function designedBy() { echo SB_T("Skin designed by"); ?> <a href='' <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Ondrej Brablc</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T('Skin created by'); ?> <a href="" <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Ondrej Brablc</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T("Skin designed by"); ?> <a href='' <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Alexis Isaac</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T('Skin created by'); ?> <a href="" <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Jason Sawtelle</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T('Skin created by'); ?> <a href="" <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Igor</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T("Skin designed by"); ?> <a href='' <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >David Szego</a><?php }
function designedBy() { echo SB_T("Skin designed by"); ?> <a href='' <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> >Gunnar Wrobel</a><?php }
function drawFoot() { echo '<p>'; $link = '<a href="" ' . SB_Page::target() . '>%s</a>'; echo sprintf($link, 'SiteBar ') . sprintf($link, 'Bookmark Manager'); ?> </body> </html> <?php }
function writeMenuItem($id, &$itemArray) { static $expertMode = null; if ($expertMode === null) { $expertMode = $this->um->getParam('user', 'expert_mode'); } $command = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'name'); $link = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'href'); $callback = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'callback'); $acl = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'acl'); $optional = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'optional', false); $more = SB_safeVal($itemArray, 'more', false); $class = 'item'; if (!$command) { $class .= ' separator'; } else { if ($optional && !$expertMode) { $class .= ' optional'; } } $div = "\t" . '<div id="' . $id . '" class="' . $class . '"'; if ($command) { $div .= ' onmouseover="SB_itemOn(this);"' . ' onmouseout="SB_itemOff(this);"'; } if ($command && !$link) { $div .= ' x_acl="' . $acl . '"' . ' x_cmd="' . $command . '"'; } echo $div . '>'; if ($link) { static $target; if ($target == null) { $target = SB_Page::target(); } if (strstr($link, 'http') !== 0) { $link = SB_Page::absBaseUrl() . $link; } echo '<a class="menuLink" href="' . $link . '"' . $target . '>'; } else { echo '<a href="javascript:SB_itemDoAlt(\'' . $id . '\'' . ($callback ? ',\'' . $callback . '\'' : '') . ')">'; } echo SB_T($command); if ($command == 'Log Out') { echo ' (' . $this->um->username . ')'; } if ($link) { echo '</a>'; } echo "</div>\r"; }
function head() { // We must have it on one line for MS IE echo '<div id="logo"><a href="' . SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . 'integrator.php" ' . SB_Page::target() . '><img title="SiteBar Integrator" src="' . SB_Skin::imgsrc('logo') . '" alt=""></a></div>' . "\r"; }
function drawLink(&$node, &$link, $last = false) { $linkname = 'l' . $link->id; echo '<div class="link" id="' . $linkname . '"' . ' onclick="return SB_lnk(event,this)"' . ' oncontextmenu="return SB_menuOn(event,this)"' . ' x_acl="' . $node->aclstr . '"' . '>'; $ifavicon = ''; if ($link->favicon && $this->um->getParam('user', 'use_favicons')) { if ($link->favicon && $this->um->getParam('config', 'use_favicon_cache')) { $favurl = SB_Page::cdnBaseUrl() . 'favicon.php?'; if (substr($link->favicon, 0, 7) == 'binary:') { $favurl .= $link->favicon; } else { $favurl .= md5($link->favicon) . '=' . $link->id; } $link->favicon = $favurl; } // No height=16 width=16 - we want to keep the file small. $ifavicon = '<img class="favicon" alt="" src="' . $link->favicon . '" onerror="SB_WFI(this);">'; } else { $ifavicon = $link->private ? $this->ilinkp : ($link->is_feed ? $this->ifeed : $this->ilink); } if (!$this->switches['flat']) { echo implode("", $this->treearr) . ($last ? $this->ijoinl : $this->ijoin); } $target = ''; if ($link->target) { $target = ' target="' . $link->target . '"'; } else { if (!$link->ignoreHits) { $target = $link->target ? $link->target : SB_Page::target(); } } $sort_info = ''; if (strlen($link->sort_info)) { $sort_info = '<span class="sort_info">' . $link->sort_info . ' </span>'; } $class = ''; if ($link->private) { $class .= ' private'; } if ($link->is_dead) { $class .= ' dead'; } $toolTip = $link->comment ? substr($link->comment, 0, 255) . (strlen($link->comment) > 255 ? '...' : '') : $link->origURL; echo ($this->lmenu ? $ifavicon . $this->lmenu . $sort_info : '') . '<a id="a' . $linkname . '" ' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'x_' : '') . 'title="' . $this->quoteAtt($toolTip) . '" ' . ($class ? " class=\"{$class}\"" : '') . 'href="' . $this->quoteAtt($link->url) . '" ' . 'onmousedown="return SB_go(this,' . $link->id . ')" ' . ($this->useToolTips ? SB_Page::toolTip() : '') . $target . (!$this->switches['flat'] ? SB_Page::dragDropLink($link->id_parent, $link->id) : '') . '>' . ($this->lmenu ? '' : $ifavicon . $sort_info) . $this->quoteText($link->name) . '</a></div>' . "\r"; $this->linkCount++; }