  * Update an existing handler
  * @param int $id the handler ID
  * @param string $email the email address
  * @param string $handler the handler for messages to the email address
 function update_handler($id, $email, $handler, $active)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $email = $this->db->db_addslashes($email);
     $handler = $this->db->db_addslashes($handler);
     $active = (int) $active;
     $lastmod = time();
     $sql = 'UPDATE phpgw_mail_handler' . " SET target_email = '{$email}', handler = '{$handler}', is_active = {$active}, lastmod = {$lastmod}, lastmod_user = {$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']}" . " WHERE handler_id = {$id}";
     $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
  * Find locations within an application
  * @param bool   $grant          Used for finding locations where users can grant rights to others
  * @param string $appname        Name of application in question
  * @param bool   $allow_c_attrib Used for finding locations where custom attributes can be applied
  * @param bool   $have_categories for finding locations which have categories
  * @return array Array locations
 public function get_locations($grant = false, $appname = '', $allow_c_attrib = false, $c_function = false, $have_categories = false)
     if (!$appname) {
         $appname = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
     $appname = $this->_db->db_addslashes($appname);
     $filter = " WHERE app_name='{$appname}' AND phpgw_locations.name != 'run'";
     $join_categories = '';
     if ($have_categories) {
         $join_categories = "{$this->_join} phpgw_categories ON phpgw_locations.location_id = phpgw_categories.location_id";
     if ($allow_c_attrib) {
         $filter .= ' AND allow_c_attrib = 1';
     if ($grant) {
         $filter .= ' AND allow_grant = 1';
     if ($c_function) {
         $filter .= ' AND allow_c_function = 1';
     $sql = "SELECT phpgw_locations.location_id, phpgw_locations.name, phpgw_locations.descr FROM phpgw_locations" . " {$this->_join} phpgw_applications ON phpgw_locations.app_id = phpgw_applications.app_id" . " {$join_categories}" . " {$filter} ORDER BY phpgw_locations.name";
     $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $locations = array();
     while ($this->_db->next_record()) {
         $locations[$this->_db->f('name')] = $this->_db->f('descr', true);
     return $locations;
  * Get standard valueset for atttibutes and location
  * @param array $data the data to organize
  * @return array $value_set to either insert or edit
 protected function _get_value_set($data)
     $value_set = array();
     if (isset($data['location']) && is_array($data['location'])) {
         foreach ($data['location'] as $input_name => $value) {
             if (isset($value) && $value) {
                 $value_set[$input_name] = $value;
         $value_set['location_code'] = implode('-', $data['location']);
     if (isset($data['extra']) && is_array($data['extra'])) {
         foreach ($data['extra'] as $input_name => $value) {
             if (isset($value) && $value) {
                 $value_set[$input_name] = $value;
         if ($data['extra']['p_num'] && $data['extra']['p_entity_id'] && $data['extra']['p_cat_id']) {
             $entity = CreateObject('property.soadmin_entity');
             $entity_category = $entity->read_single_category($data['extra']['p_entity_id'], $data['extra']['p_cat_id']);
     if (isset($data['attributes']) && is_array($data['attributes'])) {
         $data_attribute = $this->custom->prepare_for_db($table, $data['attributes']);
         if (isset($data_attribute['value_set'])) {
             foreach ($data_attribute['value_set'] as $input_name => $value) {
                 if (isset($value) && $value) {
                     $value_set[$input_name] = $value;
     $_address = array();
     if (isset($data['street_name']) && $data['street_name']) {
         $_address[] = "{$data['street_name']} {$data['street_number']}";
     if (isset($data['location_name']) && $data['location_name']) {
         $_address[] = ucfirst(strtolower($data['location_name']));
     if (isset($data['additional_info']) && $data['additional_info']) {
         foreach ($data['additional_info'] as $key => $value) {
             if ($value) {
                 $_address[] = "{$key}|{$value}";
     if (isset($entity_category) && $entity_category) {
         $_address[] = "{$entity_category['name']}::{$data['extra']['p_num']}";
     $address = $this->_db->db_addslashes(implode('::', $_address));
     $value_set['address'] = $address;
     return $value_set;
  * Fetch a single custom function record from the database
  * @param string  $appname  the module the function belongs to
  * @param string  $location the location the function is used
  * @param integer $id       the ID for the function
  * @return array the function values - null if not found
 public function get($appname, $location, $id)
     $appname = $this->_db->db_addslashes($appname);
     $location = $this->_db->db_addslashes($location);
     $id = (int) $id;
     $sql = 'SELECT phpgw_cust_function.* FROM phpgw_cust_function ' . " {$this->_join} phpgw_locations ON phpgw_cust_function.location_id = phpgw_locations.location_id" . " {$this->_join} phpgw_applications ON phpgw_applications.app_id = phpgw_locations.app_id" . " WHERE phpgw_applications.app_name = '{$appname}'" . " AND phpgw_locations.name = '{$location}'" . " AND phpgw_cust_function.id = {$id}";
     $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if (!$this->_db->next_record()) {
         return null;
     return array('id' => (int) $this->_db->f('id'), 'descr' => $this->_db->f('descr', true), 'custom_function_file' => $this->_db->f('file_name'), 'active' => !!$this->_db->f('active'), 'pre_commit' => !!$this->_db->f('pre_commit'), 'client_side' => !!$this->_db->f('client_side'));
예제 #5
  * Store the current configuration
 public function save_repository()
     $config_data = $this->config_data;
     if (is_array($config_data) && count($config_data)) {
         foreach ($config_data as $name => $value) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $value = serialize($value);
             $name = $this->db->db_addslashes($name);
             $value = $this->db->db_addslashes($value);
             $query = "INSERT INTO phpgw_config (config_app,config_name,config_value) " . "VALUES ('{$this->module}', '{$name}', '{$value}')";
             $this->db->query($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
예제 #6
  * Protect against brute force attacks, block login if too many unsuccessful login attmepts
  * @param string $login account_lid (evtl. with domain)
  * @param string $ip    the ip that made the request
  * @return boolean login blocked?
 protected function _login_blocked($login, $ip)
     $blocked = false;
     $block_time = time() - $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['block_time'] * 60;
     $ip = $this->_db->db_addslashes($ip);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_checkip']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_checkip']) {
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM phpgw_access_log' . " WHERE account_id = 0 AND ip = '{$ip}' AND li > {$block_time}";
         $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         $false_ip = $this->_db->f('cnt');
         if ($false_ip > $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_ip']) {
             $blocked = true;
     $login = $this->_db->db_addslashes($login);
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM phpgw_access_log' . " WHERE account_id = 0 AND (loginid='{$login}' OR loginid LIKE '{$login}#%')" . " AND li > {$block_time}";
     $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     $false_id = $this->_db->f('cnt');
     if ($false_id > $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id']) {
         $blocked = true;
     if ($blocked && isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['admin_mails']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['admin_mails'] && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['login_blocked_mail_time'] < (time() - 5) * 60) {
         // notify admin(s) via email
         $from = 'phpGroupWare@' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_suffix'];
         $subject = lang("phpGroupWare: login blocked for user '%1', IP: %2", $login, $ip);
         $body = lang('Too many unsuccessful attempts to login: '******'%2', %3 for the IP %4", $false_id, $login, $false_ip, $ip);
         if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->send)) {
             $GLOBALS['phpgw']->send = createObject('phpgwapi.send');
         $subject = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->send->encode_subject($subject);
         $admin_mails = explode(',', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['admin_mails']);
         foreach ($admin_mails as $to) {
             $GLOBALS['phpgw']->send->msg('email', $to, $subject, $body, '', '', '', $from, $from);
         // save time of mail, to not send to many mails
         $config = createObject('phpgwapi.config', 'phpgwapi');
         $config->value('login_blocked_mail_time', time());
     return $blocked;
  * List available links
  * @param string $app the module to link to
  * @param string $loc the location to link to
  * @param int $id the id to link to
  * @return array list of links in the following format - ['link_id'] = array('app' => 'string', 'summary' => 'string', 'account_id' => int, 'view' => 'string', 'edit' => 'string')
 public function list_links($app, $loc, $id)
     $app = $this->db->db_addslashes($app);
     $loc = (int) $loc;
     $id = (int) $id;
     $owner = (int) $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
     $sql = 'SELECT interlink_id, app1_name, app1_loc, app1_id, app2_name, app2_loc, app2_id, is_private, account_id' . ' FROM phpgw_interlink' . " WHERE (app1_name = '{$app}' AND app1_loc = '{$loc}' AND app1_id = '{$id}')" . " OR (app2_name = '{$app}' AND app2_loc = '{$loc}' AND app2_id = '{$id}')" . " AND ( is_private = 0 OR (is_private = 1 AND account_id = {$owner}) )" . ' AND is_active = 1 AND active_from >= ' . time();
     $recs = array();
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         if ($this->db->f('app1_name') == $app) {
             $recs[] = array('interlink_id' => $this->db->f('interlink_id'), 'app2_name' => $this->db->f('app2_name'), 'app2_loc' => $this->db->f('app2_loc'), 'app2_id' => $this->db->f('app2_id'), 'is_private' => !!$this->db->f('is_private'), 'account_id' => $this->db->f('account_id'));
         } else {
             $recs[] = array('interlink_id' => $this->db->f('interlink_id'), 'app1_name' => $this->db->f('app1_name'), 'app1_loc' => $this->db->f('app1_loc'), 'app1_id' => $this->db->f('app1_id'), 'is_private' => !!$this->db->f('is_private'), 'account_id' => $this->db->f('account_id'));
     foreach ($recs as &$rec) {
         $rec['summary'] = $this->get_summary($rec);
         $rec['owner'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($rec['account_id']);
     return $recs;
  * Finds the next ID for a record at a table
  * @param string $table tablename in question
  * @param array  $key   conditions for finding the next id
  * @return int the next id
 protected function _next_id($table = null, $key = null)
     if (!$table) {
         return 0;
     $next_id = 0;
     $where = '';
     if (is_array($key)) {
         foreach ($key as $col => $val) {
             if ($val) {
                 $val = $this->_db->db_addslashes($val);
                 $condition[] = "{$col} = '{$val}";
         $where = 'WHERE ' . implode("' AND ", $condition) . "'";
     $sql = "SELECT max(id) as maximum FROM {$table} {$where}";
     $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if ($this->_db->next_record()) {
         $next_id = $this->_db->f('maximum');
     return $next_id;
예제 #9
  * Reads ACL accounts from database and return array with accounts that have certain rights for a given location
  * @param integer $required  Required access rights in bitmap form
  * @param string  $location location within Application name
  * @param string  $appname  Application name
  *		if empty string the value of $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] is used
  * @return array Array with accounts
 public function get_user_list_right($required, $location, $appname = '')
     $myaccounts =& $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts;
     $active_accounts = array();
     $accounts = array();
     $users = array();
     if (!$appname) {
         $appname = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
     $appname = $this->_db->db_addslashes($appname);
     $location = $this->_db->db_addslashes($location);
     if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == 'ldap') {
         $account_objects = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_list('both', -1, 'ASC', 'account_lastname', $query = '', -1);
         // maybe $query could be used for filtering on active accounts?
         $active_accounts = array();
         foreach ($account_objects as $account_object) {
             $active_accounts[] = array('account_id' => $account_object->id, 'account_type' => $account_object->type);
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT account_id, account_type FROM phpgw_accounts" . " {$this->_join} phpgw_acl on phpgw_accounts.account_id = phpgw_acl.acl_account" . " {$this->_join} phpgw_locations on phpgw_acl.location_id = phpgw_locations.location_id" . " WHERE account_status = 'A' AND phpgw_locations.name = '{$location}'" . " ORDER BY account_lastname ASC";
         $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         while ($this->_db->next_record()) {
             $active_accounts[] = array('account_id' => $this->_db->f('account_id'), 'account_type' => $this->_db->f('account_type'));
     foreach ($active_accounts as $entry) {
         $this->_account_id = $entry['account_id'];
         if ($this->check($location, $required, $appname)) {
             if ($entry['account_type'] == 'g') {
                 $members = $myaccounts->member($entry['account_id'], true);
                 if (isset($members) and is_array($members)) {
                     foreach ($members as $user) {
                         $accounts[$user['account_id']] = $user['account_id'];
             } else {
                 $accounts[$entry['account_id']] = $entry['account_id'];
     $sql = "SELECT account_id FROM phpgw_accounts WHERE account_status = 'I'";
     $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     while ($this->_db->next_record()) {
     if (isset($accounts) and is_array($accounts)) {
         foreach ($accounts as $account_id) {
             $this->_account_id = $account_id;
             if (!$this->check($location, $required, $appname)) {
     $accounts = array_keys($accounts);
     if (isset($accounts) && count($accounts) > 0) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM phpgw_accounts where account_id in (' . implode(',', $accounts) . ') ORDER BY account_lastname';
         $this->_db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         while ($this->_db->next_record()) {
             $users[] = array('account_id' => $this->_db->f('account_id'), 'account_lid' => $this->_db->f('account_lid'), 'account_type' => $this->_db->f('account_type'), 'account_firstname' => $this->_db->f('account_firstname'), 'account_lastname' => $this->_db->f('account_lastname'), 'account_status' => $this->_db->f('account_status'), 'account_expires' => $this->_db->f('account_expires'));
     return $users;