예제 #1
  * 增加新的文章
  * @param object $data 文章的信息
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
 public function addContent(ContentSave $data)
     if (!$this->contentValidate->add($data)) {
         $unValidateMsg = $this->contentValidate->getErrorMessage();
         return $this->setErrorMsg($unValidateMsg);
     $articleObj = new \stdClass();
     $articleObj->time = time();
     $articleObj->userId = SC::getLoginSession()->id;
     try {
         $articleObj->autoId = $this->saveContent($data, $articleObj);
         $this->saveContentDetail($data, $articleObj);
         $this->saveArticleTags($articleObj, $data['tags']);
         $this->saveArticleClassify($articleObj, $data['classify']);
         $this->saveSeachFullText($articleObj, $data);
         $result = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $result = false;
     if (!$result) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
     return true;
예제 #2
 public function start(Application $app)
     $this->app = new AppContainer();
     foreach ($this->aliases as $key => $value) {
         $this->app->add($value, $key)->withArgument($app);
  * Set response for specific request.
  * @param object|array $request
  *   Request object or array.
  * @param object|array $response
  *   Response object or array to set.
 protected function setResponse($request, $response)
     $request = (object) $request;
     $response = (object) $response;
     $response->criteria = $request;
예제 #4
  * Adds a new item that is to be cached
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param bool $overwrite
  * @return bool
 public function add($key, $data, $overwrite = false)
     if ($overwrite == false) {
         return $this->memcached->add($key, $data, $this->ttl());
     } else {
         return $this->memcached->set($key, $data, $this->ttl());
  * Add debug log message
  * @since 1.0
  * @param string $message
 public static function add_debug_log($message)
     if (!is_object(self::$log)) {
         self::$log = WooCommerce_Grow_Compat::get_wc_logger();
     if (self::is_debug_enabled()) {
         self::$log->add('wc_grow', $message);
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('hfnu.admin.index')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnuthemes', jLocale::get('hfnuthemes~theme.themes'), '', 30));
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('theme', jLocale::get('hfnuthemes~theme.themes'), jUrl::get('hfnuthemes~default:index'), 10, 'hfnuthemes');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/theme.png';
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('hfnu.admin.contact')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnucontact', 'Contact', '', 40));
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('contact', jLocale::get('hfnucontact~contact.contact'), jUrl::get('hfnucontact~admin:index'), 100, 'hfnucontact');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/contact.png';
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnusearch', jLocale::get('hfnusearch~search.admin.search.engine'), '', 50));
     if (jAcl2::check('hfnu.admin.search')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnusearch', jLocale::get('hfnusearch~search.admin.search.engine'), jUrl::get('hfnusearch~admin:index'), 100, 'hfnusearch');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/search_engine.png';
  * Add data in a certain mime type format to the application.
  * @param mixed $data data for adding to the application, the datatype depends on the mime type
  * @param string $type specifies the mime type version of the passed data
  * @param string $version specifies the mime type version of the passed data
  * @return integer id of the added data
 function addData($data, $type, $version = '')
     // 1: mapping the mime type to application data
     $dataIntern = $this->_importData($data, $type, $version);
     if ($dataIntern == false) {
         return false;
     // 2: add data to application
     return $this->bo->add($dataIntern);
예제 #10
  * 增加新的推荐位
  * @param string $data
  * @access public
  * @return boolean true|false
 public function addPosition(\App\Services\Admin\Position\Param\PositionSave $data)
     if (!$this->positionValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->positionValidate->getErrorMessage());
     $data = $data->toArray();
     $data['is_delete'] = PositionModel::IS_DELETE_NO;
     if ($this->positionModel->addPosition($data) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #11
 * Validate the extra register fields.
 * @param  string $username          Current username.
 * @param  string $email             Current email.
 * @param  object $validation_errors WP_Error object.
 * @return void
function wooc_validate_extra_register_fields($username, $email, $validation_errors)
    if (isset($_POST['billing_first_name']) && empty($_POST['billing_first_name'])) {
        $validation_errors->add('billing_first_name_error', __('<strong>Error</strong>: First name is required!', 'woocommerce'));
    if (isset($_POST['billing_last_name']) && empty($_POST['billing_last_name'])) {
        $validation_errors->add('billing_last_name_error', __('<strong>Error</strong>: Last name is required!.', 'woocommerce'));
    if (isset($_POST['billing_phone']) && empty($_POST['billing_phone'])) {
        $validation_errors->add('billing_phone_error', __('<strong>Error</strong>: Phone is required!.', 'woocommerce'));
예제 #12
  * 增加新的分类
  * @param object $data
  * @access public
  * @return boolean true|false
 public function addCategory(\App\Services\Admin\Category\Param\CategorySave $data)
     if (!$this->categoryValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->categoryValidate->getErrorMessage());
     $data = $data->toArray();
     $data['is_delete'] = CategoryModel::IS_DELETE_NO;
     $data['time'] = time();
     if ($this->categoryModel->addCategory($data) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #13
파일: Process.php 프로젝트: pfdtk/bmsys
  * 增加新的用户组
  * @param object $data
  * @return boolean true|false
  * @access public
 public function addGroup(GroupSave $data)
     if (!$this->groupValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->groupValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if (!$this->acl->checkGroupLevelPermission($data->level, Acl::GROUP_LEVEL_TYPE_LEVEL)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.account_level_deny'));
     if ($this->groupModel->addGroup($data->toArray()) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #14
  * 以查询的方式添加类型
  * @return int 类型ID
  * @author Medz Seven <*****@*****.**>
 protected function selectAddType($type)
     /* # 检查是否是合法的类型 */
     if (!isset($this->types[$type]) or !$this->types[$type]) {
         $this->_error = '保护字段不合法';
         return false;
         /* # 查询类型ID or 添加 */
     } elseif (!($typeID = $this->typeModel->where('`type_name` LIKE \'' . $this->types[$type] . '\'')->field(`type_id`)->getField('type_id')) and !($typeID = $this->typeModel->add(array('type_name' => $this->types[$type])))) {
         $this->_error = '无法增加反馈类型';
         return false;
     return $typeID;
  * Function used to build form element for new contact or select contact widget
  * @param object   $form form object
  * @param int      $blocNo by default it is one, except for address block where it is
  * build for each block
  * @param array    $extrProfiles extra profiles that should be included besides reserved
  * @access public
  * @return void
 static function buildQuickForm(&$form, $blockNo = 1, $extraProfiles = NULL, $required = FALSE, $prefix = '')
     // call to build contact autocomplete
     $attributes = array('width' => '200px');
     $form->add('text', "{$prefix}contact[{$blockNo}]", ts('Select Contact'), $attributes, $required);
     $form->addElement('hidden', "{$prefix}contact_select_id[{$blockNo}]");
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit all contacts') || CRM_Core_Permission::check('add contacts')) {
         // build select for new contact
         $contactProfiles = CRM_Core_BAO_UFGroup::getReservedProfiles('Contact', $extraProfiles);
         $form->add('select', "{$prefix}profiles[{$blockNo}]", ts('Create New Contact'), array('' => ts('- create new contact -')) + $contactProfiles, FALSE, array('onChange' => "if (this.value) {  newContact{$prefix}{$blockNo}( this.value, {$blockNo}, '{$prefix}' );}"));
     $form->assign('blockNo', $blockNo);
     $form->assign('prefix', $prefix);
예제 #16
  * 增加新的用户组
  * @param object $data
  * @access public
  * @return boolean true|false
 public function addGroup(\App\Services\Admin\Group\Param\GroupSave $data)
     if (!$this->groupValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->groupValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if (!app('admin.acl')->checkGroupLevelPermission($data->level, Acl::GROUP_LEVEL_TYPE_LEVEL)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.account_level_deny'));
     if (app('model.admin.group')->addGroup($data->toArray()) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #17
  * 增加新的权限菜单
  * @param object $data
  * @return boolean true|false
  * @access public
 public function addShopCategory(CategorySave $data)
     if (!$this->productCategoryValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->productCategoryValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if ($this->productCategoryModel->checkIfIsExists($data->category_name)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('shopcategory.name_exists'));
     $data = $data->toArray();
     if ($this->productCategoryModel->addShopCategory($data) === false) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
     return true;
예제 #18
파일: Process.php 프로젝트: pfdtk/bmsys
  * 增加新的权限菜单
  * @param object $data
  * @return boolean true|false
  * @access public
 public function addAcl(AclSave $data)
     if (!$this->aclValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->aclValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if ($this->permissionModel->checkIfIsExists($data->module, $data->class, $data->action)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('acl.acl_exists'));
     $data = $data->toArray();
     if ($this->permissionModel->addPermission($data) === false) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
     return true;
  * Method to add a child to the object.
  * @access public        
  * @param  object        
  * @return uniqueID|false the unique id new row, or false if it exists already.
 public function add($objChild)
     // Set this objects properties
     // Add a condition to this rule.
     $this->_objChild->add($objChild, $this);
 public function save_attrib($attrib, $action = '')
     $receipt = array();
     $attrib['appname'] = $this->type_app[$this->type];
     $attrib['location'] = ".{$this->type}.{$attrib['entity_id']}.{$attrib['cat_id']}";
     $attrib_table = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations->get_attrib_table($attrib['appname'], $attrib['location']);
     if ($action == 'edit' && $attrib['id']) {
         if ($this->custom->edit($attrib)) {
             $receipt = $this->custom->receipt;
             $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => lang('Field has been updated'));
             return $receipt;
         $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Unable to update field'));
         return $receipt;
     } else {
         $id = $this->custom->add($attrib, $attrib_table);
         if ($id <= 0) {
             $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Unable to add field'));
             return $receipt;
         } else {
             if ($id == -1) {
                 $receipt['id'] = 0;
                 $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('field already exists, please choose another name'));
                 $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => lang('Attribute has NOT been saved'));
                 return $receipt;
         $receipt['id'] = $id;
         $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => lang('Custom field has been created'));
         return $receipt;
예제 #21
파일: Gear.php 프로젝트: brussens/cogear2
  * Добавляем активную иконку в меню
  * @param object $menu
 public function hookUserMenu($menu)
     if (!user()->id) {
     $menu->add(array('label' => icon('user'), 'tooltip' => t('Профиль'), 'link' => user()->getLink(), 'place' => 'left', 'title' => FALSE, 'order' => 3));
예제 #22
  * 增加新的权限菜单
  * @param string $data
  * @access public
  * @return boolean true|false
 public function addAcl(\App\Services\Admin\Acl\Param\AclSave $data)
     if (!$this->aclValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->aclValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if ($this->permissionModel->checkIfIsExists($data->module, $data->class, $data->action)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('acl.acl_exists'));
     $info = $this->permissionModel->getOnePermissionById(intval($data->pid));
     $data = $data->toArray();
     $data['level'] = $info['level'] + 1;
     if ($this->permissionModel->addPermission($data) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #23
파일: woopra.php 프로젝트: janeczku/woopra
  * Fire Error
  * @param object $code [optional]
  * @param object $args [optional]
  * @return 
 function fire_error($code = '', $args = '')
     $defaults = array('code' => 'generic_error', 'message' => _('An unknown error occured.'), 'values' => null, 'debug' => 0);
     $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     extract($r, EXTR_SKIP);
     $this->error->add($code, sprintf(_($message), $values), $debug);
예제 #24
 public function admin_load_scripts()
     // very defaults scripts (in wordpress defaults)
     // date & time picker
     if (!wp_script_is('jquery-timepicker')) {
         wp_enqueue_script('jquery-timepicker', $this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_url'] . 'js/jquery.timepicker.v1.1.1.min.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider'));
     // star rating - rateit
     if (!wp_style_is('jquery-rateit-css')) {
         wp_enqueue_style('jquery-rateit-css', $this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_url'] . 'js/rateit/rateit.css');
     if (!wp_script_is('jquery-rateit-js')) {
         wp_enqueue_script('jquery-rateit-js', $this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_url'] . 'js/rateit/jquery.rateit.min.js', array('jquery'));
     if (count($this->cfg['freamwork-js-files']) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->cfg['freamwork-js-files'] as $key => $value) {
             if (is_file($this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_path'] . $value)) {
                 wp_enqueue_script($this->alias . '-' . $key, $this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_url'] . $value);
             } else {
                 $this->errors->add('warning', __('Invalid JS path to file: <strong>' . $this->cfg['paths']['freamwork_dir_path'] . $value . '</strong> . Call in:' . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__, $this->localizationName));
 public function save_attrib($attrib, $action = '')
     $attrib['appname'] = 'property';
     $attrib['location'] = '.location.' . $attrib['type_id'];
     $primary_table = 'fm_location' . $attrib['type_id'];
     $history_table = $primary_table . '_history';
     if ($action == 'edit' && $attrib['id']) {
         if ($this->custom->edit($attrib, $history_table, true)) {
             $this->custom->edit($attrib, $primary_table);
             return array('msg' => array('msg' => lang('Field has been updated')));
         return array('error' => lang('Unable to update field'));
     } else {
         $id = $this->custom->add($attrib, $primary_table);
         $this->custom->add($attrib, $history_table, true);
         if ($id <= 0) {
             return array('error' => lang('Unable to add field'));
         } else {
             if ($id == -1) {
                 return array('id' => 0, 'error' => array(array('msg' => lang('field already exists, please choose another name')), array('msg' => lang('Attribute has NOT been saved'))));
         return array('id' => $id, 'msg' => array('msg' => lang('Custom field has been created')));
  * Add debug log message
  * @since 1.1
  * @param string $message
 public static function add_debug_log($message)
     if (!is_object(self::$log)) {
         self::$log = WC_Compat_iPay88::get_wc_logger();
     self::$log->add('ipay88', $message);
예제 #27
파일: Kernel.php 프로젝트: queued/mavis
  * Bootstrap the application by filling all the needed variables and RUN!
  * @param array $args Argument array from CLI
  * @return void
 public function run(array $args = [])
     $container = (require path('configs') . 'dependencies.php');
     $this->slim =& new App($container);
     $this->logger['kernel'] = new Logger(Logger::CHANNEL_KERNEL);
     $this->logger['slim'] = new Logger(Logger::CHANNEL_SLIM);
     // ExHan
     if (static::env() == static::DEVELOPMENT) {
         $this->slim->add(new ExHanMiddleware());
     } else {
         $this->slim->add(new ServerErrorMiddleware());
     //require path('configs') . 'events.php';
     // Defines the middleware from here.
     // Just a workaround...
     $config = new SessionConfig(['name' => Config::get('kernel.session.name', 'session'), 'autorefresh' => Config::get('kernel.session.autorefresh', false), 'lifetime' => Config::get('kernel.session.lifetime', '1 hour')]);
     $this->session = new Handler($config);
     $this->cookies = new CookieJar();
     $middlewares = (require path('configs') . 'middlewares.php');
     foreach ($middlewares as $middleware) {
         $this->emitter->emit('app.middleware.load', [$middleware]);
     require path('configs') . 'routes.php';
예제 #28
  * 发送数据到客户端
  * @return bool
 public function sendToClient($str_to_send)
     // tcp
     if ($this->protocol != 'udp') {
         $send_len = @fwrite($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd], $str_to_send);
         if ($send_len === strlen($str_to_send)) {
             return true;
         if ($send_len > 0) {
             $this->sendBuffers[$this->currentDealFd] = substr($str_to_send, $send_len);
         } else {
             $this->sendBuffers[$this->currentDealFd] = $str_to_send;
         if (!isset($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd])) {
             $debug_str = new \Exception('sendToClient fail $this->connections[$this->currentDealFd] is null');
             $this->notice((string) $debug_str);
             return false;
         if (feof($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd])) {
             return false;
         $this->event->add($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd], Events\BaseEvent::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'tcpWriteToClient'));
         return null;
     // udp 直接发送,要求数据包不能超过65515
     return strlen($str_to_send) == stream_socket_sendto($this->mainSocket, $str_to_send, 0, $this->currentClientAddress);
예제 #29
  * 发送数据到客户端
  * @return bool
 public function sendToClient($str_to_send)
     // tcp
     if ($this->protocol != 'udp') {
         $send_len = @stream_socket_sendto($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd], $str_to_send);
         if ($send_len === strlen($str_to_send)) {
             return true;
         if ($send_len > 0) {
             $this->sendBuffers[$this->currentDealFd] = substr($str_to_send, $send_len);
         } else {
             $this->sendBuffers[$this->currentDealFd] = $str_to_send;
         $this->event->add($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd], Events\BaseEvent::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'tcpWriteToClient'), array($this->currentDealFd));
                     // tcp 如果一次没写完(一般是缓冲区满的情况),则阻塞写
                     if(!$this->blockWrite($this->connections[$this->currentDealFd], $str_to_send, 500))
                         $this->notice('sendToClient fail ,Data length = ' . strlen($str_to_send));
                         return false;
         return null;
     // udp 直接发送,要求数据包不能超过65515
     return strlen($str_to_send) == stream_socket_sendto($this->mainSocket, $str_to_send, 0, $this->currentClientAddress);
예제 #30
  * Cancel current sleep
  * @return void
 public function wakeup()
     if ($this->state === Generic::STATE_WAITING) {