예제 #1
  * Function that returns the xml object as a string
  * @return  string   The XML as text WSDL if exists, else FALSE if not exists.
 private function getWSDL()
     if (is_object($this->objWSDL)) {
         return $this->objWSDL->asXML();
     } else {
         $this->errorMSG = "WSDL has not been generated.";
         return false;
예제 #2
  * Save changes from XML object.
  * @param array $attributes Attributes for child that you are added.
  * @return Salvaon
  * @throws Exception
 public function save($attributes = array())
     if (!empty($this->new)) {
     $result = static::$xmlObject->asXML(static::$path);
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot save values into "' . static::$path . '".');
     return $this;
예제 #3
  * Delete row
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception row ID not specified
 public function delete()
     if (isset($this->_row_id)) {
         $row = $this->xml->xpath('/table/row[@id="' . $this->_row_id . '"]');
         return $this->xml->asXML($this->file);
     } else {
         foreach (array_reverse($this->_datas) as $obj) {
             $xml = $this->xml;
             $row = $xml->xpath('/table/row[@id="' . $obj->id . '"]');
         return $xml->asXML($this->file);
     throw new Exception('Error with deleting');
예제 #4
파일: config.php 프로젝트: savonix/nexista
  * Writes a combined config file for runtime
  * The master config and optional local config are output as a combined xml
  * file that is used by the runtime system
  * @param string &$config         config
  * @param string $config_filename path to xml config file
  * @return null
 public static function writeConfig(&$config, $config_filename)
     $canonical_filename = Nexista_Config::get('./path/compile') . $config_filename;
     $config_compile_error = "Can't open {$canonical_filename}.\n        Check permissions of parent directories,\n        or simply refresh to try and rebuild it.\n        chmod 0777 {$canonical_filename} ?";
     $tdir = dirname($canonical_filename);
     if (!is_dir($tdir)) {
         mkdir($tdir, 0777, true);
     if ($tmp = fopen($canonical_filename, "w+")) {
         if (flock($tmp, LOCK_EX)) {
             fwrite($tmp, self::$xml->asXML());
             flock($tmp, LOCK_UN);
         } else {
             Nexista_Error::Init($config_compile_error, NX_ERROR_FATAL);
             return false;
     return true;
예제 #5
  * Send order xml to Pacsoft
  * @param object $orderXml
  * @return mixed
 public function sendOrder($orderXml)
     $user = Mage::getStoreConfig('pdpacsoft_options/settings/pdpacsoft_user');
     $password = Mage::getStoreConfig('pdpacsoft_options/settings/pdpacsoft_pass');
     $developerId = '000000000';
     $url = 'https://www.pacsoftonline.com/ufoweb/order?session=po_DK&user='******'&pin=' . $password . '&developerid=' . $developerId . '&type=xml';
     $xml = $orderXml->asXML();
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-type: application/xml', 'Content-length: ' . strlen($xml)));
     $response = curl_exec($ch);
     $xmlResponse = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
     $status = (string) $xmlResponse->val[1];
     if ($status && isset($this->_statuses[$status])) {
         return $this->_statuses[$status];
     } else {
         return $this->_statuses['exception'];
예제 #6
파일: Author.php 프로젝트: atayahmet/glad
  * Export User data as xml
  * @return string|null
 public static function toXml()
     if (!class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) {
         throw new \Exception('SimpleXMLElement class not found');
     if (!is_object(static::$simpleXML)) {
         static::$simpleXML = new \SimpleXMLElement('<root/>');
     $data = static::getData();
     if (is_array($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
             static::$simpleXML->addChild($field, $value);
         return static::$simpleXML->asXML();
  * evalResponsePromptSuccess( )  :
  * @param   array     $xmlRequest   :
  * @param   object    $xmlResponse  :
  * @param   object    $xmlAction    :
  * @param   boolean   $dontPrompt   : do not prompt to the backend form (optional)
  * @return	string    $status : isNotOnEbay, isOnEbayEnabled, isOnEbayDisabled, isWoStatus
  * @access private
  * @version  0.0.3
  * @since    0.0.3
 private function evalResponsePromptSuccess($xmlRequest, $xmlResponse, $xmlAction, $dontPrompt = false)
     $status = 'undefined (by ' . __METHOD__ . ' #' . __LINE__ . ')';
     $prompt = 'Environment: ' . $this->ebayEnvironment;
     $this->log($prompt, -1);
     $prompt = 'Request: ' . $xmlAction;
     $this->log($prompt, -1);
     $xml = 'xmlRequest (success): ' . str_replace('><', '>' . PHP_EOL . '<', $xmlRequest);
     $this->log($xml, -1);
     $xml = 'xmlResponse (success): ' . $xmlResponse->asXML();
     $xml = str_replace('><', '>' . PHP_EOL . '<', $xml);
     $this->log($xml, -1);
     //var_dump(__METHOD__, __LINE__, $xmlAction);
     switch (true) {
         //      case( $action == 'setEbayItemStatus'):
         //        $status = $this->evalResponseSetFieldEbayItemStatus($xmlResponse);
         //        break;
         case $xmlAction == 'AddFixedPriceItem':
         case $xmlAction == 'RelistFixedPriceItem':
         case $xmlAction == 'ReviseFixedPriceItem':
             $status = $this->evalResponsePromptSuccessAddFixedPriceItem($xmlResponse);
         case $xmlAction == 'EndFixedPriceItem':
             $status = $this->evalResponsePromptSuccessEndFixedPriceItem($xmlResponse);
         case $xmlAction == 'GetItem':
             $status = $this->evalResponsePromptSuccessGetItem($xmlResponse, $dontPrompt);
         case $xmlAction == 'VerifyAddFixedPriceItem':
             // follow the workflow
             $prompt = __METHOD__ . ' (#' . __LINE__ . '): xmlAction is undefined "' . $xmlAction . '"';
     return $status;
예제 #8
 * XML Save
 * @param object $xml
 * @param string $file Filename that it will be saved as
 * @return bool
function XMLsave($xml, $file)
    $success = $xml->asXML($file) === TRUE;
    return $success && chmod($file, 0755);
예제 #9
  * Method getXML()
  * Returns the XML that is generated. Useful for debugging.
  * @return string
  * @access public
 public function getXML()
     $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->addChild('IdProprio', $this->uniqueID);
     $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->addChild('Razao', $this->reason);
     if (empty($this->value)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Erro: o valor da transação deve ser especificado');
     $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->addChild('Valores')->addChild('Valor', $this->value)->addAttribute('moeda', 'BRL');
     if (isset($this->deduction)) {
         $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Valores->addChild('Desconto', $this->deduction)->addAttribute('moeda', 'BRL');
     if (isset($this->adds)) {
         $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Valores->addChild('Acrescimo', $this->adds)->addAttribute('moeda', 'BRL');
     if (!empty($this->payment_way)) {
         $instrucao = $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica;
         $formas = $instrucao->addChild('FormasPagamento');
         foreach ($this->payment_way as $way) {
             $formas->addChild('FormaPagamento', $this->payment_ways[$way]);
             if ($way == 'boleto' and !empty($this->payment_way_args)) {
                 $instrucao->addChild('Boleto')->addChild('DiasExpiracao', $this->payment_way_args['dias_expiracao']['dias'])->addAttribute('Tipo', $this->payment_way_args['dias_expiracao']['tipo']);
                 if (isset($this->payment_way_args['instrucoes'])) {
                     $numeroInstrucoes = 1;
                     foreach ($this->payment_way_args['instrucoes'] as $instrucaostr) {
                         $instrucao->Boleto->addChild('Instrucao' . $numeroInstrucoes, $instrucaostr);
     if (!empty($this->payer)) {
         $p = $this->payer;
         isset($p['nome']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('Nome', $this->payer['nome']) : null;
         isset($p['login_moip']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('LoginMoIP', $this->payer['login_moip']) : null;
         isset($p['email']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('Email', $this->payer['email']) : null;
         isset($p['celular']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('TelefoneCelular', $this->payer['celular']) : null;
         isset($p['apelido']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('Apelido', $this->payer['apelido']) : null;
         isset($p['identidade']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->addChild('Identidade', $this->payer['identidade']) : null;
         $p = $this->payer['endereco'];
         isset($p['logradouro']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Logradouro', $this->payer['endereco']['logradouro']) : null;
         isset($p['numero']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Numero', $this->payer['endereco']['numero']) : null;
         isset($p['complemento']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Complemento', $this->payer['endereco']['complemento']) : null;
         isset($p['bairro']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Bairro', $this->payer['endereco']['bairro']) : null;
         isset($p['cidade']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Cidade', $this->payer['endereco']['cidade']) : null;
         isset($p['estado']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Estado', $this->payer['endereco']['estado']) : null;
         isset($p['pais']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('Pais', $this->payer['endereco']['pais']) : null;
         isset($p['cep']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('CEP', $this->payer['endereco']['cep']) : null;
         isset($p['telefone']) ? $this->xml->InstrucaoUnica->Pagador->EnderecoCobranca->addChild('TelefoneFixo', $this->payer['endereco']['telefone']) : null;
     $return = $this->xml->asXML();
     return str_ireplace("\n", "", $return);
예제 #10
 * XML Save
 * @since 2.0
 * @todo create and chmod file before ->asXML call (if it doesnt exist already, if so, then just chmod it.)
 * @param object $xml
 * @param string $file Filename that it will be saved as
 * @return bool
function XMLsave($xml, $file)
    $success = $xml->asXML($file) === TRUE;
    debugLog('XMLsave: ' . $file . ' ' . get_execution_time());
    if (defined('GSCHMOD')) {
        return $success && chmod($file, GSCHMOD);
    } else {
        return $success && chmod($file, 0755);
  * Return XHTML string based on SimpleXML element.
  * @param  object  $element
  * @return string
 public final function dumpElement($element)
     return str_replace('&amp;', '&', $element->asXML());
예제 #12
  * Setup form elements.
  * @param   object  $xml  Parsed XML declaration.
  * @return  object  Initialized JForm object.
 protected function setupForm($xml)
     // Add field renderer paths
     if (!defined('JSN_CONFIG_FIELD_PATH_ADDED')) {
         JForm::addFieldPath(JSN_PATH_LIBRARIES . '/joomlashine/form/fields');
         JForm::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/models/fields');
         define('JSN_CONFIG_FIELD_PATH_ADDED', 1);
     // Prepare form declaration
     $formXML = '<config>' . preg_replace(array('/<(group|tab)\\s/i', '#</(group|tab)>#i'), array('<fieldset ', '</fieldset>'), $xml->asXML()) . '</config>';
     // Load form object from XML
     $form = $xml['name'] ? (string) $xml['name'] : (string) $xml['label'];
     $form = $this->loadForm($form, $formXML, array('control' => 'jsnconfig', 'load_data' => true), false, '/config');
     // Store declared form actions
     foreach ($xml->xpath('action') as $node) {
         $action = new stdClass();
         $action->label = (string) $node['label'];
         $action->task = (string) $node['task'];
         $action->ajax = isset($node['ajax']) ? (int) $node['ajax'] : 1;
         $action->track = isset($node['track']) ? (int) $node['track'] : 1;
         $form->actions[] = $action;
     return $form;
예제 #13
 * XML Save
 * @since 2.0
 * @todo create and chmod file before ->asXML call (if it doesnt exist already, if so, then just chmod it.)
 * @param object $xml
 * @param string $file Filename that it will be saved as
 * @return bool
function XMLsave($xml, $file)
    $success = $xml->asXML($file) === TRUE;
    if (defined('GSCHMOD')) {
        return $success && chmod($file, GSCHMOD);
    } else {
        return $success && chmod($file, 0755);
예제 #14
  * Сохранение XML-файла, соответствующего создаваемой пользователем кампании
 public function save_data()