/** * Processes the google callback from oauth authorize requests * * @return void **/ public function googledriveAuthorizeTask() { $pparams = \Plugin::params('filesystem', 'google'); $app_id = \Session::get('googledrive.app_id', false); $app_secret = \Session::get('googledrive.app_secret', false); $new_connection = Session::get('googledrive.connection_to_set_up', false); $info = ['key' => isset($app_key) ? $app_key : $pparams->get('app_key'), 'secret' => isset($app_secret) ? $app_secret : $pparams->get('app_secret')]; $client = new \Google_Client(); $client->setClientId($app_id); $client->setClientSecret($app_secret); $client->addScope(\Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE); $client->setAccessType('offline'); $client->setApprovalPrompt('force'); $redirectUri = trim(Request::root(), '/') . '/developer/callback/googledriveAuthorize'; $client->setRedirectUri($redirectUri); $code = Request::get('code', false); if ($code) { $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code); $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(); } else { throw new \Exception("No state found", 400); } //if this is a new connection, we can save the token on the server to ensure that it is used next time if ($new_connection) { require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_projects' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orm' . DS . 'connection.php'; $connection = \Components\Projects\Models\Orm\Connection::oneOrFail($new_connection); $connection_params = json_decode($connection->get('params')); $connection_params->app_token = $accessToken; $connection->set('params', json_encode($connection_params)); $connection->save(); } // Redirect to the local endpoint App::redirect(base64_decode(\Session::get('googledrive.state'))); }
/** * Initializes the dropbox connection * * @param array $params Any connection params needed * @return \League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter **/ public static function init($params = []) { // Get the params $pparams = Plugin::params('filesystem', 'dropbox'); if (isset($params['app_token'])) { $accessToken = $params['app_token']; } else { $info = ['key' => isset($params['app_key']) ? $params['app_key'] : $pparams->get('app_key'), 'secret' => isset($params['app_secret']) ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams->get('app_secret')]; \Session::set('dropbox.app_key', $info['key']); \Session::set('dropbox.app_secret', $info['secret']); \Session::set('dropbox.connection_to_set_up', Request::getVar('connection', 0)); $appInfo = \Dropbox\AppInfo::loadFromJson($info); $clientIdentifier = 'hubzero-cms/2.0'; $redirectUri = trim(Request::root(), '/') . '/developer/callback/dropboxAuthorize'; $csrfTokenStore = new \Dropbox\ArrayEntryStore($_SESSION, 'dropbox-auth-csrf-token'); $oauth = new \Dropbox\WebAuth($appInfo, $clientIdentifier, $redirectUri, $csrfTokenStore); // Redirect to dropbox // We hide the return url in the state field...that's not exactly what // it was intended for, but it does the trick $return = Request::getVar('return') ? Request::getVar('return') : Request::current(true); $return = base64_encode($return); App::redirect($oauth->start($return)); } $app_secret = isset($params['app_secret']) ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams->get('app_secret'); // Create the client $client = new \Dropbox\Client($accessToken, $app_secret); // Return the adapter return new \League\Flysystem\Dropbox\DropboxAdapter($client, isset($params['subdir']) ? $params['subdir'] : null); }
/** * Initializes the Google Drive connection * * @param array $params Any connection params needed * @return object **/ public static function init($params = []) { // Get the params $pparams = Plugin::params('filesystem', 'googledrive'); $app_id = isset($params['app_id']) && $params['app_id'] != '' ? $params['app_id'] : $pparams->get('app_id'); $app_secret = isset($params['app_secret']) && $params['app_secret'] != '' ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams->get('app_secret'); $client = new \Google_Client(); $client->setClientId($app_id); $client->setClientSecret($app_secret); $client->addScope(Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE); $client->setAccessType('offline'); $client->setApprovalPrompt('force'); $client->setIncludeGrantedScopes(true); if (isset($params['app_token'])) { $accessToken = $params['app_token']; // json encode turned our array into an object, we need to undo that $accessToken = (array) $accessToken; } else { \Session::set('googledrive.app_id', $app_id); \Session::set('googledrive.app_secret', $app_secret); \Session::set('googledrive.connection_to_set_up', Request::getVar('connection', 0)); // Set upp a return and redirect to Google for auth $return = Request::getVar('return') ? Request::getVar('return') : Request::current(true); $return = base64_encode($return); $redirectUri = trim(Request::root(), '/') . '/developer/callback/googledriveAuthorize'; $client->setRedirectUri($redirectUri); Session::set('googledrive.state', $return); App::redirect($client->createAuthUrl()); } $client->setAccessToken($accessToken); $service = new \Google_Service_Drive($client); $adapter = new \Hypweb\Flysystem\GoogleDrive\GoogleDriveAdapter($service, 'root'); return $adapter; }
/** * Initializes the github connection * * @param array $params Any connection params needed * @return object **/ public static function init($params = []) { // Get the params $pparams = Plugin::params('filesystem', 'github'); $app_key = isset($params['app_key']) ? $params['app_key'] : $pparams['app_key']; $app_secret = isset($params['app_secret']) ? $params['app_secret'] : $pparams['app_secret']; \Session::set('github.app_key', $app_key); \Session::set('github.app_secret', $app_secret); $repository = isset($params['repository']) ? $params['repository'] : $pparams['repository']; $credentials = []; if (isset($params['username']) && isset($params['password'])) { $credentials = [Settings::AUTHENTICATE_USING_PASSWORD, $params['username'], $params['password']]; } else { $accessToken = Session::get('github.token', false); if (!$accessToken) { $base = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize'; $params = '?client_id=' . $app_key; $scope = '&scope=user,repo'; $return = Request::getVar('return') ? Request::getVar('return') : Request::current(true); $return = base64_encode($return); $state = '&state=' . $return; Session::set('github.state', $return); App::redirect($base . $params . $scope . $state); } $credentials = [Settings::AUTHENTICATE_USING_TOKEN, $accessToken]; } $settings = new Settings($params['repository'], $credentials); $api = new Api(new \Github\Client(), $settings); // Return the adapter return new GithubAdapter($api); }
/** * Email member activity digest * * Current limitations include a lack of queuing/scheduling. This means that this cron job * should not be set to run more than once daily, otherwise it will continue to send out the * same digest to people over and over again. * * @param object $job \Components\Cron\Models\Job * @return bool */ public function emailMemberDigest(\Components\Cron\Models\Job $job) { // Make sure digests are enabled? The cron job being on may be evidence enough... if (!Plugin::params('members', 'activity')->get('email_digests', false)) { return true; } // Load language files Lang::load('plg_members_activity') || Lang::load('plg_members_activity', PATH_CORE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'members' . DS . 'activity'); // Database connection $db = App::get('db'); // 0 = no email // 1 = immediately // 2 = digest daily // 3 = digest weekly // 4 = digest monthly $intervals = array(0 => 'none', 1 => 'now', 2 => 'day', 3 => 'week', 4 => 'month'); // Check frequency (this plugin should run early every morning) // If daily, run every day // If weekly, only run this one on mondays // If monthly, only run this on on the 1st of the month $isDay = true; $isWeek = Date::of('now')->toLocal('N') == 1 ? true : false; $isMonth = Date::of('now')->toLocal('j') == 1 ? true : false; foreach ($intervals as $val => $interval) { // Skip the first two options for now if ($val < 2) { continue; } if ($val == 3 && !$isWeek) { continue; } if ($val == 4 && !$isMonth) { continue; } // Find all users that want weekly digests and the last time the digest // was sent was NEVER or older than 1 month ago. $previous = Date::of('now')->subtract('1 ' . $interval)->toSql(); // Set up the query $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(scope_id) FROM `#__activity_digests` WHERE `scope`=" . $db->quote('user') . " AND `frequency`=" . $db->quote($val) . " AND (`sent` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR `sent` <= " . $db->quote($previous) . ")"; $db->setQuery($query); $users = $db->loadColumn(); // Loop through members and get their groups that have the digest set if ($users && count($users) > 0) { foreach ($users as $user) { $posts = \Hubzero\Activity\Recipient::all()->including('log')->whereEquals('scope', 'user')->whereEquals('scope_id', $user)->whereEquals('state', 1)->where('created', '>', $previous)->ordered()->rows(); // Gather up applicable posts and queue up the emails if (count($posts) > 0) { if ($this->sendEmail($user, $posts, $interval)) { // Update the last sent timestamp $query = "UPDATE `#__activity_digests` SET `sent`=" . $db->quote(Date::toSql()) . " WHERE `scope`=" . $db->quote('user') . " AND `scope_id`=" . $db->quote($user); $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } } } } return true; }
function get_conf($db_id) { global $dv_conf, $com_name; $params = Plugin::params('projects', 'databases'); $dv_conf['db']['host'] = $params->get('db_host'); $dv_conf['db']['user'] = $params->get('db_ro_user'); $dv_conf['db']['password'] = $params->get('db_ro_password'); return $dv_conf; }
/** * Checks to see if user is jailed * * @return bool */ public function isJailed() { if ($this->get('user_id', false)) { $params = Plugin::params('system', 'spamjail'); $sessionCount = $params->get('session_count', 5); $lifetimeCount = $params->get('user_count', 10); if (Session::get('spam_count', 0) > $sessionCount || $this->get('spam_count', 0) > $lifetimeCount) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Constructor * * @param object $connect * @return void */ public function __construct($connect = NULL) { if (empty($connect)) { return false; } $this->_db = \App::get('db'); $this->_connect = $connect; $this->model = $connect->model; $this->_uid = User::get('id'); $this->params = Plugin::params('projects', 'files'); $this->_logPath = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::getProjectRepoPath($this->model->get('alias'), 'logs', false); if (!is_dir($this->_logPath)) { Filesystem::makeDirectory($this->_logPath, 0755, true, true); } $this->_path = $this->model->repo()->get('path'); }
echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_COURSES_TRASHED'); ?> </option> </select> </div> </fieldset> <?php if ($plugins = Event::trigger('courses.onAssetgroupEdit')) { $data = $this->row->get('params'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $default = Plugin::params('courses', $plugin['name']); $param = new \Hubzero\Html\Parameter(is_object($data) ? $data->toString() : $data, PATH_CORE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'courses' . DS . $plugin['name'] . DS . $plugin['name'] . '.xml'); foreach ($default->toArray() as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, strlen('default_')) == 'default_') { $param->def(substr($k, strlen('default_')), $default->get($k, $v)); } } $out = $param->render('params', 'onAssetgroupEdit'); if (!$out) { continue; } ?> <fieldset class="adminform eventparams" id="params-<?php echo $plugin['name']; ?> ">
/** * Calculate royalties * * @return void */ public function royaltyTask() { $auto = Request::getInt('auto', 0); $action = 'royalty'; if (!$auto) { $who = User::get('id'); } else { $who = 0; } // What month/year is it now? $curmonth = Date::of('now')->format("F"); $curyear = Date::of('now')->format("Y-m"); $ref = strtotime($curyear); $this->_message = 'Royalties on Answers for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.'; $rmsg = 'Royalties on Reviews for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.'; $resmsg = 'Royalties on Resources for ' . $curyear . ' were distributed successfully.'; // Make sure we distribute royalties only once/ month $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database); $royaltyAnswers = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'answers', $curyear, $this->_message); $royaltyReviews = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'reviews', $curyear, $rmsg); $royaltyResources = $MH->getRecord('', $action, 'resources', $curyear, $resmsg); // Include economy classes if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) { require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_answers' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php'; } if (is_file(PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php')) { require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'economy.php'; } $AE = new \Components\Answers\Helpers\Economy($this->database); $accumulated = 0; // Get Royalties on Answers if (!$royaltyAnswers) { $rows = $AE->getQuestions(); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $r) { $AE->distribute_points($r->id, $r->q_owner, $r->a_owner, $action); $accumulated = $accumulated + $AE->calculate_marketvalue($r->id, $action); } // make a record of royalty payment if (intval($accumulated) > 0) { $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database); $data['itemid'] = $ref; $data['date'] = Date::toSql(); $data['market_value'] = $accumulated; $data['category'] = 'answers'; $data['action'] = $action; $data['log'] = $this->_message; if (!$MH->bind($data)) { $err = $MH->getError(); } if (!$MH->store()) { $err = $MH->getError(); } } } else { $this->_message = 'There were no questions eligible for royalty payment. '; } } else { $this->_message = 'Royalties on Answers for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed. '; } // Get Royalties on Resource Reviews if (!$royaltyReviews) { // get eligible $RE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy\Reviews($this->database); $reviews = $RE->getReviews(); // do we have ratings on reviews enabled? $plparam = Plugin::params('resources', 'reviews'); $voting = $plparam->get('voting'); $accumulated = 0; if ($reviews && $voting) { foreach ($reviews as $r) { $RE->distribute_points($r, $action); $accumulated = $accumulated + $RE->calculate_marketvalue($r, $action); } $this->_message .= $rmsg; } else { $this->_message .= 'There were no reviews eligible for royalty payment. '; } // make a record of royalty payment if (intval($accumulated) > 0) { $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database); $data['itemid'] = $ref; $data['date'] = Date::toSql(); $data['market_value'] = $accumulated; $data['category'] = 'reviews'; $data['action'] = $action; $data['log'] = $rmsg; if (!$MH->bind($data)) { $err = $MH->getError(); } if (!$MH->store()) { $err = $MH->getError(); } } } else { $this->_message .= 'Royalties on Reviews for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed. '; } // Get Royalties on Resources if (!$royaltyResources) { // get eligible $ResE = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Economy\Reviews($this->database); $cons = $ResE->getCons(); $accumulated = 0; if ($cons) { foreach ($cons as $con) { $ResE->distribute_points($con, $action); $accumulated = $accumulated + $con->ranking; } $this->_message .= $resmsg; } else { $this->_message .= 'There were no resources eligible for royalty payment.'; } // make a record of royalty payment if (intval($accumulated) > 0) { $MH = new MarketHistory($this->database); $data['itemid'] = $ref; $data['date'] = Date::toSql(); $data['market_value'] = $accumulated; $data['category'] = 'resources'; $data['action'] = $action; $data['log'] = $resmsg; if (!$MH->bind($data)) { $err = $MH->getError(); } if (!$MH->store()) { $err = $MH->getError(); } } } else { $this->_message .= 'Royalties on Resources for ' . $curyear . ' were previously distributed.'; } if (!$auto) { // show output if run manually App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller, false), Lang::txt($this->_message)); } }
/** * This method will return a user object * * If options['autoregister'] is true, if the user doesn't exist yet he will be created * * @param array $user Holds the user data. * @param array $options Array holding options (remember, autoregister, group). * @return object A User object */ protected function _getUser($user, $options = array()) { $instance = JUser::getInstance(); if ($id = intval(JUserHelper::getUserId($user['username']))) { $instance->load($id); return $instance; } //TODO : move this out of the plugin $config = Component::params('com_users'); // Default to Registered. $defaultUserGroup = $config->get('new_usertype', 2); $acl = JFactory::getACL(); $instance->set('id', 0); $instance->set('name', $user['fullname']); $instance->set('username', $user['username']); $instance->set('password_clear', isset($user['password_clear']) ? $user['password_clear'] : ''); $instance->set('email', $user['email']); // Result should contain an email (check) $instance->set('usertype', 'deprecated'); $instance->set('groups', array($defaultUserGroup)); // Check joomla user activation setting // 0 = automatically confirmed // 1 = require email confirmation (the norm) // 2 = require admin confirmation $useractivation = $config->get('useractivation', 1); // If requiring admin approval, set user to not approved if ($useractivation == 2) { $instance->set('approved', 0); } else { $instance->set('approved', 2); } // Now, also check to see if user came in via an auth plugin, as that may affect their approval status if (isset($user['auth_link'])) { $domain = \Hubzero\Auth\Domain::find_by_id($user['auth_link']->auth_domain_id); if ($domain && is_object($domain)) { $params = Plugin::params('authentication', $domain->authenticator); if ($params && is_object($params) && $params->get('auto_approve', false)) { $instance->set('approved', 2); } } } // If autoregister is set let's register the user $autoregister = isset($options['autoregister']) ? $options['autoregister'] : $this->params->get('autoregister', 1); if ($autoregister) { if (!$instance->save()) { return new Exception($instance->getError()); } } else { // No existing user and autoregister off, this is a temporary user. $instance->set('tmp_user', true); } return $instance; }
<div class="input-modal"> <span class="input-cell"> <input type="text" name="spam_count" id="field-reputation" value="<?php echo $this->escape($this->profile->reputation->get('spam_count', 0)); ?> " /> </span> <span class="input-cell"> <a class="button" href="#field-reputation" onclick="document.getElementById('field-reputation').value='0';Joomla.submitbutton('apply');"><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_RESET'); ?> </a> </span> </div> <?php if ($this->profile->reputation->get('spam_count', 0) > Plugin::params('system', 'spamjail')->get('user_count', 10)) { ?> <p class="warning"><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_SPAM_COUNT_EXCEEDED'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </fieldset> <?php
/** * Delete a record * * @return void */ public function settingsTask() { $id = Request::getInt('id', 0); $member = User::getInstance($id); if (!$member || !$member->get('id')) { // Output messsage and redirect App::abort(404, Lang::txt('Unknown or invalid member ID')); } $database = App::get('db'); $xmc = Message\Component::blank(); $components = $xmc->getRecords(); /*if ($components) { $this->setError(Lang::txt('No vlaues found')); }*/ $settings = array(); foreach ($components as $component) { $settings[$component->get('action')] = array(); } // Fetch message methods $notimethods = Event::trigger('xmessage.onMessageMethods', array()); // A var for storing the default notification method $default_method = null; // Instantiate our notify object $notify = Message\Notify::blank(); // Get the user's selected methods $methods = $notify->getRecords($member->get('id')); if ($methods->count()) { foreach ($methods as $method) { $settings[$method->get('type')]['methods'][] = $method->get('method'); $settings[$method->get('type')]['ids'][$method->get('method')] = $method->get('id'); } } else { $default_method = \Plugin::params('members', 'messages')->get('default_method'); } // Fill in any settings that weren't set. foreach ($settings as $key => $val) { if (count($val) <= 0) { // If the user has never changed their settings, set up the defaults if ($default_method !== null) { $settings[$key]['methods'][] = 'internal'; $settings[$key]['methods'][] = $default_method; $settings[$key]['ids']['internal'] = 0; $settings[$key]['ids'][$default_method] = 0; } else { $settings[$key]['methods'] = array(); $settings[$key]['ids'] = array(); } } } $this->view->set('member', $member)->set('settings', $settings)->set('notimethods', $notimethods)->set('components', $components)->display(); }
/** * Refresh a Specific Group Calendar * * @param bool $force Force refresh calendar? */ public function refresh($force = false) { // only refresh subscriptions if (!$this->isSubscription()) { $this->setError($this->get('title')); return false; } // get refresh interval $interval = \Plugin::params('calendar', 'groups')->get('import_subscription_interval', 60); // get datetimes needed to refresh $now = Date::of('now'); $lastRefreshed = Date::of($this->get('last_fetched_attempt')); $refreshInterval = new DateInterval("PT{$interval}M"); // add refresh interval to last refreshed $lastRefreshed->add($refreshInterval); // if we havent passed our need to refresh date stop if ($now < $lastRefreshed && !$force) { return false; } // get current events $currentEvents = $this->events('list', array('scope' => $this->get('scope'), 'scope_id' => $this->get('scope_id'), 'calendar_id' => $this->get('id'), 'state' => array(1))); //build calendar url $calendarUrl = str_replace('webcal', 'http', $this->get('url')); //test to see if this calendar is valid $calendarHeaders = get_headers($calendarUrl, 1); $statusCode = isset($calendarHeaders[0]) ? $calendarHeaders[0] : ''; // if we got a 301, lets update the location if (stristr($statusCode, '301 Moved Permanently')) { if (isset($calendarHeaders['Location'])) { $this->set('url', $calendarHeaders['Location']); $this->store(true); $this->refresh(); } } //make sure the calendar url is valid if (!strstr($statusCode, '200 OK')) { $this->set('failed_attempts', $this->failed_attempts + 1); $this->set('last_fetched_attempt', Date::toSql()); $this->store(true); $this->setError($this->get('title')); return false; } //read calendar file $icalparser = new \icalparser($calendarUrl); $incomingEvents = $icalparser->getEvents(); // check to make sure we have events if (count($incomingEvents) < 1) { $this->setError($this->get('title')); return false; } //make uid keys for array //makes it easier to diff later on foreach ($incomingEvents as $k => $incomingEvent) { //get old and new key $oldKey = $k; $newKey = isset($incomingEvent['UID']) ? $incomingEvent['UID'] : ''; //set keys to be the uid if ($newKey != '') { $incomingEvents[$newKey] = $incomingEvent; unset($incomingEvents[$oldKey]); } } //get events we need to delete $eventsToDelete = array_diff($currentEvents->lists('ical_uid'), array_keys($incomingEvents)); //delete each event we dont have in the incoming events foreach ($eventsToDelete as $eventDelete) { $e = $currentEvents->fetch('ical_uid', $eventDelete); $e->delete(); } //create new events for each event we pull foreach ($incomingEvents as $uid => $incomingEvent) { // fetch event from our current events by uid $event = $currentEvents->fetch('ical_uid', $uid); // create blank event if we dont have one if (!$event) { $event = new Event(); } // set the timezone $tz = new DateTimezone(Config::get('offset')); // start already datetime objects $start = $incomingEvent['DTSTART']; $start->setTimezone($tz); // set publish up/down $publish_up = $start->toSql(); $publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $allday = isset($incomingEvent['ALLDAY']) && $incomingEvent['ALLDAY'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $rrule = null; // handle end if (isset($incomingEvent['DTEND'])) { $end = $incomingEvent['DTEND']; $end->setTimezone($tz); $publish_down = $end->toSql(); } // handle rrule if (isset($incomingEvent['RRULE'])) { // add frequency $rrule = 'FREQ=' . $incomingEvent['RRULE']['FREQ']; // add interval if (!isset($incomingEvent['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])) { $incomingEvent['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] = 1; } $rrule .= ';INTERVAL=' . $incomingEvent['RRULE']['INTERVAL']; // count if (isset($incomingEvent['RRULE']['COUNT'])) { $rrule .= ';COUNT=' . $incomingEvent['RRULE']['COUNT']; } // until if (isset($incomingEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL'])) { if (strlen($incomingEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL']) == 8) { $incomingEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL'] .= 'T000000Z'; } $until = Date::of($incomingEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL']); $rrule .= ';UNTIL=' . $until->format('Ymd\\THis\\Z'); } //by day if (isset($incomingEvent['RRULE']['BYDAY'])) { $rrule .= ';BYDAY=' . $incomingEvent['RRULE']['BYDAY']; } } // handle all day events if ($start->add(new DateInterval('P1D')) == $end) { $publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; } // set event details $event->set('title', isset($incomingEvent['SUMMARY']) ? $incomingEvent['SUMMARY'] : ''); $event->set('content', isset($incomingEvent['DESCRIPTION']) ? $incomingEvent['DESCRIPTION'] : ''); $event->set('content', stripslashes(str_replace('\\n', "\n", $event->get('content')))); $event->set('adresse_info', isset($incomingEvent['LOCATION']) ? $incomingEvent['LOCATION'] : ''); $event->set('extra_info', isset($incomingEvent['URL']) ? $incomingEvent['URL'] : ''); $event->set('modified', Date::toSql()); $event->set('modified_by', User::get('id')); $event->set('publish_up', $publish_up); $event->set('publish_down', $publish_down); $event->set('allday', $allday); $event->set('repeating_rule', $rrule); // new event if (!$event->get('id')) { $event->set('catid', -1); $event->set('calendar_id', $this->get('id')); $event->set('ical_uid', isset($incomingEvent['UID']) ? $incomingEvent['UID'] : ''); $event->set('scope', $this->get('scope')); $event->set('scope_id', $this->get('scope_id')); $event->set('state', 1); $event->set('created', Date::toSql()); $event->set('created_by', User::get('id')); $event->set('time_zone', -5); $event->set('registerby', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); $event->set('params', ''); } // save event $event->store(true); } // mark as fetched // clear failed attempts $this->set('last_fetched', Date::toSql()); $this->set('last_fetched_attempt', Date::toSql()); $this->set('failed_attempts', 0); $this->store(true); return true; }
/** * Load a database dump * * @museDescription Loads the provided database into the hubs currently configured database * * @return void **/ public function load() { if (!($infile = $this->arguments->getOpt(3))) { $this->output->error('Please provide an input file'); } else { if (!is_file($infile)) { $this->output->error("'{$infile}' does not appear to be a valid file"); } } // First, set some things aside that we need to reapply after the update $params = []; $params['com_system'] = \Component::params('com_system'); $params['com_tools'] = \Component::params('com_tools'); $params['com_usage'] = \Component::params('com_usage'); $params['com_users'] = \Component::params('com_users'); $params['plg_projects_databases'] = \Plugin::params('projects', 'databases'); $tables = App::get('db')->getTableList(); // See if we should drop all tables first if ($this->arguments->getOpt('drop-all-tables')) { $this->output->addLine('Dropping all tables...'); foreach ($tables as $table) { App::get('db')->dropTable($table); } } // Craft the command to be executed $infile = escapeshellarg($infile); $cmd = "mysql -u " . Config::get('user') . " -p'" . Config::get('password') . "' -D " . Config::get('db') . " < {$infile}"; $this->output->addLine('Loading data from ' . $infile . '...'); // Now push the big red button exec($cmd); $migration = new Migration(App::get('db')); // Now load some things back up foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $migration->saveParams($k, $v); } } $this->output->addLine('Load complete!', 'success'); }
public static function onRenderOption($return = NULL, $title = 'With an affiliated institution:') { // hide the login box if the plugin is in "debug mode" and the special key is not set in the request $params = Plugin::params('authentication', 'shibboleth'); if (($testKey = $params->get('testkey', NULL)) && !array_key_exists($testKey, $_GET)) { return '<span />'; } // saved id provider? use it as the default $prefill = isset($_COOKIE['shib-entity-id']) ? $_COOKIE['shib-entity-id'] : NULL; if (!$prefill && ($host = self::getHostByAddress(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $params->get('dns', ''))) && preg_match('/[.]([^.]*?[.][a-z0-9]+?)$/', $host, $ma)) { // hostname lookup seems php jsonrational (not an ip address, has a few dots in it // try to look up a provider to pre-select based on the user's hostname foreach (self::getInstitutions() as $inst) { if (fnmatch('*' . $ma[1], $inst['host'])) { $prefill = $inst['entity_id']; break; } } } // attach style and scripts foreach (array('bootstrap-select.min.js', 'shibboleth.js', 'bootstrap-select.min.css', 'bootstrap-theme.min.css', 'shibboleth.css') as $asset) { $mtd = 'addPlugin' . (preg_match('/[.]js$/', $asset) ? 'script' : 'stylesheet'); \Hubzero\Document\Assets::$mtd('authentication', 'shibboleth', $asset); } list($a, $h) = self::htmlify(); // make a dropdown/button combo that (hopefully) gets prettied up client-side into a bootstrap dropdown $html = ['<div class="shibboleth account incommon-color" data-placeholder="' . $a($title) . '">']; $html[] = '<h3>Select an affiliated institution</h3>'; $html[] = '<ol>'; $html = array_merge($html, array_map(function ($idp) use($h, $a) { return '<li data-entityid="' . $a($idp['entity_id']) . '" data-content="' . (isset($idp['logo_data']) ? $a($idp['logo_data']) : '') . ' ' . $h($idp['label']) . '"><a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&authenticator=shibboleth&idp=' . $a($idp['entity_id'])) . '">' . $h($idp['label']) . '</a></li>'; }, self::getInstitutions())); $html[] = '</ol></div>'; return $html; }
/** * Download a file * * @return void */ public function downloadTask() { //get vars $id = Request::getInt('id', 0); //check to make sure we have an id if (!$id || $id == 0) { return; } //Load member profile $member = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($id); // check to make sure we have member profile if (!$member) { return; } //get the file name // make sure to leave out any query params (ex. ?v={timestamp}) $uri = Request::getVar('SCRIPT_URL', '', 'server'); if (strstr($uri, 'Image:')) { $file = str_replace('Image:', '', strstr($uri, 'Image:')); } elseif (strstr($uri, 'File:')) { $file = str_replace('File:', '', strstr($uri, 'File:')); } //decode file name $file = urldecode($file); // build base path $base_path = $this->filespace() . DS . \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::niceidformat($member->get('uidNumber')); //if we are on the blog if (Request::getVar('active', 'profile') == 'blog') { // @FIXME Check still needs to occur for non-public entries //authorize checks /*if ($this->_authorize() != 'admin') { if (User::get('id') != $member->get('uidNumber')) { App::abort(403, Lang::txt('You are not authorized to download the file: ') . ' ' . $file); return; } }*/ //get the params from the members blog plugin $blog_params = Plugin::params('members', 'blog'); //build the base path to file based of upload path param $base_path = str_replace('{{uid}}', \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::niceidformat($member->get('uidNumber')), $blog_params->get('uploadpath')); } //build file path $file_path = $base_path . DS . $file; // Ensure the file exist if (!file_exists(PATH_APP . DS . $file_path)) { App::abort(404, Lang::txt('The requested file could not be found: ') . ' ' . $file); return; } // Serve up the image $xserver = new \Hubzero\Content\Server(); $xserver->filename(PATH_APP . DS . $file_path); $xserver->disposition('attachment'); $xserver->acceptranges(false); // @TODO fix byte range support //serve up file if (!$xserver->serve()) { // Should only get here on error App::abort(404, Lang::txt('An error occured while trying to output the file')); } else { exit; } return; }
<input type="hidden" name="params[notes_public]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" class="option" name="params[notes_public]" value="1" <?php if ($this->model->params->get('notes_public')) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo Lang::txt('COM_PROJECTS_NOTES_PUBLIC'); ?> </label> <?php } ?> <?php $pparams = Plugin::params('projects', 'files'); if ($pparams->get('enable_publinks')) { ?> <label> <input type="hidden" name="params[files_public]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" class="option" name="params[files_public]" value="1" <?php if ($this->model->params->get('files_public')) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <?php echo Lang::txt('COM_PROJECTS_FILES_PUBLIC'); ?> </label> <?php }
public static function onRenderOption($return, $title = 'With an affiliated institution:') { // hide the login box if the plugin is in "debug mode" and the special key is not set in the request $params = Plugin::params('authentication', 'shibboleth'); if (($testKey = $params->get('testkey', NULL)) && !array_key_exists($testKey, $_GET)) { return '<span />'; } // saved id provider? use it as the default $prefill = isset($_COOKIE['shib-entity-id']) ? $_COOKIE['shib-entity-id'] : NULL; if (!$prefill && ($host = self::getHostByAddress(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $params->get('dns', ''))) && preg_match('/[.]([^.]*?[.][a-z0-9]+?)$/', $host, $ma)) { // hostname lookup seems php jsonrational (not an ip address, has a few dots in it // try to look up a provider to pre-select based on the user's hostname foreach (self::getInstitutions() as $inst) { if (fnmatch('*' . $ma[1], $inst['host'])) { $prefill = $inst['entity_id']; break; } } } // attach style and scripts foreach (array('bootstrap.min.js', 'bootstrap-select.min.js', 'shibboleth.js', 'bootstrap.min.css', 'bootstrap-select.min.css', 'bootstrap-theme.min.css', 'shibboleth.css') as $asset) { $isJs = preg_match('/[.]js$/', $asset); if ($isJs) { \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginScript('authentication', 'shibboleth', $asset); } else { \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('authentication', 'shibboleth', $asset); } } list($a, $h) = self::htmlify(); // make a dropdown/button combo that (hopefully) gets prettied up client-side into a bootstrap dropdown $html = array(); $html[] = '<form class="shibboleth account incommon-color" action="' . Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login') . '" method="get">'; $html[] = '<div class="default-icon"></div>'; $html[] = '<select title="' . $a($title) . '" name="idp">'; $html[] = '<option class="placeholder">' . $h($title) . '</option>'; foreach (self::getInstitutions() as $idp) { $logo = isset($idp['logo_data']) && $idp['logo_data'] ? '<img src="' . $idp['logo_data'] . '" />' : '<span class="logo-placeholder"></span>'; $html[] = '<option ' . ($prefill == $idp['entity_id'] ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . 'value="' . $a($idp['entity_id']) . '" data-content="' . $a($logo . ' ' . $h($idp['label'])) . '">' . $h($idp['label']) . '</option>'; } $html[] = '</select>'; $html[] = '<input type="hidden" name="authenticator" value="shibboleth" />'; if ($return) { $html[] = '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . $a(preg_replace('/^.return=/', '', $return)) . '" />'; } $html[] = '<button class="submit" type="submit">Sign in</button>'; $html[] = '</form>'; return $html; }
/** * Display a member's profile * * @return void */ private function profile() { if (!$this->group->isSuperGroup()) { return; } include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_members' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'member.php'; $id = Request::getInt('member', 0); $profile = Components\Members\Models\Member::oneOrFail($id); if (!$profile->get('id')) { App::abort(404, Lang::txt('PLG_GROUPS_MEMBERS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND')); } include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_members' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'profile' . DS . 'field.php'; $fields = Components\Members\Models\Profile\Field::all()->including(['options', function ($option) { $option->select('*')->ordered(); }])->where('action_edit', '!=', Components\Members\Models\Profile\Field::STATE_HIDDEN)->ordered()->rows(); // Set the page title Document::setTitle(Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->name)) . ': ' . $this->group->get('description') . ': ' . Lang::txt(strtoupper($profile->get('name')))); $params = Plugin::params('members', 'profile'); $params->merge(new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($profile->get('params'))); // Display form asking for a reason to deny membership $view = $this->view('default', 'profile')->set('params', $params)->set('option', $this->_option)->set('profile', $profile)->set('fields', $fields)->set('group', $this->group)->set('authorized', $this->authorized)->set('membership_control', $this->membership_control); $this->_output = $view->loadTemplate(); }
/** * Get available disk space * * @return integer */ public function getAvailableDiskSpace() { $pParams = Plugin::params('projects', 'files'); $projectParams = $this->get('project')->params; $quota = $this->get('project')->config()->get('defaultQuota', '1'); // Get disk usage $diskUsage = $this->call('getDiskUsage', $params = array('working' => true, 'history' => $pParams->get('disk_usage'))); // Get quota if (!isset($this->_quota)) { $this->_quota = $projectParams->get('quota') ? $projectParams->get('quota') : Helpers\Html::convertSize(floatval($quota), 'GB', 'b'); } return $this->_quota - $diskUsage; }
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * HUBzero is a registered trademark of Purdue University. * * @package hubzero-cms * @author Sam Wilson <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright 2005-2015 HUBzero Foundation, LLC. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ // No direct access. defined('_HZEXEC_') or die; $params = Plugin::params('system', 'spamjail'); ?> <header id="content-header"> <h2><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_USERS_SPAM_DETECTED'); ?> </h2> </header> <section class="section"> <p><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_USERS_SPAM_MESSAGE'); ?> </p>
$html .= $filters['filterby'] == 'shortlisted' ? Lang::txt('shortlisted') . ' ' : ''; $html .= strtolower(Lang::txt('candidates')); echo $html; ?> </p> <ul id="candidates"> <?php foreach ($seekers as $seeker) { ?> <li> <?php $this->controller = ''; $this->task = 'resumes'; $view = $this->view('seeker'); $params = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry(Plugin::params('members', 'resume')); $view->seeker = $seeker; $view->emp = $emp; $view->option = 'com_members'; $view->admin = $admin; $view->params = $params; $view->list = 1; echo $view->loadTemplate(); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else {
/** * Set configuration to connect with outside services * * @return void */ public function setConfigs() { // Make up redirection URL for Google service $redirectUri = trim(Request::base(), DS) . DS . 'projects' . DS . 'auth'; // Scope for Google service $scope = array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email'); // We will use files plugin params $filesParams = Plugin::params('projects', 'files'); // Get project params $pparams = $this->model->params; $connect = array('google' => array('servicename' => 'Google Drive', 'on' => $filesParams->get('enable_google', 0), 'clientId' => $filesParams->get('google_clientId', 0), 'clientSecret' => $filesParams->get('google_clientSecret', 0), 'appKey' => $filesParams->get('google_appKey', 0), 'redirectUri' => $redirectUri, 'scope' => $scope, 'approvalPrompt' => 'force', 'accessType' => 'offline', 'local_dir' => $pparams->get('google_local_dir', '#home'), 'remote_dir' => $pparams->get('google_dir', 'Project :: ' . $this->model->get('alias')), 'remote_dir_id' => $pparams->get('google_dir_id', 1), 'active' => $pparams->get('google_token', 0)), 'dropbox' => array('servicename' => 'Dropbox', 'on' => $filesParams->get('enable_dropbox', 0), 'key' => $filesParams->get('dropbox_key', 0), 'secret' => $filesParams->get('dropbox_secret', 0), 'local_dir' => $pparams->get('dropbox_local_dir', '#home'), 'remote_dir' => $pparams->get('dropbox_dir', 'project_' . $this->model->get('alias')), 'remote_dir_id' => $pparams->get('dropbox_dir_id', 1), 'active' => $pparams->get('dropbox_service', 0))); $this->_connect = $connect; }
/** * Display a member's profile * * @return void */ private function profile() { if (!$this->group->isSuperGroup()) { return; } $id = Request::getInt('member', 0); $profile = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($id); if (!$profile) { App::abort(404, Lang::txt('PLG_GROUPS_MEMBERS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND')); } include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_members' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'registration.php'; // Find out which fields are hidden, optional, or required $registration = new \Hubzero\Base\Object(); $registration->Fullname = $this->_registrationField('registrationFullname', 'RRRR', 'edit'); $registration->Email = $this->_registrationField('registrationEmail', 'RRRR', 'edit'); $registration->URL = $this->_registrationField('registrationURL', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Phone = $this->_registrationField('registrationPhone', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Employment = $this->_registrationField('registrationEmployment', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Organization = $this->_registrationField('registrationOrganization', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Citizenship = $this->_registrationField('registrationCitizenship', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Residency = $this->_registrationField('registrationResidency', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Sex = $this->_registrationField('registrationSex', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Disability = $this->_registrationField('registrationDisability', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Hispanic = $this->_registrationField('registrationHispanic', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Race = $this->_registrationField('registrationRace', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Interests = $this->_registrationField('registrationInterests', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->Reason = $this->_registrationField('registrationReason', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->OptIn = $this->_registrationField('registrationOptIn', 'HHHH', 'edit'); $registration->address = $this->_registrationField('registrationAddress', 'OOOO', 'edit'); $registration->ORCID = $this->_registrationField('registrationORCID', 'OOOO', 'edit'); // Set the page title Document::setTitle(Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->name)) . ': ' . $this->group->get('description') . ': ' . Lang::txt(strtoupper($profile->get('name')))); $params = Plugin::params('members', 'profile'); $params->merge(new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($profile->get('params'))); // Display form asking for a reason to deny membership $view = $this->view('default', 'profile'); $view->option = $this->_option; $view->group = $this->group; $view->authorized = $this->authorized; $view->profile = $profile; $view->registration = $registration; $view->params = $params; $view->membership_control = $this->membership_control; $this->_output = $view->loadTemplate(); }