public function postCancelar() { //return Input::all(); $this->response->Cancelar(Input::get('contratos'), Input::get('penaCapital'), Input::get('penaAccesorios'), Input::get('penaMoratorios'), Input::get('capital')); $cliente = DB::table('expediente')->where('id_expediente', Input::get('contratos'))->join('cliente', 'cliente.rfc', '=', 'expediente.fk_rfc')->select('cliente.nombre', 'cliente.ape_mate', 'cliente.ape_pate')->get()[0]; $terreno = DB::table('expediente')->where('id_expediente', Input::get('contratos'))->join('solicitud', 'solicitud.fk_expediente', '=', 'expediente.id_expediente')->join('lote', 'lote.id_lote', '=', 'solicitud.fk_lote')->join('manzana', 'manzana.id_manzana', '=', 'lote.fk_manzana')->join('desarrollo', 'desarrollo.id_desarrollo', '=', 'manzana.fk_desarrollo')->select('lote.lote', 'manzana.num_letra', 'desarrollo.nombre')->get()[0]; if (Input::get('capital') - Input::get('penaCapital') > 0) { $ImporteLiquido = Input::get('capital') - Input::get('penaCapital'); } else { $ImporteLiquido = 0; } $PHPWord = new PHPWord(); $document = $PHPWord->loadTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/PHPWord/recibo_liquidacion.docx'); $fecha = explode('-', date('Y-m-d')); $document->setValue('dia', $fecha[2]); $document->setValue('mes', $fecha[1]); $document->setValue('anio', $fecha[0]); $document->setValue('cantidadDevuelta', '$' . $ImporteLiquido); $document->setValue('expediente', Input::get('contratos')); $document->setValue('Terreno', $terreno->lote); $document->setValue('Manzana', $terreno->num_letra); $document->setValue('Fraccionamiento', $terreno->nombre); $document->setValue('Penalizacion', Input::get('penalizacionCapital') . '%'); $document->setValue('PrecioVenta', '$' . Input::get('importeTotal')); $document->setValue('CapitalPagado', '$' . Input::get('capital')); $document->setValue('cantidadPenal', '$' . Input::get('penaCapital')); $document->setValue('ImporteLiquido', '$' . $ImporteLiquido); $document->setValue('Cliente', $cliente->nombre . " " . $cliente->ape_pate . " " . $cliente->ape_mate); $document->save(Input::get('contratos') . '_cancelacion.docx'); return View::make('cobranza/mensajeCobranza')->with('datos', array('seccion' => 'SICyA | Cobranza | Cancealr Terreno', 'cabecera' => 'Cancelando Contrato', 'icono' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-file', 'tipo_mensaje' => true, 'mensaje' => "Se ha Cancelado el Contrato.")); }
public function getLoggedinDashboard() { $role = Auth::user()->role; if ($role == 'hotel-staff') { $branch_code = $this->getStaffBranch(); $data_room_booked_details = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->where('branch.branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'booked')->count(); $data_room_details = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->where('branch.branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'available')->count(); $data_total_sales = DB::table('sales')->where('branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->sum('sale_value'); $total_client = DB::table('customer')->join('accommodation', 'customer.customer_id', '=', 'accommodation.customer_id')->select('customer.customer_id', 'accommodation.branch_code')->where('accommodation.branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->count(); $data_room = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->select('hotel_rooms.room_code', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', 'hotel_rooms.price_per_night', 'hotel_rooms.description', 'hotel_rooms.status', 'hotel_rooms.image', 'branch.branch_name', 'branch.address', '', '')->where('branch.branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'available')->take(5)->get(); $data_room_booked = DB::table('accommodation')->join('customer', 'accommodation.customer_id', '=', 'customer.customer_id')->select('customer.fullname', 'accommodation.branch_code', 'accommodation.room_code', 'accommodation.checkin_time', 'accommodation.checkout_time')->where('accommodation.branch_code', '=', $branch_code)->orderBy('checkout_time')->take(5)->get(); $cancelled = DB::table('refund')->where('date', '=', date('y-m-d'))->where('branch_id', '=', $branch_code)->count('refund_id'); } else { DB::setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $company_id_logged_user = Auth::user()->comp_id; $data_room_details = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->where('branch.company_id', '=', $company_id_logged_user)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'available')->count(); $data_room_booked_details = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->where('branch.company_id', '=', $company_id_logged_user)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'booked')->count(); $data_total_sales = DB::table('sales')->where('company_id', '=', Auth::user()->comp_id)->sum('sale_value'); $total_client = DB::table('customer')->select('customer_id')->where('company_id', '=', Auth::user()->comp_id)->count(); $company_id_logged_user = Auth::user()->comp_id; $data_room = DB::table('hotel_rooms')->join('branch', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->select('hotel_rooms.room_code', 'hotel_rooms.branch_code', 'hotel_rooms.price_per_night', 'hotel_rooms.description', 'hotel_rooms.status', 'hotel_rooms.image', 'branch.branch_name', 'branch.address', '', '')->where('branch.company_id', '=', $company_id_logged_user)->where('hotel_rooms.status', '=', 'available')->take(5)->get(); $data_room_booked = DB::table('accommodation')->join('customer', 'accommodation.customer_id', '=', 'customer.customer_id')->select('customer.fullname', 'accommodation.branch_code', 'accommodation.room_code', 'accommodation.checkin_time', 'accommodation.checkout_time')->where('accommodation.comp_id', '=', Auth::user()->comp_id)->orderBy('checkout_time')->take(5)->get(); $cancelled = DB::table('refund')->join('branch', 'refund.branch_id', '=', 'branch.branch_code')->where('branch.company_id', '=', Auth::user()->comp_id)->count('refund_id'); } return View::make('dashboard', array('data' => $data_room_details, 'booked' => $data_room_booked_details, 'sales' => $data_total_sales, 'clients' => $total_client, 'room_details' => $data_room, 'room_booked' => $data_room_booked, 'cancelled' => $cancelled)); }
/** * get_show takes in a username, finds the user's id from the username, gets the information about the user from the * followers and critts table and outputs it into the others.profile view */ public function action_show($username) { // we get the user's id that matches the username $user_id = User::where('username', '=', $username)->only('id'); // declare some default values for variables $following = null; $followers = 0; // if the username is not found, display an error if ($user_id == null) { echo "This username does not exist."; } else { if (Auth::user()) { // if the user tries to go to his/her own profile, redirect to user's profile action. if ($user_id == Auth::user()->id) { return Redirect::to_action('user@index'); } // check if the current user is already following $username $following = Follower::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('following_id', '=', $user_id)->get() ? true : false; } // eager load the critts with user data $allcritts = Critt::with('user')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id); // order the critts and split them in chunks of 10 per page $critts = $allcritts->order_by('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10); // count the critts $critts_count = $allcritts->count(); // count the followers $followers = Follower::where('following_id', '=', $user_id)->count(); // bind data to the view return View::make('others.profile')->with('username', $username)->with('user_id', $user_id)->with('following', $following)->with('followers', $followers)->with('count', $critts_count)->with('critts', $critts); } }
public function mostrarPost($page = 1) { // traemos la cantidad de registros para el paginador $registros = DB::table('post')->join('temas', 'post_tema', '=', 'temas.tema_id')->where('post_tipo', 'ENTRADA')->orderBy('post_fec', 'desc')->get(); $totalRegistros = count($registros); //die("totalRegistros ".$totalRegistros); //16 $paginador = 15; // Parametrizarlo desde DB $cantPagina = $totalRegistros / $paginador; //die("cantPagina ".$cantPagina); //1.066 $cantPagina = ceil($cantPagina); //die("cantidad de paginas ".$cantPagina); //2 if ($page != 1) { $comienzo = $page * $paginador - $paginador + 1; // ((2*15)-15+1); // (30)-14 // comenzara en la 16, pagina 2 y asi sucesivamente.. } else { $comienzo = 1; } $final = $page * $paginador; $post = DB::table('post')->join('temas', 'post_tema', '=', 'temas.tema_id')->where('post_tipo', 'ENTRADA')->orderBy('post_fec', 'desc')->skip($comienzo - 1)->take($final)->get(); // if (count($post) < 1) { $error = "No hay más resultados para mostrar."; } else { $error = ""; } $tema = DB::table('post as p')->select('tm.tema_txt', 'tm.tema_img')->distinct()->join('usuarios as u', 'p.post_usu', '=', 'u.usuarios_id')->join('temas as tm', 'p.post_tema', '=', 'tm.tema_id')->orderBy('tm.tema_txt', 'asc')->get(); // Retornamos todos los datos $entradas = DB::table('post as p')->select('p.*', 'u.usuarios_name', 'tm.tema_txt')->join('usuarios as u', 'p.post_usu', '=', 'u.usuarios_id')->join('temas as tm', 'p.post_tema', '=', 'tm.tema_id')->orderBy('p.post_fec', 'desc')->get(); return View::make('index', array('post' => $post, 'temas' => $tema, 'cantidadPag' => $cantPagina, 'errores' => $error, 'entradas' => $entradas)); }
public function save () { $param = Input::all(); $validator = Validator::make($param, [ 'site_title' => 'required', 'meta_description' => 'required', 'meta_keywords' => 'required', 'email_support' => 'required|email', 'count_pagination' => 'required' ]); if ( $validator->fails() ) { $output = ''; $errors = $validator->messages()->toArray(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $output .= $error[0] . '<br>'; } return View::make('admin.elements.error')->with('errors', $output); } AppSettings::set('site_title', $param['site_title']); AppSettings::set('meta_description', $param['meta_description']); AppSettings::set('meta_keywords', $param['meta_keywords']); AppSettings::set('email_support', $param['email_support']); AppSettings::set('count_pagination', $param['count_pagination']); return Redirect::to(URL::previous()); }
public function getIndex($location = '') { $loading_arr = Config::get('loading'); $loading = $loading_arr[array_rand($loading_arr)]; View::share('location', $location); $this->layout->content = View::make('index', compact('loading')); }
public function render() { $this->loadFiles(); $args = $this->arguments; $seq = $this->seq(); // set default file upload options $fileuploadOptions = ['previewMaxWidth' => 280, 'previewMaxHeight' => 120, 'previewCrop' => false, 'autoUpload' => false, 'acceptFileTypes' => "(\\.|\\/)(.*)\$", 'maxFileSize' => 5000000, 'replaceFileInput' => false, 'disableImageResize' => true, 'imageCrop' => false, 'imageMaxWidth' => 480, 'imageMaxHeight' => 240]; // set file if (isset($args['file'])) { $file = File::find($args['file']); if ($file === null) { unset($args['file']); } else { $filename = $file->clientname; $args['file'] = $filename; } } // resolve arguments $fileuploadOptions = array_merge($fileuploadOptions, array_get($args, 'fileuploadOptions', [])); $args = array_add($args, 'width', 420); $args = array_add($args, 'height', 240); array_set($fileuploadOptions, 'previewMaxWidth', $args['width']); array_set($fileuploadOptions, 'previewMaxHeight', $args['height']); $types = array_get($args, 'types'); if ($types !== null) { array_set($fileuploadOptions, 'acceptFileTypes', '(\\.|\\/)(' . implode('|', (array) $types) . ')$'); } array_set($args, 'fileuploadOptions', $fileuploadOptions); // render template $this->template = \View::make($this->view, ['args' => $args, 'seq' => $seq])->render(); return parent::render(); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index($id) { $site = Site::find($id); $users = User::all(); $data = array('page' => 'sites', 'tab' => 'access', 'site' => $site, 'users' => $users); return View::make('site_user.index', $data); }
public function getReset($token = null) { if (is_null($token)) { App::abort(404); } return View::make('password.reset')->with('token', $token); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { // // $newId = User::generateId(); return View::make('', ['id' => $newId]); }
/** * Display a listing of products on the wishlist. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function index() { $wishlist = $this->wishlist; $items = $this->wishlist->items(); $total = $this->wishlist->total(); return View::make('cart.wishlist', compact('wishlist', 'items', 'total')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $receipt = Receipt::find($id); $suppliers = Supplier::all()->lists('name', 'id'); $commodities = Commodity::all()->lists('name', 'id'); return View::make('receipt.edit')->with('receipt', $receipt)->with('commodities', $commodities)->with('suppliers', $suppliers); }
public function imprimeRenta($datos) { $vista = \View::make('pdf.renta', compact('datos'))->render(); $pdf = \App::make('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadHTML($vista); return $pdf->download('renta.pdf'); }
public function show($name) { if (\Auth::check() && \Auth::user()->permission->name == 'admin') { if (is_numeric($name)) { $dl = Downloads::where('id', '=', $name)->where('trash', '=', '0')->first(); if (is_null($dl)) { return \Redirect::to('404'); } return \View::make('')->with('entry', $dl); } else { $dl = Downloads::where('name', '=', $name)->where('trash', '=', '0')->first(); if (is_null($dl)) { return \Redirect::to('404'); } return \View::make('')->with('entry', $dl); } } else { if (is_numeric($name)) { $dl = Downloads::where('id', '=', $name)->where('trash', '=', '0')->where('state', '=', '1')->first(); if (is_null($dl)) { return \Redirect::to('404'); } return \View::make('')->with('entry', $dl); } else { $dl = Downloads::where('name', '=', $name)->where('trash', '=', '0')->where('state', '=', '1')->first(); if (is_null($dl)) { return \Redirect::to('404'); } return \View::make('')->with('entry', $dl); } } }
public function getTaskListHtml($filter_str, $done_num) { $recent_done_num = $done_num; $tasks = $this->getTasks($filter_str, $done_num); $layout = Session::get('layout', 'default'); return View::make('tasks.layouts.' . $layout, compact('tasks', 'recent_done_num'))->render(); }
public function getProfile($id) { DB::setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $member = DB::table('members')->where('', '=', $id)->leftjoin('region', 'members.region_id', '=', '')->leftjoin('city', 'members.city_id', '=', '')->select(DB::raw(', members.user_id, members.avatar_url, members.avatar_url_big,, members.surname,members.rep, as city_name, as region_name, as city_id, as region_id'))->get(); //echo "<pre>"; //var_dump($regions); //echo "</pre>"; //die(); if (!empty($member)) { $member = $member[0]; $member['ajax_url'] = action('ProfileController@postCities'); $member['all_regions'] = DB::table('region')->get(); $member['regions_cities'] = DB::table('city')->where('region_id', '=', $member['region_id'])->get(); if (Auth::check()) { if ($member['user_id'] === Auth::user()->id) { if (Auth::user()->vk_id != 0) { $member['is_vk'] = true; } else { $member['is_vk'] = false; } return View::make('profile-edit', $member); } } else { return View::make('profile', $member); } } }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { if (!Auth::guest()) { return redirect()->to('account/' . \Auth::id()); } return \View::make('session.create'); }
/** * Display the tab * * @param array $data The data to inject in the view * * @return string The generated HTML */ public static function make($data) { if (is_array($data['page']) && isset($data['page']['content'])) { $data['page'] = $data['page']['content']; } return parent::make(Theme::getSelected()->getView('tabs-layout/tabs-no-sidebar.tpl'), $data); }
public function getIndex() { $title = 'Search'; $company_results = Company::select('companies.*', ' as country', ' as city')->join('adresses as a', 'companies.address_id', '=', '')->join('countries as c', 'a.country_id', '=', '')->orderBy('', 'DESC')->take(5)->get(); $company_data = []; foreach ($company_results as $curr_company) { $curr_company = (object) ['DT_RowId' => $curr_company->id, 'name' => $curr_company->name, 'references' => $curr_company->references, 'country' => $curr_company->country, 'city' => $curr_company->city]; $curr_entry = (object) $curr_company; $company_data[] = $curr_entry; } $company_init = json_encode(['data' => $company_data]); $venue_results = Venue::select('venues.*', ' as country', ' as city')->join('adresses as a', 'venues.address_id', '=', '')->join('countries as c', 'a.country_id', '=', '')->orderBy('', 'DESC')->take(5)->get(); $venue_data = []; foreach ($venue_results as $curr_venue) { $curr_venue = (object) ['DT_RowId' => $curr_venue->id, 'name' => $curr_venue->name, 'capacity' => $curr_venue->capacity, 'rigging_capacity' => $curr_venue->rigging_capacity, 'country' => $curr_venue->country, 'city' => $curr_venue->city]; $curr_entry = (object) $curr_venue; $venue_data[] = $curr_entry; } $venue_init = json_encode(['data' => $venue_data]); $contact_results = Contact::select('contacts.*', ' as country')->join('adresses as a', 'contacts.address_id', '=', '')->join('countries as c', 'a.country_id', '=', '')->orderBy('', 'DESC')->take(5)->get(); $contact_data = []; foreach ($contact_results as $curr_contact) { $curr_contact = (object) ['DT_RowId' => $curr_contact->id, 'first_name' => $curr_contact->first_name, 'last_name' => $curr_contact->last_name, 'country' => $curr_contact->country, 'function' => $curr_contact->function]; $curr_entry = (object) $curr_contact; $contact_data[] = $curr_entry; } $contact_init = json_encode(['data' => $contact_data]); return View::make('site/' . $this->name . '/index', compact('title', 'company_init', 'venue_init', 'contact_init')); }
public function showParent() { $data = array(); $loginid = Session::get('user')->id; $collegeid = Session::get('user')->collegeid; $flag = Session::get('user')->flag; $tb = ""; if ($flag == 1) { $tb = "Admin"; } else { if ($flag == 2) { $tb = "Teacher"; } else { if ($flag == 3) { $tb = "Student"; } else { $tb = "Staff"; } } } $dt = $tb::where('loginid', '=', $loginid)->first(); $data['name'] = $dt->name; $data['pic'] = $dt->profilepic; $data['id'] = $loginid; $colid = Session::get('user')->collegeid; //$colid = "bt123"; $classes = Classes::where('collegeid', '=', $colid)->get(); $data['class'] = []; $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($classes); $i++) { $data['class'][$i]['id'] = $classes[$i]->id; $data['class'][$i]['name'] = $classes[$i]->classname; } return View::make('pages.parent', array('data' => $data, 'flag' => $flag)); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { if (Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('admin/panelAdmin'); } return View::make('admin/login'); }
public function getComplete() { $comp = Orders::where('status', '=', 'sent')->orderBy('orderNum', 'DESC')->get(); $num = Orders::where('status', '=', 'sent')->groupBy('orderNum')->orderBy('orderNum', 'DESC')->get(); //$page = Paginator::make($num, count($num), 1); return View::make('Supplier.complete')->with('orders', $comp)->with('nums', $num); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $user = $this->userService->getCurrentUser(); $stocks = $this->stockRepo->getStockList($user->id); $templates = $this->templateRepo->getAll(); return \View::make('stocks.index', compact('stocks', 'templates')); }
public function show() { //TODO: Not yet implemented /* Check if the Welcome one is not deleted */ //$userId = Auth::user()->id; //$welcomeNote = Note::with( // array( /*'users' => function($query) { $query->where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id); },*/ /* 'version' => function($query) { $query->whereNull('previous_id'); } ) )->join('note_user', function($join) use(&$userId) { $join->on('', '=', 'note_user.note_id')->where('note_user.user_id', '=', $userId); }) ->orderBy('notes.created_at') ->whereNull('notes.deleted_at') ->first(); if(is_null($welcomeNote)) { $welcomeNoteArray = array('welcomeNoteSaved' => 0); }else{ if($welcomeNote->version->title === Lang::get('notebooks.welcome_note_title')) { $welcomeNoteArray = array('welcomeNoteSaved' => 1); }else{ $welcomeNoteArray = array('welcomeNoteSaved' => 0); } }*/ return View::make('main'); //return View::make('main', $welcomeNoteArray); }
public function create() { $academicdegrees = Academicdegree::all(); $localizationController = new LocalizationController(); $localizations_depts = $localizationController->getDepartments(); return View::make('registro', compact('academicdegrees', 'localizations_depts')); }
public function showContact() { //Create the view $this->layout->content = View::make('contact.content'); $headerData = array('title' => isset($this->metaData['contact_title']) ? $this->metaData['contact_title'] : null, 'description' => isset($this->metaData['contact_desc']) ? $this->metaData['contact_desc'] : null); $this->layout->header = View::make('includes.header', $headerData); }
public function show($hashId) { $id = \Jamesy\Miscellaneous::decryptId($hashId); if ($email = Email::find($id)) { } return View::make('backend.emails.send_templates.main', ['email_body' => $email->email_body]); }
public function showForm() { if ($blog = Input::get('blog')) { return Redirect::to('/' . $blog); } $this->layout->content = View::make('main'); }
public function index() { $arrType = []; $arrMenu = Menu::getCache(['active' => 0]); if (!empty($arrMenu)) { foreach ($arrMenu as $type => $html) { if (strpos($type, '-') !== false) { unset($arrMenu[$type]); list($type, $subType) = explode('-', $type); $arrMenu[$type][$subType] = '<ol class="dd-list">' . $html . '</ol>'; $arrType[] = $subType; } else { $arrMenu[$type] = '<ol class="dd-list">' . $html . '</ol>'; $arrType[] = $type; } } arsort($arrMenu); } else { $arrMenu = []; } $arrParent = Menu::getCache(['parent' => true]); $admin = Auth::admin()->get(); $permission = new Permission(); $arrPermission = ['frontend' => ['view' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusfrontend_view_all'), 'create' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusfrontend_create_all'), 'edit' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusfrontend_edit_all'), 'delete' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusfrontend_delete_all')], 'backend' => ['view' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusbackend_view_all'), 'create' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusbackend_create_all'), 'edit' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusbackend_edit_all'), 'delete' => $permission->can($admin, 'menusbackend_delete_all')]]; $this->layout->title = 'Menu'; $this->layout->content = View::make('admin.menus-all')->with(['arrMenu' => $arrMenu, 'arrParent' => $arrParent, 'arrType' => $arrType, 'arrPermission' => $arrPermission]); }
public function fim() { $nomeColecao = Session::get('nome-colecao'); Colecao::setNomeColecaoAtual($nomeColecao); $data = IndiceInvertido::parametros('fim'); return View::make('template.empty', $data); }