Exemplo n.º 1
  * Test Clone
 public function testProtectedMethods()
     $result = ConcreteSingleton::getInstance();
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($result);
  * @param FormField $formField
  * @param KForm     $form
 public function instanceMapFrom(FormField $formField, KForm $form)
     $attribute = $formField->getFieldName();
     $method = 'mappingFromFormField' . ucfirst($attribute);
     if ($this->instanceReflector->hasMethod($method)) {
         $methodReflector = $this->instanceReflector->getMethod($method);
         $parameters = array();
         foreach ($methodReflector->getParameters() as $paramReflector) {
             switch (true) {
                 case $paramReflector->getClass()->isSubclassOf(KForm::class):
                     $parameters[] = $form;
                 case $paramReflector->getClass()->isSubclassOf(FormField::class):
                     $parameters[] = $formField;
                     $parameters[] = $formField;
         call_user_func_array(array($this->instance, $method), $parameters);
     } else {
         $this->instance->{$attribute} = $formField->getValue();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function __call($method, $args)
     if (!method_exists($this->entity, $method) or !is_callable(array($this->entity, $method))) {
         throw new OvoCommonException('Method ' . $method . ' not exists or is not public');
     $value = $this->reflectionObject->getMethod($method)->invokeArgs($this->entity, $args);
     if ($value == null) {
         $value = $this;
     return $value;
 public function testProcessTaggedPlugins()
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($this->compiler);
     $m = $r->getMethod('processTaggedDeployers');
     $m->invoke($this->compiler, $this->getFakeContainer());
     $m = $r->getMethod('getDeployer');
     $result = $m->invoke($this->compiler, 'test');
     $this->assertEquals($result, 'deployer.test');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @see \Endeveit\Cache\Drivers\Redis::getRedisObject()
 public function testGetRedisObject()
     $method = self::$driverReflection->getMethod('getRedisObject');
     $property = self::$driverReflection->getProperty('connectionsOptions');
     $options = $property->getValue(self::$driver);
     $this->assertCount(2, $options);
     foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('Redis', $method->invoke(self::$driver, $key));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function runController($cName, $aName, $params)
     $theController = new $cName();
     $reflection_object = new ReflectionObject($theController);
     if ($reflection_object->hasMethod('before_action')) {
     call_user_func_array(array($theController, $aName), $params);
     if ($reflection_object->hasMethod('after_action')) {
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function remap()
     $ci =& get_instance();
     $method = $ci->uri->rsegment(2);
     $parameters = array_slice($ci->uri->rsegment_array(), 2);
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($ci);
     if ($reflection->hasMethod($method)) {
         $reflection->getMethod($method)->invokeArgs($ci, $parameters);
     } else {
         array_splice($parameters, 0, 0, $method);
         $reflection->getMethod("index")->invokeArgs($ci, $parameters);
 public function __construct()
     $this->context = AgaviContext::getInstance();
     $this->parser = new AppKitFormatParserUtil();
     $p =& $this->parser;
     $p->registerNamespace('xmlfn', AppKitFormatParserUtil::TYPE_METHOD);
     $ref = new ReflectionObject($this);
     // Register some methods
     $p->registerMethod('xmlfn', 'author', array(&$this, $ref->getMethod('valueAuthor')));
     $p->registerMethod('xmlfn', 'instance', array(&$this, $ref->getMethod('valueDefaultInstance')));
     $p->registerMethod('xmlfn', 'pagerMaxItems', array(&$this, $ref->getMethod('pagerMaxItems')));
     $p->registerMethod('xmlfn', 'autoRefreshTime', array(&$this, $ref->getMethod('autoRefreshTime')));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function testLockReleased()
     $locker = new FileLockStrategy(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../app/cache/queue-test.bin');
     $rLocker = new \ReflectionObject($locker);
     $method = $rLocker->getMethod('getFile');
     $file = $method->invoke($locker);
     $this->assertTrue(is_resource($file), true);
     $method2 = $rLocker->getMethod('releaseFile');
     $method2->invokeArgs($locker, [$file]);
     $file = $method->invoke($locker);
     $this->assertTrue(is_resource($file), true);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function testNoConstructor()
     $obj = Singleton::getInstance();
     $refl = new \ReflectionObject($obj);
     $meth = $refl->getMethod('__construct');
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Test build path.
 public function testBuildPath()
     $reflection_object = new \ReflectionObject($this->client);
     $reflection_method = $reflection_object->getMethod('buildPath');
     $this->assertEquals($reflection_method->invoke($this->client), 'HNK2IC/F_jM8Zls30dL/guid/-/2849493');
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static function execute($commande, $params)
     $endpoint=new static();
     $commande = "API_".$commande;
     $endpointReflx = new ReflectionObject($endpoint);
     $methodReflx = $endpointReflx->getMethod($commande);
         $result =$methodReflx->invokeArgs($endpoint, $params);
         $result = [
     catch(ErrorException $ex)
         $result = [
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public function testFilterResponseConvertsCookies()
        $client = new Client(new TestHttpKernel());

        $r = new \ReflectionObject($client);
        $m = $r->getMethod('filterResponse');

        $expected = array(
            'foo=bar; expires=Sun, 15 Feb 2009 20:00:00 GMT; domain=http://example.com; path=/foo; secure; httponly',
            'foo1=bar1; expires=Sun, 15 Feb 2009 20:00:00 GMT; domain=http://example.com; path=/foo; secure; httponly'

        $response = new Response();
        $response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie('foo', 'bar', \DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y H:i:s T', '15-Feb-2009 20:00:00 GMT')->format('U'), '/foo', 'http://example.com', true, true));
        $domResponse = $m->invoke($client, $response);
        $this->assertEquals($expected[0], $domResponse->getHeader('Set-Cookie'));

        $response = new Response();
        $response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie('foo', 'bar', \DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y H:i:s T', '15-Feb-2009 20:00:00 GMT')->format('U'), '/foo', 'http://example.com', true, true));
        $response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie('foo1', 'bar1', \DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y H:i:s T', '15-Feb-2009 20:00:00 GMT')->format('U'), '/foo', 'http://example.com', true, true));
        $domResponse = $m->invoke($client, $response);
        $this->assertEquals($expected[0], $domResponse->getHeader('Set-Cookie'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $domResponse->getHeader('Set-Cookie', false));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function testCommitNeedNotification()
     $notifier = $this->getMock('Sismo\\Contrib\\CrossFingerNotifier');
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($notifier);
     $m = $r->getMethod('commitNeedNotification');
     $project = new Project('Twig');
     $commit = new Commit($project, '123456');
     $commit2 = new Commit($project, '123455');
     $commit3 = clone $commit2;
     //a failed commit should be notified
     $this->assertTrue($m->invoke($notifier, $commit));
     //a successful commit without predecessor should be notified
     $this->assertTrue($m->invoke($notifier, $commit2));
     //a successful commit with a successful predecessor should NOT be notified
     $this->assertFalse($m->invoke($notifier, $commit2));
     $project->setCommits(array($commit2, $commit3));
     //a failed commit with a successful predecessor should be notified
     $this->assertTrue($m->invoke($notifier, $commit));
 protected function callProtectedMethod($object, $method, array $args = array())
     $reflectedObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     $reflectedMethod = $reflectedObject->getMethod($method);
     return $reflectedMethod->invokeArgs($object, $args);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function invokeMethod($object, $methodName, array $args = array())
     $refObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     $method = $refObject->getMethod($methodName);
     return $method->invokeArgs($object, $args);
Exemplo n.º 17
 private function actionCall($service, $actionName)
     $refObject = new ReflectionObject($service);
     $refMethod = $refObject->getMethod($actionName);
     $values = $this->parameterValues($refMethod);
     return $refMethod->invokeArgs($service, $values);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Returns the arguments to pass to the controller.
  * @param Request $request    A Request instance
  * @param mixed   $controller A PHP callable
  * @throws \RuntimeException When value for argument given is not provided
 public function getArguments(Request $request, $controller)
     $attributes = $request->attributes->all();
     if (is_array($controller)) {
         list($controller, $method) = $controller;
         $r = new \ReflectionObject($controller);
         $parameters = $r->getMethod($method)->getParameters();
         $repr = sprintf('%s::%s()', get_class($controller), $method);
     } else {
         $r = new \ReflectionFunction($controller);
         $parameters = $r->getParameters();
         $repr = 'Closure';
     $arguments = array();
     foreach ($parameters as $param) {
         if (array_key_exists($param->getName(), $attributes)) {
             $arguments[] = $attributes[$param->getName()];
         } elseif ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
             $arguments[] = $param->getDefaultValue();
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Controller "%s" requires that you provide a value for the "$%s" argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one).', $repr, $param->getName()));
     return $arguments;
 * Call a private or protected method, giving the arguments as array
 * @param object $object
 * @param string $method
 * @param array  $args
function call_private_method_array($object, $method, array $args)
    $reflObj = new \ReflectionObject($object);
    $reflMethod = $reflObj->getMethod($method);
    return $reflMethod->invokeArgs($object, $args);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param string    $methodName
  * @param Gruntfile $gruntfile
  * @return ReflectionMethod
 protected function getMethod($methodName, Gruntfile $gruntfile)
     $refObj = new ReflectionObject($gruntfile);
     $refMethod = $refObj->getMethod($methodName);
     return $refMethod;
Exemplo n.º 21
     * Helper method to access some private/protected methods
     * @see lib/ezc/MvcTools/src/interfaces/ezcMvcController::__get()
    public function __get( $name )
        $ret = null;
        switch( $name )
            case 'cacheLocation':
                $ret = $this->getCacheLocation();

            case 'cacheId':
                $refObj = new ReflectionObject( $this );
                $refMethod = $refObj->getMethod( 'generateCacheId' );
                $refMethod->setAccessible( true );
                $ret = $refMethod->invoke( $this );

            case 'cacheTTL':
                $ret = $this->getActionTTL();

                $ret = parent::__get( $name );

        return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
 static function get_eids($search_term, $prop_id, $type_id, $search_compare_op = 0)
     $prop_name = Property::static_get_table_name($prop_id);
     $vptepte_class_name = "view_" . $prop_name . "_to_e_p_to_e";
     //	include_once (dirname(__FILE__) .'/../PropertyTypeEntity/'.$vptepte_class_name.'.php');
     $theclass = new $vptepte_class_name();
     $reflObject = new ReflectionObject($theclass);
     $reflMethod = $reflObject->getMethod("get_eids");
     $reflParameters = $reflMethod->getParameters();
     $args = array();
     foreach ($reflParameters as $param) {
         //$paramName = $param->getName();
         //$args[$param->getPosition()] = $paramName;
         $args[$param->getPosition()] = func_get_arg($param->getPosition());
         //this way view_int_prop... will be passed the fourth argument.
         //Note: assumes get_eids signature matches order between here and the vptepte's
     $eids = array();
     if (!$type_id) {
         $type_hash = MixedQueries::get_type_list();
         foreach ($type_hash as $_type_id => $type_name) {
             //$eids = array_merge($eids, $theclass->get_eids($search_term, $prop_id, $_type_id));
             $args[2] = $_type_id;
             $eids = array_merge($eids, $reflMethod->invokeArgs($theclass, $args));
     } else {
         //$eids = $theclass->get_eids($search_term, $prop_id, $type_id);
         $eids = $reflMethod->invokeArgs($theclass, $args);
     return $eids;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function execute($registry, $args = array())
     // Stop any magical methods being called
     if (substr($this->method, 0, 2) == '__') {
         return false;
     // Initialize the class
     if (is_file($this->file)) {
         include_once $this->file;
         $controller = new $this->class($registry);
     } else {
         return false;
     // Now we have the controller we want to check if the corrasponding number of arguments matches the method being called.
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($controller);
     $parameters = $reflection->getMethod($this->method)->getParameters();
     foreach ($perameters as $perameter) {
         echo $perameter->name . "\n";
     if (count($perameters) != count($args)) {
     // Call the method if set
     if (method_exists($controller, $this->method)) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($controller, $this->method), $args);
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function callRPCMethod()
     $sRawMethod = $this->oRequest->method;
     @(list($sNameSpace, $sMethod) = explode('.', $sRawMethod));
     if (is_null($sMethod)) {
         $sMethod = $sNameSpace;
         $sNameSpace = 'wp';
     $oInterface = $this->getRPCInterface($sNameSpace);
     if (!$this->hasRPCMethod($oInterface, $sMethod)) {
         $this->oResponse->error = 'Invalid RPC request: method [' . var_export($sMethod, true) . '] does not exist';
     } else {
         if (is_null($this->oRequest->params) || !is_array($this->oRequest->params)) {
             throw new ExceptionResponseError('Invalid RPC request: missing parameters');
         $oReflectedInterface = new \ReflectionObject($oInterface);
         if ($oReflectedInterface->hasMethod($sMethod)) {
             /* @var $oReflectedMethod \ReflectionMethod */
             $oReflectedMethod = $oReflectedInterface->getMethod($sMethod);
             if ($oReflectedMethod->isPublic()) {
                 return $oReflectedMethod->invokeArgs($oInterface, $this->oRequest->params);
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Guesses the template name to render and its variables and adds them to
  * the request object.
  * @param FilterControllerEvent $event A FilterControllerEvent instance
 public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
     if (!is_array($controller = $event->getController())) {
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if (!($configuration = $request->attributes->get('_template'))) {
     if (!$configuration->getTemplate()) {
         $guesser = $this->container->get('sensio_framework_extra.view.guesser');
         $configuration->setTemplate($guesser->guessTemplateName($controller, $request, $configuration->getEngine()));
     $request->attributes->set('_template', $configuration->getTemplate());
     $request->attributes->set('_template_vars', $configuration->getVars());
     $request->attributes->set('_template_streamable', $configuration->isStreamable());
     // all controller method arguments
     if (!$configuration->getVars()) {
         $r = new \ReflectionObject($controller[0]);
         $vars = array();
         foreach ($r->getMethod($controller[1])->getParameters() as $param) {
             $vars[] = $param->getName();
         $request->attributes->set('_template_default_vars', $vars);
 protected function setAccessProtectedMethod($object, $methodName)
     $reflect = new ReflectionObject($object);
     $method = $reflect->getMethod($methodName);
     return $method;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function testLoadFile()
     $loader = new YamlFileLoader(new ContainerBuilder(), new FileLocator(self::$fixturesPath . '/ini'));
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($loader);
     $m = $r->getMethod('loadFile');
     try {
         $m->invoke($loader, 'foo.yml');
         $this->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not exist');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not exist');
         $this->assertEquals('The service file "foo.yml" is not valid.', $e->getMessage(), '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not exist');
     try {
         $m->invoke($loader, 'parameters.ini');
         $this->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid YAML file');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid YAML file');
         $this->assertEquals('The service file "parameters.ini" is not valid.', $e->getMessage(), '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid YAML file');
     $loader = new YamlFileLoader(new ContainerBuilder(), new FileLocator(self::$fixturesPath . '/yaml'));
     foreach (array('nonvalid1', 'nonvalid2') as $fixture) {
         try {
             $m->invoke($loader, $fixture . '.yml');
             $this->fail('->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate');
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate');
             $this->assertStringMatchesFormat('The service file "nonvalid%d.yml" is not valid.', $e->getMessage(), '->load() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate');
Exemplo n.º 28
  * @dataProvider provideAbsolutePaths
 public function testCanDetectAbsolutePaths($path)
     $reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($this->locator);
     $methodReflection = $reflectionObject->getMethod('isAbsolutePath');
     $this->assertTrue($methodReflection->invoke($this->locator, $path), '->isAbsolutePath() returns true for an absolute path');
 public function testParseFile()
     $loader = new XmlFileLoader(new ContainerBuilder(), new FileLocator(self::$fixturesPath . '/ini'));
     $r = new \ReflectionObject($loader);
     $m = $r->getMethod('parseFileToDOM');
     try {
         $m->invoke($loader, self::$fixturesPath . '/ini/parameters.ini');
         $this->fail('->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
         $this->assertRegExp(sprintf('#^Unable to parse file ".+%s".$#', 'parameters.ini'), $e->getMessage(), '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
         $e = $e->getPrevious();
         $this->assertInstanceOf('InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
         $this->assertStringStartsWith('[ERROR 4] Start tag expected, \'<\' not found (in', $e->getMessage(), '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
     $loader = new XmlFileLoader(new ContainerBuilder(), new FileLocator(self::$fixturesPath . '/xml'));
     try {
         $m->invoke($loader, self::$fixturesPath . '/xml/nonvalid.xml');
         $this->fail('->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate the XSD');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate the XSD');
         $this->assertRegExp(sprintf('#^Unable to parse file ".+%s".$#', 'nonvalid.xml'), $e->getMessage(), '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file is not a valid XML file');
         $e = $e->getPrevious();
         $this->assertInstanceOf('InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate the XSD');
         $this->assertStringStartsWith('[ERROR 1845] Element \'nonvalid\': No matching global declaration available for the validation root. (in', $e->getMessage(), '->parseFileToDOM() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded file does not validate the XSD');
     $xml = $m->invoke($loader, self::$fixturesPath . '/xml/services1.xml');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('DOMDocument', $xml, '->parseFileToDOM() returns an SimpleXMLElement object');
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function testGoBack()
     $helper = new \Magento\TestFramework\Helper\ObjectManager($this);
     $storeManagerMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\StoreManagerInterface');
     $responseMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\App\\Response\\Http', array(), array(), '', false);
     $responseMock->headersSentThrowsException = false;
     $requestMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\App\\Request\\Http', array(), array(), '', false);
     $redirect = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\App\\Response\\RedirectInterface');
     $checkoutSessionMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Checkout\\Model\\Session', array('setContinueShoppingUrl'), array(), '', false);
     $storeMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Store\\Model\\Store', array(), array(), '', false);
     $configMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\App\\Config\\ScopeConfigInterface');
     $arguments = array('response' => $responseMock, 'request' => $requestMock, 'checkoutSession' => $checkoutSessionMock, 'scopeConfig' => $configMock, 'redirect' => $redirect, 'storeManager' => $storeManagerMock);
     $controller = $helper->getObject('Magento\\Checkout\\Controller\\Cart', $arguments);
     $reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($controller);
     $reflectionMethod = $reflectionObject->getMethod('_goBack');