Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Creator.php Projeto: cwcw/cms
  * Set the creation parameters
  * @param array $creationParams
  * @return void
 public function setCreationParams(array $creationParams)
     if (empty($creationParams)) {
     $r = new ReflectionObject($this);
     $class = $r->getName();
     $constants = $r->getConstants();
     $parameterConstants = array_filter(array_keys($constants), array($this, '_getParameterConstants'));
     $supportedParameters = array();
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($parameterConstants); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $constant = $parameterConstants[$i];
         $supportedParameters[] = constant($class . '::' . $constant);
     if (empty($supportedParameters)) {
     foreach ($creationParams as $param => $value) {
         if (in_array($param, $supportedParameters)) {
             $method = 'set' . ucfirst($param);
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct()
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     $this->values = $reflection->getConstants();
     $names = array_keys($this->values);
     $this->names = array_combine($names, $names);
     $this->valuesAsNames = array_combine($this->value, $names);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: enum.php Projeto: ateliee/pmp
 function __construct($value)
     $ref = new ReflectionObject($this);
     $consts = $ref->getConstants();
     if (!in_array($value, $consts, true)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException();
     $this->scalar = $value;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct()
      * Populate our valid log levels by Reflecting on the
      * constants exposed in the Psr\Log\LogLevel class
     $t = new LogLevel();
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($t);
     $this->aValidLogLevels = $r->getConstants();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     // populate our array of valid LogLevels using Reflection
      * @var $t LogLevel
     $t = new LogLevel();
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($t);
     $this->_aValidLogLevels = $r->getConstants();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function testAddingValidHandler()
      * @var $t \Talkback\Log\LogLevel
     $t = new LogLevel();
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($t);
     $aLogLevels = $r->getConstants();
     $obj = Logger::getLogger('test3');
     $aBuildLevels = array();
     foreach ($aLogLevels as $LogLevel) {
         $aBuildLevels[] = $LogLevel;
         $obj->addChannel($aBuildLevels, ChannelFactory::Basic());
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param null $filename optional filename (path + filename)
  * @throws \Talkback\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($filename = null)
      * Populate our valid log levels by Reflecting on the
      * constants exposed in the Psr\Log\LogLevel class
     $t = new LogLevel();
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($t);
     $this->_aValidLogLevels = $r->getConstants();
     // Set our filename
     if (!is_null($filename)) {
         if (file_exists($filename) && !is_writable($filename)) {
             $processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('logfile must be writeable by user: '******'name']);
         $this->_filename = $filename;
 public static function get($native, $type = self::STRING)
     switch ($type) {
         case self::FILEPATH:
             return Filepath::fromNative($native);
         case self::STRING:
             return StringLiteral::fromNative($native);
         case self::URL:
             return Url::fromNative($native);
             $oReflection = new \ReflectionObject(new self());
             $allowedTypes = array_keys($oReflection->getConstants());
             throw new InvalidNativeArgumentException($type, $allowedTypes);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function update($status, $to_job_id, $namespace)
     if (!empty($namespace)) {
     $job = new \Resque_Job_Status($to_job_id);
     if (!$job->get()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Job {$to_job_id} was not found");
     $class = new \ReflectionObject($job);
     foreach ($class->getConstants() as $constant_value) {
         if ($constant_value == $status) {
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function api($var)
     if (is_object($var)) {
         $class = get_class($var);
         $obj = $var;
     } else {
         if (!class_exists($var)) {
             throw new \Exception('Class [' . $var . '] doesn\'t exist');
         $class = $var;
         try {
             $obj = new $class();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \Exception('Debug::api could not instantiate [' . $var . '], send it an object.');
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($obj);
     $properties = array();
     foreach (array('public' => \ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC, 'protected' => \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED, 'private' => \ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) as $access => $rule) {
         $vars = $reflection->getProperties($rule);
         foreach ($vars as $refProp) {
             $property = $refProp->getName();
             $value = $refProp->getValue($obj);
             $type = gettype($value);
             if (is_object($value)) {
                 $value = get_class($value);
             } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                 $value = 'array[' . count($value) . ']';
             $properties[$access][$property] = compact('value', 'type');
     $constants = $reflection->getConstants();
     $methods = array();
     foreach (array('public' => \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC, 'protected' => \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED, 'private' => \ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE) as $access => $rule) {
         $refMethods = $reflection->getMethods($rule);
         foreach ($refMethods as $refMethod) {
             $refParams = $refMethod->getParameters();
             $params = array();
             foreach ($refParams as $refParam) {
                 $params[] = $refParam->getName();
                                 $required = $refMethod->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
                                 $requiredParams = array();
                                 for ($i=0;$i<$required;$i++) {
                                     $requiredParams[] = array_shift($params);
             $method_name = $refMethod->getName();
             $string = $access . ' function ' . $method_name . '(';
             $paramString = '';
             foreach ($params as $p) {
                 $paramString .= '$' . $p . ', ';
             $paramString = substr($paramString, 0, -2);
             $string .= $paramString;
             $string .= ')';
             $comment = $refMethod->getDocComment();
             $comment = trim(preg_replace('/^(\\s*\\/\\*\\*|\\s*\\*{1,2}\\/|\\s*\\* ?)/m', '', $comment));
             $comment = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $comment);
             $commentParts = explode('@', $comment);
             $description = array_shift($commentParts);
             $tags = array();
             foreach ($commentParts as $part) {
                 $tagArr = explode(' ', $part, 2);
                 if ($tagArr[0] == 'param') {
                     $paramArr = preg_split("/[\\s\t]+/", $tagArr[1]);
                     $type = array_shift($paramArr);
                     if (empty($type)) {
                         $type = array_shift($paramArr);
                     $name = array_shift($paramArr);
                     $info = implode(' ', $paramArr);
                     $tags['param'][$name] = compact('type', 'info');
                 } else {
                     $tags[$tagArr[0]] = isset($tagArr[1]) ? $tagArr[1] : '';
             $methods[$access][$string] = compact('description', 'tags');
     return compact('properties', 'constants', 'methods');
Exemplo n.º 11
  * mainly used for logging/debugging - sets the log level
  * @param $level string one of \Psr\Log\LogLevel constants
  * @throws \Talkback\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function setLevel($level)
     $t = new LogLevel();
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($t);
     $aLevels = $r->getConstants();
     $level = strtolower($level);
     if (!in_array($level, $aLevels)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('setLevel($level) must be set with a \\Psr\\Log\\LogLevel const value');
     $this->level = $level;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Возвращает название медиа типа по его значению
  * Название получается автоматически из константы с определением типа
  * @param $iType
  * @return null|string
 public function GetMediaTypeName($iType)
     $oRefl = new ReflectionObject($this);
     foreach ($oRefl->getConstants() as $sName => $mValue) {
         if (strpos($sName, 'MEDIA_TYPE_') === 0 and $mValue == $iType) {
             return strtolower(substr($sName, strlen('MEDIA_TYPE_')));
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 13

This is a page that enables the user to import more data into the application.
require_once "include_files.php";
$t = new db_enum_ttype();
$r = new ReflectionObject($t);
$ttypeList = $r->getConstants();
		<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			// do stuff when the submit button is clicked
				if(confirm("Are you sure you want to proceed with upload?")){
					// disable the submit button
					$('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true);
					// submit the form
					return true;
				}else{return false;}
Exemplo n.º 14
  *  prints out information about the $this arg
  *  @since  9-23-09
  *  object info uses the reflection class http://nz.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=oop5.reflection&lang=en  
  *  @todo
  *    - get the parent classes methods and values and stuff, then organize the methods by visible and invisible (private, protected)
  *    - this might be a good way for aIter to display classes also, but just get the properties of the object
  *  @param  string  $calling_class  the class name of the class that made the call
  *  @return string  information about the arg                        
 function outInfo($calling_class = '')
     $config = $this->config();
     $type = $this->type();
     $format_handler = new out_format($config);
     $name = $this->name();
     $val = $this->value();
     $info_list = array();
     $info_type = 'undefined';
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_NULL:
             $info_type = 'NULL';
         case self::TYPE_STRING_VAL:
         case self::TYPE_STRING_LITERAL:
         case self::TYPE_STRING_GENERATED:
             $info_type = 'string';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $format_handler->enquote($val));
             $info_list[] = sprintf('%d characters', mb_strlen($val));
             ///case self::TYPE_STRING_EMPTY: break;
         ///case self::TYPE_STRING_EMPTY: break;
         case self::TYPE_NUMERIC:
             if (is_int($val)) {
                 $info_type = 'integer';
             } else {
                 if (is_float($val)) {
                     $info_type = 'float';
             //if/else if
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $val);
         case self::TYPE_ARRAY:
             $info_type = 'array';
             // find out if it is an indexed array...
             $info_list = array();
             $info_list[] = 'length: ' . count($val);
             if (!empty($val)) {
                 $info_list[] = ctype_digit(join('', array_keys($val))) ? 'keys are numeric' : 'keys are associative';
         case self::TYPE_OBJECT:
             $rclass = new ReflectionObject($val);
             $info_type = $rclass->getName() . ' instance';
             $indent = $this->indent;
             if ($path = $rclass->getFileName()) {
                 $file_map = new out_file($path);
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s %s %s', $format_handler->wrap('b', 'Defined:'), $rclass->getName(), $file_map->out(true, false));
             $class_name_list = array($rclass->getName());
             // get all the classes this object extends...
             if ($parent_class = $rclass->getParentClass()) {
                 $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', 'Extends:');
                 while (!empty($parent_class)) {
                     $class_name_list[] = $parent_class->getName();
                     $file_map = new out_file($parent_class->getFileName());
                     $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s %s', $indent, $parent_class->getName(), $file_map->out(true, false));
                     $parent_class = $parent_class->getParentClass();
             // handle properties...
             $properties = $rclass->getProperties();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Properties', count($properties)));
             $prop_val = null;
             $prop_check = true;
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 // setAccessible only around >5.3...
                 if (method_exists($property, 'setAccessible')) {
                     $prop_val = $property->getValue($val);
                 } else {
                     if ($property->isPublic()) {
                         $prop_val = $property->getValue($val);
                     } else {
                         $prop_val = $format_handler->wrap('i', 'Not Accessible');
                         $prop_check = false;
                 if (is_array($prop_val)) {
                     $prop_val = $format_handler->escapeArray(trim($this->aIter($prop_val, 2, false)));
                 } else {
                     if ($prop_check) {
                         $arg_map = new out_arg('', $prop_val);
                         $prop_val = $arg_map->defaultValue();
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s %s = %s', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', join(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers())), out_config::COLOR_MODIFIER), $format_handler->wrap('span', $property->getName(), out_config::COLOR_PARAM), $prop_val);
             // handle methods...
             $methods = $rclass->getMethods();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Methods', count($methods)));
             $method_list = array();
             $only_public_methods = empty($calling_class) ? true : !in_array($calling_class, $class_name_list);
             foreach ($methods as $method) {
                 // we only want to show methods the person can use...
                 if ($only_public_methods && !$method->isPublic()) {
                 $method_comment = $method->getDocComment();
                 $params = $method->getParameters();
                 $param_list = array();
                 foreach ($params as $param) {
                     $param_type = '';
                     if (!empty($method_comment)) {
                         $match = array();
                         if (preg_match(sprintf('#\\*\\s*@param\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\\$%s#iu', preg_quote($param->getName())), $method_comment, $match)) {
                             $param_type = $format_handler->wrap('span', $match[1], out_config::COLOR_TYPE) . ' ';
                     $param_str = $format_handler->wrap('span', sprintf('%s$%s', $param_type, $param->getName()), out_config::COLOR_PARAM);
                     if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                         $arg_map = new out_arg('', $param->getDefaultValue());
                         $param_str .= ' = ' . $arg_map->defaultValue();
                     $param_list[] = $param_str;
                 // see if we can get a return type for the method...
                 $method_return_type = '';
                 if (!empty($method_comment)) {
                     $match = array();
                     if (preg_match('#\\*\\s*@return\\s+(\\S+)#iu', $method_comment, $match)) {
                         $method_return_type = ' ' . $format_handler->wrap('span', $match[1], out_config::COLOR_TYPE);
                 $method_list[$method->getName()] = sprintf('%s%s%s %s(%s)', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', join(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($method->getModifiers())), out_config::COLOR_MODIFIER), $method_return_type, $method->getName(), join(', ', $param_list));
             $info_list = array_merge($info_list, array_values($method_list));
             // handle constants...
             $constants = $rclass->getConstants();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Constants', count($constants)));
             foreach ($constants as $const_name => $const_val) {
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s = %s', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', $const_name, out_config::COLOR_PARAM), $const_val);
         case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
             $info_type = 'boolean';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $this->defaultValue());
         case self::TYPE_BREAK:
             $info_type = 'break';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('lines: %d', $this->name());
         case self::TYPE_UNDEFINED:
             $type = 'undefined';
     $this->printValue(sprintf("%s (%s)\r\n%s", $format_handler->wrap('b', $name), $info_type, empty($info_list) ? '' : join("\r\n", $info_list) . "\r\n"));
     return $this->outAll();

class C
    const a = 'hello from C';
class D extends C
class E extends D
class F extends E
    const a = 'hello from F';
class X
$classes = array("C", "D", "E", "F", "X");
foreach ($classes as $class) {
    echo "Reflecting on instance of class {$class}: \n";
    $rc = new ReflectionObject(new $class());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static function renderEnum($enumClassName, $name, $prefix)
     $enum = new $enumClassName();
     $enumObject = new \ReflectionObject($enum);
     $constants = $enumObject->getConstants();
     echo '<select name="' . $prefix . $name . '">';
     foreach ($constants as $constant) {
         echo '<option value="' . $constant . '">' . $constant . '</option>';
     echo '</select>';
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Check available name for service
  * @param string $serviceType
  * @return string
  * @throw
 protected function checkServiceType($serviceType)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     $constants = $reflection->getConstants();
     if (!in_array($serviceType, $constants)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Service type does not supports: ' . $serviceType);
     return $serviceType;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param $param
  * @param \ReflectionObject $reflection
 private function buildFromObject($param, $reflection = null)
     foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
         $this->object['Object default'][$key] = $value;
     // Get info on the object
     $this->object['Reflection']['In namespace'] = $reflection->inNamespace() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     if ($reflection->inNamespace()) {
         $this->object['Class namespace'] = $reflection->getNamespaceName();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class name'] = $reflection->getName();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is internal'] = $reflection->isInternal() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is iterable'] = $reflection->isIterateable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is abstract'] = $reflection->isAbstract() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is final'] = $reflection->isFinal() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is user defined'] = $reflection->isUserDefined() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is instantiable'] = $reflection->isInstantiable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is clonable'] = $reflection->isCloneable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is interface'] = $reflection->isInterface() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class constants'] = !empty($reflection->getConstants()) ? $reflection->getConstants() : 'Class has no constants';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class static properties'] = !empty($reflection->getStaticProperties()) ? $reflection->getStaticProperties() : 'Class has no static properties';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class default properties'] = !empty($reflection->getDefaultProperties()) ? $reflection->getDefaultProperties() : 'Class has no default properties';
     if (null === $reflection->getConstructor()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Class construct'] = 'Class has no construct.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Class construct'] = $reflection->getConstructor();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class interfaces'] = !empty($reflection->getInterfaces()) ? $reflection->getInterfaces() : 'Class implements no interfaces';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class traits'] = !empty($reflection->getTraits()) ? $reflection->getTraits() : 'Class has no traits';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class parent'] = $reflection->getParentClass() !== false ? $reflection->getParentClass() : 'Class has no parent';
     if (false === $reflection->getFileName()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Defined in'] = 'Class is internal, no definition to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Defined in'] = $reflection->getFileName();
     if (false === $reflection->getFileName()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Start line'] = 'Class is internal, no start line to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Start line'] = $reflection->getFileName();
     if (false === $reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['End line'] = 'Class is internal, no end line to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['End line'] = $reflection->getEndLine();
     if (false === $reflection->getDocComment()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Doc comments'] = 'No documents to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Doc comments'] = $reflection->getDocComment();
     // End get info
     $this->html .= "<span class=\"js-parent-object\">";
     if (!empty($this->object['Object default'])) {
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default-tab \"><button class=\"button-reflection button\">Show reflection</button></div>";
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default \">";
         $this->buildFromObjectIterationInformationRecursive($this->object['Object default']);
         $this->html .= "</div>";
     if ($param instanceof \Closure) {
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default-tab \"><button class=\"button-reflection button\">Show reflection</button></div>";
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default \">";
         $this->html .= "<span class=\"css-type-string\">Nothing here...</span>";
         $this->html .= "</div>";
     $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-reflection-tab hide\"><button class=\"button-class-default button\">Show default</button></div>";
     $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-reflection hide\">";
     $this->html .= "</div>";
     $this->html .= "</span>";
     $this->object = [];
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Cast a value to object.
  * Please note: in a normal array to object cast pre-PHP7, array values with numerical keys are 'lost'.
  * This method checks whether the array contains numerical keys, if it doesn't it will do a
  * normal array to object cast. If it does, it will cast each numerically indexes value to a numerical
  * property, similar to the behaviour in PHP7.
  * @static
  * @param mixed $value       Value to cast.
  * @param bool  $allow_empty (Optional) Whether to allow empty strings/arrays/objects.
  * @return object|null
 static function _object($value, $allow_empty = true)
     if ($allow_empty === false && (is_string($value) && $value === '')) {
         return null;
     if (is_array($value) === true) {
         $has_num_keys = false;
         foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
             if (is_int($k)) {
                 $has_num_keys = true;
         if ($has_num_keys === false) {
             $value = (object) $value;
         } else {
             $new_value = new stdClass();
             foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
                 $new_value->{$k} = $v;
             $value = $new_value;
             unset($new_value, $k, $v);
     } else {
         if (is_object($value) !== true) {
             $value = (object) $value;
     if ($allow_empty === false) {
         if (PHP_VERSION_ID > 50200) {
             $obj = new ReflectionObject($value);
             if (count($obj->getMethods()) + count($obj->getProperties()) + count($obj->getConstants()) === 0) {
                 // No methods, properties or constants found.
                 $value = null;
         } else {
             // PHP <= 5.1.
             $methods = get_class_methods($value);
             $properties = get_object_vars($value);
             if ((is_null($methods) || count($methods) === 0) && (is_null($properties) || count($properties) === 0)) {
                 // No methods or properties found.
                 $value = null;
     return $value;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function __construct()
     $refl = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     $this->constants = $refl->getConstants();
     parent::__construct(new \ArrayIterator($this->constants));
Exemplo n.º 21
 private function _reflectionConstants(\ReflectionObject $reflection)
     $constants = $reflection->getConstants();
     if (count($constants)) {
         $name = '<span class="d-information" title="Constants defined in this object"></span>&nbsp;';
         $name .= '<span class="d-obj-info">Class&nbsp;Constants</span>';
         $this->render($constants, $name);
Exemplo n.º 22
 private function getAnalyzeHtml_Object($obj, $index)
     $reflector = new \ReflectionObject($obj);
     $result = '';
     $result .= '<h4>About</h4>';
     $result .= '<table class="aboutTable">';
     $result .= '<tbody>';
     $result .= '<tr>';
     $result .= '<td class="colLeft"><strong>Name</strong></td>';
     $result .= '<td class="colRight">' . htmlentities($reflector->getShortName()) . '</td>';
     $result .= '</tr>';
     $result .= '<tr>';
     $result .= '<td class="colLeft"><strong>Namespace</strong></td>';
     $result .= '<td class="colRight">' . htmlentities($reflector->getNamespaceName()) . '</td>';
     $result .= '</tr>';
     $result .= '</tbody>';
     $result .= '<tr>';
     $result .= '<td class="colLeft"><strong>File</strong></td>';
     $result .= '<td class="colRight">' . htmlentities($reflector->getFileName()) . '</td>';
     $result .= '</tr>';
     $result .= '</tbody>';
     $result .= '</table>';
     $result .= '<h4>Members</h4>';
     $result .= '<ul class="accordion" data-accordion>';
     $accId = "objConstants{$index}";
     $constants = $reflector->getConstants();
     uksort($constants, function ($x, $y) {
         return strcmp(trim(strtolower($x)), trim(strtolower($y)));
     $content = 'No constants found.';
     if (!empty($constants)) {
         $content = '<table class="memberTable">';
         $content .= '<thead>';
         $content .= '<tr>';
         $content .= '<th class="memberName">Name</th>';
         $content .= '<th>Value</th>';
         $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</thead>';
         $content .= '<tbody>';
         foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
             $content .= '<tr>';
             $content .= '<td>' . htmlentities($name) . '</td>';
             $content .= '<td>' . htmlentities(var_export($value, true)) . '</td>';
             $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</tbody>';
         $content .= '</table>';
     $result .= '<li class="accordion-navigation">';
     $result .= '<a href="#' . $accId . '" aria-expanded="false">Constants (' . trim(count($constants)) . ')</a>';
     $result .= '<div id="' . $accId . '" class="content">' . $content . '</div>';
     $result .= '</li>';
     $accId = "objMethods{$index}";
     $methods = $reflector->getMethods();
     usort($methods, function (\ReflectionMethod $x, \ReflectionMethod $y) {
         return strcmp(trim(strtolower($x->getName())), trim(strtolower($y->getName())));
     foreach ($methods as $i => $m) {
         if (!$m->isPublic()) {
     $content = 'No methods found.';
     if (!empty($methods)) {
         $content = '<table class="memberTable">';
         $content .= '<thead>';
         $content .= '<tr>';
         $content .= '<th class="memberName">Name</th>';
         $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</thead>';
         $content .= '<tbody>';
         foreach ($methods as $m) {
             $content .= '<tr>';
             $content .= '<td>' . htmlentities($m->getName()) . '</td>';
             $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</tbody>';
         $content .= '</table>';
     $result .= '<li class="accordion-navigation">';
     $result .= '<a href="#' . $accId . '" aria-expanded="false">Methods (' . trim(count($methods)) . ')</a>';
     $result .= '<div id="' . $accId . '" class="content">' . $content . '</div>';
     $result .= '</li>';
     $accId = "objProperties{$index}";
     $properties = $reflector->getProperties();
     usort($properties, function (\ReflectionProperty $x, \ReflectionProperty $y) {
         return strcmp(trim(strtolower($x->getName())), trim(strtolower($y->getName())));
     foreach ($properties as $i => $p) {
         if (!$p->isPublic()) {
     $content = 'No properties found.';
     if (!empty($properties)) {
         $content = '<table class="memberTable">';
         $content .= '<thead>';
         $content .= '<tr>';
         $content .= '<th class="memberName">Name</th>';
         $content .= '<th>Current value</th>';
         $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</thead>';
         $content .= '<tbody>';
         foreach ($properties as $p) {
             $content .= '<tr>';
             $content .= '<td>' . htmlentities($p->getName()) . '</td>';
             $content .= '<td>' . htmlentities(var_export($p->getValue($obj), true)) . '</td>';
             $content .= '</tr>';
         $content .= '</tbody>';
         $content .= '</table>';
     $result .= '<li class="accordion-navigation">';
     $result .= '<a href="#' . $accId . '" aria-expanded="false">Properties (' . trim(count($properties)) . ')</a>';
     $result .= '<div id="' . $accId . '" class="content">' . $content . '</div>';
     $result .= '</li>';
     $result .= '</ul>';
     return $result;
 private static function _dump($element, $prevPath = null, $matchPath = null, $level = 0, $showElementType = true)
     $br = self::getBreakLine();
     $tab = self::getTab();
     $tabs = str_repeat($tab, $level);
     $path = $prevPath;
     $addLevel = 2;
     // echo "\n{$tabs}ELEMENT PATH ($path): ";
     $pKey1 = self::colorContent("{", 'blue');
     $pKey2 = self::colorContent("}", 'blue');
     if (is_array($element)) {
         if ($showElementType) {
             echo "{$br}{$tabs}" . self::colorContent("array (", 'blue');
         foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
             $newPath = $path . "/{$key}/";
             $showValue = self::getShowValue($value);
             $pKey = self::getPrintableValueType($key);
             $pPath = self::getPathLink($newPath, $matchPath, $prevPath);
             $pValue = self::getPrintableValueType($value);
             $pKey1 = self::getPrintableValueClosure($value, 'open');
             $pKey2 = self::getPrintableValueClosure($value, 'close');
             echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}[{$pKey}] {$pValue} {$pKey1} {$pPath}";
             if ($matchPath && self::_matchPath($matchPath, $newPath)) {
                 self::_dump($value, $newPath, $matchPath, $level + $addLevel, false);
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}{$pKey2}";
             } else {
                 echo self::colorContent("{$pKey2}", 'blue');
         if ($showElementType) {
             echo "{$br}{$tabs}" . self::colorContent(')', 'blue');
     } else {
         if (is_object($element)) {
             if ($showElementType) {
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}" . self::colorContent(get_class($element) . " {", 'blue');
             $path = $prevPath;
             //$prevPath . '/' . get_class($element);
             $r = new ReflectionObject($element);
             $constants = $r->getConstants();
             $pAccess = self::colorContent('const', 'dimgray', 'italic');
             foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}{$pAccess} " . self::colorContent($name, 'limegreen') . ' ' . self::getPrintableValueType($value);
             $properties = $r->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED | ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE);
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 $access = $property->isPrivate() ? 'private' : ($property->isProtected() ? 'protected' : 'public');
                 $static = $property->isStatic() ? 'static ' : '';
                 if (!$property->isPublic()) {
                 $value = $property->getValue($element);
                 $pAccess = self::colorContent($access, 'dimgray', 'italic');
                 $pValue = self::getPrintableValueType($value);
                 $pName = self::colorContent('$' . $property->name, 'limegreen');
                 $newPath = $path . '/' . $property->name . '/';
                 $pPath = self::getPathLink($newPath, $matchPath, $prevPath);
                 $pKey1 = self::getPrintableValueClosure($value, 'open');
                 $pKey2 = self::getPrintableValueClosure($value, 'close');
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}{$static}{$pAccess} {$pName} {$pValue} {$pKey1} {$pPath}";
                 if ($matchPath && self::_matchPath($matchPath, $newPath)) {
                     self::_dump($value, $newPath, $matchPath, $level + $addLevel, false);
                     echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}{$pKey2}";
                 } else {
                     echo self::colorContent(" {$pKey2}", 'blue');
             $methods = $r->getMethods();
             foreach ($methods as $method) {
                 $access = $method->isPublic() ? 'public' : ($method->isPrivate() ? 'private' : 'protected');
                 $pAccess = self::colorContent($access, 'dimgray', 'italic');
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$tab}{$pAccess} " . self::colorContent("{$method->name}(", 'blue', null, $method->getDocComment());
                 $tmpParameters = array();
                 foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                     $tmpParameters[] = self::colorContent("\${$parameter->name}", 'limegreen');
                 echo implode(', ', $tmpParameters);
                 echo self::colorContent(")", 'blue');
             if ($showElementType) {
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}" . self::colorContent('}', 'blue');
         } else {
             if (is_string($element)) {
                 $string = htmlentities($element);
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$string}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$br}{$tabs}{$element}";
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function getConstants()
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
     return $reflection->getConstants();

class X
$rc = new ReflectionObject(new X());
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static function getConditions()
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject(new self());
     return array_values($reflection->getConstants());
Exemplo n.º 27
 protected static function accessKeys(HermitParam $target)
     $ref = new ReflectionObject($target);
     return array_flip($ref->getConstants());
Exemplo n.º 28
 Return a list of type options for awards!
 public function otm_type_options($type = null)
     $types = new ReflectionObject(new OTMTypes());
     foreach ($types->getConstants() as $key => $value) {
         $selected = "";
         if ($type && $type == $value) {
             $selected = "selected";
         $optionstring .= "<option value='{$value}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>";
     return $optionstring;