quote() публичный Метод

Quotes a given input parameter.
public quote ( mixed $input, string | null $type = null ) : string
$input mixed The parameter to be quoted.
$type string | null The type of the parameter.
Результат string The quoted parameter.
Пример #1
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function doSetAll(array $values)
     $this->runSQL('DELETE FROM `' . $this->tableName . '`');
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $this->runSQL('INSERT INTO ' . $this->tableName . ' (`key`, `value`) VALUES (' . $this->connection->quote($key) . ',' . $this->connection->quote(json_encode($value)) . ');');
Пример #2
 public function postUpdate()
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $process = false;
     if (in_array('claro_forum_subject_temp', $this->conn->getSchemaManager()->listTableNames())) {
         $columns = $this->conn->getSchemaManager()->listTableColumns('claro_forum_subject_temp');
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             if ($column->getName() === 'forum_id') {
                 $process = true;
     if ($process) {
         $this->log('restoring the subjects...');
         $forums = $em->getRepository('ClarolineForumBundle:Forum')->findAll();
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM claro_forum_subject_temp WHERE forum_id = :forumId';
         $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
         foreach ($forums as $forum) {
             $category = new Category();
             $stmt->bindValue('forumId', $forum->getId());
             foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $rowsSubject) {
                 $this->conn->query("INSERT INTO claro_forum_subject VALUES (\n                        {$rowsSubject['id']},\n                        {$category->getId()},\n                        {$rowsSubject['user_id']},\n                        {$this->conn->quote($rowsSubject['title'])},\n                        '{$rowsSubject['created']}',\n                        '{$rowsSubject['updated']}',\n                        false\n                    )");
         $this->log('restoring the messages...');
         $this->conn->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO claro_forum_message SELECT * FROM claro_forum_message_temp');
         $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE claro_forum_message_temp');
         $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE claro_forum_subject_temp');
         $this->conn->query('DROP TABLE claro_forum_options');
     } else {
         $this->log('categories already added');
     $widget = $em->getRepository('ClarolineCoreBundle:Widget\\Widget')->findBy(array('name' => 'claroline_forum_widget'));
     if (!$widget) {
         $this->log('adding the forum widget...');
         $plugin = $em->getRepository('ClarolineCoreBundle:Plugin')->findOneBy(array('vendorName' => 'Claroline', 'bundleName' => 'ForumBundle'));
         $widget = new Widget();
     } else {
         $this->log('forum widget already added');
Пример #3
 public function generateSql($routeName, $type, array $state, array $title, array $description, array $alias, array $path, $parentRouteName = null, $template = null)
     $sql = [];
     $currentDate = (new \DateTime())->format('y-m-d H:i:s');
     $sql[] = sprintf("SELECT @parentId:=id FROM `%s` WHERE `route_name` = '%s' LIMIT 1;", self::STRUCTURE_TABLE_NAME, $this->connection->quote($parentRouteName));
     $sql[] = sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s`\n            (\n                `parent_id`,\n                `created_at`,\n                `updated_at`,\n                `title`,\n                `description`,\n                `type`,\n                `alias`,\n                `path`,\n                `state`,\n                `template`,\n                `route_name`\n              )\n            VALUES (\n                @parentId,\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%s',\n                '%d',\n                '%s',\n                '%s'\n            )\n            ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                `parent_id`=VALUES(`parent_id`),\n                `updated_at`=VALUES(`updated_at`),\n                `title`=VALUES(`title`),\n                `description`=VALUES(`description`),\n                `type`=VALUES(`type`),\n                `alias`=VALUES(`alias`),\n                `path`=VALUES(`path`),\n                `state`=VALUES(`state`),\n                `template`=VALUES(`template`)\n            ;", self::STRUCTURE_TABLE_NAME, $currentDate, $currentDate, $this->connection->quote($title[$this->defaultLocale]), $this->connection->quote($description[$this->defaultLocale]), $type, $this->connection->quote($alias[$this->defaultLocale]), $this->connection->quote($path[$this->defaultLocale]), (bool) $state[$this->defaultLocale] ? 1 : 0, $this->connection->quote($template), $this->connection->quote($routeName));
     $sql[] = sprintf("SELECT @structureId := id FROM `%s` WHERE route_name = '%s';", self::STRUCTURE_TABLE_NAME, $this->connection->quote($routeName));
     return implode("\n", $sql);
Пример #4
  * Changes a value to a specific type.
  * The original implementation of this method
  * had some vestiges of support for type options
  * (like a regular expression pattern for the regexp
  * type) . This seems to have long been unsupported
  * so now all bits of the type after <code>:</code>
  * are squashed.
  * @param  mixed  $value value to bind
  * @param  string $type  type of value
  * @return mixed  modified value
 public function getBindVarValue($value, $type)
     if (false !== strpos($type, ':')) {
         $type = strstr($type, ':', true);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'csv':
         case 'passthru':
             return $value;
         case 'floatval':
             return is_numeric($value) ? $value : 0;
         case 'integer':
             return (int) $value;
         case 'currency':
         case 'date':
         case 'string':
             return $this->conn->quote($value);
         case 'noquotestring':
             return $this->prepareInput($value);
         case 'regexp':
             return $this->prepareInput(preg_quote($value));
     throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Type %s does not exist', $type));
  * Returns the SQL to check if a value is one in a set of
  * given values..
  * in() accepts an arbitrary number of parameters. The first parameter
  * must always specify the value that should be matched against. Successive
  * parameters must contain a logical expression or an array with logical
  * expressions.  These expressions will be matched against the first
  * parameter.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  * $q->select( '*' )->from( 'table' )
  *                  ->where( $q->expr->in( 'id', 1, 2, 3 ) );
  * </code>
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Database\QueryException if called with less than two
  *         parameters.
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Database\QueryException if the 2nd parameter is an
  *         empty array.
  * @param string $column the value that should be matched against
  * @param string|array(string) $... values that will be matched against $column
  * @return string logical expression
 public function in($column)
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($args) < 2) {
         throw new QueryException('Expected two or more parameters to in()');
     if (is_array($args[1])) {
         $values = array_values($args[1]);
     } else {
         $values = array_slice($args, 1);
     // Special handling of sub selects to avoid double braces
     if (count($values) === 1 && $values[0] instanceof SubselectDoctrineQuery) {
         return "{$column} IN " . $values[0]->getQuery();
     if (count($values) == 0) {
         throw new QueryException('At least one element is required as value.');
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         switch (true) {
             case $value instanceof SubselectDoctrineQuery:
                 $values[$key] = $value->getQuery();
             case is_int($value):
             case is_float($value):
                 $values[$key] = (string) $value;
                 $values[$key] = $this->connection->quote($value);
     return "{$column} IN ( " . implode(', ', $values) . ' )';
  * Generates a single query builder from the provided keywords array.
  * @param Keyword[] $keywords
  * @param $tables
  * @return QueryBuilder
 private function buildQueryFromKeywords($keywords, $tables)
     $keywordSelection = [];
     foreach ($keywords as $match) {
         $keywordSelection[] = 'SELECT ' . $match->getRelevance() . ' as relevance, ' . $this->connection->quote($match->getTerm()) . ' as term, ' . $match->getId() . ' as keywordID';
     $keywordSelection = implode("\n             UNION ALL ", $keywordSelection);
     $tablesSql = [];
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
         $alias = 'st' . $table['tableID'];
         $query->select(['MAX(sf.relevance * sm.relevance) as relevance', 'sm.keywordID']);
         $query->from('(' . $keywordSelection . ')', 'sm');
         $query->innerJoin('sm', 's_search_index', 'si', 'sm.keywordID = si.keywordID');
         $query->innerJoin('si', 's_search_fields', 'sf', 'si.fieldID = sf.id AND sf.relevance != 0 AND sf.tableID = ' . $table['tableID']);
         if (!empty($table['referenz_table'])) {
             $query->addSelect($alias . '.articleID as articleID');
             $query->innerJoin('si', $table['referenz_table'], $alias, 'si.elementID = ' . $alias . '.' . $table['foreign_key']);
         } elseif (!empty($table['foreign_key'])) {
             $query->addSelect($alias . '.id as articleID');
             $query->innerJoin('si', 's_articles', $alias, 'si.elementID = ' . $alias . '.' . $table['foreign_key']);
         } else {
             $query->addSelect('si.elementID as articleID');
         $tablesSql[] = $query->getSQL();
     $tablesSql = "\n" . implode("\n     UNION ALL\n", $tablesSql);
     $subQuery = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
     $subQuery->select(['srd.articleID', 'SUM(srd.relevance) as relevance']);
     $subQuery->from("(" . $tablesSql . ')', 'srd')->groupBy('srd.articleID')->setMaxResults(5000);
     $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
     $query->from("(" . $subQuery->getSQL() . ')', 'sr')->innerJoin('sr', 's_articles', 'a', 'a.id = sr.articleID');
     return $query;
Пример #7
  * Revert data to the previous version.
 public function sqlDownData()
     // Map columns to custom fields.
     $colmap = array();
     foreach ($this->fieldmap as $field => $col) {
         $colmap[$col] = $field;
     // Test that the v2 columns actually exist.
     $existingCols = $this->conn->getSchemaManager()->listTableColumns($this->usersTable);
     $existingColnames = array_map(function ($col) {
         return $col->getName();
     }, $existingCols);
     foreach ($this->fieldmap as $col) {
         if (!in_array($col, $existingColnames)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot migrate down because current schema is not v2. (Missing column "' . $this->usersTable . '.' . $col . '").');
     // Get user columns to revert back to custom fields.
     $userData = $this->conn->fetchAll('SELECT id AS user_id, ' . implode(', ', $this->fieldmap) . ' FROM ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->usersTable));
     $queries = array();
     foreach ($userData as $row) {
         foreach ($this->fieldmap as $col) {
             if ($row[$col] !== null) {
                 $queries[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->userCustomFieldsTable) . ' (user_id, attribute, value) VALUES' . ' (' . $this->conn->quote($row['user_id'], Type::INTEGER) . ', ' . $this->conn->quote($colmap[$col], Type::STRING) . ', ' . $this->conn->quote($row[$col], Type::STRING) . ')';
     return $queries;
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param Type  $type
  * @return string
 protected function quoteValue($value, Type $type)
     // Don't quote numbers as some don't follow standards for casting
     if (is_scalar($value) && ctype_digit((string) $value)) {
         return (string) $value;
     return $this->connection->quote($value, $type->getBindingType());
Пример #9
 public function getRawSql()
     $sql = $this->getSql();
     foreach ($this->qb->getParameters() as $key => $value) {
         $sql = str_replace(':' . $key, $this->connection->quote($value), $sql);
     return $sql;
Пример #10
  * Update object
  * @param StorableInterface $obj
  * @param string            $type
  * @return void
 protected function update(StorableInterface $obj, $type)
     $qb = $this->con->createQueryBuilder()->update($this->tables[$type])->where('id = :id')->setParameter('id', $obj->getId(), \PDO::PARAM_INT);
     foreach ($obj->getStorableData() as $name => $value) {
         $qb->set($name, $this->con->quote($value));
     return $qb->execute();
Пример #11
 public function lookupRange(&$escapedField, &$rawValue, &$negate)
     if (!is_array($rawValue) || count($rawValue) !== 2) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("value for RANGE lookup must me array with two elements");
     $rawValue = Expr($this->db->quote($rawValue[0]) . ' AND ' . $this->db->quote($rawValue[1]));
     return 'BETWEEN %s';
Пример #12
  * Creates a left join list for translations
  * on used query components
  * @todo: make it cleaner
  * @return string
 private function prepareTranslatedComponents()
     $q = $this->getQuery();
     $locale = $q->getHint(TranslatableListener::HINT_TRANSLATABLE_LOCALE);
     if (!$locale) {
         // use from listener
         $locale = $this->listener->getListenerLocale();
     $defaultLocale = $this->listener->getDefaultLocale();
     if ($locale === $defaultLocale && !$this->listener->getPersistDefaultLocaleTranslation()) {
         // Skip preparation as there's no need to translate anything
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     $ea = new TranslatableEventAdapter();
     $joinStrategy = $q->getHint(TranslatableListener::HINT_INNER_JOIN) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
     foreach ($this->translatedComponents as $dqlAlias => $comp) {
         $meta = $comp['metadata'];
         $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name);
         $transClass = $this->listener->getTranslationClass($ea, $meta->name);
         $transMeta = $em->getClassMetadata($transClass);
         $transTable = $transMeta->getQuotedTableName($this->platform);
         foreach ($config['fields'] as $field) {
             $compTblAlias = $this->walkIdentificationVariable($dqlAlias, $field);
             $tblAlias = $this->getSQLTableAlias('trans' . $compTblAlias . $field);
             $sql = " {$joinStrategy} JOIN " . $transTable . ' ' . $tblAlias;
             $sql .= ' ON ' . $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getQuotedColumnName('locale', $this->platform) . ' = ' . $this->conn->quote($locale);
             $sql .= ' AND ' . $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getQuotedColumnName('field', $this->platform) . ' = ' . $this->conn->quote($field);
             $identifier = $meta->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
             $idColName = $meta->getQuotedColumnName($identifier, $this->platform);
             if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation($transClass)) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getSingleAssociationJoinColumnName('object') . ' = ' . $compTblAlias . '.' . $idColName;
             } else {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getQuotedColumnName('objectClass', $this->platform) . ' = ' . $this->conn->quote($config['useObjectClass']);
                 $mappingFK = $transMeta->getFieldMapping('foreignKey');
                 $mappingPK = $meta->getFieldMapping($identifier);
                 $fkColName = $this->getCastedForeignKey($compTblAlias . '.' . $idColName, $mappingFK['type'], $mappingPK['type']);
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getQuotedColumnName('foreignKey', $this->platform) . ' = ' . $fkColName;
             isset($this->components[$dqlAlias]) ? $this->components[$dqlAlias] .= $sql : ($this->components[$dqlAlias] = $sql);
             $originalField = $compTblAlias . '.' . $meta->getQuotedColumnName($field, $this->platform);
             $substituteField = $tblAlias . '.' . $transMeta->getQuotedColumnName('content', $this->platform);
             // Treat translation as original field type
             $fieldMapping = $meta->getFieldMapping($field);
             if ($this->platform instanceof MySqlPlatform && in_array($fieldMapping["type"], array("decimal")) || !$this->platform instanceof MySqlPlatform && !in_array($fieldMapping["type"], array("datetime", "datetimetz", "date", "time"))) {
                 $type = Type::getType($fieldMapping["type"]);
                 $substituteField = 'CAST(' . $substituteField . ' AS ' . $type->getSQLDeclaration($fieldMapping, $this->platform) . ')';
             // Fallback to original if was asked for
             if ($this->needsFallback() && (!isset($config['fallback'][$field]) || $config['fallback'][$field]) || !$this->needsFallback() && isset($config['fallback'][$field]) && $config['fallback'][$field]) {
                 $substituteField = 'COALESCE(' . $substituteField . ', ' . $originalField . ')';
             $this->replacements[$originalField] = $substituteField;
Пример #13
     * Constructs the SQL for retrieving the primary key of the given object
     * identity.
     * @param ObjectIdentityInterface $oid
     * @return string
    protected function getSelectObjectIdentityIdSql(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid)
        $query = <<<QUERY
            SELECT o.id
            FROM %s o
            INNER JOIN %s c ON c.id = o.class_id
            WHERE o.object_identifier = %s AND c.class_type = %s
        return sprintf($query, $this->options['oid_table_name'], $this->options['class_table_name'], $this->connection->quote((string) $oid->getIdentifier()), $this->connection->quote((string) $oid->getType()));
Пример #14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function startQuery($sql, array $params = null, array $types = null)
     if ($params) {
         list($sql, $params, $types) = SQLParserUtils::expandListParameters($sql, $params, $types);
         $query = vsprintf(str_replace('?', "%s", $sql), call_user_func(function () use($params, $types) {
             $quotedParams = array();
             foreach ($params as $typeIndex => $value) {
                 $quotedParams[] = $this->connection->quote($value, $types[$typeIndex]);
             return $quotedParams;
     } else {
         $query = $sql;
     $this->lastQuery = $query;
     if ($this->outputQuery) {
Пример #15
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function quote($value)
     if (ConnectionDecoratorChain::isDecorate()) {
         return (new ConnectionDecoratorChain($this, $this->decorators))->quote($value);
     try {
         return $this->conn->quote($value);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $this->convertException($e);
Пример #16
     * Makes sure database is created and ready to use.
     * @param Fiddle $fiddle
     * @return string
    protected function prepareDatabase(Fiddle $fiddle)
        $directory = $this->getDirectory($fiddle);
        $fiddleEscaped = $this->db->quote($fiddle->getId(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $fiddleId = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($fiddle->getId());
        if (!$this->debug && file_exists($directory . '/home/sandbox/propel.yml')) {
            return false;
        $dbName = 'fiddle_' . $fiddle->getId();
        $userName = $fiddle->getId();
        $password = substr(md5(microtime() * 10000 + mt_rand()), 0, 14);
        $dbNameIdentifier = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($dbName);
        //create new db credentials
        $row = $this->db->fetchArray("SHOW DATABASES LIKE ?", [$dbName]);
        if (false === $row) {
            // database does not exist yet
            $this->db->executeQuery(sprintf("CREATE DATABASE %s", $dbNameIdentifier));
        $user = $this->db->fetchArray("SELECT User FROM mysql.user WHERE User = ?", [$fiddle->getId()]);
        // we don't save the password in our database so we have to remove the user first
        if ($user) {
            $this->db->executeQuery(sprintf("DROP USER %s@'localhost'", $fiddleEscaped));
        $this->db->executeQuery(sprintf("CREATE USER %s@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY %s", $fiddleEscaped, $this->db->quote($password, \PDO::PARAM_STR)));
        $this->needConfigConvertCall = true;
        $this->db->executeQuery(sprintf("GRANT USAGE, ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON %s.* TO %s@'localhost'", $dbNameIdentifier, $fiddleEscaped));
        $propelConfig = <<<EOF
              adapter: mysql
              classname: Propel\\Runtime\\Connection\\DebugPDO
              dsn: mysql:host=;dbname={$dbName}
              user: {$userName}
              password: {$password}
              type: stream
              path: ./propel_log.txt
              level: 100
      defaultConnection: default
          - default
      defaultConnection: default
          - default
        file_put_contents($directory . '/home/sandbox/propel.yml', $propelConfig);
        return $propelConfig;
Пример #17
  * Escapes a string to insert into the database as text
  * @param string The string to escape
  * @return string The escaped string
 public static function escape_string($string)
     /* The pdo::quote function adds a "'" character we need to remove that '
           because in Chamilo, developers builds a query like this:
           $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = 'Database::escape_string($id)'";
           otherwise we will have an error because the query will be:
           SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ''1'' instead of
           SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '1'
     // $string = '_@_'.self::$db->quote($string).'_@_';
     $string = self::$db->quote($string);
     return trim($string, "'");
     return $string;
Пример #18
  * Selects data from the database not managed by Phabric.
  * Used to select a copy of the data before update in order to allow
  * roll back.
  * @param string $tableName Name of table to query
  * @param string $phName    Name of the Phabric entity
  * @param array  $data      Data from the Gherkin
  * @return array
 protected function selectPreloadedData($tableName, $phName, $data)
     $builder = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
     $nValue = $this->connection->quote($data[$phName]);
     $builder->select('*')->from($tableName, 'a')->where("a.`{$phName}` = {$nValue}");
     $sql = $builder->getSQL();
     $result = $builder->execute();
     $initalData = $result->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (count($initalData) > 1) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('
             More than one row returned when trying to manage unmanaged
             (preloaded) data. Value in the name column (set in config) must be unique.');
     return reset($initalData);
  * Returns the current database structure.
  * @return array An array of tables and fields
 private function getFromDb()
     $tables = $this->connection->fetchAll("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'tl_%'");
     if (empty($tables)) {
         return [];
     $return = [];
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $sql = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getListTableColumnsSQL($table['Name'], $this->connection->getDatabase());
         $columns = $this->connection->fetchAll($sql);
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             $field = ['name' => $this->quote($column['Field']), 'type' => $column['Type']];
             if (isset($column['Collation']) && $column['Collation'] !== $table['Collation']) {
                 $field['collation'] = 'COLLATE ' . $column['Collation'];
             $field['null'] = 'YES' === $column['Null'] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL';
             if (!empty($column['Extra'])) {
                 $field['extra'] = $column['Extra'];
             if (isset($column['Default'])) {
                 $field['default'] = 'default ' . $this->connection->quote($column['Default']);
             $return[$table['Name']]['TABLE_FIELDS'][$column['Field']] = trim(implode(' ', $field));
         $sql = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getListTableIndexesSQL($table['Name'], $this->connection->getDatabase());
         $tmp = [];
         $indexes = $this->connection->fetchAll($sql);
         foreach ($indexes as $index) {
             $name = $index['Key_name'];
             if (isset($tmp[$name])) {
                 $tmp[$name]['columns'][] = $this->quoteColumn($index);
             if ('PRIMARY' === $name) {
                 $tmp[$name]['key'] = 'PRIMARY KEY ';
             } elseif ('0' === $index['Non_Unique']) {
                 $tmp[$name]['key'] = 'UNIQUE KEY ' . $this->quote($name);
             } else {
                 $tmp[$name]['key'] = 'KEY ' . $this->quote($name);
             $tmp[$name]['columns'] = [$this->quoteColumn($index)];
         foreach ($tmp as $name => $conf) {
             $return[$table['Name']]['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS'][$name] = $conf['key'] . ' (' . implode(', ', $conf['columns']) . ')';
     return $return;
Пример #20
 private function getQuery($identifier, $mask, $type)
     $sql = "SELECT\n              o.object_identifier\n            , c.class_type\n            FROM {$this->options['sid_table_name']} s\n            LEFT JOIN {$this->options['entry_table_name']} e\n                ON (\n                        (e.security_identity_id = s.id)\n                    OR  {$this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getIsNullExpression('e.security_identity_id')}\n                )\n            LEFT JOIN {$this->options['oid_table_name']} o\n                ON (o.id = e.object_identity_id)\n            LEFT JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} c\n                ON (c.id = o.class_id)";
     if (is_array($identifier)) {
         $connection = $this->connection;
         $identifiers = array_map(function ($elem) use($connection) {
             return $connection->quote($elem);
         }, $identifier);
         $sql .= 'WHERE s.identifier IN (' . implode(', ', $identifiers) . ')';
     } else {
         $sql .= ' WHERE s.identifier = ' . $this->connection->quote($identifier);
     $sql .= ' AND e.mask >= ' . $mask;
     if ($type) {
         $sql .= ' AND c.class_type = ' . $this->connection->quote($type);
     return $sql;
  * Find a row by fields value
  * @param array $fields
  * @param int   $limit  Limit results, 1 by default
  * @return array
 public function findByFields($fields, $limit = 1)
     $where = " WHERE ";
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!empty($field['name']) && isset($field['value'])) {
             $operator = empty($field['operator']) ? '=' : $field['name'];
             $where .= $field['name'] . $operator . $this->db->quote($field['value']) . ' AND ';
     if (substr($where, strlen($where) - 5, 5) == ' AND ') {
         $where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where) - 4);
     if (is_int($limit) && $limit >= 1) {
         $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
     } else {
         $limit = '';
     return $this->db->fetchAssoc(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s' . ($where !== " WHERE " ? $where : '') . $limit, $this->getTableName()));
Пример #22
    protected function getAncestorLookupSql(array $batch)
        $sql = <<<SELECTCLAUSE
            SELECT a.ancestor_id
                {$this->options['oid_table_name']} o
            INNER JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} c ON c.id = o.class_id
            INNER JOIN {$this->options['oid_ancestors_table_name']} a ON a.object_identity_id = o.id
               WHERE (
        $types = array();
        $count = count($batch);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            if (!isset($types[$batch[$i]->getType()])) {
                $types[$batch[$i]->getType()] = true;
                // if there is more than one type we can safely break out of the
                // loop, because it is the differentiator factor on whether to
                // query for only one or more class types
                if (count($types) > 1) {
        if (1 === count($types)) {
            $ids = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $identifier = (string) $batch[$i]->getIdentifier();
                $ids[] = $this->connection->quote($identifier);
            $sql .= sprintf('(o.object_identifier IN (%s) AND c.class_type = %s)', implode(',', $ids), $this->connection->quote($batch[0]->getType()));
        } else {
            $where = '(o.object_identifier = %s AND c.class_type = %s)';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $sql .= sprintf($where, $this->connection->quote($batch[$i]->getIdentifier()), $this->connection->quote($batch[$i]->getType()));
                if ($i + 1 < $count) {
                    $sql .= ' OR ';
        $sql .= ')';
        return $sql;
  * @param QOM\OperandInterface $operand
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidQueryException
 public function walkOperand(QOM\OperandInterface $operand)
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\NodeNameInterface) {
         $selectorName = $operand->getSelectorName();
         $alias = $this->getTableAlias($selectorName);
         return $this->platform->getConcatExpression("{$alias}.namespace", "(CASE {$alias}.namespace WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE ':' END)", "{$alias}.local_name");
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\NodeLocalNameInterface) {
         $selectorName = $operand->getSelectorName();
         $alias = $this->getTableAlias($selectorName);
         return "{$alias}.local_name";
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\LowerCaseInterface) {
         return $this->platform->getLowerExpression($this->walkOperand($operand->getOperand()));
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\UpperCaseInterface) {
         return $this->platform->getUpperExpression($this->walkOperand($operand->getOperand()));
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\LiteralInterface) {
         return $this->conn->quote($this->getLiteralValue($operand));
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\PropertyValueInterface) {
         $alias = $this->getTableAlias($operand->getSelectorName() . '.' . $operand->getPropertyName());
         $property = $operand->getPropertyName();
         if ($property == "jcr:path") {
             return $alias . ".path";
         if ($property == "jcr:uuid") {
             return $alias . ".identifier";
         return $this->sqlXpathExtractValue($alias, $property);
     if ($operand instanceof QOM\LengthInterface) {
         $alias = $this->getTableAlias($operand->getPropertyValue()->getSelectorName());
         $property = $operand->getPropertyValue()->getPropertyName();
         return $this->sqlXpathExtractValueAttribute($alias, $property, 'length');
     throw new InvalidQueryException("Dynamic operand " . get_class($operand) . " not yet supported.");
Пример #24
  * Escape the values and serialize objects and arrays
  * @param array $arrValues The values array
  * @return array The array with the escaped values
 protected function escapeParams($arrValues)
     foreach ($arrValues as $k => $v) {
         switch (gettype($v)) {
             case 'string':
                 $arrValues[$k] = $this->resConnection->quote($v);
             case 'boolean':
                 $arrValues[$k] = $v === true ? 1 : 0;
             case 'object':
                 $arrValues[$k] = $this->resConnection->quote(serialize($v));
             case 'array':
                 $arrValues[$k] = $this->resConnection->quote(serialize($v));
                 $arrValues[$k] = $v === null ? 'NULL' : $v;
     return $arrValues;
Пример #25
 public function pumpToDb(Connection $db, Parser $parser)
     $tableName = strtolower(trim($parser->getHeader('tbl')));
     $attrDefs = $parser->getAttributeDefs();
     $recordsPumped = 0;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . strtolower($tableName) . " (\n";
     $isFirst = true;
     foreach ($attrDefs as $attrName => $attrDef) {
         if ($isFirst) {
             $isFirst = false;
         } else {
             $sql .= ",\n";
         $sql .= "    " . strtolower(trim($attrName));
     $sql .= "\n) VALUES (\n%s\n);\n";
     foreach ($parser as $record) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($attrDefs as $attrName => $attrDef) {
             if (trim($record[$attrName]) === '') {
                 $values[] = 'NULL';
             } else {
                 if ($attrDef['type'] == 'char') {
                     $values[] = $db->quote(iconv($this->sourceCharset, $this->targetCharset, trim($record[$attrName])));
                 } else {
                     $values[] = trim($record[$attrName]);
         $valuesStr = "    " . implode(",\n    ", $values);
         $insertSql = sprintf($sql, $valuesStr);
         // echo $insertSql;
     return $recordsPumped;
Пример #26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function walkStringPrimary($stringPrimary)
     return is_string($stringPrimary) ? $this->conn->quote($stringPrimary) : $stringPrimary->dispatch($this);
Пример #27
  * Return the next autoincrement ID of a table
  * @param string $strTable The table name
  * @return integer The autoincrement ID
 public function getNextId($strTable)
     $statement = $this->resConnection->executeQuery('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ' . $this->resConnection->quote($strTable));
     $status = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $status['Auto_increment'];
Пример #28
  * Convenience access to PDO::quote.
  * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $parameter The parameter to quote.
  * @param int $parameter_type A PDO PARAM_XX constant.
  * @return string The quoted string.
 public function quote($parameter, $parameter_type = PDO::PARAM_STR)
     return $this->connection->quote($parameter, $parameter_type);
Пример #29
  * Rebuilds the search index for the shopware default search query builder.
 public function build()
     @ini_set("memory_limit", "512M");
     // Truncate search index table
     $this->connection->executeUpdate('TRUNCATE TABLE `s_search_index`');
     // Get a list of all tables and columns in this tables that should be processed by search
      * Example return:
      * tableID | table      | where  | referenz_table        | fieldIDs | fields                    | foreign_key
      * 1       | s_articles | NULL   | NULL                  | 3,4      | name, keywords            | NULL
      * 2       | s_categories | NULL | s_articles_categories | 1,2      | metakeywords, description | categoryID
     $tables = $this->getSearchTables();
     if (!empty($tables)) {
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             // Set primary key
             $table['elementID'] = empty($table['foreign_key']) && $table['table'] != 's_articles' ? 'articleID' : 'id';
             // Build sql query to fetch values from this table
             $sql = 'SELECT ' . $table['elementID'] . ' as id, ' . $table['fields'] . ' FROM ' . $table['table'];
             // If any where condition is set, add to query
             if (!empty($table['where'])) {
                 $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $table['where'];
             // Get all fields & values from current table
             $getTableKeywords = $this->connection->fetchAll($sql);
             // If no result, return
             if (empty($getTableKeywords)) {
             // Build array from columns fieldIDs and fields
             $fields = array_combine(explode(', ', $table["fieldIDs"]), explode(', ', $table["fields"]));
             $keywords = [];
             $sqlIndex = [];
             // Go through every row of result
             foreach ($getTableKeywords as $currentRow => $row) {
                 // Go through every column of result
                 foreach ($fields as $fieldID => $field) {
                     // Split string from column into keywords
                     $field_keywords = $this->termHelper->splitTerm($row[$field]);
                     if (empty($field_keywords)) {
                     foreach ($field_keywords as &$keyword) {
                         $keyword = $this->connection->quote($keyword);
                         $keywords[] = $keyword;
                     // SQL-queries to fill s_search_index
                     $sqlIndex[] = 'SELECT sk.id as keywordID, ' . $row['id'] . ' as elementID, ' . $fieldID . ' as fieldID ' . 'FROM s_search_keywords sk ' . 'WHERE sk.keyword IN (' . implode(', ', $field_keywords) . ')';
                 // If no new keywords were found, proceed with next table
                 if (empty($keywords)) {
                 // If last row or more then 5000 keywords fetched, write results to index
                 if ($currentRow == count($getTableKeywords) - 1 || count($keywords) > 5000) {
                     $keywords = array_unique($keywords);
                     // Remove duplicates
                     $sql_keywords = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `s_search_keywords` (`keyword`) VALUES';
                     $sql_keywords .= ' (' . implode('), (', $keywords) . ')';
                     // Insert Keywords
                     $keywords = [];
                     // Update index
                     $sqlIndex = implode("\n\nUNION ALL\n\n", $sqlIndex);
                     $sqlIndex = "INSERT IGNORE INTO s_search_index (keywordID, elementID, fieldID)\n\n" . $sqlIndex;
                     $sqlIndex = [];
  * Splits Federation at a given distribution value.
  * @param mixed $splitDistributionValue
  * @return void
 public function splitFederation($splitDistributionValue)
     $type = Type::getType($this->distributionType);
     $sql = "ALTER FEDERATION " . $this->getFederationName() . " " . "SPLIT AT (" . $this->getDistributionKey() . " = " . $this->conn->quote($splitDistributionValue, $type->getBindingType()) . ")";