public function __construct() { $view = new View(); $view->show('header.php', array('title' => 'Home')); $view->show('home.php'); $view->show('footer.php'); }
private function bierenOverzicht() { $bierenModel = new Bieren_model(); $bieren = $bierenModel->bieren(); $view = new View(); $view->show('header.php', array('title' => 'Overzicht van de bieren')); $view->show('bieren_overview.php', array('bieren' => $bieren['data'])); $view->show('footer.php'); }
private function bierenIndividueel($id) { $bierenModel = new Bieren_model(); $bier = $bierenModel->bieren($id); $view = new View(); $view->show('header.php', array('title' => '')); $view->show('bieren_individueel.php', array('bier' => $bier['data'][0])); $view->show('footer.php'); }
public function showIndex() { $data['title'] = 'Overzicht van MVC: step 3'; View::show('header', $data); View::show('index-body'); View::show('footer'); }
protected function show($response = null) { parent::show($response); header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; echo "var ".$this->getOperation()." = ".json_encode($response); echo "</script>"; }
function index() { $contacts_model = new ContactsModel(); $contacts = $contacts_model->get_contacts(); // var_dump($contacts);die; $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('contacts'); $params = array('contacts' => $contacts); $view->show($params); }
function index() { $bio_model = new BioModel(); $bio = $bio_model->get_bio(); // var_dump($bio);die; $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('bio'); $params = array('bio' => $bio); $view->show($params); }
function index() { $photo_model = new PhotoModel(); $photo = $photo_model->get_photo(); // var_dump($photo);die; $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('photo'); $params = array('photo' => $photo); $view->show($params); }
function index() { $video_model = new VideoModel(); $video = $video_model->get_video(); // var_dump($video);die; $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('video'); $params = array('video' => $video); $view->show($params); }
function news_one_show($id = null) { $one_news_model = new NewsModel(); $one_news = $one_news_model->get_one_news($id); // var_dump($news);die; $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('admin_news_one'); $params = array('news' => $one_news); $view->show($params); }
public function show($response) { parent::show($response); header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); $p = filter_input(INPUT_GET, $this->query_variable ,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ( (!is_null($p)) && ($p!=false) ) { echo "if (typeof ".$p." === 'function' ) $p( ".json_encode($response, $this->json_encode_options)." ); else console.log('Function ".$p." not found.'); "; } else { $this->setError("Jsonp function is requered", 3004); } }
public function showArtikel($id) { # Haal data op op basis van het ID dat in de url staak (=de hook) $articleData = $this->model->getArticle($id); # Prepare data voor in body $data['artikel'] = $articleData['data'][0]; # Zet title in head $data['title'] = $data['artikel']['titel']; View::show('header', $data); View::show('artikel-enkel-body', $data); View::show('footer'); }
public function show($response) { parent::show($response); if (file_exists( $this->phpfile )) { $_VIEW = array(); $_VIEW["OPERATION"] = $this->getOperation(); $_VIEW["RESPONSE"] = $response; $_VIEW["ATTRIBUTES"] = $this->attributes; $GLOBALS["_VIEW"] = $_VIEW; include $this->phpfile; } else { $this->setError("PHP ".$this->phpfile." file not found", 3003); } }
private function edit() { Base::requireAdmin(); if (!isset($_POST['page']) && !isset($_POST['draft'])) { // Preparations for View View::set('page', $this->page); View::show('page/edit'); } // Token $this->page->title = $_POST['title']; // Filter $this->page->slug = Base::slug($_POST['title']); $this->page->html = $_POST['html']; $this->page->published = isset($_POST['page']); $this->page->save(); // Successfully edited Base::redirect('/page/' . $this->page->slug, 'Page successfully edited'); }
private function explore() { // Get some tags to show as options $tags = Tag::select('name')->limit(30)->findArray(); View::set('tags', $tags); // No tags selected if (empty($_GET['t']) || !Validate::tags($_GET['t'])) { $rows = Playlist::join('user', 'user_id =', 'u')->selectMany('playlist.*', 'username')->where('published', 1)->paginate(); Base::eagerLoadingPlaylistTags($rows); View::set('playlists', $rows); View::show('explore'); } // Separate tags by spaces $tags = trim($_GET['t']); $tags = explode('/', $tags, 4); $tags = array_slice($tags, 0, 3); // Url for selected tags $selectedTagsUrl = implode('/', $tags); // Beautifys the title Tags $selectedTags = array(); foreach ($tags as $key => $item) { // Removes empty tags if (empty($item)) { unset($tags[$key]); continue; } $aux = array(); $aux['name'] = $item; // When one clicked will remove that tag from the query unset($tags[$key]); $aux['href'] = '/' . implode('/', $tags); $tags[$key] = $item; $selectedTags[] = $aux; } $playlists = Playlist::filter('byTags', $tags)->join('user', 'p.user_id =', 'u')->selectMany('p.*', 'username'); $count = $playlists->countDistinct(''); $playlists = $playlists->groupBy('')->paginate($count); Base::eagerLoadingPlaylistTags($playlists); // View preparations View::set('playlists', $playlists); View::set('selectedTags', $selectedTags); View::set('selectedTagsUrl', $selectedTagsUrl); View::show('explore'); }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_GET['q'])) { View::error('search/search'); } // Allows algorithm to process search input $this->query = Base::searchQuery($_GET['q']); if (!$this->query) { View::error('search/search'); } // Set search query in view View::set('search_query', str_replace('%', ' ', $this->query)); if (SECOND_PARAMETER === 'playlists' || SECOND_PARAMETER === 'users' || SECOND_PARAMETER === 'tracks') { $func = SECOND_PARAMETER; $this->{$func}(); View::set('page_title', ucfirst($func)); View::show('search/' . $func); } $this->search(); View::set('page_title', 'Search'); View::show('search/search'); }
/** * User registration page */ private function register() { Base::requireNotLogged(); if (!isset($_POST['register'])) { View::show('user/register'); } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; $email = $_POST['email']; // Password errors if (!Validate::len($password, 4, 128)) { $error = 'Password must have more than 4 characters'; } elseif ($password != $password2) { $error = 'Passwords don\'t match'; } elseif (!Validate::captcha($_POST['captcha'])) { $error = 'Invalid captcha'; } elseif (!Validate::len($username)) { $error = 'Username character count must be between 4 and 64'; } elseif (!Validate::username($username)) { $error = 'Please only use letters, digits, dots and underscores in username'; } elseif (method_exists($this, $username)) { $error = 'You cannot use that username'; } elseif (User::where('username', $username)->findOne()) { $error = 'You cannot use that username'; } elseif (!Validate::len($email)) { $error = 'Email character count must be between 4 and 64'; } elseif (!Validate::email($email)) { $error = 'Please enter a valid email'; } elseif (User::where('email', $email)->findOne()) { $error = 'You cannot use that email address'; } if ($error) { View::set('error', $error); View::show('user/register'); } $user = User::create(); $user->username = $username; $user->password = Base::hashPassword($password); $user->email = $email; $user->reg_date = time(); $user->avatar = Base::createIdenticon($username, 200); $user->admin = 0; $user->save(); // Logs user in Session::login($user->id()); Base::redirect('', "Welcome, {$user->username}! We're glad to know you"); }
static function main() { /** * Cargando librearias principales. */ require LIBS . 'Config.php'; //de configuracion require LIBS . 'View.php'; //Mini motor de plantillas require 'config.php'; //Archivo con configuraciones. /** * Cargando librearias de terceros */ define('FPDF_FONTPATH', Libs . 'font/'); require 'fpdf.php'; /** * Cargando a los Controladores y Modelos Principales. * Controller ---> AppliactionPrincipal * Model -----> ApplicationBase */ require LIBS . CONTROLLER_BASE . '.php'; require LIBS . MODEL_BASE . '.php'; /* $controllerGeneral=$config->get('controllersFolder') . $config->get('controllerGeneral') . '.php'; $modelBase=$config->get('modelsFolder') . $config->get('modelBase') . '.php'; require $controllerGeneral; require $modelBase;*/ /** *Definiendo a nuestros controladores: */ $controllerName = !empty($_REQUEST['controlador']) ? $_REQUEST['controlador'] . 'Controller' : 'indexController'; $modelName = !empty($_REQUEST['controlador']) ? $_REQUEST['controlador'] . 'models' : ''; $actionName = !empty($_REQUEST['accion']) ? $_REQUEST['accion'] : 'index'; // Formamos el nombre del Controlador o en su defecto, tomamos que es el IndexController // if(!empty($_GET['controlador'])){ // $controllerName = $_GET['controlador'] . 'controller'; // $modelname=$_GET['controlador'].'models'; // if(!empty($_GET['accion'])){ // // $actionName = $_GET['accion']; // }else{ // $actionName = "index"; // } // } // else{ // $controllerName = "indexcontroller"; // $_GET['controlador']=$_GET['accion']="index"; // $actionName = "index"; // } /** * Defino la ruta del controaldor y verifico si existe el fichero, luego lo cargo */ $controllerPath = CONTROLLERS . $controllerName . '.php'; $modelPath = MODELS . $modelname . '.php'; if (is_readable($controllerPath)) { require $controllerPath; is_readable($modelPath) ? require $modelPath : ''; if (is_callable($controllerName, $actionName)) { /** * Verifico inicio de Sesion. */ if ($_SESSION['Autenticado'] == true) { $midir = opendir(MODELS); while ($archivo = readdir($midir)) { if (ereg("models.php", $archivo)) { $models = MODELS . $archivo; require_once $models; } } closedir(); $controller = new $controllerName(); $controller->{$actionName}(); } else { require CONTROLLERS . 'actorController.php'; $controller = new actorcontroller(); $controller->login(); } } else { $_REQUEST['error'] = true; $datos['mensaje'] = "Error :: Llamada a una accion : (" . $actionName . ") que no existe o esta vacia."; $datos['descripciom'] = "Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del metodo en la clase."; $vistaDefault = new View(); $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); return false; } } else { $datos['mensaje'] = "Error :: Llamada a un controlador : (" . $controllerName . ") que no existe."; $datos['descripciom'] = "Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del archivo en la carpeta de controladores."; $vistaDefault = new View(); $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); return false; } // $controllerPath = $config->get('controllersFolder') . $controllerName . '.php'; // //Incluimos el fichero que contiene nuestra clase controladora solicitada. // if(is_file($controllerPath)){ // require $controllerPath; // } // else{ // $datos['mensaje']="Error :: Llamada a un controlador : (".$controllerName.") que no existe."; // $datos['descripciom']="Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del archivo en la carpeta de controladores."; // $vistaDefault=New View(); // $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); // return false; // } /* $modelPath=$config->get('modelsFolder') . $modelname . '.php'; if(is_file($modelPath)){ require $modelPath; }*/ // if (!is_callable(array($controllerName, $actionName))){ // $_REQUEST['error']=true; // $datos['mensaje']="Error :: Llamada a una accion : (".$controllerName.") que no existe o esta vacia."; // $datos['descripciom']="Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del archivo en la carpeta de controladores."; // $vistaDefault=New View(); // $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); // return false; // }else{ // // //Verifico inicios de SESION // $ruta=$_GET['controlador']."/".$_GET['accion']; // echo $ruta; // switch ($ruta){ // case "actor/login": // case "actor/salir": // case "actor/valida": // case "index/index": // session_start(); // $_SESSION['Autenticado']=true; // break; // } // session_start(); // if($_SESSION['Autenticado']){ // // //Cargo todos los modelos // $midir=opendir($config->get('modelsFolder')); // while($archivo=readdir($midir)) // { // if(ereg("models.php",$archivo)){ // $models=$config->get('modelsFolder').$archivo; // require_once($models); // } // } // closedir(); // //Fin de cargo todos los modelos // $controller = new $controllerName(); // $controller->$actionName(); // // }else{ // // $datos['mensaje']="Error :: Acceso Incorrecto al Sistema"; // $datos['descripcion']="Debe autenticarse con las credenciales usuario y clave correctos antes de acceder al Sistema @Celestium"; // $vistaDefault=New View(); // $_REQUEST['error']=true; // $vistaDefault->show('autenticate.php', $datos); // return false; // } // } }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", "1"); //ini_set ("include_path", "/var/www/vkonverte/"); require_once 'mvc/include.php'; require_once 'mvc/Context.php'; $context = new Context(); require_once 'mvc/View.php'; $view = new View(); $view->context = $context; $view->show();
public function showIndex() { View::show('header'); View::show('index-body'); View::show('footer'); }
public function edit() { try { // define view $view = new View("editar_registro.html"); $view->addFile("TOPO", "topo.html"); $vData = new DateTime(str_replace("/", "-", $_GET["_token"])); // preenche view com dados do profissional $oProf = new Profissional(); $oProf = Sessao::getObject("oProf"); $vTitulo = ":: EDITAR REGISTRO DE PONTO :: " . $oProf->getMatricula() . " - " . $oProf->getNome() . " :: " . $oProf->getFuncao(); $view->setValue("TITULO", $vTitulo); // preenche view com dados do registro $oRegistro = new Registro(); $oRegistro = $this->model->getByDate($oProf, $vData->format("d-m-Y")); $view->setValue("DATA", $vData->format("d-m-Y")); $view->setValue("DIASEMANA", Data::getDiaSemana($vData)); if ($oRegistro) { $view->setValue("ENTRADA", $oRegistro->getEntradaManha()); $view->setValue("ALMOCO", $oRegistro->getSaidaManha()); $view->setValue("RETORNO", $oRegistro->getEntradaTarde()); $view->setValue("SAIDA", $oRegistro->getSaidaTarde()); } // carrega selects de ocorrencia $oOcorrencia = new Ocorrencia(); $vOcorrencia = $oOcorrencia->getAll(); foreach ($vOcorrencia as $row) { $view->setValue("CODIGO", $row->getCodigo()); $view->setValue("DESCRICAO", $row->getDescricao()); $view->parseBlock("BLOCK_OCORRENCIA1", true); $view->parseBlock("BLOCK_OCORRENCIA2", true); $view->parseBlock("BLOCK_OCORRENCIA3", true); $view->parseBlock("BLOCK_OCORRENCIA4", true); } // exibe view $view->addFile("FOOTER", "rodape.html"); $view->show(); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Edit a playlist */ private function edit() { Base::requireLogged(); if (LOGGED !== $this->playlist->user_id) { Base::requireAdmin(); } // Set page title View::set('page_title', 'Edit playlist'); // Set playlist $playlist = $this->playlist->asArray(); $playlist['tracks'] = $this->playlist->tracks(); $tags = $this->playlist->tags(); if ($tags) { $playlist['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); } View::set('playlist', $playlist); // Not submitted if (!isset($_POST['playlist']) && !isset($_POST['draft'])) { View::show('playlist/edit'); } /** * Add playlist title and playlist description */ if (!Validate::len($_POST['title'], 2, 64)) { $error = 'Playlist title must be between 2 and 64 chars'; } elseif (!Validate::len($_POST['description'], 0, 512)) { $error = 'Playlist description must be lesser than 512 chars'; } if ($error) { View::error('playlist/edit', $error); } // Raw HTML may enter the db but it's automatically // encoded at output by Mustache $this->playlist->title = $_POST['title']; $this->playlist->description = $_POST['description']; /** * Uploads cover image */ if (!empty($_FILES['cover']) && $_FILES['cover']['size'] > 0) { Base::uploadImage($_FILES['cover'], $cover, $error); if ($error) { View::error('playlist/edit', $error); } $this->playlist->cover = $cover; } /** * Inserts tags into database */ if (!empty($_POST['tags'])) { // Separates tags by commas $tags = strtolower($_POST['tags']); $tags = explode(',', $tags, 6); // Tag limit $tags = array_slice($tags, 0, 5); // Filter tags foreach ($tags as $k => &$tag) { if (!ADMIN && $tag === 'staff') { continue; } $tag = preg_replace('/[^a-z]+/', ' ', $tag); $tag = trim($tag, ' '); // Tag must have at least 2 chars // And it must be lesser than 32 chars if (!Validate::len($tag, 1, 32)) { unset($tags[$k]); } } if (!empty($tags)) { // Remove tags from PlaylistTag PlaylistTag::where('playlist_id', $this->playlist->id)->deleteMany(); // Insert tags $sql = str_repeat(',(?)', count($tags)); $sql[0] = ' '; Tag::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO tag(name) VALUES {$sql}", $tags); // Get inserted tags ids and point them to the new playlist $tags = Tag::select('id')->whereIn('name', $tags)->findMany(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $link = PlaylistTag::create(); $link->playlist_id = $this->playlist->id; $link->tag_id = $tag->id; $link->save(); } } } // Published status $this->playlist->published = isset($_POST['playlist']); /** * Add tracks into db */ if (!isset($_POST['tracks'])) { $error = 'You can\'t publish without any tracks'; $this->playlist->published = 0; } else { if (is_array($_POST['tracks'])) { $max = Base::$g['playlist_max_tracks']; $min = Base::$g['playlist_min_tracks']; $tracks = $_POST['tracks']; if (!isset($tracks[$min - 1])) { $error = "You can't publish without at least {$min} tracks"; $this->playlist->published = 0; } elseif (isset($track[$max])) { $error = "You can't have more than {$max} tracks in a playlist"; $tracks = array_slice($tracks, 0, $max); } /** * Check for haxing */ foreach ($tracks as $k => &$item) { $item = Validate::int($item); if ($item === false) { unset($tracks[$k]); } } // Also get duration $row = Track::whereIn('id', $tracks)->selectExpr('COUNT(id)', 'count')->selectExpr('SUM(duration)', 'duration')->findOne(); if ($row->count != count(array_unique($tracks))) { View::error('playlist/edit', 'Massive error 2. Contact the admin'); } // Store duration in minutes $this->playlist->tracks_count = $row->count; $this->playlist->duration = $row->duration / 60; // Delete the ones already in PlaylistTrack::where('playlist_id', $this->playlist->id)->deleteMany(); // Add new ones foreach ($tracks as $track) { $table = PlaylistTrack::create(); $table->playlist_id = $this->playlist->id; $table->track_id = $track; $table->save(); } } else { View::error('playlist/edit', 'Massive error. Contact the admin'); } } /** * Update playlist in database */ $this->playlist->save(); $msg = $error ?: 'Playlist succesfully edited'; Base::redirect('/' . $this->playlist->id, $msg); }
private function oops() { // Log link referers View::show('oops'); }
/** * User settings */ private function settings() { Base::requireLogged(); if (LOGGED !== $this->user->id) { Base::requireAdmin(); } if (!isset($_POST['usr']) && !isset($_POST['avatar']) && !isset($_POST['pwd'])) { View::show('profile/settings'); } // Username or email change if (isset($_POST['usr'])) { } elseif (isset($_POST['avatar'])) { Base::uploadImage($_FILES['avatar'], $avatar, $error); if ($error) { View::error('profile/settings', $error); } $this->user->avatar = $avatar; $this->user->save(); View::set('success', 'Avatar successfully changed'); View::set('user', $this->user->asArray()); // Actualized user View::show('profile/settings'); } elseif (isset($_POST['password'])) { $currentPwd = $_POST['current_pwd']; $password = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; if (!Base::checkPassword($currentPwd, $this->user->password)) { $error = 'You misspelled your current password'; // Need help? Forgot pwd } elseif (!Validate::len($password, 4, 128)) { $error = 'Password must have more than 4 characters'; } elseif ($password != $password2) { $error = 'Passwords don\'t match'; } if ($error) { View::error('profile/settings', $error); } $this->user->password = Base::hashPassword($password); $this->user->save(); View::set('success', 'Password successfully changed'); View::show('profile/settings'); } }
public function show($response) { parent::show($response); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($response, $this->json_encode_options); }
public function show($templateFile = null) { View::show($templateFile); }
public function index() { $view = new View(); $view->set_file_name('Index'); $view->show(); }
/** * Cargador dinámico de controladores * @return nothing */ private static function route() { // Controlador if (isset($_GET[self::ROUTING_CONTROLLER_VARIABLE])) { self::$target_routing['controller'] = $_GET[self::ROUTING_CONTROLLER_VARIABLE]; } else { self::$target_routing['controller'] = self::$default_routing['controller']; } // Método if (isset($_GET[self::ROUTING_METHOD_VARIABLE])) { self::$target_routing['method'] = $_GET[self::ROUTING_METHOD_VARIABLE]; } else { self::$target_routing['method'] = self::$default_routing['method']; } // Índice if (isset($_GET[self::ROUTING_VALUE_VARIABLE])) { self::$target_routing['value'] = (int) $_GET[self::ROUTING_VALUE_VARIABLE]; } // Índice string para buscadores y otros if (isset($_GET[self::ROUTING_VALUE_VARIABLE])) { self::$target_routing['value_str'] = $_GET[self::ROUTING_VALUE_VARIABLE]; } // Página if (isset($_GET[self::ROUTING_PAGENUMBER_VARIABLE])) { self::$target_routing['page'] = (int) $_GET[self::ROUTING_PAGENUMBER_VARIABLE]; } if (self::is_valid_route(self::$target_routing['controller'], self::$target_routing['method']) === false) { // El problema es sólo el método. if (self::$error === self::ROUTING_ERROR_METHOD) { // redireccionamos al controlador que tenía ese método self::$target_routing['method'] = self::$default_routing['method']; } else { self::$target_routing = self::$error_routes; } } self::call_controller(); // Renderizado final. View::show(); }
/** * Manage ads */ private function manage_ads() { if (isset($_POST['ads'])) { // Token $option = ORM::forTable('options'); $advert = array('advert_playlist', 'advert_user', 'advert_search'); foreach ($advert as $item) { $option = $option->where('name', $item)->findOne(); $option->value = $_POST[$item]; $option->save(); Base::$g[$item] = $_POST[$item]; } View::set('success', 'Successfully set'); } View::show('admin/manage_ads'); }
static function main() { /** * Cargando librearias principales. */ require LIBS . 'Config.php'; //de configuracion require LIBS . 'View.php'; //Mini motor de plantillas require 'config.php'; //Archivo con configuraciones. define('FPDF_FONTPATH', LIBS . 'font/'); require 'fpdf.php'; /** * Cargando a los Controladores y Modelos Principales. */ require LIBS . CONTROLLER_BASE . '.php'; require LIBS . MODEL_BASE . '.php'; /** *Definiendo a nuestros controladores: */ $controllerName = !empty($_REQUEST['controlador']) ? $_REQUEST['controlador'] . 'controller' : 'indexcontroller'; $modelName = !empty($_REQUEST['controlador']) ? $_REQUEST['controlador'] . 'models' : ''; $actionName = !empty($_REQUEST['accion']) ? $_REQUEST['accion'] : 'index'; /** * Defino la ruta del controaldor y verifico si existe el fichero, luego lo cargo */ $controllerPath = CONTROLLERS . $controllerName . '.php'; $modelPath = MODELS . $modelname . '.php'; if (is_readable($controllerPath)) { require $controllerPath; is_readable($modelPath) ? require $modelPath : ''; if (is_callable($controllerName, $actionName)) { session_start(); if ($_SESSION['Autenticado'] == true || $actionName == 'valida') { $midir = opendir(MODELS); while ($archivo = readdir($midir)) { if (ereg("models.php", $archivo)) { $models = MODELS . $archivo; require_once $models; } } closedir(); $controller = new $controllerName(); $controller->{$actionName}(); } else { require_once CONTROLLERS . 'actorcontroller.php'; $controller = new actorcontroller(); $controller->login(); } } else { $datos['mensaje'] = "Error :: Llamada a una accion : (" . $actionName . ") que no existe o esta vacia."; $datos['descripciom'] = "Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del metodo en la clase."; $vistaDefault = new View(); $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); return false; } } else { $datos['mensaje'] = "Error :: Llamada a un controlador : (" . $controllerName . ") que no existe."; $datos['descripciom'] = "Por favor revisar la sintaxis o la existencia del archivo en la carpeta de controladores."; $vistaDefault = new View(); $vistaDefault->show('error.php', $datos); return false; } }