Пример #1
    protected function assertMatchesXpath($html, $expression, $count = 1)
        $dom = new \DomDocument('UTF-8');
        try {
            // Wrap in <root> node so we can load HTML with multiple tags at
            // the top level
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return $this->fail(sprintf(
                "Failed loading HTML:\n\n%s\n\nError: %s",
        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
        $nodeList = $xpath->evaluate('/root'.$expression);

        if ($nodeList->length != $count) {
            $dom->formatOutput = true;
                "Failed asserting that \n\n%s\n\nmatches exactly %s. Matches %s in \n\n%s",
                $count == 1 ? 'once' : $count . ' times',
                $nodeList->length == 1 ? 'once' : $nodeList->length . ' times',
                // strip away <root> and </root>
                substr($dom->saveHTML(), 6, -8)
Пример #2
  * Parse the given xml definition string and return a
  * Console_CommandLine instance constructed with the xml data.
  * @param string $xmlstr the xml string to parse
  * @return object a Console_CommandLine instance
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function parseString($xmlstr)
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     $root = $doc->childNodes->item(0);
     return self::_parseCommandNode($root, true);
Пример #3
 private function parseString($xmlStr)
     $document = new DomDocument();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
     return new XmlDataType($document);
  * Parses the given xml definition string and returns a
  * Console_CommandLine instance constructed with the xml data.
  * @param string $xmlstr The xml string to parse
  * @return Console_CommandLine A parser instance
 public static function parseString($xmlstr)
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('command');
     $root = $nodes->item(0);
     return self::_parseCommandNode($root, true);
Пример #5
 public function prettyPrint($code, $lang)
     switch ($lang) {
         case 'json':
             return json_encode(json_decode($code), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
         case 'xml':
             $xml = new \DomDocument('1.0');
             $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
             $xml->formatOutput = true;
             return $xml->saveXml();
             return $code;
Пример #6
 public static function unmarshalRoot($string)
     $dom = new \DomDocument();
     $xpath = new \DomXPath($dom);
     $query = "child::*";
     $childs = $xpath->query($query);
     $binding = array();
     foreach ($childs as $child) {
         $legko = new Bind();
         $lDom = new \DomDocument();
         $lDom->appendChild($lDom->importNode($child, true));
         $binding = $legko->unmarshal($lDom->saveXml());
     return $binding;
 public function parse($content, __Configuration &$configuration)
     $dom = new DomDocument("1.0");
     if ($dom->documentElement != null) {
         $this->_parseDomNode($dom->documentElement, $configuration);
     } else {
         $xml_content_array = preg_split('/[\\n\\r]+/', $content);
         $parse_errors = libxml_get_errors();
         $error_descriptions_array = array();
         foreach ($parse_errors as $_parse_error) {
             $error_descriptions_array[] = $this->_getReadableXMLErrorDescription($_parse_error, $xml_content_array);
         $error_description = join("\n", $error_descriptions_array);
         throw new __ConfigurationException($error_description);
Пример #8
  * Parse the response XML into an associative array of values.
  * @param string response XML
 protected function parseResponse($xml)
     $dom = new \DomDocument();
     try {
         // Munge errors into exceptions
     } catch (\DomException $e) {
         $this->error = self::ERROR_XML;
         $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
     if ($this->error) {
         return false;
     foreach ($dom->firstChild->childNodes as $node) {
         $this->responseData[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue;
Пример #9
  * Fetches the necessary attribute information for
  * the defined media item.
  * @return bool
 protected function fetchAttributes()
     if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         $youtubeXml = @file_get_contents($this->apiUrl . '/' . $this->mediaId);
         if (isset($http_response_header) && strpos($http_response_header[0], '200') === false) {
             throw new ExternalMediaDriver_InvalidID('YouTube ID "' . $this->mediaId . '" does not exist');
         $dom = new DomDocument();
         $xPath = new DomXPath($dom);
         // Gather all details
         $group = $xPath->query('//media:group')->item(0);
         $this->attributes['title'] = $xPath->query('media:title', $group)->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $this->attributes['description'] = $xPath->query('media:description', $group)->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $this->attributes['videoUrl'] = $xPath->query('media:content/@url[starts-with(., "http")]', $group)->item(0)->value;
         $this->attributes['thumbUrl'] = $xPath->query('media:thumbnail[position()=1]/@url', $group)->item(0)->value;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #10
  * Generate and return the OsmChange XML required to record the changes
  * made to the object in question.
  * @return string
  * @link   http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OsmChange
 public function getOsmChangeXml()
     $type = $this->getType();
     if ($this->dirty) {
         $version = $this->getVersion();
         $domd = new DomDocument();
         $xpath = new DomXPath($domd);
         $nodelist = $xpath->query("//{$type}");
         $nodelist->item(0)->setAttribute('action', $this->action);
         $nodelist->item(0)->setAttribute('id', $this->getId());
         if (!is_null($this->changesetId)) {
             $nodelist->item(0)->setAttribute('changeset', $this->changesetId);
         $tags = $xpath->query("//{$type}/tag");
         $set = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $tags->length; $i++) {
             $key = $tags->item($i)->getAttribute('k');
             $val = $tags->item($i)->getAttribute('v');
             $set[$key] = $val;
         $diff = array_diff($this->getTags(), $set);
         // Remove existing tags
         for ($i = 0; $i < $tags->length; $i++) {
             $rkey = $tags->item($i)->getAttribute('k');
             if (isset($diff[$rkey])) {
         foreach ($diff as $key => $value) {
             $new = $domd->createElement('tag');
             $new->setAttribute('k', $key);
             $new->setAttribute('v', $value);
         $xml = $domd->saveXml($nodelist->item(0));
         $xml = "<{$this->action}>{$xml}</{$this->action}>";
         return $this->osmChangeXml($xml);
     } elseif ($this->action == 'delete') {
         $xml = null;
         $domd = new DomDocument();
         $xpath = new DomXPath($domd);
         $n = $xpath->query("//{$type}");
         $version = $this->getVersion();
         if (!is_null($this->changesetId)) {
             $n->item(0)->setAttribute('changeset', $this->changesetId);
         $n->item(0)->setAttribute('action', 'delete');
         $xml = $domd->saveXml($n->item(0));
         return $this->osmChangeXml("<delete>{$xml}</delete>");
Пример #11
function saveXML($simplexml)
    global $config;
    $domDoc = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $domDoc->formatOutput = true;
    $domDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    return file_put_contents($config['xml_tv'], $domDoc->saveXml());
Пример #12
  * Amend osmChangeXml with specific updates pertinent to this Way object.
  * @param string $xml OSM Change XML as generated by getOsmChangeXml
  * @return string
  * @see    getOsmChangeXml
  * @link   http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OsmChange
 public function osmChangeXml($xml)
     if ($this->dirtyNodes) {
         $domd = new DomDocument();
         $xpath = new DomXPath($domd);
         $nodelist = $xpath->query('//' . $this->action . '/way');
         $nd = $xpath->query("//{$this->action}/way/nd");
         // Remove nodes if appropriate.
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nd->length; $i++) {
             $ref = $nd->item($i)->getAttribute('ref');
             if (array_search($ref, $this->nodes) === false) {
         // Add new nodes.
         foreach ($this->nodesNew as $new) {
             $el = $domd->createElement('nd');
             $el->setAttribute('ref', $new);
         // Remove blank lines in XML - minimise bandwidth usage.
         return preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", '', $domd->saveXml($nodelist->item(0)));
         return $domd->saveXml($nodelist->item(0));
     } else {
         return $xml;
Пример #13
  * Performs a Plesk API request, returns raw API response text
  * @param string $packet
  * @return string
  * @throws ApiRequestException
 private function sendRequest($packet)
     $domdoc = new \DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     if ($domdoc->loadXml($packet) === false) {
         $this->error = 'Failed to load payload';
         return false;
     $body = $domdoc->saveHTML();
     return $this->http->sendRequest($body);
Пример #14
 public static function fromString($xmlString)
     $xml = new \DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     return new self($xml);
  * Sets up a domdocument for the functions.
  * @return DomDocument
  *   The domdocument to modify
 protected function getDom()
     if (isset($this->datastream->content) && $this->autoCommit) {
         // @todo Proper exception handling.
         $document = new DomDocument();
         $document->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
     } else {
         if (!is_null($this->domCache) && !$this->autoCommit) {
             $document = $this->domCache;
         } else {
             $document = new DomDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
             $rootelement = $document->createElement('rdf:RDF');
     // Setup the default namespace aliases.
     foreach ($this->namespaces as $alias => $uri) {
         // if we use setAttributeNS here we drop the rdf: from about which
         // breaks things, so we do this, then the hack below.
         $document->documentElement->setAttribute("xmlns:{$alias}", $uri);
     // this is a hack, but it makes sure namespaces are properly registered
     $document_namespaces = new DomDocument();
     $document_namespaces->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
     return $document_namespaces;
Пример #16
  * Load the metadata xml specification
  * @param string The base path to read the xml file from
  * @return boolean (True if all ok, False in other case)
 private function _loadMetadata()
     $return_value = array('mapping' => array(), 'autoloaders' => array(), 'classpaths' => array());
     #by default
     //Find any include path files recursively, under the base directory's lib directories
     if (is_dir($this->_normalized_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libs')) {
         $includepath_files = __FileResolver::resolveFiles($this->_normalized_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '...' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::INCLUDE_PATH_FILENAME);
     } else {
         $includepath_files = array();
     //Do an explicit check in the baseDir/config directory
     if (is_file($this->_normalized_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::INCLUDE_PATH_FILENAME)) {
         $includepath_files[] = $this->_normalized_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::INCLUDE_PATH_FILENAME;
     //Go through each include file that we found, and parse the information.
     foreach ($includepath_files as $includepath_file) {
         $content = file_get_contents($includepath_file);
         $dom = new DomDocument("1.0");
         if ($dom->documentElement != null) {
             foreach ($dom->documentElement->childNodes as $child) {
                 if ($child->nodeName == 'cluster') {
                     if (substr($child->getAttribute('path'), 0, 1) == '/') {
                         $current_dir = $this->_normalized_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                     } else {
                         $current_dir = rtrim(dirname($includepath_file), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                     $path = trim($child->getAttribute('path'));
                     $path = preg_replace('/\\/\\.\\.\\.$/', '', $path, 1, $count);
                     if ($count == 1) {
                         $recursive = true;
                     } else {
                         $recursive = false;
                     $current_dir .= ltrim($path, '/');
                     foreach ($child->childNodes as $class_child) {
                         if ($class_child->nodeName == 'class' || $class_child->nodeName == 'interface') {
                             if (strpos($class_child->getAttribute('name'), '*') !== false) {
                                 $class_data = $this->_loadMetaClassesFromMappingRule($class_child, $current_dir, $recursive);
                                 $return_value['mapping'] = $class_data + $return_value['mapping'];
                             } else {
                                 $class_data = $this->_loadMetaClass($class_child, $current_dir);
                                 $return_value['mapping'][strtoupper($class_child->getAttribute('name'))] = $class_data;
                 } else {
                     if ($child->nodeName == 'autoload') {
                         if ($child->hasAttribute('class') && $child->hasAttribute('method')) {
                             $return_value['autoloaders'][$child->getAttribute('class')] = $child->getAttribute('method');
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception('Missing information to register the autoload method. It was expected a class and a method attribute.');
                     } else {
                         if ($child->nodeName == 'classpath') {
                             if ($child->hasAttribute('path')) {
                                 $return_value['classpaths'][] = $child->getAttribute('path');
                             } else {
                                 throw new Exception('Missing path attribute.');
         } else {
              * @todo extract error loading classes location by ussing libxml_get_errors()
             throw new Exception("Error parsing includepath file: " . $includepath_file);
     return $return_value;
Пример #17
[expect php]
function __xml_norm($str)
    $str = str_replace(" /", "/", $str);
    if ($str[strlen($str) - 1] != "\n") {
        return $str . "\n";
    } else {
        return $str;
$dom1 = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xml = '<foo />';
$node = clone $dom1->documentElement;
$dom2 = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom2->appendChild($dom2->importNode($node->cloneNode(true), TRUE));
$dom2->formatOutput = true;
echo __xml_norm($dom2->saveXML());
Пример #18
  * Parse xmlData and return parsed result
 private function parse(&$xmlData)
     $result = array();
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     // Try to load XML or return parse error
     if (false == @$doc->loadXml($xmlData)) {
         // Try to fix XML by Tidy and try to load one more time
         if (function_exists("tidy_repair_string")) {
             $xmlData = tidy_repair_string($xmlData, array('output-xml' => true, 'input-xml' => true), 'utf8');
         if (false == @$doc->loadXml($xmlData)) {
             $this->lastError = self::$parseError;
             return false;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     // Register xml name spaces
     // Parse channel tags
     foreach ($this->channelTags as &$tag) {
         $result[$tag] = $xpath->evaluate("string(channel/{$tag})");
         if ($tag == 'lastBuildDate') {
     // Parse items
     // @todo: Zjistit, co bude rychlejsi
     //$items = $doc->getElementsByTagName('item');
     $items = $xpath->evaluate('/rss/channel/item');
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $tmpItem = array();
         // Parse item tags
         foreach ($this->itemTags as &$tag) {
             switch ($tag) {
                 case 'pubDate':
                     $tmpItem[$tag] = $xpath->evaluate('string(pubDate)', $item);
                 case 'category':
                     // Category is multivalue tag
                     $tmpItem[$tag] = array();
                     foreach ($xpath->query('category', $item) as $node) {
                         $tmpItem[$tag][] = trim($node->nodeValue);
                 case 'title':
                 case 'description':
                     $tmpItem[$tag] = $xpath->evaluate("string({$tag})", $item);
                     if ($this->stripHtml) {
                         $tmpItem[$tag] = strip_tags($tmpItem[$tag]);
                         $tmpItem[$tag] = html_entity_decode($tmpItem[$tag], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                     $tmpItem[$tag] = trim($tmpItem[$tag]);
                     $tmpItem[$tag] = trim($xpath->evaluate("string({$tag})", $item));
         $result['items'][] = $tmpItem;
         // If limit number of items is reached, stop processing remaining items
         if (count($result['items']) == $this->itemsLimit) {
     // Calc items count
     $result['itemsCount'] = isset($result['items']) ? count($result['items']) : 0;
     return $result;
Пример #19
  * Loads data form XML file, and merges it with main oDomXML.
  * @param string      $sMenuFile which file to load
  * @param DomDocument $oDom      where to load
 protected function _loadFromFile($sMenuFile, $oDom)
     $blMerge = false;
     $oDomFile = new DomDocument();
     $oDomFile->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     if (!@$oDomFile->load($sMenuFile)) {
         $blMerge = true;
     } elseif (is_readable($sMenuFile) && ($sXml = @file_get_contents($sMenuFile))) {
         // looking for non supported character encoding
         if (getStr()->preg_match("/encoding\\=(.*)\\?\\>/", $sXml, $aMatches) !== 0) {
             if (isset($aMatches[1])) {
                 $sCurrEncoding = trim($aMatches[1], "\"");
                 if (!in_array(strtolower($sCurrEncoding), $this->_aSupportedExpathXmlEncodings)) {
                     $sXml = str_replace($aMatches[1], "\"UTF-8\"", $sXml);
                     $sXml = iconv($sCurrEncoding, "UTF-8", $sXml);
         // load XML as string
         if (@$oDomFile->loadXml($sXml)) {
             $blMerge = true;
     if ($blMerge) {
         $this->_merge($oDomFile, $oDom);
  * Massage the SVG image data for converters which don't understand some path data syntax.
  * This is necessary for rsvg and ImageMagick when compiled with rsvg support.
  * Upstream bug is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=620923, fixed 2014-11-10, so
  * this will be needed for a while. (T76852)
  * @param string $svg SVG image data
  * @return string Massaged SVG image data
 protected function massageSvgPathdata($svg)
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('path') as $node) {
         $pathData = $node->getAttribute('d');
         // Make sure there is at least one space between numbers, and that leading zero is not omitted.
         // rsvg has issues with syntax like "M-1-2" and "M.445.483" and especially "M-.445-.483".
         $pathData = preg_replace('/(-?)(\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+)/', ' ${1}0$2 ', $pathData);
         // Strip unnecessary leading zeroes for prettiness, not strictly necessary
         $pathData = preg_replace('/([ -])0(\\d)/', '$1$2', $pathData);
         $node->setAttribute('d', $pathData);
     return $dom->saveXml();
Пример #21
  * Performs a Plesk API request, returns raw API response text
  * @param string packet
  * @return string
  * @throws ApiRequestException
 private function sendRequest($packet)
     $domdoc = new \DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     if ($domdoc->loadXml($packet) === FALSE) {
         $this->error = 'Failed to load payload';
         return FALSE;
     curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $domdoc->saveHTML());
     $result = curl_exec($this->curl);
     if (curl_errno($this->curl)) {
         $errmsg = curl_error($this->curl);
         $errcode = curl_errno($this->curl);
         throw new ApiRequestException($errmsg, $errcode);
     $info = curl_getinfo($this->curl);
     $this->request_header = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT);
     return $result;
Пример #22
    global $is_verbose;
    if ($is_verbose) {
        echo $str;
$passes = 0;
$failures = 0;
$runs = 0;
foreach (find_files(getcwd(), '/\\.test\\.php$/') as $filename) {
    $path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib') . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get("include_path");
    $xml = shell_exec('php -d include_path=' . escapeshellarg($path) . ' ' . escapeshellarg(basename($filename)) . ' -x');
    verbose("Running suite: " . $filename . "\n");
    $doc = new DomDocument();
    if (@$doc->loadXml($xml)) {
        $q = new DomXpath($doc);
        $passes += $q->query('//pass')->length;
        $failures += $q->query('//fail')->length;
        foreach ($q->query('//fail') as $fail) {
            verbose($fail->nodeValue . "\n");
        verbose($q->query('//pass')->length . " passes, ");
        verbose($q->query('//fail')->length . " failures" . "\n");
    } else {
        $failures += 1;
Пример #23

function loopElements($nodes)
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        if ($node instanceof DOMElement) {
            if ($node->childNodes->length > 0) {
                $count += loopElements($node->childNodes);
    return $count;
$xml = <<<DOC
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
    <b><xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/root/a)" /></b>
    <c><xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/root/b)" /></c>
$doc = new DomDocument();
$count = loopElements(array($doc->documentElement));