Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function dropdownUserType($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $data += array('nullOption' => FALSE);
     // append or insert the class
     $data = arr::update($data, 'class', 'user_type_dropdown');
     // render a null option if its been set in data
     if (!empty($data['nullOption'])) {
         $options = array(0 => $data['nullOption']);
     } else {
         $options = array();
     $userTypes = self::getUserTypes();
     foreach ($userTypes as $userType => $displayName) {
         if ($userType <= users::getAttr('user_type')) {
             $options[$userType] = $displayName;
     // use kohana helper to generate the markup
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
 public function __toString()
     $field = $this->field_name;
     $choices = $this->args->choices;
     $select = $this->field_value;
     return form::dropdown($field, $choices, $select);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function html_element()
     // Import base data
     $data = $this->data;
     // Get the options and default selection
     $time = $this->time_array(arr::remove('value', $data));
     // No labels or values
     $input = '';
     foreach ($this->parts as $type => $val) {
         if (is_int($type)) {
             // Just add the separators
             $input .= $val;
         // Set this input name
         $data['name'] = $this->data['name'] . '[' . $type . ']';
         // Set the selected option
         $selected = $time[$type];
         if ($type == 'am_pm') {
             // Options are static
             $options = array('AM' => 'AM', 'PM' => 'PM');
         } else {
             // minute(s), hour(s), etc
             $type .= 's';
             // Use the date helper to generate the options
             $options = empty($val) ? date::$type() : call_user_func_array(array('date', $type), $val);
         $input .= form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected);
     return $input;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function __technorati()
     $html = "";
     $html .= '<p><a href="http://technorati.com/" target="_BLANK">What is technorati?</a></p>';
     if (isset($_POST['technorati'])) {
         $technorati_ping = ORM::factory('setting', 'technorati_ping');
         $technorati_ping->variable = 'technorati_ping';
         $technorati_ping->value = $_POST['technorati_ping'];
     if (isset($_POST['technorati_ping_now'])) {
     $html .= form::open(NULL);
     $html .= form::hidden('technorati', 'true');
     $html .= form::label('technorati_ping', 'Ping Technorati on feed update?');
     $options = array('yes' => 'yes', 'no' => 'no');
     $html .= form::dropdown('technorati_ping', $options, ORM::factory('setting', 'technorati_ping')->value, 'class="fullWidth"');
     $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"') . '';
     $html .= form::close();
     $html .= form::open(NULL);
     $html .= form::hidden('technorati_ping_now', 'true');
     $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Ping Now', 'class="button"');
     $html .= form::close();
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function dropdown($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $data += array('nullOption' => 'Account Default');
     $data = arr::update($data, 'class', ' callid_dropdown');
     // see if the module wants to allow null selections
     if (!empty($data['nullOption'])) {
         $options = array('0' => $data['nullOption']);
     } else {
         $options = array();
     // build an array of netlists sutable for the dropdown helper
     $numbers = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Number n')->Where('LENGTH(n.number) >= 10 ')->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     foreach ($numbers as $number) {
         $matches = array();
         preg_match('/^\\+?1?([2-9][0-8][0-9])([2-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9]{4})$/', $number['number'], $matches);
         if (count($matches) == 4) {
             $options[$number['number_id']] = '( ' . $matches[1] . ' ) ' . $matches[2] . ' - ' . $matches[3];
         } else {
             $options[$number['number_id']] = $number['number'];
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function dropdown($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $defaults = array('null_option' => FALSE, 'default_first' => TRUE, 'unauth_before_auth' => FALSE);
     $data = arr::merge($defaults, $data);
     $options = array();
     $sipinterfaces = Doctrine::getTable('SipInterface')->findAll();
     foreach ($sipinterfaces as $sipinterface) {
         if (!($id = arr::get($sipinterface, 'sipinterface_id')) or !($name = arr::get($sipinterface, 'name'))) {
         if ($data['unauth_before_auth'] and !$sipinterface['auth'] or !$data['unauth_before_auth'] and $sipinterface['auth']) {
             arr::unshift_assoc($options, $id, $name);
         $options[$id] = $name;
     if ($data['default_first'] and $default_sipinterface = SipInterface::get_default()) {
         arr::unshift_assoc($options, $default_sipinterface['sipinterface_id'], $default_sipinterface['name']);
     if ($data['null_option']) {
         arr::unshift_assoc($options, 0, $data['null_option']);
     $data = array_diff($data, $defaults);
     // use kohana helper to generate the markup
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
 public function __toString()
      * poa = product options atributes
     //     echo Kohana::debug(@$_POST);
     $opa = new fpp_product_has_attributes_product_Model();
     $orm = $opa->db2cls();
     $uri = URI::Instance();
     $id = (int) $uri->segment("edit");
     if (request::method() == 'post' and is_array(@$_POST['opt'])) {
         $orm->delete(array('product_id_product' => $id));
         foreach ($_POST['opt'] as $key => $value) {
             $orm = $opa->db2cls();
             $data['product_id_product'] = $id;
             //         $data['ap_id_attributes_product']            = @$_POST['atr'][$key];
             $data['prefix'] = @$_POST['prefix'][$key];
             $data['vap_id_values_atributtes_product'] = @$_POST['opt'][$key];
             $data['value'] = @$_POST['val'][$key];
             $data['extra'] = @$_POST['extra'][$key];
     $results = $this->GetAttr($id);
     //     fetch_where(array('product_id_product'=> ) );
     $atr_p = new fpp_attributes_product_Model();
     $orm_atrp = $atr_p->db2cls();
     $attributes = form::dropdown("poa_id", $orm_atrp->select_list('id_attributes_product', 'name_attributes_product'));
     $string = View::factory("extras/ajaxattributes")->set("attributes", $attributes)->set("results", $results)->render();
     return $string;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function index($page = 1)
     $db = new Database();
     // You can assign anything variable to a view by using standard OOP
     // methods. In my welcome view, the $title variable will be assigned
     // the value I give it here.
     $this->template->title = 'Welcome to YAG demo!';
     $grid = Grid::factory()->set('display_head', true)->set('display_foot', true)->set('display_body', true)->set('table_attributes', array('id' => 'demo_table_1', 'width' => '100%'));
     $grid->CheckboxField('id')->set('title', 'ID')->set('checked', array(2, 3, 4, 6, 9))->set('sortable', true)->set('foot', form::checkbox('checkall', 'yes', false, "onclick=\"check_all('id[]');\"") . form::dropdown('action', array('edit' => 'Edit', 'delete' => 'Delete'), 'edit') . form::submit('submit', 'OK'))->set('extra', array("onclick" => "checkbox_check('id[]')"));
     $grid->TextField('id')->set('title', 'ID')->set('sortable', true);
     $grid->TextField('text')->set('title', 'Text')->set('sortable', true);
     $grid->DateField('date')->set('title', 'Date')->set('format', 'Y-m-d')->set('sortable', true);
     $grid->ActionField()->set('title', 'Action')->add_action('edit', 'id', 'Edit', 'http://www.path.to/my/controller')->add_action('delete', 'id', 'Delete');
     $offset = (int) ($page - 1) * 10;
     $offset = $offset < 0 ? 0 : $offset;
     $order_field = 'id';
     $order_direction = 'asc';
     if ($this->input->get('order_by') and $grid->field_exists($order_field, true)) {
         $order_field = $this->input->get('order_by');
     if ($this->input->get('order_direction') and in_array(strtoupper($this->input->get('order_direction')), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $order_direction = strtoupper($this->input->get('order_direction'));
     $data = $db->select($grid->get_fields(true))->from('demotable')->limit(10)->offset($offset)->orderby($order_field, $order_direction)->get();
     $count = $db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rows;')->current();
     $this->pagination = new Pagination(array('total_items' => $count->rows, 'items_per_page' => 10));
     $grid->set('extra_row_foot', '<td colspan="' . count($grid->fields) . '">' . $this->pagination->render() . '</td>');
     $grid->set('data', $data);
     $html = $grid->render();
     // Get Javascript for checkbox gimmicks
     $this->template->checkall_js = $grid->render_js('checkall');
     $this->template->content = $html;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function as_you_know_us_select($name, $value)
     $orm = new fpp_as_you_know_us_Model();
     $orm = $orm->db2cls();
     $select_list = $orm->select_list('id_as_you_know_us', 'name');
     return form::dropdown($name, $select_list, $value);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function create()
     $games = ORM::factory('game');
     $games_list = $games->select_list('id', 'name');
     $this->theme->content = new View('scenario/create');
     $this->theme->content->select_game = form::dropdown('game_id', $games_list);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function html_element()
     // Import base data
     $base_data = $this->data;
     // Get the options and default selection
     $options = arr::remove('options', $base_data);
     $selected = arr::remove('selected', $base_data);
     return form::dropdown($base_data, $options, $selected);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function dbmsSelector($name = 'dbType', $default = NULL)
     $availableDrivers = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->getAvailableDrivers();
     $supportedDrivers = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->getSupportedDrivers();
     $drivers = array_uintersect($availableDrivers, $supportedDrivers, 'strcasecmp');
     foreach ($drivers as $driver) {
         $driversPDO[$driver] = $driver;
     $dbTypes = $driversPDO;
     return form::dropdown($name, $dbTypes, $default);
Exemplo n.º 13
 function html()
     $model = new fpp_district_Model();
     $orm = $model->db2cls();
     $droporigin = array("-- SELECCIONE --");
     $dropdown = $orm->select_list('id_district', 'name_district');
     $dropdown = $droporigin + $dropdown;
     $dropdown = form::dropdown("ship_district", $dropdown, @$_POST['ship_district'], 'id="ship_district"');
     $string_html = "Seleccione : " . $dropdown;
     return $string_html;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function delivery()
     $model = new fpp_district_Model();
     $orm = $model->db2cls();
     $droporigin = array("-- SELECCIONE --");
     $dropdown = $orm->select_list('name_district', 'name_district');
     $dropdown = $droporigin + $dropdown;
     $dropdown = form::dropdown("distrito", $dropdown, @$_POST['district']);
     $this->content = View::factory("main/pages_delivery")->set("title", "Delivery")->set("select_district", $dropdown)->set("msg", null)->set("content", null);
     $_SESSION['conf']['mailer'] = array('nombre' => true, 'email' => true, 'telefono' => true, 'comentarios' => true);
     $_SESSION['conf']['concat_mailer'] = array(0 => 'cantidad', 'cantidad' => true, 'producto' => true);
Exemplo n.º 15
 static function footer($theme)
     $base = MODPATH . "highroller/themes/";
     $base_len = strlen($base);
     $options[] = "<none>";
     foreach (glob("{$base}*") as $theme) {
         $name = substr($theme, $base_len);
         $options[$name] = $name;
     $session = Session::instance();
     $highroller_theme = $session->get("highroller_theme");
     print '<div style="float: right"> Theme: ' . form::dropdown("", $options, $highroller_theme, 'style="display: inline" onchange="pick_theme(this.value)"') . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function html_element()
     // Import base data
     $base_data = $this->data;
     if (isset($base_data['multiple']) && !!$base_data['multiple']) {
         $base_data['name'] = str_replace('[]', '', $base_data['name']) . '[]';
     // Get the options and default selection
     $options = arr::remove('options', $base_data);
     $selected = arr::remove('selected', $base_data);
     return form::dropdown($base_data, $options, $selected);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function edit($id)
     if ($this->input->post()) {
     $tournament = ORM::factory('tournament', $id);
     $games = ORM::factory('game');
     $games_list = $games->select_list('id', 'name');
     $this->theme->content = new View('tournament/edit');
     $this->theme->content->id = $tournament->id;
     $this->theme->content->name = $tournament->name;
     $this->theme->content->select_game = form::dropdown('tournament_game', $games_list, $tournament->game_id);
     $this->theme->content->begin_date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($tournament->begin_date));
     $this->theme->content->end_date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($tournament->end_date));
Exemplo n.º 18
 private function __under_development()
     $UNDER_DEVELOPMENT = ORM::factory('setting', 'UNDER_DEVELOPMENT');
     if (isset($_POST['UNDER_DEVELOPMENT'])) {
     $data = array("name" => "UNDER_DEVELOPMENT", "class" => "fullWidth");
     $options = array(null => "YES", "1" => "NO");
     $selected = $UNDER_DEVELOPMENT->value;
     $html = form::open();
     $html .= form::label('UNDER_DEVELOPMENT', 'Under Development');
     $html .= form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected);
     $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"') . '<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>';
     $html .= form::close();
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 19
		protected function _generate_body_cell($index, $key)
			// variables
				$body	= $this->body_data;
				$value	= $body[$index][$key];
				$name	= $this->post_id . '[' .$body[$index][$this->data_id]. '][' .$key. ']';
			// data
				$type	= $this->default_type;
				$data	= NULL;
				if(array_key_exists($key, $this->control_types))
					$type	= $this->control_types[$key][0];
					$data	= $this->control_types[$key][1];
			// html
				$str	= '';
					case 'text':
						$str = form::input($name, $value);
					case 'dropdown':
						$str = form::dropdown($name, $data, $value);
					case 'radio':
					case 'checkbox':
						foreach($data as $d)
							$str .= form::$type($name, $d, $value == $d, 'style="width:auto"') . ' ' . ucwords($d) . ' ';
							if($type == 'checkbox')
								$str .= '<br />';
						$str = $value;
				return '<td>' . $str . '</td>';
 function getbygroup($grp)
     $model = new fpp_pay_per_weight_Model();
     $orm = $model->db2cls();
     $orm->limit = null;
     $list = $orm->fetch_where(array('type' => $grp));
     $dlist = array();
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $dlist[$row->id_ppw] = __($row->name, false);
     $droporigin = array("-- " . __('Seleccione', false) . " --");
     $dropdown = $dlist;
     $dropdown = $droporigin + $dropdown;
     $dropdown = form::dropdown("ship_weight_{$grp}", $dropdown, @$_POST['ship_weight_' . $grp], ' class="shipw" id="ship_weight_' . $grp . '"');
     $string_html = "<div class='shipping_title'>" . __($grp, false) . "</div><div class='shipping_select'>" . $dropdown . '</div><div style="float: left; width: 10px;padding: 5px;"><span class="obligatorio">*</span></div>';
     return $string_html;
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: tts.php Projeto: swk/bluebox
 public static function dropdown($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $defaults = array('nullOption' => FALSE);
     $data = arr::merge($defaults, $data);
     $options = TTSEngine::catalog();
     if ($data['nullOption']) {
         array_unshift($options, $data['nullOption']);
     $data = array_diff($data, $defaults);
     // use kohana helper to generate the markup
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function __toString()
     /* Construyendo el Query */
     $new_array = array();
     if (@$this->args->schema == "0k") {
         $html = 1;
         $table = new fpp_category_Model();
         $orm = $table->db2cls();
         $orm->limit = null;
         $rl1 = $orm->fetch_all(array('cat_id' => 'ASC', 'order_cat' => 'DESC'));
         foreach ($rl1 as $row) {
             if ($row->cat_id == $this->args->initlevel) {
                 $new_array[$row->id_category] = $row;
                 $new_array[$row->id_category]->sub = array();
             } else {
                 $new_array[$row->cat_id]->sub[] = $row;
         foreach ($new_array as $row) {
             if (!(@$row->id_category == '')) {
                 $drop[$row->id_category] = $row->name_category;
                 foreach ($row->sub as $sub) {
                     $drop[$sub->id_category] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $sub->name_category;
                 //           $html .= "</ul>";
             } else {
                 $row = @$row->sub[0];
                 $drop[$row->id_category] = $row->name_category;
     } else {
         $select[] = $this->args->db_value . ' as value ';
         $select[] = $this->args->db_label . ' as label ';
         $one_to_one = $this->db->from($this->args->db_table)->select($select)->get();
         /* Construyendo el Array del Dropdown */
         $drop = array();
         foreach ($one_to_one as $row) {
             $drop[$row->value] = $row->label;
     $html = $this->AjaxConstruct(form::dropdown($this->field_name, @$drop, $this->field_value));
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: sip.php Projeto: swk/bluebox
 public static function dropdownCIDFormat($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $data += array('nullOption' => FALSE);
     // append or insert the class
     $data = arr::update($data, 'class', ' sip_invite_format_dropdown');
     // render a null option if its been set in data
     if (!empty($data['nullOption'])) {
         $options = array(0 => $data['nullOption']);
     } else {
         $options = array();
     $options = Sip_Plugin::getCIDFormats();
     // use kohana helper to generate the markup
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function customize()
     $id = $this->uri->segment(3);
     if (!$id || isset($_POST['cancel'])) {
     $db = new Database();
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $db->delete('discounts_objects', array('discount_id' => $id));
         if (isset($_POST['objects'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['objects'] as $object_id) {
                 $db->insert('discounts_objects', array('discount_id' => $id, 'object_id' => $object_id));
     $this->discount = ORM::factory('discount')->where('id', $id)->find();
     $type = ORM::factory('discounts_type', $this->discount->type_id);
     if ($type->table == '') {
         url::redirect('discounts/?msg=' . urlencode('You can not costumize that type of discount'));
     $list = $this->getList($type->table, 'id', $type->name_field);
     $rows = $db->select('object_id')->from('discounts_objects')->where('discount_id=' . $id)->get();
     //var_dump($rows); die();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $values[] = $row->object_id;
     $this->select = form::dropdown(array('name' => 'objects[]', 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'size' => 20), $list, $values);
     $view = new View('admin');
     $view->header = new View('header');
     $view->content = new View('discount_customize');
     $view->footer = new View('footer');
     $view->header->title = 'Discount >> Manage ';
     // string for variable $title in view header.php
     $view->content->heading = 'Manage discount action';
     // string for variable $heading in view content.php
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: vm.php Projeto: swk/bluebox
 public static function dropdown($data, $selected = NULL, $extra = '', $nullOption = 'None')
     // standardize the $data as an array, strings default to the class_type
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = array('name' => $data);
     // add in all the defaults if they are not provided
     $data += array('nullOption' => 'None');
     arr::update($data, 'class', ' voicemail_dropdown');
     // see if the module wants to allow null selections
     if (!empty($data['nullOption'])) {
         $options = array('0' => __($data['nullOption']));
     } else {
         $options = array();
     $voicemails = Doctrine::getTable('Voicemail')->findAll(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     foreach ($voicemails as $voicemail) {
         $options[$voicemail['voicemail_id']] = $voicemail['name'];
     return form::dropdown($data, $options, $selected, $extra);
Exemplo n.º 26
 private function _DropDown()
     /* Construyendo el Query */
     $Model = "fpp_" . $this->secondM . '_Model';
     $Model = new $Model();
     $select[] = $Model->_FirstPrimary . ' as value ';
     $select[] = $this->args->db_label . ' as label ';
     $this->args->db_table = $this->secondM;
     //compatibilidad para obtener el Link AJAX fpp_tdp #34
     $metaModel = $Model->Get_Meta();
     $agroup = FALSE;
     if ($this->args->set_group != null) {
         $str_json = explode("choices=", $metaModel[$this->args->set_group]);
         $str_json = explode("}", $str_json[1]);
         $str_json = json_decode(str_replace(";", ",", $str_json[0] . '}'));
         //       var_dump($str_json);
         $order = $this->args->set_group;
         $select[] = $order . ' as group ';
         $one_to_one = $this->db->from($this->secondM)->select($select)->orderby(array($order => 'ASC', $this->args->db_label => 'ASC'))->get();
         $agroup = TRUE;
     } else {
         $one_to_one = $this->db->from($this->secondM)->select($select)->get();
     $drop = $this->OrderCat($one_to_one, $agroup, $str_json);
     /* Construyendo el Array del Dropdown */
     //     foreach($one_to_one as $row){
     //       if($agroup == TRUE){
     //         $vl = $row->group;
     //         $vl = $str_json->$vl;
     //         $drop[$vl][$row->value] = $row->label;
     //       }else{
     //         $drop[$row->value] = $row->label;
     //       }
     //     }
     $html = $this->AjaxConstruct(form::dropdown($this->field_name . '[]', @$drop, $this->field_value, ' multiple="multiple" class="kfpp_otm"'));
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function create()
     if ($this->a2->logged_in()) {
         //cannot create new accounts when a user is logged in
     // Create a new user
     $user = ORM::factory('user');
     if ($user->validate($_POST, TRUE)) {
         // user  created, show login form
     } else {
         //show form
         echo form::open();
         echo 'username:'******'username') . '<br>';
         echo 'password:'******'password') . '<br>';
         echo 'password confirm:' . form::password('password_confirm') . '<br>';
         echo 'role:' . form::dropdown('role', array('user' => 'user', 'admin' => 'admin')) . '<br>';
         echo form::submit(array('value' => 'create'));
         echo form::close();
     echo Kohana::debug($_POST->as_array(), $user->as_array());
Exemplo n.º 28
							<h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php 
echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_configure_map");
echo Kohana::lang('settings.configure_map');

							<div style="width: 279px; float: left; margin-top: 10px;">
								<span class="bold_span"><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('settings.default_zoom_level');
								<div class="slider_container">
print form::dropdown('default_zoom', $default_zoom_array, $form['default_zoom']);
							<div style="width: 279px; height: 90px; float: left; margin-top: 10px;">
								<span class="bold_span"><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('settings.default_map_view');
								<span class="my-sel-holder"><select><option><?php 
echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.map');
								<div class="location-info">
echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.latitude');
Exemplo n.º 29
echo $micro_thumb_grid;
      <div id="g-organize-controls" class="ui-widget-header">
        <a id="g-organize-close" href="#" ref="done"
           class="g-button g-right ui-corner-all ui-state-default"><?php 
echo t("Close");
echo t("Sort order");
echo form::dropdown(array("id" => "g-organize-sort-column"), album::get_sort_order_options(), $album->sort_column);
echo form::dropdown(array("id" => "g-organize-sort-order"), array("ASC" => "Ascending", "DESC" => "Descending"), $album->sort_order);

<script type="text/javascript">
Exemplo n.º 30
print form::dropdown('allow_stat_sharing', $yesno_array, $form['allow_stat_sharing']);
						<div class="row">
							<h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php 
echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_allow_clustering");
echo Kohana::lang('settings.site.allow_clustering');
							<span class="sel-holder">
print form::dropdown('allow_clustering', $yesno_array, $form['allow_clustering']);
						<div class="row">
							<h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php 
echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_default_category_colors");
echo Kohana::lang('settings.site.default_category_colors');
print form::input('default_map_all', $form['default_map_all'], ' class="text"');
							<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">