executeUpdate() публичный Метод

This method supports PDO binding types as well as DBAL mapping types.
public executeUpdate ( string $query, array $params = [], array $types = [] ) : integer
$query string The SQL query.
$params array The query parameters.
$types array The parameter types.
Результат integer The number of affected rows.
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function createNewToken(PersistentTokenInterface $token)
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO rememberme_token' . ' (class, username, series, value, lastUsed)' . ' VALUES (:class, :username, :series, :value, :lastUsed)';
     $paramValues = array('class' => $token->getClass(), 'username' => $token->getUsername(), 'series' => $token->getSeries(), 'value' => $token->getTokenValue(), 'lastUsed' => $token->getLastUsed());
     $paramTypes = array('class' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'username' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'series' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'value' => \PDO::PARAM_STR, 'lastUsed' => DoctrineType::DATETIME);
     $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, $paramValues, $paramTypes);
    public function setUp()
        $this->eventNameResolver = Mockery::mock('SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Event\\NameResolver\\ResolvesEventNames');
        $this->serializer = Mockery::mock('SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Serializer\\SerializesData');
        $this->serializer->shouldReceive('serialize')->with(Mockery::type('SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Event\\DomainEvent'))->andReturn('{"foo": "bar"}');
        $this->serializer->shouldReceive('serialize')->with(Mockery::type('SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Metadata\\Metadata'))->andReturn('{"bar": "foo"}');
        $this->serializer->shouldReceive('deserialize')->with('{"foo": "bar"}', Mockery::type('string'))->andReturn(Mockery::mock('SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Event\\DomainEvent'));
        $this->serializer->shouldReceive('deserialize')->with('{"bar": "foo"}', 'SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Metadata\\Metadata')->andReturn(new Metadata([]));
        $this->connection = DriverManager::getConnection(['driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'memory' => true], new Configuration());
        $sql = <<<EOQ
CREATE TABLE event_store (
    event_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    event_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    event_payload CLOB NOT NULL,
    aggregate_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    aggregate_version INTEGER NOT NULL,
    took_place_at CHAR(31) NOT NULL,
    metadata CLOB NOT NULL,
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lookup_idx ON event_store (aggregate_id, aggregate_version);
        $this->eventStore = new DBALEventStore($this->eventNameResolver, $this->serializer, $this->connection, 'event_store');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute(LoggerInterface $logger)
     foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
Пример #4
 public function executeUpgrade(Connection $connection)
     // update action class names
     $actions = ['Fusio\\Action\\BeanstalkPush' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MqBeanstalk', 'Fusio\\Action\\CacheResponse' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\CacheResponse', 'Fusio\\Action\\Composite' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Composite', 'Fusio\\Action\\Condition' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\Condition', 'Fusio\\Action\\HttpRequest' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\HttpRequest', 'Fusio\\Action\\Pipe' => 'Fusio\\Action\\Pipe', 'Fusio\\Action\\RabbitMqPush' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\MqAmqp', 'Fusio\\Action\\SqlExecute' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlExecute', 'Fusio\\Action\\SqlFetchAll' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlFetchAll', 'Fusio\\Action\\SqlFetchRow' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\SqlFetchRow', 'Fusio\\Action\\StaticResponse' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Action\\StaticResponse'];
     foreach ($actions as $oldClass => $newClass) {
         $connection->executeUpdate('UPDATE fusio_action SET class = :new_class WHERE class = :old_class', ['new_class' => $newClass, 'old_class' => $oldClass]);
     // update connection class names
     $actions = ['Fusio\\Connection\\Beanstalk' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\Beanstalk', 'Fusio\\Connection\\DBAL' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\DBAL', 'Fusio\\Connection\\DBALAdvanced' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\DBALAdvanced', 'Fusio\\Connection\\MongoDB' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\MongoDB', 'Fusio\\Connection\\Native' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\Native', 'Fusio\\Connection\\RabbitMQ' => 'Fusio\\Impl\\Connection\\RabbitMQ'];
     foreach ($actions as $oldClass => $newClass) {
         $connection->executeUpdate('UPDATE fusio_connection SET class = :new_class WHERE class = :old_class', ['new_class' => $newClass, 'old_class' => $oldClass]);
     // update routes class names
     $routes = $connection->fetchAll('SELECT id, controller FROM fusio_routes');
     foreach ($routes as $route) {
         if (substr($route['controller'], 0, 6) == 'Fusio\\' && substr($route['controller'], 0, 11) != 'Fusio\\Impl\\') {
             $newController = 'Fusio\\Impl\\' . substr($route['controller'], 6);
             $connection->executeUpdate('UPDATE fusio_routes SET controller = :controller WHERE id = :id', ['controller' => $newController, 'id' => $route['id']]);
     // insert new classes table
     $data = $this->getInstallInserts();
     if (isset($data['fusio_connection_class'])) {
         foreach ($data['fusio_connection_class'] as $row) {
             $connection->insert('fusio_connection_class', $row);
     if (isset($data['fusio_action_class'])) {
         foreach ($data['fusio_action_class'] as $row) {
             $connection->insert('fusio_action_class', $row);
Пример #5
 protected function truncateTable($tableName)
     if (!in_array($tableName, $this->truncatedTables)) {
         $query = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getTruncateTableSql($tableName, true);
         $this->truncatedTables[] = $tableName;
Пример #6
  * Tests whether autoincrement works
  * @return boolean true if autoincrement works, false otherwise
 protected function checkAutoincrement()
     $this->connection->executeUpdate('INSERT INTO ' . $this->tableName . ' ("text") VALUES ("test")');
     $insertId = $this->connection->lastInsertId();
     $this->connection->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE "someid" = ?', array($insertId));
     // insert again
     $this->connection->executeUpdate('INSERT INTO ' . $this->tableName . ' ("text") VALUES ("test2")');
     $newInsertId = $this->connection->lastInsertId();
     return $insertId !== $newInsertId;
Пример #7
 public function rebuild()
     $data = $this->build();
     $n = 0;
     $this->generate($data, 0, 0, $n);
     foreach ($data as $id => $row) {
         if ($id == 0) {
         $this->connection->executeUpdate(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET nlevel = %d, nleft = %d, nright = %d where %s = %d', $this->table, $row->nlevel, $row->nleft, $row->nright, $this->fields['id'], $id));
Пример #8
  * Perform UPDATE statement for an entity. This function has support for
  * optimistic locking if the entities ClassMetadata has versioning enabled.
  * @param object $entity        The entity object being updated
  * @param string $tableName     The name of the table being updated
  * @param array $data           The array of data to set
  * @param array $where          The condition used to update
  * @return void
 protected function _doUpdate($entity, $tableName, $data, $where)
     // Note: $tableName and column names in $data are already quoted for SQL.
     $set = array();
     foreach ($data as $columnName => $value) {
         $set[] = $columnName . ' = ?';
     if ($isVersioned = $this->_class->isVersioned) {
         $versionField = $this->_class->versionField;
         $versionFieldType = $this->_class->getTypeOfField($versionField);
         $where[$versionField] = Type::getType($versionFieldType)->convertToDatabaseValue($this->_class->reflFields[$versionField]->getValue($entity), $this->_platform);
         $versionFieldColumnName = $this->_class->getQuotedColumnName($versionField, $this->_platform);
         if ($versionFieldType == 'integer') {
             $set[] = $versionFieldColumnName . ' = ' . $versionFieldColumnName . ' + 1';
         } else {
             if ($versionFieldType == 'datetime') {
                 $set[] = $versionFieldColumnName . ' = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
     $params = array_merge(array_values($data), array_values($where));
     $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' = ? AND ', array_keys($where)) . ' = ?';
     $result = $this->_conn->executeUpdate($sql, $params);
     if ($isVersioned && !$result) {
         throw \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException::lockFailed();
Пример #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function gc($lifetime)
     $now = time();
     $inactive = $now - (int) (System::getVar('secinactivemins') * 60);
     $daysold = $now - (int) (System::getVar('secmeddays') * 86400);
     $inactive = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $inactive);
     $daysold = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $daysold);
     switch (System::getVar('seclevel')) {
         case 'Low':
             // Low security - delete session info if user decided not to
             //                remember themself and inactivity timeout
             $where = "WHERE remember = 0\n                          AND lastused < '{$inactive}'";
         case 'Medium':
             // Medium security - delete session info if session cookie has
             // expired or user decided not to remember themself and inactivity timeout
             // OR max number of days have elapsed without logging back in
             $where = "WHERE (remember = 0\n                          AND lastused < '{$inactive}')\n                          OR (lastused < '{$daysold}')\n                          OR (uid = 0 AND lastused < '{$inactive}')";
         case 'High':
             // High security - delete session info if user is inactive
             $where = "WHERE lastused < '{$inactive}'";
     try {
         $res = $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM session_info ' . $where);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // silently fail
         $res = false;
     return (bool) $res;
  * @param ClassMetadata $class
  * @param array $entityData
  * @param string $revType
 private function saveRevisionEntityData($class, $entityData, $revType)
     $params = array($this->getRevisionId(), $revType);
     $types = array(\PDO::PARAM_INT, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($class->associationMappings as $field => $assoc) {
         if (($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) > 0 && $assoc['isOwningSide']) {
             $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']);
             if ($entityData[$field] !== null) {
                 $relatedId = $this->uow->getEntityIdentifier($entityData[$field]);
             $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']);
             foreach ($assoc['sourceToTargetKeyColumns'] as $sourceColumn => $targetColumn) {
                 $fields[$sourceColumn] = true;
                 if ($entityData[$field] === null) {
                     $params[] = null;
                     $types[] = \PDO::PARAM_STR;
                 } else {
                     $params[] = $relatedId[$targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn]];
                     $types[] = $targetClass->getTypeOfColumn($targetColumn);
     foreach ($class->fieldNames as $field) {
         if (array_key_exists($field, $fields)) {
         $params[] = $entityData[$field];
         $types[] = $class->fieldMappings[$field]['type'];
     $this->conn->executeUpdate($this->getInsertRevisionSQL($class), $params, $types);
Пример #11
  * Execute a query.
  * If a query is one of DESCRIBE, SELECT, or SHOW
  * then use  <code>Connection::executeQuery</code>
  * otherwise pass it off to <code>Connection::executeUpdate</code>
  * @param  string $sql       sql query string
  * @param  int    $limit     limit the number of results
  * @param  bool   $useCache  cache the query
  * @param  int    $cacheTime how long to cache the query for (in seconds)
  * @return object QueryFactoryResult
 public function Execute($sql, $limit = null, $useCache = false, $cacheTime = 0)
     $sql = trim($sql);
     $commandType = strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 3));
     if (!in_array($commandType, array('des', 'sel', 'sho'))) {
         return $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql);
     if ($limit) {
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . (int) $limit;
     $qcp = null;
     $resultClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\QueryFactoryResult';
     if ($this->hasResultCache) {
         $qcp = new QueryCacheProfile($cacheTime, self::CACHE_KEY);
         $resultClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\CachedQueryFactoryResult';
     if ($useCache && $this->hasResultCache) {
         // @todo ArrayCache shouldn't count as a real cache for $useCache
         $stmt = $this->conn->executeCacheQuery($sql, array(), array(), $qcp);
     } else {
         $stmt = $this->conn->executeQuery($sql, array(), array(), $qcp);
     $obj = new $resultClass($stmt);
     return $obj;
Пример #12
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function reorderChildren(Node $node)

        $values[':absPath'] = $node->getPath();
        $sql = "UPDATE phpcr_nodes SET sort_order = CASE CONCAT(
          (CASE namespace WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE ':' END),

        $i = 0;

        foreach ($node->getNodeNames() as $name) {
            $values[':name' . $i] = $name;
            $values[':order' . $i] = $i; // use our counter to avoid gaps
            $sql .= " WHEN :name" . $i . " THEN :order" . $i;

        $sql .= " ELSE sort_order END WHERE parent = :absPath";

        try {
            $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, $values);
        } catch (DBALException $e) {
            throw new RepositoryException('Unexpected exception while reordering nodes', $e->getCode(), $e);

        return true;
Пример #13
  * Execute changes
 public function executeChanges()
     $platform = $this->sm->getDatabasePlatform();
     $sql = [];
     if (count($this->changedIndexes)) {
         foreach ($this->changedIndexes as $index) {
             $sql[] = $platform->getDropIndexSQL($index);
             $sql[] = $platform->getCreateIndexSQL($index, $this->table);
     if (count($this->dropIndexes)) {
         foreach ($this->dropIndexes as $index) {
             $sql[] = $platform->getDropIndexSQL($index);
     if (count($this->addedIndexes)) {
         foreach ($this->addedIndexes as $index) {
             $sql[] = $platform->getCreateIndexSQL($index, $this->table);
     if (count($sql)) {
         foreach ($sql as $query) {
         $this->changedIndexes = [];
         $this->dropIndexes = [];
         $this->addedIndexes = [];
Пример #14
  * Update Website SQL entry according to the BackBee installation.
  * @param     array    Website configuration, must contains 'domain' and 'label' keys
  * @return    array|InvalidArgumentException  Returns domain and label set up in database or an Exception
 public function updateWebsite($configuration)
     if (!is_array($configuration) || !isset($configuration['domain']) || !isset($configuration['label'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('array expected with domain and label keyes');
     $domain = $configuration['domain'];
     $label = $configuration['label'];
     try {
         $stmt = $this->connection->executeUpdate('UPDATE site SET server_name = ? , label = ?', array($domain, $label));
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode(), $e);
     return $configuration;
Пример #15
 protected function tearDownCommonEntities()
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM GeometryEntity');
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM PointEntity');
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM LineStringEntity');
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM PolygonEntity');
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM GeographyEntity');
  * Executes this query using the bound parameters and their types.
  * Uses {@see Connection::executeQuery} for select statements and {@see Connection::executeUpdate}
  * for insert, update and delete statements.
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement|int
 public function execute()
     if ($this->type == self::SELECT) {
         return $this->connection->executeQuery($this->getSQL(), $this->params, $this->paramTypes);
     } else {
         return $this->connection->executeUpdate($this->getSQL(), $this->params, $this->paramTypes);
Пример #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function insertRows(PersistentCollection $coll)
     $diff = $coll->getInsertDiff();
     $sql = $this->getInsertRowSQL($coll);
     foreach ($diff as $element) {
         $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, $this->getInsertRowSQLParameters($coll, $element));
Пример #18
  * Delete a User from the database.
  * @param User $user
 public function delete(User $user)
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::BEFORE_DELETE, new UserEvent($user));
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->userTableName) . ' WHERE ' . $this->getUserColumns('id') . ' = ?', array($user->getId()));
     $this->conn->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->userCustomFieldsTableName) . ' WHERE ' . $this->getUserColumns('user_id') . ' = ?', array($user->getId()));
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvents::AFTER_DELETE, new UserEvent($user));
  * Explicitly mark one of your shop products as exported to bepado.
  * You probably don't want to export your whole product catalogue to bepado.
  * That is why you should introduce an explicit way to mark products as exported
  * to bepado. It is **very** important that you disallow exporting already
  * imported bepado products.
 public function exportShopProductToBepado($productId)
     // You have to prevent that a bepado product is exported as your own product to bepado again.
     if ($this->isBepadoProduct($productId)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("You have to prevent that a bepado product is exported as your own product to bepado again.");
     $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO shop_bepado_exported (p_id) VALUES (?)";
     $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, array($productId));
Пример #20
  * Executes an SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query with the given parameters
  * and returns the number of affected rows.
  * This method supports PDO binding types as well as DBAL mapping types.
  * @param string $query  The SQL query
  * @param array  $params The query parameters OPTIONAL
  * @param array  $types  The parameter types OPTIONAL
  * @return integer The number of affected rows
  * @throws \XLite\Core\PDOException
 public function executeUpdate($query, array $params = array(), array $types = array())
     try {
         $result = parent::executeUpdate($query, $params, $types);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         throw new \XLite\Core\PDOException($e, $query, $params);
     return $result;
Пример #21
  * Executes this INSERT query using the bound parameters and their types.
  * @return int The number of affected rows.
  * @throws \LogicException if this query contains more rows than acceptable
  *                         for a single INSERT statement by the underlying platform.
 public function execute() : int
     $platform = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform();
     $insertMaxRows = $this->getInsertMaxRows();
     if ($insertMaxRows > 0 && count($this->values) > $insertMaxRows) {
         throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You can only insert %d rows in a single INSERT statement with platform "%s".', $insertMaxRows, $platform->getName()));
     return $this->connection->executeUpdate($this->getSQL(), $this->parameters, $this->types);
Пример #22
  * @param ClassMetadata $class
  * @param array         $entityData
  * @param string        $revType
  * @param boolean       $draft
 private function saveRevisionEntityData($class, $entityData, $revType)
     $version = $this->getRevisionId();
     $params = array($version ? $version : 1, $revType);
     $types = array(Type::INTEGER, Type::STRING);
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($class->associationMappings as $field => $assoc) {
         if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && $class->isInheritedAssociation($field)) {
         if (!(($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) > 0 && $assoc['isOwningSide'])) {
         if (!$this->annotationReader->isPropertyRevised($class->name, $field)) {
         $data = isset($entityData[$field]) ? $entityData[$field] : null;
         $relatedId = false;
         if ($data !== null && $this->uow->isInIdentityMap($data)) {
             $relatedId = $this->uow->getEntityIdentifier($data);
         $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']);
         foreach ($assoc['sourceToTargetKeyColumns'] as $sourceColumn => $targetColumn) {
             $fields[$sourceColumn] = true;
             if ($data === null) {
                 $params[] = null;
                 $types[] = \PDO::PARAM_STR;
             } else {
                 $params[] = $relatedId ? $relatedId[$targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn]] : null;
                 $types[] = $targetClass->getTypeOfColumn($targetColumn);
     foreach ($class->fieldNames as $field) {
         if (array_key_exists($field, $fields)) {
         if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && $class->isInheritedField($field) && !$class->isIdentifier($field)) {
         if (!$this->annotationReader->isPropertyRevised($class->name, $field) && !$class->isIdentifier($field)) {
         $params[] = isset($entityData[$field]) ? $entityData[$field] : null;
         $types[] = $class->fieldMappings[$field]['type'];
     if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && $class->name == $class->rootEntityName) {
         $params[] = $entityData[$class->discriminatorColumn['name']];
         $types[] = $class->discriminatorColumn['type'];
     if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && $class->name != $class->rootEntityName) {
         $entityData[$class->discriminatorColumn['name']] = $class->discriminatorValue;
         $this->saveRevisionEntityData($this->em->getClassMetadata($class->rootEntityName), $entityData, $revType);
     $this->conn->executeUpdate($this->getRevisionSQL($class), $params, $types);
Пример #23
  * Cleanups search keywords in the database.
 private function cleanupKeywords()
     $sql = '
         DELETE sk FROM `s_search_keywords` sk
         LEFT JOIN s_search_index si
         ON sk.id=si.keywordID
         WHERE si.keywordID IS NULL
Пример #24
  * Insert multiple rows
  * @param string $table
  * @param array $rows array of column => value
  * @return int The number of inserted rows
 public function massInsert($table, array $rows)
     if (empty($rows)) {
         return 0;
     $normalizedRows = $this->normalizeRows($table, $rows);
     $query = $this->getInsertSql($table, $normalizedRows);
     $params = $this->getParams($normalizedRows);
     return $this->db->executeUpdate($query, $params);
Пример #25
 public function initialise(Connection $dbConn)
     $result = $dbConn->executeUpdate('CREATE DATABASE RollerRevisions');
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     $query = '
         CREATE TABLE RollerRevisions.Revision(
             revisionId int UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
             revisionName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
             PRIMARY KEY(revisionId),
         ) ENGINE=MyISAM;';
     $result = $dbConn->executeUpdate($query);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #26
  * Performs an UPDATE statement for an entity on a specific table.
  * The UPDATE can optionally be versioned, which requires the entity to have a version field.
  * @param object $entity The entity object being updated.
  * @param string $quotedTableName The quoted name of the table to apply the UPDATE on.
  * @param array $updateData The map of columns to update (column => value).
  * @param boolean $versioned Whether the UPDATE should be versioned.
 protected final function _updateTable($entity, $quotedTableName, array $updateData, $versioned = false)
     $set = $params = $types = array();
     foreach ($updateData as $columnName => $value) {
         $column = $columnName;
         $placeholder = '?';
         if (isset($this->_class->fieldNames[$columnName])) {
             $column = $this->_class->getQuotedColumnName($this->_class->fieldNames[$columnName], $this->_platform);
             if (isset($this->_class->fieldMappings[$this->_class->fieldNames[$columnName]]['requireSQLConversion'])) {
                 $type = Type::getType($this->_columnTypes[$columnName]);
                 $placeholder = $type->convertToDatabaseValueSQL('?', $this->_platform);
         $set[] = $column . ' = ' . $placeholder;
         $params[] = $value;
         $types[] = $this->_columnTypes[$columnName];
     $where = array();
     $id = $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityIdentifier($entity);
     foreach ($this->_class->identifier as $idField) {
         if (isset($this->_class->associationMappings[$idField])) {
             $targetMapping = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($this->_class->associationMappings[$idField]['targetEntity']);
             $where[] = $this->_class->associationMappings[$idField]['joinColumns'][0]['name'];
             $params[] = $id[$idField];
             $types[] = $targetMapping->fieldMappings[$targetMapping->identifier[0]]['type'];
         } else {
             $where[] = $this->_class->getQuotedColumnName($idField, $this->_platform);
             $params[] = $id[$idField];
             $types[] = $this->_class->fieldMappings[$idField]['type'];
     if ($versioned) {
         $versionField = $this->_class->versionField;
         $versionFieldType = $this->_class->fieldMappings[$versionField]['type'];
         $versionColumn = $this->_class->getQuotedColumnName($versionField, $this->_platform);
         if ($versionFieldType == Type::INTEGER) {
             $set[] = $versionColumn . ' = ' . $versionColumn . ' + 1';
         } else {
             if ($versionFieldType == Type::DATETIME) {
                 $set[] = $versionColumn . ' = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
         $where[] = $versionColumn;
         $params[] = $this->_class->reflFields[$versionField]->getValue($entity);
         $types[] = $this->_class->fieldMappings[$versionField]['type'];
     $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $quotedTableName . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' = ? AND ', $where) . ' = ?';
     $result = $this->_conn->executeUpdate($sql, $params, $types);
     if ($versioned && !$result) {
         throw OptimisticLockException::lockFailed($entity);
Пример #27
  * deletes the entries for the TS Classic core integration
 private function deactivateOldTsComponents()
     $tsFormId = $this->getTsClassicFormId();
     $tsElementId = $this->getTsClassicElementId();
     $sql = "DELETE FROM s_core_config_elements\n\t            WHERE id = ?";
     $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($tsElementId));
     $sql = "DELETE FROM s_core_config_element_translations\n\t            WHERE element_id = ?";
     $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($tsElementId));
     $sql = "DELETE FROM s_core_config_forms\n\t            WHERE id = ?";
     $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($tsFormId));
     $sql = "DELETE FROM s_core_config_form_translations\n\t            WHERE form_id = ?";
     $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($tsFormId));
Пример #28
 public function insertNewTimeBoard(TimeBoard $board)
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO planning
         , notitie
         , datum)
         , :course
         , :note
         , :date )';
     $params = array('course' => $board->getCourse()->getId(), 'note' => $board->getNote(), 'date' => $board->getDate());
     $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, $params);
Пример #29
  * @param array $data
  * @return Struct\Media
 public function hydrate(array $data)
     $media = new Struct\Media();
     if (isset($data['__media_id'])) {
         $media->setId((int) $data['__media_id']);
     if (isset($data['__media_name'])) {
     if (isset($data['__media_description'])) {
     if (isset($data['__media_type'])) {
     if (isset($data['__media_extension'])) {
     if (isset($data['__media_path'])) {
      * Live Migration to add width/height to images
     if ($media->getType() == Struct\Media::TYPE_IMAGE && $this->mediaService->has($data['__media_path'])) {
         if (array_key_exists('__media_width', $data) && array_key_exists('__media_height', $data)) {
             if ($data['__media_width'] === null || $data['__media_height'] === null) {
                 list($width, $height) = getimagesizefromstring($this->mediaService->read($data['__media_path']));
                 $this->database->executeUpdate('UPDATE s_media SET width = :width, height = :height WHERE id = :id', [':width' => $width, ':height' => $height, ':id' => $data['__media_id']]);
                 $data['__media_width'] = $width;
                 $data['__media_height'] = $height;
     if (isset($data['__media_width'])) {
         $media->setWidth((int) $data['__media_width']);
     if (isset($data['__media_height'])) {
         $media->setHeight((int) $data['__media_height']);
     if ($media->getType() == Struct\Media::TYPE_IMAGE && $data['__mediaSettings_create_thumbnails']) {
     if (!empty($data['__mediaAttribute_id'])) {
         $attribute = $this->attributeHydrator->hydrate($this->extractFields('__mediaAttribute_', $data));
         $media->addAttribute('media', $attribute);
     return $media;
 protected function purgeTables(array $tablesList)
     $this->connection->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;');
     foreach ($tablesList as $table) {
         $query = $this->dbPlatform->getTruncateTableSql($table);
         try {
             $this->output->writeln('Purging data from ' . $table);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->output->writeln('Error purging data from \'' . $table . '\'. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
             $this->connection->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');
             throw $e;
     $this->connection->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');