function drawBody() { $where = array('ms.uid' => $this->um->uid, '^1' => "AND m.mid=ms.mid AND flag<>'deleted' AND", 'folder' => $this->folder); $res = $this->db->select('*, m.uid sender, ms.uid recipient', 'sitebar_message m, sitebar_message_folder ms', $where); $midRecs = $this->db->fetchRecords($res); $command = SB_reqVal('command'); $webMids = SB_reqVal('mid'); $seenMid = array(); foreach ($midRecs as $rec) { $mid = $rec['mid']; $uid = $rec['sender']; $fromuser = $this->um->getUser($uid); $role = $rec['role']; $to = $rec['to_label']; $date = $rec['sent']; $expires = $rec['expires']; $from = ''; $subject = $rec['subject']; $message = $rec['message']; $format = $rec['format']; $folder = $rec['folder']; $flag = $rec['flag']; if (isset($seenMid[$mid])) { continue; } $seenMid[$mid] = 1; if (isset($webMids[$mid])) { if ($this->folder == 'outbox') { if (isset($command['back'])) { $this->db->delete('sitebar_message', array('mid' => $mid)); $this->db->delete('sitebar_message_folder', array('mid' => $mid)); continue; } if (isset($command['expire'])) { $this->db->update('sitebar_message_folder', array('flag' => 'expired'), array('mid' => $mid)); } if (isset($command['delete'])) { $this->update($mid, 'outbox', 'deleted'); continue; } } else { if (isset($command['mark'])) { $flag = 'read'; $this->update($mid, 'inbox', 'read'); if ($this->ajax) { echo $mid . ';read'; } } if (isset($command['unmark'])) { $flag = 'seen'; $this->update($mid, 'inbox', 'seen'); if ($this->ajax) { echo $mid . ';new'; } } if (isset($command['save'])) { $this->update($mid, 'saved'); continue; } if (isset($command['delete'])) { $this->update($mid, null, 'deleted'); continue; } } } switch ($as) { case 'admins': $from = SB_T('Administrators') . ' (' . $fromuser['fullname'] . ')'; break; case 'moderator': $gid = intval($this->db->getData('messenger', $mid . '_gid')); if (!$this->um->isModerator($gid)) { continue; } $group = $this->um->getGroup($gid); $from = SB_T('Moderator of %s Group', $group['name']) . ' (' . $fromuser['fullname'] . ')'; break; default: $from = $fromuser['fullname']; break; } if ($this->folder == 'inbox' || $this->folder == 'saved') { $from = "<a title='" . SB_T('Reply') . "' href='command.php?command=Send Message to User&uid={$uid}&inre={$mid}'>" . $from . "</a>"; } if ($format == 'html') { $message = stripslashes($message); } else { $message = "<pre>" . $message . "</pre>"; } $highlight = ''; $isnew = false; if ($folder == 'inbox' && ($flag == 'new' || $flag == 'seen')) { $this->displayedNew++; $highlight = ' highlight'; $isnew = true; if ($flag == 'new') { $this->update($mid, 'inbox', 'seen'); } } $img = SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . sprintf('skins/msg_%s.gif', $isnew ? 'new' : 'read'); $checkbox = "<input class='checkBox' type='checkbox' name='mid[{$mid}]'>"; if (!$this->ajax) { ?> <div id='message<?php echo $mid; ?> ' class='message'> <table class='cmnMenu'> <tr> <td class='icon'><img id="img<?php echo $mid; ?> " src="<?php echo $img; ?> " <?php if ($this->folder == 'inbox') { ?> onclick='SB_messengerToggleItem(this,<?php echo $mid; ?> )'<?php } ?> ></td> <td class='cmnMenuItem<?php echo $highlight; ?> '><?php echo SB_T('From'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $from; ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($this->folder == 'outbox' && $to) { ?> <tr> <td class='check'><?php echo $checkbox; $checkbox = ' '; ?> </td> <td class='cmnMenuItem<?php echo $highlight; ?> '><?php echo SB_T('To'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $to; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class='check'><?php echo $checkbox; ?> </td> <td class='cmnMenuItem<?php echo $highlight; ?> '><?php echo SB_T('Date'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $date; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='status'> </td> <td class='cmnMenuItem<?php echo $highlight; ?> '><?php echo SB_T('Subject'); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo stripslashes($subject); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($this->folder == 'outbox') { if ($expires != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { ?> <tr> <td class='check'> </td> <td class='cmnMenuItem'><?php echo SB_T('Expiration'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $expires; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } $states = array('inbox_new' => 'messenger::state_unread', 'inbox_seen' => 'messenger::state_seen', 'inbox_read' => 'messenger::state_read', 'saved' => 'messenger::state_saved', 'deleted' => 'messenger::state_deleted', 'expired' => 'messenger::state_expired'); $statesWhere = array('inbox_new' => "folder='inbox' AND flag='new'", 'inbox_seen' => "folder='inbox' AND flag='seen'", 'inbox_read' => "folder='inbox' AND flag='read'", 'saved' => "folder='saved'", 'deleted' => "folder='trash'", 'expired' => "folder='expired'"); $breakdown = ''; foreach ($states as $status => $label) { $res = $this->db->select('count(*) count', 'sitebar_message_folder', "mid={$mid} AND " . $statesWhere[$status]); $countRec = $this->db->fetchRecord($res); if ($countRec['count'] > 0) { if (SB_reqVal('drill') == $status && is_string($webMids) && $mid == $webMids) { if ($breakdown != '') { $breakdown .= '<br>'; } $breakdown .= SB_P($label) . ": "; $res = $this->db->select('uid', 'sitebar_message_folder', "mid={$mid} AND " . $statesWhere[$status]); foreach ($this->db->fetchRecords($res) as $uidRec) { $user = $this->um->getUser($uidRec['uid']); if ($this->um->isAdmin()) { $breakdown .= '<a href="command.php?command=Modify%20User&uid=' . $uidRec['uid'] . '">' . $user['username'] . '</a> '; } else { $breakdown .= $user['username'] . ' '; } } $breakdown .= "<br>"; } else { $breakdown .= '<a class="states" href="' . $this->getUrl(array('folder' => $this->folder, 'mid' => $mid, 'drill' => $status)) . '">' . SB_P($label) . '</a> [' . $countRec['count'] . '] '; } } } ?> <tr> <td class='status'> </td> <td class='cmnMenuItem'><?php echo SB_T("Status"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $breakdown; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class='message' colspan='3'><?php echo $message; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } } if ($this->folder == 'inbox' && is_array($command)) { $this->db->lock($tables = array('sitebar_data' => 'WRITE', 'sitebar_user_data' => 'WRITE')); $this->db->setUserData('messenger', $this->um->uid, 'new', $this->displayedNew); $this->db->unlock(); } }
function drawToolBar() { // There must not be any place between the images, therefore // those funny tag endings. $coloring = 'onmousedown="SB_buttonDown(this);" ' . 'onmouseup="SB_buttonUp(this);" ' . 'onmouseover="SB_buttonOver(this);' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'SB_toolTip(this,event);' : '') . '" ' . 'onmouseout="SB_buttonOut(this);' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'SB_toolTipHide()' : '') . ';"'; $title = $this->useToolTips ? 'x_title' : 'title'; $favicon = ''; if ($this->um->getParam('user', 'use_search_engine')) { $favicon = $this->um->getParamB64('user', 'search_engine_ico'); if ($this->um->getParam('config', 'use_favicon_cache')) { $favicon = SB_Page::cdnBaseUrl() . "favicon.php?" . md5($favicon) . '=' . base64_encode($favicon); } } $usefilter = true; ?> <div id="toolbarPlace" class="hidden"></div> <div id="toolbar" class="cmnSubTitle"> <div id="tlbSearch"><input id="fldSearch" class="siteBarPageBackground" type="text" onkeyup="SB_storeSearch(this); var e=(event?event:window.event); if (e.keyCode==13) SB_defaultSearch('<?php echo SB_Page::targetWindow(); ?> ','<?php echo $this->um->getParam('user', 'default_search_tool'); ?> ');" value="<?php echo SB_safeVal($_COOKIE, 'SB3SEARCH'); ?> "><?php if ($usefilter) { ?> <img id="btnFilter" src="<?php echo SB_Skin::imgsrc('filter'); ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Filter Loaded Bookmarks'); ?> " onclick="SB_filter(true)" <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="F" ><?php } if (!$this->um->getParam('user', 'hide_xslt') || $this->um->getParam('user', 'use_search_engine')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo SB_Page::absBaseUrl(); ?> search.php" <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> ><img id="btnSearch" src="<?php echo SB_Skin::imgsrc('search'); ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Backend Bookmark Search'); ?> " <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="" ></a><?php } if ($this->um->getParam('user', 'use_search_engine')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo SB_Page::absBaseUrl(); ?> search.php?web=1" <?php echo SB_Page::target(); ?> ><img id="btnSearchWeb" src="<?php echo $favicon; ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Search Web'); ?> " <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="" ></a><?php } ?> </div> <div id="tlbOther"><img id="btnCollapse" src="<?php echo SB_Skin::imgsrc('collapse'); ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Collapse/Expand All'); ?> " onclick="SB_collapseAll();" <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="" ><?php if ($this->um->getParam('user', 'use_hiding')) { ?> <img id="btnReloadAll" src="<?php echo SB_Skin::imgsrc('reload_all'); ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Reload with Hidden Folders'); ?> " onclick="SB_reloadAll();" <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="" ><?php } ?> <img id="btnReload" src="<?php echo SB_Skin::imgsrc('reload'); ?> " <?php echo $title; ?> ="<?php echo SB_T('Reload'); ?> " onclick="SB_reloadPage();" <?php echo $coloring; ?> alt="" ></div> </div> <?php $msgFile = "./inc/"; if (is_file($msgFile)) { include $msgFile; } foreach ($this->um->plugins as $plugin) { if (isset($plugin['message']) && $plugin['message']) { include $plugin['dir'] . '/'; } } $messageCountNew = $this->um->messengerGetNewCount(); if ($messageCountNew != 0) { $readurl = SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . 'messenger.php'; $target = SB_Page::target(); $img = SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . 'skins/msg_new.gif'; $message = ''; if ($messageCountNew == 1) { $message = SB_T("You have a new message!"); } else { $message = SB_T("You have %d new messages!", array($messageCountNew)); } echo <<<_DOC <div class="cmnSubTitle" id="messengerInformation"> <a style="width:100%; color:black; text-decoration:none;" href="{$readurl}" {$target}>{$message}<img src="{$img}"></a> </div> _DOC; } $groups = $this->um->getPendingGroups(); if (!$this->um->isAnonymous() && count($groups)) { echo <<<_DOC <div class="cmnSubTitle" id="pendingInvitation"> _DOC; foreach ($groups as $gid => $rec) { $user = $this->um->getUser($rec['invitator']); $message = SB_P('sitebar::invitation', array($user['fullname'], $rec['name'])); $ahref = SB_Page::absBaseUrl() . 'command.php?command=Accept Membership&do=yes&gid=' . $gid; $atext = SB_T('Accept'); $rhref = SB_Page::absBaseUrl() . 'command.php?command=Reject Membership&do=yes&gid=' . $gid; $rtext = SB_T('Reject'); echo <<<_DOC <div> <table> <tr> <td class='pendingInvitationLabel'>{$message}</td> <td class='pendingInvitationButtons'> <span class='accept'><a href='{$ahref}'>{$atext}</a></span><br> <span class='reject'><a href='{$rhref}'>{$rtext}</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> _DOC; } } echo "</div>\n"; }
function head() { // We must have it on one line for MS IE echo '<div id="logo"><a href="' . SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . 'integrator.php" ' . SB_Page::target() . '><img title="SiteBar Integrator" src="' . SB_Skin::imgsrc('logo') . '" alt=""></a></div>' . "\r"; }
function _buildSharingList($params) { $groups = $this->um->getGroups(); // We may display a subset here $ownGroups = $this->um->getOwnGroups(); $myGroups = $this->um->getUserGroups(); $publicGroups = $this->um->getParamArray('config', 'public_groups'); $node = $params['node']; if (count($ownGroups) == 0 && $node->isMyTree()) { $groups = $this->um->getParamArray('config', 'default_groups'); foreach ($groups as $groupname) { $group = array('uid' => $this->um->uid, 'name' => $groupname); $this->um->addGroup($group); } $groups = $this->um->getGroups(); // We may display a subset here $ownGroups = $this->um->getOwnGroups(); $myGroups = $this->um->getUserGroups(); } $expertMode = $this->um->getParam('user', 'expert_mode'); // Should we use expert mode? foreach ($groups as $gid => $rec) { $acl = $node->getGroupACL($gid); $parentACL = $node->getParentACL($gid); if (!$acl) { $acl = $parentACL; } $aclSum = $acl['allow_insert'] + $acl['allow_update'] + $acl['allow_delete']; $parentSum = $parentACL['allow_insert'] + $parentACL['allow_update'] + $parentACL['allow_delete']; if ($aclSum > 0 && $aclSum < 3 || $parentSum > 0 && $parentSum < 3) { $expertMode = true; } } ?> <table cellpadding='1'> <tr> <?php if ($expertMode) { ?> <th class="group"><?php echo SB_T('Group'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('R'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('A'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('M'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('D'); ?> </th> <?php } else { ?> <th class="group"><?php echo SB_T('Group'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('Read'); ?> </th> <th class="right"><?php echo SB_T('Write'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php foreach ($groups as $gid => $rec) { $isMyGroup = isset($myGroups[$gid]); $isOwnGroup = isset($ownGroups[$gid]); $isPublic = in_array($rec['name'], $publicGroups); $acl = $node->getGroupACL($gid); $parentACL = $node->getParentACL($gid); if (!$acl) { $acl = $parentACL; } $aclSum = $acl['allow_select'] + $acl['allow_insert'] + $acl['allow_update'] + $acl['allow_delete']; $memberCanShare = $isOwnGroup || $isMyGroup && $myGroups[$gid]['share']; $memberCanUnShare = $isOwnGroup || $isMyGroup && $myGroups[$gid]['moderator']; $canShare = $node->isMyTree() && $memberCanShare; $canUnShare = $aclSum && ($node->isMyTree() || $memberCanUnShare); if (!$canShare && !$canUnShare && !$isMyGroup) { continue; } $showGroup = false; $hasMembers = false; if ($memberCanUnShare) { $members = $this->um->getMembers($gid); $hasMembers = count($members); $members = null; } $params = "nid_acl={$node->id}&command_gid={$gid}"; $commands = array(array('command' => 'Send Message to User', 'enabled' => !$isOwnGroup, 'icon' => 'command_message', 'label' => SB_T('Send message to group owner'), 'uriparams' => 'uid=' . $rec['uid']), array('command' => 'Invite Members', 'enabled' => !$isPublic && $memberCanUnShare, 'icon' => 'command_invite_members', 'uriparams' => $params), array('command' => 'Edit Members', 'enabled' => !$isPublic && $memberCanUnShare && $hasMembers, 'icon' => 'command_edit_members', 'uriparams' => $params), array('command' => 'Leave Group', 'enabled' => !$isPublic && !$isOwnGroup && $isMyGroup, 'icon' => 'command_leave_group', 'uriparams' => $params)); ?> <tr id="group<?php echo $gid; ?> a" class="group" style="visibility:collapse"> <td rowspan=<?php echo $expertMode ? 2 : 1; ?> class="group iconcommands"> <?php foreach ($commands as $command) { if (!isset($command['label'])) { $command['label'] = SB_T($command['command']); } $img = '<img src="' . SB_Page::relBaseUrl() . 'skins/' . $command['icon'] . ($command['enabled'] ? '' : '_inactive') . '.png" ' . ($linkopen = ""); $linkclose = ""; if ($command['enabled']) { $img .= 'onmousedown="SB_buttonDown(this,true);" ' . 'onmouseup="SB_buttonUp(this,true);" ' . 'onmouseover="SB_buttonOver(this,true);' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'SB_toolTip(this,event);' : '') . '" ' . 'onmouseout="SB_buttonOut(this,true);' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'SB_toolTipHide()' : '') . ';" ' . ($this->useToolTips ? 'x_title' : 'title') . '="' . $command['label'] . '" '; $linkopen = '<a class="iconcommand" href="command.php?command=' . $command['command'] . '&' . $command['uriparams'] . '">'; $linkclose = '</a> '; } else { $img .= $this->getToolTip(array('title' => $command['label'])); } echo $linkopen . $img . ' />' . $linkclose . ' '; } ?> <br><?php echo $isOwnGroup ? $rec['name'] : $rec['completenamehtml']; ?> </td> <?php if ($expertMode) { foreach ($this->tree->rights as $right) { if ($parentACL && $parentACL['allow_' . $right]) { $showGroup = true; } ?> <td class="right"> <input type="checkbox" disabled <?php echo $parentACL && $parentACL['allow_' . $right] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> <?php } } else { $readOnly = $parentACL && $parentACL['allow_select']; $readWrite = $parentACL && $parentACL['allow_insert'] && $parentACL['allow_update'] && $parentACL['allow_delete']; if ($readOnly || $readWrite) { $showGroup = true; } } if ($expertMode) { ?> </tr> <tr id="group<?php echo $gid; ?> b" style="visibility:collapse"> <?php foreach ($this->tree->rights as $right) { $isSet = $acl && $acl['allow_' . $right]; $canChange = (!$isSet && $canShare || $isSet && $canUnShare) && ($right == 'select' || !$isPublic); if ($isSet || $canChange) { $showGroup = true; } ?> <td class='right'> <input type='checkbox' value='1' <?php echo $canChange ? '' : 'disabled'; ?> name='<?php echo $right . '_' . $gid; ?> ' <?php echo $isSet ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> <?php } } else { $isSetRO = $acl && $acl['allow_select']; // Other rights must be set the same way when we are here $isSetRW = $acl && $acl['allow_update']; $canChangeRO = !$isSetRO && $canShare || $isSetRO && $canUnShare; $canChangeRW = !$isPublic && (!$isSetRW && $canShare) || $isSetRW && $canUnShare; if ($isSetRO || $canChangeRO || ($isSetRW || $canChangeRW)) { $showGroup = true; } ?> <td class='right'> <input type='checkbox' value='1' <?php echo $canChangeRO ? '' : 'disabled'; ?> onchange='if (!this.checked) this.form.<?php echo 'rw_' . $gid; ?> .checked=false;' name='<?php echo 'select_' . $gid; ?> ' <?php echo $isSetRO ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> <td class='right'> <input type='checkbox' value='1' <?php echo $canChangeRW ? '' : 'disabled'; ?> onchange='if (this.checked) this.form.<?php echo 'select_' . $gid; ?> .checked=true;' name='<?php echo 'rw_' . $gid; ?> ' <?php echo $isSetRW ? 'checked' : ''; ?> > </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php if ($showGroup) { echo "<script>SB_showShareGroup({$gid});</script>"; } } ?> </table> <?php if ($expertMode) { ?> <div class="legend"><?php echo SB_P('command::security_legend'); ?> </div> <?php } }