function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->stat = false; $this->control = false; $this->physics = false; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->x = -78; $this->y = 78; $this->z = -10; $num = 0; if (isset($parent->houses)) { $num = count($parent->houses); } $this->x += $num * 51; $this->js = ""; $this->render = true; $this->target = ""; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); //var_dump( find( root( $this ), "Game" )->interactive ); if (find(root($this), "Game")->interactive != 'false') { $this->js = "house_click"; } if ($this->render) { find(root($this), "Bank")->amount -= $parent->cost; } //unique name $this->name = "house" . $parent->id . $this->id; //set new target based on new name $this->target = $this->name; //recalculate guid based on new name //$this->guid = md5( serialize( clean( $this ) ) ); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/examples/js/Detector.js", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/examples/js/renderers/Projector.js", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/examples/js/renderers/CanvasRenderer.js", "region":"head" }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->x = 0; $this->z = 0; $this->rotation = 0; $this->label = ""; $this->type = ""; $this->city = ""; $this->cost = 0; $this->profit = 0; $this->houses = array(); $this->js = ""; $this->target = ""; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $game = find($this->root(), "Game"); //var_dump( $game ); if ($this->cost and $game->interactive) { $this->js = "street_click"; } //var_dump( $this->id ); //var_dump( count( $parent->streets ) ); /* get houses from db */ //var_dump( clean( $this ) ); //var_dump( root( $this ) ); $this->target = $this->name; $db_houses = root($this)->db->load("House", "parent", $this->name); //var_dump( $this->name . " " . count( $db_houses ) ); if (count($db_houses)) { foreach ($db_houses as $db_house) { $this->add(new House($this, $db_house->object)); } } //var_dump( $db_houses ); //$this->parent->add( new Script( $this->parent, '{ "path":"tpl/js/house.js", "region":"head" }' ) ); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); //$this->add( new Script( $this, '{ "path":"threejs/threex/vendor/oimo.js", "region":"head" }' ) ); //$this->add( new Script( $this, '{ "path":"threejs/threex/threex.oimo.js", "region":"head" }' ) ); //$this->add( new Script( $this, '{ "path":"threejs/threex/threex.oimo.js", "region":"head" }' ) ); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->name = "Test project"; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) and $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] != "") { $this->path = substr($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], 1); } else { $this->path = "index"; } $this->session = new Session($this, '{}'); $this->db = new DB($this, '{ "host":"' . HOST . '", "database":"' . DB . '", "user":"******", "pass":"******" }'); $this->user = new User($this, '{}'); $this->call = new Call($this, '{}'); /* system scripts */ $this->add(new Style($this, '{ "path":"styles", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threephp/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"script", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"main", "region":"footer" }')); /* system pages */ $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Styles", "file":"threephp/tpl/styles.php", "path":"styles", "all":false }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Scripts head", "file":"threephp/tpl/scripts.php", "path":"script", "all":false }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Scripts footer", "file":"threephp/tpl/scripts.php", "path":"main", "all":false }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Login", "file":"threephp/tpl/login.php", "path":"login" }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Highscore", "file":"threephp/tpl/highscore.php", "path":"highscore" }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Call", "file":"threephp/tpl/call.php", "path":"call", "all":false }')); $this->add(new Page($this, '{ "name":"Console", "file":"threephp/tpl/console.php", "path":"console", "all":false }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->host = "localhost"; $this->user = "******"; $this->pass = ""; $this->db = "threedb"; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->x = 0; $this->y = 0; $this->rotation = 0 - M_PI / 2; $this->js = ""; //"board_click"; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); if (isset($_COOKIE["threephp"])) { $this->cookie = $_COOKIE["threephp"]; } else { $this->cookie = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); setcookie("threephp", $this->cookie, 0, "/"); } }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->secure = false; $this->name = "Test page"; $this->path = ""; $this->file = ""; $this->all = true; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); if ($this->secure) { //check project user } }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->interactive = true; $this->game = 0; $this->round = 0; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->name = "game"; $db_dices = root($this)->db->load("Dice"); if (count($db_dices)) { $this->interactive = false; } }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->name = "light"; $this->color = 0xdfebff; $this->x = 300; $this->y = 500; $this->z = -250; $this->shadow = true; $this->box = false; $this->size = 2048; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->dice1 = 6; $this->dice2 = 6; $this->js = 'dice_roll'; $this->numhouses = 0; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); find($this->root(), "Scene")->physics = true; $this->name = "dice"; //load last value?? $db_dices = root($this)->db->load("Dice", "", "", true); if (count($db_dices)) { $dice = json_decode($db_dices[0]->object); $this->dice1 = $dice->dice1; $this->dice2 = $dice->dice2; } }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->resize = false; $this->stat = false; $this->click = false; //$this->info = false; $this->control = false; $this->tween = false; $this->physics = false; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->name = "scene"; $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/build/three.min.js", "region":"head" }')); $this->add(new Camera($this, '{}')); $this->add(new Renderer($this, '{}')); $this->add(new Ambient($this, '{}')); $this->add(new Light($this, '{}')); if ($this->resize) { $this->add(new Resize($this, '{}')); } if ($this->stat) { $this->add(new Stat($this, '{}')); } if ($this->click) { $this->add(new Click($this, '{}')); } //if( $this->info ): // $this->add( new Info( $this, '{}' ) ); //endif; if ($this->control) { $this->add(new Control($this, '{}')); } if ($this->tween) { $this->add(new Tween($this, '{}')); } if ($this->physics) { $this->add(new Physics($this, '{}')); } $this->add(new Animate($this, '{ "stat":"' . $this->stat . '", "control":"' . $this->control . '", "physics":"' . $this->physics . '" }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->color = 0x666666; //$this->x = -400; $this->y = 3; //$this->z = -400; $this->rotation = 0 - M_PI / 2; $this->position = 0; $this->target = 0; $this->js = ""; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->name = "pawn"; //load all dices from db and base position on it //in separate function $db_dices = root($this)->db->load("Dice"); if (count($db_dices)) { if ($this->root()->path == "call") { array_pop($db_dices); } if (count($db_dices)) { foreach ($db_dices as $db_dice) { $dice = new Dice($this, $db_dice->object); $this->position += $dice->dice1; $this->position += $dice->dice2; if ($this->position > 15) { $this->position -= 16; } //var_dump( $this->position ); } } } $this->target = $this->position; $street = find(root($this), "Street", "name", "street" . $this->position); $this->x = $street->x; $this->z = $street->z; //var_dump( "position: " . $this->position . " target: " . $this->target ); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->rotation = M_PI / 4; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js", "region":"head" }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threephp/js/TweenMax.min.js", "region":"head" }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->path = ""; $this->region = ""; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->add(new Script($this, '{ "path":"threejs/examples/js/libs/stats.min.js", "region":"head" }')); }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { $this->amount = 0; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->name = "bank"; }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "{}") { parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); $this->name = "dialog"; }
function __construct($parent = null, $params_json = "") { $this->color = 0x666666; parent::__construct($parent, $params_json); }