function props_to_xml() { # make the source xml # make doc and root $xml = new DomDocument(); $root = $xml->createElement('request'); $root->setAttribute('controller', params('controller')); $root->setAttribute('action', params('action')); $root = $xml->appendChild($root); # unpack the props into xml foreach ($this->props as $k => $v) { # if it will become xml, do that, otherwise make a dumb tag if (is_object($v) && method_exists($v, 'to_xml')) { $obj_xml = $v->to_xml(array(), true, true); $obj_xml = $xml->importNode($obj_xml->documentElement, true); $root->appendChild($obj_xml); } else { $node = $xml->createElement($k); if (strpos($v, '<') !== false || strpos($v, '>') !== false || strpos($v, '&') !== false) { $cdata = $xml->createCDATASection($v); } else { $cdata = $xml->createTextNode($v); } $node->appendChild($cdata); $node = $root->appendChild($node); } } return $xml; }
/** * Renders the gathered nodes into a XML document. * * @param string $xml Text to be imported to a DomDocument. * * @return XmlManipulator */ public function renderDocument($xml) { $this->document = $this->initDomDocument($xml); foreach ($this->nodes as $nodeXml) { $mergeDoc = $this->initDomDocument($nodeXml); $importNode = $mergeDoc->getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'class')->item(0); $importNode = $this->document->importNode($importNode, true); $this->document->documentElement->appendChild($importNode); } return $this; }
static function response($status, $status_message, $domdocument = null) { $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $results = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('response')); $results->appendChild($dom->createElement('status', $status)); $results->appendChild($dom->createElement('status_message', $status_message)); if (is_null($domdocument)) { $domdocument = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $domdocument->appendChild($domdocument->createElement('data')); } if ($domdocument->documentElement->nodeName === 'data') { $newdom = $domdocument; } else { $newdom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $data = $newdom->appendChild($newdom->createElement('data')); foreach ($domdocument->documentElement->childNodes as $domElement) { $domNode = $newdom->importNode($domElement, true); $data->appendChild($domNode); } } $import = $dom->importNode($newdom->documentElement, TRUE); $results->appendChild($import); $dom->formatOutput = true; echo $dom->saveXML(); }
public function truncatehtml($html, $minimum) { $oldDocument = new \DomDocument(); $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'); $oldDocument->loadHTML('<div>' . $html . '</div>'); // remove DOCTYPE, HTML and BODY tags $oldDocument->removeChild($oldDocument->firstChild); $oldDocument->replaceChild($oldDocument->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild, $oldDocument->firstChild); $currentLength = 0; // displayed text length (without markup) $newDocument = new \DomDocument(); foreach ($oldDocument->documentElement->childNodes as $node) { if ($node->nodeType != 3) { // not text node $imported = $newDocument->importNode($node, true); $newDocument->appendChild($imported); // copy original node to output document $currentLength += strlen(html_entity_decode($imported->nodeValue)); if ($currentLength >= $minimum) { // check if the minimum is reached break; } } } $output = $newDocument->saveHTML(); return html_entity_decode($output); }
protected function injectText(DOMNode $parent, DOMNode $sibling, $string) { $textNode = new DOMText(); $textNode->nodeValue = $string; $textNode = $this->templateDocument->importNode($textNode); $parent->insertBefore($textNode, $sibling); }
/** * This method replace the <abbr> tag with a new html tag. * @param DomDocument $parentDom * @param array $wikiInfo * @param string $text * @param DomElement $oldNode */ private function replaceDomNode($parentDom, $wikiInfo, $text, $oldNode) { $wikiInfo = (array) $wikiInfo; $urlPattern = stripslashes(get_option('wikiUrlPattern')); $newUrl = str_replace('$articleurl', $wikiInfo['wikiurl'], $urlPattern); $newUrl = str_replace('$title', $wikiInfo['title'], $newUrl); $newUrl = str_replace('$text', $text, $newUrl); $newDom = new DOMDocument(); $newDom->loadHTML($newUrl); $node = $newDom->getElementsByTagName("a")->item(0); $oldNode->parentNode->replaceChild($parentDom->importNode($node, true), $oldNode); }
/** * Returns a SimpleXMLElement for the given config. * * @see Zend_Build_Resource_Interface * @param Zend_Build_Resource_Interface Resource to convert to XML * @return string String in valid XML 1.0 format */ public static function getXmlForConfig(Zend_Config $config) { // First create the empty XML element $xml = self::_arrayToXml($config->toArray(), new SimpleXMLElement('<' . self::CONFIG_XML_ROOT_ELEMENT . '/>'), true); // Format output for readable XML and save to $filename $dom = new DomDocument('1.0'); $domnode = dom_import_simplexml($xml); $domnode = $dom->importNode($domnode, true); $domnode = $dom->appendChild($domnode); $dom->formatOutput = true; return $dom->saveXML(); }
/** * Merge two SimpleXMLElements into a single object * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml1 * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml2 */ public static function SimpleXml_Merge(SimpleXMLElement &$xml1, SimpleXMLElement $xml2) { $dom1 = new DomDocument(); $dom2 = new DomDocument(); $dom1->loadXML($xml1->asXML()); $dom2->loadXML($xml2->asXML()); $xpath = new domXPath($dom2); $xpathQuery = $xpath->query('/*/*'); for ($i = 0; $i < $xpathQuery->length; $i++) { $dom1->documentElement->appendChild($dom1->importNode($xpathQuery->item($i), true)); } $xml1 = simplexml_import_dom($dom1); }
public static function unmarshalRoot($string) { $dom = new \DomDocument(); $dom->loadXml($string); $xpath = new \DomXPath($dom); $query = "child::*"; $childs = $xpath->query($query); $binding = array(); foreach ($childs as $child) { $legko = new Bind(); $lDom = new \DomDocument(); $lDom->appendChild($lDom->importNode($child, true)); $binding = $legko->unmarshal($lDom->saveXml()); } return $binding; }
function simplexml_mergeLand(SimpleXMLElement &$xml1, SimpleXMLElement $xml2) { // convert SimpleXML objects into DOM ones $dom1 = new DomDocument(); $dom2 = new DomDocument(); $dom1->loadXML($xml1->asXML()); $dom2->loadXML($xml2->asXML()); // pull all child elements of second XML $xpath = new domXPath($dom2); $xpathQuery = $xpath->query('/propertyList/land'); for ($i = 0; $i < $xpathQuery->length; $i++) { // and pump them into first one $dom1->documentElement->appendChild($dom1->importNode($xpathQuery->item($i), true)); } // for($i = 0; $i < $xpathQuery->length; $i++) $xml1 = simplexml_import_dom($dom1); }
public function matches($schemaFile) { foreach ($this->xml as $id => $dom) { $configElement = $dom->getElementsByTagName('config'); if (1 !== $configElement->length) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Can only test a file if it contains 1 <config> element, %d given', $configElement->length)); } $configDom = new \DomDocument(); $configDom->appendChild($configDom->importNode($configElement->item(0), true)); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (!$configDom->schemaValidate($schemaFile)) { $this->errors = libxml_get_errors(); $this->failingElement = $id; return false; } } return true; }
public function filterTables() { $this->filter = $this->query->query(sprintf("//value[@struct-name='db.mysql.Table']")); if ($this->filter instanceof DOMNodeList and $this->filter->length > 0) { $f = $this->filter; for ($i = 0; $i < $f->length; $i++) { $owner = $f->item($i)->getAttribute("id"); $x = new DOMXPath($this->reader); $res = $x->query("//value[@id='{$owner}']/value[@key='columns']"); $y = new DOMXPath($this->reader); $fks = $y->query("//value[@id='{$owner}']/value[@key='foreignKeys']"); $node = $f->item($i); $node->setAttribute("key", "tables"); if ($node) { $node = $f->item($i); $cols = $this->writer->createElement("value"); $cols->setAttribute("key", "columns"); for ($j = 0; $j < $res->length; $j++) { $cols->appendChild($this->writer->importNode($res->item($j), true)); } $this->writer->documentElement->appendChild($this->writer->importNode($node, true)); $this->writer->documentElement->childNodes->item($i)->appendChild($cols); $fk = $this->writer->createElement("value"); $fk->setAttribute("key", "foreignkeys"); for ($j = 0; $j < $fks->length; $j++) { $fk->appendChild($this->writer->importNode($fks->item($j), true)); } $this->writer->documentElement->childNodes->item($i)->appendChild($fk); } } $res = $this->query->query("//value[@key='catalog']/value[@key='schemata']/value[@struct-name='db.mysql.Schema']/value[@key='comment']/text()"); if ($res->length > 0) { $json = preg_replace('/([{,])(\\s*)([^"]+?)\\s*:/', '$1"$3":', trim((string) $res->item(0)->nodeValue)); $obj = json_decode($json, true); $control = $this->writer->createElement("application"); $control->setAttribute("key", "install"); foreach ($obj as $key => $val) { $control->setAttribute($key, $val); } $this->writer->documentElement->lastChild->appendChild($control); } } return $this; }
/** * given some content that might be html or xhtml, try to coerce it to xhtml and return it. * * @param string $content some html or xhtmlish content * * @return xhtml content or false for unmodified text content */ public static function parse_xhtmlish_content($content, $viewid = null) { $dom = new DomDocument(); $topel = $dom->createElement('tmp'); $tmp = new DomDocument(); if (strpos($content, '<') === false && strpos($content, '>') === false) { return false; } if (@$tmp->loadXML('<div>' . $content . '</div>')) { $topel->setAttribute('type', 'xhtml'); $content = $dom->importNode($tmp->documentElement, true); $content->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $topel->appendChild($content); // if that fails, it could still be html // DomDocument::loadHTML() parses the input as iso-8859-1 if no // encoding is declared. Since we are only loading a HTML fragment // there is no encoding declared which results in garbled output // since the content is actually in utf-8. To work around this // we force the encoding by appending an xml declaration. // see } else { if (@$tmp->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8"><div>' . $content . '</div>')) { $xpath = new DOMXpath($tmp); $elements = $xpath->query('/html/body/div'); if ($elements->length != 1) { if ($viewid) { log_warn("Leap2a export: invalid html found in view {$viewid}"); } if ($elements->length < 1) { return false; } } $ourelement = $elements->item(0); $content = $dom->importNode($ourelement, true); $content->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $topel->appendChild($content); } else { return false; // wtf is it then? } } $dom->appendChild($topel->firstChild); return $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement); }
public function getRowsToProcess($filesToProcess) { # Get some more detailed error information from libxml libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $log = null; try { # Logger for this processor $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(Mage::getBaseDir('log') . DS . 'order_status_import_processor_xml.log'); $log = new Zend_Log($writer); } catch (Exception $e) { # Do nothing.. :| } # Updates to process, later the result $updatesInFilesToProcess = array(); # Get mapping model $this->mappingModel = Mage::getModel('orderstatusimport/processor_mapping_fields'); $this->mappingModel->setDataPath('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/import_mapping'); # Load mapping $this->mapping = $this->mappingModel->getMappingConfig(); # Load configuration: $config = array('IMPORT_DATA_XPATH' => Mage::getStoreConfig('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/xpath_data'), 'IMPORT_SHIPPED_ONE_FIELD' => Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/shipped_one_field'), 'IMPORT_NESTED_ITEMS' => Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/node_nested_items'), 'IMPORT_NESTED_ITEM_XPATH' => Mage::getStoreConfig('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/node_nested_path'), 'IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKINGS' => Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/node_nested_trackings'), 'IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKING_XPATH' => Mage::getStoreConfig('orderstatusimport/processor_xml/node_nested_tracking_path')); if ($this->mapping->getOrderNumber() == null) { Mage::throwException('Please configure the XML processor in the configuration section of the Tracking Number Import Module. The order number field may not be empty and must be mapped.'); } if ($config['IMPORT_DATA_XPATH'] == '') { Mage::throwException('Please configure the XML Processor in the configuration section of the Tracking Number Import Module. The Data XPath field may not be empty.'); } foreach ($filesToProcess as $importFile) { $data = $importFile['data']; $filename = $importFile['filename']; $type = $importFile['type']; unset($importFile['data']); // Remove UTF8 BOM $bom = pack('H*', 'EFBBBF'); $data = preg_replace("/^{$bom}/", '', $data); $updatesToProcess = array(); // Prepare data - replace namespace $data = str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $data); // $data = str_replace('xmlns:', 'ns:', $data); // try { $xmlDOM = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDOM->loadXML($data); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors = "Could not load XML File '" . $filename . "' from '" . $type . "':\n" . $e->getMessage(); foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors .= "\t" . $error->message; } if ($log instanceof Zend_Log) { $log->info($errors); } continue; # Process next file.. } if (!$xmlDOM) { $errors = "Could not load XML File '" . $filename . "' from '" . $type . "':\n" . $e->getMessage(); foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors .= "\t" . $error->message; } if ($log instanceof Zend_Log) { $log->info($errors); } continue; # Process next file.. } $domXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDOM); $updates = $domXPath->query($config['IMPORT_DATA_XPATH']); foreach ($updates as $update) { // Init "sub dom" $updateDOM = new DomDocument(); $updateDOM->appendChild($updateDOM->importNode($update, true)); $updateXPath = new DOMXPath($updateDOM); $this->update = $updateXPath; $orderNumber = $this->getFieldData('order_number'); if (empty($orderNumber)) { continue; } $carrierCode = $this->getFieldData('carrier_code'); $carrierName = $this->getFieldData('carrier_name'); $trackingNumber = $this->getFieldData('tracking_number'); $status = $this->getFieldData('order_status'); $orderComment = $this->getFieldData('order_status_history_comment'); $skuToShip = strtolower($this->getFieldData('sku')); $qtyToShip = $this->getFieldData('qty'); $customData1 = $this->getFieldData('custom1'); $customData2 = $this->getFieldData('custom2'); if (!isset($updatesToProcess[$orderNumber])) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber] = array("STATUS" => $status, "ORDER_COMMENT" => $orderComment, "CUSTOM_DATA1" => $customData1, "CUSTOM_DATA2" => $customData2); $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['tracks'] = array(); if ($config['IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKINGS']) { // Tracking data is nested.. $tracks = $updateXPath->query($config['IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKING_XPATH']); foreach ($tracks as $track) { $this->track = $track; $carrierCode = $this->getFieldData('carrier_code', 'track'); $carrierName = $this->getFieldData('carrier_name', 'track'); $trackingNumber = $this->getFieldData('tracking_number', 'track'); if ($trackingNumber !== '') { $trackingNumber = str_replace(array("/", ",", "|"), ";", $trackingNumber); $trackingNumbers = explode(";", $trackingNumber); // Multiple tracking numbers in one field foreach ($trackingNumbers as $trackingNumber) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['tracks'][$trackingNumber] = array("TRACKINGNUMBER" => $trackingNumber, "CARRIER_CODE" => $carrierCode, "CARRIER_NAME" => $carrierName); } } } } else { if ($trackingNumber !== '') { $trackingNumber = str_replace(array("/", ",", "|"), ";", $trackingNumber); $trackingNumbers = explode(";", $trackingNumber); // Multiple tracking numbers in one field foreach ($trackingNumbers as $trackingNumber) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['tracks'][$trackingNumber] = array("TRACKINGNUMBER" => $trackingNumber, "CARRIER_CODE" => $carrierCode, "CARRIER_NAME" => $carrierName); } } } $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'] = array(); $itemsToAdd = array(); if ($config['IMPORT_NESTED_ITEMS']) { // Item data is nested.. $items = $updateXPath->query($config['IMPORT_NESTED_ITEM_XPATH']); foreach ($items as $item) { $this->item = $item; $skuToShip = strtolower($this->getFieldData('sku', 'item')); $qtyToShip = $this->getFieldData('qty', 'item'); if ($skuToShip !== '') { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $qtyToShip; } } } else { if ($skuToShip !== '') { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $qtyToShip; } } foreach ($itemsToAdd as $skuToShip => $qtyToShip) { if ($config['IMPORT_SHIPPED_ONE_FIELD'] == true) { // We're supposed to import the SKU and Qtys all from one field. Each combination separated by a ; and sku/qty separated by : $skuAndQtys = explode(";", $skuToShip); foreach ($skuAndQtys as $skuAndQty) { list($sku, $qty) = explode(":", $skuAndQty); $sku = strtolower($sku); if ($sku !== '') { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$sku] = array("SKU" => $sku, "QTY" => $qty); } } } else { // One row per SKU and QTY if ($skuToShip !== '') { if (isset($updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip])) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip] = array("SKU" => $skuToShip, "QTY" => $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip]['QTY'] + $qtyToShip); } else { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip] = array("SKU" => $skuToShip, "QTY" => $qtyToShip); } } } } } else { /*$orderNumber .= "|" . uniqid(); $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber] = array( "STATUS" => "", "ORDER_COMMENT" => "", "CUSTOM_DATA1" => "", "CUSTOM_DATA2" => "", );*/ // Add multiple tracking numbers and items to ship to $updates if ($config['IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKINGS']) { // Tracking data is nested.. $tracks = $updateXPath->query($config['IMPORT_NESTED_TRACKING_XPATH']); foreach ($tracks as $track) { // Init "sub dom" $trackDOM = new DomDocument(); $trackDOM->appendChild($trackDOM->importNode($track, true)); $trackXPath = new DOMXPath($trackDOM); $this->track = $trackXPath; $carrierCode = $this->getFieldData('carrier_code', 'track'); $carrierName = $this->getFieldData('carrier_name', 'track'); $trackingNumber = $this->getFieldData('tracking_number', 'track'); if ($trackingNumber !== '') { $trackingNumber = str_replace(array("/", ",", "|"), ";", $trackingNumber); $trackingNumbers = explode(";", $trackingNumber); // Multiple tracking numbers in one field foreach ($trackingNumbers as $trackingNumber) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['tracks'][$trackingNumber] = array("TRACKINGNUMBER" => $trackingNumber, "CARRIER_CODE" => $carrierCode, "CARRIER_NAME" => $carrierName); } } } } else { if ($trackingNumber !== '') { $trackingNumber = str_replace(array("/", ",", "|"), ";", $trackingNumber); $trackingNumbers = explode(";", $trackingNumber); // Multiple tracking numbers in one field foreach ($trackingNumbers as $trackingNumber) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['tracks'][$trackingNumber] = array("TRACKINGNUMBER" => $trackingNumber, "CARRIER_CODE" => $carrierCode, "CARRIER_NAME" => $carrierName); } } } $itemsToAdd = array(); if ($config['IMPORT_NESTED_ITEMS']) { // Item data is nested.. $items = $updateXPath->query($config['IMPORT_NESTED_ITEM_XPATH']); foreach ($items as $item) { $this->item = $item; $skuToShip = strtolower($this->getFieldData('sku', 'item')); $qtyToShip = $this->getFieldData('qty', 'item'); if ($skuToShip !== '') { if (isset($itemsToAdd[$skuToShip])) { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] + $qtyToShip; } else { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $qtyToShip; } } } } else { if ($skuToShip !== '') { if (isset($itemsToAdd[$skuToShip])) { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] + $qtyToShip; } else { $itemsToAdd[$skuToShip] = $qtyToShip; } } } foreach ($itemsToAdd as $skuToShip => $qtyToShip) { if ($skuToShip !== '') { if (isset($updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip])) { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip] = array("SKU" => $skuToShip, "QTY" => $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip]['QTY'] + $qtyToShip); } else { $updatesToProcess[$orderNumber]['items'][$skuToShip] = array("SKU" => $skuToShip, "QTY" => $qtyToShip); } } } } } // File processed $updatesInFilesToProcess[] = array("FILE_INFORMATION" => $importFile, "HAS_SKU_INFO" => $this->mapping->getSku() !== null ? true : false, "ORDERS" => $updatesToProcess); } #ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', 10); #Zend_Debug::dump($updatesToProcess); #die(); return $updatesInFilesToProcess; }
/** * * gets a dom to append and an element and another dom to append into them. * @param DomDocument $domToAppend * @param DOMElement $element * @param DomDocument $elementsDom * @throws Exception */ public static function appendDomToElement(DomDocument $domToAppend, DOMElement &$element, DomDocument $elementsDom) { if ($domToAppend->documentElement != NULL) { $importedNode = $elementsDom->importNode($domToAppend->documentElement, true); //Add him to the output reference elements $element->appendChild($importedNode); } else { //DO nothing because the Dom is empty // throw new Exception("The dom to append document element was null : " . $domToAppend); } }
/** * Convert this document from SXE to DOM * * @return DomDocument */ public function toDom() { $dom_sxe = dom_import_simplexml($this->sxe); $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom_sxe = $dom->importNode($dom_sxe, true); $dom_sxe = $dom->appendChild($dom_sxe); return $dom; }
/** * Returns a DOM structure of the content object and it's attributes. * * Transaction unsafe. If you call several transaction unsafe methods you must enclose * the calls within a db transaction; thus within db->begin and db->commit. * * @param mixed $package * @param int|bool $specificVersion Content object version, true for current version, false for all, else array containing specific versions. * @param array|bool $options Package options or false * @param int[]|bool $contentNodeIDArray Array of allowed nodes or false * @param int[]|bool $topNodeIDArray Array of top nodes in current package export or false * @return bool|DOMElement */ function serialize( $package, $specificVersion = false, $options = false, $contentNodeIDArray = false, $topNodeIDArray = false ) { if ( $options && $options['node_assignment'] == 'main' ) { if ( !isset( $contentNodeIDArray[$this->attribute( 'main_node_id' )] ) ) { return false; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $objectNode = $dom->createElementNS( '', 'ezremote:object' ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:id', $this->ID ); $objectNode->setAttribute( 'name', $this->Name ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:section_id', $this->SectionID ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:owner_id', $this->OwnerID ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:class_id', $this->ClassID ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:published', eZDateUtils::rfc1123Date( $this->attribute( 'published' ) ) ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:modified', eZDateUtils::rfc1123Date( $this->attribute( 'modified' ) ) ); if ( !$this->attribute( 'remote_id' ) ) { $this->setAttribute( 'remote_id', eZRemoteIdUtility::generate( 'object' ) ); $this->store(); } $objectNode->setAttribute( 'remote_id', $this->attribute( 'remote_id' ) ); $contentClass = $this->attribute( 'content_class' ); $objectNode->setAttribute( 'class_remote_id', $contentClass->attribute( 'remote_id' ) ); $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:class_identifier', $contentClass->attribute( 'identifier' ) ); $alwaysAvailableText = '0'; if ( (int)$this->attribute( 'language_mask' ) & 1 ) { $alwaysAvailableText = '1'; } $objectNode->setAttributeNS( '', 'ezremote:always_available', $alwaysAvailableText ); $versions = array(); $oneLanguagePerVersion = false; if ( $specificVersion === false ) { $versions = $this->versions(); // Since we are exporting all versions it should only contain // one language per version //$oneLanguagePerVersion = true; // uncomment to get one language per version } else if ( $specificVersion === true ) { $versions[] = $this->currentVersion(); } else { $versions[] = $this->version( $specificVersion ); // Since we are exporting a specific version it should only contain // one language per version? $oneLanguagePerVersion = true; } $this->fetchClassAttributes(); $exportedLanguages = array(); $versionsNode = $dom->createElementNS( '', 'ezobject:version-list' ); $versionsNode->setAttribute( 'active_version', $this->CurrentVersion ); foreach ( $versions as $version ) { if ( !$version ) { continue; } $options['only_initial_language'] = $oneLanguagePerVersion; $versionNode = $version->serialize( $package, $options, $contentNodeIDArray, $topNodeIDArray ); if ( $versionNode ) { $importedVersionNode = $dom->importNode( $versionNode, true ); $versionsNode->appendChild( $importedVersionNode ); foreach ( $versionNode->getElementsByTagName( 'object-translation' ) as $versionNodeChild ) { $exportedLanguage = $versionNodeChild->getAttribute( 'language' ); $exportedLanguages[] = $exportedLanguage; $exportedLanguages = array_unique( $exportedLanguages ); } } unset( $versionNode ); unset( $versionNode ); } $initialLanguageCode = $this->attribute( 'initial_language_code' ); if ( in_array( $initialLanguageCode, $exportedLanguages ) ) { $objectNode->setAttribute( 'initial_language', $initialLanguageCode ); } $objectNode->appendChild( $versionsNode ); return $objectNode; }
/** * @return array * @throws FailedToParseFileException */ public function parse() { /* * ReaXML Feed schema and information from * and */ $property_classes = ["business", "commercial", "commercialLand", "land", "rental", "holidayRental", "residential", "rural"]; $results = []; $xmlreader = new XMLReader(); try { $xmlreader->open($this->file); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new FailedToParseFileException("Failed to parse file at " . $this->file); } while ($xmlreader->read()) { if ($xmlreader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT and in_array($xmlreader->localName, $property_classes)) { $node = $xmlreader->expand(); $dom = new DomDocument(); $n = $dom->importNode($node, true); $dom->appendChild($n); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($n); switch ($xmlreader->localName) { // business case 'business': $parser = BusinessListing::class; break; // commercial // commercial case 'commercial': $parser = CommercialListing::class; break; // commercial land // commercial land case 'commercialLand': $parser = CommercialLandListing::class; break; // residential land // residential land case 'land': $parser = LandListing::class; break; // rental // rental case 'rental': $parser = RentalListing::class; break; // holiday rental // holiday rental case 'holidayRental': $parser = HolidayRentalListing::class; break; // residential // residential case 'residential': $parser = ResidentialListing::class; break; // rural // rural case 'rural': $parser = RuralListing::class; break; } /* @var Listing $parser */ $results[] = new $parser($xml); unset($node); unset($dom); unset($xml); } } return $results; }
/** * turn a simplexml object into a domXML object * * @param simplexml object $SimpleXMLElement * @return object - domXML * @author Andy Bennett */ function into_dom(SimpleXMLElement $xml) { $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $dom_sxe = dom_import_simplexml($xml); $dom_sxe = $dom->importNode($dom_sxe, true); $dom->appendChild($dom_sxe); return $dom; }
private function save_content() { $xpath = "/html/body/bogus/child::node()"; $DOMXPath = new DOMXPath($this->dom); $snippetNode = $DOMXPath->query($xpath); $targetDom = new DomDocument(); $childNodes = $snippetNode; for ($i = 0; $i < $childNodes->length; $i++) { $importNode = $childNodes->item($i); $importedSnippetNode = $targetDom->importNode($importNode, true); // and append to our child $targetDom->appendChild($importedSnippetNode); } faf_debug($targetDom->saveHTML()); return trim($targetDom->saveHTML()); // trim because saveHTML adds enters for some reason }
/** * A method acting as a harvesting handler for the Trove service. * * @return object | $response */ private function _harvestTROVE() { $params = array('paths' => array("q={$this->_searchTerm} date:[1850 TO 1955]&zone=newspaper&include=tags,workversions&reclevel=full&l-title=1007", "q={$this->_searchTerm} date:[1850 TO 1955]&zone=newspaper&include=tags,workversions&reclevel=full&l-title=35"), 'max' => 8000); $output = ''; $model = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $result = $model->createQuery("DELETE FROM SLDataHarvestBundle:Data sl WHERE sl.source = 'trove'")->execute(); $helper = new Trove_Helper(); if ($result >= 0) { if ($objects = $helper->getObjects($params)) { $output = new \DomDocument(); $output->formatOutput = TRUE; $output->loadXML('<responses></responses>'); foreach ($objects as $object) { // Create a new instance of the Symfony DOM Crawler, new XML will be loaded for each iteration. $crawler = new Crawler(); // Create the XML structure from the response object. $crawler->addContent($object); // Filter the XML document by the records node. $records = $crawler->filterXPath('//records'); // Filter the XML document by the zone node (parent to records). $zones = $crawler->filterXPath('//zone'); // Create a new instance of the in-built (global namespace) DOM class. $document = new \DomDocument(); // Load XML onto the object based on the filter applied by the crawler. $document->loadXML($zones->html()); // Import the children of zone into the document to be used for output. There will only ever be one child 'records' node, therefore we can access it using a static index. $node = $output->importNode($document->getElementsByTagName('records')->item(0), TRUE); // Append the imported return node to the root element of the output document. $output->documentElement->appendChild($node); foreach ($records->children() as $record) { $data = new Data(); $data->setTitle($record->getElementsByTagName('heading')->item(0)->nodeValue); $data->setDescription($record->getElementsByTagName('snippet')->item(0)->nodeValue); $data->setData(serialize(array('title' => $record->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->getAttribute('id')))); $data->setDate(new \DateTime($record->getElementsByTagName('date')->item(0)->nodeValue)); $data->setUrl($record->getElementsByTagName('trovePageUrl')->item(0)->nodeValue); $data->setSource('trove'); $model->persist($data); } } } } $model->flush(); $response = new Response($output->saveXML()); $response->headers->set('Content-type', 'text/xml'); return $response; }
/** * Expand current node to DomDocument * * @param string $version * @param string $encoding * @return DomDocument */ public function expandDomDocument($version = "1.0", $encoding = "UTF-8") { $element = $this->expand(); $document = new DomDocument($version, $encoding); if ($element instanceof DOMCharacterData) { $nodeName = array_splice($this->nodesParsed, -2, 1); $nodeName = isset($nodeName[0]) && $nodeName[0] ? $nodeName[0] : "root"; $node = $document->createElement($nodeName); $node->appendChild($element); $element = $node; } $node = $document->importNode($element, true); $document->appendChild($node); return $document; }
function getXmlOperator($type) { $dom = new DomDocument(); $operator = $dom->createElement("operator"); $dom->appendChild($operator); $operator->setAttribute("type", $type); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $operator->appendChild($dom->importNode($child->getXml()->documentElement, true)); } return $dom; }
/** * given some content that might be html or xhtml, try to coerce it to xhtml and return it. * * @param string $content some html or xhtmlish content * * @return xhtml content or false for unmodified text content */ public static function parse_xhtmlish_content($content, $viewid = null) { $dom = new DomDocument(); $topel = $dom->createElement('tmp'); $tmp = new DomDocument(); if (strpos($content, '<') === false && strpos($content, '>') === false) { return false; } if (@$tmp->loadXML('<div>' . $content . '</div>')) { $topel->setAttribute('type', 'xhtml'); $content = $dom->importNode($tmp->documentElement, true); $content->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $topel->appendChild($content); // if that fails, it could still be html } else { if (@$tmp->loadHTML('<div>' . $content . '</div>')) { $xpath = new DOMXpath($tmp); $elements = $xpath->query('/html/body/div'); if ($elements->length != 1) { if ($viewid) { log_warn("Leap2a export: invalid html found in view {$viewid}"); } if ($elements->length < 1) { return false; } } $ourelement = $elements->item(0); $content = $dom->importNode($ourelement, true); $content->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $topel->appendChild($content); } else { return false; // wtf is it then? } } $dom->appendChild($topel->firstChild); return $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement); }
/** * Recursive function to create schema from import schema * and also used to resove wsdl import problem * @param DomNode $parent parent dom node * @param DomNode $child dom node of import schema * @param DomDocument $doc DomDocument of parent DomNode */ function wsf_wsdl_append_node($parent, $child, $doc) { if ($child == NULL) { return; } $imported_node = $doc->importNode($child, TRUE); if ($imported_node) { $parent->appendChild($imported_node); } }
public function appendToX(\DomDocument $dom) { $fields = $this->_form->getElementsByTagName('field'); $list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('x'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field = $dom->importNode($field, true); $list[0]->appendChild($field); } }
$reader = new XMLReader(); $reader->open('xml-schema/KeyFamily.xml'); while ($reader->read()) { switch ($reader->nodeType) { case XMLREADER::ELEMENT: if ($reader->localName == "Concept") { $node = $reader->expand(); $agencyID = $node->getAttribute('agencyID'); $id = $node->getAttribute('id'); $Name = $node->getELementsByTagName('Name')->item(0)->textContent; $concepts[$agencyID][$id]['label'] = $Name; } else { if ($reader->localName == "Dimension") { $node = $reader->expand(); $dom = new DomDocument(); $n = $dom->importNode($node, true); $dom->appendChild($n); $concepts[$node->getAttribute('conceptAgency')][$node->getAttribute('conceptRef')]['codeLists'][] = $node->getAttribute('codelist'); $concepts[$node->getAttribute('conceptAgency')][$node->getAttribute('conceptRef')]['codeLists'] = array_unique($concepts[$node->getAttribute('conceptAgency')][$node->getAttribute('conceptRef')]['codeLists']); } else { if ($reader->localName == "CodeList") { $node = $reader->expand(); $id = $node->getAttribute('id'); $Name = $node->getELementsByTagName('Name')->item(0)->textContent; $codeLists[$id]['label'] = $Name; foreach ($node->getElementsByTagName('Code') as $Code) { $codeVal = $Code->getAttribute('value'); $codeLists[$id]['codes'][$codeVal] = $Code->getElementsByTagName('Description')->item(0)->textContent; } } else { if ($reader->localName == "KeyFamily") {
/** * convert SimpleXMLElement to string, replace root nodes * * @param SimpleXMLElement $scriptlet * @return string */ public static function toString($scriptlet) { $dom_api_node = dom_import_simplexml($scriptlet); $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom_api_node = $dom->importNode($dom_api_node, true); $dom->appendChild($dom_api_node); $output = str_replace("<root>", "", $dom->saveHTML()); $output = str_replace("</root>", "", $output); $output = str_replace("</script>", "</script>\n", $output); return $output; }
/** * Replaces all external-schema nodes with the content of xml schema that node refers to * * Recurses to include any external schema referenced from in an included xml (and deeper) * Note: this function very much assumes at least a reasonable XML schema, maybe it'll proof * users don't have those and adding some more informative exceptions would be better * * @param DomDocument $dom * @param string $srcDir * @return void (objects, DomDocument, are references by default in PHP 5, so returning it is useless) **/ protected function includeExternalSchemas(DomDocument $dom, $srcDir) { $databaseNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName("database")->item(0); $externalSchemaNodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName("external-schema"); $fs = FileSystem::getFileSystem(); while ($externalSchema = $externalSchemaNodes->item(0)) { $include = $externalSchema->getAttribute("filename"); $externalSchema->parentNode->removeChild($externalSchema); if ($fs->prefixLength($include) != 0) { $externalSchemaFile = new PhingFile($include); } else { $externalSchemaFile = new PhingFile($srcDir, $include); } $externalSchemaDom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $externalSchemaDom->load($externalSchemaFile->getAbsolutePath()); $this->includeExternalSchemas($externalSchemaDom, $srcDir); foreach ($externalSchemaDom->getElementsByTagName("table") as $tableNode) { // see xsd, datatase may only have table or external-schema, the latter was just deleted so this should cover everything $databaseNode->appendChild($dom->importNode($tableNode, true)); } } }
/** * Convert a DOMNode to an SXE node -- simplexml_import_node() won't actually work * * @param DOMNode $node * @return SimpleXMLElement */ private static function domNode_to_sxeNode($node) { $dom = new \DomDocument(); $n = $dom->importNode($node, true); $sxeNode = simplexml_import_dom($n); $dom->appendChild($n); return $sxeNode; }