public function execute() { if (false !== ($term = Common::getRequest('term'))) { return $this->templateUsers(trim($term)); } return $this->templateUsers(); }
public function onSearch() { $form = $this->getForm(); // if (false !== ($error = $form->validate($this->module))) { // return $error.$this->templateSearch(); // } $users = GDO::table('GWF_User'); $term = Common::getRequest('term'); if (false !== ($error = $this->validate_term($this->module, $term))) { return $error; } $fields = array('user_name', 'user_email'); $by = Common::getGet('by', self::DEFAULT_BY); $dir = Common::getGet('dir', self::DEFAULT_DIR); $orderby = $users->getMultiOrderby($by, $dir); if (false === ($conditions = GWF_QuickSearch::getQuickSearchConditions($users, $fields, $term))) { $conditions = '0'; } $hits = $users->countRows($conditions); $ipp = $this->module->cfgUsersPerPage(); $nPages = GWF_PageMenu::getPagecount($ipp, $hits); $page = Common::clamp((int) Common::getGet('page', 1), 1, $nPages); $from = GWF_PageMenu::getFrom($page, $ipp); $tVars = array('searched' => true, 'form' => $form->templateX($this->module->lang('ft_search')), 'hits' => $hits, 'users' => $users->selectObjects('*', $conditions, $orderby, $ipp, $from), 'term' => $term, 'pagemenu' => GWF_PageMenu::display($page, $nPages, GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php?mo=Admin&me=UserSearch&term=' . urlencode($term) . '&by=' . urlencode($by) . '&dir=' . urlencode($dir) . '&page=1'), 'sort_url' => GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'index.php?mo=Admin&me=UserSearch&term=' . urlencode($term) . '&by=%BY%&dir=%DIR%&page=1'); return $this->module->templatePHP('user_search.php', $tVars); }
private function templateOverview() { GWF_Website::setPageTitle($this->module->lang('pt_pm')); $fname = $this->folder->urlencodeSEO('pmf_name'); $hrefPage = GWF_WEB_ROOT . sprintf('pm/folder/%s/%s/by/%s/%s/page-%%PAGE%%', $this->fid, $fname, urlencode(Common::getGet('by')), urlencode(Common::getGet('dir'))); $hrefSort = GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'pm/folder/' . $this->fid . '/' . $fname . '/by/%BY%/%DIR%/page-1'; $tVars = array('folder' => $this->folder, 'folders' => $this->folderTable(), 'form_new_folder' => $this->getFormNewFolder()->templateX($this->module->lang('ft_new_folder')), 'pms' => $this->pms, 'pagemenu' => GWF_PageMenu::display($this->page, $this->nPages, $hrefPage), 'sort_url' => $hrefSort, 'new_pm' => $this->getNewPMForm(), 'href_options' => $this->module->getOptionsHREF(), 'href_search' => $this->module->getSearchHREF(), 'folder_select' => GWF_PMFolder::getSelectS($this->module, Common::getRequest('folders', '0')), 'form_action' => isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? GWF_HTML::display($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'pm', 'href_trashcan' => $this->module->getMethodURL('Trashcan&by=pm_date&dir=DESC')); return $this->module->templatePHP('overview.php', $tVars); }
private function templateThread() { $this->thread->increase('thread_viewcount', 1); if (false !== ($user = GWF_Session::getUser())) { if (false === $this->thread->markRead($user)) { echo GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $tVars = array('thread' => $this->thread, 'posts' => $this->thread->getPostPage($this->ppt, $this->page), 'pagemenu' => $this->getPageMenu(), 'actions' => true, 'title' => true, 'reply' => $this->thread->hasReplyPermission(GWF_Session::getUser(), $this->module), 'nav' => true, 'can_vote' => $user === false ? false : $this->module->cfgVotesEnabled(), 'can_thank' => $user === false ? false : $this->module->cfgThanksEnabled(), 'term' => GWF_QuickSearch::getQuickSearchHighlights(Common::getRequest('term', '')), 'page' => $this->page, 'href_add_poll' => $this->thread->hrefAddPoll(), 'href_edit' => $this->thread->getEditHREF()); return $this->module->templatePHP('show_thread.php', $tVars); }
private function validate() { if (false !== ($this->user1 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getPost('wc_stat_user1')))) { #nice } elseif (false === Common::getGet('user1')) { $this->user1 = false; $score1 = 0; } elseif (false === ($this->user1 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getGet('user1', 0)))) { if (false === ($this->user1 = GWF_Session::getUser())) { GWF_HTML::err('ERR_UNKNOWN_USER', NULL, true, true); } } if (false === ($this->user2 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getGet('user2', 0)))) { if (false === ($this->user2 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getPost('wc_stat_user2', 0)))) { $score2 = 0; } } if ($this->user2 !== false) { $score2 = $this->user2->getLevel(); } if ($this->user1 !== false) { $score1 = $this->user1->getLevel(); } // if ($score1 <= 0 && $score2 <= 0) { // return $this->module->error('err_graph_empty'); // } $sel = Common::getRequest('site', false); if (is_array($sel) && count($sel) === 0) { $sel = false; } // var_dump($sel); if ($sel === false) { $sel = $this->getSelDefault(false); } elseif ($sel === 'all') { $sel = $this->getSelDefault(true); } if (!is_array($sel)) { $sel = trim($sel); if ($sel !== '') { $sel = array(intval($sel) => 'yes'); } else { $sel = array(); } } else { $sel2 = array(); foreach ($sel as $sid => $on) { $sel2[intval($sid)] = 'on'; } $sel = $sel2; } $this->sel = $sel; // var_dump($sel); return false; }
public function execute() { $syntax = 'syntax: ' . Common::getAbsoluteURL('remoteupdate.php') . '?sitename=FOO&username=BAR'; $server = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES); $unknownsite = 'Join us: ' . Common::getAbsoluteURL('join_us'); # "Join us: http://$server/join.php"; $unknownuser = '******' . Common::getAbsoluteURL('register') . ' for global ranking. Please note that the username is case sensitive for remoteupdates.'; // flag for images. 0=normal text, 1=default image, we can assign different image styles to higher numbers $img = (int) Common::getGet('img', 0); if ($img === 1) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); } if (false === ($sitename = Common::getRequest('sitename'))) { $this->outDie($syntax); } if (false === ($onsitename = Common::getRequest('username'))) { $this->outDie($syntax); } if ($sitename === 'FOO' && $onsitename === 'BAR') { $this->outDie('Doh! Not literally!'); } if (false === ($site = WC_Site::getByName($sitename)) && false === ($site = WC_Site::getByClassName($sitename))) { $this->outExit($unknownsite); } $this->module->includeClass('WC_RegAt'); if (false === ($user = WC_RegAt::getUserByOnsiteName($onsitename, $site->getID()))) { $this->outExit($unknownuser); } # Update him $result = $site->onUpdateUser($user); $site->saveOption(WC_Site::AUTO_UPDATE, true); # Output result switch ($img) { case 0: $this->outResult($result); break; case 1: $this->imgDisplayText($result->getMessage()); break; } }
private function getFormQuick() { $data = array('mo' => array(GWF_Form::HIDDEN, 'PM'), 'me' => array(GWF_Form::HIDDEN, 'Search'), 'term' => array(GWF_Form::STRING, Common::getRequest('term', ''), $this->module->lang('searchterm')), 'qsearch' => array(GWF_Form::SUBMIT, $this->module->lang('btn_search'))); return new GWF_Form($this, $data, 'get', 0); }
/** * Get a real basic quicksearch form. * @param GWF_Module $module * @param callback $caller Validator * @param boolean $use_captcha */ public static function getQuickSearchForm(GWF_Module $module, $caller, $use_captcha = false) { $data = array('term' => array(GWF_Form::STRING, Common::getRequest('term', ''), GWF_HTML::lang('term')), 'qsearch' => array(GWF_Form::SUBMIT, GWF_HTML::lang('search'))); return new GWF_Form($caller, $data); }
private function getSearchForm() { require 'UserSearch.php'; $data = array('term' => array(GWF_Form::STRING, Common::getRequest('term', ''), GWF_HTML::lang('term')), 'search' => array(GWF_Form::SUBMIT, GWF_HTML::lang('search'), '')); return new GWF_Form('Admin_UserSearch', $data); }
private function validate() { $this->validateDimension(); if (false === ($this->user1 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getRequest('user1', '')))) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_UNKNOWN_USER'); } if (false === ($this->user2 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getRequest('user2', '')))) { // return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_UNKNOWN_USER'); } // Check end date $this->end = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', intval(Common::getGet('y', 0), 10), intval(Common::getGet('m', 0), 10), intval(Common::getGet('d', 0), 10)); if (!GWF_Time::isValidDate($this->end, false, GWF_Date::LEN_DAY)) { return $this->module->error('err_end_date'); } // Check start date $regdate1 = $this->user1->getVar('user_regdate'); $regdate2 = $this->user2 === false ? $regdate1 : $this->user2->getVar('user_regdate'); $this->start = $regdate1 < $regdate2 ? $regdate1 : $regdate2; $this->start = substr($this->start, 0, GWF_Date::LEN_DAY); if (0 < ($nm = intval(Common::getGet('nm', 0)))) { $time = GWF_Time::getTimestamp($this->end); $time -= $nm * GWF_Time::ONE_MONTH; $time = GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_DAY, $time); if ($time > $this->start) { $this->start = $time; } } // var_dump($this->start); // Check sites $sites = Common::getGetString('sites'); if ($sites === 'all') { if ($this->user2 === false) { $this->sites = WC_Site::getLinkedSites($this->user1->getID()); } else { $this->sites = WC_Site::getLinkedSitesVS2($this->user1->getID(), $this->user2->getID()); } $temp = array(); foreach ($this->sites as $site) { $temp[$site->getID()] = $site; } $this->sites = $temp; } else { $this->sites = array(); $sites = explode(',', $sites); foreach ($sites as $siteid) { // var_dump($siteid); $siteid = intval(trim($siteid)); if (false !== ($site = WC_Site::getByID($siteid))) { $this->sites[$siteid] = $site; } } } // if (count($this->sites) === 0) { // return $this->module->error('err_no_sites'); // } // Options $opts = explode(',', Common::getGet('opt', '')); foreach ($opts as $opt) { $opt = trim($opt); if ($opt === 'icons') { $this->withIcons = true; } elseif ($opt === 'nums') { $this->withNumbers = true; } elseif ($opt === 'zoom') { $this->withZoom = true; } } // All ok return false; }
public function displayMessageTranslated($msg) { return GWF_Message::display($msg, true, $this->isOptionEnabled(self::SMILEYS), false, GWF_Message::getQuickSearchHighlights(Common::getRequest('term', ''))); }