Exemplo n.º 1
  * Sets the file path and route array.
  * @refactor
  * @return void
  * @author Justin Palmer
 private function prepare()
     //Get the current route.
     $Route = $this->route = Registry::get('pr-route');
     //Check to make sure that the view type (html/json) is a registered view
     //through $controller->respond_to
     try {
     } catch (NoViewTypeException $e) {
         //If it is not a view type then we will change the route to
         //change the view to the prNoViewType
         $Route->controller = '';
         $Route->action = 'prNoViewType';
         $Route->requested = $e->getMessage();
         $Route->view_type = 'html';
         $this->route = $Route;
         //Set the route
         Registry::set('pr-route', $Route);
         //Set the layout to null
         $this->Controller->pr_layout = null;
     //Get the current view path based off of the controller
     self::$current_view_path = preg_replace('/([^\\s])([A-Z])/', '\\1-\\2', $Route->controller);
     //Get the file to render from the action of the route.
     $file = preg_replace('/([^\\s])([A-Z])/', '\\1-\\2', $Route->action);
     //Concat the necassary items to complete the path.
     $path = strtolower($file) . '.' . $Route->view_type . '.php';
     //Make sure the path is set
     if (self::getCurrentViewPath() !== '') {
         $path = self::getCurrentViewPath() . '/' . $path;
     //If the view is not html then we will set the layout to null
     //json will not use a layout.
     if ($Route->view_type != 'html') {
         $this->Controller->pr_layout = null;
     //Save the sha of the file path.
     $this->view_path = $path;