public function add_control($id, $args) { if (null !== $this->_current_tab) { $args = array_merge($args, $this->_current_tab); } return Plugin::instance()->controls_manager->add_control_to_stack($this, $id, $args); }
public static function init() { // Hotfix for NextGEN Gallery plugin if (defined('NGG_PLUGIN_VERSION')) { add_filter('elementor/utils/get_edit_link', function ($edit_link) { return add_query_arg('display_gallery_iframe', '', $edit_link); }); } // Hack for Ninja Forms if (class_exists('\\Ninja_Forms')) { add_action('elementor/preview/enqueue_styles', function () { ob_start(); \NF_Display_Render::localize(0); ob_clean(); wp_add_inline_script('nf-front-end', 'var nfForms = nfForms || [];'); }); } // Exclude our Library from sitemap.xml in Yoast SEO plugin add_filter('wpseo_sitemaps_supported_post_types', function ($post_types) { unset($post_types[TemplateLibrary\Source_Local::CPT]); return $post_types; }); // Disable optimize files in Editor from Autoptimize plugin add_filter('autoptimize_filter_noptimize', function ($retval) { if (Plugin::instance()->editor->is_edit_mode()) { $retval = true; } return $retval; }); }
/** * Add language translations to update_plugins or update_themes transients. * * @param $transient * * @return mixed */ public function pre_set_site_transient($transient) { $locales = get_available_languages(); $locales = !empty($locales) ? $locales : array(get_locale()); $repos = array(); if (!isset($transient->translations)) { return $transient; } if ('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins' === current_filter()) { $repos = Plugin::instance()->get_plugin_configs(); $translations = wp_get_installed_translations('plugins'); } if ('pre_set_site_transient_update_themes' === current_filter()) { $repos = Theme::instance()->get_theme_configs(); $translations = wp_get_installed_translations('themes'); } $repos = array_filter($repos, function ($e) { return isset($e->language_packs); }); foreach ($repos as $repo) { foreach ($locales as $locale) { $lang_pack_mod = isset($repo->language_packs->{$locale}) ? strtotime($repo->language_packs->{$locale}->updated) : 0; $translation_mod = isset($translations[$repo->repo][$locale]) ? strtotime($translations[$repo->repo][$locale]['PO-Revision-Date']) : 0; if ($lang_pack_mod > $translation_mod) { $transient->translations[] = (array) $repo->language_packs->{$locale}; } } } $transient->translations = array_unique($transient->translations, SORT_REGULAR); return $transient; }
/** * Initializing plugins * * @return Plugin */ public static function init() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Plugin(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * CONSTRUCTOR - Initialize */ public function __construct($start = '') { // Managed directives ini_set('default_charset', $charset = 'UTF-8'); ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Abort on startup error // Intercept errors/exceptions; PHP5.3-compatible error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); } // define shorthand paths if (!defined('BASE')) { $base = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; define("BASE", $base); define("CACHE", $base . 'cache/'); define("ADMIN", $base . 'admin/'); define("INSTALL", $base . 'install/'); define("LIBS", $base . 'libs/'); define("EXTENSIONS", $base . 'libs/extensions/'); define("FRAMEWORKS", $base . 'libs/frameworks/'); define("FUNCTIONS", $base . 'functions/'); define("CONTENT", $base . 'content/'); define("THEMES", $base . 'content/themes/'); define("PLUGINS", $base . 'content/plugins/'); define("ADMIN_THEMES", $base . 'content/admin_themes/'); define("SITEURL", BASEURL); } if (!$start) { // initialize parent::__construct(); $this->currentUser = UserBase::instance(); // the current user $this->displayUser = DisplayUser::instance(); $this->plugin = Plugin::instance(); // instantiate Plugin object $this->post = Post::instance(); // instantiate Post object $this->comment = Comment::instance(); $this->includes = IncludeCssJs::instance(); // instantiate Includes object $this->pageHandling = PageHandling::instance(); // instantiate PageHandling object $this->debug = Debug::instance(); // instantiate Debug object $this->csrf('set'); // set a csrfToken $this->db->setHotaru($this); // pass $h object to EzSQL for error reporting //$this->mdb->setHotaru($this); // pass $h object to meekroDb for error reporting //print 'time: ' . timer_stop(4,'hotaru'); //roughly here at 0.0040 Nov 2, 2014 tests // time: 0.0047 Nov11, 2014 after moving a few more functions to init } }
/** * Fetch images and replace to new * * @param $settings * * @return array|bool */ public function on_import($settings) { if (empty($settings['url'])) { return $settings; } $settings = Plugin::instance()->templates_manager->get_import_images_instance()->import($settings); if (!$settings) { $settings = ['id' => '', 'url' => Utils::get_placeholder_image_src()]; } return $settings; }
public function on_import($settings) { foreach ($settings as &$attachment) { if (empty($attachment['url'])) { continue; } $attachment = Plugin::instance()->templates_manager->get_import_images_instance()->import($attachment); } // Filter out attachments that doesn't exist $settings = array_filter($settings); return $settings; }
/** * Handle the post lock in the editor. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $response * @param array $data * * @return array */ public function heartbeat_received($response, $data) { if (isset($data['elementor_post_lock']['post_ID'])) { $post_id = $data['elementor_post_lock']['post_ID']; $locked_user = Plugin::instance()->editor->get_locked_user($post_id); if (!$locked_user || !empty($data['elementor_force_post_lock'])) { Plugin::instance()->editor->lock_post($post_id); } else { $response['locked_user'] = $locked_user->display_name; } $response['elementor_nonce'] = wp_create_nonce('elementor-editing'); } return $response; }
public function get_value($control, $instance) { $value = parent::get_value($control, $instance); if (!empty($value)) { foreach ($value as &$item) { foreach ($control['fields'] as $field) { $control_obj = Plugin::instance()->controls_manager->get_control($field['type']); if (!$control_obj) { continue; } $item[$field['name']] = $control_obj->get_value($field, $item); } } } return $value; }
/** * Shiny updates results in the update transient being reset with only the data. * This catches the response and reloads the transients. * * @param mixed $response HTTP server response. * @param array $args HTTP response arguments. * @param string $url URL of HTTP response. * * @return mixed $response Just a pass through, no manipulation. */ public static function wp_update_response($response, $args, $url) { $parsed_url = parse_url($url); if ('' === $parsed_url['host']) { if (current_user_can('update_plugins') && isset($args['body']['plugins'])) { $current = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); Plugin::instance()->forced_meta_update_plugins(true); $current = Plugin::instance()->pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins($current); set_site_transient('update_plugins', $current); } if (current_user_can('update_themes') && isset($args['body']['themes'])) { $current = get_site_transient('update_themes'); Theme::instance()->forced_meta_update_themes(true); $current = Theme::instance()->pre_set_site_transient_update_themes($current); set_site_transient('update_themes', $current); } } return $response; }
/** * This function notifies the user of upgrade notices, new templates and contributors * * @param bool $force * * @return array|bool */ private static function _get_info_data($force = false) { $cache_key = 'elementor_remote_info_api_data_' . Plugin::instance()->get_version(); $info_data = get_transient($cache_key); if ($force || false === $info_data) { $response = wp_remote_post(self::$api_info_url, ['timeout' => 25, 'body' => ['api_version' => ELEMENTOR_VERSION, 'site_lang' => get_bloginfo('language')]]); if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 !== (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { set_transient($cache_key, [], 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); return false; } $info_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true); if (empty($info_data) || !is_array($info_data)) { set_transient($cache_key, [], 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); return false; } if (isset($info_data['templates'])) { update_option('elementor_remote_info_templates_data', $info_data['templates'], 'no'); unset($info_data['templates']); } set_transient($cache_key, $info_data, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } return $info_data; }
public function get_element_stack(Element_Base $element) { $stack_id = $element->get_name(); if (!isset($this->_controls_stack[$stack_id])) { return null; } $stack = $this->_controls_stack[$stack_id]; if ('widget' === $element->get_type() && 'common' !== $element->get_name()) { $common_widget = Plugin::instance()->widgets_manager->get_widget_types('common'); $stack['controls'] = array_merge($stack['controls'], $common_widget->get_controls()); $stack['tabs'] = array_merge($stack['tabs'], $common_widget->get_tabs_controls()); } return $stack; }
/** * Create and return settings fields for private repositories. * * @return void */ public function ghu_tokens() { $ghu_options_keys = array(); $ghu_plugins = Plugin::instance()->get_plugin_configs(); $ghu_themes = Theme::instance()->get_theme_configs(); $ghu_tokens = array_merge($ghu_plugins, $ghu_themes); foreach ($ghu_tokens as $token) { $type = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-plugins"></span> '; $setting_field = array(); $ghu_options_keys[$token->repo] = null; $token->private = isset($token->private) ? $token->private : true; /* * Set boolean for Enterprise headers. */ if ($token->enterprise) { /* * Set boolean if GitHub Enterprise header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'github') && !parent::$auth_required['github_enterprise']) { parent::$auth_required['github_enterprise'] = true; } /* * Set boolean if GitLab CE/Enterprise header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'gitlab') && !empty($token->enterprise) && !parent::$auth_required['gitlab_enterprise']) { parent::$auth_required['gitlab_enterprise'] = true; } } /* * Check to see if it's a private repo and set variables. */ if ($token->private) { if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'github') && !parent::$auth_required['github_private']) { parent::$auth_required['github_private'] = true; } if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'bitbucket') && !parent::$auth_required['bitbucket_private']) { parent::$auth_required['bitbucket_private'] = true; } } /* * Set boolean if GitLab header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'gitlab') && empty($token->enterprise) && !parent::$auth_required['gitlab']) { parent::$auth_required['gitlab'] = true; } /* * Next if not a private repo or token field not empty. */ if (!$token->private && empty(parent::$options[$token->repo])) { continue; } if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'theme')) { $type = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-appearance"></span> '; } $setting_field['id'] = $token->repo; $setting_field['title'] = $type . $token->name; $setting_field['page'] = 'github_updater_install_settings'; switch ($token->type) { case strpos($token->type, 'github'): $setting_field['section'] = 'github_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_text'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; case strpos($token->type, 'bitbucket'): $setting_field['section'] = 'bitbucket_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_checkbox'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; case strpos($token->type, 'gitlab'): $setting_field['section'] = 'gitlab_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_checkbox'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; } add_settings_field($setting_field['id'], $setting_field['title'], $setting_field['callback_method'], $setting_field['page'], $setting_field['section'], array('id' => $setting_field['callback'])); } /* * Unset options that are no longer present and update options. */ $ghu_unset_keys = array_diff_key(parent::$options, $ghu_options_keys); unset($ghu_unset_keys['github_access_token']); if (parent::$auth_required['github_enterprise']) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['github_enterprise_token']); } unset($ghu_unset_keys['branch_switch']); unset($ghu_unset_keys['bitbucket_username']); unset($ghu_unset_keys['bitbucket_password']); if (parent::$auth_required['gitlab']) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['gitlab_private_token']); } if (parent::$auth_required['gitlab_enterprise']) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['gitlab_enterprise_token']); } if (!empty($ghu_unset_keys)) { foreach ($ghu_unset_keys as $key => $value) { unset(parent::$options[$key]); } update_site_option('github_updater', parent::$options); } }
protected function _get_child_type(array $element_data) { if ('section' === $element_data['elType']) { return Plugin::instance()->elements_manager->get_element_types('section'); } return Plugin::instance()->widgets_manager->get_widget_types($element_data['widgetType']); }
/** * Return listing of available updates. * * @param $response * * @return mixed */ public function show_updates($response) { $themes = get_site_transient('update_themes'); $plugins = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); $show_plugins = null; $show_themes = null; /* * Ensure update data is up to date. */ $this->forced_meta_update_remote_management(); $themes = Theme::instance()->pre_set_site_transient_update_themes($themes); $plugins = Plugin::instance()->pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins($plugins); foreach ($plugins->response as $plugin) { $plugin->plugin = $plugin->slug; unset($plugin->slug); unset($plugin->url); unset($plugin->package); if (isset($plugin->id, $plugin->tested, $plugin->compatibility)) { unset($plugin->id); unset($plugin->tested); unset($plugin->compatibility); } $show_plugins[] = $plugin; } foreach ($themes->response as $theme) { unset($theme['url']); unset($theme['package']); $show_themes[] = $theme; } $response['messages'] = esc_html__('Available Updates', 'github-updater'); $response['plugins'] = $show_plugins; $response['themes'] = $show_themes; return $response; }
/** * Create and return settings fields for private repositories. * * @return void */ public function ghu_tokens() { $ghu_options_keys = array(); $plugin = get_site_transient('ghu_plugin'); $theme = get_site_transient('ghu_theme'); if (!$plugin) { $plugin = Plugin::instance(); $plugin->get_remote_plugin_meta(); } if (!$theme) { $theme = Theme::instance(); $theme->get_remote_theme_meta(); } $ghu_plugins = $plugin->config; $ghu_themes = $theme->config; $ghu_tokens = array_merge($ghu_plugins, $ghu_themes); foreach ($ghu_tokens as $token) { $type = ''; $setting_field = array(); $ghu_options_keys[$token->repo] = null; /* * Set boolean for Enterprise headers. */ if ($token->enterprise) { /* * Set boolean if GitHub Enterprise header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'github') && !self::$github_enterprise) { self::$github_enterprise = true; } /* * Set boolean if GitLab CE/Enterprise header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'gitlab') && !self::$gitlab_enterprise) { self::$gitlab_enterprise = true; } } /* * Check to see if it's a private repo and set variables. */ if ($token->private) { if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'github') && !self::$github_private) { self::$github_private = true; } if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'bitbucket') && !self::$bitbucket_private) { self::$bitbucket_private = true; } } /* * Set boolean if GitLab header found. */ if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'gitlab') && !self::$gitlab) { self::$gitlab = true; } /* * Next if not a private repo or token field not empty. */ if (!$token->private && empty(parent::$options[$token->repo])) { continue; } if (false !== strpos($token->type, 'theme')) { $type = esc_html__('Theme:', 'github-updater') . ' '; } $setting_field['id'] = $token->repo; $setting_field['title'] = $type . $token->name; $setting_field['page'] = 'github_updater_install_settings'; switch ($token->type) { case strpos($token->type, 'github'): $setting_field['section'] = 'github_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_text'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; case strpos($token->type, 'bitbucket'): $setting_field['section'] = 'bitbucket_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_checkbox'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; case strpos($token->type, 'gitlab'): $setting_field['section'] = 'gitlab_id'; $setting_field['callback_method'] = array(&$this, 'token_callback_checkbox'); $setting_field['callback'] = $token->repo; break; } add_settings_field($setting_field['id'], $setting_field['title'], $setting_field['callback_method'], $setting_field['page'], $setting_field['section'], array('id' => $setting_field['callback'])); } /* * Unset options that are no longer present and update options. */ $ghu_unset_keys = array_diff_key(parent::$options, $ghu_options_keys); unset($ghu_unset_keys['github_access_token']); if (self::$github_enterprise) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['github_enterprise_token']); } unset($ghu_unset_keys['branch_switch']); unset($ghu_unset_keys['bitbucket_username']); unset($ghu_unset_keys['bitbucket_password']); if (self::$gitlab) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['gitlab_private_token']); } if (self::$gitlab_enterprise) { unset($ghu_unset_keys['gitlab_enterprise_token']); } if (!empty($ghu_unset_keys)) { foreach ($ghu_unset_keys as $key => $value) { unset(parent::$options[$key]); } update_site_option('github_updater', parent::$options); } }
/** * Write out listing of installed plugins and themes using GitHub Updater. * Places a lock dashicon before the repo name if it's a private repo. * * @param $type */ private function display_ghu_repos($type) { $plugins = Plugin::instance()->get_plugin_configs(); $themes = Theme::instance()->get_theme_configs(); $repos = array_merge($plugins, $themes); $type_repos = array_filter($repos, function ($e) use($type) { return false !== stristr($e->type, $type); }); $display_data = array_map(function ($e) { return $e = array('type' => $e->type, 'repo' => $e->repo, 'name' => $e->name, 'private' => isset($e->is_private) ? $e->is_private : false); }, $type_repos); $lock = ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-lock"></span>'; printf('<h2>' . esc_html__('Installed Plugins and Themes', 'github-updater') . '</h2>'); foreach ($display_data as $data) { $dashicon = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-plugins"></span> '; $is_private = $data['private'] ? $lock : null; if (false !== strpos($data['type'], 'theme')) { $dashicon = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-appearance"></span> '; } printf('<p>' . $dashicon . $data['name'] . $is_private . '</p>'); } }
public static function installPlugin($FILES) { require_once Plugin::$root_index . '/etc/pclzip.lib.php'; $path = Plugin::$root_index . '/plugin/plugins/'; if (empty($FILES) || !is_array($FILES)) { return false; } do { /* Upload */ if ($_FILES['plugin']['error'] == 0) { if ($_FILES['plugin']['type'] !== 'application/zip' || $_FILES['plugin']['type'] !== 'application/x-zip-compressed') { return false; } if (!copy($_FILES['plugin']['tmp_name'], $path . $_FILES['plugin']['name'])) { return false; } } /* Unzip */ $unzip = new PclZip($path . $_FILES['plugin']['name']); if ($unzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $path) == 0) { return false; } /* Elimino l'archivio */ if (file_exists($path . $_FILES['plugin']['name'])) { unlink($path . $_FILES['plugin']['name']); } } while (false); $config = ''; self::$instance = new Plugin(); // Nuova istanza $plugin = Plugin::loadPlugin(substr($_FILES['plugin']['name'], 0, -4), true); if (Plugin::pluginExists(substr($_FILES['plugin']['name'], 0, -4))) { $config = $plugin->install(); } return $config; }
private function _init_controls() { Plugin::instance()->controls_manager->open_stack($this); $this->_register_controls(); }
public function get_builder_content_for_display($post_id) { if (!get_post($post_id)) { return ''; } // Avoid recursion if (get_the_ID() === (int) $post_id) { $content = ''; if (Plugin::instance()->editor->is_edit_mode()) { $content = '<div class="elementor-alert elementor-alert-danger">' . __('Invalid Data: The Template ID cannot be the same as the currently edited template. Please choose a different one.', 'elementor') . '</div>'; } return $content; } // Set edit mode as false, so don't render settings and etc. use the $is_edit_mode to indicate if we need the css inline $is_edit_mode = Plugin::instance()->editor->is_edit_mode(); Plugin::instance()->editor->set_edit_mode(false); // Change the global post to current library post, so widgets can use `get_the_ID` and other post data if (isset($GLOBALS['post'])) { $global_post = $GLOBALS['post']; } $GLOBALS['post'] = get_post($post_id); $content = $this->get_builder_content($post_id, $is_edit_mode); // Restore global post if (isset($global_post)) { $GLOBALS['post'] = $global_post; } else { unset($GLOBALS['post']); } // Restore edit mode state Plugin::instance()->editor->set_edit_mode($is_edit_mode); return $content; }
/** * Used for renaming of sources to ensure correct directory name. * * @since WordPress 4.4.0 The $hook_extra parameter became available. * * @param $source * @param $remote_source * @param $upgrader * @param $hook_extra * * @return string */ public function upgrader_source_selection($source, $remote_source, $upgrader, $hook_extra = null) { global $wp_filesystem, $plugins, $themes; $slug = null; $repo = null; $new_source = null; $upgrader_object = null; /* * Rename plugins. */ if ($upgrader instanceof \Plugin_Upgrader) { $upgrader_object = Plugin::instance(); if (isset($hook_extra['plugin'])) { $slug = dirname($hook_extra['plugin']); $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; } /* * Pre-WordPress 4.4 */ if ($plugins && empty($hook_extra)) { foreach (array_reverse($plugins) as $plugin) { $slug = dirname($plugin); if (false !== stristr(basename($source), dirname($plugin))) { $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . dirname($plugin); break; } } } if (!$plugins && empty($hook_extra)) { if (isset($upgrader->skin->plugin)) { $slug = dirname($upgrader->skin->plugin); } if (empty($slug) && isset($_POST['slug'])) { $slug = sanitize_text_field($_POST['slug']); } $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; } } /* * Rename themes. */ if ($upgrader instanceof \Theme_Upgrader) { $upgrader_object = Theme::instance(); if (isset($hook_extra['theme'])) { $slug = $hook_extra['theme']; $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; } /* * Pre-WordPress 4.4 */ if ($themes && empty($hook_extra)) { foreach ($themes as $theme) { $slug = $theme; if (false !== stristr(basename($source), $theme)) { $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $theme; break; } } } if (!$themes && empty($hook_extra)) { if (isset($upgrader->skin->theme)) { $slug = $upgrader->skin->theme; } $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; } } $repo = $this->get_repo_slugs($slug, $upgrader_object); /* * Not GitHub Updater plugin/theme. */ if (!isset($_POST['github_updater_repo']) && empty($repo)) { return $source; } /* * Remote install source. */ if (isset(self::$options['github_updater_install_repo'])) { $repo['repo'] = $repo['extended_repo'] = self::$options['github_updater_install_repo']; $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . self::$options['github_updater_install_repo']; } /* * Directory is misnamed to start. * May cause deactivation. */ if (!array_key_exists($slug, (array) $upgrader_object->config) && !isset(self::$options['github_updater_install_repo'])) { if ($upgrader instanceof \Plugin_Upgrader) { foreach ($upgrader_object->config as $plugin) { if ($slug === dirname($plugin->slug)) { $slug = $plugin->repo; $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; break; } } } if ($upgrader instanceof \Theme_Upgrader) { foreach ($upgrader_object->config as $theme) { if ($slug === $theme->repo) { $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $slug; break; } } } } /* * Revert extended naming if previously present. */ if ($upgrader_object instanceof Plugin && (!defined('GITHUB_UPDATER_EXTENDED_NAMING') || !GITHUB_UPDATER_EXTENDED_NAMING) && $slug !== $repo['repo']) { $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $repo['repo']; } /* * Extended naming. * Only for plugins and not for 'master' === branch && .org hosted. */ if ($upgrader_object instanceof Plugin && (defined('GITHUB_UPDATER_EXTENDED_NAMING') && GITHUB_UPDATER_EXTENDED_NAMING) && (isset($upgrader_object->config[$repo['repo']]) && !$upgrader_object->config[$repo['repo']]->dot_org || $upgrader_object->tag && 'master' !== $upgrader_object->tag || isset(self::$options['github_updater_install_repo']))) { $new_source = trailingslashit($remote_source) . $repo['extended_repo']; printf(esc_html__('Rename successful using extended name to %1$s', 'github-updater') . '…<br>', '<strong>' . $repo['extended_repo'] . '</strong>'); } $wp_filesystem->move($source, $new_source); return trailingslashit($new_source); }
/** * Performs actual plugin metadata fetching. */ public function forced_meta_update_plugins() { Plugin::$object = Plugin::instance(); Plugin::$object->get_remote_plugin_meta(); }
{ return plugin_dir_url(__FILE__); } public static function get_css_url() { return self::get_plugin_url() . 'css/'; } public static function get_js_url() { return self::get_plugin_url() . 'js/'; } public static function get_vendor_dir() { return self::get_plugin_dir() . 'vendor/'; } private function setup_autoload() { $autoloader = self::get_vendor_dir() . 'autoload.php'; if (file_exists($autoloader)) { require_once $autoloader; } } private function setup_actions() { } private function setup_filters() { } } Plugin::instance();
function instance() { return Plugin::instance(); }
public function ajax_elementor_clear_cache() { check_ajax_referer('elementor_clear_cache', '_nonce'); Plugin::instance()->posts_css_manager->clear_cache(); wp_send_json_success(); }
public function enqueue_feedback_dialog_scripts() { $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; wp_register_script('elementor-dialog', ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'lib/dialog/dialog' . $suffix . '.js', ['jquery-ui-position'], '3.0.0', true); wp_register_script('elementor-admin-feedback', ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'js/admin-feedback' . $suffix . '.js', ['underscore', 'elementor-dialog'], Plugin::instance()->get_version(), true); wp_enqueue_script('elementor-admin-feedback'); wp_localize_script('elementor-admin-feedback', 'ElementorAdminFeedbackArgs', ['is_tracker_opted_in' => Tracker::is_allow_track(), 'i18n' => ['submit_n_deactivate' => __('Submit & Deactivate', 'elementor'), 'skip_n_deactivate' => __('Skip & Deactivate', 'elementor')]]); }
private static function _upgrade_v0110() { global $wpdb; // Fix Button widget to new sizes options $post_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare('SELECT `post_id` FROM %1$s WHERE `meta_key` = \'_elementor_version\' AND `meta_value` = \'%2$s\';', $wpdb->postmeta, '0.3')); if (empty($post_ids)) { return; } foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $data = Plugin::instance()->db->get_plain_editor($post_id); $data = Plugin::instance()->db->iterate_data($data, function ($element) { if (empty($element['widgetType'])) { return $element; } if ('button' === $element['widgetType']) { $size_to_replace = ['small' => 'xs', 'medium' => 'sm', 'large' => 'md', 'xl' => 'lg', 'xxl' => 'xl']; if (!empty($element['settings']['size'])) { $old_size = $element['settings']['size']; if (isset($size_to_replace[$old_size])) { $element['settings']['size'] = $size_to_replace[$old_size]; } } } return $element; }); Plugin::instance()->db->save_editor($post_id, $data); } }
public function manager() { global $_REAL_POST; if ($_REAL_POST['purge']) { $ip = array_keys($_REAL_POST['purge']); $purge = $this->purge($ip[0]); \debug($purge); } if ($_REAL_POST['view']) { $host = array_keys($_REAL_POST['view']); $view = new \stdClass(); $view->server = $host[0]; $view->data = $this->get_data(500, $host[0]); } $servers = array(); foreach ($this->memcached_servers as $memcached_server) { $server = new \stdClass(); $server->host = $memcached_server; $server->port = '11211'; $server->status = $this->check_status($server->host, $server->port) ? "Online" : "Offline"; if ($server->status == "Online") { $mem = new \Memcache(); $mem->addServer($memcached_server, '11211'); $stats = $mem->getStats(); } else { $stats = NULL; } //the overview stats we are interested in $hit_rate = @((double) $stats["get_hits"] / (double) $stats["cmd_get"] * 100); $hit_rate = number_format(round($hit_rate, 3)); $miss_rate = number_format(100 - $hit_rate); $server->hits = $stats['get_hits']; $server->hitrate = $hit_rate; $server->missrate = $miss_rate; $server->misses = $stats['get_misses']; $server->connections = $stats['total_connections']; $server->objects = $stats['total_items']; $uptime = (int) $stats['uptime']; $server->uptime = number_format($uptime / 3600, 2) . ' hours'; $server->size = (double) $stats["limit_maxbytes"] / (1024 * 1024) . " MB"; $server->gets = $stats['cmd_get']; $server->sets = $stats['cmd_set']; $server->evictions = $stats['evictions']; $servers[] = $server; } //include html needed to show the page include Plugin::instance()->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/cache-manager.php'; }
/** * Sanitize posted data. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $data * * @param bool $with_html_content * * @return array */ private function _get_editor_data($data, $with_html_content = false) { if (isset($data['elType'])) { if ('widget' === $data['elType']) { $element_type = Plugin::instance()->widgets_manager->get_widget_types($data['widgetType']); } else { $element_type = Plugin::instance()->elements_manager->get_element_types($data['elType']); } $element_class = $element_type->get_class_name(); /** @var Element_Base $element */ $element = new $element_class($data); return $element->get_raw_data($with_html_content); } $editor_data = []; foreach ($data as $element_data) { $editor_data[] = $this->_get_editor_data($element_data, $with_html_content); } // End Section return $editor_data; }
protected function _get_child_type(array $element_data) { return Plugin::instance()->elements_manager->get_element_types('column'); }