function call_tourers_text()
    require_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php';
    require_once 'inc/functions/mail.php';
    // first the "actually do something if asked" thing
    if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['sure']) && $_POST['sure'] == 'yes') {
        //get the old values
        $objTrgUser = new clsUser($_POST['id']);
        $arrBuilds = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
        $arrArmys = $objTrgUser->get_armys();
        $intFame = $objTrgUser->get_stat(FAME);
        //make the new values
        $keysBuilds = array_keys($arrBuilds);
        $valsBuilds = array_fill(0, count($arrBuilds), 0);
        $arrBuilds = array_combine($keysBuilds, $valsBuilds);
        $arrBuilds[ID] = $_POST['id'];
        //DO NOT FORGET
        $arrBuilds[LAND] = 1;
        //prevent div0s
        $keysArmys = array_keys($arrArmys);
        $valsArmys = array_fill(0, count($arrArmys), 0);
        $arrArmys = array_combine($keysArmys, $valsArmys);
        $arrArmys[ID] = $_POST['id'];
        //DO NOT FORGET
        $intFame = 0;
        $arrUserInfo = array(NEXT_ATTACK => 1, PAUSE_ACCOUNT => 48);
        //set the new values
        $objTrgUser->set_stat(FAME, $intFame);
        //update the tribe too
        require_once 'inc/functions/update.php';
        require_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php';
        doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, true);
        //do this afterwards, otherwise the updaterankings doesn't work too well
        //tell them about it
        send_mail($GLOBALS['objSrcUser']->get_userid(), $_POST['id'], "You have been tourified", "This is an automated message indicating that I have used the 'Tourify' tool to turn your tribe into a tourer tribe.");
        echo "User {$_POST['id']} has been tourified. ORKFiA mail has been sent to let him know.<br /><br /><br />";
    echo "'Tourifying' a tribe means setting it to 1 land, 0 fame, removing all military and suspending it. " . "Please make sure you're tourifying the right tribe, because the only way to undo this is resetting." . "<br /><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\">" . "<label for=\"id\">User id of tribe to tourify </label>" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"id\" name=\"id\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" /><br />" . "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"sure\" name=\"sure\" value=\"yes\" />" . "<label for=\"sure\"> I'm sure I want to tourify this tribe</label><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"tourify\" />" . "</form>";
function make_magic2(&$objSrcUser, $i_intTargetid, &$arrSpells, $i_strSpellName, $i_intSpelltimes, $i_blnStopOnSuccess, $i_blnMinHours, $i_minHours)
    $iUserID = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
    $damageModifier = 1;
    mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
    $objTrgUser = new clsUser($i_intTargetid);
    $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
    $arrTrgBuild = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
    $intCasterMageLevel = get_mage_level($objSrcUser);
    $intTargetMageLevel = get_mage_level($objTrgUser);
    if ($arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] == "0") {
        echo "This Player Has Either Been Deleted Or Suspended";
    // war check
    include_once "inc/functions/war.php";
    // Gotland was here
    $warmodifier = war_alli($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE), $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE));
    if ($warmodifier > 1) {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT defiance FROM spells WHERE id = {$iUserID}");
        $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
        $damageModifier = $damageModifier * 1.1;
        if ($line["defiance"] > 0) {
            $damageModifier = $damageModifier * 1.1;
    $target = war_target($arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE]);
    if ($target != 0 && $damageModifier == 0) {
        //what is this supposed to do? right now it does nothing at all - AI
        $damageModifier = $damageModifier * 0.95;
    $lastWar = mysql_query("SELECT last_target, last_end FROM war WHERE id = " . $arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE]);
    $lastWar = mysql_fetch_array($lastWar);
    $timeCounter = mysql_query("SELECT hour_counter FROM admin_global_time");
    $timeCounter = mysql_fetch_array($timeCounter);
    // Spell type = SPELL_SELF, SPELL_ALLIANCE, SPELL_ENEMY etc (integers)
    $strSpellType = $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['type'];
    // Spell Display = full name of spell
    $strSpellDisplay = $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['display'];
    if ($arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] == $lastWar['last_target'] && $strSpellType == SPELL_ENEMY) {
        if ($timeCounter['hour_counter'] <= $lastWar['last_end'] + 12) {
            echo '<div class="center">The war is not even over for 12 hours. Give them some time to recover!</div>';
    include_once 'inc/functions/update.php';
    // Include the code for the spell about to be cast
    require_once "inc/spells/" . $i_strSpellName . ".php";
    // Check for casting "harmful" spells on yourself
    if ($iUserID == $objTrgUser->get_userid() && ($strSpellType == SPELL_ENEMY || $strSpellType == SPELL_ALL || $strSpellType == SPELL_WAR)) {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "I'm sorry you cannot cast " . $strSpellDisplay . " upon yourself.\n";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a></div>";
    // Martel: Heal may only target alliance members
    // SPELL_ALLIANCE only on allimates
    $iSrcAlli = $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
    $iTrgAlli = $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
    if ($strSpellType == SPELL_ALLIANCE && $iTrgAlli != $iSrcAlli) {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "Sorry but you cannot cast " . $strSpellDisplay . " on non-allies.<br />";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . "\">Back to Mystics</a></div>";
    // SPELL_ENEMY not on own alli
    if ($strSpellType == SPELL_ENEMY && $iTrgAlli == $iSrcAlli) {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "Sorry, but I refuse to do harm to our alliance members.<br />";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . "\">Back to Mystics</a></div>";
    // Check for target protection period
    if ($objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS) < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
        // Removed code-reuse of the copy-paste variety            - AI 30/09/06
        if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
            $iRemaining = PROTECTION_HOURS - $objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS);
            echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'It appears that the tribe you wish to target is still ' . 'materializing. Our Mage estimates that it will take another ' . $iRemaining . ' updates for the area to become a stable part of ' . 'our reality.' . "</p><p>" . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&amp;magekd=' . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . '">Back to Mystics</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>';
    // Check for own protection period (this is also checked in mystic2.inc.php
    if ($objSrcUser->get_user_info(HOURS) < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
        if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
            echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'You are still under protection.' . "</p><p>" . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&amp;magekd=' . $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . '">Back to Mystics</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>';
    // Check for visioning a spirit
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Spirit' && $i_strSpellName == 'vision') {
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "Your mystics are confused, they can't see anything at all." . "</p><p>" . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&amp;magekd=' . $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . '">Back to Mystics</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>';
    // Check for casting jura on a Templar - AI 11/02/2007
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Templar' && $i_strSpellName == "juranimosity") {
        echo "Sorry, but " . $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . " does not have any thieves for me to disband.";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mystic&amp;magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>";
    // check the user has cast it at lest 1 time
    if ($i_intSpelltimes <= 0) {
        echo "Sorry but you must cast this spell at least 1 time.<br />";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>";
    // Added by Genia4, checks that the user didnt ask to cast a self-spell until it succeeds for less than 1 hours.
    if ($i_blnMinHours && $i_minHours <= 0) {
        echo "Sorry but you must tell your mage for how much time you want the self spell.<br />";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>";
    // check the user has cast it no more than X times
    if ($i_intSpelltimes > MAX_SPELL_CASTS) {
        echo "Sorry but you can't auto-cast more than " . MAX_SPELL_CASTS . " times in a row in the interests of reducing server lag.<br />";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>";
    // check they aren't trying to cast a spell beyond their level, they must've modified the
    // form directly to do this....TSKTSK!
    $iMageLevel = get_mage_level($objSrcUser);
    // Martel: Added age 22 to implement high acreage spells
    // And removed again - AI 30/09/06
    //$arrSrcBuild = $objSrcUser->get_builds();
    //$iTotalAcres = $arrSrcBuild[LAND];
    if ($iMageLevel < $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['level']) {
        echo "I'm sorry, you cannot cast " . $strSpellDisplay . ".";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>";
    if (!clsBlock::isOpAllowed($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser) && $strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Someone else from the same IP has already opped this tribe during the last 8 hours.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mystic">Return</a>' . '</p></div>';
        clsBlock::reportOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Spell: ' . $i_strSpellName, false);
    $intOldPower = $objSrcUser->get_spell(POWER);
    //Check for Thwart
    $trgThwart = 1;
    if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
        $arrTrgSpells = $objTrgUser->get_spells();
        if ($arrTrgSpells[THWART] > 0) {
            $trgThwart = 0.75;
    // Tragedy: april 20th 2002:
    // adding a cap of max 80% effectiveness on churches, ergo max 20% of land
    $church_percentage = min(0.2, $arrTrgBuild['churches'] / $arrTrgBuild['land']);
    //frost: added high elves church bonus
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'High Elf') {
        $church_bonus = $church_percentage * 4;
    } else {
        $church_bonus = $church_percentage * 3.5;
    // Skathen: May 10th 2002:
    // Stop churches affecting self spells
    // Stop selected target affecting self spells
    // Martel: version 2.0, same purpose
    if ($strSpellType == SPELL_SELF) {
        //next line a small hack to prevent possible future bugs
        $objTrgUser = $objSrcUser;
        $church_bonus = 0;
        $trgThwart = 1;
        $intTargetMageLevel = 12 - $intCasterMageLevel;
        if ($intTargetMageLevel <= 4) {
            $intTargetMageLevel = 4;
        if ($objSrcUser->get_user_info(HOURS) < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
            $intTargetMageLevel = 3;
    $chance_to_cast = formulate_chance($intCasterMageLevel, $intTargetMageLevel, $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]);
    // Main block - calculates success-rates, calls the specific spell-function
    //How many spells can we cast ?
    //since we don't have 'infinity', we'll use an arbitrarily large number
    $totalAvailable = $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['cost'] > 0 ? floor($intOldPower / $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['cost']) : 9999999999.0;
    if ($totalAvailable > $i_intSpelltimes) {
        $totalAvailable = $i_intSpelltimes;
    /* check the tribe still has the power to cast one time*/
    if ($totalAvailable <= 0) {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "I'm sorry, you don't have enough Magic Power to cast that spell.";
        echo "<br /><br /><br /><a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&amp;magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a></div>";
    /* check for casting on a Nazgul, but only if its not a self spell */
    if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF && $objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Nazgul") {
        $nazgulBonus = 0.2;
    } else {
        $nazgulBonus = 0;
    // added nazgul casting failures
    if ($objSrcUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Nazgul") {
        $nazgulPenalty = 0.25;
    } else {
        $nazgulPenalty = 0;
    /* check for casting on a Dragon, casting on dragon gives 50% less damage */
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Dragon") {
        $damageModifier *= 0.5;
    // Roar of the horde fireball
    if ($strSpellType == SPELL_ENEMY && ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Uruk Hai" || $objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Oleg Hai" || $objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Mori Hai")) {
        $id = $objTrgUser->get_userid();
        $seek = mysql_query("Select * from spells where id = {$id}");
        $seek = mysql_fetch_array($seek);
        if ($seek['roar'] > 0 && $seek['forest'] == 0) {
            $rothBonus = 1 / 7;
        } else {
            $rothBonus = 0;
    } else {
        $rothBonus = 0;
    //Formulate the independent failure-chances. ML=magelevel, CH=Church-protection, race=race-protection, etc...
    $P_ML = 1 - $trgThwart * min($chance_to_cast, 290) / 300;
    $P_CH = $church_bonus;
    //$P_race1 -- used to be dragon protection
    $P_race2 = $nazgulBonus;
    $P_race3 = $nazgulPenalty;
    $P_roth = $rothBonus;
    // Martel: Adding exceptions here (alliance spell)
    if ($strSpellType == SPELL_ALLIANCE) {
        $P_CH = 0;
        $P_roth = 0;
    //Calculate total chance of success per spell
    $P_success = (1 - $P_ML) * (1 - $P_CH) * (1 - $P_race2) * (1 - $P_race3) * (1 - $P_roth);
    //Loop through the number of spells casted, randomly decide wether it succeeds or fails.
    //When it fails, randomly choose a reason based on the relative failure-rates of all possible failure-reasons
    //Note that Stop-On-Success will be dealt with later on, by the spell-include-function
    $cntSpellSuccess = 0;
    $cntSF_total = 0;
    $cntSF_ML = 0;
    $cntSF_CH = 0;
    $cntSF_race2 = 0;
    $cntSF_race3 = 0;
    $cntSF_roth = 0;
    //Don't worry too much about the math behind it. It's correct and assures a fair distribution over the various 'reasons for failure'
    $P_fail_Total = $P_ML + $P_CH + $P_race2 + $P_race3 + $P_roth;
    $P_fail_ML = $P_ML / $P_fail_Total;
    $P_fail_CH = $P_CH / $P_fail_Total;
    $P_fail_race2 = $P_race2 / $P_fail_Total;
    $P_fail_race3 = $P_race3 / $P_fail_Total;
    $P_fail_roth = $P_roth / $P_fail_Total;
    if ($i_blnStopOnSuccess && $i_blnMinHours && $strSpellType == SPELL_SELF) {
        $i_blnStopOnSuccess = FALSE;
    if ($i_blnMinHours && $strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
        $i_blnStopOnSuccess = TRUE;
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $totalAvailable; $x++) {
        $random = rand(1, 10000) / 10000;
        if ($random < $P_success) {
            //Stop-On-Success check
            if ($i_blnStopOnSuccess == 1) {
                $totalAvailable = $x;
        } else {
            //Why did the spell fail ? Default ML-difference, CHs, race-protection, roth-protection, etc...
            $random = rand(1, 10000) / 10000;
            if ($random <= $P_fail_ML) {
            if ($random > $P_fail_ML && $random <= $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH) {
            if ($random > $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH && $random <= $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH + $P_fail_race2) {
            if ($random > $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH + $P_fail_race2 && $random <= $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH + $P_fail_race2 + $P_fail_race3) {
            if ($random > $P_fail_ML + $P_fail_CH + $P_fail_race2 + $P_fail_race3) {
    // Ok, now we're done with calcing how many spells will succeed and why they will fail, we proceed to actually casting the spells
    // Call with: SpellCaster-object, Target-object, Spellname, Times-to-cast, Minimum-hours
    if (!$i_blnMinHours) {
        $minHours = 0;
    } else {
        $minHours = $i_minHours;
    if ($cntSpellSuccess > 0) {
        $spellResult = cast_spell($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName], $cntSpellSuccess, $minHours, $damageModifier);
    } else {
        // Gotland: initialize the spellresult to avoid error message in case all attempts failed
        $spellResult["casted"] = 0;
        $spellResult["damage"] = 0;
        $spellResult["text_news"] = "";
        $spellResult["text_screen"] = "";
    // $spellResult structure: (it's an array)
    // ["damage"] = 'Damage' done, could be used to calculate fame, not used for that right now.
    // ["casted"] = Amount of spells casted
    // ["text_screen"] = Return-text for the spell, to be outputted on the screen
    // ["text_news"] = text for the tribenews of the victim
    // Spend the mana and save back to to the db
    $manaSpent = ($spellResult["casted"] + $cntSF_total) * $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName]['cost'];
    $objSrcUser->set_spell(POWER, $intOldPower - $manaSpent);
    $dtTimestamp = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
    // Print out spell-casting-report
    if ($cntSpellSuccess == 0) {
        $spellResult["casted"] = 0;
    $strReport = "<p>" . "Your mage has casted the spell " . ($spellResult["casted"] + $cntSF_total) . " times.<br />" . "He succeeded " . $spellResult["casted"] . " times and failed " . $cntSF_total . " times.<br />";
    if ($cntSF_ML > 0) {
        $strReport .= $cntSF_ML . " failures he blames on lack of training.<br />";
    if ($cntSF_CH > 0) {
        $strReport .= $cntSF_CH . " of his cast-attempts were stopped by the Gods.<br />";
    if ($cntSF_race2 > 0) {
        $strReport .= $cntSF_race2 . " spells failed due to ancient Nazgul protection.<br />";
    if ($cntSF_race3 > 0) {
        $strReport .= $cntSF_race3 . " times your mage was hindered by our Nazgul curse.<br />";
    if ($cntSF_roth > 0) {
        // Roar of the Hoard "fireball bonus"
        // M: Updated to use objects. August 05, 2007
        $citizens = $objSrcUser->get_pop(CITIZENS);
        $totalKilled = 0;
        for ($x = 1; $x <= $cntSF_roth; $x++) {
            $killed = ceil($citizens * 0.05);
            if ($citizens - $killed < 2000) {
                $killed = rand(10, 45);
            if ($citizens - $killed < 100) {
                $killed = rand(2, 4);
            if ($citizens - $killed < 50) {
                $killed = 0;
            $citizens -= $killed;
            $totalKilled += $killed;
        $objSrcUser->set_pop(CITIZENS, $citizens);
        $strReport .= '</p><p>Those orks must be under the influence of some spell. ' . $cntSF_roth . ' spells were returned by them in the form of ' . 'fireballs! <strong class="negative">' . number_format($totalKilled) . '</strong> citizens were killed.</p><p>';
    if ($cntSpellSuccess > 0) {
        $strReport .= "</p><p>Your mage reports the following results:<br />";
        $strReport .= $spellResult["text_screen"] . "<br />";
    if ($spellResult["damage"] == 0) {
        $intFameWon = fame_win($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 0);
    } else {
        if ($i_strSpellName == "enforced") {
            $fame = floor($spellResult["damage"] * 0.1);
        } else {
            $fame = floor($spellResult["casted"] * $arrSpells[$i_strSpellName][FAME]);
        $intFameWon = fame_win($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $fame);
        $strReport .= "</p><p>Your Mage gained a total of <strong class='positive'>" . number_format($intFameWon) . " fame</strong>.</p><p>";
    // Add spell-message to target tribenews
    if (isset($spellResult["text_news"])) {
        if ($spellResult["text_news"] != "" && $spellResult["casted"] > 0) {
            // Insert upwards compatibility with spells that do allinews
            //                                              - AI 02/12/06
            $strAlliMsgTemp = "";
            if (isset($spellResult["alli_news"])) {
                $strAlliMsgTemp = $spellResult["alli_news"];
            $strMsgTemp = $spellResult["text_news"];
            insert_news_item($i_strSpellName, $objTrgUser->get_userid(), $iUserID, 2, $strMsgTemp, $strAlliMsgTemp);
            //trigger news flag of defender
            $objTrgUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, 1);
    // Add failed-spells message to target tribenews
    if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF && $i_strSpellName != "vision" && $cntSF_total > 0) {
        if ($cntSF_total > 1) {
            $plural = "s";
        } else {
            $plural = "";
        $strMsgTemp = "Our Mage has detected {$cntSF_total} failed " . $strSpellDisplay . " spell{$plural} coming from " . $arrSrcStats[TRIBE] . "(#" . $arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE] . ").";
        $strAlliMsgTemp = "";
        insert_news_item($i_strSpellName, $objTrgUser->get_userid(), $iUserID, 2, $strMsgTemp, $strAlliMsgTemp);
        //trigger news flag of defender
        $objTrgUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, 1);
    // Check for kill-by-fireball.
    if ($spellResult["damage"] <= -100) {
        obj_test_for_kill($objTrgUser, $objSrcUser);
    // AI's block system
    if ($strSpellType != SPELL_SELF) {
        clsBlock::logOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Spell: ' . $i_strSpellName);
    $strReport .= "</p>" . "<p>" . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mystic&magekd=" . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ">Back to Mystics</a>" . "</p>";
    // Print out the Report
    echo '<div id="textBig">' . '<h2>' . "Mystics Report " . '</h2>' . $strReport . '</div>';
    // As requested... Show spells on success. Will people ever be satisfied? :p
    if ($spellResult["casted"] > 0 && $strSpellType == SPELL_SELF) {
        include_once 'inc/pages/advisors.inc.php';
        echo '<br/>' . get_effecting_spells_table($objSrcUser);
function obj_test_for_kill(&$objTrgUser, &$objSrcUser)
    global $ip;
    // Minimize multi-kills - Martel December 30, 2007
    //  #1 Query DB for kill status (Don't use cached data) #2 Check citz
    $strSQL = 'SELECT killed FROM stats WHERE id = ' . $objTrgUser->get_userid();
    $arrRow = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($strSQL));
    if ($arrRow[0] == 0 && $objTrgUser->get_pop(CITIZENS) <= 0) {
        // Separate a reset tribe from a killed (1=age, 2=pk)
        $objTrgUser->set_stat(KILLED, 2);
        // Show kill message
        $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<p>' . "Congratulations! You watch on as the last citizen of " . '<strong class="negative">' . stripslashes($arrTrgStats[TRIBE]) . ' (#' . $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] . ")</strong> dies and their empire crumbles in front of you." . '</p>' . '</div>' . '<br />';
        // Update SrcUser with +1 Kill
        $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
        $iKilled = $arrSrcStats[KILLS] + 1;
        $objSrcUser->set_stat(KILLS, $iKilled);
        // Record: Largest Kill
        require_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
        $objGame = new clsGame();
        $arrRecords = $objGame->get_game_records();
        $arrTrgBuilds = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
        if ($arrTrgBuilds[LAND] > $arrRecords[KILLED]) {
            $arrRecords = array(KILLED => $arrTrgBuilds[LAND], KILLED_ID => $objSrcUser->get_userid());
        // War effects
        require_once "inc/functions/war.php";
        $objSrcAlliance = $objSrcUser->get_alliance();
        if (checkWarBetween($objSrcAlliance, $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE])) {
            $objTrgAlliance = $objTrgUser->get_alliance();
            // Update land counter in new war system       March 06, 2008 Martel
            $iNeeded = $objSrcAlliance->get_war('land_needed');
            $objSrcAlliance->set_war('land_needed', max(0, $iNeeded - $arrTrgBuilds[LAND]));
            // Wait with adding this until it is 100% sure no multi kills exist
            //             if (($arrGains = testWarVictory($objSrcAlliance, $objTrgAlliance)))
            //             {
            //                 require_once('inc/pages/war_room2.inc.php');
            //                 $strGains = getVictoryReport($arrGains);
            //                 // Show war-win message
            //                 echo $strDiv =
            //                 '<div id="textMedium">' .
            //                     '<p><strong class="positive">Your alliance have won the war!</strong></p>' .
            //                     $strGains .
            //                 '</div>' .
            //                 '<br />';
            //             }
            // Add war-kill to global news
            $strGlobalNews = '<strong class="negative">Alliance #' . $arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE] . " has laid the final blow in " . $arrTrgStats[TRIBE] . "\\'s ORKFiA career during their war.</strong>";
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, " . "result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) " . "VALUES ('', NOW(), '---', 'global', 0, 0, 1, '', " . "'{$strGlobalNews}', 0, '')");
            // War events if a killed tribe is in the biggest half of the alli
            $iLand = $arrTrgBuilds[LAND];
            $arrRow1 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM rankings_personal WHERE land > {$iLand} AND alli_id = " . $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE]));
            $arrRow2 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id = " . $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE]));
            if ($arrRow1[0] * 2 < $arrRow2[0]) {
                require_once "inc/functions/update.php";
                // Bonus for the killing alliance: MP+TP gain, army
                // moved 1 hours closer to home
                // Since we don't seem to want a max to the mps/tps here,
                //  why not just add obj_mage_power_growth twice, same for
                //  thieves ofc                              - AI 25/11/2006
                $arrUserId = $objSrcAlliance->get_userids();
                foreach ($arrUserId as $iUserid) {
                    $objTmpUser = new clsUser($iUserid);
                    $build = $objTmpUser->get_builds();
                    // Bonus to Thievery Credits
                    require_once "inc/functions/ops.php";
                    $bonus1 = 2 * obj_thief_op_growth($objTmpUser);
                    $iNewCredits = $objTmpUser->get_thievery(CREDITS);
                    $iNewCredits += $bonus1;
                    // Bonus to Spell Power
                    require_once "inc/functions/spells.php";
                    $bonus2 = 2 * obj_mage_power_growth($objTmpUser);
                    $iNewPower = $objTmpUser->get_spell(POWER);
                    $iNewPower += $bonus2;
                    // Update User
                    $objTmpUser->set_thievery(CREDITS, $iNewCredits);
                    $objTmpUser->set_spell(POWER, $iNewPower);
                    // Update Military Training 1x time (Mori thieves)
                    $arrTmpStats = $objTmpUser->get_stats();
                    if ($arrTmpStats[RACE] == "Mori Hai") {
                        $arrMercs = $objTmpUser->get_army_mercs();
                        $arrNewMercs = array(MERC_T0 => $arrMercs[MERC_T1], MERC_T1 => $arrMercs[MERC_T2], MERC_T2 => $arrMercs[MERC_T3], MERC_T3 => 0);
                    // Update Military Training 1x time (Everybody)
                    $arrRets = $objTmpUser->get_milreturns();
                    $arrNewRets = array(UNIT1_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT1_T2], UNIT1_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT1_T3], UNIT1_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT1_T4], UNIT1_T4 => 0, UNIT2_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT2_T2], UNIT2_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT2_T3], UNIT2_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT2_T4], UNIT2_T4 => 0, UNIT3_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT3_T2], UNIT3_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT3_T3], UNIT3_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT3_T4], UNIT3_T4 => 0, UNIT4_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT4_T2], UNIT4_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT4_T3], UNIT4_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT4_T4], UNIT4_T4 => 0, UNIT5_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT5_T2], UNIT5_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT5_T3], UNIT5_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT5_T4], UNIT5_T4 => 0, UNIT6_T1 => $arrRets[UNIT6_T2], UNIT6_T2 => $arrRets[UNIT6_T3], UNIT6_T3 => $arrRets[UNIT6_T4], UNIT6_T4 => 0);
                    // Update Tribe News
                    $strNews = "The death of one of our enemies has given our " . "troops courage! Armies are returning more quickly, " . "thieves are more willing to risk their lives for the " . "tribe and your mage feels extra powerful.";
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (time, ip, type, duser, " . "ouser, result, text, kingdom_text) VALUES " . "(NOW(), '---', 'local_news', {$iUserid}, '', " . "1, '{$strNews}','')");
                    $objTmpUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, 1);
                // Defiance for the losing alliance, gives bonuses to off/tm-dmg
                $arrUserId = $objTrgAlliance->get_userids();
                foreach ($arrUserId as $iUserid) {
                    $objTmpUser = new clsUser($iUserid);
                    $objTmpUser->set_spell(DEFIANCE, 4);
                    $strNews = "The death of one of our big tribes has filled the " . "hearts of our people with anger! For 4 more months " . "we will strike hard at our enemies!";
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (time, ip, type, duser, " . "ouser, result, text, kingdom_text) VALUES " . "(NOW(), '---', 'local_news', {$iUserid}, '', " . "1, '{$strNews}','')");
                    $objTmpUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, 1);
            //top half
        // Create News
        $timestamp = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
        $d_news = '<strong class="negative">' . $arrSrcStats[TRIBE] . " (#" . $arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE] . ") has laid the final blow in " . $arrTrgStats[TRIBE] . "\\'s ORKFiA career.</strong>";
        $o_news = '<strong class="positive">Our ' . $arrSrcStats[TRIBE] . " has laid the final blow in " . $arrTrgStats[TRIBE] . " (#" . $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] . ")\\'s ORKFiA career.</strong>";
        $strNews = "I am sorry leader, upon your return to your tribe your alliance " . "has sent this message forth to you." . "<br /><br />" . $d_news . "<br /><br />" . "They have also sent us supplies and some citizens to restart " . "our tribe." . "<br /><br />" . "Below this line is news our previous tribe had recieved:";
        $strSQL = "INSERT INTO news (time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, " . "text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('{$timestamp}', " . "'{$ip}', 'killed', {$arrTrgStats[ID]}, 0, 1, '{$strNews}', " . "'{$d_news}', '{$arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE]}', '')";
        $strSQL = "INSERT INTO news (time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, " . "kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('{$timestamp}', '{$ip}', " . "'killed', 0, 0, 1, '', '{$o_news}', '{$arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE]}', '')";
        // Kill the tribe
        require_once 'inc/staff/delete.inc.php';
        doBackupTribe($objTrgUser->get_userid(), 'kill');
    } else {