Пример #1
function JB_build_post_count($cat = 0)
    $sql = "SELECT category_id FROM categories WHERE form_id=1 ";
    $result = JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . $sql);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        # cat_sql grabs all the CATEGORY field_ids for the form_fields, and puts it in to a query
        # to look for $row['category_id'] in the category field_ids of the table
        $cat_sql = JB_search_category_tree_for_posts($row['category_id']);
        if (trim($cat_sql) == 'AND 1=2') {
            return 0;
            // there are no category fields to count
        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM posts_table  WHERE approved='Y' and expired='N' {$cat_sql} ";
        $result2 = JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . $sql);
        $count = array_pop(mysql_fetch_row($result2));
        $sql = "UPDATE categories SET obj_count='{$count}' WHERE category_id='" . jb_escape_sql($row['category_id']) . "' AND form_id='1' ";
        JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . $sql);
        if ($count > $max_count) {
            $max_count = $count;
    return $max_count;
Пример #2
function JB_list_jobs($list_mode)
    if (func_num_args() > 1) {
        // what kind of posts to show
        $show = func_get_arg(1);
    global $label;
    global $post_count;
    $post_count = null;
    // reset post count.
    # Build the apporved SQL part
    $approved_sql = " approved='Y' ";
    if ($show == "WA") {
        // waiting
        $approved_sql = " approved='N' ";
        $where_sql .= " AND `reason` ='' ";
    } elseif ($show == "NA") {
        // not approved
        $approved_sql = " approved ='N' ";
        $where_sql .= " AND `reason` !='' ";
    } elseif ($show == "EX") {
        // expired
        $approved_sql = ' 1=1 ';
    } elseif ($show == "EMP") {
        // expired
        $approved_sql = ' 1=1 ';
    # Build the ORDER BY part
    $order = jb_alpha_numeric($_REQUEST['order_by']);
    if ($_REQUEST['ord'] == 'asc') {
        $ord = 'ASC';
    } elseif ($_REQUEST['ord'] == 'desc') {
        $ord = 'DESC';
    } else {
        $ord = 'DESC';
        // sort descending by default
    if ($order == '' || !JB_is_field_valid($order, 1)) {
        // by default, order by the post_date, if the field is invalid
        $order = " `post_date` ";
    } elseif ($order == 'summary') {
        // order by title instead
        $order = JB_get_template_field_id('TITLE', 1);
    } else {
        $order = " `" . jb_escape_sql($order) . "` ";
    # Search Posts
    $where_sql .= JB_generate_search_sql(1);
    # PREMIUM list mode
    # To list only premium jobs, call like this: JB_list_jobs('PREMIUM')
    if (!defined('JB_SHOW_PREMIUM_LIST')) {
        // new setting since 3.4.13, may not be in config.php
    # Set $premium_sql
    # This determines whether to:
    # - include only premium posts to the list
    # - include only standard posts to the list
    # - do not show the premium list at all, return the call
    if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM') {
        if (JB_SHOW_PREMIUM_LIST != 'YES') {
            // PREMIUM list is turned off in Admin->Main Config
            // do not show the premium list at all, return the call
        // - include only premium posts to the list
        $premium_sql = "AND ( " . "post_mode " . "= 'premium'" . ") ";
        $post_count = JB_get_post_count('PAP');
        // PAP - Approved premium posts, not expired
    } elseif (JB_DONT_REPEAT_PREMIUM == 'YES') {
        // Premium posts are listed on top in a seperate list
        // This ensures that when listing the standard posts, the premium
        // posts are not repeated.
        // If listing jobs on the front page, no search executed and the page is index.php
        global $JB_HOME_PAGE, $JOB_LIST_PAGE;
        if ($JB_HOME_PAGE | $JOB_LIST_PAGE && $list_mode == 'ALL' && JB_SHOW_PREMIUM_LIST == 'YES') {
            // - include only standard posts to the list
            $premium_sql .= "AND ( " . "post_mode " . "!= 'premium'" . ") ";
            $post_count = JB_get_post_count('SAP');
            // Approved, not premium, not expired
    # Show posts by employer?
    $_REQUEST['show_emp'] = (int) $_REQUEST['show_emp'];
    if ($_REQUEST['show_emp'] > 0) {
        // is user_id > 0 ?
        $show_emp_sql = " AND user_id='" . jb_escape_sql($_REQUEST['show_emp']) . "' ";
    # Get todays date (in GMT)
    $now = gmdate("Y-m-d");
    # build the LIMIT part
    $offset = (int) $_REQUEST['offset'];
    if ($offset < 0) {
        $offset = abs($offset);
    $limit_sql = " LIMIT {$offset}, ";
    if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM') {
        if (JB_PREMIUM_POSTS_LIMIT == 'YES') {
            $limit_sql .= JB_PREMIUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
        } else {
            // there's no limit
            $limit_sql = '';
    } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') {
        $limit_sql .= JB_MANAGER_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
    } else {
        $limit_sql .= JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
    # Include a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option to count the number of posts returned
    # See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html#function_found-rows
    if ($where_sql != '' || $show_emp_sql != '' || $post_count === null) {
        // If its not a search, or by listing employer, and the post count
        // is unknown, we need to tell MySQL to count the posts returned without
        // the LIMIT clause
        $calc_found_rows_sql = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
    # Glue the SQL query, basted on $list_mode
    if ($list_mode == 'SAVED') {
        $calc_found_rows_sql = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        $sql = "SELECT {$calc_found_rows_sql} *, posts_table.user_id as user_id FROM `posts_table`, `saved_jobs` WHERE saved_jobs.user_id='" . jb_escape_sql($_SESSION['JB_ID']) . "' AND (saved_jobs.post_id=posts_table.post_id) AND  expired='N' ORDER BY {$order} {$ord} {$limit_sql}";
    } elseif ($list_mode == 'BY_CATEGORY' || $list_mode == "BY_CATEGORY_ADMIN") {
        $calc_found_rows_sql = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        $cat = JB_search_category_tree_for_posts();
        $sql = "SELECT {$calc_found_rows_sql} * FROM posts_table where {$approved_sql}  {$where_sql} {$show_emp_sql} AND  expired='N' {$cat} ORDER BY ({$order}) {$ord} {$limit_sql}";
    } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') {
        // employer's post manager.
        $calc_found_rows_sql = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        if ($show == "OFFLINE") {
            $date_range_sql = '';
            // include posts that are expired.
            $date_range_sql = "AND  expired='Y'  ";
            $approved_sql = " OR  (approved='N' AND  user_id='" . jb_escape_sql($_SESSION['JB_ID']) . "')  ";
        } else {
            // show current posts
            $date_range_sql = "AND  expired='N' ";
            $approved_sql = " AND  approved='Y' ";
        $sql = "SELECT {$calc_found_rows_sql} * FROM posts_table where (1=1 {$where_sql}  {$date_range_sql} AND user_id='" . jb_escape_sql($_SESSION['JB_ID']) . "') {$approved_sql} ORDER BY ({$order}) {$ord} {$limit_sql}";
    } else {
        if ($show == 'EX') {
            // show expired?
            $expired_sql = " AND expired='Y' ";
        } else {
            $expired_sql = " AND expired='N' ";
        $sql = "SELECT {$calc_found_rows_sql} * FROM posts_table where {$approved_sql} {$expired_sql} {$premium_sql} {$where_sql} {$show_emp_sql}  ORDER BY ({$order}) {$ord}  {$limit_sql}  ";
    //echo '<hr>sql:'.$sql." where_sql:[$where_sql] show_emp:[$show_emp_sql] cat:[$cat] calc_found_rows_sql:[$calc_found_rows_sql] (LM: $list_mode)<br>";
    // some debugging & performance test
    //$result = JB_mysql_query("EXPLAIN ".$sql) or die ("[$sql]".mysql_error());
    //$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    //echo "<pre>";print_r($row);echo "</pre>";
    //echo "<br>".$sql."<br>";
    # Execute the SQL query
    if (!JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_custom_query', $result, $sql)) {
        // A plugin can modify the result with a custom query
        $result = JB_mysql_query($sql);
    # Get the post_count
    # If $calc_found_rows_sql was not used, then we assume that the post
    # was is cashed in the database.
    if ($calc_found_rows_sql == '') {
        // MySQL did not count the number of posts
        // that were returned, then get the cached number.
        if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM') {
            $post_count = JB_get_post_count('PAP');
            // premium approved
        } elseif ($post_count == '') {
            if ($show == 'NA') {
                // not approved (admin)
                $post_count = JB_get_post_count('NA');
                // get non approved posts count, admin list
            } elseif ($show == 'ALL') {
                $post_count = JB_get_post_count('AP');
                // AP - Approved (expired='N' AND approved='Y'), admin list
            } elseif ($show == "WA") {
                // waiting count, admin list
                $post_count = JB_get_post_count('WA');
            } elseif ($show == "EX") {
                // expired count, admin list
                $post_count = JB_get_post_count('EX');
            } else {
                // get all the count of all apporved and not expired
                $post_count = JB_get_post_count('AP');
                // AP - Approved (expired='N' AND approved='Y')
    } else {
        # Ask MySQL to get the number of rows from the last query
        # Even though the last query had a LIMIT clause
        $row = mysql_fetch_row(jb_mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"));
        $post_count = $row[0];
    JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_set_count', $post_count, $list_mode);
    // A plugin can modify the post count
    # Print how many jobs returned
    $PLM =& JB_get_PostListMarkupObject();
    // load the ListMarkup Class
    if ($post_count == 0) {
        if ($list_mode == "PREMIUM") {
            //echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
        } elseif ($list_mode == "SAVED") {
            //echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
        } elseif ($list_mode == "BY_CATEGORY") {
            //echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
        } elseif ($list_mode == "EMPLOYER") {
        } else {
    } else {
        if ($list_mode == "PREMIUM") {
        } elseif ($list_mode == "ALL") {
            $label['post_list_count'] = str_replace("%COUNT%", $post_count, $label['post_list_count']);
            $label['post_list_count'] = str_replace("%POSTS_DISPLAY_DAYS%", JB_POSTS_DISPLAY_DAYS, $label['post_list_count']);
        } elseif ($list_mode == "BY_CATEGORY") {
            $label['post_list_cat_count'] = str_replace("%COUNT%", $post_count, $label['post_list_cat_count']);
            $label['post_list_cat_count'] = str_replace("%POSTS_DISPLAY_DAYS%", JB_POSTS_DISPLAY_DAYS, $label['post_list_cat_count']);
        JB_display_post_list($result, $list_mode, $show);
    // end else if mysql num rows > 0
    return $post_count;
Пример #3
    $out_to_file = false;
} else {
    $cat_id = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['emp'])) {
    $emp_id = (int) $_REQUEST['emp'];
    require_once 'include/profiles.inc.php';
    $title_append = ' - ' . JB_get_employer_name($emp_id);
    $out_to_file = false;
} else {
    $emp_id = null;
$output = "<" . $q . "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" " . $q . ">\n" . "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n" . "<channel>\n" . "<title>" . JB_rss_xmlentities(strip_tags(JB_SITE_HEADING) . $title_append) . "</title>\n" . "<link>" . JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . "</link>\n" . "<description>" . JB_rss_xmlentities(strip_tags(JB_SITE_DESCRIPTION)) . "</description>\n" . "<language>en</language>\n" . "<pubDate>" . $date . "</pubDate>\n" . "<lastBuildDate>" . $date . "</lastBuildDate>\n" . "<docs>http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss</docs>\n" . "<generator>HiTeacher custom in-house RSS generator</generator>\n" . "<managingEditor>" . JB_SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL . "</managingEditor>\n" . "<webMaster>" . JB_SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL . "</webMaster>\n" . "<image>\n" . "<link>" . JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . "</link>\n" . "<title>" . JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . "</title>\n" . "<url>" . JB_RSS_FEED_LOGO . "</url>\n" . "<width>" . $img_size[0] . "</width>" . "<height>" . $img_size[1] . "</height>" . "</image>\n";
$now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if ($cat_id) {
    $extra_sql = JB_search_category_tree_for_posts($cat_id);
if ($emp_id) {
    $extra_sql = "AND user_id=" . jb_escape_sql($emp_id) . " ";
if (!defined('JB_POSTS_PER_RSS')) {
if (!is_numeric($JB_POSTS_PER_RSS) || $JB_POSTS_PER_RSS == 0) {
    $JB_POSTS_PER_RSS = '15';
// removed from WHERE: DATE_SUB('".$now."',INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= `post_date` AND
$sql = "select *, `post_date` AS DAY,  DATE_FORMAT(`post_date`, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%i:%s {$gmt_diff}') AS formatted_date from posts_table WHERE  `approved`='Y' AND expired='N' " . jb_escape_sql($extra_sql) . " ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT " . $JB_POSTS_PER_RSS;
$PostingForm =& JB_get_DynamicFormObject(1);
$result = JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());