예제 #1
파일: Process.php 프로젝트: pfdtk/bmsys
  * 增加新的用户组
  * @param object $data
  * @return boolean true|false
  * @access public
 public function addGroup(GroupSave $data)
     if (!$this->groupValidate->add($data)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg($this->groupValidate->getErrorMessage());
     if (!$this->acl->checkGroupLevelPermission($data->level, Acl::GROUP_LEVEL_TYPE_LEVEL)) {
         return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.account_level_deny'));
     if ($this->groupModel->addGroup($data->toArray()) !== false) {
         return true;
     return $this->setErrorMsg(Lang::get('common.action_error'));
예제 #2
파일: monitor.php 프로젝트: Ogwang/sainp
  * Constructor Summary
  * o Creates a standard progress bar into a dialog box (QuickForm).
  *   Form name, buttons 'start', 'cancel' labels and style, and
  *   title of dialog box may also be changed.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor();
  *   </code>
  * o Creates a progress bar into a dialog box, with only a new
  *   form name.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor($formName);
  *   </code>
  * o Creates a progress bar into a dialog box, with a new form name,
  *   new buttons name and style, and also a different title box.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress_Monitor($formName, $attributes);
  *   </code>
  * @param      string    $formName      (optional) Name of monitor dialog box (QuickForm)
  * @param      array     $attributes    (optional) List of renderer options
  * @param      array     $errorPrefs    (optional) Hash of params to configure error handler
  * @since      1.0
  * @access     public
 function HTML_Progress_Monitor($formName = 'ProgressMonitor', $attributes = array(), $errorPrefs = array())
     $bar = new HTML_Progress($errorPrefs);
     $this->_progress = $bar;
     if (!is_string($formName)) {
         return $this->_progress->raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$formName', 'was' => gettype($formName), 'expected' => 'string', 'paramnum' => 1));
     } elseif (!is_array($attributes)) {
         return $this->_progress->raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$attributes', 'was' => gettype($attributes), 'expected' => 'array', 'paramnum' => 2));
     $this->_id = md5(microtime());
     $this->_form = new HTML_QuickForm($formName);
     // XHTML compliance
     $this->windowname = isset($attributes['title']) ? $attributes['title'] : 'In progress ...';
     $this->buttonStart = isset($attributes['start']) ? $attributes['start'] : 'Start';
     $this->buttonCancel = isset($attributes['cancel']) ? $attributes['cancel'] : 'Cancel';
     $buttonAttr = isset($attributes['button']) ? $attributes['button'] : '';
     $this->_form->addElement('header', 'windowname', $this->windowname);
     $this->_form->addElement('static', 'progressBar');
     $this->_form->addElement('static', 'progressStatus');
     $style = $this->isStarted() ? array('disabled' => 'true') : null;
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'start', $this->buttonStart, $style);
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'cancel', $this->buttonCancel);
     $this->_form->addGroup($buttons, 'buttons', '', '&nbsp;', false);
     // default embedded progress element with look-and-feel
     $str =& $this->_form->getElement('progressStatus');
     $str->setText('<div id="status" class="progressStatus">&nbsp;</div>');
예제 #3
  * Add the unit handling options to the form.
  * @param object $mform the form being built.
 protected function add_unit_options($mform)
     $mform->addElement('header', 'unithandling', get_string('unithandling', 'qtype_numerical'));
     $unitoptions = array(qtype_numerical::UNITNONE => get_string('onlynumerical', 'qtype_numerical'), qtype_numerical::UNITOPTIONAL => get_string('manynumerical', 'qtype_numerical'), qtype_numerical::UNITGRADED => get_string('unitgraded', 'qtype_numerical'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'unitrole', get_string('unithandling', 'qtype_numerical'), $unitoptions);
     $penaltygrp = array();
     $penaltygrp[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'unitpenalty', get_string('unitpenalty', 'qtype_numerical'), array('size' => 6));
     $mform->setType('unitpenalty', PARAM_FLOAT);
     $mform->setDefault('unitpenalty', 0.1);
     $unitgradingtypes = array(qtype_numerical::UNITGRADEDOUTOFMARK => get_string('decfractionofresponsegrade', 'qtype_numerical'), qtype_numerical::UNITGRADEDOUTOFMAX => get_string('decfractionofquestiongrade', 'qtype_numerical'));
     $penaltygrp[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'unitgradingtypes', '', $unitgradingtypes);
     $mform->setDefault('unitgradingtypes', 1);
     $mform->addGroup($penaltygrp, 'penaltygrp', get_string('unitpenalty', 'qtype_numerical'), ' ', false);
     $mform->addHelpButton('penaltygrp', 'unitpenalty', 'qtype_numerical');
     $unitinputoptions = array(qtype_numerical::UNITINPUT => get_string('editableunittext', 'qtype_numerical'), qtype_numerical::UNITRADIO => get_string('unitchoice', 'qtype_numerical'), qtype_numerical::UNITSELECT => get_string('unitselect', 'qtype_numerical'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'multichoicedisplay', get_string('studentunitanswer', 'qtype_numerical'), $unitinputoptions);
     $unitsleftoptions = array(0 => get_string('rightexample', 'qtype_numerical'), 1 => get_string('leftexample', 'qtype_numerical'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'unitsleft', get_string('unitposition', 'qtype_numerical'), $unitsleftoptions);
     $mform->setDefault('unitsleft', 0);
     $mform->disabledIf('penaltygrp', 'unitrole', 'eq', qtype_numerical::UNITNONE);
     $mform->disabledIf('penaltygrp', 'unitrole', 'eq', qtype_numerical::UNITOPTIONAL);
     $mform->disabledIf('unitsleft', 'unitrole', 'eq', qtype_numerical::UNITNONE);
     $mform->disabledIf('multichoicedisplay', 'unitrole', 'eq', qtype_numerical::UNITNONE);
     $mform->disabledIf('multichoicedisplay', 'unitrole', 'eq', qtype_numerical::UNITOPTIONAL);
예제 #4
  * The progress uploader class constructor
  * @param      string    $formName      (optional) Name of monitor dialog box (QuickForm)
  * @param      array     $attributes    (optional) List of renderer options
  * @since      1.1
  * @access     public
 function HTML_Progress_Uploader($formName = 'ProgressUploader', $attributes = array())
     $this->_package = 'HTML_Progress_Uploader';
     Error_Raise::initialize($this->_package, array('HTML_Progress', '_getErrorMessage'));
     if (!is_string($formName)) {
         return Error_Raise::raise($this->_package, HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$formName', 'was' => gettype($formName), 'expected' => 'string', 'paramnum' => 1), PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER);
     } elseif (!is_array($attributes)) {
         return Error_Raise::raise($this->_package, HTML_PROGRESS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$attributes', 'was' => gettype($attributes), 'expected' => 'array', 'paramnum' => 2), PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER);
     // checks all necessary dependencies
     $this->_form = new HTML_QuickForm($formName);
     $this->windowname = isset($attributes['title']) ? $attributes['title'] : 'Upload ...';
     $this->captionMask = isset($attributes['mask']) ? $attributes['mask'] : '%s';
     $this->buttonStart = isset($attributes['start']) ? $attributes['start'] : 'Start';
     $this->buttonCancel = isset($attributes['cancel']) ? $attributes['cancel'] : 'Cancel';
     $buttonAttr = isset($attributes['button']) ? $attributes['button'] : '';
     $this->_form->addElement('header', 'windowname', $this->windowname);
     $this->_form->addElement('static', 'progressBar');
     $this->_form->addElement('static', 'progressStatus');
     $style = $this->isStarted() ? array('disabled' => 'true') : null;
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'start', $this->buttonStart, $style);
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'cancel', $this->buttonCancel);
     $this->_form->addGroup($buttons, 'buttons', '', '&nbsp;', false);
     // default embedded progress element with look-and-feel
     $this->_progress = new HTML_Progress();
     $str =& $this->_form->getElement('progressStatus');
     $str->setText('<div id="status" class="progressStatus">&nbsp;</div>');
예제 #5
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded 
  * @param boolean $userRequired   true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field        
  * @access public
  * @static
 function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded, $useRequired, $search = false, $label = null)
     $field =& new CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(true)) {
         /* FIXME: failure! */
         return null;
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
      * This was split into a different function before. however thanx to php4's bug with references,
      * it was not working, so i munged it back into one big function - lobo
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), $field->attributes);
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_to', ts('To'), $field->attributes);
             } else {
                 $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'TextArea':
             $attributes = '';
             if ($field->note_rows) {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=' . $field->note_rows;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=4';
             if ($field->note_columns) {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=' . $field->note_columns;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=60';
             $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $attributes, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Select Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName . '_to', $label . ' ' . ts('To'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
             } else {
                 $qf->add('date', $elementName, $label, CRM_Core_SelectValues::date('custom', $field->start_date_years, $field->end_date_years, $field->date_parts), ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             if ($field->data_type != 'Boolean') {
                 $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
                 foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                     $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', $v['label'], $v['value'], $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             } else {
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('Yes'), '1', $field->attributes);
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('No'), '0', $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $selectOption = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $selectOption[$v['value']] = $v['label'];
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
             //added for select multiple
         //added for select multiple
         case 'Multi-Select':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $selectOption = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $selectOption[$v['value']] = $v['label'];
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, array("size" => "5", "multiple"));
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'CheckBox':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::getCustomOption($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->createElement('checkbox', $v['value'], null, $v['label']);
             $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select State/Province':
             //Add State
             if ($qf->getAction() & (CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW | CRM_CORE_ACTION_BROWSE)) {
                 $stateOption = array('' => '') + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             } else {
                 $stateOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Select Country':
             //Add Country
             if ($qf->getAction() & (CRM_CORE_ACTION_VIEW | CRM_CORE_ACTION_BROWSE)) {
                 $countryOption = array('' => '') + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             } else {
                 $countryOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, ($useRequired || $field->is_required) && !$search);
     switch ($field->data_type) {
         case 'Int':
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
         case 'Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is not a valid date.', array(1 => $label)), 'qfDate');
         case 'Float':
         case 'Money':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
예제 #6
  * Adds controls specific to this filter in the form.
  * @param  object  $mform  A MoodleForm object to setup
 public function setupForm(&$mform)
     global $CFG;
     $report = $this->_parent_report;
     $filter = $this->_uniqueid;
     $filter_js = array('var ac_show_panel = function( url ) {
             var x = window.open(url, \'newWindow\', \'height=700,width=650,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,screenX=50,screenY=50\');
         window.ac_show_panel = ac_show_panel;');
     $filt_action_url_base = $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/eliscore/lib/form/autocomplete.php?report=' . $report . '&filter=' . $filter;
     if ($this->_ui === 'inline') {
         $mform->addElement('hidden', $this->_uniqueid, $this->get_default(), array('id' => 'id_' . $this->_uniqueid));
         $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid, PARAM_TEXT);
         $search_url = $filt_action_url_base . '&mode=search&q=';
         $config_url = $filt_action_url_base . '&mode=config';
         $main_input_ph = $this->_selection_enabled === true ? get_string('filt_autoc_typetosearch', 'local_eliscore') : '';
         $text_input = array($mform->createElement('text', $this->_uniqueid, $this->_label, array('placeholder' => $main_input_ph)));
         if ($this->config_allowed() === true) {
             $text_input[] = $mform->createElement('static', 'configlink', '', '<a onclick="ac_show_panel(\'' . $config_url . '\');" href="#">' . '<img src=' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/elisprogram/pix/configuration.png>' . '</a>');
         $text_input[] = $mform->createElement('html', '<div id="search_results_outer" class="filt_ac_res filt_ac_res_inline">
                     <div id="search_status" class="filt_ac_status filt_ac_status_inline"></div>
                     <div id="search_results"></div>
         $mform->addGroup($text_input, 'grp', $this->_label);
         $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid, PARAM_RAW);
         if ($this->_selection_enabled === true) {
             if ($this->_required) {
                 // This adds red * & that a required form field exists + validation
                 $mform->addGroupRule('grp', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 1, 'client');
                 if ($this->_useid) {
                     $mform->addRule($this->_uniqueid, get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
                     // hidden doesn't display
             $mform->addElement('html', "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/eliscore/lib/form/autocomplete.css' />");
             $mform->addElement('html', "<script src='{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/eliscore/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js'></script>");
             $mform->addElement('html', "<script src='{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/eliscore/lib/form/autocomplete.js'></script>");
             $filter_js[] = "var search_textbox = 'id_grp_{$this->_uniqueid}';\n                        var search_results = 'search_results';\n                        var search_status = 'search_status';\n                        var search_results_outer = 'search_results_outer';\n\n                        var autocomplete = new autocomplete_ui(search_textbox,search_results,search_status,'{$search_url}','search_results_outer');\n                        autocomplete.str_searching = '" . get_string('filt_autoc_searching', 'local_eliscore') . "';\n                        autocomplete.str_typetosearch = '" . get_string('filt_autoc_typetosearch', 'local_eliscore') . "';\n\n                        \$('#'+search_textbox).focus().click(function(e){e.stopPropagation();}).keyup(function(e) {\n                            if (e.keyCode != 13) {\n                                \$('#'+search_results_outer).show().click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation() });\n                                \$('body').click(function(e){ \$('#'+search_results_outer).hide(); });\n                                var pos = \$(this).position();\n                                var height = \$(this).outerHeight();\n                                \$('#'+search_results_outer).css('left',pos.left+2).css('top',(pos.top+height+2));\n                            }\n                        });";
         } else {
         if (!empty($this->_default_label)) {
             $mform->setDefault('grp[' . $this->_uniqueid . ']', $this->_default_label);
     } else {
         $popup_link = '<span id="id_' . $this->_uniqueid . '_label"></span> ';
         if ($this->_selection_enabled === true) {
             $popup_link .= '<a onclick="ac_show_panel(\'' . $filt_action_url_base . '\');" href="#">' . get_string('filt_autoc_select', 'local_eliscore') . '</a>';
         $mform->addElement('static', 'selector', $this->_label, $popup_link);
         $mform->addElement('html', '<div style="display:none;">');
         $mform->addElement('text', $this->_uniqueid . '_labelsave', '');
         $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid . '_labelsave', PARAM_TEXT);
         $mform->addElement('text', $this->_uniqueid, '');
         $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid, PARAM_TEXT);
         if (!empty($this->_default_label)) {
             $mform->setDefault($this->_uniqueid . '_labelsave', $this->_default_label);
         if (!empty($this->_default_id)) {
             $mform->setDefault($this->_uniqueid, $this->_default_id);
         $mform->addElement('html', '</div>');
         if (!empty($this->_filterhelp) && is_array($this->_filterhelp) && isset($this->_filterhelp[2])) {
             //$mform->addHelpButton('selector', $this->_filterhelp[0], $this->_filterhelp[2]);
         $filter_js[] = 'labelsave = document.getElementById(\'id_' . $this->_uniqueid . '_labelsave\');
             labeldisp = document.getElementById(\'id_' . $this->_uniqueid . '_label\');
             if (labelsave != null && labeldisp != null) {
                 labeldisp.innerHTML = labelsave.value;
     $mform->addElement('html', '<script>' . implode("\n\n", $filter_js) . '</script>');
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded
  * @param boolean $useRequired    true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded, $useRequired = TRUE, $label = NULL, $fieldOptions = NULL, $feezeOptions = array())
     $field = new CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(TRUE)) {
         /* FIXME: failure! */
         return NULL;
     $is_pay_later = 0;
     if (isset($qf->_mode) && empty($qf->_mode)) {
         $is_pay_later = 1;
     } elseif (isset($qf->_values)) {
         $is_pay_later = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $qf->_values);
     $otherAmount = $qf->get('values');
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $currencySymbol = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_Currency', $config->defaultCurrency, 'symbol', 'name');
     $qf->assign('currencySymbol', $currencySymbol);
     // get currency name for price field and option attributes
     $currencyName = $config->defaultCurrency;
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = !empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount' ? ts('Additional Contribution') : $field->label;
     if ($field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
         $qf->_contributionAmount = 1;
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
         $useRequired = FALSE;
     $customOption = $fieldOptions;
     if (!is_array($customOption)) {
         $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
     //use value field.
     $valueFieldName = 'amount';
     $seperator = '|';
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             $optionKey = key($customOption);
             $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $customOption[$optionKey], '');
             $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $customOption[$optionKey], '');
             $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($customOption[$optionKey][$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
             $extra = array();
             if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && !empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
                 foreach ($fieldOptions as &$fieldOption) {
                     if ($fieldOption['name'] == 'other_amount') {
                         $fieldOption['label'] = $fieldOption['label'] . '  ' . $currencySymbol;
                 $qf->assign('priceset', $elementName);
                 $extra = array('onclick' => 'useAmountOther();');
             // if seperate membership payment is used with quick config priceset then change the other amount label
             if (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'other_amount' && empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
                 $label = ts('Additional Contribution');
                 $useRequired = 0;
             } elseif (CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $fieldOptions[$optionKey])) {
                 //check for label.
                 $label = $fieldOptions[$optionKey]['label'];
             $element =& $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, array_merge($extra, array('price' => json_encode(array($optionKey, $priceVal)), 'size' => '4')), $useRequired && $field->is_required);
             if ($is_pay_later) {
                 $qf->add('text', 'txt-' . $elementName, $label, array('size' => '4'));
             // CRM-6902
             if (in_array($optionKey, $feezeOptions)) {
             if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig)) {
                 $message = ts('Please enter a valid amount.');
                 $type = 'money';
             } else {
                 $message = ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label));
                 $type = 'positiveInteger';
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             $qf->addRule($elementName, $message, $type);
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && !empty($qf->_contributionAmount)) {
                 $qf->assign('contriPriceset', $elementName);
             foreach ($customOption as $opId => $opt) {
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $opt) ? $opt['label'] : '';
                     $opt['label'] = '<span class="crm-price-amount-amount">' . CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]) . '</span> <span class="crm-price-amount-label">' . $opt['label'] . '</span>';
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 $extra = array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, $priceVal)), 'data-amount' => $opt[$valueFieldName], 'data-currency' => $currencyName);
                 if (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
                     $extra += array('onclick' => 'clearAmountOther();');
                 } elseif (!empty($qf->_quickConfig) && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
                     $extra += array('onclick' => "return showHideAutoRenew({$opt['membership_type_id']});", 'membership-type' => $opt['membership_type_id']);
                     $qf->assign('membershipFieldID', $field->id);
                 $choice[$opId] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', $opt['label'], $opt['id'], $extra);
                 if ($is_pay_later) {
                     $qf->add('text', 'txt-' . $elementName, $label, array('size' => '4'));
                 // CRM-6902
                 if (in_array($opId, $feezeOptions)) {
             if (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', ts('No thank you'), '-1', array('onclick' => 'clearAmountOther();'));
             if (!$field->is_required) {
                 // add "none" option
                 if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_allow_other_amount', $otherAmount) && $field->name == 'contribution_amount') {
                     $none = ts('Other Amount');
                 } elseif (!empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_required', $qf->_membershipBlock) && $field->name == 'membership_amount') {
                     $none = ts('No thank you');
                 } else {
                     $none = ts('- none -');
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', $none, '0', array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, '0'))));
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             // make contribution field required for quick config when membership block is enabled
             if (($field->name == 'membership_amount' || $field->name == 'contribution_amount') && !empty($qf->_membershipBlock) && !$field->is_required) {
                 $useRequired = $field->is_required = TRUE;
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $selectOption = $allowedOptions = $priceVal = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opt) {
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal[$opt['id']] = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $selectOption[$opt['id']] = $opt['label'];
                 if (!in_array($opt['id'], $feezeOptions)) {
                     $allowedOptions[] = $opt['id'];
                 if ($is_pay_later) {
                     $qf->add('text', 'txt-' . $elementName, $label, array('size' => '4'));
             $element =& $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, $useRequired && $field->is_required, array('price' => json_encode($priceVal)));
             // CRM-6902
             $button = substr($qf->controller->getButtonName(), -4);
             if (!empty($feezeOptions) && $button != 'skip') {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Sorry, this option is currently sold out.'), 'regex', "/" . implode('|', $allowedOptions) . "/");
         case 'CheckBox':
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opId => $opt) {
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $check[$opId] =& $qf->createElement('checkbox', $opt['id'], NULL, $opt['label'], array('price' => json_encode(array($opt['id'], $priceVal)), 'data-amount' => $opt[$valueFieldName], 'data-currency' => $currencyName));
                 if ($is_pay_later) {
                     $txtcheck[$opId] =& $qf->createElement('text', $opId, $opt['label'], array('size' => '4'));
                     $qf->addGroup($txtcheck, 'txt-' . $elementName, $label);
                 // CRM-6902
                 if (in_array($opId, $feezeOptions)) {
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
예제 #8
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded 
  * @param boolean $useRequired    true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field        
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded, $useRequired = true, $label = null, $fieldOptions = null, $feezeOptions = array())
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Money.php';
     $field = new CRM_Price_DAO_Field();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(true)) {
         /* FIXME: failure! */
         return null;
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $qf->assign('currencySymbol', CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_Currency', $config->defaultCurrency, 'symbol', 'name'));
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
         $useRequired = false;
     $customOption = $fieldOptions;
     if (!is_array($customOption)) {
         $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_Field::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
     //use value field.
     $valueFieldName = 'amount';
     $seperator = '|';
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             $optionKey = key($customOption);
             $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $customOption[$optionKey], '');
             $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $customOption[$optionKey], '');
             $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($customOption[$optionKey][$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
             //check for label.
             if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $fieldOptions[$optionKey])) {
                 $label = $fieldOptions[$optionKey]['label'];
             if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                 $label .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                 $label .= CRM_Utils_Money::format(CRM_Utils_Array::value($valueFieldName, $customOption[$optionKey]));
             $element =& $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, array_merge(array('size' => "4"), array('price' => json_encode(array($optionKey, $priceVal)))), $useRequired && $field->is_required);
             // CRM-6902
             if (in_array($optionKey, $feezeOptions)) {
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'positiveInteger');
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opId => $opt) {
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 $choice[$opId] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', $opt['label'], $opt['id'], array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, $priceVal))));
                 // CRM-6902
                 if (in_array($opId, $feezeOptions)) {
             if (!$field->is_required) {
                 // add "none" option
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', '-none-', '0', array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, "0"))));
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $selectOption = $allowedOptions = $priceVal = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opt) {
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal[$opt['id']] = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $selectOption[$opt['id']] = $opt['label'];
                 if (!in_array($opt['id'], $feezeOptions)) {
                     $allowedOptions[] = $opt['id'];
             $element =& $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, $useRequired && $field->is_required, array('price' => json_encode($priceVal)));
             // CRM-6902
             $button = substr($qf->controller->getButtonName(), -4);
             if (!empty($feezeOptions) && $button != 'skip') {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Participant count for this option is full.'), 'regex', "/" . implode('|', $allowedOptions) . "/");
         case 'CheckBox':
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opId => $opt) {
                 $count = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $opt, '');
                 $max_value = CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $opt, '');
                 $priceVal = implode($seperator, array($opt[$valueFieldName], $count, $max_value));
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $check[$opId] =& $qf->createElement('checkbox', $opt['id'], null, $opt['label'], array('price' => json_encode(array($opt['id'], $priceVal))));
                 // CRM-6902
                 if (in_array($opId, $feezeOptions)) {
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
  * Add form elements for course contact information.
  * @param object $mform			form definition
  * @param object $courseinfo	a record of general information from course info table.
  * @param object $contactinfo	a record of contact information from course instructor table.
  * @return void
 private function setup_contact($mform, $courseinfo, $contactinfo)
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     //Declare our globals for use
     global $course;
     $mform->addElement('html', '<a name="contact"></a>');
     // anchor
     $mform->addElement('header', 'course_contact_header', get_string('course_contact_header', 'local_metadata'));
     // Email
     $course_email = $mform->addElement('text', 'course_email', get_string('course_email', 'local_metadata'), '');
     if ($contactinfo) {
         $mform->setDefault('course_email', $contactinfo->email);
     } else {
         $mform->setDefault('course_email', $USER->email);
     //$mform->addRule('course_email', get_string('err_required', 'local_metadata'), 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->addRule('course_email', get_string('err_email', 'local_metadata'), 'email', null, 'client');
     $mform->setType('course_email', PARAM_TEXT);
     // Phone
     $course_phone = $mform->addElement('text', 'course_phone', get_string('course_phone', 'local_metadata'), '');
     if ($contactinfo) {
         $mform->setDefault('course_phone', $contactinfo->phonenumber);
     $mform->setType('course_phone', PARAM_TEXT);
     // Office
     $course_office = $mform->addElement('text', 'course_office', get_string('course_office', 'local_metadata'), '');
     if ($contactinfo) {
         $mform->setDefault('course_office', $contactinfo->officelocation);
     //$mform->addRule('course_office', get_string('err_required', 'local_metadata'), 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->setType('course_office', PARAM_TEXT);
     // Office hours
     // Set default hours
     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'default_officeh', get_string('course_officeh', 'local_metadata'), get_string('default_officeh', 'local_metadata'), null, array(0, get_string('default_officeh', 'local_metadata')));
     $mform->addHelpButton('default_officeh', 'default_officeh', 'local_metadata');
     // Set day
     $daygroup = array();
     foreach (get_days() as $day) {
         $daygroup[] =& $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', $day, '', $day, null, array(0, $day));
     $mform->addGroup($daygroup, 'daygroup', '', array(' '), false);
     // Set time
     $timegroup = array();
     $hour = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $hour[] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
     $minute = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
         $minute[] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
     $time_format = array('AM', 'PM');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('static', 'fromhour_label', '', get_string('fromhour_label', 'local_metadata'));
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'fromhour', '', $hour, '');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'fromminute', '', $minute, '');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'fromformat', '', $time_format, '');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('static', 'tohour_label', '', get_string('tohour_label', 'local_metadata'));
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'tohour', '', $hour, '');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'tominute', '', $minute, '');
     $timegroup[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'toformat', '', $time_format, '');
     $mform->addGroup($timegroup, 'timegroup', '', array(' '), false);
     $mform->disabledIf('daygroup', 'default_officeh', 'checked');
     $mform->disabledIf('timegroup', 'default_officeh', 'checked');
     if (empty($contactinfo->officehours)) {
         $mform->setDefault('default_officeh', true);
     } else {
         if ($contactinfo->officehours == 'By appointment') {
             $mform->setDefault('default_officeh', true);
         } else {
             $formats = explode(" ", $contactinfo->officehours);
             $mform->setDefault('toformat', array_pop($formats) == 'AM' ? 0 : 1);
             $totimes = explode(":", array_pop($formats));
             $mform->setDefault('tohour', $totimes[0]);
             $mform->setDefault('tominute', $totimes[1]);
             $mform->setDefault('fromformat', array_pop($formats) == 'AM' ? 0 : 1);
             $fromtimes = explode(":", array_pop($formats));
             $mform->setDefault('fromhour', $fromtimes[0]);
             $mform->setDefault('fromminute', $fromtimes[1]);
             foreach ($formats as $day) {
                 $mform->setDefault($day, true);
     $mform->addElement('static', 'h_2', '');
     // end of header
     $mform->setType('h_2', PARAM_RAW);
예제 #10
  * build the radio/text form elements for the amount field
  * @param object   $form form object
  * @param boolean  $required  true if you want to add formRule
  * @param int      $discountId discount id for the event
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function buildAmount(&$form, $required = true, $discountId = null)
     //get the button name.
     $button = substr($form->controller->getButtonName(), -4);
     if ($button == 'skip') {
         $required = false;
     $elements = array();
     if (isset($form->_priceSetId)) {
         $form->addGroup($elements, 'amount', ts('Event Fee(s)'), '<br />');
         $form->add('hidden', 'priceSetId', $form->_priceSetId);
         $form->assign('priceSet', $form->_priceSet);
         require_once 'CRM/Price/BAO/Field.php';
         foreach ($form->_values['fee']['fields'] as $field) {
             $fieldId = $field['id'];
             $elementName = 'price_' . $fieldId;
             if ($button == 'skip') {
                 $isRequire = false;
             } else {
                 $isRequire = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_required', $field);
             CRM_Price_BAO_Field::addQuickFormElement($form, $elementName, $fieldId, false, $isRequire);
     } else {
         if (!empty($form->_values['fee'])) {
             $form->_feeBlock =& $form->_values['fee'];
             if (isset($form->_values['discount'])) {
                 if (!isset($discountId) && $form->_action != CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
                     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Discount.php';
                     $form->_discountId = $discountId = CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::findSet($form->_eventId, 'civicrm_event');
                 if ($discountId) {
                     $form->_feeBlock =& $form->_values['discount'][$discountId];
             require_once 'CRM/Utils/Hook.php';
             CRM_Utils_Hook::buildAmount('event', $form, $form->_feeBlock);
             if ($form->_action != CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
                 require_once 'CRM/Utils/Money.php';
                 foreach ($form->_feeBlock as $fee) {
                     if (is_array($fee)) {
                         $elements[] =& $form->createElement('radio', null, '', CRM_Utils_Money::format($fee['value']) . ' ' . $fee['label'], $fee['amount_id']);
                 $form->_defaults['amount'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('default_fee_id', $form->_values['event']);
                 $element =& $form->addGroup($elements, 'amount', ts('Event Fee(s)'), '<br />');
                 if (isset($form->_online) && $form->_online) {
                 if ($required) {
                     $form->addRule('amount', ts('Fee Level is a required field.'), 'required');
예제 #11
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded
  * @param boolean $userRequired   true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded = FALSE, $useRequired = TRUE, $search = FALSE, $label = NULL)
     // we use $_POST directly, since we dont want to use session memory, CRM-4677
     if (isset($_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh']) && ($_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh'] == 'Search' || $_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh'] == 'Search Again')) {
         $useRequired = FALSE;
     $field = self::getFieldObject($fieldId);
     // Custom field HTML should indicate group+field name
     $groupName = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup', $field->custom_group_id);
     $dataCrmCustomVal = $groupName . ':' . $field->name;
     $dataCrmCustomAttr = 'data-crm-custom="' . $dataCrmCustomVal . '"';
     $field->attributes .= $dataCrmCustomAttr;
     // Fixed for Issue CRM-2183
     if ($field->html_type == 'TextArea' && $search) {
         $field->html_type = 'Text';
     // FIXME: Why are select state/country separate widget types?
     if (in_array($field->html_type, array('Select', 'Multi-Select', 'Select State/Province', 'Multi-Select State/Province', 'Select Country', 'Multi-Select Country'))) {
         $selectAttributes = array('data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal, 'class' => 'crm-select2');
         if (strpos($field->html_type, 'Multi') === 0) {
             $selectAttributes['multiple'] = 'multiple';
     // Add popup link for editing options. Normally this is handled by CRM_Core_Form->addSelect
     if (in_array($field->html_type, array('Select', 'Multi-Select')) && !$search && CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) {
         $selectAttributes += array('data-api-entity' => 'contact', 'data-api-field' => 'custom_' . $field->id, 'data-option-group-url' => 'civicrm/admin/options/' . CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_OptionGroup', $field->option_group_id));
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
      * at some point in time we might want to split the below into small functions
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), $field->attributes);
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_to', ts('To'), $field->attributes);
             } else {
                 $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, $useRequired && !$search);
         case 'TextArea':
             $attributes = $dataCrmCustomAttr;
             if ($field->note_rows) {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=' . $field->note_rows;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=4';
             if ($field->note_columns) {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=' . $field->note_columns;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=60';
             if ($field->text_length) {
                 $attributes .= ' maxlength=' . $field->text_length;
             $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $attributes, $useRequired && !$search);
         case 'Select Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addDate($elementName . '_from', $label . ' - ' . ts('From'), FALSE, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years, 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
                 $qf->addDate($elementName . '_to', ts('To'), FALSE, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years, 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
             } else {
                 $required = $useRequired && !$search;
                 $qf->addDate($elementName, $label, $required, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years, 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             if ($field->data_type != 'Boolean') {
                 $customOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
                 foreach ($customOption as $v => $l) {
                     $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', $l, (string) $v, $field->attributes);
                 $group = $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             } else {
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', ts('Yes'), '1', $field->attributes);
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', NULL, '', ts('No'), '0', $field->attributes);
                 $group = $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
             } else {
                 $group->setAttribute('unselectable', TRUE);
         case 'Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, $useRequired && !$search, $selectAttributes);
             //added for select multiple
         //added for select multiple
         case 'AdvMulti-Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             if ($search && count($selectOption) > 1) {
                 $selectOption['CiviCRM_OP_OR'] = ts('Select to match ANY; unselect to match ALL');
             $include =& $qf->addElement('advmultiselect', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, array('size' => 5, 'style' => '', 'class' => 'advmultiselect', 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
             $include->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>')));
             $include->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove')));
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Multi-Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             if ($search && count($selectOption) > 1) {
                 $selectOption['CiviCRM_OP_OR'] = ts('Select to match ANY; unselect to match ALL');
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, $selectAttributes);
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'CheckBox':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v => $l) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->addElement('advcheckbox', $v, NULL, $l, array('data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
             if ($search && count($check) > 1) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->addElement('advcheckbox', 'CiviCRM_OP_OR', NULL, ts('Check to match ANY; uncheck to match ALL'), array('data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal));
             $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'File':
             // we should not build upload file in search mode
             if ($search) {
             $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, $useRequired && !$search);
         case 'Select State/Province':
             //Add State
             $stateOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, $useRequired && !$search, $selectAttributes);
             $qf->_stateCountryMap['state_province'][] = $elementName;
         case 'Multi-Select State/Province':
             //Add Multi-select State/Province
             $stateOption = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, $selectAttributes);
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select Country':
             //Add Country
             $countryOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, $useRequired && !$search, $selectAttributes);
             $qf->_stateCountryMap['country'][] = $elementName;
         case 'Multi-Select Country':
             //Add Country
             $countryOption = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, $selectAttributes);
             if ($useRequired && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'RichTextEditor':
             $attributes = array('rows' => $field->note_rows, 'cols' => $field->note_columns, 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal);
             if ($field->text_length) {
                 $attributes['maxlength'] = $field->text_length;
             $qf->addWysiwyg($elementName, $label, $attributes, $search);
         case 'Autocomplete-Select':
             $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, $useRequired && !$search);
             $hiddenEleName = $elementName . '_id';
             if (substr($elementName, -1) == ']') {
                 $hiddenEleName = substr($elementName, 0, -1) . '_id]';
             $qf->addElement('hidden', $hiddenEleName, '', array('id' => str_replace(array(']', '['), array('', '_'), $hiddenEleName)));
             static $customUrls = array();
             if ($field->data_type == 'ContactReference') {
                 //$urlParams = "className=CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX&fnName=getContactList&json=1&reset=1&context=customfield&id={$field->id}";
                 $urlParams = "context=customfield&id={$field->id}";
                 $customUrls[$elementName] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/ajax/contactref', $urlParams, FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
                 $actualElementValue = $qf->getSubmitValue($hiddenEleName);
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Select a valid contact for %1.', array(1 => $label)), 'validContact', $actualElementValue);
             } else {
                 $customUrls[$elementName] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/ajax/auto', "reset=1&ogid={$field->option_group_id}&cfid={$field->id}", FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Select a valid value for %1.', array(1 => $label)), 'autocomplete', array('fieldID' => $field->id, 'optionGroupID' => $field->option_group_id));
             $qf->assign('customUrls', $customUrls);
     switch ($field->data_type) {
         case 'Int':
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
         case 'Float':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
         case 'Money':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
         case 'Link':
             $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, array('onfocus' => "if (!this.value) {  this.value='http://';} else return false", 'onblur' => "if ( this.value == 'http://') {  this.value='';} else return false", 'data-crm-custom' => $dataCrmCustomVal), $useRequired && !$search);
             $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Enter a valid Website.'), 'wikiURL');
     if ($field->is_view && !$search) {
예제 #12
파일: Field.php 프로젝트: bhirsch/voipdev
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded 
  * @param boolean $useRequired    true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field        
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded, $useRequired = true, $label = null)
     require_once 'CRM/Utils/Money.php';
     $field =& new CRM_Price_DAO_Field();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(true)) {
         /* FIXME: failure! */
         return null;
     $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     $qf->assign('currencySymbol', CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_Currency', $config->defaultCurrency, 'symbol', 'name'));
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
         $useRequired = false;
     //use value field.
     $valueFieldName = 'value';
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_Field::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             // text fields only have one option
             $optionKey = key($customOption);
             if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                 $label .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                 $label .= CRM_Utils_Money::format(CRM_Utils_Array::value($valueFieldName, $customOption[$optionKey]));
             $element =& $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, array_merge(array('size' => "4"), array('price' => json_encode(array($optionKey, $customOption[$optionKey][$valueFieldName])))), $useRequired && $field->is_required);
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'positiveInteger');
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_Field::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             if (!$field->is_required) {
                 // add "none" option
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', '-none-', '0', array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, "0"))));
             foreach ($customOption as $opt) {
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', $opt['label'], $opt['id'], array('price' => json_encode(array($elementName, $opt[$valueFieldName]))));
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_Field::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $selectOption = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opt) {
                 $amount[$opt['id']] = $opt[$valueFieldName];
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $selectOption[$opt['id']] = $opt['label'];
             $element =& $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, $useRequired && $field->is_required, array('price' => json_encode($amount)));
         case 'CheckBox':
             $customOption = CRM_Price_BAO_Field::getOptions($field->id, $inactiveNeeded);
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $opt) {
                 if ($field->is_display_amounts) {
                     $opt['label'] .= '&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
                     $opt['label'] .= CRM_Utils_Money::format($opt[$valueFieldName]);
                 $check[] =& $qf->createElement('checkbox', $opt['id'], null, $opt['label'], array('price' => json_encode(array($opt['id'], $opt[$valueFieldName]))));
             $element =& $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if ($useRequired && $field->is_required) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
     if (isset($qf->_online) && $qf->_online) {
  * add_field_arrow
  * @param object  $mform
  * @param string  $plugin
  * @param string  $name
  * @param array   $arrows
  * @param array   $add_js
  * @return void, but will update $mform
 protected function add_field_arrow($mform, $plugin, $name, $arrows, $add_js)
     $config_name = 'config_' . $name;
     $elements_name = 'elements_' . $name;
     $static = array();
     $params = array('href' => '#', 'onclick' => 'return select_arrow(this)');
     foreach ($arrows as $arrow) {
         $static[] = html_writer::tag('a', $arrow, $params);
     $static = implode(' &nbsp; ', $static);
     $static = html_writer::tag('span', $static, array('class' => 'arrows'));
     $elements = array();
     if ($add_js) {
         $js = '';
         $js .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
         $js .= "//<![CDATA[\n";
         $js .= "function select_arrow(txt) {\n";
         $js .= "    var obj = txt.parentNode.previousSibling;\n";
         $js .= "    while (obj) {\n";
         $js .= "        if (obj.tagName=='INPUT') {\n";
         $js .= "            obj.value = txt.innerHTML;\n";
         $js .= "            obj = null;\n";
         $js .= "        } else {\n";
         $js .= "            obj = obj.previousSibling;\n";
         $js .= "        }\n";
         $js .= "    }\n";
         $js .= "    return false;\n";
         $js .= "}\n";
         $js .= "function select_all_courses(truefalse) {\n";
         $js .= "    var obj = document.getElementById('menumycourses');\n";
         $js .= "    if (obj) {\n";
         $js .= "        var i_max = obj.options.length;\n";
         $js .= "        for (var i=0; i<i_max; i++) {\n";
         $js .= "            obj.options[i].selected = truefalse;\n";
         $js .= "        }\n";
         $js .= "    }\n";
         $js .= "    return false;\n";
         $js .= "}\n";
         $js .= "//]]>\n";
         $js .= "</script>\n";
         $elements[] = $mform->createElement('static', '', '', $js);
     $params = array('size' => 2);
     $elements[] = $mform->createElement('text', $config_name, '', $params);
     $elements[] = $mform->createElement('static', '', '', $static);
     $mform->addGroup($elements, $elements_name, get_string($name, $plugin), ' ', false);
     $mform->setType($config_name, PARAM_TEXT);
예제 #14
  * Setup a table row
  * @param object $mform    The moodle form
  * @param int    $type     The datatype of the rows
  * @param array  $dataset  The row data
  * @param bool   $extrarow Whether an extra row should be added.
  * @uses $CFG
  * @uses $OUTPUT
 protected function setup_table_type_row($mform, $type, $dataset = array(), $extrarow)
     global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
     $typename = $this->types[$type];
     $deletescoretype = get_string('results_delete_score', self::LANG_FILE);
     $notypeselected = get_string("results_no_{$typename}_selected", self::LANG_FILE);
     $selecttype = get_string("results_select_{$typename}", self::LANG_FILE);
     $setdefault = false;
     $prefix = $typename . '_';
     $cache = 0;
     $defaults = array();
     $configs = array();
     if ($extrarow) {
         $empty_record = new stdClass();
         $empty_record->min = '';
         $empty_record->max = '';
         $empty_record->selected = '';
         $empty_record->value = '';
         array_push($dataset, $empty_record);
         $cache = 1;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($dataset as $data) {
         //error checking
         if (!isset($data->min, $data->max)) {
         // Start a table row and column
         $tablehtml = html_writer::start_tag('tr');
         $tablehtml .= html_writer::start_tag('td', array('style' => 'text-align:center;'));
         $mform->addElement('html', $tablehtml);
         $group = array();
         // Add minimum field
         $attributes = array('size' => 8, 'maxlength' => 8, 'value' => $data->min);
         if (!(array_key_exists('active', $this->_customdata) && $this->_customdata['active'])) {
             $attributes['disabled'] = 'disabled';
         $group[] = $mform->createElement('text', "{$prefix}{$i}_min", '', $attributes);
         // Add maximum field
         $attributes['value'] = $data->max;
         $group[] = $mform->createElement('text', "{$prefix}{$i}_max", '', $attributes);
         // Add link and icon (Delete link).
         $attributes = array('title' => $deletescoretype, 'alt' => $deletescoretype, 'class' => 'elisicon-remove elisiconcolored', 'onclick' => $this->prefixes[$type] . '_object.deleteRow(this); return false;');
         $group[] = $mform->createElement('link', 'delete', '', "#", '', $attributes);
         // Add minimum, maximum and delete to field group
         $mform->addGroup($group, "{$prefix}{$i}_score", '', '', false);
         $mform->setType("{$prefix}{$i}_min", PARAM_TEXT);
         $mform->setType("{$prefix}{$i}_max", PARAM_TEXT);
         $tablehtml = html_writer::end_tag('td');
         $tablehtml .= html_writer::start_tag('td', array('style' => 'text-align:center;'));
         $mform->addElement('html', $tablehtml);
         if ($this->rowtypes[$type] == 'picklist') {
             $name = '';
             if (!empty($data->selected)) {
                 $name = $this->get_label_name($typename, $data->selected);
             } else {
                 $name = $notypeselected;
             // Need to add 2 hidden elements - 1 for Moodle forms and 1 For dynamic table.
             $mform->addElement('hidden', "{$prefix}{$i}_selected", $data->selected);
             $mform->setType("{$prefix}{$i}_selected", PARAM_TEXT);
             $attributes = array('id' => "{$prefix}{$i}_label");
             $attributes = array('size' => 20, 'value' => $name, 'disabled' => 'disabled');
             $attributes = array('id' => "id_{$prefix}{$i}_label", 'value' => $name, 'name' => "{$prefix}{$i}_label", 'type' => 'text');
             if (!(array_key_exists('active', $this->_customdata) && $this->_customdata['active'])) {
                 $attributes['disabled'] = 'disabled';
             $output = html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attributes);
             $attributes = array('id' => "id_{$prefix}{$i}_selected", 'value' => $data->selected, 'name' => "{$prefix}{$i}_selected", 'type' => 'hidden');
             $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attributes);
             $url = "{$typename}selector.php?id=id_{$prefix}{$i}_&callback=add_selection";
             $attributes = array('name' => 'typeselector');
             $output .= html_writer::link('#', $selecttype, $attributes);
             $output .= html_writer::end_tag('td');
             $output .= html_writer::start_tag('td');
             $mform->addElement('html', $output);
         } else {
             if ($this->rowtypes[$type] == 'doubleselect') {
                 $options = $this->get_profile_fields();
                 $attributes = array();
                 if (!(array_key_exists('active', $this->_customdata) && $this->_customdata['active'])) {
                     $attributes = array('disabled' => 'disabled');
                 $url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/elisprogram/resultsprofileselect.php';
                 $frame = "{$prefix}{$i}_frame";
                 $value = "{$prefix}{$i}_value";
                 $attributes['onchange'] = "replace_content(\"{$url}\",\"{$frame}\",this.value,\"{$value}\");";
                 $mform->addElement('select', "{$prefix}{$i}_selected", '', $options, $attributes);
                 $attributes = array();
                 if (!(array_key_exists('active', $this->_customdata) && $this->_customdata['active'])) {
                     $attributes = array('disabled' => 'disabled');
                 $tablehtml = html_writer::end_tag('td');
                 $tablehtml .= html_writer::start_tag('td');
                 $tablehtml .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('id' => $frame));
                 $mform->addElement('html', $tablehtml);
                 $selected = $data->selected;
                 $selected_form = optional_param("{$prefix}{$i}_selected", 0, PARAM_INT);
                 if ($selected_form > 0) {
                     $selected = $selected_form;
                 if ($selected != '') {
                     $defaults["{$prefix}{$i}_selected"] = $selected;
                     if (!array_key_exists($selected, $configs)) {
                         $configs[$selected] = $this->get_profile_config($selected);
                     if ($configs[$selected]['control'] == 'menu') {
                         $choices = explode("\n", $configs[$selected]['options']);
                         $options = array_combine($choices, $choices);
                         $mform->addElement('select', "{$prefix}{$i}_value", '', $options, $attributes);
                     } else {
                         $mform->addElement('text', "{$prefix}{$i}_value", '', $attributes);
                         $mform->setType("{$prefix}{$i}_value", PARAM_TEXT);
                     if ($data->value != '') {
                         $defaults["{$prefix}{$i}_value"] = $data->value;
                 $tablehtml = html_writer::end_tag('div');
                 $mform->addElement('html', $tablehtml);
         $tablehtml = html_writer::end_tag('td');
         $tablehtml .= html_writer::end_tag('tr');
         $mform->addElement('html', $tablehtml);
예제 #15
  * Create communication preferences block for the contact.
  * @param object $form - CRM_Core_Form (or it's subclass)
  * @return none
  * @access public
  * @static
 function buildCommunicationBlock(&$form)
     // since the pcm - preferred comminication method is logically
     // grouped hence we'll use groups of HTML_QuickForm
     $privacy = array();
     // checkboxes for DO NOT phone, email, mail
     // we take labels from SelectValues
     $t = CRM_Core_SelectValues::privacy();
     $privacy[] = HTML_QuickForm::createElement('advcheckbox', 'do_not_phone', null, $t['do_not_phone']);
     $privacy[] = HTML_QuickForm::createElement('advcheckbox', 'do_not_email', null, $t['do_not_email']);
     $privacy[] = HTML_QuickForm::createElement('advcheckbox', 'do_not_mail', null, $t['do_not_mail']);
     $privacy[] = HTML_QuickForm::createElement('advcheckbox', 'do_not_trade', null, $t['do_not_trade']);
     $form->addGroup($privacy, 'privacy', ts('Privacy'), '&nbsp;');
     // preferred communication method
     $form->add('select', 'preferred_communication_method', ts('Prefers'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::pcm());
     $form->add('select', 'preferred_mail_format', ts('Mail Format'), CRM_Core_SelectValues::pmf());
예제 #16
파일: Sport.php 프로젝트: gossi/trixionary
  * Sets contents of passed object to values from current object.
  * If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers)
  * objects.
  * @param      object $copyObj An object of \gossi\trixionary\model\Sport (or compatible) type.
  * @param      boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row.
  * @param      boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new.
  * @throws PropelException
 public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false, $makeNew = true)
     if ($deepCopy) {
         // important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of
         // the getter/setter methods for fkey referrer objects.
         foreach ($this->getObjects() as $relObj) {
             if ($relObj !== $this) {
                 // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves
         foreach ($this->getPositions() as $relObj) {
             if ($relObj !== $this) {
                 // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves
         foreach ($this->getSkills() as $relObj) {
             if ($relObj !== $this) {
                 // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves
         foreach ($this->getGroups() as $relObj) {
             if ($relObj !== $this) {
                 // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves
     // if ($deepCopy)
     if ($makeNew) {
         // this is a auto-increment column, so set to default value
예제 #17
  * DB_DataObject_FormBuilder_QuickForm::_addElementGroupToForm()
  * Adds a group of elements to a form object
  * Used in _generateForm().
  * @param object $form         The QuickForm object to add the group to
  * @param array  $element      Array of QuickForm element objects
  * @param string $fieldName    The field name to use for the QuickForm element group
  * @param string $separator    Some text or HTML snippet used to separate the group entries
  * @access protected
  * @see DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::_generateForm()
 function _addElementGroupToForm(&$form, &$element, $fieldName, $separator = '')
     $form->addGroup($element, $this->getFieldName($fieldName), $this->getFieldLabel($fieldName), $separator, false);
예제 #18
  * Function used to build form element for soft credit block
  * @param object   $form form object
  * @access public
  * @return void
 static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     if ($form->_mode == 'live' && !empty($form->_values['honor_block_is_active'])) {
         $ufJoinDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_UFJoin();
         $ufJoinDAO->module = 'soft_credit';
         $ufJoinDAO->entity_id = $form->_id;
         if ($ufJoinDAO->find(TRUE)) {
             $jsonData = json_decode($ufJoinDAO->module_data);
             if ($jsonData) {
                 $form->assign('honor_block_title', $jsonData->soft_credit->honor_block_title);
                 $form->assign('honor_block_text', $jsonData->soft_credit->honor_block_text);
                 $softCreditTypes = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values("soft_credit_type", FALSE);
                 $extraOption = array('onclick' => "enableHonorType();");
                 // radio button for Honor Type
                 foreach ($jsonData->soft_credit->soft_credit_types as $value) {
                     $honorTypes[$value] = $form->createElement('radio', NULL, NULL, $softCreditTypes[$value], $value, $extraOption);
                 $form->addGroup($honorTypes, 'soft_credit_type_id', NULL);
         return $form;
     $prefix = 'soft_credit_';
     // by default generate 5 blocks
     $item_count = 6;
     $showSoftCreditRow = 2;
     $showCreateNew = TRUE;
     if ($form->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) {
         $form->_softCreditInfo = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::getSoftContribution($form->_id, TRUE);
     } elseif ($form->_pledgeID) {
         //Check and select most recent completed contrubtion and use it to retrieve
         //soft-credit information to use as default for current pledge payment, CRM-13981
         $pledgePayments = CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment::getPledgePayments($form->_pledgeID);
         foreach ($pledgePayments as $id => $record) {
             if ($record['contribution_id']) {
                 $softCredits = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::getSoftContribution($record['contribution_id'], TRUE);
                 if ($record['status'] == 'Completed' && count($softCredits) > 0) {
                     $form->_softCreditInfo = $softCredits;
     if (property_exists($form, "_softCreditInfo")) {
         if (!empty($form->_softCreditInfo['soft_credit'])) {
             $showSoftCreditRow = count($form->_softCreditInfo['soft_credit']);
             $showCreateNew = FALSE;
     for ($rowNumber = 1; $rowNumber <= $item_count; $rowNumber++) {
         CRM_Contact_Form_NewContact::buildQuickForm($form, $rowNumber, NULL, FALSE, $prefix);
         $form->addMoney("{$prefix}amount[{$rowNumber}]", ts('Amount'), FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
         $form->add('select', "{$prefix}type[{$rowNumber}]", ts('Soft Credit Type'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values("{$prefix}type", FALSE));
         if (!empty($form->_softCreditInfo['soft_credit'][$rowNumber]['soft_credit_id'])) {
             $form->add('hidden', "{$prefix}id[{$rowNumber}]", $form->_softCreditInfo['soft_credit'][$rowNumber]['soft_credit_id']);
     // CRM-7368 allow user to set or edit PCP link for contributions
     $siteHasPCPs = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::pcPage();
     if (!CRM_Utils_Array::crmIsEmptyArray($siteHasPCPs)) {
         $form->assign('siteHasPCPs', 1);
         $pcpDataUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/ajax/rest', 'className=CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX&fnName=getPCPList&json=1&context=contact&reset=1', FALSE, NULL, FALSE);
         $form->assign('pcpDataUrl', $pcpDataUrl);
         $form->addElement('text', 'pcp_made_through', ts('Credit to a Personal Campaign Page'));
         $form->addElement('hidden', 'pcp_made_through_id', '', array('id' => 'pcp_made_through_id'));
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'pcp_display_in_roll', ts('Display in Honor Roll?'), NULL);
         $form->addElement('text', 'pcp_roll_nickname', ts('Name (for Honor Roll)'));
         $form->addElement('textarea', 'pcp_personal_note', ts('Personal Note (for Honor Roll)'));
     $form->assign('showSoftCreditRow', $showSoftCreditRow);
     $form->assign('rowCount', $item_count);
     $form->assign('showCreateNew', $showCreateNew);
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'sct_default_id', CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getDefaultValue("{$prefix}type"), array('id' => 'sct_default_id'));
     // Tell tpl to hide soft credit field if contribution is linked directly to a PCP Page
     if (!empty($form->_values['pcp_made_through_id'])) {
         $form->assign('pcpLinked', 1);
예제 #19
  * This function for building custom fields
  * @param object  $qf             form object (reference)
  * @param string  $elementName    name of the custom field
  * @param boolean $inactiveNeeded 
  * @param boolean $userRequired   true if required else false
  * @param boolean $search         true if used for search else false
  * @param string  $label          label for custom field        
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function addQuickFormElement(&$qf, $elementName, $fieldId, $inactiveNeeded = false, $useRequired = true, $search = false, $label = null)
     // we use $_POST directly, since we dont want to use session memory, CRM-4677
     if (isset($_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh']) && ($_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh'] == 'Search' || $_POST['_qf_Relationship_refresh'] == 'Search Again')) {
         $useRequired = 0;
     $field =& new CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField();
     $field->id = $fieldId;
     if (!$field->find(true)) {
     // Fixed for Issue CRM-2183
     if ($field->html_type == 'TextArea' && $search) {
         $field->html_type = 'Text';
     if (!isset($label)) {
         $label = $field->label;
      * at some point in time we might want to split the below into small functions
     switch ($field->html_type) {
         case 'Text':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_from', $label . ' ' . ts('From'), $field->attributes);
                 $qf->add('text', $elementName . '_to', ts('To'), $field->attributes);
             } else {
                 $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'TextArea':
             $attributes = '';
             if ($field->note_rows) {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=' . $field->note_rows;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= 'rows=4';
             if ($field->note_columns) {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=' . $field->note_columns;
             } else {
                 $attributes .= ' cols=60';
             $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $attributes, ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search);
         case 'Select Date':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addDate($elementName . '_from', $label . ' - ' . ts('From'), false, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years));
                 $qf->addDate($elementName . '_to', ts('To'), false, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years));
             } else {
                 $required = ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search;
                 $qf->addDate($elementName, $label, $required, array('format' => $field->date_format, 'timeFormat' => $field->time_format, 'startOffset' => $field->start_date_years, 'endOffset' => $field->end_date_years));
         case 'Radio':
             $choice = array();
             if ($field->data_type != 'Boolean') {
                 $customOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
                 foreach ($customOption as $v => $l) {
                     $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', $l, (string) $v, $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             } else {
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('Yes'), '1', $field->attributes);
                 $choice[] = $qf->createElement('radio', null, '', ts('No'), '0', $field->attributes);
                 $qf->addGroup($choice, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, array('' => ts('- select -')) + $selectOption, ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search);
             //added for select multiple
         //added for select multiple
         case 'AdvMulti-Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             $include =& $qf->addElement('advmultiselect', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:150px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect'));
             $include->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>')));
             $include->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove')));
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Multi-Select':
             $selectOption =& CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             if ($search && count($selectOption) > 1) {
                 $selectOption['CiviCRM_OP_OR'] = ts('Select to match ANY; unselect to match ALL');
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $selectOption, array("size" => "5", "multiple"));
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'CheckBox':
             $customOption = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomOption::valuesByID($field->id, $field->option_group_id);
             $check = array();
             foreach ($customOption as $v => $l) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->addElement('advcheckbox', $v, null, $l);
             if ($search && count($check) > 1) {
                 $check[] =& $qf->addElement('advcheckbox', 'CiviCRM_OP_OR', null, ts('Check to match ANY; uncheck to match ALL'));
             $qf->addGroup($check, $elementName, $label);
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'File':
             // we should not build upload file in search mode
             if ($search) {
             $element =& $qf->add(strtolower($field->html_type), $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, $useRequired && $field->is_required && !$search);
         case 'Select State/Province':
             //Add State
             $stateOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, $useRequired && $field->is_required && !$search);
         case 'Multi-Select State/Province':
             //Add Multi-select State/Province
             $stateOption = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince();
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $stateOption, array("size" => "5", "multiple"));
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'Select Country':
             //Add Country
             $countryOption = array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->add('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, $useRequired && $field->is_required && !$search);
         case 'Multi-Select Country':
             //Add Country
             $countryOption = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
             $qf->addElement('select', $elementName, $label, $countryOption, array("size" => "5", "multiple"));
             if (($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 is a required field.', array(1 => $label)), 'required');
         case 'RichTextEditor':
             $element =& $qf->addWysiwyg($elementName, $label, array('rows' => $field->note_rows), $search);
         case 'Autocomplete-Select':
             $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, $field->attributes, ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search);
             $qf->addElement('hidden', $elementName . '_id', '', array('id' => $elementName . '_id'));
             static $customUrls = array();
             if ($field->data_type == 'ContactReference') {
                 $customUrls[$elementName] = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/ajax/contactlist", "reset=1&context=customfield&id={$field->id}", false, null, false);
                 $actualElementValue = $qf->_submitValues[$elementName . '_id'];
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Select a valid contact for %1.', array(1 => $label)), 'validContact', $actualElementValue);
             } else {
                 $customUrls[$elementName] = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/ajax/auto", "reset=1&ogid={$field->option_group_id}&cfid={$field->id}", false, null, false);
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Select a valid value for %1.', array(1 => $label)), 'autocomplete', array('fieldID' => $field->id, 'optionGroupID' => $field->option_group_id));
             $qf->assign("customUrls", $customUrls);
     switch ($field->data_type) {
         case 'Int':
             // integers will have numeric rule applied to them.
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be an integer (whole number).', array(1 => $label)), 'integer');
         case 'Float':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be a number (with or without decimal point).', array(1 => $label)), 'numeric');
         case 'Money':
             if ($field->is_search_range && $search) {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_from', ts('%1 From must in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
                 $qf->addRule($elementName . '_to', ts('%1 To must in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
             } else {
                 $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('%1 must be in proper money format. (decimal point/comma/space is allowed).', array(1 => $label)), 'money');
         case 'Link':
             $element =& $qf->add('text', $elementName, $label, array('onfocus' => "if (!this.value) this.value='http://'; else return false", 'onblur' => "if ( this.value == 'http://') this.value=''; else return false"), ($useRequired || $useRequired && $field->is_required) && !$search);
             $qf->addRule($elementName, ts('Enter a valid Website.'), 'wikiURL');
예제 #20
  * Constructor (ZE2) Summary
  * o Creates a standard progress bar into a dialog box (QuickForm).
  *   Form name, buttons 'start', 'cancel' labels and style, and
  *   title of dialog box may also be changed.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress2_Monitor();
  *   </code>
  * o Creates a progress bar into a dialog box, with only a new
  *   form name.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress2_Monitor($formName);
  *   </code>
  * o Creates a progress bar into a dialog box, with a new form name,
  *   new buttons name and style, and also a different title box.
  *   <code>
  *   $monitor = new HTML_Progress2_Monitor($formName, $attributes);
  *   </code>
  * @param      string    $formName      (optional) Name of monitor dialog box (QuickForm)
  * @param      array     $attributes    (optional) List of renderer options
  * @param      array     $errorPrefs    (optional) Hash of params to configure error handler
  * @since      2.0.0
  * @access     protected
 function __construct($formName = 'ProgressMonitor', $attributes = array(), $errorPrefs = array())
     $this->_progress = new HTML_Progress2($errorPrefs);
     if (!is_string($formName)) {
         return $this->_progress->raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS2_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$formName', 'was' => gettype($formName), 'expected' => 'string', 'paramnum' => 1));
     } elseif (!is_array($attributes)) {
         return $this->_progress->raiseError(HTML_PROGRESS2_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, 'exception', array('var' => '$attributes', 'was' => gettype($attributes), 'expected' => 'array', 'paramnum' => 2));
     $this->_id = md5(microtime());
     $this->_observerCount = 0;
     $this->_form = new HTML_QuickForm($formName);
     // XHTML compliance
     $captionAttr = array('id' => 'monitorStatus', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'left' => 0);
     $this->windowname = isset($attributes['title']) ? $attributes['title'] : 'In progress ...';
     $this->buttonStart = isset($attributes['start']) ? $attributes['start'] : 'Start';
     $this->buttonCancel = isset($attributes['cancel']) ? $attributes['cancel'] : 'Cancel';
     $buttonAttr = isset($attributes['button']) ? $attributes['button'] : '';
     $this->autorun = isset($attributes['autorun']) ? $attributes['autorun'] : false;
     $this->caption = isset($attributes['caption']) ? $attributes['caption'] : $captionAttr;
     $this->_progress->addLabel(HTML_PROGRESS2_LABEL_TEXT, $this->caption['id']);
     $captionAttr = $this->caption;
     $this->_progress->setLabelAttributes($this->caption['id'], $captionAttr);
     $this->_progress->setProgressAttributes('top=0 left=0');
     $this->_form->addElement('header', 'windowname', $this->windowname);
     $this->_form->addElement('static', 'progressBar');
     if ($this->isStarted()) {
         $style = array('disabled' => 'true');
     } else {
         $style = null;
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'start', $this->buttonStart, $style);
     $buttons[] =& $this->_form->createElement('submit', 'cancel', $this->buttonCancel);
     $this->_form->addGroup($buttons, 'buttons', '', '&nbsp;', false);
     // default embedded progress element with look-and-feel