예제 #1
  * Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
  * This function only returns is access is OK.
  * @param boolean $canpreview used to enfore securewindow stuff.
  * @param object $accessmanager the accessmanager calling us.
  * @param boolean $return if true, return the HTML for the form (if required), instead of
  * outputting it at stopping
  * @return mixed return null, unless $return is true, and a form needs to be displayed.
 public function do_password_check($canpreview, $accessmanager, $return = false)
     global $CFG, $SESSION;
     /// We have already checked the password for this quiz this session, so don't ask again.
     if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {
     /// If the user cancelled the password form, send them back to the view page.
     if (optional_param('cancelpassword', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
     /// If they entered the right password, let them in.
     $enteredpassword = optional_param('quizpassword', '', PARAM_RAW);
     if (strcmp($this->_quiz->password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
         $SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id] = true;
     /// User entered the wrong password, or has not entered one yet, so display the form.
     $output = '';
     /// Start the page and print the quiz intro, if any.
     if (!$return) {
         print_header('', '', '', 'quizpassword');
     if (trim(strip_tags($this->_quiz->intro))) {
         $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('quiz', $this->_quiz->id);
         $output .= print_box(format_module_intro('quiz', $this->_quiz, $cm->id), 'generalbox', 'intro', true);
     $output .= print_box_start('generalbox', 'passwordbox', true);
     /// If they have previously tried and failed to enter a password, tell them it was wrong.
     if (!empty($enteredpassword)) {
         $output .= '<p class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('passworderror', 'quiz') . '</p>';
     /// Print the password entry form.
     $output .= '<p>' . get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz') . "</p>\n";
     $output .= '<form id="passwordform" method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/startattempt.php" onclick="this.autocomplete=\'off\'">' . "\n";
     $output .= "<div>\n";
     $output .= '<label for="quizpassword">' . get_string('password') . "</label>\n";
     $output .= '<input name="quizpassword" id="quizpassword" type="password" value=""/>' . "\n";
     $output .= '<input name="cmid" type="hidden" value="' . $this->_quizobj->get_cmid() . '"/>' . "\n";
     $output .= '<input name="sesskey" type="hidden" value="' . sesskey() . '"/>' . "\n";
     $output .= '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
     $output .= '<input type="submit" name="cancelpassword" value="' . get_string('cancel') . '" />' . "\n";
     $output .= "</div>\n";
     $output .= "</form>\n";
     /// Finish page.
     $output .= print_box_end(true);
     /// return or display form.
     if ($return) {
         return $output;
     } else {
         echo $output;
예제 #2
     * Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
     * This function only returns is access is OK.
     * @param bool $canpreview used to enfore securewindow stuff.
     * @param object $accessmanager the accessmanager calling us.
     * @return mixed return null, unless $return is true, and a form needs to be displayed.
    public function do_password_check($canpreview, $accessmanager) {
        global $CFG, $SESSION, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;

        // We have already checked the password for this quiz this session, so don't ask again.
        if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {

        // If the user cancelled the password form, send them back to the view page.
        if (optional_param('cancelpassword', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {

        // If they entered the right password, let them in.
        $enteredpassword = optional_param('quizpassword', '', PARAM_RAW);
        $validpassword = false;
        if (strcmp($this->_quiz->password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
            $validpassword = true;
        } else if (isset($this->_quiz->extrapasswords)) {
            // group overrides may have additional passwords
            foreach ($this->_quiz->extrapasswords as $password) {
                if (strcmp($password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
                    $validpassword = true;
        if ($validpassword) {
            $SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id] = true;

        // User entered the wrong password, or has not entered one yet, so display the form.
        $output = '';

        // Start the page and print the quiz intro, if any.
        if ($accessmanager->securewindow_required($canpreview)) {
            $accessmanager->setup_secure_page($this->_quizobj->get_course()->shortname . ': ' .
        } else if ($accessmanager->safebrowser_required($canpreview)) {
            $PAGE->set_title($this->_quizobj->get_course()->shortname . ': ' .
        } else {

        echo $OUTPUT->header();
        if (trim(strip_tags($this->_quiz->intro))) {
            $output .= $OUTPUT->box(format_module_intro('quiz', $this->_quiz,
                    $this->_quizobj->get_cmid()), 'generalbox', 'intro');
        $output .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox', 'passwordbox');

        // If they have previously tried and failed to enter a password, tell them it was wrong.
        if (!empty($enteredpassword)) {
            $output .= '<p class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('passworderror', 'quiz') . '</p>';

        // Print the password entry form.
        $output .= '<p>' . get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz') . "</p>\n";
        $output .= '<form id="passwordform" method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot .
                '/mod/quiz/startattempt.php" onclick="this.autocomplete=\'off\'">' . "\n";
        $output .= "<div>\n";
        $output .= '<label for="quizpassword">' . get_string('password') . "</label>\n";
        $output .= '<input name="quizpassword" id="quizpassword" type="password" value=""/>' . "\n";
        $output .= '<input name="cmid" type="hidden" value="' .
                $this->_quizobj->get_cmid() . '"/>' . "\n";
        $output .= '<input name="sesskey" type="hidden" value="' . sesskey() . '"/>' . "\n";
        $output .= '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
        $output .= '<input type="submit" name="cancelpassword" value="' .
                get_string('cancel') . '" />' . "\n";
        $output .= "</div>\n";
        $output .= "</form>\n";

        // Finish page.
        $output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();

        // return or display form.
        echo $output;
        echo $OUTPUT->footer();