  * Configures the current widget.
  * Available options:
  *  * image:   The image path to represent the widget (false by default)
  *  * config:  A JavaScript array that configures the JQuery date widget
  *  * culture: The user culture
  * @param array $options     An array of options
  * @param array $attributes  An array of default HTML attributes
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 protected function configure($options = array(), $attributes = array())
     parent::configure($options, $attributes);
     $this->addOption('with_time', false);
     $this->addOption('time', array('format_without_seconds' => '%hour%時%minute%分', 'minutes' => array('00', '10', '20', '30', '40', '50')));
     $this->setOption('culture', 'ja');
     $this->getOption('date_widget')->setOption('format', '%year%年%month%月%day%日');
     if ($this->getOption('config') === '{}') {
         $this->setOption('config', '{buttonText: "カレンダーで選択"}');
 protected function configure($options = array(), $attributes = array())
     $this->addOption('date_range', array());
     $this->addOption('date_widget_options', array());
     $this->setOption('image', '/images/calendar.png');
     if (isset($options['date_range'])) {
         $years = range($options['date_range']['min'], $options['date_range']['max']);
     } else {
         $years = range(2009, date('Y') + 2);
     $date_widget_options = array('culture' => 'fr', 'years' => array_combine($years, $years), 'can_be_empty' => true);
     if (isset($options['date_widget_options'])) {
         $date_widget_options = array_merge($date_widget_options, $options['date_widget_options']);
     $this->date_widget = new sfWidgetFormI18nDate($date_widget_options);
     //    $this->setOption(
     //      'date_widget',
     //      $date_widget
     //    );
     $this->setOption('culture', 'fr');
     $this->setOption('config', '{showMonthAfterYear: false, firstDay: 1}');