public function __construct(Server $server, $password, $port = 19132, $interface = "", $threads = 1, $clientsPerThread = 50) { $this->server = $server; $this->workers = []; $this->password = (string) $password; $this->server->getLogger()->info("Starting remote control listener"); if ($this->password === "") { $this->server->getLogger()->critical("RCON can't be started: Empty password"); return; } $this->threads = (int) max(1, $threads); $this->clientsPerThread = (int) max(1, $clientsPerThread); $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($this->socket === false or !socket_bind($this->socket, $interface, (int) $port) or !socket_listen($this->socket)) { $this->server->getLogger()->critical("RCON can't be started: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); $this->threads = 0; return; } socket_set_block($this->socket); for ($n = 0; $n < $this->threads; ++$n) { $this->workers[$n] = new RCONInstance($this->socket, $this->password, $this->clientsPerThread); } socket_getsockname($this->socket, $addr, $port); $this->server->getLogger()->info("RCON running on {$addr}:{$port}"); $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new CallbackTask([$this, "check"]), 3); }
public function __construct(PlayHarder $plugin) { if (self::$instance == null) { self::$instance = $this; } $this->server = Server::getInstance(); $this->plugin = $plugin; $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new AutoUnloadTask($this), 12000); }
public function doUpgrade() { if (!$this->isupdating) { $this->isupdating = true; $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask(new Upgrader($this->updateInfo['download_url'], $this->updateInfo['fingerprint'], "phar://" . $this->server->getDataPath() . "ClearSkyNewVersion" . "phar")); //Is an .phar needed? } else { Command::broadcastCommandMessage($sender, new TranslationContainer("commands.upgrade.isUpdating")); } }
/** * @param Plugin $plugin */ public function disablePlugin(Plugin $plugin) { if ($plugin->isEnabled()) { $plugin->getPluginLoader()->disablePlugin($plugin); $this->server->getScheduler()->cancelTasks($plugin); HandlerList::unregisterAll($plugin); foreach ($plugin->getDescription()->getPermissions() as $perm) { $this->removePermission($perm); } } }
public function triggerGarbageCollector() { Timings::$garbageCollectorTimer->startTiming(); if ($this->garbageCollectionAsync) { $size = $this->server->getScheduler()->getAsyncTaskPoolSize(); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) { $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTaskToWorker(new GarbageCollectionTask(), $i); } } $cycles = gc_collect_cycles(); Timings::$garbageCollectorTimer->stopTiming(); return $cycles; }
/** * @param Server $server */ public function onCompletion(Server $server) { /** @var Loader $esspe */ $esspe = $server->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EssentialsPE"); if ($esspe->getDescription()->getVersion() < ($v = $this->getResult()["version"])) { $continue = true; $message = TextFormat::AQUA . "[EssentialsPE]" . TextFormat::GREEN . " A new " . TextFormat::YELLOW . $this->build . TextFormat::GREEN . " version of EssentialsPE found! Version: " . TextFormat::YELLOW . $v . TextFormat::GREEN . ($this->install !== true ? "" : ", " . TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE . "Installing..."); } else { $continue = false; $message = TextFormat::AQUA . "[EssentialsPE]" . TextFormat::YELLOW . " No new version found, you're using the latest version of EssentialsPE"; } $esspe->broadcastUpdateAvailability($message); if ($continue && $this->install) { $server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task = new UpdateInstallTask($esspe, $this->getResult()["downloadURL"], $server->getPluginPath(), $v)); $esspe->updaterDownloadTask = $task; } }
/** * @param Plugin $plugin */ public function disablePlugin(Plugin $plugin) { if ($plugin->isEnabled()) { try { $plugin->getPluginLoader()->disablePlugin($plugin); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logger = Server::getInstance()->getLogger(); if ($logger instanceof MainLogger) { $logger->logException($e); } } $this->server->getScheduler()->cancelTasks($plugin); HandlerList::unregisterAll($plugin); foreach ($plugin->getDescription()->getPermissions() as $perm) { $this->removePermission($perm); } } }
public function collectTasks() { Timings::$schedulerAsyncTimer->startTiming(); foreach ($this->tasks as $task) { if (!$task->isGarbage()) { $task->checkProgressUpdates($this->server); } if ($task->isGarbage() and !$task->isRunning() and !$task->isCrashed()) { if (!$task->hasCancelledRun()) { $task->onCompletion($this->server); $this->server->getScheduler()->removeLocalComplex($task); } $this->removeTask($task); } elseif ($task->isTerminated() or $task->isCrashed()) { $this->server->getLogger()->critical("Could not execute asynchronous task " . (new \ReflectionClass($task))->getShortName() . ": Task crashed"); $this->removeTask($task, true); } } Timings::$schedulerAsyncTimer->stopTiming(); }
protected function processChunkRequest() { if (count($this->chunkSendQueue) > 0) { $this->timings->syncChunkSendTimer->startTiming(); $x = null; $z = null; foreach ($this->chunkSendQueue as $index => $players) { if (isset($this->chunkSendTasks[$index])) { continue; } if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { $x = $index >> 32 << 32 >> 32; $z = ($index & 4294967295.0) << 32 >> 32; } else { list($x, $z) = explode(":", $index); $x = (int) $x; $z = (int) $z; } if (ADVANCED_CACHE == true and ($cache = Cache::get("world:" . $this->getId() . ":" . $index)) !== false) { /** @var Player[] $players */ foreach ($players as $player) { if ($player->isConnected() and isset($player->usedChunks[$index])) { $player->sendChunk($x, $z, $cache); } } unset($this->chunkSendQueue[$index]); } else { $this->chunkSendTasks[$index] = true; $this->timings->syncChunkSendPrepareTimer->startTiming(); $task = $this->provider->requestChunkTask($x, $z); if ($task instanceof AsyncTask) { $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); } $this->timings->syncChunkSendPrepareTimer->stopTiming(); } } $this->timings->syncChunkSendTimer->stopTiming(); } }
public function generateChunk($x, $z, $force = false) { if (count($this->chunkGenerationQueue) >= $this->chunkGenerationQueueSize and !$force) { return; } if (!isset($this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index = Level::chunkHash($x, $z)])) { Timings::$generationTimer->startTiming(); $this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index] = true; $task = new GenerationTask($this, $this->getChunk($x, $z, true)); $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); Timings::$generationTimer->stopTiming(); } }
protected function processChunkRequest() { if (count($this->chunkSendQueue) > 0) { $x = null; $z = null; foreach ($this->chunkSendQueue as $index => $players) { if (isset($this->chunkSendTasks[$index])) { continue; } Level::getXZ($index, $x, $z); if (ADVANCED_CACHE == true and ($cache = Cache::get("world:" . $this->getID() . ":" . $index)) !== false) { /** @var Player[] $players */ foreach ($players as $player) { if (isset($player->usedChunks[$index])) { $player->sendChunk($x, $z, $cache); } } unset($this->chunkSendQueue[$index]); } else { $this->chunkSendTasks[$index] = true; $task = $this->provider->requestChunkTask($x, $z); if ($task instanceof AsyncTask) { $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); } } } } }
public function generateChunk($x, $z, $force = \false) { if (\count($this->chunkGenerationQueue) >= $this->chunkGenerationQueueSize and !$force) { return; } if (!isset($this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index = \PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? ($x & 0xffffffff) << 32 | $z & 0xffffffff : $x . ":" . $z])) { Timings::$generationTimer->startTiming(); $this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index] = \true; $task = new GenerationTask($this, $this->getChunk($x, $z, \true)); $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); Timings::$generationTimer->stopTiming(); } }
private function processChunkRequest() { if (count($this->chunkSendQueue) > 0) { $this->timings->syncChunkSendTimer->startTiming(); $x = null; $z = null; foreach ($this->chunkSendQueue as $index => $players) { if (isset($this->chunkSendTasks[$index])) { continue; } Level::getXZ($index, $x, $z); $this->chunkSendTasks[$index] = true; // Gets chunks from disk or cache if it can if (isset($this->chunkCache[$x . ":" . $z]) or $this->loadChunkFromDisk($x, $z)) { foreach ($players as $player) { // Found chunk? Call special function to send just the payload $player->sendBatchedChunk($x, $z, $this->chunkCache[$x . ":" . $z]); } unset($this->chunkSendQueue[$index]); unset($this->chunkSendTasks[$index]); $this->server->chunkUsedTimes[$this->getName()][$x . ":" . $z] = time(); continue; } $this->timings->syncChunkSendPrepareTimer->startTiming(); $task = $this->provider->requestChunkTask($x, $z); if ($task !== null) { $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); } $this->timings->syncChunkSendPrepareTimer->stopTiming(); } $this->timings->syncChunkSendTimer->stopTiming(); } }
public function addLightning(Vector3 $pos, $autoRemoveTime = 3) { $nbt = new Compound("", ["Pos" => new Enum("Pos", [new Double("", $pos->getX()), new Double("", $pos->getY()), new Double("", $pos->getZ())]), "Motion" => new Enum("Motion", [new Double("", 0), new Double("", 0), new Double("", 0)]), "Rotation" => new Enum("Rotation", [new Float("", 0), new Float("", 0)])]); $chunk = $this->getChunk($pos->x >> 4, $pos->z >> 4, false); $lightning = new Lightning($chunk, $nbt); $lightning->spawnToAll(); $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask(new CallbackTask([$lightning, "close"]), $autoRemoveTime * 20); }
public function generateChunk($x, $z, $force = \false) { if (\count($this->chunkGenerationQueue) >= $this->chunkGenerationQueueSize and !$force) { return; } if (!isset($this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index = ($x & 4294967295.0) << 32 | $z & 4294967295.0])) { Timings::$generationTimer->startTiming(); $this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index] = \true; $task = new GenerationTask($this, $this->getChunk($x, $z, \true)); $this->server->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($task); Timings::$generationTimer->stopTiming(); } }