public function Page($template, $variables, $title, $languageFiles, $extraScripts = '', $showTopNavigation = true, $isInGame = false, $extraMetaTags = '') { global $NN_config; $this->_languageFiles = $languageFiles; $currentUser = User::GetCurrentUser(); $userLevelName = $currentUser->AuthorisationLevelName(); // Get name of userlevel // TODO: have this use $currentUser //$userLevelName = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("SELECT name FROM authorisation WHERE level = ".$currentUser->AuthorisationLevel().";","SELECT"); $resultSet = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("SELECT name FROM authorisation WHERE level = 0;", "SELECT"); $userLevelName = $resultSet['name']; if ($userLevelName == NULL) { return null; } // Load common variables $CommonVariables = self::CommonFiles(); // Render the header, add it to the content $this->_content = $this->RenderHeader($CommonVariables, $title, $userLevelName, $extraMetaTags, $extraScripts); // If we are in the game, render the side bar if ($isInGame) { $this->_content .= $this->RenderSidebar($CommonVariables, $userLevelName); } // If required, render the top navigation bar if ($showTopNavigation) { // Load navigation variables $variables['TODO'] = "add some variables"; } // Render the actual content $this->_content .= $this->RenderContent($CommonVariables, $template, $variables, $userLevelName); // Render the footer $this->_content .= $this->RenderFooter($CommonVariables, $userLevelName); }
function rearrange($target_id, $before_or_after) { access::verify_csrf(); $target = ORM::factory("item", $target_id); $album = $target->parent(); access::required("view", $album); access::required("edit", $album); $source_ids = $this->input->post("source_ids", array()); if ($album->sort_column != "weight") { $i = 0; foreach ($album->children() as $child) { // Do this directly in the database to avoid sending notifications Database::Instance()->update("items", array("weight" => ++$i), array("id" => $child->id)); } $album->sort_column = "weight"; $album->sort_order = "ASC"; $album->save(); $target->reload(); } // Find the insertion point $target_weight = $target->weight; if ($before_or_after == "after") { $target_weight++; } // Make a hole $count = count($source_ids); Database::Instance()->query("UPDATE {items} " . "SET `weight` = `weight` + {$count} " . "WHERE `weight` >= {$target_weight} AND `parent_id` = {$album->id}"); // Insert source items into the hole foreach ($source_ids as $source_id) { Database::Instance()->update("items", array("weight" => $target_weight++), array("id" => $source_id)); } module::event("album_rearrange", $album); print json_encode(array("grid" => self::_get_micro_thumb_grid($album, 0)->__toString(), "sort_column" => $album->sort_column, "sort_order" => $album->sort_order)); }
public function GetScheduledLevelsInDatabase() { $type = $this->ID(); $query = "SELECT SUM(amount_requested) AS total_amount FROM production_building WHERE resource_type_being_built = {$type};"; $result = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); if ($result['total_amount'] === NULL) { return 0; } else { return (int) $result['total_amount']; } }
public static function GetDefensesOfColony(Colony $colony) { $id = $colony->ID(); $query = "SELECT * FROM colony_defences WHERE colonyID = {$id};"; $row = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); $row = array_slice($row, 1); // Get rid of colonyID // TODO: put these numbers in the config files or game resources, // otherwise when you add a new weapon you need to change all these. $row = array_slice($row, 0, 8); // Get rid of missiles return CombatGroup::FromList($row, $colony); }
public function Work() { // check for double run if ($this->initialized) { throw new Exception("Engine already initialized"); } $this->initialized = true; // Start buffer ob_start(); // Init self variables //$this->Debug($_SERVER, '$_SERVER'); $this->root = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; // Init autoload classes spl_autoload_register([$this, 'AutoloadClass']); $this->RegisterModuleClasses('system'); //$this->Debug($this->classes, '$this->classes'); // Init database connector $requisites = (include $this->DetectFilePath('config/database.php')); $this->DB = Database::Instance($requisites); //$this->Debug(Database::Instance()->Query('SELECT * FROM user;', 'wef'), '$test'); // Init user session session_start(); // Check access $this->ACCESS = (require $this->FindClosestFile($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.access.php')); // ... // Load section info $this->SECTION = (require $this->FindClosestFile($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.section.php')); $this->SECTION['NAME'] = $this->SECTION['NAME'] ?: 'Specify section name in .section.php'; $this->SECTION['TEMPLATE'] = $this->SECTION['TEMPLATE'] ?: 'bootstrap'; // Init other modules // ... Modules::Instance()->Synchronize(true); $this->LoadModules(); // Start output CONTENT $request_uri = $this->root . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (file_exists($request_uri) and !is_dir($request_uri)) { require $request_uri; } elseif (is_dir($request_uri) and file_exists($request_uri . 'index.php')) { require $request_uri . 'index.php'; } else { // otherwise require closest controller.php require $this->FindClosestFile($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'controller.php'); } $this->CONTENT = ob_get_clean(); // Launch wrapper if it needs // ... require $this->DetectFilePath('templates/' . $this->SECTION['TEMPLATE'] . '/wrapper.php'); // Do last triggers // ... }
function index() { $group_category = (int) @$_GET['cat_group_category']; $input = Input::Instance(); $category = new Category(); $db = Database::Instance(); $return = array(); $msgerror = null; $searchtxt = $input->get($this->inputtext); $liked = array("name_product" => $searchtxt, 'description_product' => $searchtxt); $likedstr = " (\n name_product LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR description_product LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR\n name_product_en LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR description_product_en LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%'\n ) "; /* Count of Rows */ $result = $db->select("count(*) as total")->from("product")->where($likedstr); if ($group_category > 0) { $result = $result->from("product_has_category")->where(array('category_id_category' => $group_category))->where("product_id_product = id_product"); } $result = $result->get(); foreach ($result as $row) { $total = $row->total; } /* Class Pagination */ $this->pages = new Pagination(array('base_url' => "" . $this->__("search") . "/items/" . $this->__("page") . "/", 'uri_segment' => 'pagina', 'total_items' => $total, 'items_per_page' => $category->max_items_per_category, 'style' => $category->getstyle_pagination())); /* List of Products */ $result = $db->select("*")->from("product")->orderby(array("update_product" => "DESC"))->where("{$likedstr}")->limit($category->max_items_per_category)->offset($this->pages->sql_offset); /*Condition Category group*/ if ($group_category > 0) { $result = $result->from("product_has_category")->where(array('category_id_category' => $group_category))->where("product_id_product = id_product"); } /* Build The Result */ $result = $result->get(); foreach ($result as $row) { Basic::currency($row->price_product); if ($row->price_offer_product > 0) { Basic::currency($row->price_offer_product); $row->price_product = "<strike>" . $row->price_product . "</strike> {$this->separator_price} " . $row->price_offer_product; } $row->href_add_product = url::base() . $this->__("cart") . "/" . $this->__("add") . "/id/{$row->id_product}"; $row->href_detail_product = url::base() . $this->__("product") . "/" . $this->__("detail") . "/" . Basic::urlizar($row->name_product) . "/id/{$row->id_product}"; $return[] = $row; } /* Error Detecting */ if (count($return) < 1 or $searchtxt == null) { $return = array(); $msgerror = __("No se encontraron resultados", false); $this->pages = null; } // $this->content = View::factory("main/search_list_products") $this->title = __('Resultados de la búsqueda', false); $this->content = View::factory("main/list_products")->set('product', $return)->set('title', __('Resultados de la búsqueda', false))->set('msgerror', $msgerror)->set('pages', $this->pages)->render(); }
/** * Overload ORM::delete() to trigger an item_related_update event for all items that are * related to this tag. */ public function delete() { $related_item_ids = array(); $db = Database::Instance(); foreach ($db->getwhere("items_tags", array("tag_id" => $this->id)) as $row) { $related_item_ids[$row->item_id] = 1; } $result = parent::delete(); if ($related_item_ids) { foreach (ORM::factory("item")->in("id", array_keys($related_item_ids))->find_all() as $item) { module::event("item_related_update", $item); } } return $result; }
public function BuildTime(BuildItem $item) { // Calculate next build level $nextBuildLevel = $this->GetNextBuildLevel($group); // Calculate costs $buildCosts = $this->BuildCost($group, $nextBuildLevel); // Calculate time required $colony =& $item->BuildGroup()->Colony(); $interGalacticLabLevel = $colony->Technologies()->GetMemberByName("intergalactic_research_network_technology")->Amount(); $researchLabs = 0; if ($interGalacticLabLevel > 0) { // Get all the research labs from this user $userID = $colony->Owner()->ID(); $query = "SELECT cs.research_lab FROM colony_structures AS cs, colony AS c WHERE cs.colonyID = c.ID AND c.userID = {$userID};"; $results = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); $numberOfLabs = 0; $labList = array(); if (isset($results['research_lab'])) { // Single result $labList[$numberOfLabs] = $results['research_lab']; } else { // List of results foreach ($results as $result) { $labList[$numberOfLabs] = $result['research_lab']; $numberOfLabs++; } } asort($labList); // Sort from lowest to highest for ($i = 0; $i <= $interGalacticLabLevel; $i++) { $researchLabs += $labList[$lab]; } } else { $researchLabs = $colony->Buildings()->GetMemberByName("research_lab")->Amount(); } global $NN_config; $metalCost =& $buildCosts->Metal(); $crystalCost =& $buildCosts->Crystal(); $gameSpeed =& $NN_config["game_speed"]; $scientists = $colony->Owner()->Officers()->GetMemberByName("scientist")->Amount(); $timeRequired = ($metalCost + $crystalCost) / $gameSpeed * (1 / ($researchLabs + 1)) * 2; $timeRequired = floor($timeRequired * 3600 * (1 - $scientists * 0.1)); return $timeRequired; }
public function __toString() { /** * poa = product options atributes */ $update_fields = array(); $db = Database::Instance(); $uri = Uri::Instance(); $string = null; $tienda_id = (int) $uri->segment("edit"); if (request::method() == 'post' and is_array(@$_POST['igallery_h'])) { $db->query("DELETE FROM product_images where product_id_product = {$tienda_id}"); $ic = 0; if (@$_FILES['igallery'] != "") { $arrf = $this->reArrayFiles($_FILES['igallery']); } foreach ($_POST['igallery_h'] as $value) { // echo Kohana::debug($value); // echo Kohana::debug($arrf[$ic]); if (@$arrf[$ic]['name'] != "") { $value = $this->upimg($arrf[$ic]); } // echo Kohana::debug($value); // echo "INSERT INTO product_images (product_id_product ,pi_image) VALUES ('$tienda_id','$value')"; if ($value != "") { try { $db->query("INSERT INTO product_images (product_id_product ,pi_image) VALUES ('{$tienda_id}','{$value}')"); } catch (Exception $e) { echo Kohana::debug('Error: ' . "\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); } } $ic++; } } try { $r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM product_images WHERE product_id_product = {$tienda_id}"); $string = View::factory("extras/galleryimage")->set("imgs", $r)->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo Kohana::debug('Error: ' . "\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); } return $string; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // $this->session = Session::instance(); @session_start(); $usr = @$_SESSION['usr']; $pwd = @$_SESSION['pwd']; $p_usr = trim($this->input->post('usr')); $p_pwd = $this->_crypt_me(trim($this->input->post('pwd'))); if (request::method() == 'post' and $p_pwd != '' and $p_usr != '') { $usr = trim($this->input->post('usr')); $pwd = $this->_crypt_me(trim($this->input->post('pwd'))); } // echo $usr; if ($usr != '' and $pwd != '') { $db = Database::Instance(); $rows = $db->from("admin")->where(array('usr_admin' => $usr, 'pwd_admin' => $pwd))->get(); $ct = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $ct++; } if ($ct > 0) { $_SESSION['usr'] = $usr; $_SESSION['pwd'] = $pwd; if (Router::$method != 'panel') { url::redirect("/admin/panel"); } } } else { if (Router::$method != 'index') { url::redirect("/admin/index"); } } if ($this->uri->segment('mod') == 'logout') { $_SESSION['usr'] = null; $_SESSION['pwd'] = null; // fdurl::redirect("/admin/index"); } }
public function _index($page) { # is the page public? if ('no' == $page->enable and !$this->client->can_edit($this->site_id)) { Event::run('system.404'); } $this->page_id = $page->id; $this->page_name = $page->page_name; $this->serve_page_cache($this->page_id); $this->load_page_css_cache(); $_SESSION['js_files'] = array(); $data = array(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '); $tools_array = array(); $prepend = ''; $append = ''; # plusjade rootsite account hook functionality if (ROOTACCOUNT === $this->site_name) { $data[1] = $this->plusjade_hook(); } # get the tools on this page. #$tools = ORM::factory('tool')->build_page($this->site_id, $page->id); $tools = Database::Instance()->query("\n SELECT *, LOWER( AS name, system_tools.protected, AS instance_id\n FROM pages_tools \n JOIN tools ON pages_tools.tool_id =\n JOIN system_tools ON tools.system_tool_id =\n WHERE (page_id BETWEEN 1 AND 5 OR page_id = '{$page->id}')\n AND pages_tools.fk_site = '{$this->site_id}'\n ORDER BY pages_tools.container, pages_tools.position\n "); # echo kohana::debug($tools); die; # populate the data array based on tools. if ($tools->count() > 0) { foreach ($tools as $tool) { # load the tool parent $parent = ORM::factory($tool->name)->where('fk_site', $this->site_id)->find($tool->parent_id); if ($parent->loaded) { # If Logged in wrap classes around tools for Javascript # TODO: consider this with javascript if ($this->client->can_edit($this->site_id)) { $scope = '5' >= $tool->page_id ? 'global' : 'local'; $prepend = '<span id="instance_' . $tool->instance_id . '" class="common_tool_wrapper ' . $scope . '" rel="tool_' . $tool->tool_id . '">'; $append = '</span>'; # Throw tool into admin panel array $tools_array[$tool->instance_id] = array('instance' => $tool->instance_id, 'tool_id' => $tool->tool_id, 'parent_id' => $tool->parent_id, 'name' => $tool->name, 'name_id' => $tool->system_tool_id, 'scope' => $scope); } # build tool output $c_name = ucfirst($tool->name) . '_Controller'; $controller = new $c_name(); $output = $controller->_index($parent); $tool_view = "{$prepend}{$output}{$append}"; # if we need to build the page_css file get the tool css. if ($this->build_page_css) { if ('yes' == $tool->protected) { # does a theme css template exist? $theme_templates = $this->assets->themes_dir("{$this->theme}/css/tool_templates"); if (file_exists("{$theme_templates}/{$parent->type}_{$parent->view}.sass")) { $this->page_css .= Kosass::factory('compact')->compile(file("{$theme_templates}/{$parent->type}_{$parent->view}.sass")); } } # does custom css file exist for tool? $custom_file = "{$this->tool_dir}/{$tool->name}/{$tool->parent_id}/{$parent->type}_{$parent->view}.css"; if (file_exists($custom_file)) { $this->page_css .= file_get_contents($custom_file); } } } elseif ($this->client->can_edit($this->site_id)) { # show the tool error when logged in. $tool_view = "{$tool->name} with id: {$tool->parent_id} could not be loaded."; } # Add output to correct container. # if page_id <= 5, its not a real page_id = global container. (int) ($index = 5 <= $tool->page_id ? $tool->container : $tool->page_id); $data[$index] .= $tool_view; } } $this->load_interface($tools_array); # cache the css for this page if set. if ($this->build_page_css) { file_put_contents("{$this->css_cache_dir}/{$page->id}.css", $this->page_css); } $this->template->title = $page->title; $this->template->meta_tags('description', $page->meta); $this->template->set_global('this_page_id', $page->id); $this->save_page_as = $page->id; $this->to_browser($data, $page->template); }
public static function GetListCount(Colony $c) { $id = $c->ID(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(colonyID) as count FROM production_building WHERE colonyID = {$id};"; $result = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); if ($result == NULL) { $count = 0; } else { $count = $result['count']; } }
public function GetColoniesWithUnfinishedActions() { $currentTime = time(); $production = "SELECT DISTINCT colonyID AS id, 0 AS is_defender FROM production WHERE {$currentTime} > scheduled_time;"; $transports = "SELECT DISTINCT colonyID AS id, 0 AS is_defender FROM scheduled_transports WHERE {$currentTime} > scheduled_time;"; $expeditions = "SELECT DISTINCT f.colonyID AS id, 0 AS is_defender FROM scheduled_expeditions AS e, fleet AS f WHERE e.fleetID = f.fleetID AND {$currentTime} > scheduled_time;"; $attackers = "SELECT DISTINCT attackerID, 0 AS is_defender FROM scheduled_battles WHERE {$currentTime} > scheduled_time;"; $defenders = "SELECT DISTINCT defenderID, 1 AS is_defender FROM scheduled_battles WHERE {$currentTime} > scheduled_time;"; $results = array(); $queries = array($production, $transports, $expeditions, $attackers, $defenders); foreach ($queries as $query) { $results[] = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); } $allColonies = array(); foreach ($results as $rows) { if (is_array($rows) && isset($rows['id'])) { // Just one row $allColonies[$rows['id']] = $rows['is_defender']; } elseif (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $allColonies[$row['id']] = $row['is_defender']; } } } arsort($allColonies); // Defenders have to be updated first, so let's sort it like that. return array_keys($allColonies); }
public function UpdateDatabase() { $list = $this->Members(); $userID = $this->Owner()->ID(); $changes = $this->Changes(); $changesNeeded = false; $query = "UPDATE user_technology SET "; foreach ($list as $technology) { if ($changes[$technology->Name()] == true) { $query .= $technology->Name() . " = " . $technology->Amount() . ", "; $changesNeeded = true; } } if ($changesNeeded) { // Lop off last comma $query = Helper::lop_off($query, 2); $query .= " WHERE userID = {$userID}"; Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "UPDATE"); } }
public function DeleteItemFromDatabase(BuildItem $item) { $colonyID = $this->BuildList()->Colony()->ID(); $type = $item->ID(); $pos = $item->OldPositionInList(); $query = "DELETE FROM production WHERE colonyID = {$colonyID} AND resource_type_being_built = {$type} AND build_list_position = {$pos};"; $result = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "DElETE"); }
public function positions() { if (empty($_GET['tstml'])) { $this->rsp->msg = 'Nothing to Save.'; $this->rsp->send(); } $db = Database::Instance(); foreach ($_GET['tstml'] as $position => $id) { $db->update('testimonials', array('position' => "{$position}"), "id = '{$id}' AND owner_id = '{$this->owner}->id'"); } $this->rsp->status = 'success'; $this->rsp->msg = 'Order Saved!'; $this->rsp->send(); }
public static function ShipyardIsBusyUntil() { global $NN_config; $sFrom = $NN_config["ship_id_range"]["from"]; $sTo = $NN_config["ship_id_range"]["to"]; $dFrom = $NN_config["defense_id_range"]["from"]; $dTo = $NN_config["defense_id_range"]["to"]; $mFrom = $NN_config["missile_id_range"]["from"]; $mTo = $NN_config["missile_id_range"]["to"]; $fromClause = "FROM production WHERE (resource_type_being_built BETWEEN {$sFrom} AND {$sTo} OR \n resource_type_being_built BETWEEN {$dFrom} AND {$dTo} OR \n resource_type_being_built BETWEEN {$mFrom} AND {$mTo})"; $query = "SELECT MAX(build_list_position) AS pos " . $fromClause . ";"; $maxPos = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); if (isset($maxPos['pos'])) { $maxPos = $maxPos['pos']; } else { return array("build_list_position" => 0, "scheduled_time" => 0); } // TODO: simplify this with an efficient subquery $query = "SELECT build_list_position, scheduled_time " . $fromClause . " AND {$maxPos} = build_list_position LIMIT 1;"; $result = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); if (isset($result['build_list_position'])) { return $result; } return array("build_list_position" => 0, "scheduled_time" => 0); }
public static function GetCurrentUser() { if (isset($_SESSION['NewNovaID'])) { $query = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM user WHERE ID = " . $_SESSION['NewNovaID'], "SELECT"); return User::FromDatabase($query); } else { throw new Exception("NewNovaID wasn't set in the session variables, can't call User::GetCurrentUser!"); } }
private function RenderFooter() { // "X plants inhabited" text $galaxy = $this->_coords->Galaxy(); $system = $this->_coords->System(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(ID) AS count FROM colony WHERE galaxy_position = {$galaxy} AND system_position = {$system};"; $result = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "SELECT"); if ($result['count'] == 1) { $planetsInhabited = $result['count'] . " " . $this->_text['single_planet_inhabited']; } else { $planetsInhabited = $result['count'] . " " . $this->_text['several_planets_inhabited']; } $footerData['planets_inhabited'] = $planetsInhabited; // Calculate position of outer space global $NN_config; $footerData['outer_space_pos'] = $NN_config["max_planets"] + 1; $footerData['legend'] = "Legend"; // TODO: Placeholder $footerData['missiles_available'] = 0; // TODO: implement missiles // $c->Missiles()->Amount(); $footerData['fleet_slots_available'] = 0; // TODO: implement fleet slots $footerData['fleet_slots_total'] = 0; // TODO: implement fleet slots $c = $this->_user->CurrentColony(); $footerData['recyclers_available'] = $c->Fleet()->GetMemberByName("recycler")->Amount(); $footerData['espionage_probes_available'] = $c->Fleet()->GetMemberByName("espionage_probe")->Amount(); $vars = array_merge($footerData, $this->_text); return Page::StaticRender("galaxy/galaxy_footer", $vars, $this->_user->AuthorisationLevelName()); }
public static function SliderRandom($quantity = 8) { $db = Database::Instance(); $q = $db->select("*")->from("product")->orderby(NULL, 'RAND()')->get(); $html = View::factory("extras/product/slider_product")->set("products", $q); return $html; }
include ""; require_once "{$ROOT}/common.php"; if (!$_POST) { // Display the page. $conditionalVariables['login_display_error'] = 'none'; } else { // Register a new user with form data $username = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['username']); $password = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['password']); $email = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['email']); $secondaryEmail = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['secondary_email']); if ($secondaryEmail == "") { $secondaryEmail = $email; } $planetName = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['planet_name']); if ($planetName == "") { $planetName = "Colony"; } // TODO: localize this? // Create new user, is automatically added to database $user = User::NewUser($username, $password, 0, $email, $secondaryEmail, $planetName); if ($user) { // Set this user as the current user. $user->SetAsCurrentUser(); $page = new Page("registration_complete", NULL, "Registration Complete", "account_activation"); echo $page->Display(); return; } else { // Display the page, with an error message $conditionalVariables['login_display_error'] = 'block';
public function DeleteFromDatabase() { $query = "DELETE FROM scheduled_transports WHERE transportID = " . $this->ID() . ";"; $res1 = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "DELETE"); $query = "DELETE FROM fleet WHERE fleetID = " . $this->Fleet()->ID() . ";"; $res2 = Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "DELETE"); return $res1 && $res2; }
public function UpdateResources() { //Set up a query $query = "UPDATE colony_resources SET metal_available = " . $this->_currentresources->Metal() . ", crystal_available = " . $this->_currentresources->Crystal() . ", deuterium_available = " . $this->_currentresources->Deuterium() . " WHERE colonyID = " . $this->_id . ";"; //Update database Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "UPDATE"); }
public function __construct() { $this->DB = Database::Instance(); $this->code = strtolower(implode('_', array_filter(explode('\\', static::class)))); $this->Init(); $this->ProvideIntegrity(); }
public function DataTable($query, $block, $prefix = null, $toggles = null, $reactor = null) { $i = 0; $db = Database::Instance(); $sqlquery = $db::Query($query); $this->StartLoop($block); while ($row = $db::Fetch($sqlquery)) { $a = array(); if ($row !== false and is_array($row)) { $i++; foreach ($row as $var => $val) { if ($prefix !== null) { $var = $prefix . '.' . $var; } $a[$var] = $val; } } if ($toggles !== null) { foreach ($toggles as $var => $val) { if (isset($row[$val])) { while (($block = $this->FetchBlock($var, $this->loop['iteration'])) !== false) { $innerblock = $this->FetchBlock($row[$val], $block); $this->loop['iteration'] = str_replace($block, $this->Clean($innerblock), $this->loop['iteration']); } } } } $this->AffectLoop($a, null, $reactor); $this->IterateLoop(); } $this->CommitLoop(); return array('count' => $i, 'last' => $row); }
$pos = $_GET['build_position']; $action = new UserAction($user); // Check if we want to delete the first item $firstItem = false; $visualPos = $_GET['viewposition']; if ($visualPos == 1) { $firstItem = true; } // Only recalculate commissioned time when first item is deleted $action->CancelBuildings(array($itemName), array($pos), $firstItem); break; case "update": $id = $_GET['building']; $itemName = ResourceParser::Instance()->GetItemNameByID($id); $pos = $_GET['position']; Database::Instance()->SetDebugging(true); // Tap into the Think function and override it for a second Think::Instance()->OverrideUser($user); Think::Instance()->ConstructBuildingsOf($user->CurrentColony()); Think::Instance()->ReturnControl(); break; case "reorder": $rows = explode("_", $_GET['rows']); $rb = ResourceBuilder::GetBuildingListOfColony($user->CurrentColony(), false); $rb->BuildList()->Reorder($rows); $rb->BuildList()->UpdateDatabase(); break; } } } // Render new buildings page
public function UpdateDatabase() { $list = $this->Members(); $colonyID = $this->Colony()->ID(); $changesNeeded = false; $query = "UPDATE colony SET "; foreach ($list as $building) { $query .= $building->Name() . " = " . $building->Amount() . ", "; $changesNeeded = true; } if ($changesNeeded) { // Lop off last comma $query = Helper::lop_off($query, 2); $query .= " WHERE userID = {$userID}"; Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "UPDATE"); } }
public function rateit() { $db = Database::Instance(); //$ip = basics::getIP(); $user_id = $_SESSION['conf']['client']['id']; $r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM product_rate WHERE product_id = " . $_POST['product_id'] . " AND user_id= '" . $user_id . "'"); $data = array('product_id' => $_POST['product_id'], 'rate' => $_POST['rateit_value'], 'user_id' => $user_id); if (@count($r) == 0) { $db->insert('product_rate', $data); } else { $db->update('product_rate', $data, array('product_id' => $_POST['product_id'], 'user_id' => $user_id)); } echo true; }
<?php require_once "controller/classMasterController.php"; require_once "classes/classDatabase.php"; ini_set("DISPLAY_ERRORS", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $conn = Database::Instance(); $data = $conn->select("SELECT * FROM products"); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($conn); echo '</pre>';
public function UpdateDatabase($updateOnlyMissionType = false) { $query = "UPDATE fleet SET"; // Mission type $query .= " mission_type = " . $this->MissionType(); if (!$updateOnlyMissionType) { // Cargo $query .= ", metal_in_cargo = " . $this->Cargo()->Metal(); $query .= ", crystal_in_cargo = " . $this->Cargo()->Crystal(); $query .= ", deuterium_in_cargo = " . $this->Cargo()->Deuterium(); // Ships foreach ($this->Members() as $ship) { $query .= ", " . $ship->Name() . " = " . $ship->Amount(); } } $query .= " WHERE fleetID = " . $this->ID() . ";"; return Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery($query, "UPDATE"); }