Exemplo n.º 1
function init_templates()
    require_once MODELS . DS . 'template.php';
    $template = new Template();
    $templateListTMP = $template->find(array('order' => 'name'));
    $templateList = array();
    foreach ($templateListTMP as $k => $v) {
        $templateList[$v['id']] = $v;
    return $templateList;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function sendResponse($nameOrStatus, $data = [])
     $type = Request::guessResponseType();
     $template = Template::find($nameOrStatus, $type);
     $status = is_numeric($nameOrStatus) ? $nameOrStatus : static::HTTP_200;
     if ($type == static::HTML) {
     $data['_status'] = $status;
     static::setContent(Template::renderPage($template, $data));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function postActivate()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $_id = new MongoId($id);
     $actives = Template::where('status', 'active')->where('type', 'brochure')->get();
     $incl = false;
     foreach ($actives as $deactive) {
         if ($deactive->_id == $id) {
             $incl = true;
         } else {
             $deactive->status = 'inactive';
     if ($incl == false) {
         $active = Template::find($id);
         $active->status = 'active';
     return Response::json(array('status' => 'OK'));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function loadDefaultValues($input = '')
     $parent = Content::find($input['parent_id']);
     if (!@$input['template_id']) {
         $parentTemplate = Template::find($parent->template_id);
         //            dd($parent->template_id);
         if ($parentTemplate) {
             //since we occasionally want to process a looped back tree (which makes the whole tree
             //invalid, we can't use baum's built in functions to get the first child.
             if ($parentTemplate->loopback) {
                 $parentTemplateChild = Template::find($parentTemplate->loopback);
             } else {
                 $parentTemplateChild = @$parentTemplate->getImmediateDescendants()->first();
             $input['template_id'] = @$parentTemplateChild->id;
         if (!@$input['template_id']) {
             //if it's still nothing we can safely set this to 0;
             $input['template_id'] = null;
     $template = Template::find($input['template_id']);
     //TODO: replace with something like this: dd($this->default_fields()->first()->id);
     //$contentDefaultFields = Contentdefaultfield::where('content_type_id', '=', $this->content_type_id)->get();
     //plug in the fields we wanted..
     if (!@$input['template_id']) {
         $input['template_id'] = @$template->id;
     if (!@$input['name']) {
         $input['name'] = @$template->name;
     if (!@$input['view']) {
         $input['view'] = @$template->view;
     if (!@$input['identifier']) {
         $input['identifier'] = @$template->identifier;
     if (!@$input['package']) {
         $input['package'] = @$template->package;
     if (!@$input['edit_view']) {
         $input['edit_view'] = @$template->edit_view;
     if (!@$input['edit_package']) {
         $input['edit_package'] = @$template->edit_package;
     if (!@$input['edit_action']) {
         $input['edit_action'] = @$template->edit_action;
     //work out the slug if not manually set
     if (!@$input['slug']) {
         $input['slug'] = Content::createSlug($input, $parent);
     //and the user_id (author)
     $input['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id;
     //and the application:
     if (!@$input['application_id']) {
         $application = Application::getApplication();
         $input['application_id'] = $application->id;
     //set language
     if (!@$input['language']) {
         $input['language'] = App::getLocale();
     //and the package if not set
     if (!@$input['package']) {
         //set it as parent one..
         $input['package'] = @$parent->package;
         //still nothing - set from application
         $application = Application::getApplication();
         if ($application->package) {
             $input['package'] = $application->package;
         //still nothing - we have to set it to default.
         if (!$input['package']) {
             //last ditch attempt to put something sensible in here
             $input['package'] = Content::PACKAGE;
     if (!@$input['edit_package']) {
         //set it as parent one..
         $input['edit_package'] = @$parent->edit_package;
         //still nothing - we have to set it to default.
         if (!$input['edit_package']) {
             //last ditch attempt to put something sensible in here
             $input['edit_package'] = Content::PACKAGE;
     if (!@$input['edit_view']) {
         //set it as parent one..
         $input['edit_view'] = @$parent->edit_view;
         //still nothing - we have to set it to default.
         if (!$input['edit_view']) {
             //last ditch attempt to put something sensible in here
             $input['edit_view'] = Content::EDIT_VIEW;
     if (!@$input['view']) {
         $input['view'] = Content::VIEW;
     return $input;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function getPreview($template, $type = null)
     $tmpl = Template::find($template)->first();
     if (!is_null($type) && $type != 'pdf') {
         $content = DbView::make($tmpl)->field('body')->render();
         return $content;
     } else {
         //return PDF::loadView('print.brochure',array('prop'=>$prop))
         //    ->stream('download.pdf');
         $tmpl = $tmpl->toArray();
         return PDF::loadView('brochuretmpl.' . $template, array('prop' => $prop, 'contact' => $contact, 'roi3' => $roi3, 'roi5' => $roi5))->setOption('margin-top', $tmpl['margin-top'])->setOption('margin-left', $tmpl['margin-left'])->setOption('margin-right', $tmpl['margin-right'])->setOption('margin-bottom', $tmpl['margin-bottom'])->setOption('dpi', $tmpl['dpi'])->setPaper($tmpl['paper-size'])->stream($prop['propertyId'] . '.pdf');
         //return PDF::html('print.brochure',array('prop' => $prop), 'download.pdf');
 public function getTemplates()
     $templates = Template::find();
     return $templates->toArray();
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     return Redirect::route('templates.index');
  * Show the form for editing the specified template.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $template = Template::find($id);
     return View::make('templates.edit', compact('template'));
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Show the form for editing the specified template.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $template = Template::find($id);
     return View::make('templates.edit', ['template' => $template])->withTitle("Ubah {$template->nama}");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function superSave($input)
     $input['application_id'] = Application::getApplication()->id;
     $parent = Template::find($input['parent_id']);
     $saved = $parent->children()->create($input);
     return $saved;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @Route("/getTemplates", methods = {"GET", "OPTIONS"})
 public function GetTemplatesAction()
     $uid = $this->request->get('uid');
     $templates = Template::find(['conditions' => 'handler_id=?1', 'bind' => [1 => $uid]]);
     $templateList = array();
     if ($templates->getFirst() == null) {
         $this->response->setJsonContent(['message' => 'No Templates Found!']);
     foreach ($templates as $template) {
         $template_id = $template->id;
         $name = base64_decode($template->name);
         $subject = base64_decode($template->subject);
         $body = base64_decode($template->body);
         $templateList[] = ['template_id' => $template_id, 'name' => $name, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body];
 public function populatevars($type)
     $temp = Template::find($type);
     return View::make('variables.index')->with('templates', $temp);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function saveTemplate($truth_name, $tpl_name = '', $temptype = 0)
     if ($tpl_name != '') {
         $tpl_exists = Template::where('name', $tpl_name)->first();
         if ($tpl_exists) {
             $unpack_resuslt = $this->unpack($truth_name, $tpl_name, true, $temptype);
         } else {
             $tpl_exists = false;
             $unpack_resuslt = $this->unpack($truth_name, $tpl_name, true, $temptype);
     } else {
         $tpl_exists = false;
         $unpack_resuslt = $this->unpack($truth_name, $tpl_name, false, $temptype);
     if ($unpack_resuslt) {
         $tpl_info = $unpack_resuslt['config'];
         if ($tpl_exists) {
             $template = Template::find($tpl_exists->id);
         } else {
             $template = new Template();
             $template->name = $unpack_resuslt['tpl_dir'];
             $template->tpl_num = $unpack_resuslt['tpl_num'];
         $template->tpl_name = $tpl_info['template']['tpl_name'];
         $template->classify = $tpl_info['template']['classify'];
         $template->demo = $tpl_info['template']['demo'];
         $template->type = $tpl_info['template']['type'];
         $template->description = $tpl_info['template']['description'];
         $template->list1showtypetotal = $tpl_info['template']['list1showtypetotal'];
         $template->list2showtypetotal = $tpl_info['template']['list2showtypetotal'];
         $template->list3showtypetotal = $tpl_info['template']['list3showtypetotal'];
         $template->list4showtypetotal = $tpl_info['template']['list4showtypetotal'];
         $template->updated_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
         $insert_rst = $template->save();
         if ($insert_rst) {
             $insert_id = $template->id;
             $color_arr = $tpl_info['tpl_color'];
             $tpl_color = array();
             $i = 0;
             TemplateToColor::where('template_id', $insert_id)->delete();
             if (count($color_arr) > 0) {
                 foreach ($color_arr as $color) {
                     $tpl_color[$i]['template_id'] = $insert_id;
                     $tpl_color[$i]['color_code'] = Config::get('color.' . $color);
                     $tpl_color[$i]['color_id'] = Color::where('color_en', $color)->pluck('id');
         $result = ['err' => 1000, 'msg' => '上传模板成功'];
     } else {
         $result = ['err' => 1003, 'msg' => '解压文件失败'];
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Index of type Template
  * @param type $id
  * @return void
  * @throws NotFoundException
 protected function _indexTemplate()
     $this->paginate['limit'] = 50;
     $this->paginate['conditions']['Webpage.type'] = 'template';
     $this->set('webpages', $this->paginate());
     App::uses('Template', 'Model');
     $Template = new Template();
     $this->set('templates', $templates = $Template->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Template.install NOT' => null))));
     $sync = $this->Webpage->syncFiles('template');
     $this->view = 'index_template';
     $this->set('page_title_for_layout', 'Site Templates');
     $this->set('title_for_layout', 'Site Templates');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Build method
 public function build()
     $currentlyLoadedPlugins = CakePlugin::loaded();
     foreach (CakePlugin::loaded() as $plugin) {
         $Plugin = ClassRegistry::init($plugin . '.' . $plugin . 'AppModel');
         if (method_exists($Plugin, 'menuInit')) {
             $plugins[] = $plugin;
     $this->set('plugins', $plugins);
     //$plugins = array_diff(CakePlugin::loaded(), array('Activities', 'Answers', 'Categories', 'Connections', 'Contacts', 'Drafts', 'Facebook', 'Feeds', 'Forms', 'Media', 'Privileges', 'Recaptcha', 'Searchable', 'Subscribers', 'Tags', 'Twitter', 'Utils', 'Webpages', 'Wizards', 'Workflows')));
     // create some links to, and install the plugin if it isn't already
     if (($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) && $this->request->data['WebpageMenuItem']['page_type'] == 'plugin') {
         $this->request->data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'] = $plugins[$this->request->data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text']];
         // if not already installed, then install the plugin
         if (!in_array($this->request->data['WebpageMenuItem']['item_text'], $currentlyLoadedPlugins)) {
         // create the menu (independent of the plugin - we can always install later)
         $MenuItem = ClassRegistry::init('Webpages.WebpageMenuItem');
         if ($MenuItem->saveAll($this->request->data)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Flow updated.'));
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Error occurred, please try again.'));
     $this->layout = 'default';
     App::uses('UserRole', 'Users.Model');
     $UserRole = new UserRole();
     $this->set('userRoles', $userRoles = $UserRole->find('all'));
     $this->set('userRoleOptions', Set::combine($userRoles, '{n}.UserRole.session_user_role_id', '{n}.UserRole.name'));
     App::uses('Template', 'Model');
     $Template = new Template();
     $this->set('templates', $templates = $Template->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Template.install NOT' => null))));
     $this->set('page_title_for_layout', 'SITE buildrr');
     $this->set('title_for_layout', 'SITE buildrr');
     $defaultTemplate = Set::combine(templateSettings(), '{n}.isDefault', '{n}');
     $defaultTemplate = Set::extract('/Template[layout=' . $defaultTemplate[1]['templateName'] . ']', $templates);
     $defaultTemplate = !empty($defaultTemplate) ? $defaultTemplate : $Template->placeholder();
     $Menu = ClassRegistry::init('Webpages.WebpageMenu');
     foreach ($userRoles as $userRole) {
         $varName = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $userRole['UserRole']['name']) . 'Sections';
         $conditions = $userRole['UserRole']['id'] == __SYSTEM_GUESTS_USER_ROLE_ID ? array('OR' => array(array('WebpageMenu.user_role_id' => ''), array('WebpageMenu.user_role_id' => null))) : array('WebpageMenu.user_role_id' => $userRole['UserRole']['id']);
         $menu = $Menu->find('threaded', array('conditions' => $conditions));
         // remove --Home from Home menu
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($menu[0]['children']); $i++) {
             if ($menu[0]['children'][$i]['WebpageMenu']['name'] == $menu[0]['WebpageMenu']['name']) {
         $this->set($varName, $menu);
     //$this->set('sections', $Menu->find('threaded', array('conditions' => array('WebpageMenu.lft >=' => $menu['WebpageMenu']['lft'], 'WebpageMenu.rght <=' => $menu['WebpageMenu']['rght']))));
     // used for re-ordering items $this->request->data['WebpageMenu']['children'] = $this->WebpageMenu->find('count', array('conditions' => array('WebpageMenu.lft >' => $menu['WebpageMenu']['lft'], 'WebpageMenu.rght <' => $menu['WebpageMenu']['rght'])));
     //$this->set('sections', $sections = $Menu->find('all', array('conditions' => array('OR' => array(array('WebpageMenu.parent_id' => null), array('WebpageMenu.parent_id' => ''))))));
     $menus = $Menu->generateTreeList(null, null, null, '--');
     foreach ($menus as $menu) {
         if (strpos($menu, '-') !== 0) {
             // this key should be removed, because if there is a link to the same page as the menu name
             $menus = ZuhaSet::devalue($menus, '--' . $menu, true);