Exemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct($esxman, $database, $username = '', $error = null)
     $this->esxman = $esxman;
     $this->database = $database;
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->html = array('footer' => ' ', 'menu' => ' ', 'tree' => ' ', 'user' => ' ', 'content' => ' ');
     $this->commands = array();
     $this->title = _('Login');
     if (request('form_name') == 'login') {
         if ($this->database->authenticate_user(request('username'), request('password'))) {
             $_SESSION['username'] = request('username');
             $_SESSION['key'] = md5($_SESSION['username'] . getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') . getenv('X-FORWARDED-FOR'));
             debug('User ' . request('username') . ' logging in!');
             $this->commands[] = "\$('#dialog').html('" . _('Populating inventory...') . "');";
             $this->commands[] = js_command('get', 'action=populate_inventory');
         $error = _('Authentication failed');
     $tpl = new Template('dialog_login.html');
     if ($error) {
         $tpl->setVar('error', $error);
     $this->commands[] = js_command('display_dialog', _('Login'), $tpl->get(), _('Login'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function test($path)
     $tmpl = new Template();
     $subTmpl = $tmpl->getSubTmpl('EVENT_VERSION1');
     $subTmpl->setVar('TITLE', 'Das ist ein Test');
     $list = $subTmpl->render();
     $tmpl->setVar('EVENTLIST', $list);
     echo $tmpl->render();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct($username, $database)
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->database = $database;
     $this->html = '';
     $this->commands = array();
     $menu = array('hosts' => array('label' => _('Hosts'), 'link' => 'page=hosts'), 'vms' => array('label' => _('Virtual Machines'), 'link' => 'page=vms'));
     $tpl = new Template('block_menu.html');
     foreach ($menu as $data) {
         $tpl->setVars(array('label' => htmlentities($data['label']), 'link' => $data['link']));
     $tpl->setVar('label_logout', _('Logout'));
     $this->html = $tpl->get();
Exemplo n.º 4

if (!defined('AXE')) {
//common include
$box_simple_wide = new Template("styles/" . $style . "/box_simple_wide.php");
$box_wide = new Template("styles/" . $style . "/box_wide.php");
$box_wide->setVar("imagepath", 'styles/' . $style . '/images/');
$box_simple_wide->setVar("imagepath", 'styles/' . $style . '/images/');
//end common include
include "dataVariables.php";
$cont2 .= "<div id='armory'><form action='' method='get'><input type='hidden' name='name' value='armory'><input type='text' name='char' value='" . $_GET['char'] . "' placeholder='Look for character...'><div id='log-b'><input type='submit' value='Search'></div></form><br><br>";
if ($_GET['char']) {
    $char = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['char']);
    function wowhead_did($item)
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT displayid FROM item_template WHERE entry = '{$item}'");
        $displayid = mysql_result($sql, 0);
        return $displayid;
    $charData = $db->query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE name='{$char}'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($charData)) {
        $status = array('offline', 'online');
        $guid = $row['guid'];
        $gender = $row['gender'];
        $status = $status[$row['online']];
        $cont2 .= "<li><div class='avatar'><img class='ava' src='./images/portraits/wow-default/" . $row['gender'] . "-" . $row['race'] . "-" . $row['class'] . ".gif' border='0'></div>";
        $cont2 .= "<h2>" . $row['name'] . " <span class='charStatus' data-status='" . $status . "'>(" . $status . ")</span></h2>";
 * Method to prepare a new Horizontal Plain Menu.
 * This method processes items of a menu to prepare and return
 * the corresponding Horizontal Plain Menu code.
 * @access public
 * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose items have to be processed
 * @return string
 function newHorizontalPlainMenu($menu_name = "")
     $horizontal_plain_menu_blck = "";
     $t = new Template();
     $t->setFile("tplfile", $this->horizontalPlainMenuTpl);
     $t->setBlock("tplfile", "template", "template_blck");
     $t->setBlock("template", "horizontal_plain_menu_cell", "horizontal_plain_menu_cell_blck");
     $t->setVar("horizontal_plain_menu_cell_blck", "");
     $t->setBlock("horizontal_plain_menu_cell", "plain_menu_cell", "plain_menu_cell_blck");
     $t->setVar("plain_menu_cell_blck", "");
     for ($cnt = $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt <= $this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) {
         if ($this->tree[$cnt]["level"] == 1 && $cnt > $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) {
             $t->parse("horizontal_plain_menu_cell_blck", "horizontal_plain_menu_cell", true);
             $t->setVar("plain_menu_cell_blck", "");
         $nbsp = "";
         for ($i = 1; $i < $this->tree[$cnt]["level"]; $i++) {
             $nbsp .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         $t->setVar(array("nbsp" => $nbsp, "link" => $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_link"], "title" => $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_title"], "target" => $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_target"], "text" => $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_text"]));
         $t->parse("plain_menu_cell_blck", "plain_menu_cell", true);
     $t->parse("horizontal_plain_menu_cell_blck", "horizontal_plain_menu_cell", true);
     $this->_horizontalPlainMenu[$menu_name] = $t->parse("template_blck", "template");
     return $this->_horizontalPlainMenu[$menu_name];
Exemplo n.º 6
//HTML Template for the user-specific part on the website
$userTemplate = new Template("www/templates/loggedin_template.html");
//Give the template the possibility to use the UserAuthentification class.
$userTemplate->setVar("UserAuthentification", $userAuth);
//Array mapping a champion name to its icon. Array ( ["ChampionName"] => "Icon", ["ChampionName2"] => "Icon2" )
$champJson = cURL("https://global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/champion?champData=image&api_key=" . $apiKey);
$championData = parseChampJSON($champJson, array("Champion" => new ArrayObject(array("img" => "www/any.png", "name" => "Any Champion", "key" => "Champion"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS)));
//$spellData = parseSpellJSON(cURL("https://global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/summoner-spell?spellData=image,key&api_key=" . $apiKey));
//Get all those items...
$itemdata = recursiveArrayObject(collapseResultArray2($database->query("SELECT i.ID AS ItemID, i.Gold, i.Name AS ItemName, i.Description, ibi.BuildsIntoID, ibf.BuildsFromID, it.Tag FROM `Items` i LEFT JOIN `ItemBuildsFrom` ibf ON i.ID = ibf.ItemID LEFT JOIN `ItemBuildsInto` ibi ON i.ID = ibi.ItemID LEFT JOIN `ItemTags` it ON i.ID = it.ItemID"), true, true, true), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
$headerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/header_template.html");
$headerTemplate->setVar("UserTemplate", $userTemplate);
$headerTemplate->setVar("buttons", array(new ArrayObject(array("name" => "Home", "href" => "index.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS), new ArrayObject(array("name" => "My Sets", "href" => "mysets.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS)));
//And then, printerino!
$csTemplate = new Template("www/templates/createset_template.html");
$csTemplate->setVar("ChampionData", $championData);
$csTemplate->setVar("ItemSet", $itemset);
//$csTemplate->setVar("SpellData", $spellData);
$csTemplate->setVar("Items", $itemdata);
$csTemplate->setVar("i", 1);
$csTemplate->setVar("TypusMaximusWaddafakius", $type);
$csTemplate->setVar("ChampionData", $championData);
$footerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/footer_template.html");
echo $headerTemplate->printTemplate();
echo $csTemplate->printTemplate();
echo $footerTemplate->printTemplate();
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param $use
  * @return string
 protected function renderNoneMethods(&$use)
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($this->className['fullClassName']);
     $methodTemplate = new Template(sprintf('%s%sTemplates%sNoneMethod.tpl', __DIR__, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
     if ($reflector->isAbstract()) {
         $methodTemplate->setVar(array('asserter' => "testedClass\n\t\t\t\t->isAbstract()", 'className' => $this->className['className']));
     } else {
         $interfaces = $reflector->getInterfaceNames();
         if (empty($interfaces)) {
             if ($reflector->getParentClass()) {
                 $use .= 'use ' . $reflector->getParentClass()->getName() . ";\n";
                 $components = explode('\\', $reflector->getParentClass()->getName());
                 $methodTemplate->setVar(array('asserter' => "testedClass\n\t\t\t\t->extends(" . array_pop($components) . "::class)", 'className' => $this->className['className']));
             } else {
                 $methodTemplate = new Template(sprintf('%s%sTemplates%sEmptyMethod.tpl', __DIR__, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
                 $methodTemplate->setVar(array('className' => $this->className['className']));
         } else {
             $use .= 'use ' . $interfaces[0] . ";\n";
             $components = explode('\\', $interfaces[0]);
             $methodTemplate->setVar(array('asserter' => "testedClass\n\t\t\t\t->implements(" . array_pop($components) . "::class)", 'className' => $this->className['className']));
     return $methodTemplate->render();
Exemplo n.º 8
$twentyItemSets = array();
foreach ($rawItemSets as $val) {
    array_push($twentyItemSets, newItemSet($database, $userAuth, $val));
$setListTemplate = new Template("www/templates/home_setList_template.html");
$setListTemplate->setVar("ChampionData", $championData);
//$setListTemplate->setVar("SpellData", $spellData);
$setListTemplate->setVar("CurrentChampion", $_GET["itemsetChampion"]);
$setListTemplate->setVar("ItemSets", $twentyItemSets);
//Itemset-Ajax for example when updating search parameters.
if (isset($_POST['itemsetAjax'])) {
    echo $setListTemplate->printTemplate();
//Print all that stuff
$headerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/header_template.html");
$headerTemplate->setVar("UserTemplate", $userTemplate);
$headerTemplate->setVar("buttons", array(new ArrayObject(array("name" => "My Sets", "href" => "mysets.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS), new ArrayObject(array("name" => "Create Set", "href" => "createset.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS)));
$homeTemplate = new Template("www/templates/homepage_template.html");
$homeTemplate->setVar("ChampionData", $championData);
$homeTemplate->setVar("ItemSetTemplate", $setListTemplate);
$footerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/footer_template.html");
echo $headerTemplate->printTemplate();
echo $homeTemplate->printTemplate();
echo $footerTemplate->printTemplate();
Exemplo n.º 9
$champJson = cURL("https://global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/champion?champData=image&api_key=" . $apiKey);
$championData = parseChampJSON($champJson, array("Champion" => new ArrayObject(array("img" => "www/any.png", "name" => "Any Champion", "key" => "Champion"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS)));
//$spellData = parseSpellJSON(cURL("https://global.api.pvp.net/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/summoner-spell?spellData=image,key&api_key=" . $apiKey));
$res = $database->query("SELECT m.ItemSetID, m.ItemID, m.ItemCount, s.OwnerID, s.Title, s.Type, s.Map, s.Mode, s.Sortrank, s.Champion, IFNULL(v.Rating, 0) AS Rating, s.Date, b.Name, b.recMath, b.minSumLvl, b.maxSumLvl, b.showIfSumSpell, b.hideIfSumSpell, i.Gold, i.Name AS ItemName, i.Description, ibi.BuildsIntoID, ibf.BuildsFromID FROM `ItemSetMap` m JOIN `ItemSets` s ON m.ItemSetID = s.ID JOIN `ItemBlocks` b ON m.BlockID = b.ID JOIN `Items` i ON m.ItemID = i.ID LEFT JOIN `ItemBuildsFrom` ibf ON m.ItemID = ibf.ItemID LEFT JOIN `ItemBuildsInto` ibi ON m.ItemID = ibi.ItemID LEFT JOIN (SELECT ItemsetID, SUM(Rating) AS Rating FROM `Votes` GROUP BY ItemsetID) v ON v.ItemsetID = m.ItemSetID WHERE `OwnerID` = " . $userAuth->id . " ORDER BY `Sortrank` DESC;", false);
$rawSets = collapseResultArray($res);
$sets = array();
foreach ($rawSets as $rawSet) {
    $set = ItemSet::newSet($rawSet);
    array_push($sets, $set);
$setListTemplate = new Template("www/templates/home_setList_template.html");
$setListTemplate->setVar("ChampionData", $championData);
//$setListTemplate->setVar("SpellData", $spellData);
$setListTemplate->setVar("ItemSets", $sets);
$headerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/header_template.html");
$headerTemplate->setVar("UserTemplate", $userTemplate);
$headerTemplate->setVar("buttons", array(new ArrayObject(array("name" => "Home", "href" => "index.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS), new ArrayObject(array("name" => "Create Set", "href" => "createset.php"), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS)));
$mysets_template = new Template("www/templates/mysets_template.html");
$mysets_template->setVar("ItemSetTemplate", $setListTemplate);
$footerTemplate = new Template("www/templates/footer_template.html");
echo $headerTemplate->printTemplate();
echo $mysets_template->printTemplate();
echo $footerTemplate->printTemplate();
 * Method to prepare a new Tree Menu.
 * This method processes items of a menu to prepare and return
 * the corresponding Tree Menu code.
 * @access public
 * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose items have to be processed
 * @return string
 function newTreeMenu($menu_name = "")
     if (!isset($this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) || !isset($this->_lastItem[$menu_name])) {
         $this->error("newTreeMenu: the first/last item of the menu '{$menu_name}' is not defined; please check if you have parsed its menu data.");
         return 0;
     $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] = "";
     $img_space = $this->imgwww . "tree_space." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_space = "  ";
     $img_vertline = $this->imgwww . "tree_vertline." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_vertline = "| ";
     $img_expand = $this->imgwww . "tree_expand." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_expand = "+-";
     $img_expand_first = $this->imgwww . "tree_expand_first." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_expand_first = "+-";
     $img_expand_corner = $this->imgwww . "tree_expand_corner." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_expand_corner = "+-";
     $img_collapse = $this->imgwww . "tree_collapse." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_collapse = "--";
     $img_collapse_first = $this->imgwww . "tree_collapse_first." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_collapse_first = "--";
     $img_collapse_corner = $this->imgwww . "tree_collapse_corner." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_collapse_corner = "--";
     $img_split = $this->imgwww . "tree_split." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_split = "|-";
     $img_split_first = $this->imgwww . "tree_split_first." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_split_first = "|-";
     $img_corner = $this->imgwww . "tree_corner." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_corner = "`-";
     $img_folder_closed = $this->imgwww . "tree_folder_closed." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_folder_closed = "->";
     $img_folder_open = $this->imgwww . "tree_folder_open." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_folder_open = "->";
     $img_leaf = $this->imgwww . "tree_leaf." . $this->treeMenuImagesType;
     $alt_leaf = "->";
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->_maxLevel[$menu_name]; $i++) {
         $levels[$i] = 0;
     // Find last nodes of subtrees
     $last_level = $this->_maxLevel[$menu_name];
     for ($i = $this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $i >= $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $i--) {
         if ($this->tree[$i]["level"] < $last_level) {
             for ($j = $this->tree[$i]["level"] + 1; $j <= $this->_maxLevel[$menu_name]; $j++) {
                 $levels[$j] = 0;
         if ($levels[$this->tree[$i]["level"]] == 0) {
             $levels[$this->tree[$i]["level"]] = 1;
             $this->tree[$i]["last_item"] = 1;
         } else {
             $this->tree[$i]["last_item"] = 0;
         $last_level = $this->tree[$i]["level"];
     $toggle = "";
     $toggle_function_name = "toggle" . $menu_name;
     for ($cnt = $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt <= $this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) {
         $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<div id=\"jt" . $cnt . "\" class=\"{$menu_name}_treemenudiv\">\n";
         // vertical lines from higher levels
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->tree[$cnt]["level"] - 1; $i++) {
             if ($levels[$i] == 1) {
                 $img = $img_vertline;
                 $alt = $alt_vertline;
             } else {
                 $img = $img_space;
                 $alt = $alt_space;
             $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" src=\"" . $img . "\" alt=\"" . $alt . "\" />";
         $not_a_leaf = $cnt < $this->_lastItem[$menu_name] && $this->tree[$cnt + 1]["level"] > $this->tree[$cnt]["level"];
         if ($this->tree[$cnt]["last_item"] == 1) {
             // corner at end of subtree or t-split
             if ($not_a_leaf) {
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<a onmousedown=\"" . $toggle_function_name . "('" . $cnt . "')\"><img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" id=\"jt" . $cnt . "node\" src=\"" . $img_collapse_corner . "\" alt=\"" . $alt_collapse_corner . "\" /></a>";
             } else {
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" src=\"" . $img_corner . "\" alt=\"" . $alt_corner . "\" />";
             $levels[$this->tree[$cnt]["level"] - 1] = 0;
         } else {
             if ($not_a_leaf) {
                 if ($cnt == $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) {
                     $img = $img_collapse_first;
                     $alt = $alt_collapse_first;
                 } else {
                     $img = $img_collapse;
                     $alt = $alt_collapse;
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<a onmousedown=\"" . $toggle_function_name . "('" . $cnt . "');\"><img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" id=\"jt" . $cnt . "node\" src=\"" . $img . "\" alt=\"" . $alt . "\" /></a>";
             } else {
                 if ($cnt == $this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) {
                     $img = $img_split_first;
                     $alt = $alt_split_first;
                 } else {
                     $img = $img_split;
                     $alt = $alt_split;
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<a onmousedown=\"" . $toggle_function_name . "('" . $cnt . "');\"><img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" id=\"jt" . $cnt . "node\" src=\"" . $img . "\" alt=\"" . $alt . "\" /></a>";
             $levels[$this->tree[$cnt]["level"] - 1] = 1;
         if ($this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_link"] == "" || $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_link"] == "#") {
             $a_href_open_img = "";
             $a_href_close_img = "";
             $a_href_open = "<a class=\"{$menu_name}_phplmnormal\">";
             $a_href_close = "</a>";
         } else {
             $a_href_open_img = "<a href=\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_link"] . "\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_title"] . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_target"] . ">";
             $a_href_close_img = "</a>";
             $a_href_open = "<a href=\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_link"] . "\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_title"] . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_target"] . " class=\"{$menu_name}_phplm\">";
             $a_href_close = "</a>";
         if ($not_a_leaf) {
             $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= $a_href_open_img . "<img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" id=\"jt" . $cnt . "folder\" src=\"" . $img_folder_open . "\" alt=\"" . $alt_folder_open . "\" />" . $a_href_close_img;
         } else {
             if ($this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_icon"] != "") {
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= $a_href_open_img . "<img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" src=\"" . $this->imgwww . $this->tree[$cnt]["parsed_icon"] . "\" width=\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["iconwidth"] . "\" height=\"" . $this->tree[$cnt]["iconheight"] . "\" alt=\"" . $alt_leaf . "\" />" . $a_href_close_img;
             } else {
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= $a_href_open_img . "<img align=\"top\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgs\" src=\"" . $img_leaf . "\" alt=\"" . $alt_leaf . "\" />" . $a_href_close_img;
         $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "&nbsp;" . $a_href_open . $this->tree[$cnt]["text"] . $a_href_close . "\n";
         $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "</div>\n";
         if ($cnt < $this->_lastItem[$menu_name] && $this->tree[$cnt]["level"] < $this->tree[$cnt + 1]["level"]) {
             $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "<div id=\"jt" . $cnt . "son\" class=\"{$menu_name}_treemenudiv\">\n";
             if ($this->tree[$cnt]["expanded"] != 1) {
                 $toggle .= "if (expand[" . $cnt . "] != 1) " . $toggle_function_name . "('" . $cnt . "');\n";
             } else {
                 $toggle .= "if (collapse[" . $cnt . "] == 1) " . $toggle_function_name . "('" . $cnt . "');\n";
         if ($cnt > $this->_firstItem[$menu_name] && $this->tree[$cnt]["level"] > $this->tree[$cnt + 1]["level"]) {
             for ($i = max(1, $this->tree[$cnt + 1]["level"]); $i < $this->tree[$cnt]["level"]; $i++) {
                 $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= "</div>\n";
     	// Some (old) browsers do not support the "white-space: nowrap;" CSS property...
     	$this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] =
     	"<table>\n" .
     	"<tr>\n" .
     	"<td class=\"phplmnormal\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n" .
     	$this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .
     	"</td>\n" .
     	"</tr>\n" .
     $t = new Template();
     $t->setFile("tplfile", $this->libjsdir . "layerstreemenu.ijs");
     $t->setVar(array("menu_name" => $menu_name, "toggle_function_name" => $toggle_function_name, "img_expand" => $img_expand, "img_expand_first" => $img_expand_first, "img_collapse" => $img_collapse, "img_collapse_first" => $img_collapse_first, "img_collapse_corner" => $img_collapse_corner, "img_folder_open" => $img_folder_open, "img_expand_corner" => $img_expand_corner, "img_folder_closed" => $img_folder_closed));
     $toggle_function = $t->parse("out", "tplfile");
     $toggle_function = "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "<!--\n" . $toggle_function . "// -->\n" . "</script>\n";
     $toggle = "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "<!--\n" . "if ((DOM && !Opera56 && !Konqueror2) || IE4) {\n" . $toggle . "}\n" . "if (NS4) alert('Only the accessibility is provided to Netscape 4 on the JavaScript Tree Menu.\\nWe *strongly* suggest you to upgrade your browser.');\n" . "// -->\n" . "</script>\n";
     $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] = $toggle_function . "\n" . $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] . "\n" . $toggle;
     return $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name];
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function singlehost($host)
     $this->title = sprintf(_('Host %s'), $host['hostname']);
     $tpl = new Template('page_hosts_singlehost.html');
     if ($_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['connected']) {
         $nics = 0;
         foreach ($_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->pciDevice as $device) {
             if ($device->classId == 512) {
         $tpl->setVars(array('manufacturer' => $_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->systemInfo->vendor, 'model' => $_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->systemInfo->model, 'cpucores' => $_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->cpuInfo->numCpuCores, 'processortype' => $_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->cpuPkg[0]->description, 'processorsockets' => count($_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['hardware']->cpuPkg), 'numbernics' => $nics, 'virtualmachines' => count($_SESSION['hosts'][$host['hostname']]['vm'])));
     } else {
         $tpl->setVar('text_notconnected', _('This host is currently not connected'));
     $tpl->setVars(array('label_host' => sprintf(_('Host %s'), $host['hostname']), 'label_manufacturer' => _('Manufacturer'), 'label_model' => _('Model'), 'label_cpucores' => _('CPU cores'), 'label_processortype' => _('Processor type'), 'label_processorsockets' => _('Processor sockets'), 'label_numbernics' => _('Number of NICs'), 'label_virtualmachines' => _('Virtual machines'), 'label_editsettings' => _('Edit settings'), 'label_deletehost' => _('Delete host'), 'hostname' => $host['hostname']));
     $this->html['content'] = $tpl->get();
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function novms($hosts)
     $tpl = new Template('page_vms_novms.html');
     $tpl->setVar('label_vms', _('Virtual machines'));
     if ($hosts) {
         $tpl->setVar('label_addvm', _('Add vm'));
         $tpl->setVar('text_novms', _('You do not have any virtual machines defined. Please use the button below to add an virtual machine.'));
     } else {
         $tpl->setVar('text_novms', _('You do not have any hosts defined.'));
     $this->html['content'] = $tpl->get();
Exemplo n.º 13
 private function send_page($page)
     if (is_ajax()) {
         /* AJAX request: We only need to send html parts and commands generated for this page. */
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/pages/' . $page . '.php';
         $args = func_get_args();
         /* Call page object with arguments ($esxman, $database, [, $arg[, ...]]). */
         $args[0] = $this->database;
         array_unshift($args, $this);
         $reflector = new ReflectionClass('page_' . $page);
         $object = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
         $result = $object->html;
         $result['commands'] = $object->commands;
         /* Set inactivity timer and inventory change timer. */
         if (!preg_match('/^(login|console)$/', $page)) {
             if (request('reason') != 'inventory') {
                 $result['commands'][] = 'start_inactivity_timer(' . $this->config['timeout'] . ');';
             $result['commands'][] = 'get_inventory_changes();';
         echo json_encode($result);
     } else {
         /* Non-AJAX request: We need to initialize objects and timers and stuff. */
         $tpl = new Template($page == 'console' ? 'console.html' : 'main.html');
         $commands = array();
         /* Fetch content for div elements, except main content. */
         $vars = $tpl->getVars();
         foreach ($vars as $var) {
             if (preg_match('/div$/', $var) && $var != 'contentdiv' && !isset($object->html[preg_replace('/div$/', '', $var)])) {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/blocks/' . preg_replace('/div$/', '', $var) . '.php';
                 $blockobjectname = 'block_' . preg_replace('/div$/', '', $var);
                 $blockobject = new $blockobjectname($this->username, $this->database);
                 $tpl->setVar($var, $blockobject->html, true);
                 $commands = array_merge($commands, $blockobject->commands);
         /* Add javascript commands. */
         $commands[] = "\$('#wrapper').css('display', 'block');";
         $commands[] = "var label_bummer = '" . _('Bummer') . "';";
         $commands[] = "var label_waitdotdotdot = '" . _('Wait...') . "';";
         $commands[] = "var label_pleasewait = '" . _('Please wait...') . "';";
         $commands[] = "var inactivity_timer = null;";
         $commands[] = "var inventory_timer = null;";
         $commands[] = "get(document.URL.replace(/.*(#\\/|\\?)/, ''));";
         $tpl->setVar('commands', implode("\n", $commands));
         echo $tpl->get();