 * Returns ticket custom fields in the form of array:
 * array(
 *     '<custom field group title>' => array(<custom field object>, ... ),
 *     ...
 * )
 * @param kyTicket $ticket Ticket.
 * @param bool $file_custom_field_present Placeholder to indicate if there is file custom field.
 * @return array
function get_ticket_custom_fields(kyTicket $ticket, &$file_custom_field_present)
    $custom_field_groups = $ticket->getCustomFieldGroups();
    if (count($custom_field_groups) === 0) {
        return array();
    $custom_fields = array();
    foreach ($custom_field_groups as $custom_field_group) {
        /* @var $custom_field_group kyTicketCustomFieldGroup */
        $group_custom_fields = array();
        foreach ($custom_field_group->getFields() as $custom_field) {
            /* @var $custom_field kyCustomField */
            if (!$custom_field->getDefinition()->getIsUserEditable()) {
            if ($custom_field->getType() === kyCustomFieldDefinition::TYPE_FILE) {
                $file_custom_field_present = true;
            $group_custom_fields[$custom_field->getDefinition()->getDisplayOrder()] = $custom_field;
        if (count($group_custom_fields) > 0) {
            ksort($group_custom_fields, SORT_NUMERIC);
            $custom_fields[$custom_field_group->getTitle()] = array_values($group_custom_fields);
    return $custom_fields;
  * Sets the ticket post this attachment will be attached to.
  * Automatically sets the ticket.
  * @param kyTicketPost $ticket_post Ticket post.
 public function setTicketPost($ticket_post)
     $this->ticket_post = ky_assure_object($ticket_post, 'kyTicketPost');
     $this->ticket_post_id = $this->ticket_post !== null ? $this->ticket_post->getId() : null;
     $this->ticket = $this->ticket_post !== null ? $this->ticket_post->getTicket() : null;
     $this->ticket_id = $this->ticket !== null ? $this->ticket->getId() : null;
 public function createTicket($data)
     $default_status_id = kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle('New')->first()->getId();
     $default_priority_id = kyTicketPriority::getAll()->filterByTitle('Normal')->first()->getId();
     $default_type_id = $data['issue'];
     kyTicket::setDefaults($default_status_id, $default_priority_id, $default_type_id);
     $general_department = kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByTitle('Customer Service')->filterByModule(kyDepartment::MODULE_TICKETS)->first();
     $ticket = kyTicket::createNewAuto($general_department, $data['name'], $data['email'], $data['comment'], $data['subject'])->create();
     return true;
//Include constants file
require_once 'constants.php';
//Initialize the client
kyConfig::set(new kyConfig(API_URL, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY));
$_ticketDepartmentObjectContainer = kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByModule(kyDepartment::MODULE_TICKETS)->filterByType(kyDepartment::TYPE_PUBLIC);
$_ticketStatusObjectContainer = kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByType(kyTicketStatus::TYPE_PUBLIC)->first();
$_ticketStatusContainer = [];
foreach ($_ticketStatusObjectContainer as $_ticketStatusObject) {
    $_ticketStatusID = $_ticketStatusObject->getId();
    $_ticketStatus['ticketstatusid'] = $_ticketStatusID;
    $_ticketStatus['title'] = $_ticketStatusObject->getTitle();
    $_ticketStatus['markasresolved'] = $_ticketStatusObject->getMarkAsResolved();
    $_ticketStatusContainer[$_ticketStatusID] = $_ticketStatus;
$_ticketObjectContainer = kyTicket::getAll($_ticketDepartmentObjectContainer, $_ticketStatusObjectContainer, [], [], $_params['clientsdetails']['email'], $_settings['recordsperpage'], 0)->orderByLastActivity();
$_totalTicketCount = kyTicket::getTicketCount($_ticketDepartmentObjectContainer, $_ticketStatusObjectContainer, array(), array(), $clientsdetails['email']);
$_ticketContainer = [];
$_numActiveTickets = 0;
foreach ($_ticketObjectContainer as $_ticketObject) {
    $_ticketID = $_ticketObject->getId();
    $_ticketStatus = $_ticketObject->getStatusId();
    if (isset($_ticketStatusContainer[$_ticketStatus]) && $_ticketStatusContainer[$_ticketStatus]['markasresolved'] == '1') {
    } else {
    $_ticket = [];
    $_ticket['tid'] = $_ticketID;
    $_ticket['date'] = $_ticketObject->getCreationTime();
    $_ticket['department'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartment()->getTitle();
    $_ticket['status'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getTitle();
  * Sets the ticket that the post will be connected with.
  * @param kyTicket $ticket Ticket.
  * @return kyTicketPost
 public function setTicket($ticket)
     $this->ticket = ky_assure_object($ticket, 'kyTicket');
     $this->ticket_id = $this->ticket !== null ? $this->ticket->getId() : null;
     return $this;
  * Creates new ticket time track.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param kyTicket $ticket Ticket to attach the timetrack to.
  * @param string $contents Note contents.
  * @param kyStaff $staff Staff user - both creator and worker.
  * @param string $time_worked Worked time formatted as hh:mm. Work date will be set to current datetime.
  * @param string $time_billable Billable time formatted as hh:mm. Bill date will be set to current datetime.
  * @return kyTicketTimeTrack
 public static function createNew(kyTicket $ticket, $contents, kyStaff $staff, $time_worked, $time_billable)
     $ticket_time_track = new self();
     return $ticket_time_track;

 * @copyright      2001-2015 Kayako
 * @license        https://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html
 * @link           https://github.com/kayako/whmcs-integration
$_ticket = kyTicket::get($_GET['ticketid']);
         $templatefile = 'ticketform';
     } else {
         header('Location: ' . WHMCS_URL . 'submitticket.php');
 } else {
     if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 3) {
         if (!empty($_POST)) {
             //Set Defaults for a new ticket
             $_defaultStatusID = kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByType(kyTicketStatus::TYPE_PUBLIC)->first()->getId();
             $_defaultPriorityID = kyTicketPriority::getAll()->filterByType(kyTicketStatus::TYPE_PUBLIC)->first()->getId();
             $_defaultTypeID = kyTicketType::getAll()->filterByType(kyTicketStatus::TYPE_PUBLIC)->first()->getId();
             kyTicket::setDefaults($_defaultStatusID, $_defaultPriorityID, $_defaultTypeID);
             //Create ticket
             $_department = kyDepartment::get($_POST['departmentid']);
             $_priority = kyTicketPriority::get($_POST['ticketpriorityid']);
             $_ticket = kyTicket::createNewAuto($_department, $clientsdetails['firstname'] . ' ' . $clientsdetails['lastname'], $clientsdetails['email'], $_POST['ticketmessage'], $_POST['ticketsubject'])->setPriority($_priority)->setIgnoreAutoResponder($_settings['ignoreautoresponder'])->create();
             $_ticketPosts = $_ticket->getPosts();
             //Save ticket attachments
             foreach ($_FILES['ticketattachments']['tmp_name'] as $_key => $_ticketAttachment) {
                 kyTicketAttachment::createNewFromFile($_ticketPosts[0], $_ticketAttachment, $_FILES['ticketattachments']['name'][$_key])->create();
             //Save custom fields
             $smarty->assign('_ticketDisplayID', $_ticket->getDisplayId());
             $smarty->assign('_ticketSubject', $_POST['ticketsubject']);
             $smarty->assign('_ticketMessage', nl2br($_POST['ticketmessage']));
             $templatefile = 'ticketConfirmation';
         } else {
             header('Location: ' . WHMCS_URL . 'submitticket.php');
Beispiel #9
  * Returns Ticket details
  * @param int $_ticketID
  * @return kyTicket
 public function getTicketDetails($_ticketID)
     $_ticketObjectContainer = kyTicket::get($_ticketID);
     return $_ticketObjectContainer;
Beispiel #10
  * Creates new ticket with this staff user as the author.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param kyDepartment $department Department where the ticket will be created.
  * @param string $contents Contents of the first post.
  * @param string $subject Subject of the ticket.
  * @return kyTicket
 public function newTicket(kyDepartment $department, $contents, $subject)
     return kyTicket::createNew($department, $this, $contents, $subject);
$email = JFactory::getUser()->email;
if (empty($email) || !isset($email)) {
    throw new kyException();
//Retrieve the get value
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
//$edit_id = $input->get('id', null);
$edit_id = $_REQUEST['ticketid'];
$all_departments = kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByModule(kyDepartment::MODULE_TICKETS)->filterByType(kyDepartment::TYPE_PUBLIC);
$department_titles = kyDepartment::getAll()->collectTitle();
$department_id = kyDepartment::getAll()->collectId();
$priority_list = kyTicketPriority::getAll();
$status_list = kyTicketStatus::getAll();
$ticket_type = kyTicketType::getAll();
$ticket_details = kyTicket::get($edit_id);
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="modules/mod_kayako/resources/css/style.css">

	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		jQuery('#Reply').click(function() {

	function AddTicketFile(_namePrefix) {
		jQuery('#' + _namePrefix + 'attachmentcontainer').append('<div class="ticketattachmentitem"><div class="ticketattachmentitemdelete" onclick="javascript: jQuery(this).parent().remove();">&nbsp;</div><input name="' + _namePrefix + 'attachments[]" type="file" size="20" class="swifttextlarge swifttextfile" /></div>');

 * @copyright      2001-2015 Kayako
 * @license        https://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html
 * @link           https://github.com/kayako/whmcs-integration
if (!empty($_GET['tid'])) {
    $_ticketID = $_GET['tid'];
} else {
    $_ticketID = $_GET['ticketid'];
//Get ticket properties
$_ticketObject = kyTicket::get($_ticketID);
if ($_ticketObject->getEmail() != $clientsdetails['email']) {
    $smarty->assign('_noPermissions', true);
} else {
    $_ticketContainer = array();
    $_ticketContainer['ticketid'] = $_ticketObject->getId();
    $_ticketContainer['displayticketid'] = $_ticketObject->getDisplayId();
    $_ticketContainer['departmentid'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartmentId();
    $_ticketContainer['departmenttitle'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartment()->getTitle();
    $_ticketContainer['departmenttype'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartment()->getType();
    if ($_ticketContainer['departmenttype'] == kyDepartment::TYPE_PRIVATE) {
        $_ticketContainer['department'] = 'Private';
    } else {
        $_ticketContainer['department'] = $_ticketContainer['departmenttitle'];
    $_ticketContainer['ticketstatusid'] = $_ticketObject->getStatusId();
    $_ticketContainer['status'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getTitle();
    $_ticketContainer['statusbgcolor'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getStatusBackgroundColor();
  * Post a message to the user
  * @return bool
 public function postReply()
     require_once 'modules/mod_kayako/includes/kayako-php-api/kyIncludes.php';
     $confObject = JFactory::getApplication();
     $tmp_path = $confObject->getCfg('tmp_path');
     //Fetch Post data
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $form_value = $input->getArray(array('content' => null, 'id' => null, 'replyattachments' => null));
     $img = $_FILES['replyattachments']['name'];
     //Fetch the email of login User
     $email = JFactory::getUser()->email;
     $user = kyUser::search($email)->getRawArray();
     $ticket_object = kyTicket::get($form_value['id']);
     $user_reply_post = $ticket_object->newPost($user[0], $form_value['content'])->create();
     foreach ($img as $key => $value) {
         $name = time() . $_FILES["replyattachments"]["name"][$key];
         $temp_name = $_FILES["replyattachments"]["tmp_name"][$key];
         $size = $_FILES["replyattachments"]["size"][$key];
         if ($size < 1024 * 1024) {
             move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $tmp_path . "/" . $name);
             $user_reply_post->newAttachmentFromFile(JURI::Root() . "tmp/" . $name)->create();
     return true;
if (!isset($_GET['sortby'])) {
    $_sortBy = 'LastActivity';
    $_sortOrder = 'DESC';
    $_order = false;
} else {
    $_sortBy = $_GET['sortby'];
$_offset = $_GET['page'] > 1 ? ($_GET['page'] - 1) * $_settings['recordsperpage'] : 0;
if ($_order) {
    $_sortOrderFlip = 'DESC';
} else {
    $_sortOrderFlip = 'ASC';
$_totalTicketCount = kyTicket::getTicketCount($_ticketDepartmentContainer, $_ticketStatusObjectContainer, [], [], $clientsdetails['email']);
$_ticketObjectContainer = kyTicket::getAll($_ticketDepartmentContainer, $_ticketStatusObjectContainer, [], [], $clientsdetails['email'], $_settings['recordsperpage'], $_offset, $_sortBy, $_sortOrder);
$_ticketContainer = [];
$_resolvedTicketCount = 0;
foreach ($_ticketObjectContainer as $_ticketObject) {
    $_ticket = [];
    $_ticketID = $_ticketObject->getId();
    $_ticketStatus = $_ticketObject->getStatusId();
    $_ticket['ticketid'] = $_ticketID;
    $_ticket['ticketstatusid'] = $_ticketStatus;
    $_ticket['displayticketid'] = $_ticketObject->getDisplayId();
    $_ticket['departmentid'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartmentId();
    $_ticket['department'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartment()->getTitle();
    $_ticket['status'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getTitle();
    $_ticket['statusbgcolor'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getStatusBackgroundColor();
    $_ticket['priorityid'] = $_ticketObject->getPriorityId();
    $_ticket['priority'] = $_ticketObject->getPriority()->getTitle();
Beispiel #15
function get_tickets_by_dept_status($department, $status)
    $tickets = kyTicket::getAll(kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("~", "/" . $department . "/i")), kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("=", $status)), array(), array());
    return $tickets;
  * Creates new ticket in this department with creator user automatically created by server using provided name and e-mail.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param string $creator_full_name Creator full name.
  * @param string $creator_email Creator e-mail.
  * @param string $contents Contents of the first post.
  * @param string $subject Subject of new ticket.
  * @return kyTicket
 public function newTicketAuto($creator_full_name, $creator_email, $contents, $subject)
     return kyTicket::createNewAuto($this, $creator_full_name, $creator_email, $contents, $subject);

 * @copyright      2001-2015 Kayako
 * @license        https://www.freebsd.org/copyright/freebsd-license.html
 * @link           https://github.com/kayako/whmcs-integration
//Include config file
require_once __DIR__ . '/config.php';
//Include all necessary classes and helper methods
require_once 'API/kyIncludes.php';
//Include common functions
require_once 'functions.php';
//Initialize the client
kyConfig::set(new kyConfig(API_URL, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY));
$_ticketObject = kyTicket::get($_GET['tid']);
$_customField = $_ticketObject->getCustomField($_GET['field']);
$_customFieldValue = $_customField->getValue();
Download($_customFieldValue[0], $_customFieldValue[1]);
Beispiel #18
  * Creates new ticket note.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param kyTicket $ticket Ticket in which to create the post.
  * @param kyStaff $creator Creator (staff) of new note.
  * @param string $contents Contents of new note.
  * @return kyTicketNote
 public static function createNew(kyTicket $ticket, kyStaff $creator, $contents)
     $new_ticket_note = new kyTicketNote();
     return $new_ticket_note;
  * Returns statistics for all tickets in database. Result is cached.
  * Format or result:
  * <pre>
  * 	array(
  * 		'departments' => array( //statistics per department (if there are no tickets in department then there will be no record with its id here)
  * 			<department id> => array( //tickets assigned to department with this id
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets in this department>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets in this department>,
  * 				'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets in this department>,
  * 				'ticket_statuses' => array( //statistics per ticket status in the department
  * 					<ticket status id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets with this status in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets with this status in this department>
  * 					),
  * 					...
  * 				),
  * 				'ticket_types' => array( //statistics per ticket type in the department
  * 					<ticket type id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 						'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets of this type in this department>,
  * 					),
  * 					...,
  * 					'unknown' => array(  //in Kayako 4.01.204 all ticket types will be unknown because of a bug (http://dev.kayako.com/browse/SWIFT-1465)
  * 						...
  * 					)
  * 				)
  * 				'ticket_owners' => array( //statistics per ticket owner in the department
  * 					<owner staff id> => array(
  * 						'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 						'total_items' => <total amount of tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 						'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets assigned to this staff in this department>,
  * 					),
  * 					...,
  * 					'unassigned' => array(  //tickets not assigned to any staff
  * 						...
  * 					)
  * 				)
  * 			),
  * 			...,
  * 			'unknown' => array( //tickets in Trash
  * 				...
  * 			)
  * 		),
  * 		'ticket_statuses' => array( //statistics per ticket status in all departments
  * 			<ticket status id> => array(
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets with this status in all departments>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets with this status in all departments>
  * 			),
  * 			...
  * 		),
  * 		'ticket_owners' => array( //statistics per ticket owner in all departments
  * 			<owner staff id> => array(
  * 				'last_activity' => <date and time of last activity on tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 				'total_items' => <total amount of tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 				'total_unresolved_items' => <total amount of unresolved tickets assigned to this staff in all department>,
  * 			),
  * 			...,
  * 			'unassigned' => array(  //tickets not assigned to any staff no matter what department
  * 				...
  * 			)
  * 		)
  * 	)
  * </pre>
  * @param bool $reload True to reload statistics data from server.
  * @return array
 public static function getStatistics($reload = false)
     if (self::$statistics !== null && !$reload) {
         return self::$statistics;
     self::$statistics = array('departments' => array(), 'ticket_statuses' => array(), 'ticket_owners' => array());
     $raw_stats = self::getRESTClient()->get('/Tickets/TicketCount', array());
     foreach ($raw_stats['departments'][0]['department'] as $department_raw_stats) {
         $department_id = intval($department_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $department_stats = array();
         $department_stats['last_activity'] = intval($department_raw_stats['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $department_raw_stats['lastactivity']) : null;
         $department_stats['total_items'] = $department_raw_stats['totalitems'];
         $department_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $department_raw_stats['totalunresolveditems'];
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['ticketstatus'] as $ticket_status_raw_stats) {
             $ticket_status_id = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $ticket_status_stats = array();
             $ticket_status_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $ticket_status_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_statuses'][$ticket_status_id] = $ticket_status_stats;
         //this is broken in Kayako 4.01.240, tickettype id is always 0 (unknown) - http://dev.kayako.com/browse/SWIFT-1465
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['tickettype'] as $ticket_type_raw_stats) {
             $ticket_type_id = intval($ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $ticket_type_stats = array();
             $ticket_type_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $ticket_type_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $ticket_type_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $ticket_type_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_types'][$ticket_type_id > 0 ? $ticket_type_id : 'unknown'] = $ticket_type_stats;
         foreach ($department_raw_stats['ownerstaff'] as $owner_staff_raw_stats) {
             $staff_id = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
             $owner_staff_stats = array();
             $owner_staff_stats['last_activity'] = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
             $owner_staff_stats['total_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
             $owner_staff_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
             $department_stats['ticket_owners'][$staff_id > 0 ? $staff_id : 'unassigned'] = $owner_staff_stats;
         //unknown department is for example for tickets in Trash
         self::$statistics['departments'][$department_id > 0 ? $department_id : 'unknown'] = $department_stats;
     foreach ($raw_stats['statuses'][0]['ticketstatus'] as $ticket_status_raw_stats) {
         $ticket_status_id = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $ticket_status_stats = array();
         $ticket_status_stats['last_activity'] = intval($ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
         $ticket_status_stats['total_items'] = $ticket_status_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
         self::$statistics['ticket_statuses'][$ticket_status_id] = $ticket_status_stats;
     foreach ($raw_stats['owners'][0]['ownerstaff'] as $owner_staff_raw_stats) {
         $staff_id = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['id']);
         $owner_staff_stats = array();
         $owner_staff_stats['last_activity'] = intval($owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) > 0 ? date(kyConfig::get()->getDatetimeFormat(), $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['lastactivity']) : null;
         $owner_staff_stats['total_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalitems'];
         $owner_staff_stats['total_unresolved_items'] = $owner_staff_raw_stats['_attributes']['totalunresolveditems'];
         self::$statistics['ticket_owners'][$staff_id > 0 ? $staff_id : 'unassigned'] = $owner_staff_stats;
     return self::$statistics;
 * Search for tickets with "power cable" text in contents of posts or notes.
$tickets = kyTicket::search("power cable", array(kyTicket::SEARCH_CONTENTS, kyTicket::SEARCH_NOTES));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Search for open and assigned tickets with no replies in all departments.
 * WARNING: Can be time consuming.
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll(kyDepartment::getAll())->filterByStatusId(kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("!=", "Closed"))->collectId())->filterByReplies(array('<=', 1))->filterByOwnerStaffId(array("!=", null));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Filtering, sorting and paging results.
//print available filter methods for User objects
print "User available filter methods:\n";
//print available order methods for Staff objects
print "Staff available order methods:\n";
//find the user with email someuser@example.com
$user = kyUser::getAll()->filterByEmail("*****@*****.**")->first();
//find ticket time tracks with billable time greater than 10 minutes and sort them ascending using time worked
$time_tracks = $ticket->getTimeTracks()->filterByTimeBillable(array(">", 10 * 60))->orderByTimeWorked();
//find department with title "General"
$general_department = kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByTitle("General")->first();
//find tickets in "General" department with word "help" in subject
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll($general_department->getId())->filterBySubject(array("~", "/help/i"));
//assuming 10 items per page, get second page from list of staff users ordered by fullname
$staff_page_2 = kyStaff::getAll()->orderByFullName()->getPage(2, 10);