public function __construct($pagina, $naam) { $taal = new Taal(); $auth = new Auth(false); echo "<div id='topbar'> <div id='language'><ul class='swapUnderline'>"; if (!$auth->isLoggedIn() || $auth->isLoggedIn() && !$auth->getUser()->isPersoneel()) { if ($taal->getTaal() == "nl") { echo "<li class='selected'> NL</li>"; echo "<li class='last-child'><a href='veranderTaal.php?vorige=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "'>EN</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href='veranderTaal.php?vorige=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "'>NL</a></li>"; echo "<li class='selected last-child'> EN</li>"; } } echo "</ul></div><div id='user'><ul class='swapUnderline'>"; if (!$auth->isLoggedIn()) { echo "<li class='last-child'><a class='Logintext advanced' href='" . Auth::getLoginURL() . "'> " . $taal->msg('aanmelden') . "</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li class='last-child member'>" . $auth->getUser()->getGebruikersnaam() . " - <a class='Logintext' href='logout.php'' title='uitloggen'' >" . $taal->msg('afmelden') . "</a></li>"; } echo "</ul> \n\t\t\t</div> \n\t\t</div> "; echo "<div id='header'> \n\t\t\t<div id='headerleft'> \n\t\t\t\t<h1> <a href='' title='Universiteit Gent'><img src='images/universiteit_gent.gif' alt='Universiteit Gent'/> </a> </h1> \n\t\t\t\t<h2> <a href='index.php'>Online Herstelformulier</a></h2>\n\t\t\t</div> \n\t\t\t<div id='headerright'> </div> \n\t\t</div> "; echo "<div id='breadcrumb' class='swapUnderline'>\n\t\t\t<span>" . $taal->msg('u_bent_hier') . "</span>"; $r = ""; foreach ($pagina as $key => $value) { $r .= " <a class='br-act' href='{$value}'>" . $taal->msg($naam[$key]) . "</a> >"; } echo substr($r, 0, -2); echo "</div> "; }
public function __construct($categorie) { $this->huidigePagina = basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->categorie = $categorie; try{ $a = new Auth(false); $taal = new Taal(); echo("<div id='navigationhome'><div id='mainnav'><ul>"); echo self::generateItem("index.php", $taal->msg('Index')); if($a->isLoggedIn()){//zijn we ingelogd? if($a->getUser()->isPersoneel()){//zijn we personeel? echo self::generateItem("personeelMeldingToevoegen.php", "Defect Melden"); echo self::generateItem("personeelAdmin.php", "Beheer", true, true); if($categorie == "Beheer"){//submenu beheer echo"<ul>"; echo(self::generateItem("personeelAdminHomes.php","Beheer Homes")); echo(self::generateItem("personeelAdminBeheerders.php","Beheer Beheerders")); echo(self::generateItem("personeelAdminCategorie.php","Beheer Categorieën")); $lijst = $a->getUser()->getHomesLijst(); foreach($lijst as $home){ echo(self::generateItem("personeelAdmin.php?homeId=".$home->getId(),"Home ".$home->getKorteNaam(), false, true)); } echo"</ul></li>"; } echo self::generateItem("personeelStatistiek.php", "Statistieken"); echo self::generateItem("personeelOverzicht.php", "Overzicht", true); if($categorie == "Overzicht"){//submenu beheer echo"<ul>"; echo(self::generateItem("personeelMeldingInformatie.php","Formulier")); echo"</ul></li>"; } if($a->getUser()->getGebruikersnaam()=="bmesuere" || $a->getUser()->getGebruikersnaam()=="bevdeghi"){ echo self::generateItem("errorlog.php", "Errorlog"); echo self::generateItem("ldapSearch.php", "LDAP"); } } else{//we zijn student echo self::generateItem("studentOverzicht.php", $taal->msg('Overzicht')); echo self::generateItem("studentMeldingToevoegen.php", $taal->msg('defect_melden')); } } else{//we zijn niet ingelogd echo self::generateItem(Auth::getLoginURL(), $taal->msg('aanmelden')); echo self::generateItem("studentMeldingToevoegen.php", $taal->msg('defect_melden')); } echo("</ul></div><div class='visualClear'></div></div>"); } catch (Exception $e){ //doe niets, anders krijgen we een error lus (Error.php genereert ook een menu...) } }
/** * Affiche la page par défaut du site * @see BaseController::index() */ public function index() { $this->loadView("main/vHeader",array("infoUser"=>Auth::getInfoUser())); $message = null; if (isset($_SESSION['logStatus'])){ switch ($_SESSION['logStatus']) { case 'fail': $message=new DisplayedMessage("ERREUR : Couple identifiant/mot de passe inconnu.", "danger"); break; case 'disconnected': $message=new DisplayedMessage("Vous avez été correctement déconnecté. <b>Au revoir...</b>", "success"); break; case 'success': $message=new DisplayedMessage("Bienvenue ".Auth::getUser()->getLogin().".", "success"); break; default: $message = null; break; } $_SESSION['logStatus'] = null; } if(Auth::isAuth()){ $notifs = DAO::getAll("Notification", "idUser = "******"main/vDefault", array("notifs" => $notifs, "message" => $message)); }else{ $this->loadView("main/vLogin"); } $this->loadView("main/vFooter"); }
protected function setValuesToObject(&$object) { parent::setValuesToObject($object); $object->setUser(Auth::getUser()); $categorie = DAO::getOne("Categorie", $_POST["idCategorie"]); $object->setCategorie($categorie); }
/** * Handles uploads to the system. * @param int $max The maximum amount of uploads to handle. * @return Attachment[] * @throws Exceptions */ public static function handleUpload($max = -1) { // Make sure the user isn't a guest if (Auth::getUser()->isGuest()) { throw new Exception('Guests cannot upload attachments.'); } // Create the array to return $attachments = array(); if (is_array($_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['tmp_name'])) { // If we're handling multiple images in one post for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['tmp_name']); $i++) { if ($max > -1 && i >= $max) { break; } $error = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['error'][$i]; if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $tmp_name = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['tmp_name'][$i]; $name = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['name']; $attachments[] = self::create(Auth::getUser(), $tmp_name, $name); } } } else { // Handle only a single upload $error = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['error']; if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $tmp_name = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['tmp_name']; $name = $_FILES['uploaded_attachments']['name']; $attachments[] = self::create(Auth::getUser(), $tmp_name, $name); } } // Return the array that was built return $attachments; }
public function actionShowLesson() { $auth = Auth::checkAuth(); $view = new View(); $view->auth = $auth; if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { header("Location: /learns/"); } if ($auth) { $user = Auth::getUser(); $id = $_GET['id']; $lesson = Lessons::getLesson($id); $course = Courses::getCourse($lesson->course_id); $lesson_prew = Lessons::getLessonByNumber($lesson->lesson_number - 1, $lesson->course_id); $lesson_next = Lessons::getLessonByNumber($lesson->lesson_number + 1, $lesson->course_id); $view->user_login = $user->user_login; $view->user_group = $user->user_group; $view->lesson = $lesson; $view->course = $course; $view->lesson_prew = $lesson_prew; $view->lesson_next = $lesson_next; $view->display('header.php'); $view->display('lessons/lesson_view.php'); $view->display('footer.php'); } else { header("Location: /learns/"); } }
public function indexAction() { if (Input::get('redirect', $redirect, 'url')) { Session::set('redirect', $redirect); } if ($user = Auth::getUser()) { //已经登录 if (!$redirect) { //读取seesion中记录的地址 $redirect = Session::get('redirect'); Session::del('redirect'); } if ($redirect) { //需要重定向 $this->redirect($redirect); exit; } else { //显示成功页面 Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(false); $this->_view->display('choice.phtml'); } } elseif (Session::get('reg')) { //正在注册 $this->_view->assign('msg', '还差一步,请设置密码')->assign('reg', 1); } }
public function actionBuy() { if (!Auth::isLogged()) { $this->redirect("/"); } $abonems = AbonemModel::model()->findAll(); if (isset($_POST['abonem'])) { $abonem = AbonemModel::model()->where("`id`=" . (int) $_POST['abonem'])->findRow(); $userAbon = UserAbonemModel::model()->where("`user_id`='" . Auth::getUser()['id'] . "'")->findRow(); if (!$userAbon) { $userAbon = new UserAbonemModel(); $userAbon->user_id = Auth::getUser()['id']; $userAbon->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $abonem->months . ' month', strtotime('today'))); $userAbon->insert(); } else { if (strtotime($userAbon->end_date) > strtotime('today')) { $userAbon->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $abonem->months . ' month', strtotime($userAbon->end_date))); } else { $userAbon->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $abonem->months . ' month', strtotime('today'))); } $userAbon->update(); } Abonement::setAbonement(); $this->view("success", array("message" => Lang::get("abonement_success")), false); } $this->view("abonem/buy", array("abonems" => $abonems), false); }
/** * Creates new Ticket and redirects to its page * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse * @throws \ValidationException */ public function onTicketCreate() { $data = post(); $this->helpers->validateTicket($data); $creator = \Auth::getUser(); $ticketPage = Settings::get('address'); $newStatus = TicketStatus::where('name', 'New')->first()->id; $content = $this->purifyTicket($data['content']); $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->hash_id = 'temp'; $ticket->category_id = $data['category']; $ticket->creator_id = $creator->id; $ticket->email = $creator->email; $ticket->website = $data['website']; $ticket->topic = $data['topic']; $ticket->content = $content; $ticket->status = $newStatus; $ticket->save(); $hashId = $this->helpers->generateHashId($ticket->id); $ticket->hash_id = $hashId; $ticket->save(); $this->page['hash_id'] = $hashId; $this->helpers->newTicketHandler($hashId); $mailer = new SupportMailer(); $address = Settings::get('address'); $vars = ['ticket_number' => $ticket->hash_id, 'ticket_link' => $address . '/' . $ticket->hash_id]; $mailer->sendAfterTicketCreated($creator->email, $vars); return \Redirect::to($ticketPage . $hashId); }
public static function setAbonement() { $model = UsersModel::model()->where("`id`='" . Auth::getUser()['id'] . "'")->findRow(); $model->abonement = 1; $model->update(); Auth::setFields($model); }
private function getTokenAndUpdateLoginTime() { $user = Auth::getUser(); $user->updateLastLoginTime(); $user->fb_token = $this->facebookService->getAccessToken(); $user->save(); }
private function accessRestriction() { if ($this->access_restriction && !Auth::getUser()) { Tools::redirect($this->context->link->getPageLink('auth')); } $this->smarty->assign('user', Auth::getUser()); }
/** * Register any other events for your application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events * @return void */ public function boot(DispatcherContract $events) { parent::boot($events); Contact::updating(function (Contact $contact) { if ($new_values = $contact->getDirty()) { if (isset($new_values['status'])) { $message = \Lang::get('contact.status_update.' . $new_values['status']); if ($contact->hasAttribute('change_status_comment')) { if ($comment = $contact->getAttribute('change_status_comment')) { $message .= PHP_EOL . $comment; } unset($contact->change_status_comment); } } else { $values = []; $old_values = $contact->getOriginal(); foreach ($new_values as $key => $value) { $values[] = [$key, $old_values[$key], $value]; } $message = 'json:' . json_encode($values); } $log = new ContactLog(); $log->contact_id = $contact->id; $log->user_id = \Auth::getUser()->id; $log->comment = $message; $log->save(); } }); }
public static function add($title = '', $search_query = '') { if (empty($search_query)) { return false; } if (!Auth::check()) { return false; } $user_id = Auth::getUser()->id; if ($query = $this->valid_query($search_query)) { // Check query exists in DB $record = self::where('query', '=', $query)->first(); if (empty($record)) { $record = new self(); $record->query = $query; $record->save(); } // Check current user used query $search_id = $record->id; $record = SearchUser::whereRaw('user_id = ? AND search_id = ?', array($user_id, $search_id))->first(); if (empty($record)) { $record = new SearchUser(); $record->title = $title; $record->user_id = $user_id; $record->search_id = $search_id; $record->save(); } } else { return false; } }
public function getTrackCards() { $countQuery = GiftCardQuery::create()->filterByLender(Auth::getUser()->getLender()); $countCards = $countQuery->count(); $countRedeemed = $countQuery->filterByClaimed(1)->count(); $cards = GiftCardQuery::create()->filterByLender(Auth::getUser()->getLender())->orderByDate('desc')->find(); return View::make('', compact('countCards', 'countRedeemed', 'cards')); }
public static function getUser() { if (is_null(Session::get('auth_field')) || Session::get('auth_field') !== Config::get('auth.model')) { return null; } else { return parent::getUser(); } }
/** * Loads users tickets */ public function onRun() { $creator = \Auth::getUser(); $url = Settings::get('address'); $tickets = Ticket::where('creator_id', $creator->id)->get(); $this->page['ticket_page'] = $url; $this->page['tickets'] = $tickets; }
public function __construct() { $this->user_id = Auth::getUser()->id; $role_obj = new RoleUser(); $this->role_id = $role_obj->getRoleById($this->user_id); $role_policy_ojb = new RolePolicy(); $this->policy_id = $role_policy_ojb->getPolicyByRoleId($this->role_id->role_id); }
/** * [numTrainCourse description] * @return [type] [description] */ public static function numTrainCourse() { $userid = Auth::getUser()->id; $roleid = RoleUser::where('user_id', $userid)->get(array('role_id')); $numCourse = Training::where('target', 'LIKE', '%' . $roleid[0]->role_id . '%')->where('status', '!=', false)->count(); // echo $numCourse;exit; return $numCourse; }
public function getIndex() { if (!ACL::hasPermission('profile', 'edit')) { return redirect(route('profile'))->withErrors(['Você não tem permissão para editar seus dados.']); } $user = User::where('id', '=', \Auth::getUser()->id)->first(); return view('admin.profile.index')->with(compact('user')); }
public static function logincount() { if (Auth::getUser()['id']) { $user = UsersModel::model()->where("`id`='" . Auth::getUser()['id'] . "'")->findRow(); $user->login_count = $user->login_count + 1; $user->update(); } }
function currentUserId() { $user = Auth::getUser(); if (!is_null($user)) { return $user->id; } return null; }
public function getIndex() { if (!ACL::hasPermission('profile', 'edit')) { return redirect(route('profile'))->withErrors(['You don\'t have permission for edit your data.']); } $user = User::where('id', '=', \Auth::getUser()->id)->first(); return view('admin.profile.index')->with(compact('user')); }
/** * @return $this|\Illuminate\Support\Facades\View */ public function index() { $data = \Auth::getUser(); if ($data) { return $this->view('forone::' . $this->uri . "/edit", compact('data')); } else { return $this->redirectWithError('数据未找到'); } }
/** * Gets a login ticket for an available push server. * @return type */ public static function getTicket() { if (Auth::getUser()->isGuest()) { return null; } $pushServer = self::getPushServer(Auth::getUser()); $ticket = $pushServer->getTicket(Auth::getUser()); return array('host' => $pushServer->host, 'socket_port' => $pushServer->socket_port, 'http_host' => $pushServer->getHostUrl(), 'ticket' => $ticket); }
/** * Loads ticket selected with page slug */ public function onRun() { $hash = $this->property('slug'); $creator = \Auth::getUser(); $ticket = Ticket::where('hash_id', $hash)->where('creator_id', $creator->id)->first(); $ticketFiles = TicketAttachment::where('ticket_id', $ticket->id)->get(); $this->page['ticket'] = $ticket; $this->page['ticket_files'] = $ticketFiles; }
public function actionCode($seoUrl) { $userId = Auth::getUser()['id']; //echo $seoUrl; $packets = PaymentModel::model()->findAll(); $discount = ReferalsModel::model()->where(" code = '" . $seoUrl . "'")->findRow(); $currencies = CurrencyModel::model()->findRow(); $this->view("Code", array("discount" => $discount->discount, "packets" => $packets, "code" => $seoUrl, "currency" => $currencies), false); }
public function frm($id=NULL){ if(Auth::isAdmin() || ($id == Auth::getUser()->getId())){ $user=$this->getInstance($id); $groups = DAO::getAll("Groupe"); $listGrp=Gui::select($groups,$user->getGroupe()->getId(),"Sélectionner un Groupe ..."); $this->loadView("user/vAdd",array("user"=>$user, "groups"=>$listGrp)); }else{ $this->forward("users"); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $unfinished_matches = DB::table('matches')->select('', 'team_a', 'team_b', 'matches.a_odds', 'matches.b_odds', 'matches.winner', 'matches.event', 'matches.format', 'result_category', 'time', 't1.logo as logo_a', 't2.logo as logo_b', 'odds_tracker')->where('winner', '<>', 'c')->where('closed', '0')->join('teams as t1', 'matches.team_a_id', '=', '')->join('teams as t2', 'matches.team_b_id', '=', '')->orderBy('time')->get(); $finished_matches = DB::table('matches')->select('', 'team_a', 'team_b', 'matches.a_odds', 'matches.b_odds', 'matches.winner', 'matches.event', 'matches.format', 'result_category', 'time', 't1.logo as logo_a', 't2.logo as logo_b', 'odds_tracker')->where('winner', '<>', 'c')->where('closed', '1')->join('teams as t1', 'matches.team_a_id', '=', '')->join('teams as t2', 'matches.team_b_id', '=', '')->orderBy('time', 'desc')->limit(20)->get(); $sheetInfo = null; $matches = array_merge($unfinished_matches, $finished_matches); if (\Auth::check()) { $sheetInfo = \Auth::getUser()->getPrimarySheet(); } return ['sheet' => $sheetInfo, 'matches' => $matches]; }
public function index(){ $alert = DAO::getOne("Alert", "idUser = "******"Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"); $this->loadView("alert/vEdit", array('alert' => $alert, "days" => $days)); }