$_SESSION["error"] = "fieldcheck"; header('Location:registry.php'); } } //changes password if (isset($_POST['changepw'])) { if ($_POST['password1'] != '' and $_POST['password2'] != '' and $_POST['password3'] != '') { $password1 = $_POST["password1"]; $password2 = $_POST["password2"]; $password3 = $_POST["password3"]; $email = $_SESSION["email"]; if ($password2 != $password3) { $_SESSION["error"] = "newpwmatch"; header("Location:settings.php"); } else { if (pwcheck($password1, mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT passwordHash FROM owner WHERE email='{$email}'"))['passwordHash']) != 1) { $_SESSION["error"] = "oldpwmatch"; header('Location:settings.php'); } else { $hash = pwhash($password2); mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE owner SET passwordHash='{$hash}' WHERE email='{$email}'"); $_SESSION["error"] = "pwupdated"; header("Location:settings.php"); } } } else { $_SESSION["error"] = "pwsnotthere"; header("Location:settings.php"); } } if (isset($_POST['addurl'])) {
<?php include 'constants.php'; if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_start(); } if (isset($_POST['login'])) { if ($_POST['email'] != '' and $_POST['password'] != '') { $email = $_POST["email"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; if (mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT passwordHash FROM owner WHERE email={$email}"))['passwordHash'] == pwcheck($password)) { $_SESSION["error"] = "none"; $que = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT ownerid FROM owner WHERE email='{$email}'")); $userid = $que['ownerid']; $_SESSION["userid"] = $userid; header('Location:home.php'); } else { if ($_POST['email'] == '' or $_POST['password'] == '') { $_SESSION["error"] = "fieldcheck"; header("Location:login.php"); } else { $_SESSION["error"] = "nomatch"; header("Location:login.php"); } } } } //redirects users to the registry page if (isset($_POST['registryform'])) { header("Location:registry.php"); }