private function onPost($nickname, $target, $message) { # Validate the crap! if (false !== ($error = GWF_ChatValidator::validate_yournick($this->module, $nickname))) { return $error; } if (false !== ($error = GWF_ChatValidator::validate_target($this->module, $target))) { $error; } if (false !== ($error = GWF_ChatValidator::validate_message($this->module, $message))) { return $error; } # Post it! $oldnick = $this->module->getNickname(); $sender = Common::getPost('yournick', $oldnick); $target = trim($target); $message = str_replace("\n", '<br/>', Common::getPost('message')); if ($oldnick === false) { $sender = $this->module->getGuestPrefixed($sender); $this->module->setGuestNick($sender); } else { $sender = $oldnick; } if (false === GWF_ChatMsg::newMessage($sender, $target, $message)) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } return '1'; }
public function execute() { if (false !== ($array = Common::getPost('delete'))) { return $this->onDelete($array); } return $this->templatePage(); }
private function onRequest() { $form = $this->getForm(); if (false !== ($errors = $form->validate($this->module))) { return $errors . $this->form(); } $email = Common::getPost('email', ''); $user1 = GWF_User::getByName(Common::getPost('username')); $user2 = GWF_Validator::isValidEmail($email) ? GWF_User::getByEmail($email) : false; # nothing found if ($user1 === false && $user2 === false) { return $this->module->error('err_not_found') . $this->form(); } # Two different users if ($user1 !== false && $user2 !== false && $user1->getID() !== $user2->getID()) { return $this->module->error('err_not_same_user') . $this->form(); } # pick the user and send him mail if ($user1 !== false && $user2 !== false) { $user = $user1; } elseif ($user1 !== false) { $user = $user1; } elseif ($user2 !== false) { $user = $user2; } return $this->sendMail($user); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('gpg_create')) { return $this->onGPGSig() . $this->templateBase(); } return $this->templateBase(); }
public function execute() { # Permissions if (false === ($gb = GWF_Guestbook::getByID(Common::getGet('gbid')))) { return $this->module->error('err_gb'); } if (false === $gb->canModerate(GWF_Session::getUser())) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_NO_PERMISSION'); } # Toggle Moderation Flag if (false !== ($state = Common::getGet('set_moderation'))) { return $this->onSetModeration($gb, Common::getGet('gbmid', 0), $state > 0); } # Toggle Public Flag if (false !== ($state = Common::getGet('set_public'))) { return $this->onSetPublic($gb, Common::getGet('gbmid', 0), $state > 0); } # Edit Guestbook if (false !== Common::getPost('edit')) { return $this->onEdit($gb) . $this->templateEditGB($gb); } # Edit Single Entry if (false !== Common::getPost('edit_entry')) { return $this->onEditEntry($gb, Common::getGet('gbmid', 0), false); } if (false !== Common::getPost('del_entry')) { return $this->onEditEntry($gb, Common::getGet('gbmid', 0), true); } if (false !== Common::getGet('edit_entry')) { return $this->templateEditEntry($gb, Common::getGet('gbmid', 0)); } return $this->templateEditGB($gb); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('zipper')) { return $this->onZipB(); } return $this->templateZipper(); }
public function execute() { require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/WeChall/WC_SiteAdmin.php'; if (false === ($site = WC_Site::getByID(Common::getGet('siteid')))) { return $this->module->error('err_site'); } $this->site = $site; if (false === ($is_admin = GWF_User::isInGroupS(GWF_Group::STAFF))) { if (false === $site->isSiteAdmin(GWF_Session::getUser())) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_NO_PERMISSION'); } } if (false !== Common::getPost('add_sitemin')) { return $this->onAddSitemin($site, $is_admin) . $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); } if (false !== Common::getPost('rem_sitemin')) { return $this->onRemSitemin($site, $is_admin) . $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); } if (false !== Common::getPost('rem_logo')) { return $this->onRemLogo($site, $is_admin) . $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); } if (false !== Common::getPost('set_logo')) { return $this->onSetLogo($site, $is_admin) . $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); } if (false !== Common::getPost('edit')) { return $this->onEdit($site, $is_admin) . $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); } return $this->templateEdit($site, $is_admin); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('add')) { return $this->onAdd(); } return $this->templateAdd(); }
private function onEditBoard() { $form = $this->getForm(); if (false !== ($error = $form->validate($this->module))) { return $error; } if (!$this->board->isRoot()) { $bid = $this->board->getID(); if ($bid !== ($newpid = (int) $form->getVar('moveboard'))) { if ($this->board->getParentID() !== $newpid) { if (false !== ($newparent = GWF_ForumBoard::getBoard($newpid))) { if (false === $this->board->move($newparent)) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } } } } } $this->board->saveVars(array('board_gid' => $form->getVar('groupid'), 'board_title' => $form->getVar('title'), 'board_descr' => $form->getVar('descr'))); # Options $this->board->saveOption(GWF_ForumBoard::ALLOW_THREADS, Common::getPost('allow_threads') !== false); $this->board->saveOption(GWF_ForumBoard::LOCKED, Common::getPost('is_locked') !== false); $this->board->saveOption(GWF_ForumBoard::GUEST_POSTS, Common::getPost('guests') !== false); $this->board->saveOption(GWF_ForumBoard::GUEST_VIEW, Common::getPost('guest_view') !== false); if (!$this->board->isRoot()) { $this->board->saveOption(GWF_ForumBoard::INVISIBLE, Common::getPost('invisible') !== false); } return $this->module->message('msg_edited_board', array($this->board->getShowBoardHREF())); }
private function onRegister() { $form = $this->getForm(); $errorsA = $errorsB = ''; if (false !== ($errorsA = $form->validate($this->module)) || false !== ($errorsB = $this->onRegisterB())) { return $errorsA . $errorsB . $this->templateForm(); } $username = Common::getPost('username'); $password = Common::getPost('password'); $email = Common::getPost('email'); $birthdate = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', Common::getPost('birthdatey'), Common::getPost('birthdatem'), Common::getPost('birthdated')); $default_country = $this->module->cfgDetectCountry() ? GWF_IP2Country::detectCountryID() : 0; $countryid = $form->getVar('countryid', $default_country); require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/Register/GWF_UserActivation.php'; $token = GWF_UserActivation::generateToken(); $ua = new GWF_UserActivation(array('username' => $username, 'email' => $email, 'token' => $token, 'birthdate' => $birthdate, 'countryid' => $countryid, 'password' => GWF_Password::hashPasswordS($password), 'timestamp' => time(), 'ip' => GWF_IP6::getIP(GWF_IP_EXACT))); if (false === $ua->insert()) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)) . $this->templateForm(); } if ($this->module->wantEmailActivation()) { return $this->sendEmail($username, $email, $token, $password); } else { GWF_Website::redirect(GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'quick_activate/' . $token); } return $this->module->message('msg_registered'); }
public function execute() { if (false === ($user = GWF_Session::getUser()) && !$this->module->cfgGuestShouts()) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_LOGIN_REQUIRED'); } if ($user !== false && $user->isWebspider()) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_NO_PERMISSION'); } if (false !== ($error = $this->isFlooding())) { return $error; } $message = Common::getPost('message', ''); if (false !== ($error = $this->validate_message($message))) { return GWF_HTML::error('Shoutbox', $error); } $entry = new GWF_Shoutbox(array('shout_id' => '0', 'shout_uid' => GWF_Session::getUserID(), 'shout_date' => GWF_Time::getDate(GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND), 'shout_uname' => GWF_Shoutbox::generateUsername(), 'shout_message' => $message)); if (false === $entry->insert()) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } if ($this->module->cfgEMailModeration()) { $this->onEMailModeration($user, $entry); } $url = htmlspecialchars(GWF_Session::getLastURL()); return $this->module->message('msg_shouted', array($url, $url)); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('purge')) { return $this->onPurge(); } return $this->templatePurge(); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('change')) { return $this->onChange() . $this->templateOptions(); } return $this->templateOptions(); }
public function execute() { if (false !== ($error = $this->sanitize())) { return $error; } $nav = $this->module->templateNav(); $back = ''; # Enable if (false !== Common::getPost('enable')) { $back .= $this->onEnable('enabled'); } elseif (false !== Common::getPost('disable')) { $back .= $this->onEnable('disabled'); } elseif (false !== Common::getPost('defaults')) { $back .= $this->onDefaults(); } elseif (false !== Common::getPost('update')) { $back .= $this->onUpdate(); } elseif (false !== Common::getPost('admin_sect')) { if ($this->mod->hasAdminSection()) { GWF_Website::redirect($this->mod->getAdminSectionURL()); return ''; } else { $back .= $this->module->error('err_no_admin_sect'); } } # Form return $nav . $back . $this->templateModule(); }
private function send(GWF_User $user) { $form = $this->form($user); if (false !== ($errors = $form->validate($this->module))) { return $errors . $this->template($user); } $u = GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest(); $sendermail = $u->getValidMail(); if ($sendermail === '') { $sendermail = Common::getPost('email'); } if ($sendermail === '') { $sendermail = GWF_HTML::lang('unknown'); } $sendermail = GWF_HTML::display($sendermail); $mail = new GWF_Mail(); $mail->setSender(GWF_BOT_EMAIL); $mail->setReceiver($user->getValidMail()); $mail->setReply($sendermail); $mail->setSubject($this->module->langUser($user, 'mail_subj_mail', $sendermail)); $mail->setBody($this->module->langUser($user, 'mail_subj_body', array($user->displayUsername(), $sendermail, GWF_Message::display($_POST['message'])))); if (false === $mail->sendToUser($user)) { return GWF_HTML::err('ERR_MAIL_SENT'); } return $this->module->message('msg_mailed', array($user->displayUsername())); }
public function execute() { require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/Helpdesk/GWF_HelpdeskTitle.php'; if (false !== Common::getPost('create')) { return $this->onCreate(); } return $this->templateCT(); }
public function execute() { $nav = $this->module->templateNav(); if (false !== Common::getPost('search') || false !== Common::getGet('term')) { return $nav . $this->onSearch(); } return $nav . $this->templateSearch(); }
public function execute() { $back = ''; if (false !== Common::getPost('delete_folder')) { $back .= $this->onDeleteFolders(); } return $back . $this->module->requestMethodB('Overview'); }
public function execute() { $nav = $this->module->templateNav(); if (false !== Common::getPost('login')) { return $nav . $this->onLoginAs(); } return $nav . $this->templateLoginAs(); }
public function execute() { $nav = $this->module->templateNav(); if (Common::getPost('setup') !== false) { return $nav . $this->onSetup(); } return $nav . $this->templateSetup(); }
private function getHourSelect($name) { $selected = (int) Common::getPost($name, 0); $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $data[] = array($i, $i); } return GWF_Select::display($name, $data, $selected); }
public function execute() { GWF_Website::setPageTitle($this->module->lang('page_title')); GWF_Website::setMetaTags($this->module->lang('page_meta')); if (false !== Common::getPost('contact')) { return $this->onSend(); } return $this->templateForm(); }
public function execute() { require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/Login/GWF_LoginCleared.php'; require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/Login/GWF_LoginHistory.php'; if (false !== Common::getPost('clear')) { return $this->onClear() . $this->templateHistory(); } return $this->templateHistory(); }
public function execute() { if (false !== Common::getPost('edit')) { return $this->onEditSettings() . $this->templateSettings(); } GWF_Website::setPageTitle($this->module->lang('pt_settings')); GWF_Website::setMetaTags($this->module->lang('mt_settings')); GWF_Website::setMetaTags($this->module->lang('md_settings')); return $this->templateSettings(); }
public function execute() { if (false !== ($filename = Common::getGetString('filename', false))) { return $this->templateFile($filename); } if (false !== Common::getPost('save_file')) { return $this->onSaveFile(); } return $this->templateFiles(); }
public function execute(GWF_Module $module) { if (false === ($order = GWF_Order::getByToken(Common::getPost('gwf_token')))) { return $module->error('err_order'); } if (!$order->isCreated()) { return $module->error('err_order'); } return $this->onPay($module, $order); }
public function validate_password(Module_PasswordForgot $module, $password) { if (!GWF_Validator::isValidPassword($password)) { return $this->module->lang('err_weak_pass', array(8)); } elseif (Common::getPost('password2', '') !== $password) { return $this->module->lang('err_pass_retype'); } else { return false; } }
private function onQuickjump() { require_once GWF_CORE_PATH . 'module/WeChall/WC_SiteCats.php'; if (false === ($cat = WC_SiteCats::getCatForBit(Common::getPost('category')))) { $location = GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'category_ranking'; } else { $location = GWF_WEB_ROOT . 'category_ranking/' . urlencode($cat); } header('Location: ' . $location); return ''; }
public function execute() { GWF_Website::setPageTitle($this->module->lang('pt_login')); if (false !== GWF_Session::getUser()) { return $this->module->error('err_already_logged_in'); } if (false !== Common::getPost('login')) { return $this->onLogin(); } return $this->form(); }
public function execute() { $mp = Module_Payment::instance(); if (false === ($gwf_token = Common::getPost('gwf_token'))) { return $mp->error('err_token'); } if (false === ($order = GWF_Order::getByToken($gwf_token))) { return $mp->error('err_order'); } if ($order->isProcessed()) { return $mp->message('err_already_done'); } if (!$order->isCreated()) { return $mp->error('err_order'); } /* Gather the information to make the final call to finalize the PayPal payment. The variable nvpstr holds the name value pairs */ if (false === ($resArray = @unserialize($order->getOrderXToken()))) { return $mp->error('err_xtoken', $this->module->getSiteName()); } $token = $resArray["TOKEN"]; $paymentAmount = $order->getOrderPriceTotal(); $paymentType = "Sale"; $currCodeType = $order->getOrderCurrency(); $payerID = urlencode($resArray["PAYERID"]); $serverName = urlencode($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $order->saveVar('order_email', $resArray["EMAIL"]); $nvpstr = '&TOKEN=' . $token . '&PAYERID=' . $payerID . '&PAYMENTACTION=' . $paymentType . '&AMT=' . $paymentAmount . '&CURRENCYCODE=' . $currCodeType . '&IPADDRESS=' . $serverName; $nvpstr .= "&ITEMAMT=" . $paymentAmount . "&L_QTY0=1" . "&L_NAME0=" . urlencode($order->getOrderDescrAdmin()) . "&L_AMT0=" . $paymentAmount; /* Make the call to PayPal to finalize payment If an error occured, show the resulting errors */ $resArray = Paypal_Util::hash_call('DoExpressCheckoutPayment', $nvpstr); /* Display the API response back to the browser. If the response from PayPal was a success, display the response parameters' If the response was an error, display the errors received using APIError.php. */ $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]); if ($ack != "SUCCESS") { return Paypal_Util::paypalError($resArray); } // Get Payment module; $mp = Module_Payment::instance(); $module2 = $order->getOrderModule(); $module2->onLoadLanguage(); Paypal_Util::logResArray($resArray); $status = strtoupper($resArray['PAYMENTSTATUS']); if ($status === 'COMPLETED') { return $mp->onExecuteOrder($module2, $order); } else { return $mp->onPendingOrder($module2, $order); } }