static function getTranslation($key, $defaultContent = '')
     /* are we in language debug mode */
     if (SITE_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_SHOW_KEY == "key") {
         return strlen($defaultContent) ? $defaultContent : $key;
     /* return the language translation if we can find it */
     $constantName = "LANGUAGE_" . strtoupper($key);
     if (!defined($constantName)) {
         if (strlen($defaultContent)) {
             $db = Database::getDatabase();
             $languageId = $db->getValue("SELECT id FROM language WHERE languageName = " . $db->quote(SITE_CONFIG_SITE_LANGUAGE));
             if (!(int) $languageId) {
                 return false;
             // insert default key value
             $dbInsert = new DBObject("language_key", array("languageKey", "defaultContent", "isAdminArea"));
             $dbInsert->languageKey = $key;
             $dbInsert->defaultContent = $defaultContent;
             $dbInsert->isAdminArea = 0;
             // set constant
             define("LANGUAGE_" . strtoupper($key), $defaultContent);
             return $defaultContent;
         return "<font style='color:red;'>SITE ERROR: MISSING TRANSLATION *** <strong>" . $key . "</strong> ***</font>";
     return constant($constantName);
 public function __construct()
     $this->connection = Database::getDatabase();
     $this->userController = new UsersController();
     $this->categoryController = new CategoryController();
     $this->parentCategoryController = new ParentCategoryController();
 public function POST()
     //        throw new RESTMethodNotImplementedException ('Pesquisa', 'POST');
     $sk = new SecureKeyAuth();
     $params = $this->getPostParams();
     $fields = implode(',', array_keys($params));
     $keyparams = implode(',', array_map(function ($value) {
         return ':' . $value;
     }, array_keys($params)));
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     try {
         $st = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO pesquisa ({$fields}) VALUES ({$keyparams})");
         foreach ($params as $field => $value) {
             $tipo = is_int($value) ? PDO::PARAM_INT : PDO::PARAM_STR;
             $st->bindValue(':' . $field, $value, $tipo);
         if ($st->execute()) {
             $this->setResult(array('status' => 'OK'));
         } else {
             $this->setResult(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'fields' => $fields, 'keyparams' => $keyparams, 'sqlerrorcode' => $db->errorCode()));
     } catch (PDOException $ex) {
         throw new RESTObjectException('Database insert fail');
 public static function track($file, $rs = '')
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
         // check whether the user has already visited today
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM stats WHERE ip = " . $db->quote(self::getIP()) . " AND page_title = " . $file->id . " AND DATE(dt) = " . $db->quote(date('Y-m-d'));
         $row = $db->getRows($sql);
         if (COUNT($row)) {
             return false;
     $dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $referer = getenv('HTTP_REFERER');
     $referer_is_local = self::refererIsLocal($referer);
     $url = full_url();
     $img_search = '';
     $ip = self::getIP();
     $info = self::browserInfo();
     $browser_family = $info['browser'];
     $browser_version = $info['version'];
     $os = $info['platform'];
     $os_version = '';
     $user_agent = $info['useragent'];
     $country = self::getCountry($ip);
     $base_url = self::getBaseUrl($referer);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO stats (dt, referer, referer_is_local, url, page_title, country, img_search, browser_family, browser_version, os, os_version, ip, user_agent, base_url)\n                    VALUES (:dt, :referer, :referer_is_local, :url, :page_title, :country, :img_search, :browser_family, :browser_version, :os, :os_version, :ip, :user_agent, :base_url)";
     $vals = array('dt' => $dt, 'referer_is_local' => $referer_is_local, 'referer' => $referer, 'url' => $url, 'page_title' => $file->id, 'country' => $country, 'img_search' => $img_search, 'ip' => $ip, 'browser_family' => $browser_family, 'browser_version' => $browser_version, 'os_version' => $os_version, 'os' => $os, 'user_agent' => $user_agent, 'base_url' => $base_url);
     $db->query($sql, $vals);
     return true;
 function __construct($id)
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $this->data = $db->querySingle(sprintf("select * from exception_logging where id = %d", $id));
     if (!$this->data) {
         throw new NotFound();
     $this->data['error_info'] = unserialize(base64_decode($this->data['error_info']));
     $pr = preg_quote(c()->getValue('report_format', 'app_root'), '#');
     if (!$this->data['error_info']['callstack']) {
         $this->data['error_info']['callstack'] = array();
     $this->data['error_info']['callstack'] = array_merge(array(array('line' => $this->data['error_info']['line'], 'file' => $this->data['error_info']['file'], 'function' => 'throw', 'args' => array())), $this->data['error_info']['callstack']);
     foreach ($this->data['error_info']['callstack'] as &$csi) {
         if ($pr) {
             $csi['base_file'] = preg_replace("#^{$pr}/?#", '', $csi['file']);
             $csi['file'] = preg_replace("#^{$pr}/?#", '<R>/', $csi['file']);
             $csi['scm_link'] = $this->getWebSCMLink($csi['base_file'], $csi['line']);
         if ($csi['class']) {
             $csi['call'] = sprintf('%s%s%s(%s)', $csi['class'], $csi['type'], $csi['function'], implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'formatArgument'), $csi['args'])));
         } else {
             $csi['call'] = sprintf('%s(%s)', $csi['function'], implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'formatArgument'), $csi['args'])));
     if ($fs = c()->getValue('report_format', 'interesting_custom_fields')) {
         $fs = explode(',', $fs);
         foreach ($fs as $f) {
             $this->data[$f] = $this->data['error_info'][$f];
文件: Result.php 项目: morris/lessql
  * Constructor
  * Use $db->createResult( $parent, $name ) instead
  * @param Database|Result|Row $parent
  * @param string $name
 function __construct($parent, $name)
     if ($parent instanceof Database) {
         // basic result
         $this->db = $parent;
         $this->table = $this->db->getAlias($name);
     } else {
         // Row or Result
         // result referenced to parent
         $this->parent_ = $parent;
         $this->db = $parent->getDatabase();
         // determine type of reference based on conventions and user hints
         $fullName = $name;
         $name = preg_replace('/List$/', '', $fullName);
         $this->table = $this->db->getAlias($name);
         $this->single = $name === $fullName;
         if ($this->single) {
             $this->key = $this->db->getPrimary($this->getTable());
             $this->parentKey = $this->db->getReference($parent->getTable(), $name);
         } else {
             $this->key = $this->db->getBackReference($parent->getTable(), $name);
             $this->parentKey = $this->db->getPrimary($parent->getTable());
 public function __construct($itemClass, $countSql, $pageSql, $page, $per_page)
     $this->itemClass = $itemClass;
     $this->countSql = $countSql;
     $this->pageSql = $pageSql;
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $num_records = intval($db->getValue($countSql));
     parent::__construct($page, $per_page, $num_records);
 public function GET()
     $st = Database::getDatabase()->select('total_de_votos');
     $result = array();
     while ($row = $st->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $result[] = (object) $row;
     $this->setResult(array('status' => 'OK', 'content' => (object) $result));
 static function loadAllByAccount($accountId)
     $db = Database::getDatabase(true);
     $rs = $db->getRows('SELECT * FROM file_folder WHERE userId = ' . $db->quote($accountId) . ' ORDER BY folderName');
     if (!is_array($rs)) {
         return false;
     return $rs;
 static function getBannedType()
     $userIP = getUsersIPAddress();
     $db = Database::getDatabase(true);
     $row = $db->getRow('SELECT banType FROM banned_ips WHERE ipAddress = ' . $db->quote($userIP));
     if (!is_array($row)) {
         return false;
     return $row['banType'];
 public function checkAuth()
     $params = $this->getPostParams();
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     if ($db->select('device', "iddevice = {$params['iddevice']} and hash_key = '{$params['hash_key']}'")->fetch()) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         throw new RESTObjectException('This device has not permission');
文件: stats.php 项目: yuantw/Shine
 public function run()
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $rows = $db->getRows($this->query);
     $this->data = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $x = $row[$this->xColumnName];
         $y = $row[$this->yColumnName];
         $this->data[$x] = $y;
 public static function refreshContent($url, $expires_in = 300)
     $str = self::getURL($url);
     $data = self::decodeStrData($str);
     if ($data === false) {
         return false;
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $db->query("REPLACE INTO url_cache (url, dt_refreshed, dt_expires, data) VALUES (:url, :dt_refreshed, :dt_expires, :data)", array('url' => $url, 'dt_refreshed' => dater(), 'dt_expires' => dater(time() + $expires_in), 'data' => $str));
     return $str;
 public function install()
     // Create tables
     $sql = file_get_contents(DOC_ROOT . '/apps/' . $this->data['app']['name'] . '/db.sql');
     // Do this to split up creations to one per query.
     $queries = explode('#', $sql);
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
     redirect(WEB_ROOT . $this->app_name . '/');
 public static function types()
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM users LIKE 'level'");
     $row = $db->getRow();
     $type = $row['Type'];
     preg_match('/enum\\((.*)\\)$/', $type, $matches);
     $vals = explode(',', $matches[1]);
     if (is_array($vals)) {
         return str_replace("'", '', $vals);
     } else {
         return false;
 function __construct()
     $this->connection = Database::getDatabase();
     /* Check if the table is created and if not create the table */
     $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $this->TABLE_NAME . "(id INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT,PRIMARY KEY(id),\n        page varchar(200),\n        ip VARCHAR(100),\n        agent VARCHAR(50),\n        city VARCHAR(200),\n        region VARCHAR(200),\n        country VARCHAR(200),\n        description TEXT,\n        extra TEXT,\n        hit_date VARCHAR(25) )";
     if ($result = mysql_query($query, $this->connection)) {
     } else {
         echo mysql_error($this->connection);
         $this->tableInit = false;
     if ($this->tableInit) {
 public function POST()
     (new SecureKeyAuth())->checkAuth();
     $params = $this->getPOSTParams();
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $st = $db->prepare('UPDATE promocao SET escolhido = :escolhido WHERE sequencia = :sequencia');
     $st->bindValue(':escolhido', $params['escolhido'], PDO::PARAM_BOOL);
     $st->bindValue(':sequencia', $params['sequencia'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
     if ($st->execute()) {
         $this->setResult(array('status' => 'OK', 'message' => 'Mensagem cadastrada com sucesso.'));
     } else {
 static function createPasswordResetHash($userId)
     $user = true;
     // make sure it doesn't already exist on an account
     while ($user != false) {
         // create hash
         $hash = MD5(microtime() . $userId);
         // lookup by hash
         $user = self::loadUserByPasswordResetHash($hash);
     // update user with hash
     $db = Database::getDatabase(true);
     $db->query('UPDATE users SET passwordResetHash = :passwordResetHash WHERE id = :id', array('passwordResetHash' => $hash, 'id' => $userId));
     return $hash;
 public function POST()
     $sk = new SecureKeyAuth();
     $params = $this->getPostParams();
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $st = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . 'promocao (idartista, nome, celular, texto)' . 'VALUES (:idartista, :nome, :celular, :texto)');
     $st->bindValue(':idartista', $params['idartista'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $st->bindValue(':nome', $params['nome'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $st->bindValue(':celular', $params['celular'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $st->bindValue(':texto', $params['texto'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if ($st->execute()) {
         $this->setResult(array('status' => 'OK', 'message' => 'Mensagem cadastrada com sucesso.'));
     } else {
 public function __construct($class_name, $sql = null, $extra_columns = array())
     $this->position = 0;
     $this->className = $class_name;
     $this->extraColumns = $extra_columns;
     // Make sure the class exists before we instantiate it...
     if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
     $tmp_obj = new $class_name();
     // Also, it needs to be a subclass of DBObject...
     if (!is_subclass_of($tmp_obj, 'DBObject')) {
     if (is_null($sql)) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$tmp_obj->tableName}`";
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $this->result = $db->query($sql);
 public static function status($userId)
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $query = '
         SELECT user, code, active 
         WHERE user='******'active'] == 1) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
 public static function track($page_title = '')
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $dt = dater();
     $referer = getenv('HTTP_REFERER');
     $referer_is_local = self::refererIsLocal($referer);
     $url = full_url();
     $search_terms = self::searchTerms();
     $img_search = '';
     $ip = self::getIP();
     $info = self::browserInfo();
     $browser_family = $info['browser'];
     $browser_version = $info['version'];
     $os = $info['platform'];
     $os_version = '';
     $user_agent = $info['useragent'];
     $exec_time = defined('START_TIME') ? microtime(true) - START_TIME : 0;
     $num_queries = $db->numQueries();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO stats (dt, referer, referer_is_local, url, page_title, search_terms, img_search, browser_family, browser_version, os, os_version, ip, user_agent, exec_time, num_queries)\n                    VALUES (:dt, :referer, :referer_is_local, :url, :page_title, :search_terms, :img_search, :browser_family, :browser_version, :os, :os_version, :ip, :user_agent, :exec_time, :num_queries)";
     $vals = array('dt' => $dt, 'referer_is_local' => $referer_is_local, 'referer' => $referer, 'url' => $url, 'page_title' => $page_title, 'search_terms' => $search_terms, 'img_search' => $img_search, 'ip' => $ip, 'browser_family' => $browser_family, 'browser_version' => $browser_version, 'os_version' => $os_version, 'os' => $os, 'user_agent' => $user_agent, 'exec_time' => $exec_time, 'num_queries' => $num_queries);
     $db->query($sql, $vals);
 public function GET()
     $flag_pode_votar = FALSE;
     $d1start = getConf()['dia1_inicio'];
     $d1end = getConf()['dia1_fim'];
     $d2start = getConf()['dia2_inicio'];
     $d2end = getConf()['dia2_fim'];
     $datetime = new DateTime();
     $ctime = $datetime->getTimestamp();
     $day = $d1start < $ctime and $ctime < $d1end ? 1 : $d2start < $ctime and $ctime < $d2end ? 2 : FALSE;
     if (isset($_GET['uuid'])) {
         $uuid = $_GET['uuid'];
         $resultSet = Database::getDatabase()->select('dispositivos', "uuid = '{$uuid}'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if ($resultSet) {
             $v1 = (bool) $resultSet['dia1'];
             $v2 = (bool) $resultSet['dia2'];
             $votou = $day == 1 ? $v1 : $day == 2 ? $v2 : FALSE;
             $podeVotar = $day != FALSE and $votou == FALSE;
             $result['cadastrado'] = TRUE;
         } elseif (isset($_GET['plataforma']) and isset($_GET['modelo'])) {
             if (Database::getDatabase()->insert('dispositivos', array('uuid', 'plataforma', 'modelo'), array($_GET['uuid'], $_GET['plataforma'], $_GET['modelo']), array(PDO::PARAM_STR, PDO::PARAM_STR, PDO::PARAM_STR))) {
                 $result['cadastrado'] = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $result['cadastrado'] = FALSE;
     $result['status'] = 'OK';
     $result['date_time'] = $datetime;
     $result['time'] = $ctime;
     if ($day) {
         $result['votacao'] = 'aberta';
         $result['dia'] = $day;
         $result['pode_votar'] = $podeVotar;
     } else {
         $result['votacao'] = $d2end < $ctime ? 'encerrada' : 'fechada';
 public function POST()
     throw new RESTMethodNotImplementedException('Device', 'POST');
     $fim = Application::getConf('votacao')->fim;
     $agora = time;
     if ($agora > $fim) {
         throw new RESTObjectException('Votações encerradas', $agora);
     $sk = new SecureKeyAuth();
     $sd = new SecureDeviceHash();
     $params = $this->getPostParams();
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     if ($db->select('device_votou_momo', "iddevice = {$params['iddevice']}")->fetch()) {
         throw new RESTObjectException('Você já votou para momo');
     try {
         $flag = false;
         //inserir registro votado
         $flag = $db->exec("INSERT INTO device_votou_momo (iddevice) VALUES ({$params['iddevice']})") ? TRUE : FALSE;
         //inserir registro
         if ($flag) {
             $flag = $db->exec("INSERT INTO votos_momo (idmomo) VALUES ({$params['idmomo']})") ? TRUE : FALSE;
         if ($flag) {
         } else {
             throw new RESTObjectException('Database insert fail');
     } catch (PDOException $ex) {
         throw new RESTObjectException('Database insert fail');
  * Constructor
  * Use $db->createResult( $parent, $name ) instead
  * @param Database|DatabaseTable $parent
  * @param string $name
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function __construct($parent, $name)
     if ($parent instanceof Database) {
         // basic result
         $this->db = $parent;
         $this->table = $this->db->schema()->getAlias($name);
         $this->query = DatabaseQuery::getInstance()->from($this->table);
     } else {
         // result referenced to parent
         $this->parent = $parent;
         $this->db = $parent->getDatabase();
         $this->query = $parent->getDatabaseQuery();
         // determine type of reference based on conventions and user hints
         $this->table = $this->db->schema()->isAlias($name) ? $this->db->schema()->getTable($name) : $name;
         if ($parent->getTable() == $this->table) {
             $this->key = $this->db->schema()->getPrimary($this->getTable());
             $this->parentKey = $this->db->schema()->getReference($parent->getTable(), $name);
         } else {
             $this->key = $this->db->schema()->getBackReference($parent->getTable(), $name);
             $this->parentKey = $this->db->schema()->getPrimary($parent->getTable());
 public function POST()
     throw new RESTMethodNotImplementedException('Device', 'POST');
     $sk = new SecureKeyAuth();
     //Verificando secure key
     $result = array();
     $params = $this->getPostParams();
     if ($params === FALSE) {
         throw new RESTMethodNotImplementedException('Device', 'POST');
     $flag_exists = false;
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     if (trim(strtolower($params['platform'])) == 'android') {
         //Verificando serial
         $st_result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM device WHERE serial = '{$params['serial']}'")->fetch();
         $flag_exists = $st_result !== false;
     } else {
         $this->setResult(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'Only Android devices are permited'));
     if ($flag_exists) {
         $this->setResult(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'Device is registered on database'));
     $st = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . 'device (uuid, serial, version, platform, model, hash_key)' . 'VALUES (:uuid, :serial, :version, :platform, :model, :hash_key)');
     $params['hash_key'] = md5($params['uuid'] . $params['model'] . $params['serial']);
     foreach ($params as $field => $value) {
         $result[$field] = $value;
         $st->bindValue(':' . $field, $value);
     if ($st->execute()) {
         $this->setResult(array('status' => 'OK', 'iddevice' => $db->lastInsertId(), 'hash_key' => $params['hash_key']));
     } else {
function get_options($table, $val, $text, $default = null, $sql = '')
    $db = Database::getDatabase(true);
    $out = '';
    $table = $db->escape($table);
    $rows = $db->getRows("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` {$sql}");
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $the_text = '';
        if (!is_array($text)) {
            $text = array($text);
        // Allows you to concat multiple fields for display
        foreach ($text as $t) {
            $the_text .= $row[$t] . ' ';
        $the_text = htmlspecialchars(trim($the_text));
        if (!is_null($default) && $row[$val] == $default) {
            $out .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($row[$val], ENT_QUOTES) . '" selected="selected">' . $the_text . '</option>' . nl();
        } elseif (is_array($default) && in_array($row[$val], $default)) {
            $out .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($row[$val], ENT_QUOTES) . '" selected="selected">' . $the_text . '</option>' . nl();
        } else {
            $out .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($row[$val], ENT_QUOTES) . '">' . $the_text . '</option>' . nl();
    return $out;

include "dbQueries.php";
//ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
include_once 'classes/Authentication.php';
include_once 'classes/Database.php';
include_once 'includes/TestingCenter.php';
$db = Database::getDatabase();
try {
    $dbh = new PDO(";dbname=sachin", "sachin", "108610059");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    $message = "Couldnt connect to db.";
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$message}');</script>";
$todaysDate = date("Y-m-d");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM appointment WHERE netID='{$_POST['apptNetID']}' AND dateOfExam = '{$todaysDate}' AND checkedIn=0; ";
$result = $dbh->prepare($sql);
if (!$result) {
    $prepareFail = "Information NOT updated.";
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$prepareFail}');</script>";
    $dbh = null;
$var = $result->fetchAll();
 private function attemptLogin($un, $pw)
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $Config = Config::getConfig();
     // We SELECT * so we can load the full user record into the user DBObject later
     $row = $db->getRow('SELECT * FROM shine_users WHERE username = '******'password'] = $this->createHashedPassword($row['password']);
     if ($pw != $row['password']) {
         return false;
     $this->id = $row['id'];
     $this->username = $row['username'];
     $this->level = $row['level'];
     // Load any additional user info if DBObject and User are available
     if (class_exists('User') && is_subclass_of('User', 'DBObject')) {
         $this->user = new User();
         $this->user->id = $row['id'];
     $this->storeSessionData($un, $pw);
     $this->loggedIn = true;
     return true;
 private function getOpenUntil($date)
     $db = Database::getDatabase();
     $handle = $db->getHandle();
     $q_getopenuntil = "SELECT hours_openuntil from freyhalltestingcenterroom where daysFrom=?";
     $result_openuntil = $handle->prepare($q_getopenuntil);
     if (!$result_openuntil) {
         echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('errUpdate');</script>";
     $center_openuntil = $result_openuntil->execute(array($date));
     return $center_openuntil;