function activate_plugin($plugin) { if (!AuthUser::hasPermission('administrator')) { Flash::set('error', __('You do not have permission to access the requested page!')); redirect(get_url()); } Plugin::activate($plugin); }
/** * Bootstrap the application events. * * @return void */ public function boot() { \Route::any('plugins', function () { \Plugin::activate('clients'); echo 'hello'; //print_r(\Plugin::activated()); }); }
$migration->displayWarning("***** Install process of plugin TIMELINETICKET *****"); } else { $migration->displayWarning("***** Update process of plugin TIMELINETICKET *****"); } $migration->displayWarning("Current Timelineticket version: {$current_version}"); $migration->displayWarning("Version to update: " . PLUGIN_TIMELINETICKET_VERSION); // To prevent problem of execution time ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); ini_set("memory_limit", "-1"); $mess = ''; if ($current_version != PLUGIN_TIMELINETICKET_VERSION and $current_version != '0') { $mess = "Update done."; } else { if ($current_version == PLUGIN_TIMELINETICKET_VERSION) { $mess = "No migration needed."; } else { $mess = "installation done."; } } $plugin->getFromDBbyDir("timelineticket"); $plugin->install($plugin->fields['id']); plugin_timelineticket_install(); $migration->displayWarning($mess); $plugin->load("timelineticket"); $plugin->activate($plugin->fields['id']); $plugin->load("timelineticket"); if (in_array('--optimize', $_SERVER['argv'])) { $migration->displayTitle("Optimizing tables"); DBmysql::optimize_tables($migration); $migration->displayWarning("Optimize done."); }
$response['error'] = 1; $response['message'] = _t('관리자만이 이 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } else { $response['error'] = 1; $pluginName = $_POST['plugin']; $ting = (isset($_POST['ting']) && !empty($_POST['ting'])) ? Validator::getBool($_POST['ting']) : null; if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9 _-]+$/', $pluginName)) { $response['message'] = _t('잘못된 플러그인 이름입니다'); func::printRespond($response); } if (!is_dir(ROOT . '/plugins/'.$pluginName)) { $response['message'] = _t('플러그인이 존재하지 않습니다'); func::printRespond($response); } if (!file_exists(ROOT . '/plugins/'.$pluginName.'/index.xml')) { $response['message'] = _t('플러그인 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다'); func::printRespond($response); } if (Plugin::activate($pluginName, $ting)) $response['error'] = 0; } func::printRespond($response); ?>
/** * Can be used to activate a plugin. * * @param string $plugin The plugin id. */ public final function activate_plugin($plugin) { Plugin::activate($plugin); Observer::notify('plugin_after_enable', $plugin); }
protected function setUp() { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $DB = new DB(); // Force profile in session to SuperAdmin $_SESSION['glpiprofiles'] = array('4' => array('entities' => 0)); $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_profile']['unmanaged'] = 'w'; $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'] = array(0, 1); $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] = Session::NORMAL_MODE; require GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/includes.php"; $plugin = new Plugin(); $DB->connect(); $plugin->getFromDBbyDir("fusioninventory"); $plugin->activate($plugin->fields['id']); file_put_contents(GLPI_ROOT . "/files/_log/sql-errors.log", ''); file_put_contents(GLPI_ROOT . "/files/_log/php-errors.log", ''); $dir = GLPI_ROOT . "/files/_files/_plugins/fusioninventory"; if (file_exists($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir . "/" . $object) == "dir") { } else { unlink($dir . "/" . $object); } } } } include_once GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/timer.class.php"; // Security of PHP_SELF $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = Html::cleanParametersURL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // function glpiautoload($classname) { // global $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD, $CFG_GLPI; // static $notfound = array(); // // // empty classname or non concerted plugin // if (empty($classname) || is_numeric($classname)) { // return FALSE; // } // // $dir=GLPI_ROOT . "/inc/"; // //$classname="PluginExampleProfile"; // if ($plug=isPluginItemType($classname)) { // $plugname=strtolower($plug['plugin']); // $dir=GLPI_ROOT . "/plugins/$plugname/inc/"; // $item=strtolower($plug['class']); // // Is the plugin activate ? // // Command line usage of GLPI : need to do a real check plugin activation // if (isCommandLine()) { // $plugin = new Plugin(); // if (count($plugin->find("directory='$plugname' AND state=".Plugin::ACTIVATED)) == 0) { // // Plugin does not exists or not activated // return FALSE; // } // } else { // // Standard use of GLPI // if (!in_array($plugname, $_SESSION['glpi_plugins'])) { // // Plugin not activated // return FALSE; // } // } // } else { // // Is ezComponent class ? // $matches = array(); // if (preg_match('/^ezc([A-Z][a-z]+)/', $classname, $matches)) { // include_once(GLPI_EZC_BASE); // ezcBase::autoload($classname); // return TRUE; // } else { // $item=strtolower($classname); // } // } // // // No errors for missing classes due to implementation // if (!isset($CFG_GLPI['missingclasses']) // OR !in_array($item, $CFG_GLPI['missingclasses'])){ // if (file_exists("$dir$item.class.php")) { // include_once ("$dir$item.class.php"); // if ($_SESSION['glpi_use_mode']==Session::DEBUG_MODE) { // $DEBUG_AUTOLOAD[]=$classname; // } // // } else if (!isset($notfound["$classname"])) { // // trigger an error to get a backtrace, but only once (use prefix 'x' to handle empty case) // //Toolbox::logInFile('debug', "file $dir$item.class.php not founded trying to load class $classname\n"); // trigger_error("GLPI autoload : file $dir$item.class.php not founded trying to load class '$classname'"); // $notfound["$classname"] = TRUE; // } // } // } // // spl_autoload_register('glpiautoload'); // restore_error_handler(); // error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); // ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); ini_set("memory_limit", "-1"); ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); }
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ namespace dwalkr\WPAdminUtility; /** * psr-4 autoloader * */ spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { $prefix = __NAMESPACE__; $base_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/src'; $len = strlen($prefix); if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) { return; } $relative_class = substr($class, $len); $file = $base_dir . str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_class) . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; } }); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, function () { Plugin::activate(); }); add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { Plugin::register(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__), plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)); });
private function manageTicket($closed = true) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $DB->connect(); $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = 0; $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] = ""; $plugin = new Plugin(); $plugin->getFromDBbyDir("timelineticket"); $plugin->activate($plugin->fields['id']); Plugin::load("timelineticket"); Session::loadLanguage("en_GB"); $ticket = new Ticket(); $group = new Group(); $group_ticket = new Group_Ticket(); $GLPIlog = new GLPIlogs(); $ticket_User = new Ticket_User(); $_SESSION['plugin_timelineticket_date'] = array(); $group->add(array('name' => 'grtech1')); $group->add(array('name' => 'grtech2')); // * 01/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate = array('1' => $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]); $input = array(); $input['name'] = 'Pb with the ticket'; $input['content'] = 'I have a problem with the ticket'; $tickets_id = $ticket->add($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('01/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('01/'); // * 02/ sleep(2); // * 03/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[3] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'group'; $input['_itil_assign']['groups_id'] = 1; $ticket->update($input); $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'user'; $input['_itil_assign']['users_id'] = 2; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('03/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('03/'); $a_db = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_groups_tickets'); $a_ref = array(); $a_ref[1] = array('id' => '1', 'tickets_id' => '1', 'groups_id' => '1', 'type' => '2'); $this->assertEquals($a_ref, $a_db, 'May have ticket assigned to group1'); $a_db = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_tickets_users'); $a_ref = array(); $a_ref[1] = array('id' => '1', 'tickets_id' => '1', 'users_id' => '2', 'type' => '1', 'use_notification' => '1', 'alternative_email' => ''); $a_ref[2] = array('id' => '2', 'tickets_id' => '1', 'users_id' => '2', 'type' => '2', 'use_notification' => '1', 'alternative_email' => ''); $this->assertEquals($a_ref, $a_db, 'May have ticket assigned to user 2 (glpi)'); // * 04/ sleep(2); // * 05/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[5] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['status'] = Ticket::WAITING; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('05/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('05/'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('waiting', $ticket->fields['status'], 'May have status waiting'); // * 06/ sleep(1); // * 07/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[7] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = 2; $input['itickets_id'] = $tickets_id; $ticket_User->check($input['id'], 'w'); $ticket_User->delete($input); $input = array(); $input['id'] = 1; $input['itickets_id'] = $tickets_id; $group_ticket->check($input['id'], 'w'); $group_ticket->delete($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('07/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('07/'); $a_db = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_groups_tickets'); $this->assertEquals(array(), $a_db, 'May have no group assigned'); // * 08/ sleep(1); // * 09/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[9] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'group'; $input['_itil_assign']['groups_id'] = 2; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('09/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('09/'); $a_db = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_groups_tickets'); $a_ref = array(); $a_ref[2] = array('id' => '2', 'tickets_id' => '1', 'groups_id' => '2', 'type' => '2'); $this->assertEquals($a_ref, $a_db, 'May have ticket assigned to group2'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('assign', $ticket->fields['status'], '(09/) Status is assign'); // * 10/ sleep(1); // * 11/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[11] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['status'] = Ticket::WAITING; $ticket->update($input); $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'user'; $input['_itil_assign']['users_id'] = 4; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('11/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('11/'); // * 12/ sleep(1); // * 13/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[13] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'group'; $input['_itil_assign']['groups_id'] = 1; $ticket->update($input); $input['_itil_assign']['_type'] = 'user'; $input['_itil_assign']['users_id'] = 2; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('13/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('13/'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('waiting', $ticket->fields['status'], '(13/)May have always status waiting'); // * 14/ $input = array(); $input['id'] = 2; $input['itickets_id'] = $tickets_id; $group_ticket->check($input['id'], 'w'); $group_ticket->delete($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('14/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('14/'); $a_db = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_groups_tickets'); $a_ref = array(); $a_ref[3] = array('id' => '3', 'tickets_id' => '1', 'groups_id' => '1', 'type' => '2'); $this->assertEquals($a_ref, $a_db, '(14/) May have ticket assigned to group1'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('waiting', $ticket->fields['status'], '(14/) Status is waiting'); // * 15/ sleep(2); // * 16/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[16] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['status'] = Ticket::ASSIGNED; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('16/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('16/'); // * 17/ sleep(1); // * 18/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[18] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $tickets_id; $input['solution'] = "solution"; $ticket->update($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('18/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('18/'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('solved', $ticket->fields['status'], '(18/) Status is solved'); if ($closed) { // * 19/ sleep(1); // * 20/ $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_storedate[20] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; $fup = new TicketFollowup(); $input = array(); $input['tickets_id'] = $tickets_id; $input['add_close'] = 'add_close'; $fup->add($input); $GLPIlog->testSQLlogs('20/'); $GLPIlog->testPHPlogs('20/'); $ticket->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('closed', $ticket->fields['status'], '(19/) Status is closed'); } self::$storedate = $a_storedate; }