Exemplo n.º 1
 public function label($name)
     $field = $this->_meta->fields($name);
     if ($field) {
         return form::label('field-' . $name, $field->label);
     return ucfirst($name);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function buildForm()
     $options = array('method' => "POST", 'enctype' => "multipart/form-data", 'action' => '/blog/formular/add', 'width' => '400px');
     $form = new \form('testing', $options);
     $form->checkbox('checkbox test', 'testcheckbox', 'check', '');
     $form->checkbox('checkbox test2', 'testcheckbox', 'check2', true);
     $form->radio('radio test', 'testradio', 'radio', '');
     $form->radio('radio test 2', 'testradio', 'radio2', true);
     $form->text('textarea', ' ', ['error' => $this->error['textarea']]);
     $form->select('autos', ['a' => 'audi', 'b' => 'vw', 'c' => 'toyota'], 'b', ['label' => 'auto select']);
     $form->text('username', '', ['placeholder' => 'username', 'label' => 'Username', 'error' => $this->error['username']]);
     $form->password('password', '', ['label' => 'Password', 'error' => $this->error['password']]);
     $form->button('senden', ['type' => 'submit']);
     return $form;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function edit($url)
     $display_name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $url));
     $this->__set_heading("Editing Theme file - " . $display_name);
     $view = new View('zest/content');
     $content = form::open('admin/snippets/save/' . $url);
     $html = zest::template_to_html(THEME_PATH . $url);
     $content .= form::label('content', 'Code');
     $content .= '<p><small>This is only for advanced users. To edit <a onclick="$(\'#content\').toggle();return false;" href="#">click here</a></small></p>';
     $content .= form::textarea('content', $html, 'id="content" class="fullWidth no-editor hside"');
     $content .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"');
     $content .= form::close();
     $view->content = $content;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function __under_development()
     $UNDER_DEVELOPMENT = ORM::factory('setting', 'UNDER_DEVELOPMENT');
     if (isset($_POST['UNDER_DEVELOPMENT'])) {
     $data = array("name" => "UNDER_DEVELOPMENT", "class" => "fullWidth");
     $options = array(null => "YES", "1" => "NO");
     $selected = $UNDER_DEVELOPMENT->value;
     $html = form::open();
     $html .= form::label('UNDER_DEVELOPMENT', 'Under Development');
     $html .= form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected);
     $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"') . '<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>';
     $html .= form::close();
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public function _form($user)
        $html = "";
        $html .= form::open(null, array('class' => 'valid_form'));
        $html .= form::input(array('email', 'Email'), $user->email, 'class="fullWidth required email"');
        $html .= form::label('New Password');
        $html .= form::password('password[]', '', 'class="fullWidth"');
        $html .= form::label('Repeat Password');
        $html .= form::password('password[]', '', 'class="fullWidth"');
        $html .= "<hr/>";
        $html .= form::label('openid', 'OpenID <img src="http://www.plaxo.com/images/openid/login-bg.gif" />');
        $html .= '<p><small><a href="http://www.openid.net" target="_BLANK">What is an OpenID?</a></small></p>
			<p><small>Please remember the "http://"</small></p>';
        $html .= form::input('openid', $user->openid, 'class="fullWidth url"');
        $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"');
        $html .= form::close();
        return $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
echo Kohana::lang('user.login');

<? base::success($success); ?>
<? base::errors($errors); ?>

echo form::open(NULL, array('class' => 'glForms'));
echo form::label('email', kohana::lang('user.email'));
echo form::input('email', ($form['email']));
echo '<br />';
echo form::label('password', Kohana::lang('user.password'));
echo form::password('password', NULL);
echo '<br />';
echo form::label('submit', '&nbsp;');
echo form::submit('submit', Kohana::lang('user.logmein'),'class=button');
echo '<br />';
echo form::close();
<p><a href="/user/register"><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('user.register');
</a> | <a href="/user/password"><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('user.forgot_password');
</a> | <a href="/user/renew"><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('user.renew_password');
             $html .= "<tr>";
         $html .= "<td>";
         $set_default = FALSE;
         if (!empty($multi_defaults)) {
             foreach ($multi_defaults as $key => $def) {
                 $set_default = trim($option) == trim($def);
                 if ($set_default) {
         $option = trim($option);
         $html .= "<span class=\"custom-field-option\">";
         $html .= form::checkbox("custom_field[" . $field_id . '-' . $cnt . ']', $option, $set_default, $id_name);
         $html .= form::label("custom_field[" . $field_id . ']', " " . $option);
         $html .= "</span>";
         $html .= "</td>";
         if ($cnt % 2 == 1 or $cnt == count($options) - 1) {
             $html .= "</tr>";
     // XXX Hack to deal with required checkboxes that are submitted with nothing checked
     $html .= "</table>";
     $html .= form::hidden("custom_field[" . $field_id . "-BLANKHACK]", '', $id_name);
 case 7:
     $ddoptions = array();
     // Semi-hack to deal with dropdown boxes receiving a range like 0-100
     if (preg_match("/[0-9]+-[0-9]+/", $defaults[0]) and count($options == 1)) {
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Sets or returns the input label.
  * @chainable
  * @param   string   label to set
  * @return  string|object
 public function label($val = NULL)
     if ($val === NULL) {
         if (isset($this->data['name']) and isset($this->data['label'])) {
             return form::label($this->data['name'], $this->data['label']);
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         $this->data['label'] = $val === TRUE ? utf8::ucwords(inflector::humanize($this->name)) : $val;
         return $this;
Exemplo n.º 9
" alt="<?php 
" /><br/>
echo form::upload('banner_image', '', '');
 (&lt;&#61; 250k)
echo form::checkbox('delete_banner_image', '1');
echo form::label('delete_banner_image', Kohana::lang("settings.site.delete_banner_image"));
						<div class="row">
							<h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php 
echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_site_email");
echo Kohana::lang('settings.site.email_site');
							<br /><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('settings.site.email_notice');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Demonstrates how to use the form helper with the Validation libraryfor file uploads .
 function form()
     // Anything submitted?
     if ($_POST) {
         // Merge the globals into our validation object.
         $post = Validation::factory(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));
         // Ensure upload helper is correctly configured, config/upload.php contains default entries.
         // Uploads can be required or optional, but should be valid
         $post->add_rules('imageup1', 'upload::required', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[1M]');
         $post->add_rules('imageup2', 'upload::required', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[1M]');
         // Alternative syntax for multiple file upload validation rules
         //$post->add_rules('imageup.*', 'upload::required', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[1M]');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // It worked!
             // Move (and rename) the files from php upload folder to configured application folder
             echo 'Validation successfull, check your upload folder!';
         } else {
             // You got validation errors
             echo '<p>validation errors: ' . var_export($post->errors(), TRUE) . '</p>';
             echo Kohana::debug($post);
     // Display the form
     echo form::open('examples/form', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
     echo form::label('imageup', 'Image Uploads') . ':<br/>';
     // Use discrete upload fields
     // Alternative syntax for multiple file uploads
     // echo form::upload('imageup[]').'<br/>';
     echo form::upload('imageup1') . '<br/>';
     echo form::upload('imageup2') . '<br/>';
     echo form::submit('upload', 'Upload!');
     echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 11
echo empty($title->error) ? form::input($title->name, $title->value) : form::input($title->name, $title->value, 'class="error"');
if (!empty($title->error)) {
<br /><span class="error"><?php 
    echo $title->error;
echo form::label($blog_content->name, $blog_content->label) . form::textarea($blog_content->name, $blog_content->value);
echo form::label($tags->name, $tags->label) . form::input($tags->name, $tags->value);

echo form::submit($submit->name, $submit->label);
echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 12
		<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('shipping[state]', 'State');
echo form::input('shipping[state]');
		<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('shipping[postal_code]', 'Zip/Postal Code');
echo form::input('shipping[postal_code]');
		<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('shipping[country]', 'Country');
echo form::input('shipping[country]');
	<div class="clear"></div>
echo form::submit('submit_billing', 'Continue to Order Review');
echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 13
echo form::dropdown('vendor_id', ORM::factory('vendor')->select_list('id', 'name'), $product->vendor);
	<div class="form-fields" id="categories">
echo form::label('categories', 'Categories');
echo form::many_to_many($product, ORM::factory('category')->find_all(), 'categories', 'name', 'table');
	<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('options', 'Options');
echo form::many_to_many($product, ORM::factory('option')->find_all(), 'options');
	<div class="form-fields">
		<h5>Product Images</h5>
		<div id="admin-product-image">
foreach ($product->images as $image) {
    echo html::image($image->thumburl);
Exemplo n.º 14

echo form::input_wrap(array('name' => 'name', 'maxlength' => 100), $values, '', __('Name'), $errors);

echo form::input_wrap(array('name' => 'homepage', 'maxlength' => 100, 'title' => 'http://'), $values, '', __('Homepage'), $errors);

			<li class="horizontal">
echo form::checkbox('event_host', '1', !empty($values['event_host']));
echo form::label('event_host', __('Event host'));


echo __('Contact information');

echo form::input_wrap(array('name' => 'address', 'maxlength' => 50), $values, '', __('Address'), $errors);
Exemplo n.º 15
echo Kohana::lang('endtime.applicable_description');
	<!--<div style = "border: 1px solid black; margin-left:10px;">-->
    <div id="endtime_form" style="margin-left:30px; <?php 
echo $applicable == "1" ? "" : "display:none;";
" >
print form::label('remain_on_map', Kohana::lang('decayimage.remain_on_map'));
print form::radio('remain_on_map', 0, $remain_on_map == 0) . "<br />\n";
print form::label('remain_on_map', Kohana::lang('decayimage.decay_from_map'));
print form::radio('remain_on_map', 2, $remain_on_map == 2) . "<br />\n";
print form::label('remain_on_map', Kohana::lang('decayimage.remove_from_map'));
print form::radio('remain_on_map', 1, $remain_on_map == 1) . "<br />\n";
print form::input('end_incident_date', $form['end_incident_date'], ' class="text"');
print $date_picker_js;
			<div class="time">

Exemplo n.º 16
	<div id="choose-inventory-options-<?php 
echo $index;
" <?php 
if (!$variant->track_stock) {
		<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('variant[' . $index . '][track]', 'How many in Stock?');
echo form::input('variant[' . $index . '][stock]', $variant->stock);
		<div class="form-fields">
echo form::label('variant[' . $index . '][track]', 'Out of Inventory');
echo form::dropdown('variant[' . $index . '][allow_out_of_stock_purchases]', array(true => 'Allow Purchases', false => 'Do not Allow Purchases'), $variant->allow_out_of_stock_purchases);
Exemplo n.º 17
echo form::label('title', 'Title:');
<br />
echo __('Length must be between 3 and 20 characters.');
echo form::input('title', $message->title, array('maxlength' => 20));
echo form::label('content', 'Content:');
echo form::textarea('content', $message->content);
echo form::submit('post', 'Edit');
echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 18
if (isset($activefeaturecode['exten'])) {
    $selectedClass = numbering::getAssignedPoolByNumber($activefeaturecode['exten']);
} else {
    $selectedClass = NULL;
echo numbering::poolsDropdown(array('name' => 'activefeaturecode_class_type', 'forDependent' => TRUE), $selectedClass);
echo " named ";
echo numbering::numbersDropdown(array('id' => 'activefeaturecode_inbound', 'name' => 'activefeaturecode[exten]', 'useNames' => TRUE, 'optGroups' => FALSE, 'forDependent' => TRUE), isset($activefeaturecode['exten']) ? $activefeaturecode['exten'] : NULL);
jquery::addQuery('#activefeaturecode_inbound')->dependent('{ parent: \'activefeaturecode_class_type\', group: \'common_class\' }');

	    <div class="field">
echo form::label('activefeaturecode[leg]', 'Allow feature code from: ');
echo form::dropdown('activefeaturecode[leg]', array('b' => 'Callee', 'a' => 'Caller'));

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	$(function() {

if (!arr::get($activefeaturecode, 'type') || arr::get($activefeaturecode, 'type') == '0') {
    echo "\$('#active_feature_code_options').hide();";

		$('#activefeaturecode_type').change(function() {
Exemplo n.º 19

echo form::open_section('Location Information');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('location[name]', 'Location Name:');
echo form::input('location[name]');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('location[domain]', 'Domain Name/Realm:');
echo form::input('location[domain]');

echo form::close_section();

if (isset($views)) {
    echo subview::renderAsSections($views);

Exemplo n.º 20
echo form::open('sessions/authenticate');
		<div class="formFields">
echo form::label('username', 'Username');
echo form::input('username');
		<div class="formFields">
echo form::label('password', 'Password');
echo form::password('password');
		<div class="formFields">
echo form::submit('submit', 'Login');
echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 21

echo form::open_section('Welcome Mail');
    <div class="field">
echo form::label(array('for' => 'welcomemail[flag]'), 'Send welcome email');
echo form::checkbox(array('class' => 'determinant agent_for_welcomemail', 'name' => 'welcomemail[flag]'));

    <div class="field">
echo form::label(array('for' => 'welcomemail[address]'), 'Email address');
echo form::input(array('class' => 'dependent_positive rely_on_welcomemail', 'name' => 'welcomemail[emailaddress]'));

echo form::close_section();
Exemplo n.º 22
        <th colspan="2">
            Add new role
echo form::label('name', 'Role name:');
echo form::input('name', empty($_POST['name']) ? '' : $_POST['name'], array('id' => 'name'));
echo form::label('description', 'Description:');
echo form::input('description', empty($_POST['description']) ? '' : $_POST['description'], array('id' => 'description'));
        <td colspan="2" align="center">
echo form::submit('submit', 'Add Role');
Exemplo n.º 23
echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.description');
:</strong><br />
print form::input('description', '', ' class="text long"');
					<div style="clear:both;"></div>
					<div class="tab_form_item">
$i = 0;
foreach ($permissions as $permission => $permission_desc) {
    echo "<div style=\"width:200px;float:left;margin-bottom:3px;\">";
    echo form::checkbox($permission, '1');
    echo form::label($permission, $permission_desc);
    echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "</div>";
					<div style="clear:both;"></div>
					<div class="tab_form_item">
						&nbsp;<br />
						<input type="image" src="<?php 
echo url::base();
media/img/admin/btn-save-settings.gif" class="save-rep-btn" />
Exemplo n.º 24
echo form::label('ngay_sinh', 'Ngày sinh:');
echo form::input('ngay_sinh', empty($_POST['ngay_sinh']) ? date("d-m-Y", strtotime($people['ngay_sinh'])) : $_POST['ngay_sinh'], $attributes = array('id' => 'ngay_sinh'));
echo form::label('mieu_ta', 'Miêu tả:');
echo form::textarea('mieu_ta', empty($_POST['mieu_ta']) ? $people['mieu_ta'] : $_POST['mieu_ta'], array('id' => 'mieu_ta', 'class' => 'editor'));

if (isset($errors)) {
                            <td colspan="3">
                                <ul class="error">
Exemplo n.º 25
echo $item->price;
	<li>Ammount in store: <?php 
echo $item->amount;

echo form::open();
		<dt style="width: 60px;">
echo form::label('amount', 'Amount:');
<br />
echo form::input('amount', '1', array('style' => 'width: 40px'));
echo form::submit('buy', 'Buy');
echo form::close();
Exemplo n.º 26
<div id="edit-potd">
echo HTML::image(Helper_Photos::get($potd->photo, 'medium'));
		<div class="content">
echo form::open('admin/potd/update/' . $potd->id, array('method' => 'post'));
echo form::label("day", "Day: ");
echo form::input("day", date("m/d/Y", strtotime($potd->day)), array("id" => "day", "name" => "day"));
echo form::submit("submit_dates", "Update", array('class' => 'ptw-submit'));
echo form::close();

Exemplo n.º 27
print $new_category_toggle_js;
								<!--category_add form goes here-->
			                    <div id="category_add" class="category_add">
print '<p>' . Kohana::lang('ui_main.add_new_category') . '<hr/></p>';
print form::label(array("id" => "category_name_label", "for" => "category_name"), Kohana::lang('ui_main.name'));
print '<br/>';
print form::input('category_name', $new_categories_form['category_name'], 'class=""');
print '<br/>';
print form::label(array("id" => "description_label", "for" => "description"), Kohana::lang('ui_main.description'));
print '<br/>';
print form::input('category_description', $new_categories_form['category_description'], 'class=""');
print '<br/>';
print form::label(array("id" => "color_label", "for" => "color"), Kohana::lang('ui_main.color'));
print '<br/>';
print form::input('category_color', $new_categories_form['category_color'], 'class=""');
print $color_picker_js;
print '<br/>';
print '<span>';
print '<a href="#" id="add_new_category">' . Kohana::lang('ui_main.add') . '</a>';
print '</span>';

			                    <div class="report_category">
$selected_categories = array();
if (!empty($form['incident_category']) && is_array($form['incident_category'])) {
Exemplo n.º 28
echo form::close_section();

echo form::open_section('Default Settings');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('simpleroute[caller_id_name]', 'Caller ID Name:');
echo form::input('simpleroute[caller_id_name]');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('simpleroute[caller_id_number]', 'Caller ID Number:');
echo form::input('simpleroute[caller_id_number]');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label(array('for' => 'simpleroute[continue_on_fail]', 'hint' => 'If this route fails progress to the next'), 'Continue on fail:');
echo form::checkbox('simpleroute[continue_on_fail]');

echo form::close_section();
Exemplo n.º 29
        <div class="field">
echo form::label('ami_host', 'Manager Host:');
echo form::input('ami_host');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('ami_port', 'Manager Port:');
echo form::input('ami_port');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('ami_user', 'Manager Username:'******'ami_user');

        <div class="field">
echo form::label('ami_pass', 'Manager Password:'******'ami_pass');

echo form::close_section();
Exemplo n.º 30
echo Captcha::instance()->render();
echo form::input('captcha', $post['captcha']);
<br /><?php 
echo __('Type the characters you see in the picture.');
echo form::label('tos', __(':checkbox I have read and agrees to the :tos', array(':checkbox' => form::checkbox('tos', 'yes'), ':tos' => html::anchor('account/tos', 'Terms of Service', array('target' => '_blank')))));
echo form::submit('register', 'Register');
echo form::close();