public function view() { $c = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/home'); $v = View::getInstance(); $v->disableEditing(); $v->render($c); }
/** * Returns a flag for a passed country/region */ public function getFlagIcon($region, $filePathOnly = false) { $val = \Core::make('helper/validation/strings'); if ($val->alphanum($region, false, true)) { $region = h(strtolower($region)); } else { $region = false; } if ($region) { $v = \View::getInstance(); if ($v->getThemeDirectory() != '' && file_exists($v->getThemeDirectory() . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png')) { $icon = $v->getThemePath() . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } elseif (file_exists(DIR_APPLICATION . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png')) { $icon = REL_DIR_APPLICATION . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } else { $icon = ASSETS_URL . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } if (isset($icon)) { if ($filePathOnly) { return $icon; } else { return '<img class="ccm-region-flag img-responsive" id="ccm-region-flag-' . $region . '" src="' . $icon . '" alt="' . $region . '" />'; } } } }
function Area($arHandle) { $this->arHandle = $arHandle; $v = View::getInstance(); if (!$v->editingEnabled()) { $this->showControls = false; } }
public function quickSelect($key, $val = false, $args = array()) { $v = \View::getInstance(); $v->requireAsset('selectize'); $form = Loader::helper('form'); $valt = Loader::helper('validation/token'); $token = $valt->generate('quick_user_select_' . $key); $selectedUID = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) { $selectedUID = $_REQUEST[$key]; } else { if ($val > 0) { $selectedUID = $val; } } $uName = ''; if ($selectedUID > 0) { $ui = UserInfo::getByID($selectedUID); $uName = $ui->getUserDisplayName(); } $html = "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\$(function () {\n\t\t\t\$('.ccm-quick-user-selector input').unbind().selectize({\n valueField: 'value',\n labelField: 'label',\n searchField: ['label'],"; if ($val) { $html .= "options: [{'label': '" . h($uName) . "', 'value': " . intval($selectedUID) . "}],\n\t\t\t\titems: [" . intval($selectedUID) . "],"; } $html .= "maxItems: 1,\n load: function(query, callback) {\n if (!query.length) return callback();\n \$.ajax({\n url: '" . REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED . "/users/autocomplete?key=" . $key . "&token=" . $token . "&term=' + encodeURIComponent(query),\n type: 'GET',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdataType: 'json',\n error: function() {\n callback();\n },\n success: function(res) {\n callback(res);\n }\n });\n }\n\t\t });\n\t\t});\n\t\t</script>"; $html .= '<span class="ccm-quick-user-selector">' . $form->hidden($key, '', $args) . '</span>'; return $html; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_form = new BookingForm(); $this->_bookingModel = BookingModel::getInstance(); $this->_view = View::getInstance(); }
public function handleRequest() { $registry = SessionRegistry::getInstance(); $cmdHnd = CommandHandler::getInstance(); $cmd = $cmdHnd->getCommand($registry); $cmd->execute($registry, View::getInstance($registry)); }
public function registerViewAssets() { $al = \AssetList::getInstance(); $v = \View::getInstance(); $env = \Environment::get(); $identifier = 'menuitem/' . $this->menuItem->getHandle() . '/view'; foreach (array('CSS' => 'view.css', 'JAVASCRIPT' => 'view.js') as $t => $i) { $r = $env->getRecord(DIRNAME_MENU_ITEMS . '/' . $this->menuItem->getHandle() . '/' . $i, $this->menuItem->getPackageHandle()); if ($r->exists()) { switch ($t) { case 'CSS': $asset = new CssAsset($identifier); $asset->setAssetURL($r->url); $asset->setAssetPath($r->file); $al->registerAsset($asset); $v->requireAsset('css', $identifier); break; case 'JAVASCRIPT': $asset = new JavascriptAsset($identifier); $asset->setAssetURL($r->url); $asset->setAssetPath($r->file); $al->registerAsset($asset); $v->requireAsset('javascript', $identifier); break; } } } }
/** * Creates form fields and JavaScript page chooser for choosing a page. For use with inclusion in blocks. * <code> * $dh->selectPage('pageID', '1'); // prints out the home page and makes it selectable. * </code> * * @param $fieldName * @param bool|int $cID * @return string */ public function selectPage($fieldName, $cID = false) { $v = \View::getInstance(); $v->requireAsset('core/sitemap'); $selectedCID = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST[$fieldName])) { $selectedCID = intval($_REQUEST[$fieldName]); } else { if ($cID > 0) { $selectedCID = $cID; } } if ($selectedCID) { $args = "{'inputName': '{$fieldName}', 'cID': {$selectedCID}}"; } else { $args = "{'inputName': '{$fieldName}'}"; } $identifier = new \Concrete\Core\Utility\Service\Identifier(); $identifier = $identifier->getString(32); $html = <<<EOL <div data-page-selector="{$identifier}"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> \$(function() { \$('[data-page-selector={$identifier}]').concretePageSelector({$args}); }); </script> EOL; return $html; }
public function __construct() { $this->_view = View::getInstance(); $this->_request = Request::getInstance(); $this->_validator = Validator::getInstance(); $this->_translator = Translator::getInstance(); }
public function on_start() { $c = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/blocks/stacks'); $cp = new Permissions($c); if ($cp->canViewPage()) { $c = Page::getCurrentPage(); $pcp = new Permissions($c); if (!$pcp->canViewPageVersions() || $_GET['vtask'] != 'view_versions' && $_GET['vtask'] != 'compare') { $cID = $c->getCollectionID(); $this->redirect('/dashboard/blocks/stacks', 'view_details', $cID); } else { $this->theme = 'dashboard'; } } else { global $c; // ugh $v = View::getInstance(); $c = new Page(); $c->loadError(COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND); $v->setCollectionObject($c); $this->c = $c; $cont = Loader::controller("/page_not_found"); $v->setController($cont); $v->render('/page_not_found'); } }
/** * Returns a flag for a passed country/region. */ public static function getFlagIcon($region, $filePathOnly = false) { $val = \Core::make('helper/validation/strings'); if ($val->alphanum($region, false, true)) { $region = h(strtolower($region)); } else { $region = false; } if ($region) { $v = \View::getInstance(); if ($v->getThemeDirectory() != '' && file_exists($v->getThemeDirectory() . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png')) { $icon = $v->getThemePath() . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } elseif (file_exists(DIR_APPLICATION . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png')) { $icon = REL_DIR_APPLICATION . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } else { $icon = ASSETS_URL . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES . '/' . DIRNAME_IMAGES_LANGUAGES . '/' . $region . '.png'; } if (isset($icon)) { if ($filePathOnly) { return $icon; } else { $img = new Image($icon, $region, ['id' => 'ccm-region-flag-' . $region, 'class' => 'ccm-region-flag']); return $img; } } } }
public function view_details($cID, $msg = false) { $s = Stack::getByID($cID); if (is_object($s)) { $blocks = $s->getBlocks('Main'); $view = View::getInstance(); foreach($blocks as $b1) { $btc = $b1->getInstance(); // now we inject any custom template CSS and JavaScript into the header if('Controller' != get_class($btc)){ $btc->outputAutoHeaderItems(); } $btc->runTask('on_page_view', array($view)); } $this->addHeaderItem('<style type="text/css">' . $s->outputCustomStyleHeaderItems(true) . '</style>'); $this->set('stack', $s); $this->set('blocks', $blocks); switch($msg) { case 'delete_saved': $this->set('message', t('Delete request saved. You must complete the delete workflow before this stack can be deleted.')); break; } } else { throw new Exception(t('Invalid stack')); } }
public function __construct() { $this->app = App::getInstance(); $this->config = $this->app->getConfig(); $this->view = View::getInstance(); $this->input = InputData::getInstance(); }
/** * @param $option */ public function __construct($option = "") { $this->view = View::getInstance(); if ($option && is_callable([$this, $option])) { $this->{$option}(); } }
/** * Factory for fetching the Presenter * * @param string $view * @param string $method * @param boolean $autoFilter * @param string $view * * @return \Fuel\Display\Presenter * * @throws \RuntimeException if the the presenter class could not be loaded */ public static function forge($uri, $method = 'view', $autoFilter = true, $view = null) { // was a custom view string passed? if ($view === null) { $view = $uri; } // get the current request namespace $currentNamespace = \Request::getInstance()->getRoute()->namespace; // pop the last one off, and add the Presenter namespace $currentNamespace = explode('\\', $currentNamespace); end($currentNamespace); $currentNamespace[key($currentNamespace)] = 'Presenter'; $currentNamespace = implode('\\', $currentNamespace); // get the segments from the presenter string passed $segments = explode('/', $uri); while (count($segments)) { $class = $currentNamespace . '\\' . implode('\\', array_map('ucfirst', $segments)); if (class_exists($class)) { $presenter = new $class(\View::getInstance(), $method, $autoFilter, $view); break; } array_pop($segments); } // bail out if the presenter class could not be loaded if (!isset($presenter)) { throw new \RuntimeException('FOU-012: Presenter class identified by [' . $uri . '] could not be found.'); } elseif (!$presenter instanceof \Fuel\Display\Presenter) { throw new \RuntimeException('FOU-013: Presenter class [' . get_class($presenter) . '] does not extend "Fuel\\Display\\Presenter".'); } return $presenter; }
private function init() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->request = Request::getInstance(); $this->router = Router::getInstance(); $this->view = View::getInstance(); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 架构函数 取得模板对象实例 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access public +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function __construct() { //实例化视图类 $this->view = View::getInstance(); $this->name = $this->getActionName(); //控制器初始化 $this->_initialize(); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 架构函数 取得模板对象实例 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access public +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function __construct() { //实例化模板类 $this->tpl = View::getInstance(); $this->name = substr(get_class($this), 0, -6); //控制器初始化 $this->_initialize(); }
/** * 创建view层 */ protected function _createView() { $this->_loadCore('View'); $this->_view = View::getInstance(); $rbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $this->_view->assign('rbac', $rbac); $this->_view->assign('noData', '暂无数据'); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { $this->View = View::getInstance(); $this->Model = Router::getRoute()['Controller']; $this->loadModel($this->Model); $this->Request = Request::getInstance(); $this->Session = Session::getInstance(); Orm::getInstance(); }
/** * Tests getting the name using Mediator class accessor method. */ public function testViewAccessor() { // Create a view object $view = View::getInstance('testView'); // Create a new Mediator and use accessors to set the mediator name $mediator = new Mediator(Mediator::NAME, $view); // test assertions $this->assertNotNull($mediator->getViewComponent(), "Expecting mediator.getViewComponent() not null"); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 架构函数 取得模板对象实例 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @author Fantasy制作,Nonant修改,SamPeng重构 * @access public +---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function __construct() { $this->view = View::getInstance(); $this->name = substr(get_class($this), 0, -6); $this->init(); if (method_exists($this, '_initialize')) { $this->_initialize(); } }
public function init($selector = '.ccm-overlay') { $view = View::getInstance(); $v = View::getInstance(); $v->requireAsset('core/lightbox'); if ($selector && strlen($selector)) { $js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\$(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "-image').magnificPopup({type:'image'});\n\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "-iframe').magnificPopup({type:'image'});\n\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "-inline').magnificPopup({type:'image'});\n\t\t\t\t\$('" . $selector . "-ajax').magnificPopup({type:'image'});\n\t\t\t});</script>"; $view->addFooterItem($js); } }
public function on_load_page() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'view.php'; $page = $_REQUEST['page']; list($page_prefix, $type) = explode('.', $page); $view = View::getInstance($type, $this->_prefix . 'View'); if (method_exists($view, 'on_load_page')) { $view->on_load_page(); } }
public function addMetaTags($v = NULL) { if (!$v instanceof View) { $v = View::getInstance(); } $translations = self::getTranslatedPages(); foreach ($translations as $locale => $tpage) { $v->addHeaderItem(self::altMeta($locale, $tpage)); } }
/** * */ public function getView($type, $prefix = '', $config = '') { require_once 'view.php'; if (!$prefix) { $class = get_class($this); $t = explode('Controller', $class); $prefix = $t[0] . 'View'; } $view = View::getInstance($type, $prefix, $config); return $view; }
/** * Loads an element from C5 or the site */ public function element($_file, $args = null, $_pkgHandle = null) { if (is_array($args)) { $collisions = array_intersect(array('_file', '_pkgHandle'), array_keys($args)); if ($collisions) { throw new Exception(t("Illegal variable name '%s' in element args.", implode(', ', $collisions))); } $collisions = null; } View::getInstance()->includeFileInScope(Environment::get()->getPath(DIRNAME_ELEMENTS . '/' . $_file . '.php', $_pkgHandle), (array) $args); }
public function view() { $v = View::getInstance(); $c = $v->getCollectionObject(); if (is_object($c)) { $cID = $c->getCollectionID(); if($cID) { $this->forward($cID); // set the intended url } } parent::view(); $this->render('/login'); }
public function __construct() { $this->view = View::getInstance(); $this->name = $this->getActionName(); if ($this->isGet()) { if (C('ACTION_CACHE_ON') && in_array(ACTION_NAME, $this->_cacheAction, true)) { $content = S(md5(__SELF__)); if ($content) { echo $content; exit; } } } $this->_initialize(); }
public function on_start() { // stuff here will run on every page request before anything else. // if full page cache is turned on, this will not run on cached pages // // events are the most common use case // for more details on events, check out the documentation here: // // Events::extendPageType('boilerplate', 'on_page_add'); $html = Loader::helper("html"); $v = View::getInstance(); $v->addHeaderItem($html->css("boilerplate.css", "c5_boilerplate")); $v->addHeaderItem($html->javascript("boilerplate.js", "c5_boilerplate")); }