public function exchangeSilver($xSilver, $floor) { $this->xSilver = $xSilver; for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < count($this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city']); $ctr++) { start: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/get_cityinfo_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][$ctr]['id'] . "&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); $city = parent::stripTojSon($var); if ($city['ret']['city'][2] < $xSilver) { echo "\nInsuficient Silver in" . $this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][$ctr]['name'] . "\n"; } else { # Exchange Food if ($city['ret']['city'][4] < $floor) { $this->exchangeFood($this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][$ctr]['id']); } # Exchange Wood if ($city['ret']['city'][6] < $floor) { $this->exchangeWood($this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][$ctr]['id']); } # Exchange Iron if ($city['ret']['city'][8] < $floor) { $this->exchangeIron($this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][$ctr]['id']); } } } }
public function getDailyGift($server, $key, $playerInfo) { $time = time(); start: $gift = @file_get_contents($server . "game/goods_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $key . "&action=gift&id=168&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($gift, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); return $this->gift = parent::stripTojSon($gift); }
private function getRealUserName() { start: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->servers[$this->loginURL] . "info.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&user="******"&action=login&pvp=0&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); return parent::stripTojSon($var); }
public function getInfo($server, $key) { $time = time(); start: $playerInfo = @file_get_contents($server . "game/get_userinfo_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $key . "&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($playerInfo, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); return $this->playerInfo = parent::stripTojSon($playerInfo); }
private function checkrSlot($city) { job: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/get_cdinfo_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $city . "&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto job; } parent::setTime($time); $var = parent::stripTojSon($var); $research = 0; for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < count($var['ret']['cdlist']); $ctr++) { if ($var['ret']['cdlist'][$ctr]['cdtype'] == 2) { $research++; } } if ($research == 0) { return true; } return false; }
private function sendScout($map, $x, $y) { for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < count($map); $ctr++) { if ($map[$ctr][2] == $this->barbLevel && $map[$ctr][3][0] >= $this->quota) { sendScout: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/armament_action_task_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][0]['id'] . "&action=do_war&attack_type=3&tai_num=1&area=" . $map[$ctr][0] . "&area_x=" . $map[$ctr][1] . "&carry=52&cost_food=20&cost_wood=0&cost_iron=0&cost_gold=0&distance=25440&travel_sec=120&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto sendScout; } parent::setTime($time); $var = parent::stripTojSon($var); if ($var['code'] == 2544) { echo "\nYou don't have enough scout in your first City\n"; die; } else { $this->total++; } } } }
public function getGenerals($server, $key, $playerInfo, $hero) { $this->server = $server; $this->key = $key; $this->aimRank = $this->identifyHero($hero); $this->city = $playerInfo['ret']['user']['city']['0']['id']; $this->playerInfo = $playerInfo; start: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/gen_visit_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); $this->heroList = parent::stripTojSon($var); # Get Reward if there are five the same hero $this->getReward(); # Do visit the target hero $this->visitHero(); # TODO: Create a function that will validate if previous visited # hero are the same, else it will clear the list }
public function createSpy($amount) { start: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/gen_conscribe_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][0]['id'] . "&action=gen_list&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto start; } parent::setTime($time); $var = parent::stripTojSon($var); # Create spy if (count($var['ret']['hero']) > 0) { # create: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/soldier_educate_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $this->playerInfo['ret']['user']['city'][0]['id'] . "&action=gen_list&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto create; } # Disband # } }
public function executeAttack() { # #print_r($this->attackList); $attackTime = time(); shuffle($this->attackList); for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < count($this->attackList); $ctr++) { attack: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/armament_action_task_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&city=" . $this->attackList[$ctr]['city'] . "&action=war_task&attack_type=7&gen=" . $this->attackList[$ctr]['gid'] . "&area=" . $this->attackList[$ctr]['x'] . "&area_x=" . $this->attackList[$ctr]['y'] . "&soldier_num18=800&soldier_num17=300&carry=1200000&cost_food=425000&cost_wood=0&cost_iron=0&cost_gold=0&distance=2400&travel_sec=60&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto attack; } echo $this->attackList[$ctr]['gid'] . " Sent to " . $this->attackList[$ctr]['x'] . " " . $this->attackList[$ctr]['y'] . "\n"; sleep(rand(15, 25)); // Random attack from 15secs to 25 secs # attack for 50mins and then break if ($attackTime - time() > 3000) { $f = @fopen($this->key . ".txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!\n"); fwrite($f, time()); fclose($f); die("Attack Exited\n"); } parent::setTime($time); $var = parent::stripTojSon($var); if ($var['code'] >= 20000) { # Do not attack until user login $f = @fopen($this->key . ".txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!\n"); fwrite($f, "9999999999"); fclose($f); die("Attack require captcha\n"); //goto attack; } } }
private function getTradeList($price) { lister: $time = time(); $var = @file_get_contents($this->server . "game/safe_market_api.php?jsonpcallback=jsonp" . $time . "&_=" . ($time + 1485495) . "&key=" . $this->key . "&type=1&page=1&_l=en&_p=RE"); if (!(strpos($var, '})') !== false)) { goto lister; } parent::setTime($time); $var = parent::stripTojSon($var); return $var['ret']['item']; }