 function check($str)
     // only check & warn once per transaction
     if (CoreLocal::get('cashDropWarned') == True) {
         return False;
     // checking one time
     CoreLocal::set('cashDropWarned', True);
     // cannot check in standalone
     if (CoreLocal::get('standalone') == 1) {
         return False;
     // lookup cashier total
     $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $q = sprintf("SELECT sum(-total) FROM dtransactions WHERE\n            trans_subtype='CA' AND trans_status <> 'X' AND emp_no=%d", CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
     $r = $db->query($q);
     $ttl = 0;
     if ($db->num_rows($r) > 0) {
         $row = $db->fetch_row($r);
         $ttl = $row[0];
     if ($ttl > CoreLocal::get('cashDropThreshold')) {
         return True;
     } else {
         return False;
 public function testDatabase()
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\COREPOS\\pos\\lib\\SQLManager', $db);
     $this->assertEquals(CoreLocal::get('tDatabase'), $db->default_db);
     $db = Database::pDataConnect();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\COREPOS\\pos\\lib\\SQLManager', $db);
     $this->assertEquals(CoreLocal::get('pDatabase'), $db->default_db);
     $this->assertEquals(1, Database::gettransno(-1));
     // not a real emp_no
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     $matches = Database::localMatchingColumns($db, 'localtrans', 'localtemptrans');
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $matches);
     $this->assertRegExp('/(.+)/', $matches);
     $globals = array('CashierNo' => 9999, 'cashier' => 'TRAINING', 'LoggedIn' => 0, 'TransNo' => 1, 'TTLFlag' => 0, 'FntlFlag' => 0, 'TaxExempt' => 0);
     $this->assertEquals(9999, CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
     $this->assertEquals('TRAINING', CoreLocal::get('cashier'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('LoggedIn'));
     $this->assertEquals(1, CoreLocal::get('transno'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('ttlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('fntlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('TaxExempt'));
     // reload session from db. shouldn't change.
     $this->assertEquals(9999, CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
     $this->assertEquals('TRAINING', CoreLocal::get('cashier'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('LoggedIn'));
     $this->assertEquals(1, CoreLocal::get('transno'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('ttlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('fntlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('TaxExempt'));
     Database::setglobalvalue('TTLFlag', 1);
     $this->assertEquals(1, CoreLocal::get('ttlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('ttlflag'));
     $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('fntlflag'));
     if (!class_exists('lttLib')) {
         include dirname(__FILE__) . '/lttLib.php';
     $record = lttLib::genericRecord();
     $record['upc'] = '0000000000000';
     $record['description'] = uniqid('TEST-');
     $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $query = "\n            SELECT *\n            FROM suspended\n            WHERE upc='{$record['upc']}'\n                AND description='{$record['description']}'\n                AND datetime >= " . $db->curdate();
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $this->assertNotEquals(false, $result, 'Could not query suspended record');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $db->num_rows($result), 'Could not find suspended record');
     $row = $db->fetch_row($result);
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $row, 'Invalid suspended record');
     foreach ($record as $column => $value) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($column, $row, 'Suspended missing ' . $column);
         $this->assertEquals($value, $row[$column], 'Suspended mismatch on column ' . $column);
   Check for errors
   @return True or an error message string
 public function errorCheck()
     $clearButton = array('OK [clear]' => 'parseWrapper(\'CL\');');
     if (CoreLocal::get("isMember") != 0 && $this->amount - CoreLocal::get("amtdue") - 0.005 > CoreLocal::get("dollarOver") && CoreLocal::get("cashOverLimit") == 1) {
         return DisplayLib::boxMsg(_("member check tender cannot exceed total purchase by over \$") . CoreLocal::get("dollarOver"), '', false, $clearButton);
     } elseif (CoreLocal::get("store") == "wfc" && CoreLocal::get("isMember") != 0 && $this->amount - CoreLocal::get("amtdue") - 0.005 > 0) {
         // This should really be a separate tender
         // module for store-specific behavior
         $db = Database::pDataConnect();
         $q = sprintf("SELECT card_no FROM custReceiptMessage\n                WHERE card_no=%d AND modifier_module='WfcEquityMessage'", CoreLocal::get('memberID'));
         $r = $db->query($q);
         if ($db->num_rows($r) > 0) {
             return DisplayLib::xboxMsg(_("member check tender cannot exceed total purchase if equity is owed"), $clearButton);
         // multi use
         if (CoreLocal::get('standalone') == 0) {
             $chkQ = "select trans_num from dlog \n                    where trans_type='T' and trans_subtype in ('CA','CK') \n                    and card_no=" . (int) CoreLocal::get('memberID') . "\n                    group by trans_num \n                    having sum(case when trans_subtype='CK' then total else 0 end) < 0 \n                    and sum(Case when trans_subtype='CA' then total else 0 end) > 0";
             $db = Database::mDataConnect();
             $chkR = $db->query($chkQ);
             if ($db->num_rows($chkR) > 0) {
                 return DisplayLib::xboxMsg(_("already used check over benefit today"), $clearButton);
     } elseif (CoreLocal::get("isMember") == 0 && $this->amount - CoreLocal::get("amtdue") - 0.005 > 0) {
         $msg = _('Non-members may not write checks for more than the total purchase.');
         return DisplayLib::xboxMsg($msg, $clearButton);
     return true;
 public function message($val, $ref, $reprint = false)
     $date = ReceiptLib::build_time(time());
     list($emp, $reg, $trans) = explode('-', $ref);
     $slip = '';
     // query database for receipt info
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     if ($reprint) {
         $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $query = "SELECT q.amount, q.name, q.PAN, q.refNum,\n                    CASE \n                        WHEN q.mode = 'EBTFOOD_Sale' THEN 'Ebt FS Sale'\n                        WHEN q.mode = 'EBTFOOD_Return' THEN 'Ebt FS Refund'\n                        WHEN q.mode = 'EBTCASH_Sale' THEN 'Ebt Cash Sale'\n                        WHEN q.mode = 'EBTCASH_Return' THEN 'Ebt Cash Refund'\n                        ELSE q.mode\n                    END as ebtMode,\n                    r.xResultMessage, r.xTransactionID\n                  FROM efsnetRequest AS q\n                    LEFT JOIN efsnetResponse AS r ON\n                        q.date = r.date AND\n                        q.laneNo = r.laneNo AND\n                        q.transNo = r.transNo AND\n                        q.transID = r.transID AND\n                        q.cashierNo = r.cashierNo\n                  WHERE r.xResultMessage LIKE '%Approve%'\n                        AND q.mode LIKE 'EBT%'\n                        AND r.validResponse=1\n                        AND q.date=" . date('Ymd') . "\n                        AND q.transNo=" . (int) $trans . "\n                  ORDER BY q.refNum, q.datetime";
     if ($db->table_exists('PaycardTransactions')) {
         $trans_type = $db->concat('p.cardType', "' '", 'p.transType', '');
         $query = "SELECT p.amount,\n                        p.name,\n                        p.PAN,\n                        p.refNum,\n                        {$trans_type} AS ebtMode,\n                        p.xResultMessage,\n                        p.xTransactionID,\n                        p.xBalance,\n                        p.requestDatetime AS datetime\n                      FROM PaycardTransactions AS p\n                      WHERE dateID=" . date('Ymd') . "\n                        AND empNo=" . $emp . "\n                        AND registerNo=" . $reg . "\n                        AND transNo=" . $trans . "\n                        AND p.validResponse=1\n                        AND p.xResultMessage LIKE '%APPROVE%'\n                        AND p.cardType LIKE 'EBT%'\n                      ORDER BY p.requestDatetime";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $prevRefNum = false;
     while ($row = $db->fetch_row($result)) {
         // failover to mercury's backup server can
         // result in duplicate refnums. this is
         // by design (theirs, not CORE's)
         if ($row['refNum'] == $prevRefNum) {
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
         // store header
         for ($i = 1; $i <= CoreLocal::get('chargeSlipCount'); $i++) {
             $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(CoreLocal::get("chargeSlip" . $i)) . "\n";
         $slip .= "\n";
         $col1 = array();
         $col2 = array();
         $col1[] = $row['ebtMode'];
         $col2[] = "Entry Method: swiped\n";
         $col1[] = "Sequence: " . $row['xTransactionID'];
         $col2[] = "Card: " . $row['PAN'];
         $col1[] = "Authorization: " . $row['xResultMessage'];
         $col2[] = ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . $row['amount'] . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
         $balance = 'unknown';
         $ebt_type = substr(strtoupper($row['ebtMode']), 0, 5);
         if ($ebt_type == 'EBT F' || $ebt_type == 'EBTFO') {
             if (is_numeric(CoreLocal::get('EbtFsBalance'))) {
                 $balance = sprintf('%.2f', CoreLocal::get('EbtFsBalance'));
         } else {
             if ($ebt_type == 'EBT C' || $ebt_type == 'EBTCA') {
                 if (is_numeric(CoreLocal::get('EbtCaBalance'))) {
                     $balance = sprintf('%.2f', CoreLocal::get('EbtCaBalance'));
         $col1[] = "New Balance: " . $balance;
         $col2[] = '';
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::twoColumns($col1, $col2);
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
         $prevRefNum = $row['refNum'];
     return $slip;
 Print a tender report
 This tender report is based on a single tender tape view
 rather than multiple views (e.g. ckTenders, ckTenderTotal, etc).
 Which tenders to include is defined via checkboxes by the
 tenders on the install page's "extras" tab.
 public static function get()
     $DESIRED_TENDERS = CoreLocal::get("TRDesiredTenders");
     $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
     $blank = "             ";
     $fieldNames = "  " . substr("Time" . $blank, 0, 13) . substr("Lane" . $blank, 0, 9) . substr("Trans #" . $blank, 0, 12) . substr("Change" . $blank, 0, 14) . substr("Amount" . $blank, 0, 14) . "\n";
     $ref = ReceiptLib::centerString(trim(CoreLocal::get("CashierNo")) . " " . trim(CoreLocal::get("cashier")) . " " . ReceiptLib::build_time(time())) . "\n\n";
     $receipt = "";
     foreach (array_keys($DESIRED_TENDERS) as $tender_code) {
         $query = "select tdate from TenderTapeGeneric where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and tender_code = '" . $tender_code . "' order by tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($num_rows <= 0) {
         //$receipt .= chr(27).chr(33).chr(5);
         $titleStr = "";
         $itemize = 1;
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code]); $i++) {
             $titleStr .= $DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code][$i] . " ";
         $titleStr = substr($titleStr, 0, strlen($titleStr) - 1);
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString($titleStr) . "\n";
         $receipt .= $ref;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,tender\n                   from TenderTapeGeneric where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and tender_code = '" . $tender_code . "' order by tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= $fieldNames;
         $sum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
             if ((CoreLocal::get("store") == "harvest-cb" || CoreLocal::get("store") == "harvest-jp") && ($tender_code == "PE" || $tender_code == "BU" || $tender_code == "EL" || $tender_code == "PY" || $tender_code == "TV")) {
                 $itemize = 1;
             } else {
                 $itemize = 0;
             $row = $db_a->fetch_array($result);
             $timeStamp = self::timeStamp($row["tdate"]);
             if ($itemize == 1) {
                 $receipt .= "  " . substr($timeStamp . $blank, 0, 13) . substr($row["register_no"] . $blank, 0, 9) . substr($row["trans_no"] . $blank, 0, 8) . substr($blank . number_format("0", 2), -10) . substr($blank . number_format($row["tender"], 2), -14) . "\n";
             $sum += $row["tender"];
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $receipt .= substr($blank . $blank . $blank . "Count: " . $num_rows . "  Total: " . number_format($sum, 2), -56) . "\n";
         $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 4);
         //        $receipt .= chr(27).chr(105);
     return $receipt . chr(27) . chr(105);
 protected function varied_message($ref, $reprint = false, $sigSlip = false)
     if (CoreLocal::get('autoReprint') == 1) {
         $sigSlip = true;
     $date = ReceiptLib::build_time(time());
     list($emp, $reg, $trans) = explode('-', $ref);
     $slip = '';
     // query database for gc receipt info
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     if ($reprint) {
         $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $order = $sigSlip ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     $trans_type = $db->concat('p.cardType', "' '", 'p.transType', '');
     $sql = "SELECT {$trans_type} AS tranType,\n                    CASE WHEN p.transType = 'Return' THEN -1*p.amount ELSE p.amount END as amount,\n                    p.registerNo as terminalID,\n                    p.PAN,\n                    CASE WHEN p.manual=1 THEN 'Manual' ELSE 'Swiped' END as entryMethod,\n                    CASE WHEN transType='VOID' THEN '' ELSE p.xApprovalNumber END AS xAuthorizationCode,\n                    p.xBalance,\n                    CASE WHEN transType='VOID' THEN p.xApprovalNumber ELSE '' END AS xVoidCode,\n                    p.transID,\n                    p.requestDatetime AS datetime\n                FROM PaycardTransactions AS p\n                WHERE dateID=" . date('Ymd') . "\n                    AND empNo=" . $emp . "\n                    AND registerNo=" . $reg . "\n                    AND transNo=" . $trans . "\n                    AND p.validResponse=1\n                    AND p.xResultMessage LIKE '%Appro%'\n                    AND p.cardType = 'Gift'\n                ORDER BY p.requestDatetime " . $order;
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     $num = $db->num_rows($result);
     while ($row = $db->fetch_row($result)) {
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
         // store header
         for ($i = 1; $i <= CoreLocal::get('chargeSlipCount'); $i++) {
             $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(CoreLocal::get("chargeSlip" . $i)) . "\n";
         $slip .= "\n";
         $col1 = array();
         $col2 = array();
         $col1[] = $row['tranType'];
         $col2[] = "Date: " . date('m/d/y h:i a', strtotime($row['datetime']));
         $col1[] = "Terminal ID: " . $row['terminalID'];
         $col2[] = "Reference: " . $ref . "-" . $row['transID'];
         $col1[] = "Card: " . $row['PAN'];
         $col2[] = "Entry Method: " . $row['entryMethod'];
         if ((int) $row['xVoidCode'] > 0) {
             $col1[] = "Void Auth: " . $row['xVoidCode'];
             $col2[] = "Orig Auth: " . $row['xAuthorizationCode'];
         } else {
             $col1[] = "Authorization: " . $row['xAuthorizationCode'];
             $col2[] = "";
         $col1[] = ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . PaycardLib::paycard_moneyFormat($row['amount']) . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
         // bold ttls apbw 11/3/07
         $col2[] = "New Balance: " . PaycardLib::paycard_moneyFormat($row['xBalance']);
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::twoColumns($col1, $col2);
         // name/phone on activation only
         if (($row['tranType'] == 'Gift Card Activation' || $row['tranType'] == 'Gift Card Issue') && $sigSlip) {
             $slip .= "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("Name:  ___________________________________") . "\n" . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("Phone: ___________________________________") . "\n";
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
     return $slip;
 function preprocess()
     /* form submitted */
     if (isset($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
             // selected a transaction
             $tmp = explode("::", $_REQUEST['selectlist']);
             $this->doResume($tmp[0], $tmp[1], $tmp[2]);
             // if it is a member transaction, verify correct name
             if (CoreLocal::get('memberID') != '0' && CoreLocal::get('memberID') != CoreLocal::get('defaultNonMem')) {
                 $this->change_page($this->page_url . 'gui-modules/memlist.php?idSearch=' . CoreLocal::get('memberID'));
             } else {
                 $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         } else {
             // pressed clear
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         return false;
     $query_local = "SELECT register_no, emp_no, trans_no, SUM(total) AS total " . " FROM suspended " . " WHERE datetime >= " . date("'Y-m-d 00:00:00'") . " GROUP BY register_no, emp_no, trans_no";
     $db_a = Database::tDataConnect();
     $result = "";
     if (CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 1) {
         $result = $db_a->query($query_local);
     } else {
         $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
         $result = $db_a->query($query_local);
     $num_rows = $result ? $db_a->num_rows($result) : 0;
     /* if there are suspended transactions available, 
      * store the result and row count as class variables
      * so they can be retrieved in body_content()
      * otherwise notify that there are no suspended
      * transactions
     if ($num_rows > 0) {
         $this->temp_result = $result;
         $this->temp_num_rows = $num_rows;
         $this->temp_db = $db_a;
         return true;
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("no suspended transaction"));
         $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         return false;
     return true;
 public function testMinServer()
     $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $errors = InstallUtilities::createMinServer($db, CoreLocal::get('mDatabase'));
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $errors);
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $errors);
     foreach ($errors as $error) {
         $this->assertInternalType('array', $error, 'Invalid status entry');
         $this->assertArrayHasKey('error', $error, 'Status entry missing key: error');
         $this->assertEquals(0, $error['error'], 'Error creating ' . $error['struct'] . ', ' . print_r($error, true));
         if (isset($error['query']) && stristr($error['query'], 'DROP VIEW')) {
             // don't check for existence on DROP VIEW queries
         $exists = $db->table_exists($error['struct']);
         $this->assertEquals(true, $exists, 'Failed to create ' . $error['struct'] . ', ' . print_r($error, true));
   Check whether there are suspended transactions
    - 1 Yes
    - 0 No
   This function ignores any transactions that
   are not from the current day.
 public static function checksuspended()
     $db_a = Database::tDataConnect();
     $query_local = "SELECT upc \n                    FROM suspended\n                    WHERE datetime >= " . date("'Y-m-d 00:00:00'");
     $result = "";
     if (CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 1) {
         $result = $db_a->query($query_local);
     } else {
         $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
         $result = $db_a->query($query_local);
     $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
     if ($num_rows == 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         return 1;
 private function memAddress()
     $db_name = CoreLocal::get('ServerOpDB');
     $ret = '';
     $dbc = Database::mDataConnect();
     $query = 'SELECT street, zip, phone, email_1, email_2
               FROM ' . $db_name . $dbc->sep() . 'meminfo
               WHERE card_no = ' . (int) CoreLocal::get('memberID');
     $result = $dbc->query($query);
     if ($dbc->num_rows($result) > 0) {
         $row = $dbc->fetch_row($result);
         $ret .= _('Owner Address: ') . str_replace("\n", ", ", $row['street']) . "\n";
         $ret .= _('Zip Code: ') . $row['zip'] . "\n";
         $ret .= _('Owner Phone(s): ') . $row['phone'] . ' ' . $row['email_2'] . "\n";
         $ret .= _('Owner Email: ') . $row['email_1'] . "\n";
     return $ret;
    function body_content()
        $local = array();
        $other = array();
        $db = Database::tDataConnect();
        $localQ = 'SELECT amount, PAN, refNum FROM efsnetRequest GROUP BY amount, PAN, refNum';
        $localR = $db->query($localQ);
        while ($w = $db->fetch_row($localR)) {
            $local['_l' . $w['refNum']] = '(CURRENT)' . $w['PAN'] . ' : ' . sprintf('%.2f', $w['amount']);
        if (CoreLocal::get('standalone') == 0) {
            $emp = CoreLocal::get('CashierNo');
            $sec = Authenticate::getPermission($emp);
            $supervisor = $sec >= 30 ? true : false;
            $db = Database::mDataConnect();
            $otherQ = 'SELECT MIN(datetime) as dt, amount, PAN, refNum,
                        cashierNo, laneNo, transNo
                        FROM efsnetRequest 
                        WHERE date=' . date('Ymd');
            if (!$supervisor) {
                $otherQ .= ' AND laneNo=' . (int) CoreLocal::get('laneno') . '
                           AND cashierNo=' . (int) CoreLocal::get('CashierNo');
            $otherQ .= ' GROUP BY amount, PAN, refNum
                        ORDER BY datetime DESC';
            $otherR = $db->query($otherQ);
            while ($w = $db->fetch_row($otherR)) {
                $other[$w['refNum']] = $w['dt'] . ' : ' . $w['cashierNo'] . '-' . $w['laneNo'] . '-' . $w['transNo'] . ' : ' . sprintf('%.2f', $w['amount']);
        <div class="baseHeight">
        <div class="listbox">
        <form name="selectform" method="post" id="selectform" 
        echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
" >
        <select name="selectlist" size="10" id="selectlist"
            onblur="$('#selectlist').focus()" >
        $selected = 'selected';
        foreach ($local as $id => $label) {
            printf('<option %s value="%s">%s</option>', $selected, $id, $label);
            $selected = '';
        foreach ($other as $id => $label) {
            printf('<option %s value="%s">%s</option>', $selected, $id, $label);
            $selected = '';
        if (count($local) == 0 && count($other) == 0) {
            echo '<option value="" selected>No transactions found</option>';
        <div class="listboxText coloredText centerOffset">
        echo _("use arrow keys to navigate");
<br />
        echo _("enter to reprint receipt");
<br />
        echo _("clear to cancel");
        <div class="clear"></div>
文件: PrehLib.php 项目: phpsmith/IS4C
   Check if the member has overdue store charge balance
   @param $cardno member number
   @return True or False
   The logic for what constitutes past due has to be built
   into the unpaid_ar_today view. Without that this function
   doesn't really do much.
 public static function checkUnpaidAR($cardno)
     // only attempt if server is available
     // and not the default non-member
     if ($cardno == CoreLocal::get("defaultNonMem")) {
         return false;
     if (CoreLocal::get("balance") == 0) {
         return false;
     $dbc = Database::mDataConnect();
     if (!$dbc->table_exists("unpaid_ar_today")) {
         return false;
     $query = "SELECT old_balance,recent_payments FROM unpaid_ar_today\n        WHERE card_no = {$cardno}";
     $result = $dbc->query($query);
     // should always be a row, but just in case
     if ($dbc->num_rows($result) == 0) {
         return false;
     $row = $dbc->fetch_row($result);
     $bal = $row["old_balance"];
     $paid = $row["recent_payments"];
     if (CoreLocal::get("memChargeTotal") > 0) {
         $paid += CoreLocal::get("memChargeTotal");
     if ($bal <= 0) {
         return false;
     if ($paid >= $bal) {
         return false;
     // only case where customer prompt should appear
     if ($bal > 0 && $paid < $bal) {
         CoreLocal::set("old_ar_balance", $bal - $paid);
         return true;
     // just in case i forgot anything...
     return false;
   The same data can be rendered two different ways. One's a
   signature slip, the other is just a list of date, amount,
   approval code, etc
 protected function variable_slip($ref, $reprint = False, $sigSlip = False)
     $date = ReceiptLib::build_time(time());
     list($emp, $reg, $trans) = explode('-', $ref);
     $sort = 'asc';
     $slip = '';
     $idclause = '';
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     if ($reprint) {
         $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     if ($sigSlip && is_numeric(CoreLocal::get('paycard_id'))) {
         $idclause = ' AND transID=' . CoreLocal::get('paycard_id');
     // query database for cc receipt info
     $query = "select  tranType, amount, PAN, entryMethod, issuer, xResultMessage, xApprovalNumber, xTransactionID, name, " . " datetime, transID from ccReceiptView where date=" . date('Ymd', time()) . " and cashierNo = " . $emp . " and laneNo = " . $reg . " and transNo = " . $trans . " " . $idclause . " order by datetime {$sort}, transID DESC";
     if ($db->table_exists('PaycardTransactions')) {
         $trans_type = $db->concat('p.cardType', "' '", 'p.transType', '');
         $query = "SELECT {$trans_type} AS tranType,\n                        CASE WHEN p.transType = 'Return' THEN -1*p.amount ELSE p.amount END as amount,\n                        p.PAN,\n                        CASE WHEN p.manual=1 THEN 'Manual' ELSE 'Swiped' END as entryMethod,\n                        p.issuer,\n                        p.xResultMessage,\n                        p.xApprovalNumber,\n                        p.xTransactionID,\n                        p.name,\n                        p.requestDatetime AS datetime,\n                        p.transID\n                      FROM PaycardTransactions AS p\n                      WHERE dateID=" . date('Ymd') . "\n                        AND empNo=" . $emp . "\n                        AND registerNo=" . $reg . "\n                        AND transNo=" . $trans . $idclause . "\n                        AND p.validResponse=1\n                        AND (p.xResultMessage LIKE '%APPROVE%' OR p.xResultMessage LIKE '%PENDING%')\n                        AND p.cardType IN ('Credit', 'Debit')\n                      ORDER BY p.requestDatetime";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $emvP = $db->prepare('
         SELECT content
         FROM EmvReceipt
         WHERE dateID=?
             AND empNo=?
             AND registerNo=?
             AND transNo=?
             AND transID=?
     while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
         // do not look for EmvReceipt server side; use classic receipt
         $emvR = $reprint ? false : $db->execute($emvP, array(date('Ymd'), $emp, $reg, $trans, $row['transID']));
         if ($emvR && $db->numRows($emvR)) {
             $emvW = $db->fetchRow($emvR);
             $lines = explode("\n", $emvW['content']);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
                 if (isset($lines[$i + 1]) && strlen($lines[$i]) + strlen($lines[$i + 1]) < 56) {
                     // don't columnize the amount lines
                     if (strstr($lines[$i], 'AMOUNT') || strstr($lines[$i + 1], 'AMOUNT')) {
                         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString($lines[$i]) . "\n";
                     } elseif (strstr($lines[$i], 'TOTAL') || strstr($lines[$i + 1], 'TOTAL')) {
                         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString($lines[$i]) . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $spacer = 56 - strlen($lines[$i]) - strlen($lines[$i + 1]);
                         $slip .= $lines[$i] . str_repeat(' ', $spacer) . $lines[$i + 1] . "\n";
                 } else {
                     if (strstr($lines[$i], 'x___')) {
                         if ($sigSlip) {
                             $slip .= "\n\n\n";
                         } else {
                     $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString($lines[$i]) . "\n";
             if ($sigSlip) {
                 $slip .= "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($emp . '-' . $reg . '-' . $trans) . "\n";
                 $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(_('(Merchant Copy)')) . "\n";
             } else {
                 $slip .= "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString(_('(Customer Copy)')) . "\n";
         } else {
             $trantype = $row['tranType'];
             if ($row['amount'] < 0) {
                 $amt = "-\$" . number_format(-1 * $row['amount'], 2);
             } else {
                 $amt = "\$" . number_format($row['amount'], 2);
             $pan = $row['PAN'];
             // already masked in the database
             $entryMethod = $row['entryMethod'];
             $cardBrand = $row['issuer'];
             $approvalPhrase = $row['xResultMessage'];
             $authCode = "#" . $row['xApprovalNumber'];
             $sequenceNum = $row['xTransactionID'];
             $name = $row["name"];
             if ($sigSlip) {
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= CoreLocal::get('chargeSlipCount'); $i++) {
                     $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(CoreLocal::get("chargeSlip" . $i)) . "\n";
                 $slip .= $trantype . "\n" . "Card: " . $cardBrand . "  " . $pan . "\n" . "Reference:  " . $ref . "\n" . "Date & Time:  " . $date . "\n" . "Entry Method:  " . $entryMethod . "\n" . "Sequence Number:  " . $sequenceNum . "\n" . "Authorization:  " . $approvalPhrase . "\n" . ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . $amt . "\n" . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
                 $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("I agree to pay above total amount") . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("according to card issuer agreement.") . "\n\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("X____________________________________________") . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($name) . "\n";
             } else {
                 // use columns instead
                 $c1 = array();
                 $c2 = array();
                 $c1[] = $trantype;
                 $c1[] = "Entry Method:  " . $entryMethod;
                 $c1[] = "Sequence Number:  " . $sequenceNum;
                 $c2[] = $cardBrand . "  " . $pan;
                 $c2[] = "Authorization:  " . $approvalPhrase;
                 $c2[] = ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . $amt . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
                 $slip .= ReceiptLib::twoColumns($c1, $c2);
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(".................................................") . "\n";
         if ($sigSlip) {
             // Cut is added automatically by printing process
             //$slip .= "\n\n\n\n".chr(27).chr(105);
     return $slip;
   The same data can be rendered two different ways. One's a
   signature slip, the other is just a list of date, amount,
   approval code, etc
   N.B. This isn't finished for CoopCred, just a placeholder.
 protected function variable_slip($ref, $reprint = False, $sigSlip = False)
     global $CORE_LOCAL;
     $date = ReceiptLib::build_time(time());
     list($emp, $reg, $trans) = explode('-', $ref);
     $sort = 'asc';
     $slip = '';
     $idclause = '';
     $db = Database::tDataConnect();
     if ($reprint) {
         $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     if ($sigSlip && is_numeric($CORE_LOCAL->get('paycard_id'))) {
         $idclause = ' AND transID=' . $CORE_LOCAL->get('paycard_id');
     // query database for cc receipt info
     $query = "SELECT  tranType, amount, PAN, entryMethod, issuer, " . " xResultMessage, xApprovalNumber, xTransactionID, name, datetime " . " FROM ccReceiptView where date=" . date('Ymd', time()) . " and cashierNo = " . $emp . " and laneNo = " . $reg . " and transNo = " . $trans . " " . $idclause . " ORDER BY datetime {$sort}, transID DESC";
     if ($db->table_exists('PaycardTransactions')) {
         $trans_type = $db->concat('p.cardType', "' '", 'p.transType', '');
         $query = "SELECT {$trans_type} AS tranType,\n                CASE WHEN p.transType = 'Return' THEN -1*p.amount\n                    ELSE p.amount END as amount,\n                p.PAN,\n                CASE WHEN p.manual=1 THEN 'Manual'\n                    ELSE 'Swiped' END as entryMethod,\n                p.issuer,\n                p.xResultMessage,\n                p.xApprovalNumber,\n                p.xTransactionID,\n                p.name,\n                p.requestDatetime AS datetime\n              FROM PaycardTransactions AS p\n              WHERE dateID=" . date('Ymd') . "\n                AND empNo=" . $emp . "\n                AND registerNo=" . $reg . "\n                AND transNo=" . $trans . $idclause . "\n                AND p.validResponse=1\n                AND (p.xResultMessage LIKE '%APPROVE%' OR\n                    p.xResultMessage LIKE '%PENDING%')\n                AND p.cardType IN ('Credit', 'Debit')\n              ORDER BY p.requestDatetime";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
         $trantype = $row['tranType'];
         if ($row['amount'] < 0) {
             $amt = "-\$" . number_format(-1 * $row['amount'], 2);
         } else {
             $amt = "\$" . number_format($row['amount'], 2);
         $pan = $row['PAN'];
         // already masked in the database
         $entryMethod = $row['entryMethod'];
         $cardBrand = $row['issuer'];
         $approvalPhrase = $row['xResultMessage'];
         $authCode = "#" . $row['xApprovalNumber'];
         $sequenceNum = $row['xTransactionID'];
         $name = $row["name"];
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................") . "\n";
         if ($sigSlip) {
             $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip1")) . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip3") . ", " . $CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip4")) . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip5")) . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("receiptHeader2")) . "\n\n";
             // phone
             // trans type:  purchase, canceled purchase, refund or canceled refund
             $slip .= $trantype . "\n" . "Card: " . $cardBrand . "  " . $pan . "\n" . "Reference:  " . $ref . "\n" . "Date & Time:  " . $date . "\n" . "Entry Method:  " . $entryMethod . "\n" . "Sequence Number:  " . $sequenceNum . "\n" . "Authorization:  " . $approvalPhrase . "\n" . ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . $amt . "\n" . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
             $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("I agree to pay above total amount") . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("according to the card issuer agreement.") . "\n\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString("X____________________________________________") . "\n" . ReceiptLib::centerString($name) . "\n";
         } else {
             // use columns instead
             $c1 = array();
             $c2 = array();
             $c1[] = $trantype;
             $c1[] = "Entry Method:  " . $entryMethod;
             $c1[] = "Sequence Number:  " . $sequenceNum;
             $c2[] = $cardBrand . "  " . $pan;
             $c2[] = "Authorization:  " . $approvalPhrase;
             $c2[] = ReceiptLib::boldFont() . "Amount: " . $amt . ReceiptLib::normalFont();
             $slip .= ReceiptLib::twoColumns($c1, $c2);
         $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(".................................................") . "\n";
         if ($sigSlip) {
             // Cut is added automatically by the printing process
     return $slip;
  Prepare the tender report.
  @return string The report, ready to send to printer.
 public static function get()
     global $CORE_LOCAL;
     /* First, check for anything still in
      * . localtemptrans
      * . dtransactions
      * and for a proper End of Shift.
     $localCheck = "";
     $db_a = Database::tDataConnect();
     $localQ = "SELECT *\n        FROM localtemptrans\n        ORDER BY datetime";
     $localR = $db_a->query($localQ);
     $rowCount1 = 0;
     $transCount1 = 0;
     $endOfShiftCount1 = 0;
     $lastUPC1 = "";
     while ($localRow = $db_a->fetch_row($localR)) {
         $lastUPC1 = $localRow['upc'];
         if ($lastUPC1 == 'ENDOFSHIFT') {
         if ($localRow['trans_type'] == 'A') {
     $localQ = "SELECT *\n        FROM dtransactions\n        ORDER BY datetime";
     $localR = $db_a->query($localQ);
     $rowCount2 = 0;
     $transCount2 = 0;
     $endOfShiftCount2 = 0;
     $lastUPC2 = "";
     while ($localRow = $db_a->fetch_row($localR)) {
         $lastUPC2 = $localRow['upc'];
         if ($lastUPC2 == 'ENDOFSHIFT') {
         if ($localRow['trans_type'] == 'A') {
     /* Ideally, either
      * . both tables are empty
      * . there is one record, an upc=ENDOFSHIFT,
      *    in either localtemptrans or dtransactions
      *    and the other table is empty.
     if ($rowCount1 == 0 && $rowCount2 == 0) {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe shift was ended properly, buffers empty. " . "Good!";
     } elseif ($lastUPC1 == 'ENDOFSHIFT' && $rowCount1 == 1 && $rowCount2 == 0 || $lastUPC2 == 'ENDOFSHIFT' && $rowCount2 == 1 && $rowCount1 == 0) {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe shift was ended properly, EndOfShift only. " . "Good!";
     } elseif ($lastUPC1 == 'ENDOFSHIFT' && ($rowCount1 > 0 || $endOfShiftCount1 > 0)) {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe local transaction-in-progress buffer suggests " . "the shift was ended but perhaps not properly. " . "\n Please SignOff once again and then re-run this report." . "\n If the same problem or another one is reported just use the " . "\n  last or best report you have.";
     } elseif ($rowCount1 > 0) {
         $localCheck .= "\nThe local transaction-in-progress still contains " . "{$rowCount1} items." . "\nPlease complete or cancel the current transaction " . "and run this " . "\n report again." . "\n If the same problem or another one is reported just use the " . "\n  last or best report you have.";
     } elseif ($lastUPC2 == 'ENDOFSHIFT' && ($rowCount2 > 0 || $endOfShiftCount2 > 0)) {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe local completed-transaction buffer suggests " . "the shift " . "\n was ended but perhaps not properly. " . "\n Please SignOff once again and then re-run this report." . "\n If the same problem or another one is reported just use the " . "\n  last or best report you have.";
     } else {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe local completed-transaction buffer suggests " . "the shift was not " . "\n ended properly. " . "\nPlease SignOff, again if you already have, and then re-run " . "this report." . "\n If the same problem or another one is reported just use the " . "\n  last or best report you have.";
     if ($transCount2 > 0) {
         $localCheck .= "\n\nThe local completed-transaction buffer contains " . "{$transCount2} transactions " . "\n that probably will not appear in this report. " . "\n Please alert the shift co-ordinator.";
     if (MiscLib::pingport($CORE_LOCAL->get("mServer"), $CORE_LOCAL->get("mDBMS"))) {
         $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
         $tTable = "dlog";
         $tDate = "tdate";
         $tSource = "Fannie";
         $excl = "";
     } else {
         $db_a = Database::tDataConnect();
         $tTable = "localtranstoday";
         $tDate = "datetime";
         $tSource = "Lane" . $CORE_LOCAL->get('laneno');
         $excl = " AND d.trans_status not in ('D','X','Z') AND d.emp_no <> 9999 " . "AND d.register_no <> 99";
     self::$db_a = $db_a;
     self::$tTable = $tTable;
     self::$tDate = $tDate;
     self::$excl = $excl;
     $shiftCutoff = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     self::$shiftCutoff = $shiftCutoff;
     $DESIRED_TENDERS = $CORE_LOCAL->get("TRDesiredTenders");
     self::$dashLine = str_repeat('-', 54);
     $receipt = "";
     $blank = str_repeat(' ', 13);
     /* Literal spacing from left margin.
                               C a s h
       Time      Lane    Trans #   Emp #   Mem #      Amount        
       03:27 PM  1        1           62   484         -6.00
       04:14 PM  1        1           63   484         -7.00
                                     Count: 2  Total: -13.00
     $fieldNames = "  " . substr("Time" . $blank, 0, 10) . substr("Lane" . $blank, 0, 8) . substr("Trans #" . $blank, 0, 10) . substr("Emp #" . $blank, 0, 8) . substr("Mem #" . $blank, 0, 11) . substr("Amount" . $blank, 0, 14) . "\n";
     $ref = ReceiptLib::centerString(trim($CORE_LOCAL->get("CashierNo")) . " " . trim($CORE_LOCAL->get("cashier")) . " " . ReceiptLib::build_time(time())) . "\n";
     $cashier_names = "";
     $cashierQ = "SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(e.FirstName,1,1),SUBSTR(e.Lastname,1,1)) as cashier\n        FROM {$tTable} d, " . $CORE_LOCAL->get('pDatabase') . ".employees e\n        WHERE d.emp_no = e.emp_no AND d.register_no = " . $CORE_LOCAL->get('laneno') . " AND d.trans_type <> 'L' \n            AND d.{$tDate} >= '" . $shiftCutoff . "'{$excl}\n        GROUP BY d.emp_no\n        ORDER BY d.{$tDate}";
     $cashierR = $db_a->query($cashierQ);
     for ($i = 0; $i < ($row = $db_a->fetch_array($cashierR)); $i++) {
         $cashier_names .= $row['cashier'] . ", ";
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("T E N D E R   R E P O R T") . "\n";
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("Data from {$tSource}") . "\n";
     $receipt .= $ref;
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("Lane " . $CORE_LOCAL->get('laneno') . " -- Cashiers: " . $cashier_names) . "\n\n";
     if ($localCheck) {
         $receipt .= "{$localCheck}\n\n\n";
     /* NET TOTAL
      * Does not include tenders such as StoreCharge and Coupons.
     if ($CORE_LOCAL->get('store') == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $netTenderList = "'CA','CK','DC','CC'";
         $netTenderMessage = "(Only: Cash, Cheque, Debit, Credit)";
     } else {
         $netTenderList = "'CA','CK','DC','CC','FS','EC'";
         $netTenderMessage = "(Only: Cash, Check, Debit, Credit, SNAPs)";
     $netQ = "SELECT -SUM(total) AS net, COUNT(total)\n      FROM {$tTable} d\n        WHERE register_no=" . $CORE_LOCAL->get('laneno') . " AND trans_subtype IN({$netTenderList})" . " AND {$tDate} >= '{$shiftCutoff}'{$excl}";
     $netR = $db_a->query($netQ);
     $net = $db_a->fetch_row($netR);
     $receipt .= "  " . substr("NET Total: " . $blank . $blank, 0, 20);
     $receipt .= substr($blank . number_format($net[0], 2), -8) . "\n  {$netTenderMessage}\n";
     $receipt .= "\n";
     /* Total for each of a Tender Type or combination.
      * Each is listed even if no items.
      * The PFC version was driven by Desired Tenders.
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('CA', 'CASH');
     if ($CORE_LOCAL->get('store') == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal('CK', 'CHEQUE');
     } else {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal('CK', 'CHECK');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal(array('CP', 'MC'), 'VENDOR COUPON');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('CC', 'CREDIT CARD');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('DC', 'DEBIT CARD');
     if (!$CORE_LOCAL->get('store') == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal('FS', 'SNAP - FOOD');
         $receipt .= self::trTotal('EC', 'SNAP - CASH');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('GC', 'GIFT CARD');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('MI', 'INSTORE CHARGE');
     $receipt .= self::trTotal('IC', 'INSTORE COUPON');
     $receipt .= "\n";
     if ($CORE_LOCAL->get('store') == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(array('CA', 'CK'), 'CASH + CHEQUE');
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(array('DC', 'CC'), 'DEBIT + CREDIT');
     } else {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal('PT', 'PATRONAGE');
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(array('CA', 'CK'), 'CASH + CHECK');
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(array('DC', 'CC', 'FS', 'EC'), 'DEB/CRED/SNAP');
     if (!$CORE_LOCAL->get('store') == 'WEFC_Toronto') {
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(45, 'RCVD. on ACCT.');
         $receipt .= self::trTotal(37, 'FRMRS MARKET SNAP');
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString(self::$dashLine);
     $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 5);
     /* Detail for each Desired Tender Type or combination.
      * Types with no items are skipped.
      * The output seems very similar to trTotal().
     /* If you share a credit/debit-card terminal between cash registers
      *  you might want to list those tenders for all lanes
      *  to help with day-end reconciliation.
      * Add an item to this array for each tender you want treated that way.
     $allLaneTenders = array();
     $allLaneTenders[] = 'CC';
     $allLaneTenders[] = 'DC';
     foreach (array_keys($DESIRED_TENDERS) as $tender_code) {
         /* Skip Tender Type if no items of that type.
          * The first search seems the same as the lower search except for total tests.
         if (in_array($tender_code, $allLaneTenders)) {
             $registerArg = '';
         } else {
             $registerArg = " AND register_no=" . $CORE_LOCAL->get('laneno');
         $query = "SELECT {$tDate}" . " FROM {$tTable} d" . " WHERE trans_subtype = '" . $tender_code . "'" . $registerArg . " AND {$tDate} >= '{$shiftCutoff}'{$excl}" . " ORDER BY {$tDate}";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $numRows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($numRows <= 0) {
         $titleStr = "";
         $itemize = 1;
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code]); $i++) {
             $titleStr .= $DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code][$i] . " ";
         $titleStr = substr($titleStr, 0, strlen($titleStr) - 1);
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString($titleStr) . "\n";
         if ($registerArg == '') {
             $receipt .= _("The list includes items for all lanes.");
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString(self::$dashLine) . "\n";
         $query = "SELECT {$tDate},register_no,emp_no,trans_no,card_no,total" . " FROM {$tTable} d" . " WHERE trans_subtype = '" . $tender_code . "'" . $registerArg . " AND (total <> 0 OR total <> -0) " . " AND {$tDate} >= '{$shiftCutoff}'{$excl}" . " ORDER BY {$tDate}";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $numRows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= $fieldNames;
         $sum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) {
             $row = $db_a->fetch_array($result);
             $timeStamp = self::timeStamp($row["{$tDate}"]);
             if ($itemize == 1 && $row["total"]) {
                 $receipt .= "  " . substr($timeStamp . $blank, 0, 10) . substr($row["register_no"] . $blank, 0, 9) . substr($row["trans_no"] . $blank, 0, 8) . substr($blank . $row['emp_no'], -6) . substr($blank . $row["card_no"], -6) . substr($blank . number_format($row["total"], 2), -14) . "\n";
             $sum += $row["total"];
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString(self::$dashLine) . "\n";
         $receipt .= substr($blank . $blank . $blank . "Count: " . $numRows . "  Total: " . number_format($sum, 2), -55) . "\n";
         $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 3);
         // each desired tender.
     /* Each item of purchase of these kinds.
      * first-param depts are PioneerFoodCoop, not WEFC_Toronto
     $receipt .= self::trTotal(36, 'MEMBER EQUITY', True, False);
     $receipt .= self::trTotal(45, 'RCVD / ACCOUNT', True, False);
     $receipt .= self::trTotal(41, 'GIFT CARDS SOLD', True, False);
     $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 5);
     // cut paper?
     return $receipt . chr(27) . chr(105);
     // get()
文件: undo.php 项目: phpsmith/IS4C
 function preprocess()
     $this->box_color = "coloredArea";
     $this->msg = "Undo transaction";
     if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput'])) {
         $trans_num = strtoupper($_REQUEST['reginput']);
         // clear/cancel undo attempt
         if ($trans_num == "" || $trans_num == "CL") {
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
         // error: malformed transaction number
         if (!strpos($trans_num, "-")) {
             $this->box_color = "errorColoredArea";
             $this->msg = "Transaction not found";
             return True;
         $temp = explode("-", $trans_num);
         // error: malformed transaction number (2)
         if (count($temp) != 3) {
             $this->box_color = "errorColoredArea";
             $this->msg = "Transaction not found";
             return True;
         $emp_no = $temp[0];
         $register_no = $temp[1];
         $old_trans_no = $temp[2];
         // error: malformed transaction number (3)
         if (!is_numeric($emp_no) || !is_numeric($register_no) || !is_numeric($old_trans_no)) {
             $this->box_color = "errorColoredArea";
             $this->msg = "Transaction not found";
             return True;
         $db = 0;
         $query = "";
         if ($register_no == CoreLocal::get("laneno")) {
             // look up transation locally
             $db = Database::tDataConnect();
             $query = "select upc, description, trans_type, trans_subtype,\n                    trans_status, department, quantity, scale, unitPrice,\n                    total, regPrice, tax, foodstamp, discount, memDiscount,\n                    discountable, discounttype, voided, PercentDiscount,\n                    ItemQtty, volDiscType, volume, VolSpecial, mixMatch,\n                    matched, card_no, trans_id\n                    from localtranstoday where register_no = {$register_no}\n                    and emp_no = {$emp_no} and trans_no = {$old_trans_no}\n                    and datetime >= " . $db->curdate() . "\n                    and trans_status <> 'X'\n                    order by trans_id";
         } else {
             if (CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 1) {
                 // error: remote lookups won't work in standalone
                 $this->box_color = "errorColoredArea";
                 $this->msg = "Transaction not found";
                 return True;
             } else {
                 // look up transaction remotely
                 $db = Database::mDataConnect();
                 $query = "select upc, description, trans_type, trans_subtype,\n                    trans_status, department, quantity, scale, unitPrice,\n                    total, regPrice, tax, foodstamp, discount, memDiscount,\n                    discountable, discounttype, voided, PercentDiscount,\n                    ItemQtty, volDiscType, volume, VolSpecial, mixMatch,\n                    matched, card_no, trans_id\n                    from dtransactions where register_no = {$register_no}\n                    and emp_no = {$emp_no} and trans_no = {$old_trans_no}\n                    and datetime >= " . $db->curdate() . "\n                    and trans_status <> 'X'\n                    order by trans_id";
         $result = $db->query($query);
         // transaction not found
         if ($db->num_rows($result) < 1) {
             $this->box_color = "errorColoredArea";
             $this->msg = "Transaction not found";
             return True;
         /* change the cashier to the original transaction's cashier */
         $prevCashier = CoreLocal::get("CashierNo");
         CoreLocal::set("CashierNo", $emp_no);
         CoreLocal::set("transno", Database::gettransno($emp_no));
         /* rebuild the transaction, line by line, in reverse */
         $card_no = 0;
         TransRecord::addcomment("VOIDING TRANSACTION {$trans_num}");
         while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
             $card_no = $row["card_no"];
             if ($row["upc"] == "TAX") {
             } elseif ($row["trans_type"] == "T") {
                 if ($row["description"] == "Change") {
                     TransRecord::addchange(-1 * $row["total"]);
                 } elseif ($row["description"] == "FS Change") {
                     TransRecord::addfsones(-1 * $row["total"]);
                 } else {
                     TransRecord::addtender($row["description"], $row["trans_subtype"], -1 * $row["total"]);
             } elseif (strstr($row["description"], "** YOU SAVED")) {
                 $temp = explode("\$", $row["description"]);
                 TransRecord::adddiscount(substr($temp[1], 0, -3), $row["department"]);
             } elseif ($row["upc"] == "FS Tax Exempt") {
             } elseif (strstr($row["description"], "% Discount Applied")) {
                 $temp = explode("%", $row["description"]);
                 TransRecord::discountnotify(substr($temp[0], 3));
             } elseif ($row["description"] == "** Order is Tax Exempt **") {
             } elseif ($row["description"] == "** Tax Excemption Reversed **") {
             } elseif ($row["description"] == " * Manufacturers Coupon") {
                 TransRecord::addCoupon($row["upc"], $row["department"], -1 * $row["total"]);
             } elseif (strstr($row["description"], "** Tare Weight")) {
                 $temp = explode(" ", $row["description"]);
                 TransRecord::addTare($temp[3] * 100);
             } elseif ($row["upc"] == "DISCOUNT") {
             } elseif ($row["trans_status"] != "M" && $row["upc"] != "0" && (is_numeric($row["upc"]) || strstr($row["upc"], "DP"))) {
                 $row["trans_status"] = "V";
                 $row["total"] *= -1;
                 $row["discount"] *= -1;
                 $row["memDiscount"] *= -1;
                 $row["quantity"] *= -1;
                 $row["ItemQtty"] *= -1;
         PrehLib::setMember($card_no, 1);
         CoreLocal::set("autoReprint", 0);
         /* do NOT restore logged in cashier until this transaction is complete */
         $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/undo_confirm.php");
         return False;
     return True;
 public static function get()
     $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
     $shiftCutoff = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     $excl = " AND emp_no <> 9999 ";
     // $lookup = $db_a->query("SELECT MAX(datetime) FROM dtransactions
     //     WHERE DATE(datetime) = CURDATE() AND upc='ENDOFSHIFT' AND
     //     register_no=".CoreLocal::get('laneno'));
     // if ($db_a->num_rows($lookup) > 0){
     //     $row = $db_a->fetch_row($lookup);
     //     if ($row[0] != '') $shiftCutoff = $row[0];
     // }
     // TransRecord::add_log_record(array('upc'=>'ENDOFSHIFT'));
     $DESIRED_TENDERS = CoreLocal::get("TRDesiredTenders");
     $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
     $blank = "             ";
     $fieldNames = "  " . substr("Time" . $blank, 0, 13) . substr("Lane" . $blank, 0, 9) . substr("Trans #" . $blank, 0, 12) . substr("Change" . $blank, 0, 14) . substr("Amount" . $blank, 0, 14) . "\n";
     $ref = ReceiptLib::centerString(trim(CoreLocal::get("CashierNo")) . " " . trim(CoreLocal::get("cashier")) . " " . ReceiptLib::build_time(time())) . "\n\n";
     $receipt = "";
     $cashier_names = "";
     $cashierQ = "SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(e.FirstName,1,1),e.Lastname) as cashier\n        FROM dlog d, is4c_op.employees e\n        WHERE d.emp_no = e.emp_no AND d.register_no = " . CoreLocal::get('laneno') . " AND d.emp_no <> 9999 AND d.trans_type <> 'L' \n        AND d.tdate >= '" . $shiftCutoff . "'\n        GROUP BY d.emp_no ORDER BY d.tdate";
     $cashierR = $db_a->query($cashierQ);
     for ($i = 0; $i < ($row = $db_a->fetch_array($cashierR)); $i++) {
         $cashier_names .= $row['cashier'] . ", ";
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("T E N D E R   R E P O R T") . "\n";
     $receipt .= $ref;
     $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("Cashiers: " . $cashier_names) . "\n\n";
     // NET TOTAL
     $netQ = "SELECT -SUM(total) AS net, COUNT(total) FROM dlog \n        WHERE register_no=" . CoreLocal::get('laneno') . " AND (trans_subtype IN('CA','CK','DC','CC','EF','FS','EC','GD','TC','WT') OR (trans_subtype = 'MI' AND staff <> 1))\n        AND tdate >= '{$shiftCutoff}'{$excl}";
     $netR = $db_a->query($netQ);
     $net = $db_a->fetch_row($netR);
     $receipt .= "  " . substr("GROSS Total: " . $blank . $blank, 0, 20);
     $receipt .= substr($blank . number_format($net[0], 2), -8) . "\n";
     $receipt .= "\n";
     $receipt .= trTotal('CA', 'CASH');
     $receipt .= trTotal('CK', 'CHECK');
     $receipt .= trTotal('CC', 'CREDIT CARD');
     $receipt .= trTotal('DC', 'DEBIT CARD');
     $receipt .= trTotal('EF', 'EBT - FOOD');
     $receipt .= trTotal('EC', 'EBT - CASH');
     $receipt .= trTotal('GD', 'GIFT CARD');
     $receipt .= trTotal('TC', 'GIFT CERT.');
     $receipt .= trTotal('WT', 'WIC');
     $receipt .= "\n";
     $receipt .= trTotal(array('CP', 'MC'), 'VENDOR COUPON');
     $receipt .= trTotal('MI', 'STORE CHARGE');
     $receipt .= trTotal('IC', 'INSTORE COUPON');
     $receipt .= "\n\n";
     foreach (array_keys($DESIRED_TENDERS) as $tender_code) {
         $query = "select tdate from TenderTapeGeneric where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and tender_code = '" . $tender_code . "' order by tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($num_rows <= 0) {
         //$receipt .= chr(27).chr(33).chr(5);
         $titleStr = "";
         $itemize = 1;
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code]); $i++) {
             $titleStr .= $DESIRED_TENDERS[$tender_code][$i] . " ";
         $titleStr = substr($titleStr, 0, strlen($titleStr) - 1);
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString($titleStr) . "\n";
         $receipt .= $ref;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,tender_code,tender\n                   from TenderTapeGeneric where register_no=" . CoreLocal::get("laneno") . " and tender_code = '" . $tender_code . "' order by tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= $fieldNames;
         $sum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
             // if (((CoreLocal::get("store") == "harvest-cb") || (CoreLocal::get("store") == "harvest-jp")) && ($tender_code == "PE" || $tender_code == "BU" || $tender_code == "EL" || $tender_code == "PY" || $tender_code == "TV")) $itemize = 1;
             // else $itemize = 0;
             $row = $db_a->fetch_array($result);
             $timeStamp = self::timeStamp($row["tdate"]);
             if ($itemize == 1) {
                 $receipt .= "  " . substr($timeStamp . $blank, 0, 13) . substr($row["register_no"] . $blank, 0, 9) . substr($row["trans_no"] . $blank, 0, 8) . substr($blank . number_format("0", 2), -10) . substr($blank . number_format($row["tender"], 2), -14) . "\n";
             $sum += $row["tender"];
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $receipt .= substr($blank . $blank . $blank . "Count: " . $num_rows . "  Total: " . number_format($sum, 2), -56) . "\n";
         $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 4);
         //        $receipt .= chr(27).chr(105);
     return $receipt . chr(27) . chr(105);
 Print a tender report
 This tender report is based on a single tender tape view
 rather than multiple views (e.g. ckTenders, ckTenderTotal, etc)
 adding a new tender is mostly just a matter of adding it
 to the $DESIRED_TENDERS array (exception being if you want
 special handling in the tender tape view (e.g., three
 tender types are actually compined under EBT)
 public static function get()
     $DESIRED_TENDERS = CoreLocal::get("TRDesiredTenders");
     $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
     $blank = "             ";
     $fieldNames = "  " . substr("Time" . $blank, 0, 13) . substr("Lane" . $blank, 0, 9) . substr("Trans #" . $blank, 0, 12) . substr("Change" . $blank, 0, 14) . substr("Amount" . $blank, 0, 14) . "\n";
     $ref = ReceiptLib::centerString(trim(CoreLocal::get("CashierNo")) . " " . trim(CoreLocal::get("cashier")) . " " . ReceiptLib::build_time(time())) . "\n\n";
     $receipt = "";
     $itemize = 0;
     foreach ($DESIRED_TENDERS as $tender_code => $header) {
         $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                   from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype='" . $tender_code . "'\n              ORDER BY tdate";
         switch ($tender_code) {
             case 'CC':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype IN ('CC','AX')\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'EF':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype IN ('EF','EC')\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'CP':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype ='CP' AND\n                  upc NOT LIKE '%MAD%' ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'SC':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype ='SC' AND\n                  total<0 ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'AR':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='D' AND department = 990\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'EQ':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='D' AND department IN (991,992)\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'ST':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='I' AND upc = '0000000001065'\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'BP':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='I' AND upc IN('0000000007573','0000000007574')\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'SN':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='I' AND upc LIKE '002001000%'\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'CF':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='I' AND upc LIKE '002000600%'\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($num_rows <= 0) {
         //$receipt .= chr(27).chr(33).chr(5);
         $titleStr = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($header); $i++) {
             $titleStr .= $header[$i] . " ";
         $titleStr = substr($titleStr, 0, strlen($titleStr) - 1);
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString($titleStr) . "\n";
         $receipt .= $ref;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $itemize = 1;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= $fieldNames;
         $sum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
             $row = $db_a->fetch_array($result);
             $timeStamp = self::timeStamp($row["tdate"]);
             if ($itemize == 1) {
                 $receipt .= "  " . substr($timeStamp . $blank, 0, 13) . substr($row["register_no"] . $blank, 0, 9) . substr($row["trans_no"] . $blank, 0, 8) . substr($blank . number_format("0", 2), -10) . substr($blank . number_format($row["tender"], 2), -14) . "\n";
             $sum += $row["tender"];
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $receipt .= substr($blank . $blank . $blank . "Count: " . $num_rows . "  Total: " . number_format($sum, 2), -56) . "\n";
         $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 4);
         $receipt .= chr(27) . chr(105);
     return $receipt . chr(27) . chr(105);
   Check how many times the coupon has been used and 
   compare against usage limits - e.g., one per transaction,
   one per member, etc. This is a separate method from
   checkQualifications() so that calling code has the option
   of working around limits via voids or amount adjustments
   @param $id [int] coupon ID
   @return [boolean] true or [string] error message
 public function checkLimits($id)
     $infoW = $this->lookupCoupon($id);
     if ($infoW === false) {
         return $this->errorOrQuiet(_('coupon not found'), false);
     $prefix = CoreLocal::get('houseCouponPrefix');
     if ($prefix == '') {
         $prefix = '00499999';
     $upc = $prefix . str_pad($id, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     /* check the number of times this coupon
      * has been used in this transaction
      * against the limit */
     $transDB = Database::tDataConnect();
     $limitQ = "select case when sum(ItemQtty) is null\n            then 0 else sum(ItemQtty) end\n            from localtemptrans where\n            upc = '" . $upc . "'";
     $limitR = $transDB->query($limitQ);
     $limitW = $transDB->fetch_row($limitR);
     $times_used = $limitW[0];
     if ($times_used >= $infoW["limit"]) {
         return $this->errorOrQuiet(_('coupon already applied'), false);
       For members, enforce limits against longer
       transaction history
     if ($infoW["memberOnly"] == 1 && CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 0 && CoreLocal::get('memberID') != CoreLocal::get('visitingMem')) {
         $mDB = Database::mDataConnect();
         // Lookup usage of this coupon by this member
         // Subquery is to combine today (dlog)
         // with previous days (dlog_90_view)
         // Potential replacement for houseCouponThisMonth
         $monthStart = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00');
         $altQ = "SELECT SUM(s.quantity) AS quantity,\n                        MAX(tdate) AS lastUse\n                     FROM (\n                        SELECT upc, card_no, quantity, tdate\n                        FROM dlog\n                        WHERE\n                            trans_type='T'\n                            AND trans_subtype='IC'\n                            AND upc='{$upc}'\n                            AND card_no=" . (int) CoreLocal::get('memberID') . "\n    \n                        UNION ALL\n\n                        SELECT upc, card_no, quantity, tdate\n                        FROM dlog_90_view\n                        WHERE\n                            trans_type='T'\n                            AND trans_subtype='IC'\n                            AND upc='{$upc}'\n                            AND card_no=" . (int) CoreLocal::get('memberID') . "\n                            AND tdate >= '{$monthStart}'\n                     ) AS s\n                     GROUP BY s.upc, s.card_no";
         $mRes = $mDB->query("SELECT quantity \n                               FROM houseCouponThisMonth\n                               WHERE card_no=" . CoreLocal::get("memberID") . " and\n                               upc='{$upc}'");
         if ($mDB->num_rows($mRes) > 0) {
             $mRow = $mDB->fetch_row($mR);
             $uses = $mRow['quantity'];
             if ($uses >= $infoW["limit"]) {
                 return $this->errorOrQuiet(_('coupon already used<br />on this membership'), false);
     return true;
 Print a tender report
 This tender report is based on a single tender tape view
 rather than multiple views (e.g. ckTenders, ckTenderTotal, etc)
 adding a new tender is mostly just a matter of adding it
 to the $DESIRED_TENDERS array (exception being if you want
 special handling in the tender tape view (e.g., three
 tender types are actually compined under EBT)
 public static function get()
     $DESIRED_TENDERS = CoreLocal::get("TRDesiredTenders");
     // $DESIRED_TENDERS = array(
     //              "CK"=>"CHECK TENDERS",
     //              "GD"=>"GIFT CARD TENDERS",
     //              "TC"=>"GIFT CERT TENDERS",
     //              "MI"=>"STORE CHARGE TENDERS",
     //              "EF"=>"EBT CARD TENDERS",
     //              "CP"=>"COUPONS TENDERED",
     //              "IC"=>"INSTORE COUPONS TENDERED",
     //              "AR"=>"AR PAYMENTS",
     //              "EQ"=>"EQUITY SALES"
     //          );
     $db_a = Database::mDataConnect();
     $blank = "             ";
     $fieldNames = "  " . substr("Time" . $blank, 0, 13) . substr("Lane" . $blank, 0, 9) . substr("Trans #" . $blank, 0, 12) . substr("Change" . $blank, 0, 14) . substr("Amount" . $blank, 0, 14) . "\n";
     $ref = ReceiptLib::centerString(trim(CoreLocal::get("CashierNo")) . " " . trim(CoreLocal::get("cashier")) . " " . ReceiptLib::build_time(time())) . "\n\n";
     $receipt = "";
     $itemize = 0;
     foreach ($DESIRED_TENDERS as $tender_code => $header) {
         $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                   from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype='" . $tender_code . "'\n             AND total <> 0 ORDER BY tdate";
         switch ($tender_code) {
             case 'FS':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype IN ('EF','EC','EB','EK')\n                  AND total <> 0 ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'CK':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype IN ('PE','BU','EL','PY','TV')\n                  AND total <> 0 ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'MC':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,-total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='T' AND trans_subtype  IN ('CP','MC') AND\n                  upc NOT LIKE '%MAD%' AND total <> 0 ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'AR':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='D' AND total <> 0 AND department = 98\n                  ORDER BY tdate";
             case 'EQ':
                 $query = "select tdate,register_no,trans_no,total AS tender\n                from dlog where emp_no=" . CoreLocal::get("CashierNo") . " and trans_type='D' AND department IN (70,71)\n                  AND total <> 0 ORDER BY tdate";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
         $num_rows = $db_a->num_rows($result);
         if ($num_rows <= 0) {
         //$receipt .= chr(27).chr(33).chr(5);
         $titleStr = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($header); $i++) {
             $titleStr .= $header[$i] . " ";
         $titleStr = substr($titleStr, 0, strlen($titleStr) - 1);
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString($titleStr) . "\n";
         $receipt .= $ref;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         //        $itemize = 1;
         if ($itemize == 1) {
             $receipt .= $fieldNames;
         $sum = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
             $row = $db_a->fetch_array($result);
             $timeStamp = self::timeStamp($row["tdate"]);
             if ($itemize == 1) {
                 $receipt .= "  " . substr($timeStamp . $blank, 0, 13) . substr($row["register_no"] . $blank, 0, 9) . substr($row["trans_no"] . $blank, 0, 8) . substr($blank . number_format("0", 2), -10) . substr($blank . number_format($row["tender"], 2), -14) . "\n";
             $sum += $row["tender"];
         $receipt .= ReceiptLib::centerString("------------------------------------------------------");
         $receipt .= substr($blank . $blank . $blank . "Count: " . $num_rows . "  Total: " . number_format($sum, 2), -56) . "\n";
         $receipt .= str_repeat("\n", 4);
         // $receipt .= chr(27).chr(105);
     return $receipt . chr(27) . chr(105);
文件: cablist.php 项目: phpsmith/IS4C
    function body_content()
        $fes = Authenticate::getPermission(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
        /* if front end security >= 25, pull all
         * available receipts; other wise, just
         * current cashier's receipt */
        $result = -1;
        if ($fes >= 25) {
            $query = "select emp_no, register_no, trans_no, sum((case when trans_type = 'T' then -1 * total else 0 end)) as total " . "from localtranstoday " . " group by register_no, emp_no, trans_no\n            having sum((case when trans_type='T' THEN -1*total ELSE 0 end)) >= 30\n            order by register_no,emp_no,trans_no desc";
            $db = Database::tDataConnect();
            if (CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 0) {
                $query = str_replace("localtranstoday", "dtransactions", $query);
                $db = Database::mDataConnect();
            $result = $db->query($query);
        } else {
            $db = Database::tDataConnect();
            $query = "\n                SELECT emp_no, \n                    register_no, \n                    trans_no, \n                    SUM((CASE WHEN trans_type = 'T' THEN -1 * total ELSE 0 END)) AS total \n                FROM localtranstoday \n                WHERE register_no = ?\n                    AND emp_no = ?\n                    AND datetime >= " . $db->curdate() . "\n                GROUP BY register_no, \n                    emp_no, \n                    trans_no\n                HAVING SUM((CASE WHEN trans_type='T' THEN -1*total ELSE 0 END)) >= 30\n                ORDER BY trans_no desc";
            $args = array(CoreLocal::get('laneno'), CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
            $prep = $db->prepare($query);
            $result = $db->execute($prep, $args);
        $num_rows = $db->num_rows($result);

        <div class="baseHeight">
        <div class="listbox">
        <form id="selectform" name="selectform" onsubmit="return submitWrapper();">
        <select name="selectlist" size="15" onblur="$('#selectlist').focus()"

        $selected = "selected";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
            $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
            echo "<option value='" . $row["emp_no"] . "-" . $row["register_no"] . "-" . $row["trans_no"] . "'";
            echo $selected;
            echo ">lane " . substr(100 + $row["register_no"], -2) . " Cashier " . $row["emp_no"] . " #" . $row["trans_no"] . " -- \$" . $row["total"];
            $selected = "";
        if ($num_rows == 0) {
            echo "<option selected value=\"\">None found</option>";

        if (CoreLocal::get('touchscreen')) {
            echo '<div class="listbox listboxText">' . DisplayLib::touchScreenScrollButtons('#selectlist') . '</div>';
        <div class="listboxText coloredText centerOffset">
        echo _("use arrow keys to navigate");
<br />
            <button type="submit" class="pos-button wide-button coloredArea">
            Reprint <span class="smaller">[enter]</span>
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