  * @param FormField $formField
  * @param KForm     $form
 public function instanceMapFrom(FormField $formField, KForm $form)
     $attribute = $formField->getFieldName();
     $method = 'mappingFromFormField' . ucfirst($attribute);
     if ($this->instanceReflector->hasMethod($method)) {
         $methodReflector = $this->instanceReflector->getMethod($method);
         $parameters = array();
         foreach ($methodReflector->getParameters() as $paramReflector) {
             switch (true) {
                 case $paramReflector->getClass()->isSubclassOf(KForm::class):
                     $parameters[] = $form;
                 case $paramReflector->getClass()->isSubclassOf(FormField::class):
                     $parameters[] = $formField;
                     $parameters[] = $formField;
         call_user_func_array(array($this->instance, $method), $parameters);
     } else {
         $this->instance->{$attribute} = $formField->getValue();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function runController($cName, $aName, $params)
     $theController = new $cName();
     $reflection_object = new ReflectionObject($theController);
     if ($reflection_object->hasMethod('before_action')) {
     call_user_func_array(array($theController, $aName), $params);
     if ($reflection_object->hasMethod('after_action')) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Checks to call the method.
  * Throws exceptions if the method doesn't exist, is not public or if there are mandatory parameters.
  * @param \ReflectionObject $reflector
  * @throws \BadMethodCallException
 private static function _processObjectMethod(\ReflectionObject $reflector)
     // check for method name
     if (!$reflector->hasMethod(self::$part)) {
         throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Method %s doesn\'t exist at path "%s"', self::$part, self::$actPath));
     // check that method is public
     $methodReclector = $reflector->getMethod(self::$part);
     if (!$methodReclector->isPublic()) {
         throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Method %s is not public at path "%s"', self::$part, self::$actPath));
     // check that method has no mandatory parameters
     $parameters = $methodReclector->getParameters();
     if (!empty($parameters)) {
         foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
             // If has no default value, throw exception, can't call the method without parameters
             try {
             } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                 throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Method %s has mandatory parameter at path "%s", can\'t call it', self::$part, self::$actPath));
     $method = self::$part;
     self::$reference = self::$reference->{$method}();
  * Recursively traverses and wraps all Closure objects within the value.
  * @param mixed $data Any variable that contains closures.
  * @param SerializerInterface $serializer The serializer to use.
 public static function wrapClosures(&$data, SerializerInterface $serializer)
     if ($data instanceof \Closure) {
         // Handle and wrap closure objects.
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($data);
         if ($binding = $reflection->getClosureThis()) {
             self::wrapClosures($binding, $serializer);
             $scope = $reflection->getClosureScopeClass();
             $scope = $scope ? $scope->getName() : 'static';
             $data = $data->bindTo($binding, $scope);
         $data = new SerializableClosure($data, $serializer);
     } elseif (is_array($data) || $data instanceof \stdClass || $data instanceof \Traversable) {
         // Handle members of traversable values.
         foreach ($data as &$value) {
             self::wrapClosures($value, $serializer);
     } elseif (is_object($data) && !$data instanceof \Serializable) {
         // Handle objects that are not already explicitly serializable.
         $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($data);
         if (!$reflection->hasMethod('__sleep')) {
             foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
                 if ($property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected()) {
                 $value = $property->getValue($data);
                 self::wrapClosures($value, $serializer);
                 $property->setValue($data, $value);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Provides functionality for getters and setters of the customer
  * @see Varien_Object::__call()
 public function __call($method, $args)
     if ($this->_customer instanceof Mage_Customer_Model_Customer) {
         $key = $this->_underscore(substr($method, 3));
         switch (substr($method, 0, 3)) {
             case 'get':
                 return $this->_customer->getData($key, isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null);
             case 'set':
                 return $this->_customer->setData($key, isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null);
             case 'uns':
                 return $this->_customer->unsetData($key);
             case 'has':
                 $data = $this->_customer->getData();
                 return isset($data[$key]);
         try {
             $_reflectionObject = new ReflectionObject($this->_customer);
             if ($_reflectionObject->hasMethod($method)) {
                 $_reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($this->_customer), $method);
                 return $_reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($this->_customer, $args);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return parent::__call($method, $args);
     return parent::__call($method, $args);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function callRPCMethod()
     $sRawMethod = $this->oRequest->method;
     @(list($sNameSpace, $sMethod) = explode('.', $sRawMethod));
     if (is_null($sMethod)) {
         $sMethod = $sNameSpace;
         $sNameSpace = 'wp';
     $oInterface = $this->getRPCInterface($sNameSpace);
     if (!$this->hasRPCMethod($oInterface, $sMethod)) {
         $this->oResponse->error = 'Invalid RPC request: method [' . var_export($sMethod, true) . '] does not exist';
     } else {
         if (is_null($this->oRequest->params) || !is_array($this->oRequest->params)) {
             throw new ExceptionResponseError('Invalid RPC request: missing parameters');
         $oReflectedInterface = new \ReflectionObject($oInterface);
         if ($oReflectedInterface->hasMethod($sMethod)) {
             /* @var $oReflectedMethod \ReflectionMethod */
             $oReflectedMethod = $oReflectedInterface->getMethod($sMethod);
             if ($oReflectedMethod->isPublic()) {
                 return $oReflectedMethod->invokeArgs($oInterface, $this->oRequest->params);
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function inflater(array $objects, $invokeName, $invokeArgs = null)
     if (!is_array($objects) || count($objects) == 0) {
         return null;
     $ref = new \ReflectionObject($objects[0]);
     $mode = $ref->hasMethod($invokeName) ? self::MODE_METHOD : self::MODE_PROPERTY;
     if ($mode == self::MODE_METHOD) {
         $values = array();
         $methodRef = $ref->getMethod($invokeName);
         $argsCount = count($methodRef->getParameters());
         if ($argsCount > 0) {
             foreach ($objects as $object) {
                 array_push($values, call_user_func_array(array($object, $invokeName), $invokeArgs));
         } else {
             foreach ($objects as $object) {
                 array_push($values, $object->{$invokeName}());
         return $values;
     } elseif ($mode == self::MODE_PROPERTY) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($objects as $object) {
             $value = $object->{$invokeName};
             array_push($values, $value);
         return $values;
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('not found invoker');
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function __call($method, $args)
     $ro = new \ReflectionObject($this->runtimeCollection);
     if ($ro->hasMethod($method)) {
         call_user_func_array([$this->runtimeCollection, $method], $args);
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Attempted to call a non-existent proxy method on runtime collection: {$method}");
 function __call($method, $args)
     $this_reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
     if (in_array($method, $this->resource_methods) && $this_reflection->hasMethod("resource_{$method}")) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this, "resource_{$method}"), $args);
     } else {
         throw new ShopifyResourceException("Method {$method} is unsupported for " . get_class($this));
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @param array $data
  * @param $object
 public function hydrate(array $data, $object)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
         $methodName = $this->getMethodName($name, self::METHOD_SETTER);
         if ($reflection->hasMethod($methodName)) {
             $reflection->getMethod($methodName)->invoke($object, $value);
 protected function createObject(\FS\Components\Factory\ConfigurationInterface $configuration, $class)
     $reflected = new \ReflectionObject($configuration);
     $targets = explode('\\', $class);
     $configurationMethod = 'get' . end($targets);
     if ($reflected->hasMethod($configurationMethod)) {
         return $configuration->{$configurationMethod}();
     return new $class();
  * Loads definitions and translations from provided context.
  * @param ContextInterface $context
  * @param StepNode         $step
  * @return DefinitionSnippet
 public function propose(ContextInterface $context, StepNode $step)
     $contextRefl = new \ReflectionObject($context);
     $contextClass = $contextRefl->getName();
     $replacePatterns = array("/(?<= |^)\\\\'(?:((?!\\').)*)\\\\'(?= |\$)/", '/(?<= |^)\\"(?:[^\\"]*)\\"(?= |$)/', '/(\\d+)/');
     $text = $step->getText();
     $text = preg_replace('/([\\/\\[\\]\\(\\)\\\\^\\$\\.\\|\\?\\*\\+\'])/', '\\\\$1', $text);
     $regex = preg_replace($replacePatterns, array("\\'([^\\']*)\\'", "\"([^\"]*)\"", "(\\d+)"), $text);
     preg_match('/' . $regex . '/', $step->getText(), $matches);
     $count = count($matches) - 1;
     $methodName = preg_replace($replacePatterns, '', $text);
     $methodName = Transliterator::transliterate($methodName, ' ');
     $methodName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\\_\\ ]/', '', $methodName);
     $methodName = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords($methodName));
     if (0 !== strlen($methodName)) {
         $methodName[0] = strtolower($methodName[0]);
     } else {
         $methodName = 'stepDefinition1';
     // get method number from method name
     $methodNumber = 2;
     if (preg_match('/(\\d+)$/', $methodName, $matches)) {
         $methodNumber = intval($matches[1]);
     // check that proposed method name isn't arelady defined in context
     while ($contextRefl->hasMethod($methodName)) {
         $methodName = preg_replace('/\\d+$/', '', $methodName);
         $methodName .= $methodNumber++;
     // check that proposed method name haven't been proposed earlier
     if (isset(self::$proposedMethods[$contextClass])) {
         foreach (self::$proposedMethods[$contextClass] as $proposedRegex => $proposedMethod) {
             if ($proposedRegex !== $regex) {
                 while ($proposedMethod === $methodName) {
                     $methodName = preg_replace('/\\d+$/', '', $methodName);
                     $methodName .= $methodNumber++;
     self::$proposedMethods[$contextClass][$regex] = $methodName;
     $args = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $args[] = "\$arg" . ($i + 1);
     foreach ($step->getArguments() as $argument) {
         if ($argument instanceof PyStringNode) {
             $args[] = "PyStringNode \$string";
         } elseif ($argument instanceof TableNode) {
             $args[] = "TableNode \$table";
     $description = $this->generateSnippet($regex, $methodName, $args);
     return new DefinitionSnippet($step, $description);
  * @param object $object
  * @param string $methodName
  * @return \Donquixote\CallbackReflection\Callback\CallbackReflection_ObjectMethod
 static function create($object, $methodName)
     if (!is_object($object)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("First parameter must be an object.");
     $reflObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     if (!$reflObject->hasMethod($methodName)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Object has no such method.");
     $reflMethod = $reflObject->getMethod($methodName);
     return new self($object, $reflMethod);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Get the child controller object.
  * Gets the new child controller object from the child controller class
  * method. If the method does not exist, or the returned value is not a
  * controller object, a \RuntimeException is thrown.
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @param $controllerName
  * @return Controller
 public function getChildController($controllerName)
     $methodName = $this->parseControllerName($controllerName);
     if (!$this->reflection->hasMethod($methodName)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("{$this->reflection->getName()}::{$methodName} does not exist");
     $controller = $this->reflection->getMethod($methodName)->invokeArgs($this->controller, []);
     if (!is_object($controller) || !$controller instanceof Controller) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("{$this->reflection->getName()}::{$methodName} did not return a Controller");
     return $controller;
  * Injects $dependency into property $name of $target
  * This is a convenience method for setting a protected or private property in
  * a test subject for the purpose of injecting a dependency.
  * @param object $target The instance which needs the dependency
  * @param string $name Name of the property to be injected
  * @param mixed $dependency The dependency to inject – usually an object but can also be any other type
  * @return void
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 protected function inject($target, $name, $dependency)
     if (!is_object($target)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong type for argument $target, must be object.');
     $objectReflection = new \ReflectionObject($target);
     $methodNamePart = strtoupper($name[0]) . substr($name, 1);
     if ($objectReflection->hasMethod('set' . $methodNamePart)) {
         $methodName = 'set' . $methodNamePart;
     } elseif ($objectReflection->hasMethod('inject' . $methodNamePart)) {
         $methodName = 'inject' . $methodNamePart;
     } elseif ($objectReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
         $property = $objectReflection->getProperty($name);
         $property->setValue($target, $dependency);
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Could not inject ' . $name . ' into object of type ' . get_class($target));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function __call($method, array $args)
     try {
         $ro = new ReflectionObject($this->smarty);
         if ($ro->hasMethod($method)) {
             $rm = $ro->getMethod($method);
             return $rm->invokeArgs($this->smarty, $args);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Hayate_View_Exception($ex->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function remap()
     $ci =& get_instance();
     $method = $ci->uri->rsegment(2);
     $parameters = array_slice($ci->uri->rsegment_array(), 2);
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($ci);
     if ($reflection->hasMethod($method)) {
         $reflection->getMethod($method)->invokeArgs($ci, $parameters);
     } else {
         array_splice($parameters, 0, 0, $method);
         $reflection->getMethod("index")->invokeArgs($ci, $parameters);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function tryReadOption($name, &$out, $default = null)
     $success = false;
     $name = $this->prefix . $name;
     $out = $default;
     if (!$this->classOrObj) {
         return false;
     if (isset($this->cache[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->cache)) {
         $out = $this->cache[$name];
         $success = true;
     } elseif ($this->reflector->hasProperty($name)) {
         $out = $this->readFromProperty($name);
         $success = true;
         $this->cache[$name] = $out;
     } elseif ($this->reflector->hasMethod($name)) {
         $out = $this->readFromMethod($name);
         $success = true;
         $this->cache[$name] = $out;
     return $success;
  * @param object $voter
  * @param string $method
 public function __construct($voter, $method)
     // We use some duck typing here so voters won't depend on this library in any way
     if (!is_object($voter)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$voter has to be an object.');
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($voter);
     if (!$reflection->hasMethod($method) || !$reflection->getMethod($method)->isPublic()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$voter has to be an object which has a public method called ' . $method);
     $this->voter = $voter;
     $this->method = $method;
  * Internal helper function for mass-assignment of values to a doctrie object
  * If the function declares a method named set
 protected function assignValuesToInst($oi, array $values = [], $checkIfDeclared = true)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($oi);
     foreach ($values as $p => $v) {
         $setter = 'set' . ucfirst($p);
         if ($reflection->hasMethod($setter)) {
         } elseif ($reflection->hasProperty($p) || !$checkIfDeclared) {
             $oi->{$p} = $v;
         } else {
             throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException('Doctrine object of class ' . get_class($oi) . ' does not declare ' . $setter . ' or $' . $p);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function __construct(array $values)
     $this->values = $values;
     $child = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     if (!$child->hasMethod("create")) {
         throw new \Exception("create method is required");
     $create = $child->getMethod("create");
     if (!$create->isProtected()) {
         throw new \Exception("create method must be protected");
     $create->invokeArgs($this, $values);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Search for public methods on an Object for display in template
  * @author Fabien Potencier
  * @author Hélio Costa e Silva <*****@*****.**>
  * @param stdObject $object
  * @param mixed $item
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param boolean $arrayOnly
 protected function getAttribute($object, $item, array $arguments = array(), $arrayOnly = false)
     if (is_object($object)) {
         $arrAllowedPrefixes = array('get', 'has', 'is', 'match', 'contain');
         $reflection = new ReflectionObject($object);
         foreach ($arrAllowedPrefixes as $prefix) {
             if (strpos($item, $prefix) !== 0) {
                 /* if isn't at first position, try next */
             if ($reflection->hasMethod($item)) {
                 $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($object, $item);
                 if ($reflectionMethod->isPublic()) {
                     if ($reflectionMethod->getNumberOfParameters() > 0) {
                         return $reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($object, $arguments);
                     } else {
                         return $object->{$item}();
                 } else {
                     return null;
     $item = (string) $item;
     if ((is_array($object) || is_object($object) && $object instanceof ArrayAccess) && isset($object[$item])) {
         return $object[$item];
     if ($arrayOnly) {
         return null;
     if (is_object($object) && isset($object->{$item})) {
         if ($this->env->hasExtension('sandbox')) {
             $this->env->getExtension('sandbox')->checkPropertyAllowed($object, $item);
         return $object->{$item};
     /* @todo helio.costa __get __isset
      * __get() __isset() support. Still here for a while */
     if (!is_object($object) || !method_exists($object, $method = $item) && !method_exists($object, $method = 'get' . $item)) {
         return null;
     if ($this->env->hasExtension('sandbox')) {
         $this->env->getExtension('sandbox')->checkMethodAllowed($object, $method);
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($object);
     if ($reflection->hasMethod('__get')) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $arguments);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function configure($oldObj, $newObject)
     $ref = new \ReflectionObject($newObject);
     if (!$ref->hasMethod('setDelegateCallQueue')) {
         return $newObject;
     $delegateQueue = $this->r['delegateCallQueue'];
     foreach ($this->propertyBuffer as $prop) {
     $this->propertyBuffer = array();
     return $newObject;
 public function register_task($key, $obj)
     if (array_key_exists($key, $this->tasks)) {
         trigger_error(sprintf("Task key '%s' is already defined!", $key));
         return false;
     //Reflect on the object and make sure it has an "execute()" method
     $refl = new ReflectionObject($obj);
     if (!$refl->hasMethod('execute')) {
         trigger_error(sprintf("Task '%s' does not have an 'execute' method defined", $key));
         return false;
     $this->tasks[$key] = $obj;
     return true;
 function handle(Trace $trace)
     $this->trace = $trace;
     $action = isset($trace[self::PARAMETER_ACTION]) ? $trace[self::PARAMETER_ACTION] : null;
     $actionMethod = $this->getMethodName($action);
     $reflectedController = new ReflectionObject($this);
     if ($action && $reflectedController->hasMethod($actionMethod)) {
         $this->action = $action;
         $result = $this->processAction($action, $reflectedController->getMethod($actionMethod));
     } else {
         $result = $this->handleUnknownAction($action);
     $result = $this->makeActionResult($result);
     $this->trace = null;
 function handle(RouteData $routeData, WebRequest $request)
     $this->routeData = $routeData;
     $this->request = $request;
     $action = isset($this->routeData[self::ROUTE_DATA_ACTION]) ? $this->routeData[self::ROUTE_DATA_ACTION] : null;
     $actionMethod = $this->getMethodName($action);
     $reflectedController = new ReflectionObject($this);
     if ($action && $reflectedController->hasMethod($actionMethod)) {
         $result = $this->processAction($action, $reflectedController->getMethod($actionMethod));
     } else {
         $result = $this->handleUnknownAction($action);
     $result = $this->makeActionResult($result);
     if ($result) {
Exemplo n.º 27
  * @param $object
  * @param string $injectMethodName Method which will be invoked with resolved dependencies as its arguments
  * @throws InjectionException
 public function injectDependencies($object, $injectMethodName = self::DEFAULT_INJECT_METHOD_NAME, $defaults = [])
     if (!is_object($object)) {
     $reflectedObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     if (!$reflectedObject->hasMethod($injectMethodName)) {
     $reflectedMethod = $reflectedObject->getMethod($injectMethodName);
     try {
         $args = $this->prepareArgs($reflectedMethod, $defaults);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new InjectionException("Failed to inject dependencies in instance of '{$reflectedObject->name}'. " . $e->getMessage());
     if (!$reflectedMethod->isPublic()) {
     $reflectedMethod->invokeArgs($object, $args);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Constructor for invoking a reflection object
  * Initiates the object as a service
  * @param class $object
  * @access private
  * @return class instance
 private function runAsService($object)
     if (!isset($_GET['class'])) {
         throw new Exception('Method name not specified.');
     $reflObject = new ReflectionObject($object);
     if (!$reflObject->hasMethod($_GET['class'])) {
         throw new Exception('There is no method with this name.');
     $reflMethod = $reflObject->getMethod($_GET['class']);
     if (!$reflMethod->isPublic() || $reflMethod->isStatic() || $reflMethod->isInternal()) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid method name specified.');
     $reflParameters = $reflMethod->getParameters();
     $args = array();
     foreach ($reflParameters as $param) {
         $paramName = $param->getName();
         if (!isset($_GET[$paramName])) {
             if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                 $paramValue = $param->getDefaultValue();
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Required parameter "' . $paramName . '" is not specified.');
         } else {
             $paramValue = $_GET[$paramName];
         if ($param->getClass()) {
             throw new Exception('The method contains unsupported parameter type: class object.');
         if ($param->isArray() && !is_array($paramValue)) {
             throw new Exception('Array expected for parameter "' . $paramName . '", but scalar found.');
         $args[$param->getPosition()] = $paramValue;
     return $reflMethod->invokeArgs($object, $args);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * @param  mixed $data
  * @return string
  * @since  Method available since Release 3.2.1
 protected function dataToString($data)
     $result = array();
     foreach ($data as $_data) {
         if (is_array($_data)) {
             $result[] = 'array(' . $this->dataToString($_data) . ')';
         } else {
             if (is_object($_data)) {
                 $object = new ReflectionObject($_data);
                 if ($object->hasMethod('__toString')) {
                     $result[] = (string) $_data;
                 } else {
                     $result[] = get_class($_data);
             } else {
                 if (is_resource($_data)) {
                     $result[] = '<resource>';
                 } else {
                     $result[] = var_export($_data, TRUE);
     return join(', ', $result);
 public function get_admin_database_selection_html_table($order_by, $direction, $offset, $limit, $url = NULL, $sortable_fields_str = NULL, $caption = NULL, $actions_method_name = NULL, $actions_methods_args = NULL)
     if (!isset($url)) {
         $url = $this->get_admin_page_url();
     $table = $this->get_element();
     $field_objs = array();
     if (isset($sortable_fields_str)) {
         foreach (explode(' ', $sortable_fields_str) as $field_str) {
             $field_objs[] = $table->get_field($field_str);
     } else {
         $field_objs = $table->get_fields();
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($field_objs as $field_obj) {
         $field['sortable'] = TRUE;
         $field['name'] = $field_obj->get_name();
         $field['method'] = 'get_data_html_table_td';
         $method_args = array();
         $method_args[] = $field_obj;
         $field['method_args'] = $method_args;
         $fields[] = $field;
     if (isset($actions_method_name)) {
         $renderer_reflection_object = new ReflectionObject($this);
         if ($renderer_reflection_object->hasMethod($actions_method_name)) {
             $actions_reflection_method = $renderer_reflection_object->getMethod($actions_method_name);
             if (isset($actions_methods_args)) {
                 $actions = $actions_reflection_method->invokeArgs($this, $actions_methods_args);
             } else {
                 $actions = $actions_reflection_method->invoke($this);
         } else {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('No method called "%s" in class "%s"!', $actions_method_name, $renderer_reflection_object->getName()));
     } else {
         $actions = array();
         $edit_action['th'] = new HTMLTags_TH('Edit');
         $edit_action['method'] = 'get_admin_database_tr_action_edit_td';
         $actions[] = $edit_action;
         $delete_action['th'] = new HTMLTags_TH('Delete');
         $delete_action['method'] = 'get_admin_database_tr_action_delete_td';
         $actions[] = $delete_action;
     if (!isset($caption)) {
         $caption = 'Data in the ' . $table->get_name() . ' table';
     return new Database_SelectionHTMLDiv($url, $table, $order_by, $direction, $offset, $limit, $limit_str = '10 20 50', $caption, 'table_pages_div', 'table_pages', $fields, $actions);