Exemple #1
 public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false)
     global $USER;
     $configdata = $instance->get('configdata');
     $limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? (int) $configdata['count'] : 10;
     $userid = $USER->get('id');
     $smarty = smarty_core();
     $sql = '
         SELECT v.id, v.title, v.owner, v.group, v.institution, v.ownerformat, v.urlid, v.ctime, v.mtime
         FROM {view} v
         JOIN {usr_watchlist_view} wv ON wv.view = v.id
         WHERE wv.usr = ?
         ORDER BY v.title
         LIMIT ?';
     $results = get_records_sql_assoc($sql, array($userid, $limit));
     // if there are no watched views, notify the user
     if (!$results) {
         $smarty->assign('watchlistempty', true);
         return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:watchlist:watchlist.tpl');
     View::get_extra_view_info($results, false, false);
     foreach ($results as &$r) {
         $r = (object) $r;
     $smarty->assign('loggedin', $USER->is_logged_in());
     $smarty->assign('views', array_values($results));
     return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:watchlist:watchlist.tpl');
Exemple #2
  * Get views which have been explicitly shared to a group and are
  * not owned by the group excluding the view in collections
  * @param int $limit
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $groupid
  * @param boolean $membersonly Only return pages owned by members of the group
  * @param string $orderby Columns to sort by (defaults to (title, id) if empty)
  * @throws AccessDeniedException
 public static function get_sharedviews_data($limit = 10, $offset = 0, $groupid, $membersonly = false, $orderby = null)
     global $USER;
     $userid = $USER->get('id');
     require_once get_config('libroot') . 'group.php';
     if (!group_user_access($groupid)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('accessdenied', 'error'));
     $from = '
         FROM {view} v
         INNER JOIN {view_access} a ON (a.view = v.id)
         INNER JOIN {group_member} m ON (a.group = m.group AND (a.role = m.role OR a.role IS NULL))
     $where = 'WHERE a.group = ? AND m.member = ? AND (v.group IS NULL OR v.group != ?)
            AND (a.startdate <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR a.startdate IS NULL)
            AND (a.stopdate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR a.stopdate IS NULL)
            AND (v.startdate <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR v.startdate IS NULL)
            AND (v.stopdate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR v.stopdate IS NULL)
            AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {collection_view} cv WHERE cv.view = v.id)';
     $ph = array($groupid, $userid, $groupid);
     if ($membersonly) {
         $from .= ' INNER JOIN {group_member} m2 ON m2.member = v.owner ';
         $where .= ' AND m2.group = ? ';
         $ph[] = $groupid;
     $count = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(v.id)) ' . $from . $where, $ph);
     if ($orderby === null) {
         $ordersql = ' ORDER BY v.title, v.id';
     } else {
         $ordersql = ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby . ', v.id';
     $viewdata = get_records_sql_assoc('
         SELECT DISTINCT v.id, v.title, v.startdate, v.stopdate, v.description, v.group, v.owner, v.ownerformat, v.institution, v.urlid, v.ctime, v.mtime ' . $from . $where . $ordersql, $ph, $offset, $limit);
     if ($viewdata) {
         View::get_extra_view_info($viewdata, false);
     } else {
         $viewdata = array();
     return (object) array('data' => array_values($viewdata), 'count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
Exemple #3
 * get the views that a user can see belonging
 * to the given users
 * @param array $users users to fetch views owned by
 * @param int $userlooking (optional, defaults to logged in user)
 * @param int $limit grab this many views. (setting this null means get all)
 * @return array Associative array keyed by userid, of arrays of view ids
function get_views($users, $userlooking = null, $limit = 5, $type = null)
    $userlooking = optional_userid($userlooking);
    if (is_int($users)) {
        $users = array($users);
    $list = array();
    if (count($users) == 0) {
        return $list;
    $users = array_flip($users);
    $dbnow = db_format_timestamp(time());
    if ($friends = get_records_sql_array('SELECT
            CASE WHEN usr1=? THEN usr2 ELSE usr1 END AS id
            {usr_friend} f
            ( usr1=? AND usr2 IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys($users))) . ') )
            ( usr2=? AND usr1 IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys($users))) . ') )
        ', array($userlooking, $userlooking, $userlooking))) {
        foreach ($friends as $user_id) {
            $users[$user_id->id] = 'friend';
    if (is_null($type)) {
        $typesql = "AND v.type != 'profile'";
    } else {
        $typesql = 'AND v.type = ' . db_quote($type);
    $data = array();
    $done = false;
    // public, logged in, or friends' views
    if ($results = get_records_sql_assoc('SELECT
            ' . db_format_tsfield('atime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('mtime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('v.ctime', 'ctime') . '
            {view} v
            INNER JOIN {view_access} a ON
                AND (
                    accesstype IN (\'public\',\'loggedin\')
            ' . (count(preg_grep('/^friend$/', $users)) > 0 ? 'OR (
                            accesstype = \'friends\'
                            AND v.owner IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys(preg_grep('/^friend$/', $users)))) . ')
                        )' : '') . '
            v.owner IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys($users))) . ')
            AND ( v.startdate IS NULL OR v.startdate < ? )
            AND ( v.stopdate IS NULL OR v.stopdate > ? )
        ' . $typesql, array($dbnow, $dbnow))) {
        foreach ($results as $row) {
            $list[$row->owner][$row->id] = $row->id;
        $data = $results;
        // bail if we've filled all users to the limit
        $done = _get_views_trim_list($list, $users, $limit, $data);
    // check individual user access
    if (!$done && ($results = get_records_sql_assoc('SELECT
            ' . db_format_tsfield('atime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('mtime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('v.ctime', 'ctime') . '
            {view} v
            INNER JOIN {view_access} a ON v.id=a.view AND a.usr=?
            v.owner IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys($users))) . ')
            AND ( v.startdate IS NULL OR v.startdate < ? )
            AND ( v.stopdate IS NULL OR v.stopdate > ? )
        ' . $typesql, array($userlooking, $dbnow, $dbnow)))) {
        foreach ($results as &$row) {
            $list[$row->owner][$row->id] = $row->id;
        $data = array_merge($data, $results);
        // bail if we've filled all users to the limit
        $done = $done && _get_views_trim_list($list, $users, $limit, $data);
    // check group access
    if (!$done && ($results = get_records_sql_assoc('SELECT
            ' . db_format_tsfield('v.atime', 'atime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('v.mtime', 'mtime') . ',
            ' . db_format_tsfield('v.ctime', 'ctime') . '
            {view} v
            INNER JOIN {view_access} a ON v.id=a.view
            INNER JOIN {group_member} m ON m.group=a.group AND m.member=?
            INNER JOIN {group} g ON (g.id = a.group AND g.deleted = ?)
            v.owner IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', array_keys($users))) . ')
            AND ( v.startdate IS NULL OR v.startdate < ? )
            AND ( v.stopdate IS NULL OR v.stopdate > ? )
        ' . $typesql, array($userlooking, 0, $dbnow, $dbnow)))) {
        foreach ($results as &$row) {
            $list[$row->owner][$row->id] = $row->id;
        $data = array_merge($data, $results);
        // bail if we've filled all users to the limit
        $done = $done && _get_views_trim_list($list, $users, $limit, $data);
    require_once 'view.php';
    View::get_extra_view_info($data, false, false);
    $list = array();
    foreach ($data as $d) {
        $list[$d['owner']][$d['id']] = (object) $d;
    return $list;
  * Get views submitted to a group
 public static function get_submitted_views($groupid, $userid = null)
     $values = array($groupid);
     $where = 'submittedgroup = ?';
     if (!empty($userid)) {
         // Filter by view owner
         $values[] = (int) $userid;
         $where .= ' AND owner = ?';
     $viewdata = get_records_sql_assoc('
             id, title, description, "owner", ownerformat, "group", institution,
             ' . db_format_tsfield('submittedtime') . '
         FROM {view}
         WHERE ' . $where . '
         ORDER BY title, id', $values);
     if ($viewdata) {
         View::get_extra_view_info($viewdata, false);
         return array_values($viewdata);
     return false;
Exemple #5
  * Returns array of views in the current collection
  * @return array views
 public function views()
     if (!isset($this->views)) {
         $sql = "SELECT v.id, cv.*, v.title, v.owner, v.group, v.institution, v.ownerformat, v.urlid\n                FROM {collection_view} cv JOIN {view} v ON cv.view = v.id\n                WHERE cv.collection = ?\n                ORDER BY cv.displayorder, v.title, v.ctime ASC";
         $result = get_records_sql_assoc($sql, array($this->get('id')));
         if (!empty($result)) {
             require_once 'view.php';
             View::get_extra_view_info($result, false, false);
             $result = array_values($result);
             $max = $min = $result[0]['displayorder'];
             foreach ($result as &$r) {
                 $max = max($max, $r['displayorder']);
                 $min = min($min, $r['displayorder']);
                 $r = (object) $r;
             $this->views = array('views' => array_values($result), 'count' => count($result), 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min);
         } else {
             $this->views = array();
     return $this->views;
Exemple #6
  * Get views submitted to a group
 public static function get_submitted_views($groupid)
     $viewdata = get_records_sql_assoc('
         SELECT id, title, description, owner, ownerformat
         FROM {view}
         WHERE submittedgroup = ?
         ORDER BY title, id', array($groupid));
     if ($viewdata) {
         return array_values($viewdata);
     return false;
Exemple #7
function institution_view_stats_table($limit, $offset, &$institutiondata)
    global $USER;
    if ($institutiondata['views'] != 0) {
        $count = count_records_select('view', 'id IN (' . join(',', array_fill(0, $institutiondata['views'], '?')) . ') AND type != ?', array_merge($institutiondata['viewids'], array('dashboard')));
    } else {
        $count = 0;
    $pagination = build_pagination(array('id' => 'stats_pagination', 'url' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'admin/users/statistics.php?institution=' . $institutiondata['name'] . '&type=views', 'jsonscript' => 'admin/users/statistics.json.php', 'datatable' => 'statistics_table', 'count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'extradata' => array('institution' => $institutiondata['name']), 'setlimit' => true));
    $result = array('count' => $count, 'tablerows' => '', 'pagination' => $pagination['html'], 'pagination_js' => $pagination['javascript']);
    if ($count < 1) {
        return $result;
    $viewdata = get_records_sql_assoc("SELECT\n            v.id, v.title, v.owner, v.group, v.institution, v.visits, v.type, v.ownerformat, v.urlid\n        FROM {view} v\n        WHERE v.id IN (" . join(',', array_fill(0, $institutiondata['views'], '?')) . ") AND v.type != ?\n        ORDER BY v.visits DESC, v.title, v.id", array_merge($institutiondata['viewids'], array('dashboard')), $offset, $limit);
    require_once 'view.php';
    require_once 'group.php';
    View::get_extra_view_info($viewdata, false, false);
    safe_require('artefact', 'comment');
    $comments = ArtefactTypeComment::count_comments(array_keys($viewdata));
    foreach ($viewdata as &$v) {
        $v = (object) $v;
        if ($v->owner) {
            $v->ownername = display_name($v->user);
            $v->ownerurl = profile_url($v->user);
        } else {
            $v->ownername = $v->sharedby;
            if ($v->group) {
                $v->ownerurl = group_homepage_url($v->groupdata);
            } else {
                if ($v->institution && $v->institution != 'mahara') {
                    $v->ownerurl = get_config('wwwroot') . 'institution/index.php?institution=' . $v->institution;
        $v->comments = isset($comments[$v->id]) ? (int) $comments[$v->id]->comments : 0;
    $csvfields = array('title', 'displaytitle', 'fullurl', 'owner', 'group', 'institution', 'ownername', 'ownerurl', 'visits', 'type', 'comments');
    $USER->set_download_file(generate_csv($viewdata, $csvfields), 'viewstatistics.csv', 'text/csv');
    $result['csv'] = true;
    $smarty = smarty_core();
    $smarty->assign('data', $viewdata);
    $smarty->assign('offset', $offset);
    $result['tablerows'] = $smarty->fetch('admin/viewstats.tpl');
    return $result;
Exemple #8
         va.view, v.title AS viewtitle, v.owner, v.group, v.institution, v.ownerformat, v.urlid
         {block_instance} bi
         JOIN {view_artefact} va ON bi.id = va.block
         JOIN {view} v ON va.view = v.id
         va.artefact IN (' . join(',', array_fill(0, count($data), '?')) . ')
     ORDER BY va.view, bi.title', array_keys($data));
 if ($blocks) {
     $viewdata = array();
     foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         if (!isset($viewdata[$b->view])) {
             $viewdata[$b->view] = (object) array('id' => $b->view, 'title' => $b->viewtitle, 'owner' => $b->owner, 'group' => $b->group, 'institution' => $b->institution, 'ownerformat' => $b->ownerformat, 'urlid' => $b->urlid);
     View::get_extra_view_info($viewdata, false, false);
     foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         if (!isset($data[$b->artefact]->views)) {
             $data[$b->artefact]->views = array();
         if (!isset($data[$b->artefact]->views[$b->view])) {
             $data[$b->artefact]->views[$b->view] = array('view' => $b->view, 'viewtitle' => $b->viewtitle, 'fullurl' => $viewdata[$b->view]['fullurl']);
             // Add the view owner's name if it's not the same as the note owner.  This will either
             // be a group artefact inside an individual's view, or it's an institution/site artefact.
             if (!empty($params['group']) && $b->owner || !empty($params['institution']) && $params['institution'] != $b->institution) {
                 if ($b->owner) {
                     $ownername = display_default_name($viewdata[$b->view]['user']);
                     $ownerurl = profile_url($viewdata[$b->view]['user']);
                 } else {
                     if ($b->group) {
                         $ownername = $viewdata[$b->view]['groupdata']['name'];