Пример #1
 public function getIDNodeFromUserPage($idnode)
     $html_page = new DomDocument();
     if ($html_page->getElementById($idnode)) {
         return $html_page->getElementById($idnode);
     return false;
Пример #2
 private function getGEDTFormTokens()
     //Extract the validation data
     //skip DOM errors
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $this->form_objects['__VIEWSTATE'] = $dom->getElementById('__VIEWSTATE')->getAttribute('value');
     $this->form_objects['__EVENTVALIDATION'] = $dom->getElementById('__EVENTVALIDATION')->getAttribute('value');
 function __construct($ch, $url)
     print "Initializing hero's adventure data\n";
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . $this->relativeUrl);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     $adventures = $doc->getElementById('adventureListForm')->getElementsByTagName('tr');
     // The first element will be the title of the table so we have to skip it
     $firstElement = true;
     foreach ($adventures as $i => $adv) {
         if ($firstElement) {
             $firstElement = false;
         } else {
             $fields = array();
             // Add the link needed to go to this adventure
             if (count($adv->getElementsByTagName('a')) > 1) {
                 $fields['href'] = $adv->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(1)->getAttribute('href');
                 // Getting hidden fields
                 foreach ($adv->getElementsByTagName('input') as $j => $input) {
                     $fields[$input->getAttribute('name')] = $input->getAttribute('value');
                 $this->adventureList[trim($adv->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(2)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue) . ' <=> ' . $adv->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(4)->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue] = $fields;
             } else {
                 echo "No hay aventuras. Si este mensaje se imprime mas de una vez, algo va mal";
Пример #4
 public function process($args)
     $answer = "";
     $args = trim($args);
     if (strlen($args) > 0) {
         $entrada = urlencode($args);
         $url = "https://www.google.com.mx/search?q={$entrada}&oq=200&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j69i65l2j0l2.3015j0j8&client=ubuntu-browser&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8";
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/37.0.2062.120 Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36');
         $html = curl_exec($ch);
         $web = new DomDocument();
         $nodos = @$web->getElementById('topstuff')->getElementsByTagName('div');
         $answer = "No pude convertir lo que me pides.";
         if ($nodos) {
             $nodos = iterator_to_array($nodos);
             if (count($nodos) === 6) {
                 $answer = utf8_decode($nodos[3]->nodeValue . " " . $nodos[4]->nodeValue);
     } else {
         $answer = "Ingresa una expresion.";
     $this->reply($answer, $this->currentchannel, $this->nick);
Пример #5
function getFollowers($username){
  $x = file_get_contents("http://twitter.com/".$username);
  $doc = new DomDocument;
  $ele = $doc->getElementById('follower_count');
  return $innerHTML;
Пример #6
 public function testToOptionArray()
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $select = $dom->getElementById('admin_startup_menu_item_id');
     $this->assertNotEmpty($select, 'Startup Page select missed');
     $options = $select->getElementsByTagName('option');
     $optionsCount = $options->length;
     $this->assertGreaterThan(98, $optionsCount, 'Paucity count of menu items in the list');
     $this->assertEquals('Dashboard', $options->item(0)->nodeValue, 'First element is not Dashboard');
     $this->assertContains('Configuration', $options->item($optionsCount - 1)->nodeValue);
Пример #7
function parseAllProducts($timePoint = 0)
    global $productModel;
    $dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $dom->strictErrorChecking = false;
    $productsParentDE = $dom->getElementById('hl');
    $productDEs = getElementsByClass($productsParentDE, 'div', 'chotot-list-row');
    $time = time();
    $products = [];
    foreach ($productDEs as $productDE) {
        $productUrlTag = $productDE->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0);
        $productInfo = $productDE->getElementsByTagName('div')->item(0);
        $product = new stdClass();
        $thumbDEs = getElementsByClass($productDE, 'div', 'listing_thumbs_image');
        $priceDEs = getElementsByClass($productDE, 'div', 'ad-price');
        $locationDEs = getElementsByClass($productDE, 'span', 'municipality');
        $linkDEs = getElementsByClass($productDE, 'a', 'ad-subject');
        foreach ($linkDEs as $linkDE) {
            $url = $linkDE->getAttribute('href');
            $urlExpStr = explode('-', $url);
            $id = explode('.', end($urlExpStr))[0];
            $product->id = $id;
            $product->title = trim($linkDE->getAttribute('title'));
            $product->url = $url;
            $product->created_at = $time;
        foreach ($thumbDEs as $thumbDE) {
            $img = $thumbDE->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
            $product->thumbnail = $img->getAttribute('src');
        foreach ($priceDEs as $priceDE) {
            $product->price = trim($priceDE->nodeValue);
        foreach ($locationDEs as $locationDE) {
            $product->location = trim($locationDE->nodeValue);
        $products[] = $product;
    return $productModel->getProducts($timePoint);
Пример #8

$next = true;
$url = "http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/SE";
$sites_list = array();
$args = getopt("n:");
$number_of_sites = intval($args["n"]);
if ($number_of_sites > 500 || $number_of_sites < 0) {
    $number_of_sites = 20;
while ($next) {
    $doc = new DomDocument();
    $data = $doc->getElementById('topsites-countries');
    $my_data = $data->getElementsByTagName('div');
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
    $get_websites = $xpath->query('//span[@class="small topsites-label"]');
    foreach ($get_websites as $sites) {
        $sites_list[] = $sites->nodeValue . "\n";
    $is_next = $xpath->query('//a[@class="next"]');
    if ($is_next->item(0)) {
        $url = "http://www.alexa.com" . $is_next->item(0)->getAttribute("href");
    } else {
        $next = NULL;
    if (count($sites_list) >= $number_of_sites) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_sites; $i++) {
Пример #9
 private function _postToLoginParseHtmlForm($html)
     $data = array();
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $loginForm = $dom->getElementById("loginForm");
     $z = $loginForm->getElementsByTagName("input");
     foreach ($z as $input) {
         $name = $input->getAttribute('name');
         $value = $input->getAttribute('value');
         $data[$name] = $value;
     $data['username'] = $this->username;
     $data['password'] = $this->password;
     $data['timezone_field'] = str_replace(':', '|', date('P'));
     // ?data.put("timezone_field", new SimpleDateFormat("XXX").format(now).replace(':', '|'));
     $data['js_time'] = time() / 1000;
     // ?  data.put("js_time", String.valueOf(now.getTime() / 1000));
     return $data;
Пример #10

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$channel = $_GET['channel'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
$title = '';
$view = '';
$status = '';
$object = array();
switch ($channel) {
    case 'talktv':
        $doc = new DomDocument();
        $doc->loadHTMLFile('http://talktv.vn/' . $id);
        $thediv = $doc->getElementById('stream-status-live');
        $status = trim($thediv->textContent);
        if ($status == 'Đang phát') {
            $status = 'live';
        } else {
            $status = 'offline';
        $thediv = $doc->getElementById('player-viewing-count');
        $view = trim($thediv->textContent);
        $thediv = $doc->getElementById('broadcast-title');
        $title = trim($thediv->textContent);
    case 'youtube':
        $view = file_get_contents('https://www.youtube.com/live_stats?v=' . $id);
        //get view
Пример #11
$display = true;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $user_id = "";
    if (validateUserLogin($err_msg)) {
        $conn = new dbAccess($debug);
        if (($rc = $conn->dbLoginUser($username, $password, $user_id)) == GOOD_RC) {
            // we have a valid user
            // Create new session, store the user id
            $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
            $sess_id = session_id();
            $_SESSION['sess_id'] = $sess_id;
            $dom = new DomDocument();
            $dom->validateOnParse = true;
            $el = $dom->getElementById('sess_id');
            $el->nodeValue = $sess_id;
            $uid = $dom->getElementById('user_id');
            $uid->nodeValue = $user_id;
            // Redirect to user info page
            header('Location: ' . $baseURL . '/dataAccess/userInfo.php');
            //http_redirect('www.google.com', true, HTTP_REDIRECT_PERM);
        } else {
            $err_msg = $conn->errmsg;
    // end if valid input
Пример #12
  * 从页面抓取酒店信息
  * @param string $html html内容
  * @param int $hotelid 酒店id
  * @return mixed $data
 private function _getHotelMessage($html, $hotelid)
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $searchPage = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
     $idhtml = $dom->getElementById($hotelid);
     if (gettype($idhtml) != "object") {
         return false;
     $p = @$idhtml->firstChild->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild->firstChild->lastChild;
     if (gettype($p) != "object") {
         return false;
     $data['brief'] = @$p->lastChild->previousSibling->previousSibling->nodeValue;
     $data['address'] = @$p->firstChild->nextSibling->lastChild->attributes->item(0)->value;
     $data['tarea'] = @$p->firstChild->nextSibling->lastChild->previousSibling->previousSibling->nodeValue;
     if ($data['tarea'] == " ") {
         $data['tarea'] = @$p->firstChild->nextSibling->lastChild->previousSibling->previousSibling->previousSibling->nodeValue;
     if (!$data['brief'] || !$data['address'] || !$data['tarea']) {
         return false;
     return $data;
Пример #13
require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'header.inc.php';
// Mauro Donadio
$fp = @file_get_contents($content_row['text']);
// just for AContent content
if (strstr($fp, 'AContentXX')) {
    //$fp		= str_ireplace('<head>','<MAURO>',$fp);
    //<base href="http://www.w3schools.com/images/" target="_blank" />
    // a new dom object
    $dom = new DomDocument();
    // load the html into the object
    $doc->formatOutput = TRUE;
    //discard white space
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $node = $dom->getElementById('content-text');
    // row commented because of the old version of PHP
    //$content	= $dom->saveHTML($node);
    $content = $dom->saveXML($node, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG);
    // overwrite the original content with the filtered one
    $savant->assign('body', stripslashes($content));
    $savant->assign('module_contents', '');
// --
//save last visit page.
$_SESSION['last_visited_page'] = $server_protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'footer.inc.php';
Пример #14
include "inc/header.inc";
$doc = new DomDocument();
// We need to validate our document before refering to the id
$doc->validateOnParse = false;
<div data-role="page" id="content" data-add-back-btn="true">

	<div data-role="header">
		<h1><?echo $_GET['title'] ?></h1>
	</div><!-- /header -->

	<div data-role="content">	

$links = $doc->getElementsByTagName("a");
foreach($links as $link) {
  $href = $link->getAttribute("href");
  $newLink = "content.php?page=" . $href;

$elemContent = $doc->getElementById('content');
$elemText = $elemContent->ownerDocument->saveXML($elemContent);
echo $elemText;
	</div><!-- /content -->
include "inc/footer.inc";
Пример #15
if (!file_exists(plotsXml)) {
    // DES plots description
    errorProcessing($ID, "InternalError00: no plots description file");
    if (file_exists(resultDir . $ID)) {
        rrmdir(resultDir . $ID);
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0");
chdir($resDirName . "/RES");
// Down to working directory
$i = 0;
foreach ($missions as $mission) {
    $fileS = fopen(requestList, "w");
    $missionTag = $dom->getElementById($mission);
    $params = $missionTag->getElementsByTagName('param');
    //TODO calculate deltaY from number of vars
    $yStart = 0.1;
    fwrite($fileS, $params->length . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($params as $param) {
        $yStop = $yStart + 0.2;
        fwrite($fileS, $param->getAttribute('name') . ' 0 ' . $yStart . ' 0.95 ' . $yStop . ' 0 0 0 0' . PHP_EOL);
        $yStart += 0.2;
    $startTime = strtotime($start[$i]);
    $endTime = strtotime($stop[$i]);
    $TIMEINTERVAL = timeInterval2Days($endTime - $startTime);
    $STARTTIME = startTime2Days($startTime);
Пример #16
         exec("cp Logbook-A7-_dwustronny_by_rushcore_page{$page}{$noftf}.svg work/{$shortname}.svg");
 replace_text_in_file("work/{$shortname}.svg", "logo.png", "/tmp/" . $shortname . "2.{$ext}");
 replace_text_in_file("work/{$shortname}.svg", "logo2.png", "/tmp/" . $shortname . "3.{$ext2}");
 $cachename = substr($_POST['cache_name'], 0, 80);
 $coords = substr($_POST['coords'], 0, 80);
 $nick = substr($_POST['nick'], 0, 80);
 $email = substr($_POST['email'], 0, 80);
 $svg = new DomDocument();
 $svg->validateOnParse = true;
 if ($_POST['noborders'] && !($i % 2)) {
     for ($f = 1; $f <= 4; ++$f) {
         $elem = $svg->getElementById('frame' . $f);
         if ($elem) {
             $elem->setAttribute("style", "fill:none;stroke-opacity: 0");
 $elem = $svg->getElementById('titlelogo');
 $mod = 0;
 if ($elem) {
     $elem->setAttribute("height", $elem->getAttribute("height") + (double) $_POST['h1']);
     $elem->setAttribute("width", $elem->getAttribute("width") + (double) $_POST['w1']);
     $elem->setAttribute("x", $elem->getAttribute("x") + (double) $_POST['x1']);
     $elem->setAttribute("y", $elem->getAttribute("y") + (double) $_POST['y1']);
     $mod = 1;
 for ($j = 1; $j <= 4; ++$j) {
Пример #17
 //TODO if not parameters
 //   Get parameter used in the function
 //   $params = $thisFunction->getElementsByTagName('param');
 //   velocity_magnitude = $param;  ex.sw(1) to find in AmdaParametersBrief.xml
 if (!file_exists(amdaParametersXml)) {
     // Internal file to connect DES - AMDA parameters
     errorProcessing($ID, "InternalError03: no AMDA - DES translation file");
     if (file_exists(resultDir . $ID)) {
         rrmdir(resultDir . $ID);
 $domParam = new DomDocument("1.0");
 //    Find tag with predefined mission
 $thisMission = $domParam->getElementById($mission);
 if ($thisMission == null) {
     errorProcessing($ID, "InternalError04: {$mission} is not found in AMDA - DES translation table");
     if (file_exists(resultDir . $ID)) {
         rrmdir(resultDir . $ID);
 //    Find parameter tag  (V, N, B etc)
 if (trim($parameter)) {
     //  if (Verbose) fwrite(log,'$parameter2= '.$parameter.PHP_EOL);
     $thisParam = $thisMission->getElementsByTagName(trim($parameter));
     if ($thisParam) {
         if (!$thisParam->item(0)) {
             errorProcessing($ID, "InternalError05: {$parameter} is not found in AMDA - DES translation table");
             if (file_exists(resultDir . $ID)) {
Пример #18
  * Bing query resolver server
  * @return bool
 private function executeBing($ch)
     $url = 'http://www.bing.com/search?q=ip%3a' . $this->ip;
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Cookie: SRCHHPGUSR=NRSLT=500"));
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     $this->hosts = array();
     $doc = new \DomDocument();
     if ($doc->loadHTML($result)) {
         foreach ($doc->getElementById('b_results')->getElementsByTagName('li') as $elements) {
             foreach ($elements->getElementsByTagName('cite') as $element) {
                 if (preg_match('/((\\w+\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-z]+)/', $element->textContent, $matches)) {
                     $this->hosts[$matches[1]] = $matches[1];
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #19
$key_old = 'AIzaSyBWadID4BBABPNdBTAebYgIXZ_zQDmmyOo';
$h = get_headers($data_url, TRUE);
$time_new = $h["Last-Modified"];
$time_old = file_get_contents($time_file);
//sometimes the website returns empty last modified time
if ($time_new == "" || $time_new == $time_old) {
    $msg = 'Not updated after ' . $time_new . '.';
} else {
    file_put_contents($time_file, $time_new);
    file_put_contents($time_file_debug, $time_old);
    $doc = new DomDocument();
    $data = file_get_contents($data_url);
    $doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($data, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
    $div = $doc->getElementById('vmarquee');
    //create the array of new notices
    //foreach($div->getElementsByTagName('a') as $link) {
    foreach ($div->getElementsByTagName('p') as $link) {
        $new_notices[] = $link->nodeValue;
    //read old notices from file
    $string_data = file_get_contents($data_file);
    $old_notices = unserialize($string_data);
    //check which notices are actually new
    foreach ($new_notices as $newVal) {
        //reset flag
        $match = false;
        //compare each new notice with every old notice
        foreach ($old_notices as $oldVal) {
            if ($newVal == $oldVal) {
Пример #20
  * get a specific element ( mostly placeholders )
  * @param mixed $id
  * @access public
  * @return DomElement
 function getElementById($id)
     //$xpath = new DOMXPath($this->document);
     //return $xpath->query("//*[@id='$id']")->item(0);
     return $this->document->getElementById($id);
Пример #21
 private function makeRequest($conditions, $start, $stop)
     $oneInterval = count($start) == 1;
     if (!file_exists(functionsXml)) {
         // DES functions description
         //error  "InternalError00: no functions description file");
     $dom = new DomDocument("1.0");
     $index = 0;
     /*  Create object for search request[s] */
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         if ($condition != '') {
             $parts = explode(',', $condition);
             $func = trim($parts[0]);
             $thisFunction = $dom->getElementById($func);
             if ($thisFunction == null) {
                 // 				if ($this->isSoap) throw new SoapFault("InternalError01","function $func is not implemented in AMDA-HELIO yet");
                 // 				else return array("error" => "InternalError01: function $func is not implemented in AMDA-HELIO yet");
                 // 				return;
             $params = explode(':', $parts[1]);
             $mission = trim($params[0]);
             // find predefined arguments in functions.xml file
             $args = $thisFunction->getElementsByTagName('arg');
             $n_param = $thisFunction->getAttribute('n_param');
             $totalArgs = $args->length + $n_param;
             if ($totalArgs != count($params) - 1) {
                 // 			    	if ($this->isSoap) throw new SoapFault("InternalError02","function $func : arguments number is ".count($function->arg).
                 // 						  " expected number is ".$args->length));
                 // 				else return array("error" => "function $func : arguments number is ".count($function->arg).
                 // 						  " expected number is ".$args->length));
                 //  				return;
             // CHECK if parameters are really applicable to the function
             $helioRequest = new stdClass();
             $helioRequest->func = $func;
             $helioRequest->mission = $mission;
             $helioRequest->starttime = $oneInterval ? $start[0] : $start[$index];
             $helioRequest->stoptime = $oneInterval ? $stop[0] : $stop[$index];
             for ($i = 0; $i < $n_param; $i++) {
                 $helioRequest->parameter[] = $params[$i + 1];
             $j = 0;
             foreach ($args as $arg) {
                 $helioRequest->arg[$arg->getAttribute('name')] = $this->parseCondition($params[$n_param + $j + 1]);
             $helioRequests[] = $helioRequest;
     return $helioRequests;
Пример #22
        return Bem::bm($block, $class);
    }, $classes);
    return $classes;
}, apply_filters('wpbem_post_class_priority', 30), 1);
if (apply_filters('wpbem_amend_comment_form', true)) {
    add_action('comment_form_before', 'ob_start', apply_filters('wpbem_comment_form_priority', 30));
    add_action('comment_form_after', function () {
        $container_class = apply_filters('wpbem_comment_container_block', 'comments');
        $form_class = apply_filters('wpbem_comment_form_block', 'comment-form');
        $form = ob_get_contents();
        $dom = new DomDocument();
        $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
        $dom->formatOutput = false;
        $root = $dom->getElementById('respond');
        $root->setAttribute('class', $container_class);
        $title = $dom->getElementById('reply-title');
        $title->setAttribute('class', Bem::bem($container_class, 'title'));
        $title->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0)->setAttribute('class', Bem::bem($container_class, 'cancel-link'));
        $form = $dom->getElementById('commentform');
        $form->setAttribute('class', $form_class);
        foreach ($form->getElementsByTagName('p') as $p) {
            $current_class = $p->getAttribute('class');
            if ('comment-form-' == substr($current_class, 0, 13)) {
                $p->setAttribute('class', sprintf('%s %s', Bem::bem($form_class, 'row'), Bem::bem($form_class, 'row', substr($current_class, 13))));
        foreach ($form->getElementsByTagName('label') as $label) {
            $label->setAttribute('class', Bem::bem($form_class, 'label'));
  * Instantiates the $special_page_class with supplied $initial_vars,
  * yoinks the html output from the output buffer, loads that into a
  * DomDocument and performs asserts on the results per the checks
  * supplied in $perform_these_checks.
  * Optional: Asserts that the gateway has logged nothing at ERROR level.
  * @param string $special_page_class A testing descendant of GatewayPage
  * @param array $initial_vars Array that will be loaded straight into a
  * test version of the http request.
  * @param array $perform_these_checks Array of checks to perform in the
  * following format:
  * $perform_these_checks[$element_id][$check_to_perform][$expected_result]
  * So far, $check_to_perform can be either 'nodename' or 'innerhtml'
  * @param boolean $fail_on_log_errors When true, this will fail the
  * current test if there are entries in the gateway's error log.
  * @param array $session pre-existing session data.
 function verifyFormOutput($special_page_class, $initial_vars, $perform_these_checks, $fail_on_log_errors = false, $session = null)
     // Nasty hack to clear output from any previous tests.
     $mainContext = RequestContext::getMain();
     $newOutput = new OutputPage($mainContext);
     $newRequest = new TestingRequest($initial_vars, false, $session);
     $newTitle = Title::newFromText('nonsense is apparently fine');
     $globals = array('wgTitle' => $newTitle, 'wgOut' => $newOutput);
     $formpage = new $special_page_class();
     $form_html = ob_get_contents();
     // In the event that something goes crazy, uncomment the next line for much easier local debugging
     // file_put_contents( '/tmp/xmlout.txt', $form_html );
     if ($fail_on_log_errors) {
     $dom_thingy = new DomDocument();
     //// DEBUGGING, foo
     // if (property_exists($this, 'FOO')) {
     // 	error_log(var_export($formpage->getRequest()->response()->getheader('Location'), true));
     // 	error_log(var_export($form_html, true));
     // }
     if ($form_html) {
         // p.s. i'm SERIOUS about the character encoding.
         $dom_thingy->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $form_html);
         $dom_thingy->encoding = 'UTF-8';
     foreach ($perform_these_checks as $id => $checks) {
         if ($id == 'headers') {
             foreach ($checks as $name => $expected) {
                 $actual = $formpage->getRequest()->response()->getheader($name);
                 $this->performCheck($actual, $expected, "header '{$name}'");
         $input_node = $dom_thingy->getElementById($id);
         $this->assertNotNull($input_node, "Couldn't find the '{$id}' element");
         foreach ($checks as $name => $expected) {
             switch ($name) {
                 case 'nodename':
                     $this->performCheck($input_node->nodeName, $expected, "name of node with id '{$id}'");
                 case 'innerhtml':
                     $actual_html = self::getInnerHTML($input_node);
                     // Strip comments
                     $actual_html = preg_replace('/<!--[^>]*-->/', '', $actual_html);
                     $this->performCheck($actual_html, $expected, "innerHTML of node '{$id}'");
                 case 'innerhtmlmatches':
                     $this->assertEquals(1, preg_match($expected, self::getInnerHTML($input_node)), "Value of the node with id '{$id}' does not match pattern '{$expected}'. It has value " . self::getInnerHTML($input_node));
                 case 'value':
                     $this->performCheck($input_node->getAttribute('value'), $expected, "value of node with id '{$id}'");
                 case 'selected':
                     $selected = null;
                     if ($input_node->nodeName === 'select') {
                         $options = $input_node->getElementsByTagName('option');
                         foreach ($options as $option) {
                             if ($option->hasAttribute('selected')) {
                                 $selected = $option->getAttribute('value');
                         $this->performCheck($selected, $expected, "selected option value of node with id '{$id}'");
                     } else {
                         $this->fail("Attempted to test for selected value on non-select node, id '{$id}'");
     // Are there untranslated boogers?
     if (preg_match_all('/&lt;[^<]+(&gt;|>)/', $form_html, $matches)) {
         $this->fail('Untranslated messages present: ' . implode(', ', $matches[0]));
Пример #24
 function onBeforeRender()
     $app = self::$app;
     $reqParams = self::$reqParams;
     $id = $reqParams['id'];
     if (!$app->isAdmin()) {
     $user = self::$user;
     if (!$user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_content')) {
     // termina la ejecución del plugin si los parametros recibidos no cumplen
     // con las condiciones preestablecidas para modificar el contexto de edición de
     // artículos
     if ($reqParams["view"] != "article" || $reqParams["layout"] != "edit") {
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     $doc->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'plugins/system/jokte_adjuntos/assets/css/estilos.css');
     // obtiene el buffer del documento que será renderizado
     $buffer = mb_convert_encoding($doc->getBuffer('component'), 'html-entities', 'utf-8');
     // inicializa la manipulación del DOM para el buffer del documento
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $dom->validateOnParse = true;
     // obtiene los datos de los adjuntos
     $data = self::getAttachmentsData($id);
     // selecciona elemento del DOM  que contendrá los registros de los archivos adjuntos
     $contenedor = $dom->getElementById("adjuntos");
     // realiza la construcción de la tabla con el listado de adjuntos
     $wrap = $dom->createElement("div");
     $wrap->setAttribute("class", "wrap");
     $tabla = $dom->createElement("table");
     $tbody = $dom->createElement("tbody");
     $c = 0;
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $itemId = 'item-' . $c;
         $rutaArchivo = '/uploads' . DS . $item->hash . '-' . $item->nombre_archivo;
         $iconSrc = JMime::checkIcon($item->mime_type);
         $fileSize = JFile::getSize(JPATH_ROOT . $rutaArchivo);
         $row = $dom->createElement("tr");
         $row->setAttribute('id', $itemId);
         $mime = $dom->createElement("td");
         $file = $dom->createElement("td");
         $info = $dom->createElement("td");
         $info->setAttribute('class', 'center');
         $trash = $dom->createElement("td");
         $trash->setAttribute('class', 'center');
         $mimeImg = $dom->createElement("img");
         $mimeImg->setAttribute('src', $iconSrc);
         $name = $dom->createElement("span");
         $nameAnchor = $dom->createElement("a");
         $nameAnchor->setAttribute('href', $rutaArchivo);
         $nameAnchor->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
         $nameAnchor->nodeValue = $item->nombre_archivo;
         $infoBtn = $dom->createElement("a");
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('onclick', 'mostrarInfo(this, event)');
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('title', 'Información');
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('class', 'modal');
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('data-file', $item->nombre_archivo);
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('data-mimeIcon', $iconSrc);
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('data-hash', $item->hash);
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('data-size', $fileSize);
         $infoBtn->setAttribute('data-mime', $item->mime_type);
         $infoImg = $dom->createElement("img");
         $infoImg->setAttribute('src', JURI::root() . '/media/adjuntos/file-info-icon.png');
         $trashBtn = $dom->createElement("button");
         $trashBtn->setAttribute('onclick', 'eliminarAdjunto(this, event)');
         $trashBtn->setAttribute('title', 'Eliminar archivo');
         $trashBtn->setAttribute('data-hash', $item->hash);
         $trashBtn->setAttribute('data-id', $itemId);
         $trashImg = $dom->createElement("img");
         $trashImg->setAttribute('src', JURI::root() . '/media/adjuntos/caneca.png');
     // aplica los cambios realizados al DOM en un nuevo buffer para actualizar la presentación
     // del la vista del componente en el contexto indicado
     $newBuffer = $dom->saveHTML();
     $doc->setBuffer($newBuffer, 'component');
Пример #25
 $node = $domXml->getElementsByTagName("TimeTable")->item(0);
 $node->setAttribute('Name', $timeTableList[$j]);
 //  Delete ';' in the end of <Chain> Ask ob Bob e-mail from 20/07/2011
 $chainBob = $domXml->getElementsByTagName("Chain")->item(0);
 $chainToChange = $chainBob->nodeValue;
 $newChain = rtrim(trim($chainToChange), ";");
 //	Add MISSION_INSTRUMENT (ask of Anja see e-mail 20/07/2011)
 //  Load XML from  'DesFunctionsHFE.xml' file  == file describing implemented AMDA functions to HFE
 $domHFE = new DomDocument("1.0");
 if (file_exists(xmlDir . 'DesFunctionsHFE.xml')) {
     $domHFE->load(xmlDir . 'DesFunctionsHFE.xml');
     $xml = $domHFE->saveXML();
 $arrayArg = explode(':', $timeTableList[$j]);
 $arrayMiss = explode('_', $timeTableList[$j]);
 $missionHFE = $domHFE->getElementById($arrayMiss[0]);
 // 	    $xml = $missionHFE->saveXML();
 foreach ($missionHFE->getElementsByTagName('param') as $par) {
     if (trim($par->getAttribute('name')) == trim($arrayArg[1])) {
         // 		fwrite($fp, trim($par->getAttribute('name')).'_'.trim($par->getAttribute('instrument'))."\n");
         $instr = $arrayMiss[0] . '__' . trim($par->getAttribute('instrument'));
 // fwrite($fp, $arrayMiss[0].'_'.$arrayArg[1].'====='.$instr."\n\n");
 //  Add TIME_RANGE    (FOR Bob)
 $TIME_RANGE = $domXml->createElement('TIME_RANGE', 'FROM:' . $arrayStartTime[$j] . ' TO:' . $arrayStopTime[$j]);
 //  Add New Chain
 $newChaine = $domXml->createElement('newChain', $newChain);
 //  Add Instrument