function getTemplateSettings($section_id) { # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'section_model_themesettings'; $cache_key = func_get_args(); if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { return $cache; } $fields = array('JreviewsSection.tmpl AS `Section.tmpl_list`', 'JreviewsSection.tmpl_suffix AS `Section.tmpl_suffix`'); $query = "SELECT " . implode(',', $fields) . "\n FROM #__sections AS Section" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_sections AS JreviewsSection ON = JreviewsSection.sectionid" . "\n WHERE = " . $section_id; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $result = end($this->__reformatArray($this->_db->loadAssocList())); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $result); return $result; }
function getTemplateSettings($listing_id) { # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'everywhere_content_themesettings'; $cache_key = func_get_args(); if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { return $cache; } $fields = array('JreviewsSection.tmpl AS `Section.tmpl_list`', 'JreviewsSection.tmpl_suffix AS `Section.tmpl_suffix`', 'JreviewsCategory.tmpl AS `Category.tmpl_list`', 'JreviewsCategory.tmpl_suffix AS `Category.tmpl_suffix`'); $query = "\n SELECT \n " . implode(',', $fields) . "\n\t\t FROM \n #__content AS Listing\n\t\t INNER JOIN \n #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.option = 'com_content'\n\t\t LEFT JOIN \n #__categories AS Category ON = \n\t\t LEFT JOIN \n #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =\n\t\t LEFT JOIN \n #__jreviews_sections AS JreviewsSection ON = JreviewsSection.sectionid\n\t\t WHERE \n = " . $listing_id; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $result = end($this->__reformatArray($this->_db->loadAssocList())); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $result); return $result; }
/** * Joomla 1.5 only method * * @param string $dir_id * @param mixed $module * @return string */ function getTree($dir_id, $module = false) { // Clean $dir_id string $cleaned = array(); $section_count = null; $bits = explode(',', $dir_id); foreach ($bits as $bit) { if (is_numeric($bit)) { $cleaned[] = $bit; } } $dir_id = implode(',', $cleaned); $Config = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Config'); $Access = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Access'); $aid = $Access->getAccessId(); $module and $Config->dir_category_limit = ''; // Ignore category limit setting in dir module # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'directory_mode_gettree'; $cache_key = array(func_get_args(), $aid, cmsFramework::language()); if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { return $cache; } # First get list of sections for current dir $query = "\n SELECT \n Category.section AS `Section.section_id`,\n JreviewsCategory.dirid AS `Directory.dir_id`\n FROM \n #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory \n LEFT JOIN \n #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON = JreviewsCategory.dirid\n RIGHT JOIN \n #__categories AS Category ON =\n LEFT JOIN \n #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =\n WHERE \n Section.published = 1\n AND Section.access <= {$aid}" . ($dir_id ? " AND JreviewsCategory.dirid IN ({$dir_id}) " : '') . "\n AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'\n ORDER BY \n Directory.`desc` ASC \n "; $query = $this->_db->setQuery($query); $tmp_key = $this->primaryKey; $this->primaryKey = 'Section.section_id'; $sections = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $sections = $this->__reformatArray($sections); $this->primaryKey = $tmp_key; $section_ids = array_keys($sections); // Get listing count for sections $Config->dir_section_num_entries = $Config->dir_cat_num_entries; if ($Config->dir_section_num_entries || $Config->dir_category_hide_empty) { $query = ' SELECT Listing.sectionid AS `Section.section_id`, COUNT( AS `Section.listing_count` FROM #__content AS Listing INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = Listing.catid AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = "com_content" WHERE Listing.sectionid IN (' . implode(',', $section_ids) . ') AND Listing.state = 1 AND Listing.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND ( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" ) AND ( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" ) GROUP BY Listing.sectionid '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); //prx($this->_db->getQuery()); $tmp_key = $this->primaryKey; $this->primaryKey = 'Section.section_id'; $section_count = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $section_count = $this->__reformatArray($section_count); $this->primaryKey = $tmp_key; } # If category limit is zero then don't query the categories if ($Config->dir_category_limit === '0') { $tmp_key = $this->primaryKey; $this->primaryKey = 'Category.cat_id'; $query = ' SELECT AS `Directory.dir_id`, Directory.`desc` AS `Directory.title`, Directory.title AS `Directory.slug`, AS `Section.section_id`, AS ``, Section.title AS `Section.title`, Section.image AS `Section.image`, Section.published AS `Section.published`, Section.access AS `Section.access`, Section.alias AS `Section.slug`, Section.ordering AS `Section.ordering` FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory RIGHT JOIN #__categories AS Category USING(id) LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON = Category.section LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid = WHERE Category.published = 1 AND Section.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND Category.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND Category.section IN (' . implode(',', $section_ids) . ') AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = "com_content" GROUP BY Category.section ORDER BY Directory.`desc` ASC '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $categories = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); } else { $categories = array(); $tmp_key = $this->primaryKey; $this->primaryKey = 'Category.cat_id'; foreach ($sections as $section) { $section_id = $section['Section']['section_id']; $query = ' SELECT AS `Directory.dir_id`, Directory.`desc` AS `Directory.title`, Directory.title AS `Directory.slug`, AS `Section.section_id`, AS ``, Section.title AS `Section.title`, Section.image AS `Section.image`, Section.published AS `Section.published`, Section.access AS `Section.access`, Section.alias AS `Section.slug`, Section.ordering AS `Section.ordering`, AS `Category.cat_id`, Category.title AS `Category.title`, Category.image AS `Category.image`, Category.published AS `Category.published`, Category.access AS `Category.access`, Category.alias AS `Category.slug` ' . ($Config->dir_cat_num_entries || $Config->dir_category_hide_empty ? ' ,(SELECT count(*) FROM #__content AS Listing RIGHT JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = Listing.catid AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = "com_content" WHERE Listing.sectionid = ' . $section_id . ' AND Listing.catid = AND Listing.state = 1 AND Listing.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND ( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" ) AND ( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" ) ) AS `Category.listing_count` ' : '') . ' FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory RIGHT JOIN #__categories AS Category USING(id) LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON = Category.section LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid = WHERE Category.published = 1 AND Section.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND Category.access <= ' . $aid . ' AND Category.section = ' . $section_id . ' AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = "com_content" ORDER BY ' . (!$Config->dir_category_order ? 'Category.ordering' : 'Category.title ASC') . ' ' . (!empty($Config->dir_category_limit) ? ' LIMIT ' . $Config->dir_category_limit : '') . ' '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $categories = array_merge($categories, $this->_db->loadObjectList()); } } $categories = $this->__reformatArray($categories); $this->primaryKey = $tmp_key; App::import('Model', 'menu', 'jreviews'); $Menu = ClassRegistry::getClass('MenuModel'); $results = array(); foreach ($categories as $key => $row) { $section_id = $row['Section']['section_id']; $section_title = $row['Section']['title']; isset($row['Category']) and $cat_id = $row['Category']['cat_id']; isset($row['Category']) and $cat_title = $row['Category']['title']; $dirKey = $row['Directory']['dir_id'] . ':' . $row['Directory']['slug']; $dir_id = $row['Directory']['dir_id']; if (!isset($rows[$dirKey]['Directory'])) { $results[$dirKey]['Directory']['title'] = $row['Directory']['title']; $results[$dirKey]['Directory']['slug'] = $row['Directory']['slug']; $results[$dirKey]['Directory']['dir_id'] = $row['Directory']['dir_id']; $results[$dirKey]['Directory']['menu_id'] = $Menu->getDir($dir_id); } // Section data $sectionKey = $section_id . ':' . $section_title; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['section_id'] = $row['Section']['section_id']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['title'] = $row['Section']['title']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['slug'] = $row['Section']['slug']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['image'] = $row['Section']['image']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['image'] = $row['Section']['image']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['published'] = $row['Section']['published']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['access'] = $row['Section']['access']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['ordering'] = $row['Section']['ordering']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['menu_id'] = $Menu->getSection($section_id, $dir_id); $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['dir_id'] = $dir_id; if (!empty($section_count) && isset($section_count[$row['Section']['section_id']])) { $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['listing_count'] = $section_count[$row['Section']['section_id']]['Section']['listing_count']; } else { $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['listing_count'] = 0; } // Category data if (!empty($row['Category'])) { $catKey = $cat_id . ':' . $cat_title; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['cat_id'] = $cat_id; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['title'] = $row['Category']['title']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['slug'] = $row['Category']['slug']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['image'] = $row['Category']['image']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['published'] = $row['Category']['published']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['access'] = $row['Category']['access']; $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['menu_id'] = $Menu->getCategory($cat_id, $section_id, $dir_id); $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['dir_id'] = $dir_id; isset($row['Category']['listing_count']) and $results[$dirKey]['Sections'][$sectionKey]['Categories'][$catKey]['listing_count'] = $row['Category']['listing_count']; } } foreach ($results as $dir_id => $sections) { $sections['Sections'] =& $results[$dir_id]['Sections']; $section_sort = $Config->dir_section_order ? 'sort_sections_alpha' : 'sort_sections_ordering'; uasort($sections['Sections'], array($this, $section_sort)); } # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $results); return $results; }
function getTemplateSettings($review_id) { # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'review_model_themesettings'; $cache_key = func_get_args(); if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { return $cache; } $fields = array('JreviewsSection.tmpl AS `Section.tmpl_list`', 'JreviewsSection.tmpl_suffix AS `Section.tmpl_suffix`', 'JreviewsCategory.tmpl AS `Category.tmpl_list`', 'JreviewsCategory.tmpl_suffix AS `Category.tmpl_suffix`'); $query = "SELECT " . implode(',', $fields) . "\n FROM #__jreviews_comments AS Review" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__content AS Listing ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON Listing.catid =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_sections AS JreviewsSection ON = JreviewsSection.sectionid" . "\n WHERE JreviewsCategory.option = 'com_content' AND = " . $review_id; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $result = end($this->__reformatArray($this->_db->loadAssocList())); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $result); return $result; }
/** * Auxiliary function - used for custom coding * Creates an array of fields with field names as array keys and attributes and options using an array of field names as input */ function getFields($names, $location = 'listing') { if (empty($names) || count($names) == 1 & $names[0] == 'category') { return array(); } $rows = false; # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'field_model_names'; $cache_key = func_get_args(); if (isset($cache_key[2])) { unset($cache_key[2]); } // $entry not required to cache the results if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { $rows = $cache; } if (false == $rows || $rows == '') { $location = $location == 'listing' ? 'content' : $location; foreach ($names as $name) { $quoted_names[] = "'" . $name . "'"; } $quoted_names = implode(',', $quoted_names); //get field attributes only, no values $sql = "SELECT Field.fieldid AS ``, AS ``, Field.title AS `Field.title`," . "\n Field.type AS `Field.type`, Field.options AS `Field.params`, Field.required AS `Field.required`, Field.access_view AS `Field.access_view`," . "\n `Group`.groupid AS `Group.group_id`, `Group`.title AS `Group.title`" . "\n FROM #__jreviews_fields AS Field" . "\n INNER JOIN #__jreviews_groups AS `Group` ON (`Group`.groupid = Field.groupid AND " . "\n `Group`.groupid AND `Group`.type = '{$location}' )" . "\n WHERE IN ({$quoted_names}) AND Field.location = '{$location}'"; $this->_db->setQuery($sql); $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $rows); } if (!$rows || empty($rows)) { return; } //extract field ids from array $this->field_ids = $multi_field_ids = $this->_extractFieldIds($rows, array('select', 'selectmultiple', 'radiobuttons', 'checkboxes')); //get the field options for multiple choice fields $this->_getFieldOptions(); // Reformat array and add field options to each multiple choice field foreach ($rows as $row) { $row = (array) $row; //FieldGroups array $fields[$row['']]['field_id'] = $row['']; $fields[$row['']]['name'] = $row['']; $fields[$row['']]['type'] = $row['Field.type']; $fields[$row['']]['title'] = $row['Field.title']; $fields[$row['']]['required'] = $row['Field.required']; $fields[$row['']]['properties']['access_view'] = $row['Field.access_view']; $params = explode("\n", $row['Field.params']); foreach ($params as $param) { $parts = explode("=", $param); // Need to use this approach because click2search field has equal signs in the value of the property $key = array_shift($parts); $value = implode('=', $parts); $fields[$row['']]['properties'][$key] = $value; } if (isset($this->field_options_alpha[$row['']])) { $ordering = isset($fields[$row['']]['Fields'][$row['']]['properties']['option_ordering']) && $fields[$row['Group.title']]['Fields'][$row['']]['properties']['option_ordering'] ? 'alpha' : 'ordering'; $method = 'field_options_' . $ordering; $methodList = 'field_optionsList_' . $ordering; $fields[$row['']]['options'] = $this->{$method}[$row['']]; $fields[$row['']]['optionList'] = $this->{$methodList}[$row['']]; } } return $fields; }
/** * J15 only method * Advanced Search Module * Generate Section-Category tree array */ function categoryTree($gid, $settings) { # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'category_model_categorytree'; $cache_key = func_get_args(); if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { return $cache; } $Access = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Access'); # Get module parameters $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($settings, 'module_id'); $criteria_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'criteria_id')); $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'dir_id')); $section_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_id')); $category_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'cat_id')); $cat_order_alpha = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'cat_order_alpha', 1); $section_title = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_title', 1); $section_bg = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_bg', '#CCCCCC'); $category_bg = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'category_bg', '#FFFFFF'); $section_color = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_color', '#000000'); $category_color = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'category_color', '#000000'); $option_length = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'option_length', ''); $cat_auto = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'cat_auto'); # Selected categories and sections $selOption = explode('_', Sanitize::getString($settings, 'cat')); $cat_auto and is_numeric($category_id) and $selOption = array($category_id); $selSection = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'section'); $cat_auto and is_numeric($section_id) and $selSection = $section_id; $order = array(); $conditions = array(); $order[] = $cat_order_alpha ? "Section.title ASC" : "Section.ordering ASC"; $order[] = $cat_order_alpha ? "Category.title ASC" : "Category.ordering ASC"; if (!$section_id && $dir_id) { $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.dirid IN ({$dir_id})"; } if (!$section_id && $criteria_id) { $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.criteriaid IN ({$criteria_id})"; } if ($section_id) { $conditions[] = "Category.section IN ({$section_id})"; } elseif ($category_id) { $conditions[] = "Category.section IN (SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN ({$category_id}))"; } $conditions[] = "Category.published = 1"; $conditions[] = "Category.access <= '" . $Access->getAccessId() . "'"; $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.option = 'com_content'"; if ($cat_auto && $section_id == '' && $category_id == '' && $criteria_id == '' && $dir_id == '') { array_pop($order); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT Category.section AS sectionid," . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Section.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS section" : "\n Section.title AS section") . "\n FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =" . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND \n", $conditions) . "\n ORDER BY " . implode(",", $order); } else { $query = "SELECT AS catid, Category.section AS sectionid," . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Category.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS category," : "\n Category.title AS category,") . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Section.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS section" : "\n Section.title AS section") . "\n FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =" . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND \n", $conditions) . "\n ORDER BY " . implode(",", $order); } $this->_db->setQuery($query); $options = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $selSection > 0 and array_push($selOption, 's' . $selSection); // Start building section/category select list $categoryList = array(); $categoryList[] = '<select name="data[categories]" class="jrSelect">'; $categoryList[] = '<option value="">' . __t("Select Category", true) . '</option>'; isset($options[0]) and $prevSection = $options[0]->sectionid; if ($options) { foreach ($options as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($option->sectionid == $prevSection && $key > 0 || !$section_title) { // Add categories if (in_array($option->catid, $selOption)) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } isset($option->catid) and $categoryList[] = '<option value="' . $option->catid . '" style="color:' . $category_color . ';background-color:' . $category_bg . '" ' . $selected . '> ' . stripslashes($option->category) . '</option>'; } else { // Add section in_array('s' . $option->sectionid, $selOption) and $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $categoryList[] = '<option value="s' . $option->sectionid . '" style="font-weight:bold;color:' . $section_color . ';background-color:' . $section_bg . ';" ' . $selected . '>' . stripslashes($option->section) . '</option>'; $selected = ''; if (isset($option->catid)) { in_array($option->catid, $selOption) and $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $categoryList[] = '<option value="' . $option->catid . '" style="color:' . $category_color . ';background-color:' . $category_bg . '" ' . $selected . '> ' . stripslashes($option->category) . '</option>'; } } $prevSection = $option->sectionid; } } $categoryList[] = '</select>'; $categorySelect = implode("\n", $categoryList); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $categorySelect); return $categorySelect; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $menuList = array(); switch (getCmsVersion()) { case CMS_JOOMLA15: $select = 'SELECT id,name,link AS menu_type,link,componentid,params,access,published'; $type = "\n AND type = 'component'"; $link = "\n AND ( \n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=section%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=category\\%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=article%' \n )"; break; case CMS_JOOMLA16: $select = "\n SELECT \n id, \n alias AS name,\n link AS menu_type,\n link,\n component_id AS componentid,\n params,\n access,\n published\n "; $type = "\n AND type = 'component'"; $link = "\n AND ( \n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=section%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=category\\%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog%' OR\n link LIKE '%option=com_content&view=article%' \n )"; break; } // Get all com_content category/section menus and jReviews menus $sql = $select . "\n FROM #__menu" . "\n WHERE published = 1" . (getCmsVersion() == CMS_MAMBO46 ? "\n ORDER BY link ASC" : "\n ORDER BY link DESC"); # Check for cached version $cache_prefix = 'menu_model'; $cache_key = $sql; if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) { $menuList = $cache; } if (empty($menuList)) { // Mambo4.6, as opposed to Mambo4.5, does not allow using other components Itemids so jReviews // Sections and category lists cannot use the section/category table or blog list menu Itemids $this->_db->setQuery($sql); $menuList = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); # Send to cache S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $menuList); } // Get itemid for each menu link and store it if (is_array($menuList)) { foreach ($menuList as $menu) { $this->menues[$menu->id] = $menu; $params = stringToArray($menu->params); $paramsArray = explode("\n", $menu->params); if (Sanitize::getVar($params, 'sef_name') != '') { $m_name = Sanitize::getVar($params, 'sef_name'); } else { $m_name = $menu->name; } if (function_exists("sefEncode")) { $m_name = sefEncode($m_name); } $m_action = Sanitize::getVar($params, 'action'); $m_dir_id = str_replace(",", "-", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'dirid')); $m_cat_id = str_replace(",", "-", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'catid')); $m_section_id = str_replace(",", "-", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'sectionid')); $m_criteria_id = str_replace(",", "-", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'criteriaid')); // Create a variable to get Menu Name from Itemid $this->set('jr_itemid_' . $menu->id, $m_name); $this->set('jr_menu_' . $m_name, $menu->id); # Fix for change in menu structure in J1.5 if (getCmsVersion() == CMS_JOOMLA15) { if (strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&view=section&id=') || strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=')) { $menu->componentid = end(explode('id=', $menu->menu_type)); $menu->menu_type = 'content_section'; } elseif (strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&view=category&id=') || strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=')) { $menu->componentid = end(explode('id=', $menu->menu_type)); $menu->menu_type = 'content_category'; } elseif (strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&view=article&id=') || strpos($menu->menu_type, 'option=com_content&task=view&id=')) { $menu->componentid = end(explode('id=', $menu->menu_type)); $menu->menu_type = 'content_item_link'; } } switch ($menu->menu_type) { case 'content_section': case 'content_blog_section': if ($menu->componentid) { // Only one section id $this->set('core_section_menu_id_' . $menu->componentid, $menu->id); // $this->set('jr_section_menu_id_'.$menu->componentid,$menu->id); } else { $section_ids = explode(",", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'sectionid')); $this->set('jr_manyIds_' . $menu->id, 1); foreach ($section_ids as $section_id) { $this->set('core_section_menu_id_' . $section_id, $menu->id); // $this->set('jr_section_menu_id_'.$section_id,$menu->id); } } break; case 'content_category': case 'content_blog_category': if ($menu->componentid) { // Only one category id $this->set('core_category_menu_id_' . $menu->componentid, $menu->id); // $this->set('jr_category_menu_id_'.$menu->componentid,$menu->id); } else { $cat_ids = explode(",", Sanitize::getVar($params, 'categoryid')); $this->set('jr_manyIds_' . $menu->id, 1); foreach ($cat_ids as $cat_id) { $this->set('core_category_menu_id_' . $cat_id, $menu->id); // $this->set('jr_category_menu_id_'.$cat_id,$menu->id); } } break; case 'content_item_link': $this->set('core_content_menu_id_' . $menu->componentid, $menu->id); break; default: if ($menu->link == 'index.php?option=' . S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP')) { // It's a jReviews menu // Get a jReviews menu with public access to use in xajax requests if ($menu->access == 0 && $menu->published == 1) { $this->set('jreviews_public', $menu->id); } $menuParams = array(); foreach ($paramsArray as $parameter) { $menuParams[current(explode('=', $parameter))] = end(explode('=', $parameter)); } $this->set('jr_menu_action_' . $m_dir_id, $m_action); $this->set('menu_params_' . $menu->id, $menuParams); switch ($m_action) { case '0': // Directory menu $this->set('jr_directory_menu_id_' . $m_dir_id, $menu->id); break; case '1': // Section menu $this->set('jr_section_menu_id_' . $m_section_id, $menu->id); break; case '2': // Category menu $this->set('jr_category_menu_id_' . $m_cat_id, $menu->id); break; case '10': $this->set('jr_myreviews', $menu->id); break; case '11': $m_criteria_id && $this->set('jr_advsearch_' . $m_criteria_id, $menu->id); !$m_criteria_id && $this->set('jr_advsearch', $menu->id); break; case '12': $this->set('jr_mylistings', $menu->id); break; case '18': $this->set('jr_reviewers', $menu->id); break; default: $this->set('jr_menu_id_action_' . $m_action, $menu->id); break; } } break; } } } // prx($this->___menu_data); }