance[$_GET["rule"]])) { $_MYSQLI->query('UPDATE questionnaire SET questionnaire_notation_rule = ' . $correspondance[$_GET["rule"]] . ' WHERE questionnaire_id = "' . $_MYSQLI->real_escape_string($_GET["questionnaire_id"]) . '"'); } $query = ' SELECT * FROM question q JOIN choice c ON c.choice_question_id = q.question_id LEFT JOIN answer a ON a.answer_choice_id = c.choice_id WHERE question_questionnaire_id = ' . $_MYSQLI->real_escape_string($_GET["questionnaire_id"]) . ' GROUP BY choice_id ORDER BY question_num ASC, question_id ASC '; $ajax->data["questions"] = array(); $questions_result = $_MYSQLI->query($query); while ($question = $questions_result->fetch_object()) { if (!isset($ajax->data["questions"][$question->question_id])) {
$_RULES = array("questionnaire_title" => Validation::$f->notEmpty_String, "questionnaire_description" => Validation::$f->notEmpty_String, "questionnaire_start_date" => Validation::$f->datetime, "questionnaire_end_date" => Validation::$f->datetime); $v = new Validation($_POST, array("questionnaire_title", "questionnaire_description", "questionnaire_start_date", "questionnaire_end_date"), $_RULES); if ($v->fieldsExists()) { $startdate_instance = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i', $_POST["questionnaire_start_date"]); $enddate_instance = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i', $_POST["questionnaire_end_date"]); $datetimes = false; if ($startdate_instance instanceof DateTime && $enddate_instance instanceof DateTime) { $startdate = $startdate_instance->format('U'); $enddate = $enddate_instance->format('U'); $datetimes = $enddate > $startdate; } if ($v->testAll() && $datetimes) { $statement = new SQLBuilder($_MYSQLI); if ($new) { $inserted = true; $q = $statement->insertInto('questionnaire')->set($v->export(null, array("questionnaire_title", "questionnaire_description"), array("questionnaire_start_date" => $startdate, "questionnaire_end_date" => $enddate, "questionnaire_user_id" => Auth::getUserId())))->build(); $_MYSQLI->query($q); echo "<html><head><title></title></head><body><script>parent.location.href='form.php?id=" . $_MYSQLI->insert_id . "';</script></body></html>"; exit; } else { $q = $statement->update('questionnaire')->set($v->export(null, array("questionnaire_title", "questionnaire_description"), array("questionnaire_start_date" => $startdate, "questionnaire_end_date" => $enddate)))->where("questionnaire_id", "=", $_GET["id"])->build(); $_MYSQLI->query($q); header("Location: frame_form_edit.php?refresh=true&id=" . $_GET["id"]); exit; } } if ($v->fail("questionnaire_title")) { echo "questionnaire_title fail"; } if ($v->fail("questionnaire_description")) { echo "questionnaire_description fail";
public function editPreferences() { // Note : because the number of parameters may vary in the future, // I will use $_POST to retrieve request params. $currentUser = Auth::getUserName(); // -- Identifiers. $oldPassword = $_POST['old_password']; $newPassword = $_POST['new_password']; $confirmPassword = $_POST['new_password_confirm']; // OpenId $openId = isset($_POST['openid']) ? $_POST['openid'] : ''; // -- I18n. $language = $_POST['language']; try { UsersManagement::updatePreferences(array('old_password' => $oldPassword, 'new_password' => $newPassword, 'confirm_password' => $confirmPassword, 'language' => $language, 'openid' => $openId, 'username' => $currentUser, 'userid' => Auth::getUserId())); // Don't forget to change the language before generating the message to // the user. $GLOBALS['lang'] = $language; l10n::init(); l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../locales/' . $GLOBALS['lang'] . '/messages'); $_SESSION['isError'] = false; $_SESSION['message'] = __("Your preferences were successfuly changed."); } catch (PreferencesException $e) { $_SESSION['isError'] = true; $_SESSION['message'] = ''; switch ($e->getCode()) { case PreferencesException::WRONG_OLD_PASSWORD: $_SESSION['message'] = __("Wrong old password. Please try again."); break; case PreferencesException::NEW_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT: $_SESSION['message'] = sprintf(__("The new password you provided is too short and must be at least composed of %s characters."), PASSWORDS_MIN_LENGTH); break; case PreferencesException::NEW_PASSWORDS_DIFFERENT: $_SESSION['message'] = __("The new and confirmation passwords are different. Please try again."); break; } } DefaultFC::redirection('users/preferences'); }
public static function getWidgetsByCategory($categoryId, $offset, $count) { $userLevel = Auth::getUserLevel(); $userId = Auth::getUserId(); $format = 'raw'; if ($categoryId == 'null') { $categoryId = null; } $jsonWidgets = Widgets::retrieveWidgetListByCategory($userId, $categoryId, $userLevel, $format); $chunkedWidgets = array(); for ($i = $offset; $i < $offset + $count && $i < count($jsonWidgets); $i++) { $chunkedWidgets[] = $jsonWidgets[$i]; } echo json_encode($chunkedWidgets); }
$ajax = new Ajax(); if ($auth->isLogged()) { if (Validation::Query($_POST, array("questionnaire_id", "questions_order"))) { $questionnaire_id = $_POST["questionnaire_id"]; $raw_orders = $_POST["questions_order"]; $orders = explode("|", $raw_orders); $set = array(); $break = false; foreach ($orders as $val) { $set[(int) $val] = 1; if (!is_numeric($val)) { $break = true; } } if (!$break && is_numeric($questionnaire_id)) { $questionnaire_result = $_MYSQLI->query('SELECT questionnaire_id, questionnaire_user_id FROM questionnaire WHERE questionnaire_id=' . $questionnaire_id . ' AND questionnaire_user_id=' . $auth->getUserId()); if ($questionnaire_result->num_rows != 0) { $questions_result = $_MYSQLI->query('SELECT question_id FROM question WHERE question_questionnaire_id=' . $questionnaire_id); $questions_list = array(); if ($questions_result->num_rows == count($orders)) { $break = false; while ($question = $questions_result->fetch_object()) { if (!isset($set[(int) $question->question_id])) { $break = true; break; } } if (!$break) { $i = 1; foreach ($set as $k => $v) { // echo 'UPDATE question SET question_num='.$i.' WHERE question_id='.$k.' AND question_questionnaire_id='.$questionnaire_id;
public function updateAction() { $id = Request::postParam('pageId'); $jsonData = Request::postParam('jsonData'); $preview = $this->sanitizeBoolean(Request::postParam('preview')); $preview_language_id = Request::postParam('previewLanguageId'); // �berpr�fen, ob die Lebenswichtigen Parameter gesetzt sind if ($id === null || $jsonData === null || $preview === null || $preview_language_id === null) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST); return; } // �berpr�fen, ob die Seite �berhaupt (noch) existiert $properties = $this->pages->getProperties($id); if ($properties === false) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST); return; } // Nutzerrechte �berpr�fen if (!$this->helpers->canAccessPage($id, Acl::ACTION_EDIT)) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AUHTORIZED); return; } // Daten der gew�nschten Seite speichern if ($this->pages->setData($id, $jsonData) === false) { $this->error(); return; } // �nderungs-Datum setzen $properties = array('last-change-date' => time(), 'last-change-user-id' => Auth::getUserId(), 'last-change-user-name' => Auth::getScreenName()); $this->pages->setProperties($id, $properties); $properties = $this->pages->getProperties($id); // Wenn das die Seite mit den globalen Elementen ist, // muss sie sofort ver�ffentlich werden und der Cache muss geleert werden, // da die �nderungen potenziell die Ausgabe aller Seiten betreffen k�nnte if ($properties['template-id'] == Pages::GLOBAL_ELEMENTS) { $this->pages->publish($id); PageCache::invalidateAll(); } // R�ckgabe $res = array('preview' => $preview); // Wenn Vorschau-Modus, dann Frontend-URL zur Vorschau-Version der gespeicherten Seite zur�ckgeben if ($preview) { $res['previewUrl'] = $this->pages->getPageUrl($id, $preview_language_id, $properties) . '?pixelmanager-preview=true'; } // Yo. $this->success($res); }
public static function canAccessById($id, $action) { if (Auth::isAdmin()) { // Admins d�rfen immer alles, YEAH! return true; } else { // I can haz? // Resource laden $resource = self::getResourceDataById($id); $resource_assigned_ugroup_ids = self::getUserGroupsById($id); // �berpr�fen, ob die Resource geladen werden konnte if ($resource === false || $resource_assigned_ugroup_ids === false) { return false; } // ggf. die Benutzer-Gruppen des aktuellen Benutzers laden und in statischer Veriable ablegen, damit sie nicht mehrfach geladen werden m�ssen if (self::$user_assigned_ugroups === null) { self::$user_assigned_ugroups = array(); $result = Db::get('SELECT `user-id`, `user-group-id` FROM [prefix]users_to_user_groups WHERE `user-id`=:userId', array(':userId' => Auth::getUserId())); if ($result !== false) { if (count($result) > 0) { foreach ($result as $row) { $group_properties = Db::getFirst("SELECT * FROM [prefix]user_groups WHERE `id`=:id", array(':id' => $row['user-group-id'])); if ($group_properties !== false) { self::$user_assigned_ugroups[$row['user-group-id']] = $group_properties; } } } } } // In Abh�ngigkeit der gew�hlten Einstellung den Zugriff ablehnen oder zulassen switch ($resource['user-groups-mode']) { // "Nur Administratoren d�rfen diese Resource bearbeiten" case Acl::RESOURCE_SUPERUSER_ONLY: return Auth::isAdmin(); break; // "Alle Benutzer..." // "Alle Benutzer..." case Acl::RESOURCE_ALL_USERS: return true; break; // "Nur Benutzer in einer der folgenden Benutzergruppen..." // "Nur Benutzer in einer der folgenden Benutzergruppen..." case Acl::RESOURCE_USER_WHITELIST: $result = false; // Pr�fen, ob der Benutzer �berhaupt in irgendeiner Gruppe ist // und der angeforderten Resource auch Benutzer-Gruppen zugeordnet sind... if (count(self::$user_assigned_ugroups) > 0 && count($resource_assigned_ugroup_ids) > 0) { // Pr�fen, ob der Benutzer in einer dieser Resource zugewiesenen Benutzer-Gruppen ist... foreach (self::$user_assigned_ugroups as $ugroup_id => $ugroup_properties) { if (in_array($ugroup_id, $resource_assigned_ugroup_ids)) { // Eine �berschneidung wurde gefunden, jetzt noch pr�fen, ob der gefundenen Gruppe die gew�nschte Aktion erlaubt ist... $result = self::isActionPermitted($action, $ugroup_properties); // Wenn eine Gruppe mit der gew�nschten Aktion gefunden wurde, abbrechen if ($result) { break; } } } // Falls keine Gruppe gefunden werden konnte, die die Voraussetzungen erf�llt, // alle Gruppen, die ein h�heres Level als die explizit zugewiesenen aufweisen, pr�fen if (!$result) { // Dazu m�ssen wir erstmal das niedrigste Level der der Resource zugewiesenen Benutzergruppen herausfinden $min_level = PHP_INT_MAX; $ugroup_lowest_level = Db::getFirst("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups.*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups_to_acl_resources\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups.`id` = [prefix]user_groups_to_acl_resources.`user-group-id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups_to_acl_resources.`acl-resource-id` = :aclResourceId\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[prefix]user_groups.`level` ASC\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t0,1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", array(':aclResourceId' => $id)); if ($ugroup_lowest_level !== false) { $min_level = $ugroup_lowest_level['level']; } // Dann gehen wir alle dem Benutzer zugeordnete Gruppen durch und suchen alle, // die ein h�heres Level haben und die gew�nschte Aktion durchf�hren d�rfen foreach (self::$user_assigned_ugroups as $ugroup_id => $ugroup_properties) { if ($ugroup_properties['level'] > $min_level) { $result = self::isActionPermitted($action, $ugroup_properties); // Wenn eine Gruppe mit der gew�nschten Aktion gefunden wurde, abbrechen if ($result) { break; } } } } } return $result; break; // Zur Sicherheit... // Zur Sicherheit... default: return false; break; } return false; } }
/** * This action should be triggered through a HTTP POST request in order to * install a widget. * * @param integory $category The category's identifier to which the installed widget must be added. */ public function install($category) { // Security check. if (!Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod())) { DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=admin'); } try { // Action : Install the widget. $widgetName = Widgets::install($category, Auth::getUserId(), $_FILES['widget']['name'], $_FILES['widget']['tmp_name']); $_SESSION['isError'] = false; $_SESSION['message'] = sprintf(__("Widget '%s' has been successfully installed."), $widgetName); } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['isError'] = true; $_SESSION['message'] = __("An error occured during widget installation."); } DefaultFC::redirection('admin/index'); }
/** * Utilitaire pour appeler les autres methodes de facon transparente * * @static * @access public * @param string $name * @param integer $userId * @return string */ public static function getRealName($name, $userId = 0) { $userId = !$userId ? Auth::getUserId() : $userId; return $name . '_' . $userId; }
<meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>QCManager</title> </head> <body> <script> <?php if ($auth->isLogged()) { if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { $path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']); $filename = $path_parts['filename']; $extension = $path_parts['extension']; $new_filename = "media/user/" . md5($filename) . '-' . time() . '.' . strtolower($extension); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $new_filename)) { $mine_query = "UPDATE user SET user_photo_path = '" . $new_filename . "' WHERE user_id = " . Auth::getUserId(); $mine_result = $_MYSQLI->query($mine_query); echo "parent.parent.location.href = parent.parent.location.href"; } else { echo "alert('Le fichier est trop volumineux')"; } } else { echo "POST file upload missing"; } } else { echo "You're not logged"; } ?> </script>
function deleteAction() { $users = Request::postParam('users'); if ($users === null || !is_array($users)) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST); return; } if (count($users) > 0) { foreach ($users as $user_id => $value) { if ($value == '1') { if (is_numeric($user_id)) { // Verhindern, dass der eingeloggte Administrator sich selber l�scht if ($user_id == Auth::getUserId()) { $this->error(self::RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AUHTORIZED); return; } $this->users->delete($user_id); } } } } $this->success(); }
require_once "include/validation.class.php"; $auth = new Auth(true); $mine_query = ' SELECT * FROM questionnaire WHERE questionnaire_user_id = ' . Auth::getUserId(); $mine_result = $_MYSQLI->query($mine_query); $mine_collection = array(); while ($row = $mine_result->fetch_object()) { $mine_collection[] = array("id" => $row->questionnaire_id, "title" => $row->questionnaire_title, "finished" => time() > $row->questionnaire_end_date); } $other_query = 'SELECT questionnaire.* FROM answer INNER JOIN choice ON choice_id = answer_choice_id INNER JOIN question ON question_id = choice_question_id INNER JOIN questionnaire ON questionnaire_id = question_questionnaire_id WHERE answer_student_user_id = ' . Auth::getUserId() . ' GROUP BY questionnaire_id '; $other_result = $_MYSQLI->query($other_query); $other_collection = array(); while ($row = $other_result->fetch_object()) { $other_collection[] = array("id" => $row->questionnaire_id, "title" => $row->questionnaire_title, "finished" => time() > $row->questionnaire_end_date); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>QCManager</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">
$new = $new ? 1 : 0; header("Location: frame_form_answer.php?new=" . $new . "&refresh=true&id=" . $_GET["id"]); exit; } } else { if (!$own && Validation::Query($_POST, array("post")) && $data["question"]->questionnaire_end_date > time()) { foreach ($choice_ids as $cid) { $data["choices"][$cid]->checked = 0; } $delquery = ' DELETE FROM answer WHERE answer_student_user_id = ' . Auth::getUserId() . ' AND answer_choice_id IN (' . implode(', ', $choice_ids) . ')'; $_MYSQLI->query($delquery); if (isset($_POST["choices"])) { $insertion = array(); foreach ($_POST["choices"] as $cid) { $insertion[] = '(NULL, ' . Auth::getUserId() . ', ' . $cid . ')'; $data["choices"][$cid]->checked = 1; } $addquery = 'INSERT INTO answer (answer_id, answer_student_user_id, answer_choice_id) VALUES ' . join(', ', $insertion); $_MYSQLI->query($addquery); } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>QCManager</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">
public function subscribe() { $keys = array_keys($_GET); $widgetId = $keys[0]; if (!isset($widgetId)) { throw new BadArgumentException(MwwException::CONTROLLER, 'You must provide a widget identifier to subscribe to a widget.'); } if (!Auth::isAuth()) { // forward to the login script. DefaultFC::redirection('users/index?ref=subscribe'); exit; } // No failure for authentication and parameters. We just carry on ! UserInterface::subscribe(Auth::getUserId(), $widgetId); DefaultFC::redirection('wall/index'); }
$_RULES = array("user_firstname" => Validation::$f->notEmpty_String, "user_lastname" => Validation::$f->notEmpty_String, "user_email" => Validation::$f->Email, "user_schoolname" => Validation::$f->notEmpty_String); $v = new Validation($_POST, array("user_firstname", "user_lastname", "user_email", "user_schoolname", "user_password", "user_repassword"), $_RULES); if ($v->fieldsExists()) { $setrepassword = Validation::Query($_POST, array("user_password", "user_repassword")); $repassword = $setrepassword ? $_POST["user_password"] == $_POST["user_repassword"] : false; $email_available = Auth::user_exists($_POST["user_email"]) == 0 || $_POST["user_email"] == $user->user_email; if ($v->testAll() && $email_available) { $set = $v->export($_MYSQLI, array("user_firstname", "user_lastname", "user_email", "user_schoolname", "user_password")); if (false) { $set["user_photo_path"] = ""; } if ($repassword) { $set["user_password"] = Security::CryptPassword($_POST["user_password"]); } $statement = new SQLBuilder($_MYSQLI); $q = $statement->update('user')->set($set)->where("user_id", "=", Auth::getUserId())->build(); $r = $_MYSQLI->query($q); } } $user = Auth::getUser(); /* $other_query_photo = 'SELECT user_photo_path FROM user WHERE user_id = '.Auth::getUserId(); $other_result_photo = $_MYSQLI->query($other_query_photo); $row = $other_result_photo->fetch_object();*/ ?>
/** * test #14. * Overriding automatic attributes using a future date. Because * a future date is used, the record can no longer be changed after * it was saved. * @depends testSaveEmptyObject * @depends testSetAttributes * @depends testUpdate * @depends testOverrideAutomaticAttributesNewRecord */ public function testOverrideAutomaticAttributesFutureDate() { global $testAuthId1, $testUserId1; global $testUserId2; // Create the object, which automatically gets the current date $object = new Auth($testAuthId1); $object->setUserId($testUserId1); $object->setExpiration('2015-09-30'); $this->assertTrue($object->save()); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->countTestRows()); $originalCreated = $object->getCreated(); $originalUpdated = $object->getUpdated(); // Change the object with different values, using a guaranteed // future date for the Created and Updated fields. Note that // the mySQL timestamp values allow for dates up to January 19, // 2038. Select as the future date for this test January 18, 2038 // values after first save are unchanged $object->setCreated('2038-01-18 10:10:10.000000'); $object->setUpdated('2038-01-18 10:10:11.000000'); $object->setUserId($testUserId2); $object->setExpiration('2015-10-01'); // Check the values before saving $this->assertEquals($testAuthId1, $object->getAuthId()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:10.000000', $object->getCreated()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:11.000000', $object->getUpdated()); $this->assertEquals($testUserId2, $object->getUserId()); $this->assertEquals('2015-10-01', $object->getExpiration()); // update the record, this adds a row in the database $this->assertTrue($object->save()); $this->assertEquals(2, $this->countTestRows()); // after the update, the information has been saved $this->assertEquals($testAuthId1, $object->getAuthId()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:10.000000', $object->getCreated()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:11.000000', $object->getUpdated()); $this->assertEquals($testUserId2, $object->getUserId()); $this->assertEquals('2015-10-01', $object->getExpiration()); // Try to update the record. This will add a row in the database $object->setExpiration('2015-09-30'); $object->setUserId($testUserId1); $this->assertTrue($object->save()); $this->assertEquals(3, $this->countTestRows()); // but the new information is not saved. The previously saved // information cannot be overwritten without manually setting the // updated field. $this->assertEquals($testAuthId1, $object->getAuthId()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:10.000000', $object->getCreated()); $this->assertEquals('2038-01-18 10:10:11.000000', $object->getUpdated()); $this->assertEquals($testUserId2, $object->getUserId()); $this->assertEquals('2015-10-01', $object->getExpiration()); // Note: this will FAIL in the current implementation! //$this->assertEquals('future date hash', $object->getHash()); }